02x04 - Formal Ties

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Irrational". Aired: September 25, 2023 – present.*
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Centers on Alec Mercer, a world-renowned professor of behavioral psychology with a unique insight into human nature.
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02x04 - Formal Ties

Post by bunniefuu »


Okay, students.

Today's field trip is
brought to you by social norms.

Conventions that govern
society's behaviors

are often unspoken.

We reveal a lot about ourselves
through nonverbal cues.

So, today, we'll test to see

how good you are at reading them.

One of these three couples...

is married.

The other two couples
are actors that met

just before class today.

From body language alone,

can you tell the real couple
from the imposters?

Margie and Todd, married five years.

They have a schnauzer named Bentley.

Scott and Linda
have been married 32 years

and just returned from a world cruise.

And finally, Beth and Courtney,
they're newlyweds

who just honeymooned in Vegas.

So which is the real couple?

Results are very mixed.

That's not surprising.

All of our couples exhibited
nonverbal cues

that signal romantic involvement.

Public displays of affection
are so universal

that two people can convince you

that they were married for years,

even though they're strangers,

like Margie and Todd.

Touch, like handshake or holding hands,

establishes trust and connection.

But Beth and Courtney

used it to deceive you.

Scott and Linda are the real deal.

And if you paid attention closely,

you might have noticed a common
cue from a long-term couple,

like mimicry.

Similarity in gestures and
facial expressions, even wrinkles.

Scientists attribute this
to decades of shared emotions.

So, in the real world,

can you tell the romantic couple

from the platonic one?



Excuse me.

One sec.

I can take it from here, Professor,

if you wanna reply to that message

that I'm guessing is from Rose.

You read my nonverbal cues.

Well done.

Now you look disappointed.

Rose got called away for work,

which means she can't be my plus-one

at a wedding reception this weekend.

Well, you have a little time
to find another plus-one.

- I think I already found one.
- Me?

Weddings are a great place
to study irrational behavior,

like social norms in action.

Do you have a tux?

I can get one.


And you'll need to be
cleared by security.

Where exactly is this wedding?


So it's the Italian embassy

but the bride and groom aren't Italian?

It's complicated.


Is it always like this?

Embassy security is notoriously tight,

but this is a level up.

Yvette and Cole are quite
the D.C. power couple.

The guest list will be interesting.

Keep your eyes open.

Is that Nancy Pelosi?

Right next to the duke and duchess.


- Marisa.
- Cosmo outdid himself tonight.

- I agree.
- You look great.

He's not my stylist.

He's the father of the bride

and an old friend.

An old friend not from Italy.

Uh, Romania.

He blew the whistle on a crime syndicate

that was planning to assassinate

two Romanian nationals on U.S. soil.

Cosmo's intel helped the FBI
catch the assassin,

but it was classified,
and disclosing it is a crime.

What happened?

Cosmo became a wanted man in Romania.

With our help, the Italian embassy

granted him asylum seven years ago.

He's been living in this embassy,
for the last seven years?

If he steps foot outside these doors,

the U.S. has to extradite him
back to Romania.

Where he will be
tried and jailed for treason

unless the syndicate kills him first.

So that's why the wedding's here?

It has to be, so he can attend.

He never leaves.

And he rarely gets visitors,

except for...



Ho, ho, ho.


Oh, this is so worth
getting patted down.

That's a surprising choice
of a plus-one.

I turned a scheduling conflict for Rose

into a learning opportunity for Rizwan.

- Mm.
- How about you?

I'm flying solo.


Thought I'd try that on.

And plus, it's so hectic at
work, I could use a night off.

Do you have an official date yet?

When people start calling you "boss."


I haven't decided.

I'm weighing my pros and cons.

Didn't mean to assume.

I remember back when
SAC was the mountaintop.

Now you're here.

Yeah, it was quite the climb.

But tonight, I'm off the clock.


Understood. Let's enjoy it.

I was telling Rizwan that weddings

are a golden opportunity to observe

irrational behavior in action.

Yeah, but ours was fun, though.

It was, except we didn't
have a honeymoon

because you got called away on a case.

And you got your first taste
of being an FBI husband.

I believe I helped solve that case.

You had a clue or two.


I'm glad you're here.

- We could both use a night off.
- Me too.

Irrational or not, love should
always be celebrated.



- Dr. Mercer, Agent Clark.
- Mm.

- Good to see you again.
- You too.

My ministerial secretary, Mateo.

Thank you for your hospitality.

Oh, it's our pleasure.

We're very proud to be part
of Yvette's special day.

She lived here at the embassy with us

when her father first arrived.

We all grew very fond of her.

The ambassador thinks
of Yvette like a niece.

Huh. How about Cosmo?

Do you think of him as a brother

since we brought him here
all those years ago?

Well, I wouldn't put it quite that way.


The foreign minister's office.

The foreign minister?

The ambassador is on the
short list to replace him.

I'm afraid work always comes first.

Enjoy the evening.

- Pronto.

Alec, Marisa.


Here's the father of the bride.

I'm glad you're here.

Forgive me for skipping
the pleasantries.

I need your help.

I think someone here
is trying to k*ll me.


[SIGHS] And I need you
to figure out who it is.

A few hours ago, the Romanian embassy

got word of a plot to k*ll me.

Any idea who?

You know I've gotten threats
over the years.

And normally it wouldn't faze me,

- but tonight, it's different.
- It's the wedding.

If there is a plot against me,

it is the perfect opportunity
to carry it out.

Everyone here has been heavily vetted.

Security is everywhere.

How sure is your embassy about this?

The intel was vague.

I considered cancelling,

but by the time I got wind of it,

it was too late. The guests had arrived.

- The event was underway.
- You could still cancel.

But without confirmation
that it is a valid threat...

You don't wanna ruin
your daughter's wedding day.

Not over a false alarm,

and not after everything
she has sacrificed for me.

But what if it isn't a false alarm?

That's why I need your help.

If anyone can uncover
the truth, it's you two.

Will you help me?

You know, most of
our cyber freelancers

work remote these days.

I know it's weird, but I
wanted to get out of the house

and into the mix of
the exciting FBI stuff.

[LAUGHS] You know, like Bad Boy style?




Welcome to your office.

Isn't this like a storage room?

Yeah, we put in a vent.

[SCOFFS] How very up to code.

Let me know if you need anything.

I mean, I could use a window,

you know, one that actually opens.

I'm sorry, friends.


- Mmm.
- Excuse me? Hi.

Is this table 20?

Um, yeah, looks like it is.

Table 20. [LAUGHS]

It's out of 20 total.


Everything okay?

My mother and the groom's mother

are first cousins, so I'm family.


Family doesn't sit at table 20.

It's just... it's total D-List.

- How do you know the couple?
- Oh, I... I don't.

I'm the research assistant
to a professor who goes back

with the bride's father.


- Uh, what table are you at?
- 7?


The assistant got table 7.

Come on, Lewis.

I need to get my hands
on a seating chart. [SIGHS]


What do you think?

I'd have to compare it
to his past threats,

which is normally something
I'd have Dennis or Quinn do.

But using FBI resources while inside

a foreign embassy is a diplomatic no-no.

Even calling Kylie
is a breach of protocol.

I wish we could do
something to ease his mind.

Well, if we're gonna avoid
an international incident,

we're gonna have to do it on our own.

Professor, it's an emergency.

Come quick.


Ambulance is on the way.

He broke out in hives.

Um, he can hardly breathe.
I can't find his EpiPen.

He normally always has it on him.

Maybe he dropped it?

Have security check the foyer.

Staff is already searching for it.

Could it be something he ate?


Someone looking for an EpiPen?

Where did you get that?

Kitchen staff found it
in the trash compactor.


Maybe somebody
threw it away by accident.

I'm sorry, who accidentally
throws an EpiPen

in the trash compactor?

And it's destroyed.

Maybe security should hold on
to that for the time being?

Stay with me, Lewis.

Severe anaphylaxis.

We administered epinephrine,

but the airway's completely closed.

Is he gonna be okay?

We're doing everything we can.

Is there anyone we can contact?

The bride or the groom?

I don't know him.

I barely know him.

We share a cubicle at work.

I needed a plus-one.

The groom is my cousin.


Technically, she's his second cousin.

What do you think?

Could it be intentional?

The food, the EpiPen.

At an event like this,
too many things are going wrong

to chalk it up to bad luck.

You thinking what I'm thinking?

In a room full of high-value targets,

why try to k*ll the least
important person in the room?


Thank you.

That was the hospital.

Lewis died on the way
to the emergency room.


How could this happen?

They knew he had allergies.


Tree nuts, shellfish,

and soy.

Right under his name.

Could there have been
a mistake in the kitchen?

I talked to the chef
and the waiter for table 20.

All of Lewis's appetizers
were prepared allergen-free.

But the plate was
just left on the table.

It could have been tampered
with when no one was looking.


These guys were visible to whoever

- passed through the lobby.
- That was the idea.

A highly visible allergy list
was meant to prevent

this exact situation.

But it also could have caused it.

Strange as it may seem, this list

is basically a roadmap
for k*lling someone like Lewis.

- But why?
- No one even knew him.

Isn't a tragic accident
a more likely explanation?

It's possible, but it's not likely

when you consider the odds
of the kitchen making such

a big mistake and Lewis's
EpiPen being destroyed

by the trash compactor.

That's exactly my point.

I know how it sounds,

but we need to consider the possibility

that someone m*rder*d Lewis.

And given the event's
restricted entry and exit,

that this someone is still here.

This is outrageous.

I am sorry for your loss, but
this unfounded theory of yours

could become international news
if it gets out.

No one outside this room
knows what happened.

Until we have any actual evidence,

I suggest we keep it that way.

He's right.

We keep this secret.
The wedding continues.

- What?
- Right now, whoever did this

probably believes they got away with it,

so let's let them keep thinking that.

People are more likely
to reveal their true selves

when their guard is down.

Right... we need to keep
the suspect at ease.

If they find out that we're on to them,

they will only be more dangerous.

I just want to mitigate alarm.

I just wanna know
what happened to Lewis.

This is a way to do both.

The wedding continues.

No one talks about what happened here.

And until we find the person
who did this, no one leaves.

Okay. Va bene.


I heard you got the grant.

Thanks. [LAUGHS]

It's really Rachel
who deserves the credit.

You know that's not true.

It's your paper
she included in the proposal.

Is that it?



Yeah, I mean, it's...

"Hey, Chatbot,
Find Me My Glass Slipper,"

written by Rachel Myers.

Your name should be on this paper.

Oh, yeah, it was in
the preliminary proposal,

but, um, as it got finalized,

Rachel just wanted
to streamline. [CHUCKLES]

Define "streamline."

It's fine.

It's just the way it works.

- But it's your data.
- You did the research.

Yeah... look, um, grants
like these pay for all kinds

of things in this department,
and if papers like mine

are some small part of it, it's...

I'm fine with it. [LAUGHS]

Papers like yours?

Are you saying she's done this before?


Can I see you for a moment?

Phoebe, I need your help preparing

for my seminar tomorrow.

I've got data here
from multiple studies.

Now, if you could organize
it chronologically

and create graphics
for each study's outcome.

You said this is for tomorrow's lecture?

Yeah, it's a tight turnaround,

but you're sharp, Phoebe, driven.

You can handle it.

And when in doubt,
use your Tibetan breathing

- and trust the process.
- Yeah.

Okay, but about the process...

On my desk by 10:00 a.m.



Is it my fault,

what happened to that poor kid?

We don't know if it's connected,

but it could be
some kind of distraction.

Which is why we need
to get you somewhere safe.

Security can escort you
to your residence,

and they can put a detail on your door.

I am the father of the bride.

I can't just disappear.
I... I have to give the toast!

All right.

Cosmo, can we stall the toast

so she has a chance
to get security in place?

I want to honor my daughter.

There's so much I couldn't give her.

Let me at least do this.


Thank you all for being here tonight.

It is an honor for our embassy.

We will soon hear from
the father of the bride.

But before that, a round of
applause for our happy couple.


Tell me you got a guy on Cosmo.

We need eyes on him at all times.

I don't take orders from a...


A what?

A woman?

A Fed?

A guest.

I'm not only a happy father,

but a happy father-in-law.



To a happy life together.


- g*n!
- Ah!



We're okay. Alec, be careful!

I'm okay. I'm okay.

Nothing about this is okay, Dad.

- You should have told me.
- I know.

I'm sorry.


Did security find the g*n?

It was right where you said.

The sh**t probably
ditched it when they fled.

We should assume that
they're still in the building.

I tried to see where they went.

It was like they disappeared.

You should not have pursued them.

If that's what happened.

What are you implying?

Only the truth.

The professor was alone
in the hallway with the g*n.

And he reported that immediately.

I know I'm a guest,
and you don't answer to me,

but a g*n got in your embassy,

and you will have to answer for that.

This is my fault.

It was a mistake
to downplay tonight's events.

I will have my team open
an official investigation.

He needs to let me in.

One of the highest ranking
criminal investigators

in the region is offering her help.

I'd take it.


What do you suggest?

The ambassador was
giving a toast at the time

the shot was fired.

Talk to the photographer.
Look at cell phone footage.

We need to know who was
in the ballroom at the time

the shot was fired and who wasn't.

We'll start ruling
people out from there.

- Did anyone hear the shot?
- No, no.

The guests are enjoying the wedding.

They suspect nothing.


I need to see your guest list.





Hey, Phoebe.

Everything okay?

Kylie, hey.

Yeah, everything's great.

I'm just busy with work.


French fries and donuts
aren't only a red flag.

Honey, they're a cry for help.


What's going on?

It's the new department
I transferred to.

The professor who runs it
is not who I thought she was.

Oh. What do you mean?

She puts student work in her
grant proposals without credit

and then uses it
to secure grant funding.

And some of those papers end up
published in academic journals

without credit to the students.

And I know that doesn't sound
like a big deal, but...

My brother is a professor. I get it.

- It's plagiarism.
- And fraud.

How does she get away with it?


She's a funding machine.

And it's good for the whole university.

I'm sure it's good for her too.

And if she's lying about her work,

she's probably lying about
where that money is going.

I saw something like this
on "Dirty Money."

Even so, I wouldn't know
how to prove that.

I would.

How's Scarlet?

Better, but still freaked out.

Well, if we don't keep this under wraps,

she won't be the only one.

How'd it go with Marco in Security?

Well, he might be a human peacock,

but the man is good at his job.

There's no way a g*n
came through the front door.

If I had a crime lab,
I could link the EpiPen

to the g*n forensically.

But right now, I just...

I can't make a connection.

Maybe there isn't one.

I mean, if you have a g*n, why
k*ll someone with shellfish?


because he didn't have the g*n yet.

You just said there's no way a g*n

came through the front door.

Maybe it didn't have to.

How many paramedics
do you remember seeing?


They wheeled Lewis out on the gurney.

Right, but how many came in?


- Hey.
- Looks like we were right.

Inattentional blindness
kept the focus on Lewis

and not the first responders.

We saw two go out.

We naturally assumed two came in.

Which is what
the gunman was counting on.

The chaos of the emergency
let the gunman slip in

when the paramedics landed
and stay behind

when Lewis was rushed away.

But that plan only works if
you have someone on the inside

to create a medical emergency.

Like sabotaging the EpiPen of someone

with allergies, for example.

I think we found the connection

between Lewis and Cosmo.

We're not just looking for one k*ller.

We're looking for two.

Lewis's medical emergency
was a Trojan Horse.

Paramedics bypassed
security to help the patient,

which allowed the gunman
and the w*apon to sneak in.

Looks like he changed clothes
when he got inside,

maybe into a uniform,
something that would help him

to blend in at the wedding.

Security and the catering
staff both have uniforms.

Security just did a roll call,

and there is nothing out of order.

So that leaves the catering staff.

Our gunman may be dressed as a waiter.

What about the accomplice?

If they were inside
the embassy all along,

why not take Cosmo out themselves?

Well, I'm guessing that whoever it is

needs to be clear of suspicion.

So they hired a gunman
to keep their hands clean?

If that's true,
then they would have needed

to be in the ballroom at the
time that Cosmo was shot

so they could have an alibi.

And that would have been
the easiest for a guest to do.

A waiter standing
around during the toast

might have drawn attention.

So the gunman is probably
among the catering staff,

and the accomplice,
one of the wedding guests.

How do we find them?

Do you think you could pass
as a staff member?

I waited tables at a
high-end restaurant one summer.


So your job is going to be
observe the waiters around you.

See if they make any mistakes
and how they react.

Do they know they're
doing something wrong?

Are they worried that
the boss is watching them?

I'm on it.

In the meantime, I'll narrow
down potential accomplices.

Mustard, Colonel?

I think I know where to start.

So they think a wedding guest
k*lled Lewis?

Or that the person
with motive to k*ll Cosmo

had the means to do it through Lewis.

Well, I think it was the chef.

She is sus. [LAUGHS]

Like the way she found the EpiPen,

that was a little convenient,
don't you think?

Well, anyone could have
messed with the food,

but it would have been easiest
for someone who knew him.

Well, I was the only one who knew him.

Well, it wasn't me. [LAUGHS]

Why would I k*ll Cosmo?

The groom's mother apparently
has a problem with Cosmo.

Maybe the rest of the family
agrees with her?


Look, even if my family

did wanna k*ll that guy,
I am the last person

they would recruit to help them.

Table 20. [LAUGHS]

You're saying you're not
exactly part of the inner circle.

What I'm saying is,
there is a couple over there

who don't even know the bride and groom,

and they got a better table than me

because they're from Romania.

So, yeah, whatever you're looking for,

not at table 20.

A couple from Romania?

Ambassador Dimitrius?

I'm Alec Mercer.

I... I am a friend of Cosmo's.

I know you are as relieved as I am

that he's safe here at the embassy,

though I admit, I still worry about him.

There's always threats, even tonight.

Does your embassy have any idea
where they're coming from?

We appreciate your concern.

Excuse us.


Vasia Dimitrius and Nichol Velos,

the Ambassador
and Special Envoy to Romania.

Did they talk to you?

Uh, the young man, Nichol,
clearly wanted to,

but she was playing it
close to the vest.

I didn't wanna push it.

They do have diplomatic immunity.

I'd think that they would
want answers as much as we do.


I've narrowed the suspects down

to two waiters who circled
the table counterclockwise

when pouring the wine.

It's a rookie mistake.

The other one served from the right,
and cleared from the left.

We need something
a little more concrete.

The wedding cake.

There's a way you set it down.

It's called open-handed service.

You have to be trained to do it right.

I'm gonna find out what the
Romanians aren't telling us.

I guess I'm having dessert.

Okay, here's the list
of Rachel's biggest grants

in the last several years.

- You just pulled all this up?
- Mm-hmm.

That's impressive.

Oh, no, that's not impressive.

This is impressive...
transaction records

showing how the money is disbursed from
the university's general fund.

Not all of it goes
to Rachel's department.

- Where does it go?
- Oh, it pays for the services

of a private consulting company,

which would be okay if Rachel
didn't own the company.

She's using grant money
to pay for her own services?

And her own mortgages,

including a 10,000 square foot
lake house,

which she refers to
as a research center.

So not only is she
stealing student work,

she's getting rich off of it.

Screams of dirty money.


I wish I hadn't seen this.

What do you mean?

Isn't it better to know the truth?

Not when I have no idea
what to do about it.

Have you considered talking to Alec?

I can't drag him into this.

It would put him in a terrible position,

and I don't wanna get
a reputation as a person

who rats out her advisor.

She's the rat, Phoebe!

What she's doing is not
only wrong, it's illegal.

And if I do nothing, I'm complicit.

I know.

I just... what if the grant money
gets rescinded?

What if it blows back on the students?

It might.


Just because it's the right thing to do

doesn't mean that
there won't be consequences.

I mean, I learned the hard way.

You might lose friends.

And if you're lucky,
that's all you'll lose.

This isn't a great pep talk.

I'm just being real.

There will be a fallout either way.

You have to decide
what you can live with.




I know your boss doesn't
want you talking to me.

And since I'm not technically
on Cosmo's case,

you don't have to.

But something tells me you want to.

I'm not supposed to talk
about the petition.

What petition?

To remove Cosmo from the embassy.

You didn't hear it from me.

Revoke his asylum?

They would return him to Romania,

where his enemies would have him k*lled.

That's why we moved
to block it the moment

we learned it was filed.

Why didn't you tell anyone about this?

It was risky.

The intel wasn't solid.

And our relations with Italy
are strained as it is.

What does Italy have to do with this?

It was their intel.

So Italy tipped you off
about the petition.

Do they know who filed it?

No one does.

But someone wants him gone.


That's him!


- Security!
- He's headed for the kitchen.


So you're telling me
you caught the gunman,

but nobody's interrogating him.

He must have a lawyer
for an interrogation.

Italian law is very clear on this.



This is where you took him down?

He came through the kitchen
and turned left here.

- But why?
- He could escape through any door.

Why turn into a dead end?

Maybe he got confused.

It's easy to get turned around
in these halls.

But he's been here before.

This is where we found the g*n.


Do you have blueprints for the building?

Okay, Alec, we're here.

Did you go through the kitchen?

Just like you said.

Okay, so walk to the end
of the dead end hallway.

Are you there?

If by "there," you mean
the middle of the hallway,

then yes, Alec, I am here.


So facing the end of the hallway

should be a vase on your right.

Twist the top of the vase.

Hoo, this better be good.

Okay, that was pretty good.

Earlier, when it seemed
like the gunman disappeared,

it's because he did.

These passages run
throughout the whole embassy.

This one leads right
to the ambassador's office.

Does security know about this?

No. Marco's going over
the blueprints now.

I'm gonna join him.

I don't think anyone knows
about these passages.

- You check the blueprints.
- I'll talk to the ambassador.


I've always wanted one of these.

You're accusing me?

Cosmo is a strain
on you and your embassy.

You said it yourself.

You don't exactly think
of him as a brother.

Yes, but...

You had to know about
those hidden passages.

And you were the one who allowed

the paramedics to come in.

- Of course I did!
- It was an emergency!

It would have been very easy
for you to orchestrate.

It's true.

Cosmo is what you Americans
call a "time suck,"

time I would rather spend on my work,

in Florence with my fiancée, Natalia.

So you tried to get rid of him.

- Yes.
- By hiring an assassin?



k*lling Cosmo would serve no purpose

other than to end my career...

and my hopes for foreign minister, hmm?

I tried to get rid of him
through diplomatic means.

I filed a petition
with my foreign minister

to return him to his country.

But somehow Romania learned
of the petition and blocked it.

I am stuck with him.

It was a wrench in my plan,
but not a motive for m*rder.

You filed it?

It has been seven years.

I was afraid he would never leave.

But the tip about the petition

came from this embassy.

Mm, that's impossible.

No one knew. I kept it secret.

Because if Cosmo knew I wanted
him out, it would make things...




I... I don't mean to pry,
but are you okay?


I just talked to my dad.

He said he wants to go back to Romania.


He says he's caused enough suffering

and has to face the
consequences of his actions.


Where is he now?

In his room, packing.

My husband went to try
and talk him out of it.


What if this is the last happy memory

I have of him?


Can you play that again?

They're a couple.

Look past Cosmo in the background.

The ambassador and Mateo,
look how they're

leaning toward each other.

Without even realizing they're doing it.

And here, they both put their
hands to their mouth

right when she kisses him.

That's mimicry, right?

Telltale cues of romantic involvement?

If they're this close, Mateo could have

seen the petition without
the ambassador knowing it.

But why tell Romania about it?

Mateo undid the thing
the ambassador wanted.

Just because they're
a couple doesn't mean

they want the same thing.

Didn't the ambassador mention a fiancée?

If the relationship was a secret,

then those hidden passageways
would come in handy.

Maybe Mateo told the gunman about them.

We've been looking
for a political motive

for this m*rder,
but it's not about politics.

- It's not even about Cosmo.
- Agent Clark!

We can't find my father.




You... you wanted to see me?


- No!
- [PANTS] Stop.


The ambassador said
work always comes first,

which means that you would
always be second,

unless something ended his career.

I returned Cosmo to his room.

He is safe now.


How could you do this?

I had to do it.

You said you would retire, Bruno.

All these secrets,

worrying what the government
would think...

it was supposed to end after this.

Then the foreign minister job came up.

And your president leans conservative.

He would do anything
for that appointment, eh?

Return to Italy,

marry that woman for appearance's sake.

I had to stop it.

An innocent man lost his life.

I didn't mean for him to die,
only to create

an emergency so that...

So that the man you hired
could k*ll Cosmo.

[SIGHS] Come on.

You despise Cosmo.

I did it for you.

For us.

With your permission,
I'll take him into custody.

No, no, I...

I am an Italian citizen
in my own embassy.

I have diplomatic immunity.

Only if the ambassador grants it.



I cannot protect you.

This is not what diplomacy is for.

And it is not who we are.




The ambassador and Mateo, a couple.

And your assistant put it together.

He saved my life.

He is a promising student.

He has a good teacher.

Cosmo, is there anything I can do

to change your mind about leaving?

Yvette is happy.

She has a bright future.

I think it's time for me
to face the past.

[SIGHS] Tonight had nothing
to do with your past.

I've burdened this embassy long enough.

Well, this embassy

is currently lobbying your government

to drop the charges against you.



So this bright future that
you see for your daughter,

you can be a part of it too.

And at least she wants you to.



I love you, Dad.

Everything you asked for.

Cutting it a little close, no?

I'm sorry.

It's just a lot of work
went into this research,

and I wanted to be sure
to do it justice.

Dean Daly, this is a surprise.

Dr. Myers,

may I speak to you?


There have been allegations
of plagiarism in your research.


Phoebe, please tell the students

the lecture is postponed.

This is all a misunderstanding.




Agent Clark.

From Yvette to thank you.

Uh, did you tell her I'd rather

catch a k*ller than a bouquet?

[CHUCKLES] No, but I did tell her that

I would bring them here when
I came to give my statement

about the wedding.

Quinn debriefed me this morning.

And in the middle of it,

I made my decision.


Being at the embassy,
unable to do my job,

made me realize how much
I love doing it.

SAC is a big opportunity,

but I can't just be behind a desk.

I belong in the field.

So I passed on the promotion.


For now.

I respect your decision.

Thank you.

How's Cosmo?

Well, he hasn't booked
a flight to Romania,

but his past still haunts him.

He's had a lot of time
to think about it.

The past is prologue.

Is that him talking or you?

Uh, Shakespeare, technically,
but the ambassador

isn't the only person who put his work

ahead of people he loves. I did it too.


You know, we were both reaching

for the mountain top back then.

Yeah, it's different now.

Yeah, just because it didn't work for us

doesn't mean it can't
be different with Rose.

Our choices make us who we are,

and they made you both
right for each other.

I wouldn't change any of it.

You mean that?

I do.

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