Mary (2024)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.
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Mary (2024)

Post by bunniefuu »

[wind whooshing]

[wind whooshing continues]

[ominous music]

[ominous music intensifies]

[hooves galloping]

[suspenseful percussive music]

[horse whinnies]

[Mary] I was chosen

to deliver a gift to the world.

The greatest gift it has ever known.

You may think you know my story.

Trust me,

you don't.

[breathing heavily]


My father, Joachim, withdrew to the desert

for 40 days of fasting and repentance,

believing the Lord

denied him a child as punishment.

My mother, Anne,

prayed fervently for a child.

[murmuring prayer]

[crickets chirping]

[wild dogs howling]

[panting steadily]


How did I offend you, my Lord?

All I want is a child.

[breathing shakily]

[man] He hears you.

[startled breaths]

[wind whistling loudly]

Who are you? How did you get here?

I am Gabriel.

God will gift you with a daughter.

A d... A daughter?

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

A daughter?

- Yes.

- [weeps]

He will gift you a daughter

unlike any other.

She will fulfill Isaiah's prophecy.

And in exchange...

Yes, what is it?

A promise.

When I return, you must dedicate her

to the service of God.

To dwell in His temple.

[praying softly]

- [muffled thud]

- [faint sighing]

[tense droning swells]

[laughs softly]

[Joachim breathing shakily]

[relieved laughter]

- [Joachim] Anne.

- [Anne laughs]



[Joachim] Anne.

[Anne laughs]

Our prayers have been answered.

[Anne sighs and laughs]

[muffled] Joachim.

[water trickling]

[birds cawing]

[sighs happily]

[birds cawing]

[Mary] The Romans appointed

King Herod to reign over Judea.

Herod's tyrannical rule

sparked an uprising amongst the Judeans.

I never imagined

our two worlds would collide.

[scepter thudding]

[brooding suspenseful music]

[Herod coughs]

[scepter thudding]

My people...

citizens of Jerusalem,

I plan to rebuild

and enlarge the Second Temple

to a splendor of magnificence

never before imagined.

And I will embrace the troubles

and the pain that will as*ault me,

and I will embrace them

as levies of greatness.

The pain the hand of eternity

has set upon me.

With this temple,

I make full return to God.

[men chanting]


For his bounteous gift to me of this,

his holy kingdom of Judea.

[indistinct shouts and chatter]

[metallic hammering]

[scepter thudding]

Your king,

I, Herod, King of all the Jews.

[indistinct chatter]

[man] We must no longer

tolerate this injustice.

Listen to me! Is it time to take action!

[indistinct chatter]

This temple is a monument to Herod's

vanity and desire for Roman approval.

Though he claims to honor God,

he is just a puppet of Rome

who shed Jewish blood to gain his throne.

He is not even a Jew!

How could Judaism ever be restored

under Herod's illegitimate reign?

We must follow Aristobulus,

the high priest.

He will lead us back to God.

[chains rattle]

These are trying times for us all.

In the face of adversity,

the divine providence of God

will serve a greater purpose.

[door closes]

Aristobulus, you must go into hiding.

I have our people's support, sister.

I assure you we are strong.


Things have changed.

[yells and grunts]




[pained moans]


My little sparrow.

My love.

[knocking at door]

Thank you.

[lock clicks]

[Herod] You look troubled.

What ails you, my queen?

You don't remember who I am.


Yes, I remember who you are.

You helped me build

the many glories of this kingdom.

You gave me

many beautiful Hasmonean children.

You will always have my heart, Mariamne.

Let us drink to

our long,

insufferable marriage.


share the news.


Your brother has been dealt with.



...are a monster.


Someday, this madness will end...

- Yes.

- ...and we will restore

the throne of David.

- [pained cry]

- [blade plunging]

Be still, my love.


My little sparrow.

[body thuds]

[pained moans]

[dramatic music]



[praying indistinctly]

[pained yell]


[sustained cry]

- [speaking indistinctly]

- [strained moans]

[dramatic music continues]

- [baby cries]

- [laughter]

[baby wails]


- [baby cries]

- [laughter]


[dramatic music swells]

Be strong...


[baby coos]

[birds cawing and chirping]

[grunts softly]


Careful not to bruise them, Malachi.

[Malachi] Of course, sir.

Each olive is a kiss from God.

Don't you forget it, my friend.

- [boy] Mary!

- [Anne] Mary!

[indistinct chatter]

Where did she run off to this time?

[boy] Mary!

[Mary laughing]

Come here!

Don't fly away!

[continues laughing]

- [boy] Mary!

- [Anne] Mary!

- [boy] Mary!

- [Anne] Where are you?

- [Anne] I brought you a friend!

- [boy] Mary!


Noam wants to play with you

while your fathers talk.

Come on. I want to show you something.

Keep your ears open for lunch!

[Mary] Hurry up, Noam!

Do you hear me, Mary?


[both giggling]

Come on, Noam! You're too slow.

You're too fast. Wait!

Come on. Let's pick some figs.

Mama will be so surprised.


Hurry up! The figs won't pick themselves.

Why can't we just walk?

[distant voices echoing]

[Herod hums melody]

[humming continues]

- [continues humming]

- [pen scribbling]

[distant horse whinnies]

- My lord.

- Yes?

[reads indistinctly]

I've had many reports of discontent.

Pharisee discontent.

- Yeah?

- In the prosperous hillside areas.


Yes, sire.

And why is there discontent, Marcellus?

They want you to strike

against the incursions

and the Nabataean raiders.

Oh. [chuckles]

Also, there are those rumors.

- Reports of a savior.

- Savior?

And who's talking about a savior?


You, my brother, are the King of the Jews.

The true savior.

That's all that matters.

Who is talking about a savior?

I've heard my husband,

and others say it, too.

Your husband, Costobarus?




Should I spare him?

Should I set him free? Or...

Tell me, Salome.

Should I have him stoned to death

in the marketplace?

What say you?

His head on a pike

will calm the people, surely.

Tell me, would it be terrible for you

to lose a husband or a loved one?

Your reign will always come before love.



[resumes humming]

[birds cawing and chirping]

[rooster crows]

[Gabriel] Shh.

[Joachim grunts]

Mother is waiting for us, so...

- Race you back!

- What? Come here!

- [Joachim speaking indistinctly]

- [Mary giggling]

- [Joachim] Come here. [laughs]

- [Mary] No!

[both laughing]

[laughter continues]

Mary, let's clean you up before dinner!

How did you get so dirty?


[inhales, exhales sharply]

She's very fast.


[Joachim] What is it?

I saw the man with the blue robe today.


[bird cawing]

[Joachim] Your birth was a miracle.

It was a gift.

For your mother and I.

- [thunder rumbles]

- [breathes shakily]

But in exchange, I made a promise.

A promise that must be kept.

[dramatic music]

[horse whinnies]

[crowd chatter]

[sheep bleating]

[crowd chatter continues]

Why is she here?

- Let's go home.

- No.

[woman] Let the girl pass.

[crowd chatter continues]

[horse nickers]

[woman] Ah.

It's you.

[Mary cries]

I'm so, so proud of you.


Go. Go.

[somber music]

I am Anna.

[indistinct chatter]

[chickens cluck and crow]

[lamb bleats]

[indistinct speech]

[lamb bleats]

[man] Child!

Come closer, please.

[indistinct chatter]

Why have you come?

I am here to fulfill a promise.


is this true?

Has the vessel of the promise

arrived at last?

[sniffles and cries]

El Shaddai welcomes you, child,

with open arms to your new home.


He will reveal all in time.

[water splashes]

[distant shouting]

[Anna] Mary, where are you now?

- I'm coming.

- [door opens]

You're late for prayer, child. Get.


[man] And shall call his name...

[dress rustling]

Mary, where were you?

I was... [clears throat] ...scrubbing

the floors and polishing the vessels.

You were in the gardens again, dallying.

Weren't you?

No, I wasn't dallying.

Before afternoon prayers.

Flowers don't plant themselves.

The scriptures tell us

we need to serve Him through our work.

[scattered giggling]


Remember your place, girls.

Next time, serve Him faster.

[chuckles softly]

[overlapping chatter]

[horn blows]

[horn blows]

[overlapping chatter]

I... I beg you. Please.

[girl laughing]

Are you going to finish that?

What? No, I'm full. Why?

Can I have it?

What are you doing?

[overlapping chatter]

[gasping weakly]

[overlapping chatter]

[girl] Mary!


Help me!

[overlapping chatter continues]

[man] Good evening, maiden.


Didn't notice you there.


I can see that you work hard.


I keep busy.

Leaving me little time

for small talk, so...

Do you leave yourself

any time for pleasure?

I find pleasure every day

in the mysteries of the Lord.

- [chuckles]

- Don't you?


These are troubling times

here in the temple.

Don't you think?

- Mary?

- [ethereal hiss]

You know my name then.

[whispers] I would like to know more.

- Pardon me. I have studies...

- No, stay, stay!

[whispers] Stay!

I've heard so much about you.

All the priests,

they talk.

Please don't do that.

[fly buzzes]

Tell me of your allegiance

to the King of the Jews.

Our imperial sovereign, King Herod.

There's only one true sovereign here.

[guttural growl]

My allegiance is to God.


[whispering] Then you're a zealot.

A traitor in the king's temple.

I'm a servant.

This is God's temple.


There are great rewards

for serving the king's cause, Mary.

- Tangible rewards.

- [growling]

I know my reward.

- I must go.

- You will stay.


Let her go, brother.

Gabriel, leave here.


[ominous whispering echoes]

[whispering stops]

[overlapping chatter]

[man] Make way for King Herod the Great!

Make way for King Herod the Great!

[horse whinnies]

Out of the way!

Move, move!

- [horse whinnies]

- Move!

[Herod] My people of Judea!

Citizens of Jerusalem.

Today I wish to pay tribute

to our glorious emperor,

Caesar Augustus.

Hail to thee, almighty Caesar.

- Hail!

- Hail, Caesar!

- Hail!

- Hail!

Good. Good.




Our most high priest, Bava Ben Buta.

We must all remember our place.


Perhaps we could mount

the aquila elsewhere.


Sire, this is our Lord's house.

This is the Lord's house?

Tell me, did the Lord give you all this?

Did the Lord give you this mitre?

Did the Lord give you my temple,

the one I have rebuilt and enlarged?

Did he give you that, Bava Ben Buta?


No, not sire! No, no.


I'm simply the prickly porcupine...

...who will defend what is his

when he feels threatened. Yeah.

Porcupine, sire?

I do not understand.


Tell me, um,

do you crave or wish

for a crown of your own?

I crave no crown, sire.


I'm sorry, sire. I...

Kneel before your king.

Good, good.

Now you will feel the pains and the pangs

of despised power and sovereignty

because it was you who sanctified

the whispers of intrigue, yes?

Who sanctioned rumors of disloyalty

and disobedience in my temple, yes?

- [pained breaths]

- [crowd murmuring]

No longer will they flourish

in my temple, Bava Ben Buta!

Bava Ben Buta!

Bava Ben Buta!

- Bava Ben Buta! Hey!

- [scepter thuds]

Let me be clear.

Let it be understood!

That your king, I, Herod of Judea,

I am your king.

[droning suspenseful music]

[under breath] Stop!

Mary, turn away.


- [thunder claps]

- [man yells]

[Marcellus] Sire?

[fly buzzes]

[breathing shakily]

Vision comes in many forms.

The heart, too, can see.

You have to continue

to guide the faithful.

[cries softly]

- [muffled whimpers]

- Shh.

You threatened the king.

- Why?

- I didn't!

What did you just do to him?

Nothing, sir.

I'm just a servant of the temple.

Well, something tells me

that's not entirely true.

What powers do you have?

- I... I don't have any!

- What did you do to him?

Captain! You have no business here.


this maiden, she threatened the king.

She did no such thing.

Release her.


Leave here now.

I will stop you, whatever you are.

Anna. [sighs]


I said nothing to the king, I promise.

You are far more powerful

than words, child.

You're learning.

[laughs softly]

[inhales deeply]

- [metallic clinking]

- [overlapping chatter]

[indistinct shouts]

The resistance meets tomorrow to fight

the oppression of the Roman taxes.

- We should go.

- No!

- They will crush us.

- That's why we must go.

It's time to rise up

before we're all wiped out.

Rise up? To be slaughtered like cattle?

You are cattle if you think like that.

[man] Bring more next time.

Herod rules by fear.

He is not our king. He's ungodly.

More Roman than Jew.

Is that what you want?

I want to be more alive than dead.

Joseph, what do you think?

I think you're just wasting your time.

You're trying to tell me

you don't believe in the cause?

What cause?

- [metallic clinking]

- [overlapping chatter]

I only believe in

what I can see with my own eyes.


[birds chirping and cawing]



[whispers] Hey!


Outta my way!

Move along.


The hunting is better around the bend.

[wind blowing]

[soft ethereal music]

[Joseph] Hey!

Hey! Wait, I can get that!



Hey, I... I'll get that for you!

I can help you!

Hey! Wait!

Who are you?

Wait, don't go!

Please, don't go!

Just tell me your name!

What's your name?

What's your name?


I'm the daughter of Joachim of Nazareth.

And you are... crazy.


[bird caws]

Do we not have the right

to live as free men,

to harvest our olives

to feed our families?

To worship without fear?

Your workers there,

they speak of protest and zealotry.

It's just talk. They're good men.

They talk of resistance.

You can't allow this. It's treason.

Their hearts are in the right place.

What are you saying?

The regime is corrupt and unholy.

You know it as well as I.

You're a party to this treason

if you do not stop them.

[man speaking indistinctly]

You're overreacting.

You put your own family's prosperity

at risk. And their safety.

[indistinct speech continues]

Can I ask you something, Anna?

Is this about a boy?

What? No.

I'm not so sure.

You've been here for a long time, right?

I haven't left the temple in 47 years.

Is that long?

Pretty long, yes.

[distant indistinct speech]

I don't know how to ask you this, but...

Isn't that kind of a dull life?


[Anna sighs]

Living continuously face to face with God.

Losing the narrowness of self-interest,

and being absorbed

in the ever-widening interests

which God makes known to me?

Hmm, would you be so lucky, child?


But can't I do even more good

outside the temple?

I... I mean...

How can I do anything important

if I'm stuck in here?

I told you it was about a boy.

It's not.

It's always about a boy.

Anna, I'm promised to the Lord.


Do you doubt my fidelity?


Do you?

What's that supposed to mean?

It means come downstairs

and help me in the kitchen.

[knocks at door]

Hello, sir.

May I have your daughter's hand?

[rooster crows]

Her hand? What?

Yes. In marriage, sir. May I have it?

Who are you? How do you know Mary?

Mary. So that's her name?

You don't know her name?

Well, I do now, sir.

Please, may I have her hand?

- There's a spirit about her, and...

- Who's here?

I have no idea.

[bird caws]

Young man,

Mary is vowed to the Lord.

Yes. I understand.

But please, let me assure you,

this is meant to be.

[rooster crows]


Young love.


But it's not. She's accounted for.

Um, um...

- Wait!

- [Anne] How can you say that?

- How can you speak for her like that?

- [Joachim] How can I speak for her?

I'm her father. And we decided.

- This is a stranger.

- [Anne] We didn't decide. You decided.

[Joachim] What are you trying to say?

Please, I'm so sorry to bother you.

Just listen to me for one second.

I've never experienced

anything like this in my entire life.

Something changed in me

when I saw your daughter.

I was hunting down by the river.

I saw this...


and gentle creature...

...just dancing in the wind.

And I knew...

She is my wife.

And it never would have happened

if this strange man in a blue robe

- wouldn't have led me to her.

- A blue robe?

Yes, a blue robe.

[Mary] Mama?


[distant indistinct chatter]

- Wait! Papa, is he okay?

- He's fine.



Your father and I

have promised you to a young man.

I... I don't understand.

We have decided you're to be married.


What do you mean? You sold me off

like one of our prized steeds?

- It's not like that.

- Mother, it is like that.

How could you possibly

think of allowing this?

Well, I think it's a good idea.

- What?

- His name is Joseph.

He's serious and very handsome.

Mother, I'm a servant of God.


The angel appeared again.

This boy is meant for you.

You're Joseph?

Most days, yes.

[Bava Ben Buta]

Let it be known, Lord...

The drowning fool in the river.

...that these two

young persons before you...

That's me. this engagement ceremony

swear themselves to each other

to be married.

And to your service, in love

and in respect.

Do you really think this is a good idea?


May the Lord bless you and protect you.

- Well...

- May the Lord shine his face upon you...

- ...actually I do.

- ...and give you peace.

[Bava Ben Buta chanting]

- [overlapping chatter]

- [Mary sighs]

[goat bleating]

[Anne sighs]

So, what do you think?

He's very handsome, Mother.



[overlapping chatter]


[wind blowing]

[thunder rolling]

[thunder rolling]

[angelic vocalizing]

I don't understand.

Now it is your will that I should marry

this perfect stranger. Why?

You only speak to others about this.

You've got nothing to say to me.

[rain pattering distantly]


[thunder rolls]


Who's there?

What do you want?

Don't be afraid, Mary.

You have found favor... with God.

What... What do you mean?

You are to become a mother and have a son.

He will reign over the house of David.

But that's not possible.

I can't have a child.

- [rainfall stops]

- [dove coos]

All things are possible...

...with God.

You will name him


And all the world will know him, Mary.

For you

are blessed among women.

[birds chirping]

[dove coos]

[thunder rolls]

[rainfall resumes]

[thunder rumbling]

Let it be me.

[birds chirping]

[distant rumbling and shouting]

[Herod] How strange.

I bring them water,

yet they will not drink.

Or they refuse to drink.


Beware the tyranny of the... common good.


Yes, my lord?

Beware the tyranny of the common good.

It is a serpent

who will turn and devour you.

But... I shall tax them, yes.


I will call a census and tax them for

their ingratitude and their thanklessness.

And they shall behold and see

the reward of the wicked.

And I shall behold and see...

their suffering

as my children before me.

Go, Marcellus, do it.

Yes, my lord.

[footsteps fading]

Have you told anyone about this?

Who would believe me?

I believe you.

But you are wise

to keep this quiet for now.

Not all in the temple

possess such a faith.

- [distant chatter]

- [birds chirping]

[man] Mary!

[man] She is with child.

[Bava Ben Buta] Is this true?

I can explain.

Is this true?

I didn't do anything wrong.

You have broken your vow!

I haven't!

She is a disgrace.

You can't stay here, Mary.


No, please, you cannot do this.

It has come to pass.

You will return here.

[tense music swells and fades]

[birds chirping]



They cast me out of the temple.


Why would they do that?

Because I'm with child, Mama.

Oh, Mary...

I haven't done anything wrong, I promise.

But how could this be?

The angel in blue, he told me...

The angel?

He came to you?

Yes, I thought it was a dream.

You're the vessel of the promise.

It's true.

What does that mean?

Mama, I'm engaged to Joseph.

We're not even married.

I can't have a baby.

You are stronger than you know.

You have been selected for great things,

and great things never come easy.

We'll get through this.

As a family.

So should we tell Papa?

No. Do not tell your father.

- I'll face him if I must.

- People will talk.

You could be stoned if they find you here.

I want you to go

to Aunt Elizabeth in Ein Karem.

She is seven months with child,

at a great age, like I once was.

Another miracle of faith.

You'll be safe there.

Mama, I can't leave here again, please.

Mary, I know.

But you must go now. You must go.

[dramatic music]

[horse nickers]



This is a wonderful surprise.

You journeyed all this way

from the temple just to visit us?

I went home first

and then Mama sent me here.

I hope I'm not a burden.

This child in my womb

jumps at the sound of your voice.


Are you too with child, dear?

Yes, I am.

You are the revelation.

Blessed are you among women.

Blessed is this child.

Sweet girl.

Stay as long as you need.

Thank you.

Why were you not grateful, Mariamne?

Grateful for the marvels we created,

for the children we raised, for the... we shared?

Why was it never enough for you?

And you.

How did you become this thing,

this creature of darkness?

You were not well-born, were you?

Not like her, not like...


But you did seek to enhance

and improve yourself

and the unwashed kingdom of your reign.

You did seek beauty, and yes, you...

made some beautiful things.

But it was your family, Mariamne,

your family, not mine, who debased me.

[chickens clucking]


Hi! May I hold him?



Hi, John.

[John babbling]

It comes easily to you.

I don't know if I'm ready.

You have found peace here, no?

I have.

You must confront this

with your family behind you.

More than ever,

you are going to need them by your side.


You will face him.

[man] Elizabeth!

Oh, that voice.

[man] Oh, there you are.

- We have to leave for the market.

- [Elizabeth] Yes, yes.

I didn't think I was ready either.

- [baby coos]

- Mmm.

Trust the strength inside you.

[men chattering, laughing]

What are they talking about?

Fool. They're talking about you.

You don't know?

Your woman. [scoffs]

She's with child.

It's all over town. The word has spread!


[Joseph] Take it back.

I can't take it back.

The deed is done, the seed is planted.

k*ll her. [grunts]

- Hey!

- Take it back!

[winces, groans]



[distant thunder rumbles]

Do you know what people say about you?

What they say about us?

But it's not true.

Papa, they don't know the truth.

Tell me the truth then.

You've laid with a man.

No! Never.

How is this possible?

I told you. It was the spirit.


This child will be a pariah.

You don't believe me?

Have you prayed for comfort

and found none?

Have I prayed?

I have prayed every night

since your mother hid you from me.

And here you are,

standing in front of me.

You're with a child.

How could you do this?

Father, you must listen to me.

You could be put to death for this.

That is the law.


Father, it's still me. I'm still Mary.

Please look at me.

I need you.

Papa, I need you.


[pounding on door]

[exhales] Stay here.

[pounding on door]

- [pounding]

- [Joseph] Let me in!

Let me in! Open up!

Where is she? I must see her.

- She isn't here.

- Then where is she?

We've sent for her. She hasn't arrived.

I don't know where she is.

[thunder rumbling]

I'll find her then.

What happened?

Joseph, he's angry.

- He needs to calm down.

- I must speak to him.

Wait, Mary.

Be careful.

[overlapping chatter]



The temple whore.

We've been looking for you.

[indistinct shouting]

- [gasping]

- [shouting continues]

- [panting]

- [shouting]



- [Mary grunting]

- [men shouting]

[indistinct shouting]

She is carrying a contaminated seed!

Mary! Stop!

Have you gone mad, people?

Joseph, look at her!

She's an outrage

to the laws of our people.

Stone her. Exact God's punishment.

[crowd shouting]

Joseph, she dishonored you.

Made you the fool.

[all chanting] Stone her! Stone her!

Stone the virgin whore!


- [growling]

- [shouts]


[shouts] Get back!

Come with me!

- Get away!

- [yelps]

[shouting continues in distance]

[man] No, she wasn't there!

Over there! She's over there!

[shouting fades]



You may not believe me...

...but I was chosen for this.

I don't know why.

I really don't.

All those people out there...

...can call me all sorts of names.

But I'm going to bring this child into

the world with love and honor and respect.

I, uh...

...was actually trying to find you.

To tell you I don't care what they say.

But what I do know... that I'm going to love this child

as best as I can.

And if you let me,

I will love you as best as I can.

[speaking Hebrew]




- Mm.

- Mm.

- Hm.

- [laughs]

[all speaking Hebrew]

Let these knots be tied.

Let these two be joined under God.

- Rejoice at their blessed union.

- [chuckling]

We rejoice!


- [flutes playing]

- [drums thumping]

[chatter and laughter]

Hold this.


- [Joseph] Come on, come on.

- [woman] Mary.

- [man] The bride and groom!

- [woman chuckling]

[energetic, happy chattering]



- [chuckling]

- [indistinct]


[sheep bleating]

[Mary] "Whore."

- [sheep bleating]

- [gasps]

- [bleats]

- [breathing heavily]


They came.

The zealots broke into the house

looking for Mary.

They are coming back.

- Get the horses.

- Yes, sir.

[quietly] We can't stay here.

[people shouting]

[grunting with effort]


Herod is not the true king of Israel!


Get away from our God!

- [man] Get off of our God!

- [cheering]

We will restore the house of David!

Bring us the Messiah!

[shouting and cheering]

- [indistinct shouts]

- [grunting]

- [shouting]

- [horse whinnies]

Commander! I can help you.

Whoa. Why are you here?

Come here.

I know someone

who harbors zealots on his groves.

His name?

Father, don't do this.

- Let's just go home.

- Quiet, Noam.

His name is Joachim.

And his house sits on the highest hill

in Jerusalem, north of the Temple Mount.

[hoof beats and whinnying]

- [Noam grunts]

- Long live King Herod the Great.

Long live King Herod the Great.

[horse whinnies]

[Joachim] There are nomads in these hills.

We have to be on guard.

[Romans shouting]

Where is Joachim?

His daughter just married.

He's still out in celebration.

Yes, commander.

His daughter? Tell me about her.

I don't know much.

She hasn't lived here for years.

Her name is Mary.

[ragged breath] Yes.


She's a very special girl,

isn't she?

What power does she possess?

They say she carries

the real King of the Jews.

All over the world,

believers search the skies

for a sign of his birth.

A sign?

And what is this sign?

A star.

A wandering star...

...rising higher and brighter

than all others.

[breath trembling]

[swallows dryly]


[wild dogs yelping in distance]

You sleep so peacefully within me.

I'll always protect you.


[Mary] Thank you, Joseph.

You're awake.

Is something wrong?

Nothing's wrong.

I just don't understand all of this.

Why me?

Because you were in the river.

- Hey!

- [metallic scrape]

- [shouts]

- [horse whinnies]

[men grunting]

[swords clanking]

- Stay in the tent.

- Joseph, where are you going?




[man shouts]


[shouts indistinctly] Go! Go!

- [horses whinny]

- [men shout]

[Mary] No, no.




I'm sorry. [crying]

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry.



There are soldiers ahead

collecting the Roman tax.

We can't be stopped with Mary.

I need you to distract them.

Pass through the soldiers, pay the tax.

Mary and I will go to Bethlehem.

My family is from there.

Our arrival will not be questioned.

[horse nickers]

I will go.

I'll find you there.

I'll find you there.

- [crickets chirping]

- [horse whinnies]

[horse snorts]

[scepter thuds]

Great Herod.


My king, Balthasar, is on a journey

with King Melchior and King Caspar.

They seek a rising star in your kingdom.

It will guide them to the child

to be born King of all the Jews.

[scoffs] I don't understand.

I thought I was King of all the Jews.

Did you not come here to honor me?

Great Herod,

the prophecies,

they speak of the coming Messiah.

So you believe in these things.

You believe in the star

and the savior, correct?


And you believe in the dust

blown on the wind of dreams

across the waters of the moon?

And now you're searching the heavens

for a star and a savior.


You see, I make things, real things.

Uh, beautiful things,

or so I've been told,

of iron and bronze and gold and fortresses

and temples and theaters and cities.

They call me the king of the thing.

[chuckles] Shh.

So I ask you,

what need have we of a Messiah?


[overlapping chatter]

[chickens clucking]

[sheep bleating]

Is this all for the Roman census?

Something else is happening.

[overlapping chatter]

I have some fresh bread, here.

- Take some. They're from this morning.

- No, thank you.

Here, some fresh bread for you.

- [gasps]

- Oh. Hey! Hey, what's wrong?


You... You're fine. You're fine.

You just need some rest.

[women chattering]

All right.

Almost there.

Look at me.

You're fine.

- Here.

- [sighs]


Can you please watch over her for me?

I'll be back shortly.

Here. Thank you.

[overlapping chatter]

I'll find us a place to stay.



[overlapping chatter]

Can we please get a room?

My wife is pregnant, and we need...

- No, no.

- But, what...

Hello, my friend.

My wife is having a baby right now.

Can we please have a room in this place?

We're full.

Can I please get a room here? I need...

- Go away.

- Wait, please. But...

- [innkeeper] Not here.

- [man] Why not?

Please. We're tired.

- She's a woman. We need a place.

- It's not my problem.

I'm sorry. We're full.

Yeah, yeah. I know. But can you just...

Can you just please tell me

why are all these people here?

A child will be born in Bethlehem.

What child?

The Messiah.


[flies buzzing]

[breathing heavily]

My dear,

are you well?


Do you have some water, please?

Yes. Yes, of course.

Here. Take this.

[breathing heavily]

Oh, thank you. Thank you.

Feel better now.

Drink up.

[voice deepens] My cup is full.

[wind blowing]

What kind of God

would put a precious child like you

through all of this?

So much hardship.

[heavy breaths]

He relishes in your suffering. I know.

I know you feel this.

Let me ease your pain.

No more death.

[whispering] No more sacrifice.

It can all be so easy.

Come with me, Mary.

Break free from all this pain.

[wind whooshing]

- [overlapping chatter]

- [panting]

[deep, rumbling growl]

- [metallic scrape]

- [indistinct shouts]

[percussive suspenseful music]

[guard shouts indistinctly]




The demon! [gasps]


I'm here.

Everything is going to be all right.

Come. Come on.

[horse snorts]

Where are we?

Joseph found shelter.

It's time.


Come on.

- [Mary whimpers]

- I've got you.

[fire crackling]

[dramatic music]

Look at me!

- Yes.

- [grunts]



Elizabeth! Keep her head up!

Mary, look at me!

Stay with me.

Almost there.

[dramatic music]

[speaking indistinctly]

[strained grunt]


[rapid deep breaths]

[pained screaming]

[baby cries]

[ethereal sigh echoing]

[wind whistling]

[dramatic music]

[dramatic music continues]

You'll be all right.

I choose you just as you chose me.

[man] There was a birth in Bethlehem,

Your Majesty.

I saw the light myself.

The goats stopped bleating

and the cattle didn't graze.

There never was such a stillness before.



Who is this wretched man standing

before me? Who is he? Why is he here?

He's just a common shepherd, sire.

Oh. [chuckling] I understand.

And this, uh... [laughs]

This heavenly boy-child,

is he real? Has he been born?

Has he been born?

Yes, my lord. He's been born.

I heard that there were

pilgrims, followers...


Yes, sire.

Moving into the hills to Bethlehem to...

to visit the birthplace.


Shepherd man.

Yes, sire?





You may leave.

Yes, sire.

[clears throat]



k*ll every male infant

in the city of Bethlehem.

But there is only one that matters.

Put to the sword every male infant

in the city of Bethlehem.

When it is done,

bring me word that it is done.

Go now to Bethlehem.


Yes, my lord?

When you find this child, this... savior,

bring him to me...


Yes, my lord.


[footsteps fading]

[birds chirping]

[laughs softly]


I know you didn't have to do this.

[Joseph] Do what?

Stay with me.

You didn't have to.

[baby cooing]

Yes, I did.

This is my family.

[baby cries]

Come here.


Come here. Come meet your son.

[baby coos]

What shall you name him?


His name is Jesus.

Hello, Jesus.

[Joseph sniffles]

[baby coos]

[wind whistling]

[hooves galloping]

[horse whinnies]

[suspenseful music]

[horse nickers]

- [horse nickers]

- [man] Hyah!


[people shouting, screaming]

- [woman screams]

- [man shouts]

[hooves galloping]

[horse whinnies]

The king's men!

They're in the village now.

They're coming for your son.

We have to go now.

[woman screams]

[overlapping shouting]

- [grunts]

- [sword plunges]

[woman screams]

[sword plunges]

[baby cries]


[whimpering fearfully]

[startled yelp, screams]

- [indistinct shouts]

- [screaming]

[Marcellus] Spread out!

Check every road, every house!

There, follow these tracks!

[birds cawing]

We won't make it to Egypt

unless we get some food.

We need to rest.

We can try and find shelter there.


[horse whinnies]

- [horse grunts]

- Whoa.


- Hello.

- Yes?

- Hello.

- Hello. We need some food and shelter.

- We don't have much, but come inside.

- Welcome. Let me help you.

[horses whinnying]

[horse whinnies]

[horses whinny loudly]

There. There!

[distant rumbling]

- [horse nickering]

- [Marcellus shouting indistinctly]

[door thuds]

[fire roaring]

[door thuds]

[door closes]

[baby coos]

[Mary shushing quietly]

Where's the child?

What child? We don't have a child.

- [blade plunges]

- [woman screams]

The next time I will pierce her heart.

Where is the child?

- [gasps]

- Tell me.

[breathing shakily]



[gasping fearfully]

[both grunting]

[Joseph yells]

- [sword plunges]

- [Marcellus yells]

[Marcellus grunts]

[both grunting]

[grunting and yelling]

[baby cries]

[horse whinnies]

[strained grunts]

Go! Save your child!

Go, go!

[Marcellus roars]

[pained grunt]



[baby crying]

- Give me the baby.

- Easy.

Put him in there. Come on.

[horse whinnies]

You got it.

Come on, come on! Just drop him.

- Careful! Grab him!

- Slowly, slowly.

I got him.

[both grunting]

Mary, you have to jump now.

You're going to be all right.

You can do it. Jump!


[pained groan]

You all right?

All right. Take him.

I'll release the wagon, you get the horse.

[horse whinnies]

[horse whinnies loudly]



[strained grunts]


[yells indistinctly]

[strained groan]

Get on!

[pained scream]


[pained groans]

[horse whinnies]

[dramatic music]

[grunting in pain]

[horse whinnies]

[horse whinnies]

[hooves thudding]

Stop. Stop!

[Joseph] Whoa.


What's wrong?

We must bring him to the temple.

The road to Jerusalem

is swarming with soldiers.

We're hunted.

We are blessed.

[baby coos]

Are you the restorer...

...of the mighty throne of David?

Tell me.

Are you the Messiah?

[man] Sire.


Your Majesty.


This is not the son of Mary of Nazareth.

This is not the Messiah child? Huh?

We slaughtered all the male children

except the newborns, that are here now.

But where is the Messiah child?


Tell me, which one of these

is the Messiah?

[babies crying]

- None that we can tell, sire.

- [Herod] Ah?

We believe the child is still out there.

Where? Out where?

We do not know.

You don't know?

You don't? [chuckles]

- [babies crying]

- Where is he?

- Tell me!

- [crying continues]

Which one of these is the Messiah?

I'm your king. Tell me!

Which one is the Messiah?

You! Which one is the Messiah? Tell me.


I am your king!

[Gabriel] Herod, you are a wretched soul.

And your time is ending.

You! Why are you here? [grunts]

[exhaling, gasping]

Where is he?

You! Tell me where he is!


I'm your king.

It is your lives that are wretched!

[babies crying]

Listen to me, I am the king!

You! Where is he?

Where is he?

Tell me!

Where is he?


[angelic vocalizing]

[vocalization continues]



We should stop now.

We've come this far.

Mary, we'll never get through.

Mary, please, listen to me.

We can go back right now.

[Anna] Come in, Mary.

[indistinct chatter]


We have been waiting.

[ethereal orchestral music]

This child... destined to cause

the fall and rise of many in Israel.

And he will be opposed.

And the sword

will pierce your soul, Mary,

so that the thoughts of many hearts

may be revealed.

Blessed are you, Lord, our God,

King of the Universe...

[baby coos]


Love will cost you dearly.

It will pierce your heart.

But in the end... will save the world.

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