Niña Niño Films and Rekia Agency present
Mr. Danilo. How are you?
Why are you here?
I was told I could get free prophylactics.
A film by Roberto Doveris
When did you become sexually active?
What do you mean?
How long... have you been having sex?
Were your partners mainly...
Sure. Of course.
What's the difference anyway?
If I was gay you wouldn't give me condoms?
"Phantom Project"
What did your colleague forget?
He didn't ask if the patient had an exclusive partner.
Maybe his current partner is not the
only one he's having sex with.
Do you think the patient felt
uncomfortable at some point?
I do. Mostly about the gonorrhea situation.
The "gay or straight" thing was also weird.
Hi. How are you?
Fine, thanks.
Tell me. Why are you here today?
They told me I can ask for free condoms here.
On your medical record I can see that you're Danilo,
and you're 20 years old. Is that right?
So Danilo. When did you start having sexual intercourse.
When I was around 14 years old, I guess.
Can you tell how many sexual partners you’ve had.
I would say around 8.
Was it heterosexual intercourse?
Of course, doc.
Do you use condoms when you...
when you're intimate with...
That's why I'm here.
I want you to give me condoms.
Ok, Danilo. It seems you're a perfect candidate for condoms...
free condoms.
I'll give you a prescription
Any sexual issue you may have, going forward...
don't hesitate to come to see me.
Thank you very much, doc.
I forgot to ask about STDs. Sorry!
But you could have fixed it in the simulation.
Yes, sorry.
You know the rules. You can't interrupt the simulation.
Shall we move to script four?
Excuse me.
Now we'll review the doctor-patient relationship.
Be careful what you ask, and how...
I'll evaluate the ethics factor. But be aware
that the diagnosis is also important, ok?
Sorry I'm late!
Don't worry, I wasn't up early.
The moving van will come later.
My final Pablo-puccino
Oh, what's up honey?
What is it?
She's sad because daddy's moving.
And she doesn't want to, right?
-She's gonna miss you so badly.
That's life, right Susan?
You need to watch this.
Start this crap from the beginning.
It's not a crap at all, but still.
Look. It's hardcore.
Pay attention.
She's giving birth.
Ok, that's interesting.
Look, the baby doesn't come out because it's not dilated.
Now, see what they do.
That's a scissor.
The blood, dude.
f*ck! Look at that!
Susan, stay calm. Come here.
Antonia is so pretty.
And that perfect nose. I f*cking envy her.
What's the name of the film?
Voice... or The Voice...
I don't remember. But Antonia stars in it.
She's stunning. I love her.
He was feeling really ill, so he had to go to the doctor.
Thing is...
Wait, what did he have?
Something about his stomach...
A serious infection, I guess.
He really had to go to the ER.
So he went to the clinic and the bill was 600 dollars.
He was in shock, he couldn't afford it.
It's half of his salary.
So, the other Venezuelans were wondering
why he didn’t use his health insurance.
And the guy said... man, I did use it!
I was drinking my coffee, like…
this is what the protests are about.
So I was like... welcome to Chile, b*tches.
All that money for health that you pay monthly... for nothing.
Get off the couch, lazy!
Right away, I'm just checking the new place...
That's Grindr, dude.
Exactly, I found the room on Grindr.
This plant is yours too, right?
Yes, why?
Should I take it downstairs?
No, I won't take my plants on the first trip.
I'll come back tonight for the plants and Susan.
Daddy's gonna pick you up later, honey!
Just one side...
You have to grab the other corner as well... please.
Let's change.
Am I doing it in the right direction?
You can take her, if you want.
No, thanks.
Be careful.
This fucker is still in the shower.
Come on, Héctor.
Susan, you can't go out!
Let her help.
It's too heavy.
Really? You really can't?
I don't wanna drag it.
Ok, you take this.
I take the mattress.
Oh Héctor, you f*cking as*h*le.
Does Susan have food?
Yes, my friend.
In any case, she can eat tonight at my new place.
She'll cry while you're gone.
You're insane, she adores you.
Wait, take a few plants with you!
I already told you I'll take my plants on the second trip.
Ok, but make it today please!
See you later. Thanks for helping with the move.
Dude, pay me.
Right away. I'm gonna ask them to send me money now. I'm broke.
Those f*ckers.
Why don't you call them?
They won't pick up.
Hey, I need you to transfer the money to me like now!
Really, now, I can't wait any longer.
Ok. That's it. See you!
Calm down Susan…
Just think that the moon can move the oceans.
That's crazy.
I mean, we are 70% water, right?
Obviously the movements of the moon affect us.
You both, for example. You broke up in the middle of a lunar eclipse
in July.
How do you remember these things?
Because the entire planet was in chaos.
For example, what were you doing in July?
Breaking up with Pablo.
No, pumpkin. You were moving out of your old apartment.
Yes, that too.
And now Héctor. He said he's out of money.
f*cking Mercury retrograde!
Didn't he move out because there was a ghost in his room?
It's kinda the same thing.
If you're fragile, obviously you'll get some bad energy.
Girl, that fucker’s not answering me,
neither by phone nor WhatsApp.
Too bad. Does he owe you a lot?
Two months rent.
That's it!
Ok, let's poo.
She doesn't want to.
Use a laxative.
Hello. Sorry...
You're a Youtuber, right?
Great! My sister is a huge fan, but she's embarrassed.
I love all your videos, they're hilarious.
I mean, all my friends love you!
Can we take a picture with you?
Thanks, let's go.
Shit, this camera sucks!
Mari, please...
Ok, let's do it.
Next to that tree?
Two, three.
Now that you're famous Susan is gonna charge you.
Pumpkin, you always wanted to have a puppy.
You're too obvious, Pablo.
“Tere’s Garden”
Today we'll review the third plant in our succulent series.
This is the peperomia.
Also known as the radiator plant.
It's very...
easy to take care of.
And very simple to keep beautiful at home, and also to reproduce.
Are you crazy?
You didn't say a word!
What do you want me to do?
Guess? I'm not a f*cking medium!
Of course then you'll be mad...
Because I didn't guess what you wanted...
Then you stay quiet because
that’s the only thing you do.
Just open your mouth and speak, ok?
You know what? Do what you want, I'm sick of you!
But you know what? I'm not going with you.
I’m not going now nor ever,
because I’m sick of this f*cking relationship.
Perfect, I don't want to go with you anymore.
Then go with somebody else.
Anyone you want.
Of course, idiot.
You're so wrong. I'm sick of it!
Do you think that hurt me?
Hey! Don't touch that! That's my stuff.
You crazy fucker!
That's my stuff.
It’s my stuff too, m*therf*cker!
What happened?
Susan, was that you?
We went to acting school together. We were friends.
Later we did plays together.
I told you about that group of people, remember?
Yes, I do.
They were very intense, right?
Very! He's very intense!
All actors are a little bit intense.
Your class was the kind of people who always...
cross the limits of friendship.
I have to admit our friendship wasn't healthy.
At some point, we were competing...
It's very common among young actors.
Plus, you were flatmates!
You saw the other person's every move.
Yes, boundaries are very blurry.
For instance, he was fighting with his boyfriend every week.
Huge fights!
And you were in the middle.
Like in the other room listening to everything. Very uncomfortable!
Absorbing all that crap.
You can't live like that!
Maybe he was facing troubles, or a bad moment...
Yeah, maybe.
But it's his process, you can't put
everything on the table. It's abusive.
Your boyfriend going in and out, slamming doors, crying...
it's a little too much.
It's true, you can't stand that. So sad!
It is what it is. Now I'm in another stage...
I think it’s better, taking some distance…
I mean... it's people you've loved at some point.
It's just for a healthy environment.
Healthy, exactly.
I need peace.
Do you have milk?
Yes, there! Excuse me a minute.
Are you kidding me? He has a dog in here?
Maybe a little puppy.
No, no, no, I can’t.
Living under the same roof as a dog?
Why not? There's a balcony, and a park...
No, please...
I'll help you take care of it.
Ok, girls.
This is a small office, very tight and cozy.
This is my bedroom.
And this is the room for rent.
It’s not that tiny.
Nice space.
It's enough for a big bed.
Also, private bathroom.
Which one?
That one... unless you want to pay a little more for the bigger one.
Héctor left some things.
Small for me, I guess.
Really? It has a huge mirror.
And it's good to have your own bathroom.
No one will take your shampoo.
That's true.
When did he leave?
He left a few weeks ago.
I'm in a hurry, I need to rent it.
I don't have enough money to finish the month.
I get it.
And he still owes me money.
When people move out because of money...
they don't usually pay the last month.
He owes me two months.
If it’s available in March,
I’ll take it without hesitation.
Girl, by March I’ll be living under the bridge.
What's going on, Susan?
Everything's fine, Susan.
Be quiet.
Be quiet.
That's it.
Be quiet.
Hey, Princess. How are you?
You alright?
You didn't answer me yesterday.
What are you doing?
My indie princess...
Are you angry?
Don't worry, if you're angry I still like you.
It turns me on.
Like a lot.
If you want I can send you some pics.
And then you send me something.
Take some pics that are more... risqué.
Let's play together.
Hi... come on, listen to my audios.
I'm in my bed, again... quite horny.
Hey. We said let's talk around 8, and you weren't online, so...
That's it. I'm going back to Argentina.
I have only a few concerts left.
Those boxes. And that.
Also, the plants.
Plants are always pretty. And the apartment is ok, so...
I can be your tenant.
No, this doesn't include sex, sorry.
But we don't do it that often, it's very sporadic.
Not an option.
The room is quite nice, it's clean now,
enough space for a big bed. Spread the word...
Are you kidding me? That was loud.
What was that?
I don't know. This apt is very windy.
f*ck, it's this f*cking dog again.
Dammit, Susan!
Come here! Come here!
Did you make this mess?
Ok. This went too far.
You'll stay here.
What a b*tch!
I give them a time gap.
I'm never with a guy, and then with a new one,
and then with the first guy again. Do you get me?
A boyfriend did that to me!
He was with me, and then he got back with his ex.
It wasn't that hard, because the time gap was long.
I think it's crazy to get back with your ex.
Even I've relapsed for a while...
I can't believe I'm gonna say this!
But I strongly recommend not getting back with your exes.
It's happened to me, many times with my last ex!
It's not a comeback,
he's just hovering like a satellite.
What happened, Susan?
Meeting new people is risky.
But it's good!
It’s the price you pay to reach a new kind of happiness.
So, going back to your ex is the safest wager.
It can be crappy, but you know what you're getting.
Ok, Susan.
Be quiet.
Come on sweetie.
She seems nice.
Yes, and she behaves very well.
Perlita is gonna be mad!
If she bites Susan it's not gonna be my fault.
No, Susan's not as harmless as she seems.
Thank you, Dad.
Are you sure you don't need a ride?
No, don't worry.
Here's a small shovel and things for the plants.
Perfect, thanks Dad.
We can take you there!
No need to, Mom.
Did Francisco get back together with you?
No, mom.
You owe me 50 bucks.
I know, just wait until end of month, please.
Bye bye!
The tribes of gamers, emo kids, goths or bears...
Can they create their own aesthetics and ethics?
Sure! But everything that flees from traditions and customs...
has to face two problems.
Finding a new beauty that
doesn’t reflect the rejected one.
And also, being able to aestheticize what other people might find
Art from the elite tends to be more conservative.
“Furious Sisters”, a gay Youtube series,
maybe this is the new audiovisual art right now.
Created by Francisco Moraga,
the series is clumsy, vulgar, explicit and to some extent, ugly.
I mean... those apartments, those clothes, those beards...
Wait, he's destroying me!
But, on the other hand, it really gets the topic and makes it shine.
It's witty and hilarious. Is it art?
I don't know. Kinda feels like it.
It's an urgent narrative for today, an influential pop culture,
and Francisco understands this legacy perfectly.
Was it good?
Why didn't you tell me you're on a diet?
I brought you burgers!
I made an exception.
I'm only on diet because a clothing brand is sponsoring me,
and the XL size is too small for me.
I need to lose some weight.
Come on, tell me about the gamer boy.
Does he like you?
But he's complicated.
What do you mean?
He's a troubled guy.
What does he do for a living?
You won't believe it. He plays LOL.
He has certain fame.
On Instagram he's ArhiMidCL,
H between the R and I.
Come on, search his account.
My hands are wet.
Where the f*ck is the towel.
That's him.
Ok, he's cute.
Oh, I remember I brought your CD.
Don't wanna forget it.
I rescued it! Susan almost ate it.
I'd k*ll myself, I swear.
You already went to one of her concerts, right?
Of course, the first one of the tour.
I guess there's another by the end of the month.
She spent a lot of time in Chile.
She played in Valparaíso, Concepción. Then she toured the south.
Pumpkin, you posted videos of Susan!
Yes, hopefully she'll find a home.
I really couldn't keep her.
Not easy, she's too old.
She’s well behaved and sweet.
I did love her at the end of the day.
It's me, I'm a f*cking poor loser.
Pumpkin, I'm leaving.
Don't worry, finish it.
Haha, ok.
How many days have you been feeling like this? Weak...
Around a week and a half.
I mean, at first it was a cold.
But I just took a paracetamol,
and I felt better.
Look, we're gonna check your chest an itty bit.
So, let's go to the stretcher.
Don't treat him like a baby, Cris.
Ok. Sorry.
Should I take off my shirt?
Eh... no.
No need to.
It's ok.
Am I ok here?
Cough a little bit.
What the heck? Does that hurt?
Mainly headaches.
That's the major symptom.
No, I mean the real you.
You have bruises everywhere.
Professor, come see this
I really don't feel anything.
What are these....
Is it really bad?
It looks bad.
But it doesn't hurt.
I'll make a video.
Yes, please!
You should check them out.
There are four.
This is the first one.
I don't feel a thing, to be honest.
It must be from a bike accident I had.
I was carrying some bags, so...
Can you send me this?
Of course.
Ok, students. Shall we proceed?
Who's next?
I'll go.
It seems it's her turn, right?
It was Héctor's.
I prefer wine.
Vodka for me, please.
About Héctor, did I tell you we met him at a party?
Around two weeks ago.
Are you kidding?
It's true!
Is he in Santiago?
Wasn't he in Calama?
Who's that? The dude who lived here?
Yes, the Maca situation.
Maca situation?
Which Maca situation?
Yes, they had oral sex.
No way. Maca blew him?
No, the other way around. You're so patriarcal!
I love this story!
It was almost a lesbian experience, according Maca.
Can you believe he doesn't answer my messages?
I still have some of his stuff.
But the dog isn't around, right?
I had to ask my parents to take care of her.
Didn't he say there's a ghost here?
Leaving your own dog is too much.
Not only the dog. All this plants, and the money he owes me!
And even a cardigan.
Is it that cute vintage cardigan?
Sell it!
It isn't worth a dime.
But the cardigan is the perfect plan!
If there’s a ghost haunting him, and he throws away the cardigan,
the ghost gets lost and haunts the cardigan because of the smell.
That’s nonsense!
You're saying the ghost can't tell
the guy apart from his clothes?
Yes. Ghosts are specifically attracted to objects, you know?
Or it can be transferred from one
person to another by a kiss, for instance.
I've felt weird things in the apartment.
Houses usually creak.
Girl, I'm talking about things falling on the floor.
Pablo, ghosts want something! You didn't watch "The sixth sense"?
Maybe the ghost also wanted oral sex.
The ghost can't be a woman? You are so misogynist lately, girl.
Misogyny is trying to impose a binary gender on a f*cking ghost.
Come on! What are the chances that a
human that lived in this apartment,
the gender binary of their time?
Greta Garbo!
Mmm. Flaubert. "Madame Bovary c'est moi"
The Kalkus.
Said the post-colonial artist!
Men in the Kabuki theatre.
People in the Kabuki theater
Also... mmm... Joan of Arc?
Joan of Arc lived here, in this average
middle-class apartment in Ñuñoa?
Impossible. This neighborhood was gentrified like yesterday.
Hi! How are you?
This is the color we're using now, black
with brown highlights, that you can find by this very same brand.
Then apply black, with the same brush as before.
And that’s because we don’t want strong eyeliner.
Blend, blend and blend.
Be patient!
If you wanna know the gender of the ghost,
you need to do a spell.
Just listen to this...
"Fed Up With Mortal Men,
Women Are Having Sex with Ghosts"
At the beginning of this week, a woman named Sian Jameson
told The Sun that she had a sexual encounter
with a handsome ghost in a remote Welsh cottage,
following a traumatic break-up with her boyfriend.
At first he visited her in a series of erotic dreams,
then materialized beside her.
“During the lovemaking,
I sensed all kinds of things about him,
his name was Robert and he lived
over 100 years ago,” she recounted to the tabloid.
“His body was soft and light. Even when
he moved on top of me,
pressing down, he felt almost weightless.
It was very strange, but the sex was amazing!”
I'm jealous!
Let me see it...
Keep reading, please.
Paranormal sex has been a subject of
fascination for centuries across cultures,
from the Japanese vampire Yuki-Onna, to Lamia,
a Grecian shapeshifter who lures in and murders men.
Merlin himself had a demonic father.
And myths abound of sexual spiritual beings such
as the half-fairy Melusina and the iconic Lilith,
Very well known!
This fascination, clearly, has persisted in the modern age.
Beyond Sian’s and Realm’s accounts,
countless people have reported...
Oh my god!
What the f*ck!
"including the pop star Kesha".
Are you kidding?
I need to google this right now!
Did she banged a ghost?
The mark under the lower lash line.
With this brush, which is flat.
Black first. Then, we’ll blend with the lighter color
Is that you?
f*ck these pipes!
I'll use this makeup to attend a premiere.
You can wear a bun, or...
Let it down!
Don’t forget to like and subscribe to this channel.
Look, I don't want to mess up our friendship,
but for me it's not healthy to see you so often.
The message is clear.
But it's kinda saying "I love you".
I'd do it more... coldly, more confident.
Ok, I'll start over again...
I do appreciate our friendship
I really do, it's awesome.
But I also want to move forward,
and if we keep talking this much,
sometimes I forget we're not together anymore.
Too many text messages and likes... It's weird.
Doesn't feel right.
Perfect! And then you tell him
obviously after a while everything will be normal,
everything will be fine.
What do you think?
I'm not gonna tell him a word.
I have a question...
being gay,
isn't it easier to meet new people?
Because honestly Francisco isn't that hot.
I did meet somebody the other day
This cutie also has a heart, you know.
Sex isn't everything.
Poor baby.
Get over him.
watch all his videos on Youtube at once
and you'll end up hating him.
Don't be mean, he's nice.
Guys, don't look right now...
downstairs there's a woman who has been
watching us the whole time.
But... I said don't look right now!
That neighbor is always fighting with her boyfriend.
I've been close to calling 911.
Oh no. Poor girl.
She can fight back,
but she shouldn't be in that position.
Of course!
If Lucas dared to disrespect me
I would leave him right away.
That's for sure.
Well, you're not that innocent either.
What? I'm adorable.
Yes, you are.
Pablo, are you really ok?
He's not right, don't you see?
He can't connect with his emotions.
But his breakup wasn't that normal.
You know what? I need money.
That's exactly what I need.
I don't know if I can make it this month.
I might have to go back to my parents'.
Lack of work, Pablo?
Why didn't you tell me?
You know that at the
Holistic Center they always need actors.
Girl, I told you I don't like it.
I mean...
I want to do something meaningful.
Acting in a film, for instance.
Come on Pablo, where did you hear that
acting in films will get you money?
Chilean cinema is insanely poor!
Well, at least I'd enjoy it.
Yes, but...
At the Holistic Center...
You get charged with all that
f*cking toxic energy.
Maybe this ghost came from there.
Yes! You know, Pablo...
Ghosts are looking for something.
Usually they want to be freed,
and us humans are the only chance they have, you know.
I think that's why the ghost is trying to get in contact with you.
Exactly, it reflects your own repressed sex drive.
Buddy, in your case I'd get an herb-of-grace plant immediately.
It has to be a gift.
Did we make you uncomfortable?
Don't get sad.
That's enough, you fucker.
Go on!
Do something now!
It's your breath, your body,
that is guiding us.
It’s the key to open gates.
And we will be witnesses of how this sort of...
vehicle... Our body will become a channel
for our own journey.
How can we reach those connections?
Those transferences, to our own biography.
Jorge, it's not working.
Don't worry please.
Don’t be so hard on yourself.
Let's do something different.
Martin, can you take care of Julia?
Of course!
Go over there.
We'll try something new.
I'm gonna count to three,
and we'll close our eyes.
We're going to focus in our
own characters, and try to see
Julia's face.
Can I stay here?
Sure. No problem.
We're achieving something really
valuable here, so let's try our best.
First, inhale through your nose.
And exhale through your mouth.
If we need it, we can move our bodies to relax.
Try your vocal exercises.
Remember that your body is the instrument.
So we have to tune it.
It can be helpful to reach the
experience, or it can be an obstacle.
It’s up to you.
So, let's breathe.
Inhale air through the nose,
and let it go.
I'm counting to three.
And you'll close your eyes.
At your own pace.
Try to see...
This space, its density.
As it was described by your colleague.
And slowly...
in our minds...
thoughts will appear,
that will eventually become ideas,
and those ideas will transform into words.
And those words together will form sentences.
And we'll pick one sentence,
to share it with some of the characters here.
Just one phrase
Whatever comes to us.
It's an impulse.
we will find...
the sentence.
Stop her!
She's gonna hurt him!
No, let her!
Let her!
Let her.
That's right.
How intense!
Spit it out!
Say it!
Spit it out.
Very good!
Very good!
How powerful that was!
Are you ok?
It’s very common, it’s always like that.
It's very normal.
I feel dizzy.
A little bit dizzy.
So good.
You were so connected.
I swear I don't know what happened.
In my experience...
Take it easy.
Did you think of something in particular?
Pablo my dear, I want to thank you.
No, please. I didn't do anything.
What do you mean? Yes, you did it!
We've talked about this before,
don't be so harsh on yourself.
What happened before is very good,
and it means you’re more connected than ever.
Jorge, sorry to come up with this,
but can you pay me soon?
Of course!
I really need the money.
Yes, sure! Don't worry.
And take a few days off.
What you did for that woman was impressive!
What about the singer?
Fine. She did her family constellation... yesterday right?
Yes, yesterday.
She's in her own process, deeply complex.
Did you notice how quickly she connected?
She's on the right track.
My ex is a fan of hers.
Is she famous?
A little bit.
Ok, see you Pablo.
Take care of yourself.
Remember, keep this energy with you.
Can anyone else hear that?
Let me check it out.
Sorry to say it again, I know this bothers you.
As you know, I have perfect pitch
and there's no strange sound at all.
There it is!
You really don't hear it?
Let's rehearse a little bit, and then we check the sound.
♩♩ Yes, you were right ♩
♩ I am a robot who measures and
calculates before speaking out ♩
♩ You were right ♩
♩ There's no chance for me to
change my configuration ♩
♩ I am a robot ♩
♩ I am a robot ♩
♩ I am a robot ♩
♩ I am a robot ♩
♩ I am a robot ♩
♩ I am a robot ♩
♩ I am a robot ♩
♩ I am a robot, yes. ♩♩
No. Those new face cleansing wipes that the production bought...
they're brutal.
I swear if I keep doing this tutorials my face will be f*cked up.
And these wipes are the worst.
You need to do your skincare routine every night.
I only use glycerin soap.
Otherwise... I swear...
Look at this.
My fingers are falling off in pieces.
I have the worst allergy...
We're ready!
We're ready.
I don't know. I think it's the stress.
Do you know when they're gonna pay us?
No. They didn't told us.
I don't have any money, that's why I'm so stressed.
So, where do I start?
Saying that our skin should already be well prepared.
Hydrated and clean, right?
Yes, you have to mention the skincare process.
Remember, first clean,
then tone up.
Later, hydrate.
And finally, mention the serum.
Keep reminding me the details, please.
Hi there! I hope you had an intense, dramatic and rockin' week
using the smokey eye from the last tutorial.
Today it's gonna be different.
Today we want to teach you how
to achieve a hyper-hydrated look,
with a bright and shiny skin,
like Daniela Vega at the Oscars.
Do you need help?
Don't worry.
Thank you.
No, thanks.
I do.
You're very good with your plants.
They aren't mine, really.
But I do take care of them
I'm learning about plants from a Youtuber.
Her name's Tere. Do you know her?
Nature isn't my thing.
She's amazing.
We became friends.
Well, I came today to say sorry.
Really? Why?
Don't you remember what I whispered in your ear?
It doesn't matter.
You really wanted sugar.
You're the second person who came today to say sorry.
Really? How's that?
Today, my neighbor left a little box
at the front door,
with a note that said, "Sorry for the noise."
Ah, she's a party girl?
Yes. I mean, no!
She fights with her partner. A lot.
That's sad. Poor girl.
He's an as*h*le.
I hate him.
And was that tasty?
Yes it was.
Let's see.
Oh it has... so cute, it has a...
A QR Code.
I don't know.
Did you already check it out? I mean, did you scan it?
The note didn't say a word.
There it is.
It's a Youtube link.
Oh, she can sing!
I know this song.
You must be kidding...
Such a nice version!
♩ If you hear something late at night ♩
♩ Some kind of trouble some kind of fight ♩
There it is.
Hi there. This is Ana.
I'm your neighbor from the first floor.
And, I wanted to make this video to...
say sorry.
Because of the noise, the trouble.
You know.
Hope you enjoy!
Come on, if you want I can send you some new pics.
And then you show me something.
I already saw pictures of your d*ck... many times.
No need for another one.
The idea was to meet in person, dude.
Sure. See you.
Come visit me in Buenos Aires.
Yes, 3058.
Tere, you're very punctual.
Hi Pablo!
Hi! Use the yellow one.
But... eh... ok.
The yellow one?
The yellow one!
I'm coming!
I'm so sorry, I was in the shower.
Thank you.
Don't worry.
Sure, yes.
They're so sensitive that they dry up,
and it's irreversible. They'll be dead.
It's like the herb-of-grace absorbs the bad energy in the house.
That applies to normal people, right?
Living human beings, I mean.
But let's say... ghosts. Does it work?
Eh. Spirits?
I believe so. It should work as well.
I sing to them, talk to them.
In my channel you can find a special video about herbs-of-grace.
Yes, I have to check it out.
Yes, watch it. It has more information
with all kind of details and tips.
Everything explained.
Yes, and more information.
My friends watch your videos a lot.
Yes, they're your fans.
Thank you! I'm embarrassed.
But it's nice.
It's great!
Ok. So...
I make some holes in the...
Not really necessary.
My parents were coming.
I'll go downstairs.
I'll be back in a minute.
They probably brought some groceries.
I'm sorry!
Don't worry, it's fine.
There's Pablo, Susan!
How are you?
Hi Susan!
Hey, Perla doesn't speak to me anymore.
Come on, Mom. You're exaggerating.
Dogs don't speak, anyway.
We brought you a gift.
In the back seat.
Oh, you went to the green market.
Thank you, Dad.
It's fine, sweetheart.
We have business to do. So goodbye.
Ok, bye bye!
Bye Mom.
Do you wanna go upstairs?
I can make you some coffee.
No, buddy. I'm in a hurry.
Why don't you get into the car for a minute?
Can I leave this bag here?
Go ahead.
What a nice car.
Amazing car, dude.
It's not mine!
It's my brother's.
My KIA is at the mechanic.
Very nice car, anyway.
There you have it.
Thank you!
Thank you.
You're saving me this month.
We love to support you!
There's an extra included in the envelope.
Why did you bother coming personally?
Of course I wanted to.
It's the same neighborhood.
We don't believe in electronic money, anyway.
And I also wanted to tell you
again that you were amazing last week.
You're too nice to me.
About that....
She went too far, I guess.
Yes she did.
But it's kinda the main idea of the therapy.
That she can have a emotional souvenir from us.
Some experience she can remember forever.
In a good way, I mean.
I do understand.
I think maybe I channeled something as well,
My ex-boyfriend is a fan of hers...
Did you break-up recently?
Is it that obvious?
A little bit, to be honest.
You're not 100% in the moment.
Something concerns you.
Look, it's complicated.
I'm in the middle of a "situation".
Basically I don't have a job.
You know I'm an actor.
And it's been really hard to survive from this profession.
But, wait...
We'd love to work with you,
and you can do theater in your spare time.
You know what?
I've been through a lot.
And it helped me realize
I have to be honest with myself.
And the truth is that I don't want
to work at the Holistic Center anymore.
Sorry. It doesn't mean I dislike you. I adore you both!
But I feel it's time to stop putting things off for myself.
A few weeks ago, my flatmate left the apartment,
and I had to take on hard responsibilities.
I mean, his responsibilities!
I see.
The world is divided between the ones who take
care of things, and the ones who don't.
Also, I never learned to set boundaries.
And I should learn to let it go, as well.
As with your ex-boyfriend.
Ok, let's see. What would be your ideal scenario for acting?
I love film!
I'd love to be in a film.
That much?
I don't know. I just want the opportunity
of showing people that I'm good at acting, you know?
Reach the audience. Touch their hearts.
Sharing with the audience my particular way of seeing...
the world.
Let them see through me, inside me.
You know, my brother is a publicist.
I mean, it's not cinema... but he has a production company.
But the thing is, his wife is a film actress.
What's her name?
Antonia Palacios.
Are you...
Are you kidding me?
You know her?
I love her!
She told me she was going to make a film
and there were going to be auditions.
I mean, I can ask her about it.
Please don't feel bound to it.
No, forget it. It's about time she pays me back!
Well played, buddy.
You're getting better.
Why were you so distracted
Well... life is a shit.
Come on!
Wake up! It's too late.
I'm taking my beauty nap.
This isn't a nap, ok?
You should have been awake a
couple of hours ago, lazy.
I woke up early.
Stop it, you just went to the bathroom.
And then you dove into the bed again.
Look what I did.
Oh, tasty!
What's this miracle about?
Alberto asked me to include one of the actors from the Holistic
in your casting.
Is it his boyfriend?
He said he's not.
But he asked as a special favor.
Sure, it's no big deal.
Ah! I wish you could help me
as fast as you help my brother!
Your brother is very sweet.
And he didn't f*ck his secretary.
You're crazy.
Hey, this isn't Hass avocado, is it?
Ok, I'm done here.
Bill Clinton, Jay-Z, Queen Elizabeth II
What do a former president, a rapper and a queen have in common?
Well, the rumor says they are part of a top secret cult
called The Enlightened or The Illuminati.
This organization was created on May 1, 1776.
The age of enlightenment.
Jorge Valdivia?
Yes. That's me.
You have a package from Argentina.
Thank you.
Sign, please.
Thank you.
“Thank you for opening my eyes.”
“I feel my life turned 360 degrees, thanks to you.”
“Listen to track number five.”
Besides, where I can play a CD in 2022.
Let's see.
So this was...
track five.
“Ghost Project”
You're staying tonight?
Does it bother you if I sleep in the other bedroom?
You can take the bigger bed.
Tomorrow I have to wake up very early.
Who is Manuela?
That's what you called me,
while we were f*cking.
You know what? The fact that you
don't wanna sleep with me is far worse
than calling me by another woman's name.
Both suck, anyway.
And cut!
Great Antonia!
Thank you, Pablo. Pretty good!
Thank you!
Let's call the next one.
Please, come in.
Hi everyone!
Your phone was ringing.
Thank you!
How old are you?
Do I look too young for the role?
No, I look too old!
Is this cardigan yours?
Kind of.
What do you mean?
I mean... well,
It was in my apartment
even before we arrived to live there.
Just like that, ah.
At the beginning my ex-flatmate used it.
Now he's gone, so it's mine.
It's pretty old. But it has something, right?
It's very old!
Like I said. I am very old.
Anto, are you ready?
Is this ok? Hair up?
Yes. Let's go. Ready?
Thank you.
Are you both ready?
Julio and Macarena just had sex.
After a discussion, Julio stands up,
and looks for his clothes.
Are you staying tonight?
Does it bother you if I sleep in the other bedroom?
You can take the bigger bed.
Tomorrow I have to wake up very early.
Who is Manuela?
That's what you called me,
while we were doing it.
f*cking, Antonia.
It's "f*cking".
Ok. While we were f*cking.
Can we do it from the top?
Yes, sure.
It was pretty decent.
It's worth it.
Is it kinda surrealist?
Yes... just the final sequence.
I'll check it out only for the performances.
Is somebody moving out?
Seems like it.
Maybe it’s the woman from the first floor.
Her name is Ana.
I'm glad you accepted my invitation!
Of course.
I had a great time.
Don't you wanna come in?
Can I offer you a coffee?
No... I mean.
It's a little much going upstairs on the first date, isn't it?
It's not that kind of...
I can't, really.
I want to go slowly.
But, what if I promise you that
it's just gonna be a cup of coffee.
The thing is I can't promise you the same, honestly.
Is somebody in your apartment?
The lights are on.
No, no one.
I probably left it on...
So, next time, I hope.
I had a great time with you.
Me too.
Hey there!
Are you moving out?
No, no.
He is.
Oh I see.
That's cool.
I mean, good for you I guess...
Please allow me to say something!
I truly loved your voice!
No, please. I'm embarrassed!
Thank you!
I truly mean it.
It's on repeat on my phone!
The song's stuck in my head now!
I hadn't heard it! Thanks for introducing me to it.
I'm in love with it.
It's such a great song!
You were probably a baby when it came out.
I don't think so... maybe.
But now I'm into it.
"My name is Luka...
I live on the second floor"
You got it!
Well, I changed it a little bit.
I sang my name...
Sure you did.
Also... the first floor.
Well. Changes are coming!
I'll have a new flatmate.
That's cool.
She's already here, right?
No, she hasn't moved in yet.
I heard footsteps all morning.
Must have been the pipes!
It was so nice to talk to you.
Good luck with the changes.
For the better.
See you later!
I'm not understanding it...
I have to be possessed by the spirit of my ancestors?
No, I understand it differently.
Actors will...
Paid ones!
They perform your own relatives.
Kind of. They're mostly actors...
But they do whatever they feel...
according to the patient.
Who's the patient?
For example... if you
If you don't feel like you're earning enough money, for instance.
There's something behind that.
Like a trapped energy, or something.
Thank you, pumpkin.
Maybe you think that there's a conflict
with your masculine side.
Maybe it comes from your father,
or from your grandfather, you see.
So some young actors will play
my father and my grandfather?
It doesn't make any sense!
Food's ready, sweetheart.
Thank you.
Do you have anything else to drink?
Like... water? Juice?
Ah you mean something stronger.
Sure, come with me.
She said no hard liquor!
It won't harm anyone...
Who knows...
They are actors.
Yes, but they do what they feel.
Basically, they're following their instincts, you see.
I give up.
I'm clueless here.
The pale one?
He's a musician.
Well, he's not a pro. But he has a Youtube channel
where he plays anime themes in Spanish.
And he nails it. I swear.
I see. Julio could be a musician, you know....
That's what I thought.
It could be good for the character.
The guy performs fine.
The thing is, you perform better next to him.
That's what I'm saying.
We should pick him!
You have a crush on him!
No, dumbhead.
He's gay.
He was dating Moraga.
Who is Moraga?
Francisco Moraga.
The Youtuber?
That disgusting fatty,
he's Ret*rded!
No, he's not!
He's so stupid.
He has something, really.
He's fun, he's talented,
very creative.
He has thousands of followers,
I mean he's got something, right?
Your poor friend!
He has a nice vibe!
He's unbearable!
I told you, millions of followers think the same,
I'm not the only one...
This is ready, honey.
Nice, let's go.
This smells amazing.
So, when do the desserts come out?
Fantasy, come to me.
I want to win you over.
Youth. You'll discover a mystery.
Everyone wants to live...
adventures, one-thousand plus.
Youth. Hold onto your innocence.
If you try to be something you're not,
the magic will fade away, though hope remains.
Dare to wildly and fully take on
the miracle of living.
I can give you romance.
I can give you romance.
If you dare to show me your truth.
I can give you romance.
I can give you romance.
He's so f*cking talented!
Shining in my chest is the bursting love I have for you
What is it?
For the filming!
I can't believe it. You're so sweet.
What is it?
You have to open it on the last day of filming.
Are you kidding?
What do you mean?
Just what I said. It's yours!
It works like this:
The next time you're part of a movie with a co-star,
They also have to open it at the end.
Got it?
Next time you act in a movie with
another actor doing their film debut,
you have to give them the same gift,
and they also have to open it at the end of the filming.
Sounds fun!
Carla, can I leave my cardigan here?
Sure! Leave it there.
It was the first thing I found...
don't judge me.
I swear, I don't know what this cardigan does to me!
I don't know...
It seems so warm.
And at the same time, so airy...
and it feels so soft.
It is.
And it's not new, so you don't
even have to bother...
Yes, I use it all the time.
Plus, it has the perfect height so you can use it as a robe.
I even use it as pajamas.
I wash it, of course.
It's very cozy.
You love it, don't you?
Ok, that's it.
This is my present for you!
You have to use it during the whole filming.
And, at the end,
you'll pick someone and give it to them.
Someone who really would appreciate it.
Oh my god.
Do you like it more than the costume?
Say it, it's better!
Stop it!
No way! Girl!
Holy Jesus!
So nice to see you!
How are you?
Where were you?
It's been a crazy year. Crazy!
You were abducted by Martians.
Like... literally!
So nice that you're in the movie.
I didn't know.
I'm very grateful.
So nice.
How many days will you be filming?
How many?
A month and a half.
Are you done?
Yes, I'm ready.
See you.
Sure. Have a nice day.
Where can I change my clothes?
I’m shy.
Here, come on.
Would you give me a massage?
We should start the shot earlier.
To have more editing choices, you know.
A few steps back?
Are you ready?
Yes. Tell them to start two steps back, please.
Be careful, please.
It has a safety lock.
This could be the last time we see each other.
Eh... Everything will be ok, relax.
Be careful... and so on.
So, where's the mark?
In the middle, right?
Hurry up, people.
I'm so scared!
I'm gonna block the g*n.
This could be the last time we see each other.
Everything will be ok, relax.
Be careful.
Stay behind me.
Stop, m*therf*cker!
Are you ok?
I'm sorry!
I fell hard.
Sorry. Are you ok?
Yes. You really wanna k*ll me, don't you?
Was it alright?
It was ok.
But there's a problem with the angle.
It looks like you're sh**ting that way...
and he's running the other way.
But, regarding acting. Emotions...
That's what I want to know.
Do you feel the intensity between us?
It's a full shot, but I do feel it.
Phantom Project (2022)
Moderators: Maskath3, GabrielAlejo2341, sidolanters
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