06x08 - The Electric Company

Episode transcripts for the TV show "FBI: Most Wanted". Aired: January 2020 to present.*
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Follows the Fugitive Task Force, an elite unit that relentlessly pursues and captures the notorious criminals on the Bureau’s Most Wanted list.
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06x08 - The Electric Company

Post by bunniefuu »


You okay, boo?


Just stressed, is all.

Go back to sleep, Manny.

Rent's paid, right?

Yeah, but we're behind on the utilities,

and there's about to be
a repo out on the truck.

I thought we had a little cushion.

We did.

And then we got Dash that bike
he wants for Christmas.


I can't wait to see his face

when he finds that under the tree.

I know, but...

It's all gonna work out, Jo.

I got a few irons on the fire.


What the hell is that?




Check on Dash.



Get the hell out of my...




Where's the crystal, scumbag?

- No crystal here.
- Come on.

Hey, don't touch them!



I'm gonna ask you one more time, b*tch.

Where's the stash?




Hey, what happened?

I thought you were supposed
to be at your hearing

- this morning.
- Yeah, I was.

But the judge canceled
for some personal matter.

I don't know when she'll reset it.

Well, that sucks...

especially since you put on
that cute little outfit,

went all the way downtown.

[LAUGHS] I know.

Thank you.

You know what?

Listen, I know that I told you
that I was only gonna be here

two nights max,
so I'm just gonna get a hotel

and, you know, then my client
will pay for it

and you don't have to worry about it.

Don't be ridiculous.

Mi casa, su casa.

Stay as long as you want.

So somebody's maybe
feeling a little guilty?

About what?

I mean, you were out
kind of late last night

with your friend Blake.

I invited you, babe.

Said you didn't wanna come.



Never mind.

So how about I make you
some blueberry pancakes,

fresh-squeezed orange juice.

Mmm! And then we tend to
a personal matter of our own.

You are making this very difficult,

but I had a bagel at court.

But you know what?
I also made a list in the cab.

And so I thought while I was in
New York, I would get a little,

you know, Christmas shopping done.


Let's make a day of it.

What? You hate shopping.

What gave you that idea?


I... I mean, you never
wanted to go shopping

with me ever before, ever.

Hey, Hana. What's up?




I'll be there in 20.

Sorry. A new case just dropped.

Christmas shopping another time?


All right.

I'll call you later.

- Okay.

Oh, I'm a 42 long, by the way,

in case you see something expensive.

[LAUGHS] My God.

A fisherman found them
two days ago in a swamp

in Bell Creek, Virginia.

Now, this is the third body found

in the exact same location
in the past year.

Possible serial k*ller?

State police seem to think so.
They asked for our help.

Well, maybe they're onto something.

These jugheads are creatures of habit.

They find a body dump that works,
and it stays on the menu.

Who are the other victims?

A John Doe in March
and Jane Doe in September.

They haven't been able
to ID because of decomp

and wildlife activity.

Manner of death?

Unclear, but there are no g*nsh*t
wounds on any of the bodies.

Let's get copies
of their forensic analysis

on all three victims at Quantico.

Just got a fingerprint ID on
our latest victim in Virginia...

Emanuel Birdsong.

Last-known address
is Cedar Grove in Maryland,

in Archer County.

Are you serious?


Archer County was once
referred to as a sundown town.

Probably still is.

It's home to the Eastern
Shores' most rabid bigots.

My father said they were burning
crosses there till the early '70s.

Well, this will be fun.

Barnes and I will head
to the Birdsong residence.

We'll hit the ground in Maryland,

start digging in on the clue trail.


We've got mail addressed
to Manny Birdsong

and a Joellen Shaeffer.

Mostly past due bills.


Looks like the lock was busted in.

Well, it ain't the Ritz.

There's a brand-new kid's bike in here.

Must be a Christmas present.

We know what happened to Manny.

What about mother and child?

This is Emanuel Birdsong's
criminal history.

He has a dozen or so
nickel-and-dime arrests...

disorderly conduct,
narcotics possession,

shoplifting at a local supermarket.

I have a BOLO out for his pickup.

What intel do we have on
the woman he lives with,

Joellen Shaeffer?

She has a clean record and
a not-so-great credit history.

She has a sister who lives
in Easton, Maryland...

Sloan Shaeffer.

That's just about a hour north of here.

Okay, well, let's go pay Sloan a visit.


I haven't seen Joellen
since Thanksgiving

when she was here with Manny
and my little nephew.

Why you looking for her?

Manny is in some trouble
in Archer County.

Well, that's too bad.

You don't wanna know what happened?

[SCOFFS] Come on.
I know Manny's no choirboy.

How long have Joellen
and Manny been together?

Do you have kids, Sloan?

Me? No.

How come there's
a juice box on the counter?

What about this LEGO?


Well, my friend Lucy
must have left that stuff.

- Hmm.
- Hmm.

She's here, isn't she?


No. Move.

Stay out here.


That your mom?

- I got him. Go.



Joellen, stop!


Joellen, stop! Hey!


- Come!

Hey, stop, stop, stop.
Calm down, all right?

FBI, okay?

We just wanna talk to you.


All right, come on.



Why the hell did you run?

I don't like cops.

I get that, but we need your help.

With what?

It's Manny.

Look, I'm sorry, but he was found dead

a couple of days ago in Virginia.

He was m*rder*d.



Thank you for letting me know.

Is that all you have to say?

When was the last time you saw him?

Um, I don't remember, really.

Look, we know you're scared, Joellen.

We're just trying
to find who k*lled him.

We might be dealing
with a serial k*ller.

Look, if you're gonna stonewall us,

we're gonna have to arrest your sister

for lying to the FBI.

All right, listen.

A few nights ago, a couple of white guys

broke into our house.

They were wearing masks and gloves,

and one of them had a Taser,

and he used it on Manny
in our living room

and then dragged him outside.

Sorry. That sounds awful.

It was.

That's why I'm staying at my sister's...

in case they come back for me and Dash.


Remy, I think we have something.

The perp used a Taser.

These AFIDs we're looking for,

they're the confetti that's
discharged from a Taser?

That's right. I had a Taser at NYPD.

The AFIDs are round, multicolored,

I'd say a little larger than a pinhead.

The serial number from
the cartridge it's fired from

is micro printed on every disk.

Must have done a good job cleaning up.


I think I found one.

I'll get the serial number to Hana.

Maybe she can backtrace it
to the purchaser.

The man who owns this place
is Elias Nelson.

He bought two dozen
double-use Taser cartridges

from Amazon in November.

That's more tasing than my
entire NYPD unit did in a year.

Maybe he's giving them away
as a stocking stuffer.

Elias Nelson?


Elias Nelson!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Did you break my damn door?

We knocked. You didn't answer.

It takes me a minute, all right?

You're Elias Nelson?

That's right.

Is there anyone else here?


Are you with the sheriff's department

out here, Mr. Nelson?

I was, till I retired
with a line of duty injury

seven years ago.

What happened?

A drug dealer put a b*llet in my spine

when I tried to execute
an arrest warrant.

Sorry to hear that.

Eh, made my peace with it.

Put a down payment on this place

out of my disability settlement.

Then why are you still
ordering Taser cartridges?

What are you talking about?

The two dozen that were
delivered here last month.

I was a deputy for 23 years.

I never carried a Taser in my life.

Who's this in the photo with you?

Ah, that's my son, Eli.

Yeah, he followed in my footsteps

at the sheriff's department.

Doing a damn fine job,
too... so they tell me.

Does he have access
to your Amazon account?

Yeah, he helps me order
all the medical contraptions

I need around here since I got shot.

It's standard issue nowadays
for deputies to carry a Taser.

Your son carries his?

Yeah, he does.

All right, thanks. We'll be in touch.

I hate to say it, but it looks
like our murderers are cops.

Elias's son, Eli Nelson?
He's one of my top dogs.

And you Feds got some problem with him?

Just curious why he's ordering

Taser cartridges in bulk.

And why they're being
delivered to his father's house.


that's what you're
out here investigating?

'Cause I don't ever recall ever
seeing Taser cartridge hoarders

on the Most Wanted list
at the post office.

Yeah, we have evidence

whoever k*lled Emanuel Birdsong

zapped him with one
of Elias's cartridges.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Any porch pirate could have
made off with that package

or planted it as evidence
to frame Deputy Nelson.

Look, we got a lot
of bad actors in this county

who would like nothing more than to pin

a charge on one of my boys.

Well, let's just take a look
at your Taser logs, then.

You know, I'd like to see if Eli

used his device on the night
that's in question.

We don't keep logs on our TaserS.

How come?

Because I trust the men who work for me.


Electric Company.

What's this?

Uh, well, that's a... kind of
an inside joke around here.

That's my anti-crime unit.

They collared a m*rder*r who, you know,

eventually got the chair.

So who's everyone
in the picture with you?

That's Dobbs, Harvey, and Eli Nelson.


So now that we have cracked the case

of the missing Taser cartridges,

I'll be taking over
this m*rder investigation.

We like to clean up our own
garbage here in Archer County,

so you guys can just go home.

Take a look at these faces,

because we're sticking
around here for a while.

Sheriff Blake can barely stand

being in the same room with us.

That means we're onto something.

Yeah, but it wasn't his department
that requested our assistance.

It was Virginia.
So do we need to run this by Isobel?

Already did. By the way, no one's
ever gotten the chair in Maryland.

[PHONE BUZZES] That whole
"Electric Company" story?

Bunch of caca.


Update from Quantico Forensic Lab.

All three victims in the Virginia swamp

died of cardiac arrest.

Consistent with being lethally tased

by the Electric Company.

There's also evidence
of blunt-force trauma

on all three victims, and Manny Birdsong

had fractured ribs and a broken jaw.

They roughed him up and electrocuted him

before they dumped him in that swamp.

This profiles as renegade cops

who believe they're doing
the right thing

by taking matters into
their own hands...

judge, jury, and executioner.

Let's deconflict with the county DA

before we track them down.

I don't want this dumbass
sheriff mucking things up.

He is a real piece of trash.


There he is.

That's Ronnie McCaffrey.

How'd you know he'd be here?

He buys a Mega Million ticket
every Tuesday after work.

Well, I guess Ronnie...

is about to hit the jackpot.

Be quick. You got five minutes.

Hurry up now.

Nice. Nice.

So all three victims
were found in Virginia?

We think the killings
happened here in Archer County,

and that Manny Birdsong is the linchpin

that ties all three cases together.

Same MO, same cause of death.

The AFIDs found at the crime scene

can be linked to Deputy Eli Nelson.

Because his father
bought the cartridges.

Look, either way,
I don't need the FBI's help

to investigate and prosecute
crimes in my jurisdiction.

The hell you don't.

Your sheriff's department
is the problem.

I have to work with
Sheriff Blake moving forward.

Well, for all you know, he's complicit.

Since Sheriff Blake and I
took office in 2016,

crime has dropped across
the board in Archer County.

Here we go. Another stump speech.

This used to be the meth
capital of the Eastern Shore.

Well, you know what?

The sheriff and I are
taking names and kicking ass.

Along with breaking jaws and ribs.

Thank you for bringing
this matter to my attention.

I'll be handling it
in-house from here on out.

Actually, you won't.

Manny Birdsong was abducted and
transported across state lines.

This is a Fugitive Task Force case.

I suggest you and Sheriff Blake
stay the hell out of our way.

Well, the County DA was
only right about one thing.

All we have is the Taser evidence,
and it's only against Nelson.

That's not really enough to grab them.

Yeah, I'm sure
Sheriff Blake has all three

of his deputies watching his back now.

[SIGHS] I want these thugs
off the street and behind bars.

We need to keep tabs on them
while we shore things up.

So, I mean, is there a way

to hack into their radio transmission?

I've tried, but everything's encrypted.

We did get IDs on our other two victims

via dental records...

Isabella Gallego and Darnell Green.

They're both residents of Archer County.

Have Victim Services
notify their families.

One of these three is the weakest link.

Let's divide and conquer.

Nelson only had one accomplice
when Manny was abducted.

So what does that mean? Either
Dobbs or Harvey didn't participate?

So let's rattle their cages.

Nina, Hana, and I will take Dobbs.

You two on Harvey.
Find out where they live.

Start first thing in the morning.


Hide the weed.
It's the Electric Company g*ons.



Forget it, dude, we're screwed.

What do we have here? Uh-uh-uh!

Both of you against the wall right now.

You heard him.

- Hands on wall.
- Hey, hey.

All right. Okay.

Guess we missed the invite
to your little party, huh?

What are you all holding besides weed?

Nothing else, I swear.

Why are you hanging out this loser?

You should know better.

Dobbsy, refresh my memory,
but what will this get you?

Is it 90 days in juvie?



Unless what?

Unless you call my dispatcher,

tell them you saw a stun g*n
in Ronnie McCaffrey's Camry.


You don't even have
to use your real name.

How about that?

[SIGHS] Come on.


Which one of you wants to be the hero?

Hana said Deputy Harvey
got divorced last year,

so the address we have on him
may not even be current.


Are they pulling us over?

That's an Archer County
sheriff's cruiser.

What do these guys want?

We don't have time for this today.


Is there a problem, Officer?

Hands on the wheel, son.


First of all, I'm not your son.


Just so you know, we're both FBI agents,

and we're here on official business,

and we're both carrying sidearms.

Is that so?

Does that give you the right
to do 80 on a 45?

This is an emergency vehicle.

I'm authorized.

Archer County, you don't.


Look, we'll slow it down, all right?

All right.

Why don't you exit the vehicle?

You too, ma'am.

Is that really necessary?

Are you telling us how to do our jobs?

No, I'm not telling you
how to do your job.

Get out of the car!

Well, I need you to de-escalate.

- Ray, let's get out the car.
- I'm not getting out the car, Sheryll.

- Let's get out the car.
- I'm not getting out the car.

Ray, let's get out the car. Come on.

- Move.
- What is this really about?

I am moving. Don't tell me to move.

We've already identified
ourselves, all right?

I'm moving, okay?
So you don't need to tell me to move.

- This ain't right.
- Turn around.

Don't tell me to turn around, man.

I don't need to turn around.
I didn't do anything.

You really wanna do this right now?

- Do I wanna do what?
- Turn around!

- Get your hands off of her!
- Stay back!

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!


Hey, what the hell are you doing!

He didn't do anything!

Stay down!


Stay down!

- He didn't do anything!

Stay down!


He didn't do anything!

Welcome to Archer County.


Are you out of your friggin' mind?

You tased and arrested two of my people?

There's no need for profanity...

- I'll have your badge for this.
- I doubt it.

And have you prosecuted for
assaulting a federal officer.

Your agents were speeding
and driving recklessly,

and then they obstructed...

- What a load of crap!
- Hey, hey! Okay.

Where are they now?

Where are they?

In custody at the courthouse,
waiting to be arraigned.

And did Agent Cannon
receive medical attention?

I assure you,

big, strong boy like that, he's fine.



Next matter is case number 24-761,

State v. Ray Cannon Jr.
and Shirley Barnes.

That's Sheryll.

Do the defendants have counsel?

I'll be representing them, Your Honor,

because what's happening here
is a travesty.

Are you their lawyer, sir?

No, I'm their boss,
Special Agent Remy Scott.

They work with me in
the FBI's Fugitive Task Force.

Then you will sit down
and keep your mouth shut.

Please, hear me out, Your Honor.

You are three words short

of being held in contempt, Agent Scott.

What are the defendants charged with?

Traffic infractions
and obstruction, Your Honor.

But this all stemmed from an
unfortunate misunderstanding

with Sheriff Blake.

The defendants are indeed FBI agents

and we're dismissing the charges.

Fine by me. Charges are dismissed.

The defendants are released.

Case number 24-762,
State v. Ronnie McCaffrey.

Mr. McCaffrey is being
charged with the m*rder

of Emanuel Birdsong.

The defendant was stopped
pursuant to an anonymous tip.

The m*rder w*apon and a bandanna

with traces of the victim's blood

were found in Mr. McCaffrey's vehicle.

That's a bunch of bull.



Your not guilty plea is accepted.

The defendant is remanded to county jail

pending a bail hearing
scheduled for next Friday.

Next matter is case number 52-2491,

State v. Gareth Bowler.

There you go.

We'll go get the car out of the impound.

Hey, uh, excuse me.

How do you know Ronnie McCaffrey?

I'm his son.

We have some serious
questions about the case

against your father.

Yeah, me too.

I really can't talk to you here.


My uncle owns a bar on Dogwood Street...


Meet me there in 15.

- Bet.

All right, the night...
the night that guy Manny got k*lled,

I was at home with my pop

watching the Wizards play
on the West Coast.

Wizards fan. Woof. That's rough.

Not as rough as being framed for m*rder.

Thing is, I crashed out
on the sofa after the game.

My pop never left the house.

So that's a strong alibi.
Does his public defender know?

Yeah, I told him,
but that doesn't matter.

Nobody's gonna believe us.

Why not?

It's just the way it is out here.

Why are you so worried, James?

My father wouldn't
do something like this.


Everybody I know thinks
that Manny was k*lled

by the Electric Company.


Word on the street was
that Manny was dealing.

Whether that's true or not, I can't say.

But Sheriff Blake
and his Electric Company crew,

that's how they roll
with that situation...

Tasers and beat-downs.

They say that they're cleaning up

the drug problem in this county?

Yeah, maybe.

But there's a trail of dead and
broken bodies along the way.

Last year, I got stopped
by Nelson and Dobbs.

Said they were looking for meth.

They tore apart my car
and they tased me.

Did you tell anybody about this?

You kidding me?

The last person to complain
to Sheriff Blake disappeared.

Yeah, that was him sending a message.

- You open your mouth, the...


The Electric Company crew

will bust down your door
in the middle of the night

on some anonymous tip.

Like what happened to Manny.


I know five, six people.

Same thing.

Look, I can't talk to you anymore.

I gotta get back to work.

This whole damn county
is going to the dark side.

We need to talk to the
U.S. Attorney in Baltimore.


This Remy Scott is
turning into a big problem.

How do you figure?

I heard he went ballistic
on you outside the station.

Then he got lippy in court today.

Last thing we need is Feds
turning over rocks around here.

Tasing his man was a mistake.

- You weren't there.
- Easy.

We got a GPS monitor on one
of the FBI vehicles out of it.

Not only that,
Ronnie McCaffrey is locked up

for Birdsong's m*rder,
and the DA is looking

to put the other bodies on him as well.

What if they put a federal charge on me

for assaulting that officer?

I wouldn't worry about it.

You got a star witness to back you up.

I don't know.

I'm thinking about taking
a permanent vacation.

I would advise against it.

As long as we all stick together,

the Feds can't prove diddly squat.

Stay put, go about your business,

and it's all gonna blow over, all right?

Now, get out of here.

We've heard rumors of
law enforcement corruption

in Archer County from time to time,

but nothing we could verify.

Corruption is one thing, but this is

a systematic policy of intimidation,

brutality, and m*rder.

There's an entire community
living in fear

of a handful of deputies
who operate like a street g*ng.

And a county DA who turns a blind eye

in the name of a drug w*r.

Other than the case you're working,

is there any criminal activity
you could substantiate?

We just spoke with someone who might

be willing to break the ice.

He has a list of other victims.

Plus, we may have eyewitnesses

and medical records
to corroborate his story.

And why might this brave soul
be willing to come forward now?

His father is being framed for m*rder

committed by these cops.

So he has a bone to pick?

No, no, no.
This young man is absolutely credible.

If that's the case, I'm on board.

Give me the name of your targets,

and I'll have arrest warrants
within the hour.

Then I'll need to talk
to your informant myself.

It's not gonna be easy
to round up these hooligans

in their own back yard.

They have a network of co-conspirators

and nothing to lose.

We need to speak with James McCaffrey.

We need to make sure that he's
willing to cooperate with us

before things get ugly.

Barnes and Ray will scoop him
up at his job, and bring him here.


James, can we talk?

I'm good, man. Not right now.

Come on, James. We just wanna help.

I'm good!

Look, man, we know
you're scared, all right?





This has the Electric Company
written all over it, Remy.

Look, he was innocent,
and they lynched him!

Look, somebody had
to have found out that

he was talking with us, Remy.

We can use this to get justice

for James McCaffrey's father.

Well, how's that gonna work
now that they m*rder*d his son?

We still have the arrest warrants,

and the U.S. Attorney
can convene a grand jury.

Let's go round up these sons of b*tches.

I've got BOLOs
on their personal vehicles.

What the hell does he want?

[SHOUTING] What the hell does he want?


Why wasn't I notified about this?

You know exactly why.

Oh, you think I had a hand in this?

Damn right, I do.

Oh, I should have
put down your candy ass

when I had the chance.

Now, clear your people

off of my crime scene

so I can get to work here.

Your deputies m*rder*d a
witness in a federal prosecution.

They have 24 hours to surrender.

In the meantime, if you don't
turn around and get back

in your vehicle, I'm gonna
arrest you for obstruction...

you r*cist pig.

That's right. You heard me.
Get him out of here!

Come on, boss.


Let's go home!

We're not waiting till tomorrow.

Let's split up and get these dirtbags

before they rack up even more
bodies to cover their tracks.

We sure about this BOLO hit?

Yeah, he clocked out a half hour ago,

and cams caught him heading this way.

There he is! I see him.

Light it up.


Harvey, FBI.

Pull over.

Hands out the window, Harvey!

Don't turn this into a problem.

You still have a way out.

Oh, yeah? How's that gonna work?

Flip on the Electric Company.

We know you didn't k*ll Manny Birdsong.

We'll drive you straight to Baltimore,

make a deal with the U.S. Attorney.


- g*n!
- [g*nsh*t]

We still got eyes on them?

This tracker's working like a charm.

They're coming up behind us now.

- How far?
- A couple miles.

That's not good.

Whoa, what are you doing?
Why are you slowing down?

They're gonna be right on top of us.

I got an idea.

We're gonna bait these suckers.

Let them tail us to State Route 12.

Last I heard,
that bridge is still closed.


They're on the road, we go around.

That's genius.


Remy says they have Harvey.

He took the easy way out

and he shot himself
after he got pulled over.

Good. One down, two to go.

Are we sure Nelson and Dobbs
are on this road?

Yep, northbound on Shoreline.

It's definitely where the BOLO hit.

Then we need to pick it up.


Ray, that's them up ahead.


They're turning. Hold on, hold on.



- Whoa, Ray! Hold on!
- What, what?

- Hold on! Hold on!



You all right?

I'm okay.

That was close.


- Ray...
- Yeah?

I think I should do
the rest of the driving

from now, okay?


The bridge closure wasn't on our GPS.

Found this tracker under the chassis.

Probably put it on at the impound.

They played us by off-roading the creek

parallel to the bridge.

It's gotta be Nelson and Dobbs.

I spoke with the dispatcher.

That was the only unit
they couldn't account for.

What's on the other side of this creek?

Nelson's father's farmhouse.

Not a bad place to make a last stand.

They get to have home field advantage...

and who knows what kind of firepower.

The place is barricaded.

That puts him in the house with Elias.

This could take a while... maybe days.

Not on my watch.

What the hell is going on?

They got SWAT out there now.

Yeah, don't worry.

They're not breaching with him in here.

Get away from that window.

So I'm a hostage now?

That's one way to look at it.

Get me Elias.

You gonna try to talk him out?

Nothing I say is gonna shake
these two dirty cops.

You mind telling me what
the hell's going on here?

'Cause I know it's not about
Taser cartridges you ordered.

The Feds are unhappy

that we pushed the envelope
making a few arrests.

They don't come with SWAT for that!


Don't answer that.

Don't tell me what to do.

Dobbs, you get that phone!

Get off of that!

Who is it?

Special Agent Remy Scott.

We met yesterday.

- You good?
- Oh, yeah.

Fine and dandy.

Can your son hear me?

He sure can.

You know how this works, Eli.

This place is swarming
with federal agents,

and we're not going anywhere.

Why don't we start by getting
your father out of harm's way?

It's not gonna happen.

Why don't you explain to him

why we're out here today? Go ahead.

Man up. Tell him what you did.

You got something to say, Eli?

- We're being railroaded.
- Don't lie to me, boy.

We did our jobs. People got hurt.

It happens.

How hurt?

You k*lled them?

Well, how many were there?

You don't need to know that.

Damn it, Eli!

What the hell got into you?

You wanna know what got into me?


I did this for you, Dad.

I went after the same scum
that put you in that chair.

Don't listen to him.

You're a good man, an honorable man.

Wh... wh... wh... where are you going?

I'm getting out of this
damn mess you made here.


- [g*n CLICKS]
- You're not leaving.



What's going on in there?

Please, Dad.

Don't make me do this.

You don't get it.

I did this for you.
Don't you understand?

Get out of my way.

Please, just...

Get out of my way.

Get off! Stop it!

Eli, damn it! Let me go!

- Remy, we should breach.
- No, no, no.


Let them play this out.

Standing by.

Let me go!


k*lling people is how
you stand up for me, Eli?

My God, didn't I teach you anything?

Help me up!


Come on.

All right. All the way.





Put the g*n down.

I'm ashamed of you, Eli.

What, you got nothing
to say for yourself?


Agent Scott, are you still there?

I'm right here.

Me and Nelson...

We're ready to surrender.

That's great news. Great news.


Ray, it's over.

Put the g*n down.

You know the drill.

Drop your belts.

On your knees. Hands on your head.

Get your hands on your back.

Give me your right.

You boys stand up.

Up you go.

There's one last item on the agenda.

You wanna do the honors?

FBI. Everybody stay where you are.

Hey. Don't try me.

Sheriff Blake, you're under arrest.

Arrest for what?

Conspiracy to m*rder
James McCaffrey, for starters.

- They can't touch me for that.
- Well, we can.

The U.S. Attorney's reopening
every missing persons case

in the county since you were elected.

And the DA got cold feet.

They're releasing Ronnie McCaffrey.

Karma's a b*tch, huh?

- What the hell just happened?
- I don't know.

- They just came in here...

So the judge denied
our motion to dismiss,

which means the trial starts on Monday.

So you're gonna be here for a while?

A month... maybe more.

These white-collar cases,
they take forever.

It's gonna be so great for us.

[LAUGHS] I'm gonna
be working, like, nonstop.

You know, I mean, our whole defense team

is being put up at this
little spiffy hotel downtown.

You should stay with me.

That's so sweet.

I just... I don't... but I
don't think it's a great idea.

What? Why not?

You know, I just...

I don't wanna push it.

You know, our long distance
thing is working, right?

Wait, wait, wait.

Is this... is this about Blake?


Because I'm nothing
like that dude, Abby.


No, it has nothing to do with him.

I just, you know, need to
be close to the courthouse

and my colleagues, and I'm gonna have

a huge bathroom all to myself.

We can still see each other weekends.

Yeah? You okay with that?

Yeah, I get it.


Come on, let's eat.


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