My Butt has a Fever (2022)

Movies which are prequels, sequels or based upon the TV series.

Moderators: Maskath3, GabrielAlejo2341, sidolanters

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Movies which are prequels, sequels or based upon the TV series.
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My Butt has a Fever (2022)

Post by GabrielAlejo2341 »

Ah, There's nobody in here

There's nobody in here


It's really, really quiet

"Cause there's nobody in here

So it doesn't matter if I fart


Lin, it does matter. It does. I'm here.

Hey, Teddy didn't come in today.

He was gonna fix this

crazy stool for us.

Well, we should either fix it

or charge people to ride on it.

Yeah. Whoa!

The stool-a-whirl.

The kids are gonna love this.

The kids did that.

Wait. Where are the kids?

-Oh, yeah.

-Do they have after school sports?

Never mind. I heard what I just said.

What is that noise?

-There's a noise?

-Yeah, you don't hear it?

It's a beeping.

I might be too old to hear beeping.

It's over here.

Oh, my God, Bob! The talent show!

At the school!

That's where the kids are.

I set an alarm on my phone

so we'd know when to go!

-Oh, no.

-How long has it been going off?

Oh, God, what time is it?

We gotta go, Bob! We gotta go!

Okay, okay.

Okay, Belchers.

-It says here you're doing a song?

-Big time.

And it hasn't changed since rehearsal.

-There was a rehearsal?

-Good, good.

So, you know the rules. Just a reminder,

nothing inappropriate or disrespectful,

No smashing fruit, no simulated

or un-simulated groin kicks,

no toilet talk and no monologues

from Pulp Fiction.

We know, Mr. Frond. We're professionals.

Juggling three inhalers, people.


There goes Rudy's big finish.

Okay! Rudy Steiblitz.

Regular sized Rudy, everybody.

Good luck.

I think I warmed them up for you.

Excuse me. Pardon me.

Sorry. Stepped on your foot.

Sorry, stepped on your foot.

Oh, God, look at that foot.

I'm having a heart attack.

Linda, I'm having a heart attack.

Why did we run here? We have a car.

-It's four blocks, Bob.

-It's four and a half, plus the stairs.

Get ready, Teddy.

Copy that, Louise.

Hey, your mom and dad

are okay with this, right?

-Uh-huh. Yep.

-Because hiding here under the stage

at your school, I'm realizing now

that this might be frowned upon.

Right, right. Love the feedback.

Just press play

when I give you two stomps

and do the rest like we planned.

Uh, is this a terrible idea?

A Terri-great idea.

They have to hear a powerful message.

Too late to back out now.

Our next act is Louise,

Gene and Tina Belcher.

-Yeah, my babies! Those are my babies.


-What? You shush.


Doing a song called

"My bleep has a blank."

Kind of a strange name,

but... The Belchers!

Hello. This is urgent care.

We put the urge in urgent.

How can I direct your call?

I need a doctor. A doctor, gosh darn it!

A little skit, that's fun.

What's the nature of your problem, sir?

It's my butt.

Standby. I'll put you right through

to the butt doctor.

This is Doctor Butt.

-Oh, God...


It is not okay to say "Doctor Butt!"

Sir, stay calm.

Can you describe your symptoms?

My butt has a fever!

My pants can't believe it

Fever shaking all the change

In my pocket like a seizure

Someone better get

A glass of water for my butt

Someone better call

A special doctor for my butt!

What the...


Now my feet need medicine

They need a-feet-aminophen

They're shaking all around

It's like I stuck with my epi-pen

My feet are gonna have to miss

A couple days of school

I think my feet are maybe gonna have

Some make-up tests to do

Everybody get up.

Everybody check your butts

and your neighbors' butts for fever.

Now my shoulders have a temperature

They're coming down with it for sure

All the twitching in my sleeves

Is frickin' ripping up my favorite shirt

My shoulder's gonna need

A topical antibiotic

My shoulders too close to my butt

That's how they got it!

Band kids!

You kids are in big trouble!

We're helping people!

Where are you going?

Go, go, go!

No. Damn it!

Ms. Labonz,

you're supposed to be in there.

Oh, I had this other thing I had to do,

and it's going really well.

Where'd they go?

I mean, they were being chased

by Mr. Frond, so that's not great.

There they are!

Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho...

Do you like to move your butt?

Let's groove until the fever breaks

If we all just move our butts

The world’s butt would move every day

Move! Butts!


You have detention!

And you have detention!

And you have detention!

Is that Teddy? Teddy!

-Hi, Bob.

-What are you doing here?

I don't want to talk during the show.

Can we talk later? Seems rude.

Worth it.

Totally worth it.

My butt has a fever

My pants can't believe it

-I heard that!

-Dang it!

Do you like to move your butt?

Let's groove until the fever breaks!

You know it! You know it!

If we all just move our butts

The world’s butt would move every day


Do you like to move your butt?

Let's groove until the fever breaks!

You know it! You know it!

If we all just move our butts

The world’s butt would move every day

Move! Butts!
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