Yes, you got doughnuts.
I already ate all the balsam cream.
This place gives me the creeps.
Relax, that popsicle hasn't moved in 50 years.
Someone's hacking the system.
The containment t*nk is destabilizing.
He's waking up.
We need more guys.
That is all the guys.
Wait a second.
I thought we were going tubing.
Hold on, hold on.
Is this a race?
You're going down.
It is my destiny to claim the throne of family champion hedgehog.
Are you sure you want to challenge the fastest creature in the universe?
I mean, that's kind of my whole brand.
Okay, Tom and Maddie, count us down.
Don't worry, little sibling, rivalry is healthy.
Me and my brothers used to do this kind of thing all the time.
Tom, your brothers are lunatics, and neither of them were born with the power to trigger
a global cataclysmic event.
That's a fair point.
Did you hear that, boys?
No cataclysmic events, okay?
Let's keep this cataclysmic-less.
I'm a stronghold of the donuts.
Then on your marks, get set, go!
And away out in front, to the surprise of absolutely no one, it's the blue blur, the
red chute rocket, the one, the only...
Come on, Sonic!
What, the what now?
I am also defeating you, hedgehog.
All right, you know what?
Time to light the afterburners.
It's a bird!
It's a plane!
It's air hedgehog!
I did it!
How is that even possible?
I do not lose!
I am also defeating you, hedgehog.
Okay, okay, I get it, man.
No need to rub it in.
Come on, Sonic!
Catch up!
Wait, what's going on?
Why are you guys acting like...
Which means, I remain the undefeated speed champion of all time!
And the crowd goes wild!
But also, what's going on?
Wait a second, you guys, what is all this?
Happy Be-Arthur Day?
Oh, it's Happy Be-Earth Day.
Today is the anniversary of the day you came to Earth, bud.
It's your Earth Day birthday.
So the race was just a distraction, which I totally didn't bowl for, by the way.
Good try, though.
So you could throw a party for me?
Today we honor you, hedgehog.
If it wasn't for you, none of us would be here right now.
The boys are right, bud.
You know, the day you came to this planet is the day all our lives changed forever.
And we became a family.
You guys, I don't... I don't know what to say.
Let's party!
It's now on to the break of dawn!
Thanks for the surprise party.
It really means a lot to me.
Yeah, you deserve it, pal.
No way!
Is that...
Dude, you're just for once walking my speed.
This is your...
My old cave.
Oh, man.
I can't believe this is where you lived all those years.
Hey, hey!
My state-of-the-art security system!
It still works.
Hey, bud.
What's this?
You know, I drew that on my first night on Earth.
I wanted to remember where I came from.
I still miss her.
You think Longclaw would be proud of me?
I know she would, pal.
Because even though you lost her at such a young age,
you didn't let your pain change who you are.
In here.
In my lungs.
Or your heart.
Heart, right.
Yeah, makes more sense.
Not lungs, heart.
That's the thing about life, Sonic.
It's all about the choices we make.
You're gonna make some good ones, and...
knowing you, you're gonna make some bad ones.
as long as you remember to listen to your heart,
you're gonna make the right choice when it matters the most.
I don't know what I'd do without you.
I'd probably be a totally different hedgehog.
I've been trapped for 50 years?
Why won't you leave me alone?
I have dishonored my marshmallow.
It's really just a question of temperature and distance.
It's not a competition.
This is so nice.
We're trying to have a family movement down here!
Mr. and Mrs. Wachowski.
Excuse me?
It's not like we're from different planets.
Oh, yeah, we are.
I guess we are alien.
Please keep your distance.
I'm Director Rockwell.
There is a very dangerous situation unfolding right now in Tokyo.
Commander Walters is requesting Team Sonic's immediate assistance.
Team Sonic?
Who picked that name?
Love it.
Ten out of ten.
No notes.
Tom and Maddie, put the s'mores on ice,
because Team Sonic is off to save the day!
Make good choices!
Good evening and welcome to Tails Air Flight 1012.
We're looking at an on-time arrival into Tokyo.
Okay, Captain.
We got a rogue alien on the loose.
How do we find him?
Uh, start with the giant fireball?
I love it.
Let's start with the giant fireball.
Finally, some action.
Okay, time to gear up.
Titanium handcuffs.
Completely indestructible.
I don't need your silly gizmos, Fox.
And you know why?
Because I am one million percent muscle.
Yes, good.
You've been listening.
We're over the drop zone.
All right, here we go.
Now look, we don't know if it's Godzilla or Hello Kitty down there,
but as long as we stick together,
there is nothing we can't handle.
Team Sonic on three.
One, two, three.
Team Knuckles.
Talk about low-budget flights.
No food or movies?
We're out of here.
We're out of here.
What happened here?
Looks like Dunn got their butts kicked.
Keep your eyes open.
Tails, anything?
Whoa, these energy readings are off the charts.
Look out!
One million percent.
Are you guys seeing this?
He looks just like you.
You're a colorful bunch.
Um, excuse me.
Why do you look like me?
I don't look like you.
You look like me.
Why do you look like me?
Hey, you know what?
I'll ask the questions, new hedgehog.
Who are you?
Why do you look like me?
This is a waste of time.
Walk away before you get hurt.
Whoa, whoa, easy, buddy.
We don't want to fight you.
Actually, Sonic, I would like to fight.
Not now.
Why don't you stop throwing cars at us for a second
and come down here to talk?
You jumped out of a g*n helicopter.
There's nothing to talk about.
All right, then.
Knuckles, no!
Let us talk with our fists!
Knuckles, Knuckles, are you okay?
No, not really.
Who is this guy?
He is much more impressive than the hedgehog I fought previously.
Dude, I'm standing right here.
Now, come on.
You can't take us all at once.
Okay, he took us all at once.
Don't try to follow me.
Sonic, I know that look.
Going after him is a bad idea.
When does that ever stop?
I gotta ask one hedgehog to another.
Who does your highlights?
Dangerously weaving through traffic is my thing!
I'm about to get started!
The more you talk, the harder I want to hit you.
Watch out!
I'm gonna throw up.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
21 gigawatts.
Are you kidding me?
Are you okay?
I'm fine, guys.
And before you ask, I handcuffed myself for tactical reasons that I do not have time to explain.
You shouldn't have gone off on your own.
We're supposed to be a team.
Sorry, buddy.
I'm still working on this teamwork thing.
So now what?
Well, I'm not jumping out of any more helicopters until we get some answers from g*n.
We need somewhere to regroup.
I know just the place.
It's an ambush!
You'll never take us alive, foul beast!
Calm down, Knuckles.
This is the Chao Garden, one of the top ten must-see spots in all of Tokyo.
It's a perfect place for us to blend in.
Are you Detective Pikachu?
Yes, he is!
He does look like a Pokmon.
Pika Pika!
Commander Walters!
Thank God you're all okay.
I'm sure you have questions.
Just a big, ticked-off, red-and-black one?
Who was that guy?
Shadow's story began a lot like yours, Sonic.
But where you found family and friends on this planet,
Shadow found only pain and loss.
It begins over fifty years ago,
with a meteor crash in a quiet corner of Oklahoma.
The meteorite contained a life form.
The ultimate life form.
Shadow's power, his Chaos Energy,
went far beyond any living creature.
To discover and believe this power
would usher in a new era for humanity.
A terrible accident destroyed the lab,
taking human lives with it.
The project leader was blamed for the incident
and imprisoned.
With the program cancelled,
Shadow was a loose end
no one knew how to deal with.
Too dangerous to be walking free.
Too valuable to destroy.
So I had him placed into stasis.
Wait a second.
If Shadow's been on ice for fifty years,
someone had to help him escape.
But there's only a few people in the world
who even know of Shadow's existence.
Oh my God!
Get down!
Egg drones?
But Robotnik is supposed to be dead.
I'm sorry.
We already had our big motorcycle chase for the evening.
Commander Walters.
Commander Walters, are you okay?
Take this.
What is it?
A key.
To the most powerful w*apon God has ever built.
You're the only one I trust to keep it safe.
Commander Walters.
Commander, secure the perimeter.
Commander Vak is on Earth.
His launch key is missing.
I knew they couldn't be trusted.
Why are we running from God?
Aren't we on the same team?
Until we get more information,
we're not trusting anyone.
Follow me.
Hold it right there, Tokyo Drift.
Who are you?
It's the goat milker.
It's the goat milker.
I'm not here to fight.
Then why are you here?
And why did you free Shadow?
Are you kidding?
The last thing we want is more super-powered hedgehogs.
There are too many hedgehogs running around.
The doctor had nothing to do with it.
And I can prove it.
Join me in the crib.
And now back to la ultima passion.
I have fallen in love with another.
But who, Gabriela?
Tell me.
My twin brother, Pablo?
Buenos dias, hermano.
Let that be a lesson to you, Juan.
Family is a field of emotional claymores
that leave you abandoned,
and weeping while you eat cake,
which creates copious amounts of adipose tissue
in what some calloused individuals refer to as
man boobs.
Doctor, we have visitors.
I thought I was having an anthropomorphic nightmare
where the only person I could trust in the world
showed up with all my worst enemies
while I was in a bathroom
playing congas on my big, fat belly.
Sorry, sir.
I don't believe it.
Eggman's alive.
And he's never looked worse.
Well, maybe this is what not giving a damn
what you think I look like looks like.
Sir, right now we have an even bigger problem.
Oh, come on.
There's an imposter out there using your technology.
That's impasa?
My sweet, mechanized spawn.
Whoever this party-pooping posse is looking for
has stolen my persona
and the precious babies from my egg sack.
Well, I'll soon egg sack my revenge.
You see what I did there?
It's time for the dramatic soap opera twist
where this Pablo reveals his wand.
I cross-reference the precise coordinates
of each drone's energy spikes.
I can track my babies
to the imposter's base of operations
right about there.
Sonic, I hate to say it,
but I think we're both after the same person.
Hold on, hold on.
You're not suggesting we team up with Dr. Robotstink, are you?
Perhaps the fox is right.
It could be our only chance to find this mysterious,
more impressive hedgehog.
All right, Egghead.
I hate to say it, but it looks like we're partners.
On one condition.
Dude, you have serious issues.
Let's do this!
I'm the troublemaker,
the k*lling skater!
I'm the hand-kissing,
and I k*ll in a second!
Tinkertailer, I need room.
Think Elvis, circa 1976.
Sir, I don't have the proper materials.
Hey, this is a restricted area.
No, it's okay.
She's the professor's granddaughter.
He takes her everywhere.
Welcome to the lab, Maria.
I'm Captain Walters.
Oh, do you know where my room is?
Yeah, down the hall to the right.
Make yourself at home.
But, um, let's lose the skates.
Okay, get out.
Well, it's all right
Riding around in the breeze
Well, it's all right
Well, it's all right
Doing the best you can
Well, it's all right
As long as you lend a hand
You'll think of me and wonder where I am these days
Maybe somewhere down the road in somebody's place
Well, it's all right
Even when push comes to shove
Well, it's all right
Everybody's got something to love
Well, it's all right
Everybody's got something to love
Well, it's all right
I'm going to the end of the line
Wow, look at all those stars
They're like diamonds
My grandfather says it can take hundreds of years for the light of a star to reach Earth
And by the time we see it, the star might not even exist anymore
Isn't that crazy?
What do you mean?
The light shines, even though the star is gone
Yeah, it does
I wonder which one you came from, Shadow
I don't know
I don't know anything about my home
This is your home, Shadow
All right
Maria, do you think I'm dangerous?
What are you talking about?
The way the scientists look at me, I can tell they're afraid
Like I'm the horrible thing from that movie we watched
I don't know what I am
You're my friend
And you can do or be anything you want
Not because of your powers, but because of who you are in here
I don't know what I'd do without you
It's good to see you, Shadow
I can't get her out of my head
The pain, it's too much
And that is why we have to punish them
Okay, I don't like you and you don't like me, let's get this over with quickly
Out of my way, dorkupine
Dorkupine? Really clever
This door is six inch thick solid steel and a pressurized latch
I'll need a moment to calculate the molecular density and invert the venting mechanics
I unlocked it
Subtle as always, fist for brains
Easy, Shadow
Those are the guests I've been expecting
Let's give them a warm welcome
What is this place?
Looks like a military base, but nobody's been here for years
I wonder if it's haunted
Haunted? Nobody said anything about being haunted
What's the matter? You afraid of g-g-ghosts?
Nothing scares an echidna warrior
Uh, yeah, do you remember what happened last movie night?
There's no such thing as a friendly ghost
So, which way do we go?
I know, we should split up
Everyone with hideous brightly colored fur take the left in the middle, Stone and I will go right
No, no, no, no, no, I'm not letting you out of my sight
Tails, you and Stone go left
Knuckles, you take the middle
Eggman, you and me go right
By all means
We could use some time together to work on your trust issues
You know what? You're right
I should be more trusting
I mean, you've only tried to k*ll me twice
Just a dark, creepy hallway
Nothing to be afraid of
You hear that, ghosts?
You don't frighten me
Get a grip
I'm just gonna come right out and say this
You're adorable
So, what's it like being Sonic's assistant?
You have a daily routine?
Paid time off? Benefits?
Oh, I'm not Sonic's assistant
We're teammates
He's the leader
Knuckles is the muscle
And I'm the gadget guy
We all have a role to play
That's what makes the team so special
That and the fact we're best friends
You are
Well, yeah, just like you and Eggman, right?
Uh, yeah
Of course, yes
Me and the doctor
Best of friends
That's definitely what we are
Look at all this stuff
This was more than just a military base or lab
It was a home
People lived here
He had a family
Is that what I smell?
A stench of domestic harmony?
You ever wonder what your life would have been like if you had a family?
Hmm, no
Maybe you wouldn't have gone full supervillain
I have no parents, no aunts, no uncles
And something about my attitude renders me
Undesirable to all possible genders
My future is a contact
The robotic name ends
Avec moi
Yes, I know French
Is this where you grew up, Shadow?
No wonder you're so mad
This place could really use a beanbag chair and some comic books
What happened here?
I'm tired of giving you warnings
Where'd you go, hedgehog?
I wasn't finished trauma dumping
My darlings
My hanging weddings
Lie the corners of my mind
Misty watercolor memories
Of the way we went
I don't believe it
Don't you?
It's impossible
Is it?
It couldn't be
Are you?
You stole my babies
They know who their real daddy is
Drone Napper?
Magnificent creations, my boy
I borrowed them to lure you here
And reunite our family
Is he I owe?
I'm your grandfather
Gerald Robotnik
My grandfather?
And why?
And who did what with whom?
You hail from an ancestry of excellence
Tied directly a moi
Yes, I know French
You do look like me
But fatter and older
And there's that funny smell
But the resemblance is uncanny
It's as if
We were two characters in a movie
Being played by the same actor
But I need real proof
I will
We have very little time
But I could field a couple of queries
Name the most elegant formula in mathematics
Euler's identity
e to the i times pi plus one equals zilch
European capitals arranged alphabetically by the fourth letter
Riga, Monaco, Sarajevo, Toronto
The speed of light divided by the speed of sound
Divided by the speed of the bus and the movie speed
Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep
Rounding up
17,894 mph
And for all the marbles
Good, I lost mine
Rare lung disease
And the longest word in the English dictionary
Numeral ultramicroscopic silico-volcano-coliosis
Pop, pop
In the saggy flesh
But looking pretty good for a 110
Oh, grab me, boo
Where have you been
My entire life
Where have you been
My entire life
Locked in a top secret prison
For the last 50 years
Made it kind of hard to send Christmas cards
Now, you're probably wondering
Why I brought you here
You didn't bring me here
I used my unparalleled intellect to track you down
For the plan I concocted with my unparalleled intellect
You'll see
I have the answer to everything
Come on, kiddo
What, Tommy, this is some kind of concussion-induced nightmare?
There's two Eggmen now?
Double your villains, double your fun
Two Robotniks are way worse than one
Stone, why are you tied up?
Do that on your own time
You sicken me
You must be the long-lost grandson
And you must be another stinking hedgehog
So you're the one behind all this
The Shadow Breakout
The attack on Wolters
That musty old man smell
How dare you insult me with your unsolicited exposition
Shadow, get the key
Where is it?
Ha, good one, Hot Topic
Do you really think we'd be that stupid
To bring the key right to you?
Yup, we're that stupid
G.U.N. took everything from us
And now we are going to take everything from them
With this?
My masterpiece of malevolence
The Eclipse Cannon
In exchange for my freedom
I gave G.U.N. the most powerful w*apon mankind has ever seen
Capable of delivering a precision strike anywhere on Earth
Our first target, G.U.N. headquarters
But firing a w*apon that powerful
Could thr*aten millions of innocent lives
Yeah, terror-bite me
This is one of two keys required to launch the Eclipse Cannon
The other is locked inside G.U.N. headquarters
Once we have both
I will take rightful control of my w*apon
I'm in
Holy crap
Suspicious and crustaceous
Thank you so much for inspiring this little adventure
It really worked out for me
And you wonder why I have trust issues
Shadow, wait, don't do this
I know you're hurting, but don't let that change who you are inside
I've spent 50 years reliving what they did to her
This is who I am inside
Uh, nice magic marble, real scary
That actually is real scary
It's a mini black hole
It's going to suck in all the matter in this base
Fear not, friends
Even my teeth are muscles
Sonic, try to reach one of my rings
Got one
Guess this out, Trenchard
Come on
Come on
Come on
Come on
Come on
I've spent years trying to cleanse the cosmos
Of that spiny blue speed freak
And you did it
In one afternoon
There's nothing we can't destroy together, my boy
Charting route to G.U.N. headquarters in London, sirs
ETA four hours, as the crowd flies
By all accounts, we're ahead of schedule
We should take this time to get to know each other better
Wow, what?
You mean, spend some quality time?
You've waited for this your whole life
How would you choose to spend one perfect day with your new grand pal?
Ooh, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho
You know it seems the moment's all about
It only makes it worse to live without
And done, masterpiece, look at that
It's really been great having time to ourselves
Right, absolutely, I just feel so relaxed, you know, clear-headed
Mm, look at all these new interests we've found
I know, so many hobbies
So many
After the action and adventure of the last few years, I could get used to this
Tom, Maddie, we need your help on a super... Knuckles, do you mind?
Oh, excuse me
Tom, Maddie, we need your help on a super dangerous top-secret mission
Thank God
Let's go
Yeah, we're in
Really? You're in? Just like that?
Yes, it was getting so boring without you guys here
So, boring, no, not taken
I mean, whatever crazy plan you're cooking up, the answer's yes
Great, but first things first, what is that?
Oh, this is...
Little Tom!
It'd be great
I told you to get rid of that, it's very creepy
That's all there is to get rid of you
Okay, let's cross it off
You are in so much trouble
Okay, this is it, the belly of the beast, g*n headquarters in London
Tom, we're finally gonna get to see London together
Hey, I told you we'd get there someday, baby
Okay, so here's the plan, I run in super fast
Right over that water, no problem, then right when I get to the...
What just happened?
Congratulations, you just got incinerated by their energy shield
We'll need to shut it down by planting a USB drive in their server room
That will give me full control over it
That's what we need you two for
We're badass spies, that's what we are
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Once we disable the shield, you'll face the laser haul
These high-density bad boys will cut you into tiny pieces
And cut those pieces into even tinier pieces
Once again?
Can't we just get Tom Cruise to do this?
Nope, because not even he could break into the vault
Why is it empty in there?
Because we have no idea what's on the other side of that door
To prevent the vault from ever being accessed by a ring
All images and schematics have been wiped from g*n's database
So for the last leg of this heist, we're going in blind
Okay, I'm just gonna say it, it sounds like this plan will work a heck of a lot better
If Sonic used the Master Emerald to go golden god mode to get the key
No way, Maddy
The Master Emerald is too powerful to ever use again
We made a promise to each other to keep it hidden
In a location only Knuckles knows
As guardian of the Master Emerald
Anyone who tries to take it away for any reason
Will become a sworn enemy
Okay, okay, sheesh
No need to get all growly on me, buddy
You guys are always telling us to make good choices
Well, this is the right choice
Okay, I guess we're going to
g*n headquarters is right there
Let me go in, get the key, and destroy anyone in my way
I want revenge
Patience, Shadow
Just let us handle this
And I promise
You'll have revenge
On a scale you couldn't possibly imagine
Come on, granddaddy-o
We've got dirt to do
Right here, sir
Stone, babysit the hedgehog
Keep the crab on a low boil
It's time for more family bonding
Come on, Shadow
Got fresh avocados in the crab
We'll make guac
Revenge guac
Guys, are you ready for me yet?
I've been waiting here all day
Sonic, we literally just started
Tom, Maddy, are you in position and ready?
We were born ready
Let's do this
Knuckles, how about you?
I have taken my perch atop the giant clock
Now, where is this glass I'm supposed to break?
Actually, Knuckles, your job is to break glass in case of emergency
I will shatter this glass like the jaw of a vile foe
In case of emergency
I will pulverize it like the skull of a loathsome vile
Just to be clear, the emergency is the important part
The glass will beg for mercy under the shadow of my mighty fist
Guys, remember, we're a team
Now, let's focus
You know what? Let's move on
All right, everyone knows what to do
Tom and Maddy, you guys plant the USB drive
I'll disable the traps
Sonic will snag the launch key
And, Knuckles, you stand by to...
Break glass in case of emergency
See? He gets it
Then we're all set
Hologram time
You go first
Tom, it's me, Rachel
Can you believe it? We're both in London together
Have you met your sister? Try again
Unless you're not up for this mission
Yeah, maybe when you'll be back in Green Hills baking sourdough
Thomas Michael Wachowski
You brought aliens to my wedding, punched out my husband and buried me in an avalanche
Your day of reckoning is at hand
Yeah, that's perfect
Okay, now for her better half
Oh, my name is Randall
And I have too much to handle
Welcome to the g*n show
Baby, would you describe me as jacked, juiced, or shredded?
I would describe your head as swollen
Let's get to work
Agent Randall, Handle
I'm here to have lunch with my lovely wife, Rachel
I'm sorry, Agent Handle
This facility is currently locked down
Come on, level clearance only
One minute
Tails, we have a problem here
Wow, they must have tightened security after Shadow's escape
I got this
You must be new here
Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Rachel
Rachel gonna get you fired
Do you know what the g*n stands for?
Of course, guardian unit
Getting ultra nasty
Do you want me to get ultra nasty?
Nasty, nasty
No, ma'am
Okay, then
Then go ahead and take those little sad fingers and start tippity-tap-tap-tap
That's right, go on
Sorry for the inconvenience, ma'am
That's what I thought
My God, I love being Rachel
Did it work?
Director Rockwell, seeking access to the server room
Just one moment, ma'am
Oh no, it's her, it's her, it's the real her
What do we do?
Quick, change faces
Okay, did it work?
What am I...
What's going on?
What am I doing wrong?
Aye-aye, captain
Aye-aye, captain
Who are you? What am I?
I'm Anna Tushkin
Gee, get it together
Okay, Tails, what are we looking for?
The security server is in the seventh row, 23rd cabinet
Are you guys finished yet?
This is taking forever
Has the time come to break the glass?
Or at least break something
All right, hang tight guys, Maddie's about to insert the drive
Three, two, one
It didn't work
Can you put it in the right way?
Try punching it
Do not try punching it
Take it out and blow on it
Come on, Tom
There's absolutely no scientific evidence to support...
Never mind, it worked
A little trick from the 90s
I mean, best decade ever, right?
I'm shutting down the outside sensors now
Uh, hold on
Is there supposed to be another USB drive here?
One with a giant mustache on it?
Oh no
I've got two heat signatures en route to the vault
Which can only mean...
Our robotics have entered the chat
Grand Geezer?
Donde esta?
I'm right here
If you weren't family, I could have cut you like a peasant
I mean, try to keep up
And now back to la ultima passion
Ultima passion can only belong to one
It can only belong to one
Gabriella, she k*lled them both
She's not a prize to be won
k*ll this, m*rder that
You need to lighten up, Shadow
We're about to rule the world
When we're done
There won't be anything left to rule
That is dark
Even for you
What are you and the professor up to?
What's this?
I knew I saw an outside signal
Mario, I guess someone forgot to flush
What now, my cunning cohort?
Just a little teamwork
The lasers
Don't seem to be penetrating my suit
They're conforming to the shape of my bodacious barred deck
Of course
I designed these suits to create a field of laser-bending thermal distortion
Wasn't sure it would work till now
You're a heartless son
Rotten to the core
I'm surprised
So now we can just dance right through?
That sounds like a challenge
If you think about it, so many people do
Be cool and a little smarter
And you shouldn't even care
About those losers in the air
And the crooked stare
Cause there's a party over here
So you might as well be here
If people care
We are all the
Hello, welcome to my lecture, I hope you're having a good time.
Welcome to my lecture, I hope you're having a good time.
Hear ye, hear ye. Sonic the Hedgehog wants a cup of tea. Hold this for me please.
You're not gonna make it. I can make it.
You're not gonna make it. I'm gonna make it. I'm not gonna make it. I'm not gonna make it.
You're not gonna make it. You're not gonna make it. You're not gonna make it. You're not gonna make it.
Our destiny awaits. Stop right there, robo scum. Let's do this.
Too slow, Eggman. Now, if you don't mind, I've gotta get that key.
Why can't I use my beautiful feet? Because this vault is armed with variable gravity.
No kidding. Green goes up and red takes you down hard. Rockwell, listen to me. The Robotniks are
They're planning on stealing the second key, just like you are. Yes, I'm aware.
I called it the second Commander Walters was att*cked, so thank you for taking the bait
and falling right into my trap. I don't believe this. I know, grandson. A woman in the military.
Let's go. Robotnik. You're going full spandex, huh? Who's the fossil? That's my grandfather,
you dough-eating dimwit civil. Who are they? A couple of bleeding hearts here to rescue their
emotional support animals. Enough. It's over. The only way you're leaving here is in handcuffs.
There is no other way out. You know, there might be one other way out.
And what is that supposed to mean? Hey, big guy, I think it's time to
break class in case of emergency.
Nothing can stop Team Knuckles. Open fire.
God, Knuckles, turn this stuff off. Hurry. On it.
See how you like it.
Can you move? No, not at all. Tails, can you? No, I'm stuck.
They might be here a while.
Where's the key?
What was that? We might have a problem.
No, no, no, no, no.
I can't move. I'm moving. Grandson, hey.
No, no, no. I'm almost there.
Ow. That was so not worth it.
You okay? Yeah, I'm good.
Sonic. Hey.
Sonic one, concrete boulder zero. Thanks for the save.
Getting a little close, don't you think? Secure the room.
She's got the key.
I got an idea.
Commander Walters. Sir, you're...
Still alive? I'll die before I let that key fall into the wrong hands.
Thanks for keeping it safe. I'll take it from here.
That's an order, Director Rockwell. Now, organize the reinforcements.
Yes, sir.
Guys, guys, I got the key. I repeat, I got the key. Now, let's get out of here.
Commander Walters. No, no, no, wait.
Everyone's clear. Come on, let's go. You, what are you... Tom.
Tom, Tom, what happened? Speak to me. Come on, come on, come on, come on. It's going to be okay.
Please, please, please get up. Come on, please wake up.
Wake up, wake up, wake up, come on. Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up.
Who are you?
What did you do? What I had to.
Oh, my God, Tom.
Help me up, Tim.
Any tricks up your sleeve, Captain Gruntastic?
We got what we came for.
Great job, Shadow. We have both keys.
So where's your little science project?
It's closer than you think, my boy.
Welcome to my masterpiece.
I must hand it to Gunn. They built her to my exact specifications.
Remarkable. Astounding.
Yes, that's my genius, Grand Gino.
And I have one more surprise.
It's a new suit.
I'm a chip off the old block. I'm a chip off the old block.
I'm a chip off the old block.
What do you want, Stone? I'm busy.
Doctor, I have a bad feeling about this.
I don't think your grandfather's been completely honest with us.
Something Shadow said. There's more to their plan.
How dare you?
You've been jealous of my long-lost grand pop-tart since the very beginning.
I no longer require your obsequious groveling.
Consider this your notice of termination.
Your letter of reference will be ill for loser.
Of course, I don't expect you to stay on until you've been successfully cloned.
But you and I are done.
Like a blackened catfish dinner.
Sir, it's too dangerous and I'm not there to protect you.
I already lost you once.
Unsubscribe, blackened reporter.
I can't lose you again.
To the honors, grandson.
Be okay, Sonic.
It'll be okay?
Tom is fighting for his life and you think it'll be okay?
The fox is simply trying to comfort you.
Comfort's not what I need right now.
I need to stop them.
By any means necessary.
Wait, you don't mean...
The Master Emerald.
The Emerald must never be wielded for vengeance.
Not ever.
We swore a sacred oath.
Don't talk to me about oaths.
Not now.
But you told Tom using the Emerald wasn't the right choice.
Well, now it's the only choice.
And if neither of you have the guts to help me, then I'll do it alone.
But I thought the three of us were a team.
I thought that's what made us special.
I'm not asking you twice, Knuckles.
Where is the Master Emerald?
Your heart is being consumed by anger, Hedgehog.
You are in no condition to make decisions right now.
I know you're upset about Tom.
We all are.
Last chance.
Where is it?
Don't do this.
Part of our oath is to trust each other.
And I must abide by that promise.
Even if you have chosen to break it.
But heed this warning.
The Master Emerald is guarded by a fearsome warrior.
And to seize this ultimate power, you will have to go through him.
Okay, wait.
All comes down to this.
The last few seconds.
Whipple down the ice.
He sh**t.
He scores!
Wayne Whipple is the champion again!
Oh, hey, Sonic.
See my goal?
Pretty sick, right?
I'm here for the Emerald.
Look, Sonic, I'm sorry.
I promised to guard this Emerald with my life.
I will do whatever it takes.
Well, I tried.
All right!
This is an urgent national emergency broadcast.
A spacecraft designed by the Agency g*n has been h*jacked and launched out of the River Thames.
Eggman is believed to be the culprit.
All residents are urged to seek immediate shelter.
Professor, is this really what Maria would have wanted?
The question isn't what Maria would have wanted.
It's what do they deserve.
Remember what you meant to us.
Remember what they took from us.
Prince, we have to go, now!
They want to take Shadow away from us, Maria!
What are you doing?
Those are children!
We've got an order!
Stand down!
Excuse me, Grand Pasa Doble.
What is that thermonuclear gerbil doing?
Infusing the core with chaos energy.
That's my little secret.
The Eclipse Cannon is about to turn this planet into a flaming pile of rubble,
wiping out everything in a 25,000 mile radius, including us.
We can't annihilate the Earth!
By combining our genius, we can rule humanity, together!
Humanity is a failed experiment.
If anyone should know that, it's you.
All your life, you've been rejected by this world.
You have nothing down there.
No one who cares about you.
But I have you now.
We're family.
We have each other.
Oh, Ivo.
You're no Maria.
I lost her, my family was gone forever!
The only way to give Maria's life meaning is to destroy the world that took her from me.
So I'm burning it all down!
It's done.
Good work, Shadow.
I'm prepping the firing sequence.
The w*apon will be fully charged in 10 minutes.
It's almost finished, Maria.
You will have justice.
What is that?
Is Gunn launching missiles at us?
It's moving too fast.
It's him!
You've hurt my family!
This ends now!
Fifty years!
You've made the same choice I did.
I'm nothing like you!
We'll see.
Show yourself, coward!
One thing.
This ends now.
What's happening?
Where are they?
Up there.
You left yourself open.
What are you doing?
Thwarting your evil plan!
Let go on three.
One, two, three!
A nanofist.
I haven't seen that since I hate-watched Green Lantern in 2011.
I was saving it for Comic-Con.
But now there won't be a Comic-Con!
Where are your friends?
They tried to stop you, didn't they?
But you came anyway.
Your anger was too much.
What kind of hero abandons his friends to pursue revenge?
Abandons his family?
Don't you dare talk about my family!
And here I thought you cared for them.
Especially the one...
What's his name?
Go ahead!
Finish it!
What are you waiting for?
Do it!
I'm right here!
You didn't let your pain change who you are.
In here.
This is not who I am.
What are you doing?
You won!
Take your revenge!
There are no winners with revenge.
Look at all those stars.
The last time I sat beneath stars like this, I was with her.
I felt this pain for so long.
It's all I know.
When I lost Longclaw, I felt the same way.
Did your pain eventually go away?
But in time, I learned there's something even more powerful than pain.
The love we felt for each other.
That's what you need to hold on to, Shadow.
Maria might be gone, but your love will always remain.
The light shines, even though the star is gone.
This whole mess is my fault.
I've been so blinded by rage, I thought I had no choice.
You always have a choice.
Making the right one is never easy.
One more thing I learned is that when you really screw something up,
you can't fix it on your own.
Gotta go fast.
Don't tell me you've got a catchphrase.
That's right, new hedgehog.
And everyone loves it.
I will not try to stop my elders from destroying the world.
Playtime is over.
There's no going back now.
Set up defense.
Damn you, autocorrect.
I'm right here, Arachnerd.
That's what I call mantiscaping.
That's elder abuse.
Alert, alert, alert.
Shadow, I see you've chosen betrayal.
And you were once so useful to me.
Are you ready to recycle some tin cans?
Just try to keep up.
Please, Grandson, don't do this.
Sorry, kiddo.
Bringing your grandkid to work day is over.
Any last words?
Just one thing that I never thought I'd say.
What is it?
I love you.
No, it was something even better.
But I'm not gonna say it if that's the way you're gonna be.
Okay, bye.
Oh, Grandchildren, all the fun and none of the responsibility.
Who said life was pointless?
Oh, right, you did.
Ah, victory!
See what you want about my granddad?
He made one hell of a bug zapper.
You gotta stop that laser!
I knew there was something I was forgetting.
We're out of time. The cannon is about to fire.
Where are you?
Uh, you know, just making friends.
They're all yours.
Follow me.
Now this might hurt a little.
So this was your plan?
Would someone mind shutting down the giant death ray?
We can't stop the cannon from firing.
But we can steer it away from the Earth.
Coming around the starboard.
Aye, aye, doc.
Here we go.
It's a little tight.
Definitely not power steering.
Keep turning.
Jump at any time. Here goes.
Can't hold much longer.
Yes! I did it! I did it!
Look what you did!
Hey, look down there!
Lost one.
Really? What's happening?
The reactor core is overloading.
It's only a matter of time before it blows.
So what does that mean for Earth?
A radioactive atmosphere?
Rain that kills the crops and melts your flesh?
Other than that...
We're not done here.
You try to stabilize the reactor.
Buy me some time.
I'll push the station away from Earth before it explodes.
This is our last chance to do the right thing.
Core integrity failing.
Oh, no!
I'm sorry, Sonny!
Agent Stone!
No, no! Doctor, wait!
If I can't rule the world,
I might as well save it!
Stone, you...
I'll miss your lattes with keen doctrine.
Sonic, look!
Shadow and Robotnik,
they sacrificed themselves to save everyone.
You always have a choice.
I'm really sorry for running off like that.
I shouldn't have left you behind.
The truth is,
you're the best teammates a hedgehog could ever ask for.
Can you ever forgive me?
Team Sonic.
Big finish.
Now that's what I call teamwork.
How could you?
Gotta be mad!
Give me a break.
I'm a little slow over here.
I am having the lunch.
And nothing is gonna stand in our way.
That one piece of unfinished business.
Let's do this!
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (2024)
Moderators: Maskath3, GabrielAlejo2341, sidolanters