Trigger Happy (2025)

Comedy Movie Collection.

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Trigger Happy (2025)

Post by bunniefuu »

[muffled rattling]

[jovial music]

And tonight's

winning numbers are...





And the lucky number.


-[g*nshots popping]

Congratulations to the winner.

[rhythmic clicking]

[footsteps approaching]

Turn the water

heater on, George.


I'd like to shower.

I'm not sure

turning on the water heater

should be on my list

of responsibilities.

You're out here first.

You've been out here since--

Just turn the water heater on,


I can't.


I'm busy making tea.

The kettle is making tea.

-[kettle whistling]

-There she is.

[whistling stops]

[Annie scoffs]

[George chuckles] Whoops.

Settle. Settle.

[exhales sharply]

[ominous music building]

Turn the water heater on,


Going, going.

[faint whirring]

-Go to work.


Go to whatever

you like to call it.

It's Sunday, the day of rest.

[Annie spits]

You know, it's never too late

to try something new.

-Yes, it is.

-I've suggested hobbies.

-Do I strike you as a beekeeper?


Or maybe a stamp collector?

Or should I paint

tiny toy trains

and make the conductor wave?

I am trying to cultivate

a positive head space

until the audition.

Two days.

I only need

two days of peace, George.


Have a nice day, Annie.

Thanks, you too.

[pills rattling]

-[pills crunching]

-[phone ringing in the distance]

[phone ringing]


-[woman] Mr. George Decker?





This is Jack and Associates

Debt Collection.

Your outstanding balance

of $65,100.5

-is past due--

-[phone clatters]

[intriguing music]

[door slams]

The United States government

and the American

Firearm Federation

would like to remind you that,

due to recently passed

U.S. code 060519,

only the purchase of

an approved firearm

has universal coverage of

health insurance.

I repeat, health insurance

can only be obtained

or sustained with the purchase

of an approved firearm.

Please see that

your local department


for more information.

[pleasant, dreamy music]

[music stops abruptly]

-[g*ns clattering]

-[George groaning in pain]

[George groans]

[chuckles wryly]


Hottest thing in the market.

Mm-hmm, yes I know

it sounds like a lot--

I'm going to the Bahamas.

If I were you, I'd get in now.

The fundamentals are sound.

It may be my brokerage,

but at the risk

of offending compliance,

which is a department of me...


I just wanted to let you know

I'm investing

in this company myself.

A wise decision.

I'll put that through today.

All right. Love you too, Mom.

Flexing that economics degree,

are you, Kent?

Uh, triple majoring at Bloward

University cost a pretty penny.

I've got to put it

to use when I can.

So, when are you headed

to the Isle of June?

What's that?

The most beautiful

place from space.

-I don't follow.

-The Bahamas.


I would like to think soon.


Okay. Yeah.

Look at you. Go, go, George.

Go, go, George.

-It has a ring to it.


-A literal ring, in a sense--

-I know what alliteration is.

-It's the constant repetition--

-I'm aware.

Do you know onomatopoeia?

I do.



-You're a smart man, George.

Always have been a smart man,

even if you didn't want to.

I didn't mean to...


Bygones and all that.


So, are you leaving soon, soon?

Have you been saving?


Here and there.


Well, maybe today's

your lucky day.

Win the lotto,

settle up with me,

and then jet off to a new life

with the missus, huh?

All right.

Um, you know,

I've never calculated a total.

-It's been years.

-Time flies.

-Maybe we should get an idea?

-Oh, I'd love to.

I'm-- I'm in a bit of a rush.

-Of course.


Okay, well,

take pride in being a man

who's important to society,

all right?

Oh, and did Annie book

that infomercial?

Um, audition's in a couple days.

I-- I told you, as soon as

her acting career takes off,

I'll pay you back.

But then that'll be her money,

though, George.

We're married.

[Kent chuckles]

Have a good one.

-[doorbell dings]

-[door shuts close]


[Lucy groans angrily]

Have you seen him?

-[both] No, sorry.

-[Lucy sighs in frustration]

You're 45 minutes late.

We don't open till 11.

Why must we be here

so g*dd*mn early?

As Mother used to say,

"Preparation is

the buns for the meat."

Preparation is

the buns for the meat.

Mother said that.

Thank God for nonsense

from your dead mom.

Are you implying that my

experience isn't satisfactory?

I have been in the workforce

longer than you've been alive.

Don't cry me

any blue-collar tears, b*tch.

Don't blame me

for your horizontal life.

I'm moving you from the floor.

Excuse me?

I'm putting you

in the custodial department.

-The f*ck?

-Don't you raise

-your voice with me.

-What the flying shit?

I am a stellar waiter.

Mother made this restaurant

the institution

that it is today,

and your commitment

hasn't lived up

to our time-tested standards.

-My commitment?

-I can't have you pi--

By your standards?

I can't have you pissing

all over her grave

with your

disrespectful behavior.

When have I ever exhibited

disrespectful behavior?

[laughs sarcastically] Marie.

You're a worthless donkey

roasting in the twilight

-of your life.

-Hm. There's a raise for you.

-Thank you.

-Tod, you're up.

Be cruel.

Y-- you-- you-- you're--

you're a miserable man,

and you smell

like fat beer shit.

Oh, I'm so proud of my boy.


-This is abuse.

This, this is corruption.

Is this your way of quitting?

Flowered boy can't figure out

how to use a mop?

I'm not quitting.

But I'm taking the day off.

Unpaid. Naturally.

-I did well.

-You did so good.

-You did very good.

-[Lucy snickering]

[disco music]

You getting ready

for that audition?

Getting there.

Right two. Kick it up a notch.

I'm getting ready to mourn

our 15th year anniversary,

-if you can believe it.

-Oh, that's a big one.

Yeah, 15 years since Mickey

moved me from everyone I love

to an entry-level job

that he gets fired from,

only to end up

baking all g*dd*mn day.

-Got unlucky.

-Don't say that, Annie.

Don't-- He fucks everything up.

If likes spending his time

in the kitchen--


I am doing something

to celebrate, though.

Just me.

I'm going skydiving.

Skydiving? Alone?

Uh, there's an instructor

at the flight school place. Ty.

Honestly, I'd rather spend

my anniversary with him.


Ty is a man.

Man of experience.

[phone chiming, buzzing]

[Abeline] Reminder,

turn off your cell phones

before class begins.

This is known, Abeline.

How can we turn our cell phones

off before class begins?

It's already happened.

The beginning is over.

That's probably Ty calling.

He's been trying

to reach me all week.

You know, it'd be sad

if it wasn't so f*cking cute.

-Must be nice.


[TV host] And tonight's

winning numbers are...






And the lucky number...

[loud whirring]

Congratulations to the winner.

[theme music playing on TV]

[Annie on TV] Hi, everybody.

It's me, Triceraglocks.

Bang, bang. [chuckles]

The ticket to Target Island

is your very own


That's right.

For just $3.99, you can...

[rapid g*nshots on TV]

I got shot today.

[phone ringing in the distance]

[music playing on TV]

[Annie making slurring noises]

I got demoted.

Oh, shot and demoted.

That's almost impressive.

[Annie blowing raspberries]

-What are you doing?

-I read in a magazine today

that an actress must absolutely

practice her vocal warm-ups

to keep her larynx loose.


-Please don't.

-Wow. Wow.





Wow. Wow.

[clearing throat]

Wow. Wow.

-We really ought to get a g*n.



Wow. Wow.

-I'd like to see a doctor.

-The answer is no.


-We're the only people I know

that don't have a g*n.

Okay, this is not up for debate.

And now I have to start over.

[exhales sharply]

[microwave chimes]

[Annie sighing deeply]

[Annie gasps]


-I forgot.

Oh, we scheduled dinner

with Gemma and Mikey.

I didn't schedule anything.

-Put your coat on.

-I just unwrapped this.

-Throw it in the fridge.

-You want me to put a hot,

frozen dinner in the fri--

[woman on TV] [indistinct]


the shade of the reality.


Let's go further.


We have a material


[kid on TV] [indistinct]


-[door creaks open]

-[footsteps approaching]

Hi, honey.


I'm surprised to see you made

time for us outside the kitchen.

Oh, stop. [chuckles nervously]

-How-- how are you?


It's been an hour.

Uh, traffic, uh, on the highway

was just brutal.

Huh. Must have been an accident.

I took the highway and flew.

[awkward laughter]

[Mikey sighs]

Usuals for me.


We're supposed to be closed.

[footsteps receding]


how's your end of things?

George got promoted today.

-[loud thud]

-Good for you.

I've been saying it

since day one.

You're going to be running

that place in no time.

Have you been

job hunting, Mikey?

Uh, you got let go...


Time is an illusion

to the fun employed.

[all laughing awkwardly]

Yeah, yeah.

No, I-- I've been busy.

I haven't slept in--

Oh, I haven't slept in--

I haven't slept in--


-He's been baking.

He is just so proud

of those pies.

-I'll tell you my slogan.

-Oh, can't wait.

[Annie] Please.

"With a little discipline

and a little practice,

hardly anything

is off the table.

At Mikey's,

the pies are on the table."

-g*dd*mn you.

-[distant clattering]

-It's a little wordy.

-The message is-- that's...

-That is...

-It's nearly there.



[inhales sharply]

-Mine is better.

-Yeah, I've imagine that--

-Imagine so...

-We knew, it was. Yeah.

Would you like a bite,


In-- in what universe

would I eat pie to placate you?



[laughter continues]

You're good, hon.


[Mikey and Gemma clear throats]

-[door shuts]

-[low buzzing]

-[water trickling]

-[George groans quietly]

-Tomorrow's the first.

-[George] f*ck.


-[George] What?

-Tomorrow's the first.

-[George] And?

Bill day.

[George] Yeah.

That's sort of

your thing, right?

Okay, I have been paying

for everything forever

and I've decided

that it's going to stop.

[George] Uh, why?

I sell insurance, George.

You know? I'm not rich.

Uh, we're married?

Well, how about your life

insurance premium, for instance?

This is money I'm theoretically

going to get when you die.

You should pay your premium.

You should pay for your death.

[George] Who says

I'm going to die first?

-Don't be funny, George.

-Why am I being punished?

You're not being punished.

It's called a teachable moment.

You're teaching me.

You are teaching me?

Okay, from tomorrow on,

I'm covering my half.

-You're covering yours.

-My half of what?

Everything. Okay?

Times are changing, dear.

Don't you want to be

a modern man?

Could've signed

a prenup, you know.

Yeah, I know.

I thought you were

going to be some big shot.

[phone ringing]

-[intriguing music]

-Turn the water heater on.

I'm making tea.

-The kettle is making tea.

-The kettle does my bidding.

-I make the tea around here.


[debt collector]

Mr. George Decker?

-His wife.

-Just as well.

-This is Jack--

-[phone clatters]

[Annie sighs]

The water heater.

The United States government

and the American

g*n Owners Federation

would like to share an amendment

to the recently

passed legislation.

Health insurance

is now available la carte,

without to the previously

required assimilation

to purchase of firearms.

Coverage begins at $200,000

per insured person.

[dreamy music]

[music stops abruptly]

-[g*ns popping]

-[George groans in pain]

[girl laughing]

[reporter on radio]

We interrupt this program

for breaking news.

-The suspect...

-Have you heard about this?

...for the m*rder of

her 48-year-old husband.

Police believe that

the suspect had sabotaged

her husband's life jacket

and pushed him overboard,

knowing he was unable to swim.

Court documents claim

she was after a nearly

$2 million

life insurance payout.

[dramatic music]

"And now night falls,

Me, tempest-tost,

and driven from pillar to post,

A poor, worn ghost."

-That's beautiful.


Thought it might be yours.

Poetry might have been

my second major

at Bloward University,

but no.

In my three collections,

I never reached Dowson.

But that's okay.

A man needs something

to aspire to.

[cash register dings]

$2 million.

[Kent] A nice chunk of change,

but not worth it.

Worth what?

The soul, George.

Madness eats away at the soul.

[intriguing music]


Do you ever get bored, Kent?

Bored of what?


I built Kent's

from the ground up

all by myself, man.

I, uh, I didn't mean to--

I know.

We all have bad days at work.

What about not working?

Well, that's what

we work towards.

See, I don't-- I just--

I don't-- I don't know

how I feel about that.

-About what exactly?

-Working as a way of...


Try to have a good one, George.

This one's on me.

-[doorbell dings]

-[door shuts]

This one's on me? [scoffs]

[low flickering]


[music playing on TV]

[TV host] The numbers are...


[yells] f*ck!

[TV host] Seven.


[loud whirring]

Time to rehearse.

[upbeat music on TV]

[Annie on TV] Do you have

a life of spills, drips,

and other wet messes?

Do you have a life

of spills, drips,

and other wet messes?

[George groaning softly]

[Annie] Wow Sponge. Wow. Wow,

Wow. Wow. Wow, wow.


There it is.

Wow Sponge!

There it is, yes!

Wow. Wow Sponge!

[George groaning softly]

[rhythmic beeping]



You two know each other?

Our wives are friends.

[Kent] Oh, small world.

You know, Mikey is about

to start a business.

Isn't that something?

Gathering munitions, as it were.

And to have

such a supportive wife

like Gemma

makes all the difference.

-[Mikey] I'm a lucky guy.

-[George mouthing]

-[Mikey chuckling]

-Usual for me.

Uh, put it on my card.

Whatever George wants

is on my wife this morning.

In that case, uh, ma-- ma--

make it two tickets then, huh?

Let's not get greedy.

Lottery, huh?

Not for me.

I like to know where I stand.

-[Kent] Me too, brother.

-Different strokes.

-See you guys.

-Mr. Decker.


-[door shuts close]

-Top tier, isn't he?


[door creaks open]

Principal Breyer.

Uh, who else would it be?

May I come in?

Uh, you need to schedule

something with, uh, eh,

-what's her name out there?

-Just hoping I could--

I don't mind talking

with you when it's scheduled.


It's almost Triceraglocks hour

in the auditorium.

You know the deal.

Mandatory attendance.

Chop, chop.

-Just that I--

-I said chop, chop. Okay?

When an adult says

"chop, chop," you chop twice.

Okay? Hmm.

[sighs, whispering]

I love my job. I love my job.

[incoming message sings]

[voice notification]

Incoming voicemail from Ty,

the hot skydive instructor.

[clears throat]

Hello, Mikey.

Uh, can you stop, uh, whisking?

The huffing is nauseating.

Um, I'm out for dinner

with a friend from work tonight.

That's all.

[TV host]

Welcome back to the all-day,

every day, true crime marathon

where we show you

cheating spouses

and gruesome murders,

24/7 in graphic detail.

For your casual entertainment.

-[dramatic music]

-[people screaming on TV]

[door latch rattling]

[Annie huffs angrily]

[phone buzzing]


"Don't come in today.

Piper's building flooded."


Wow. Wow, wow, wow. Wow.

Wow, wow, wow, wow,

wow, wow, wow, wow, wow


[sighs] Wow.

Wow, wow, wow.

Wow, wow.

-Oh, wow.

-[faint buzzing]

[sighs in pleasure]

[laughing triumphantly]

-[phone ringing, buzzing]

-[Annie groaning in frustration]

[phone continues

ringing and buzzing]




You want-- you want to

reschedule to today?

Toni-- Uh, oh, yes.

Yes, yes. I'll be right there.

Hello. Uh, 'm Annie Decker,

and I'm an actress.

And I'm reading for the role

of Wow Sponge infomercial host.

-[director] Age?

-Thirty-one years.

-[director] Height?

-5'4", sopping wet. [chuckles]

No, 5'4". In heels.



Social security number?

Social security number?

Zero, zero, zero, zero, zero,

zero, zero, zero, zero, zero.

Yes, really.

[director] Action.


Hi there.

I'm Annie from Wow! Sponge.

Do you have a life of spills,

drips, and other wet messes?

Are you a busy working gal

in need of a quick fix?

Do you know what would fill

that unnameable hole

inside of you,

eating you alive

from the inside out?

I do.

It's the Wow! Sponge.

You'll be spilling things

just to clean them up.

It's like a sponge, but... wow!

The Wow Sponge holds

twice its weight in liquid.

Look at that.

It's doing all the work.

Now that is what I call

the "Wow Factor."

It doesn't drip.

It doesn't make a mess. It's--

Say it with me.


Now, the Wow Sponge goes

for $3.99 a sponge,

which is a downright steal.

But if you call now,

and I mean

in the next 20 minutes,


we can't hand sponges out

all willy-nilly ad infinitum.

We will fill in a second

Wow Sponge absolutely free.

That's right. You heard me.

That is two Wow Sponges

for only $3.99.

I am swooning.

Here's how to order.

You call 555-555-5555.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wow.

Beware, Wow Sponge imitators.

There is only one true sponge.

And it's Wow!

That's 555-555-5555.

-[George coughs]

-[faint hissing]


[faint hissing continues]




[suspenseful music]

I need you

to take out the trash.

[Lucy coughing]

Why are you stopping?

Pick it up.

I'm off the clock.

Pick it up.

You have five seconds, George.

Five, four,

three, two...

Why do you treat me like this?

Who are you going to tell?

-[loud thud]

-[Lucy groans in pain]

Oh, God. Oh, no, Lucy.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

[George groaning]

Oh, my g*dd*mn knees.

-Whiny little boy.


[George groaning] Oh, f*ck.

[somber music on TV]

[laughter on TV]

You don't have to.

Do you want me to...


[TV host] We are proud to

present the world premiere of...

Sylvia Plath,

poet, lover,

lady carbon monoxide.

Did you pay

for your half of the bills?

I paid for mine.

Got something to tell you.

Is it good night?

I got the part.

Oh. Oh, my God. About...

about the audition?

They changed it.

I went in today.

I can't believe it.

I'm finally gonna make

something of myself.

Oh, oh, my God, Annie.

[chuckling] Oh!

Oh, dear good Lord, we're saved.

-W-- we?

-You and me, baby, you and me.

[chuckles] Wh, uh, uh,

where-- where-- where-- where--

where's the check?

What's your cut

of the royalties?

There's no money, hon.

It's non-union.


No, I get paid an experience.

And experience is valuable.

I mean, even more valuable

than money, they said.

I just wanted

to tell you in case

you wanted to have

some sweet dreams tonight.

[Annie clapping]

They're sending us sponges.

For free, George.

Free Wow Sponges.


[George sighs deeply]

[George's voice] A $2 million

life insurance pay.

And she almost made it, too.

That's sloppy.

Can't have witnesses.

That's rule number one.

Make it look like an accident.

Everything you own

is old and leaky.

Your house

is full of shit, George.

No one would suspect a thing.

[door creaking]

Send Annie to hell

and let the cool island breeze

carry you home.

[quirky music]

Lucy, I am taking the day off.

My wife and I are celebrating

a professional accomplishment.

Yes, hers. I--

I-- I'm aware I haven't had

a professional

accomplishment in some time.


[Gemma] It's so exciting.

I mean, it's so cool,

Annie, for real.

Shouldn't take this long

to get a cup of tea.

Ugh, what's the rush?

We're celebrating.

You took the day off for me.

Let's enjoy it.

-I was thinking we could--

-I know, and I want to, but...

I gotta get to flight school.


-[sighs] He's got me, Annie.

He's got me good.

Wait, do you always go there

and never to his house?



-[Gemma] f*ck.

-[Ty] Yes!

[Gemma] [indistinct]

Oh, come on, come on.

Come on! Come on!

-Come on!

-[Gemma screaming]

f*ck me.

-I would.

-[phone buzzing]

-You can pick up.

-Doesn't matter with you.

If Ty calls, I'll answer.

Don't you think

he's gonna get, uh, suspicious?

That would require

a single f*cking brain cell

to fire about

anything other than...



Annie, if you had told me

when I was a little girl

that pies would come

to haunt me,

I mean, really, pies

are my f*cking cross to bear?



Sometimes you get this,

like, weird twitch in your eye.

Okay, I've never told

anyone this.

Not even George.

Well, you can trust me, right?

I mean, you know you can

talk to me about anything?


Well, these pills

you see me take,

they're meant to stop me

from letting

certain thoughts, certain--

Sometimes I picture just--

Oh, my God!

[both retching and sobbing]

-[doorbell chimes]

-[door shuts]

Mrs. Breyer.

It's been a while.

Hi, Annie.

You ladies doing okay? Or...


Good for you and Mikey.

So, Annie,

how'd that audition go?

I got the part.

That's amazing to hear.


I know.

It's all happening so fast.

I mean,

one day I was just like you,

-and now I'm on TV.

-I left my wallet in the car.

Annie, can you...



I'll put it on George's tab.


-[door shuts]

I'll just

take care of these now.

On me.

Wow, Annie, thank you.

That's mighty generous.

-[doorbell dings]

-[door shuts close]

[Annie sighs]

[suspenseful music building]

[Annie coughing]

[tires screeching]

[Annie wheezing, coughing]


Annie, have you seen Gemma?

When was the last time

you saw Gemma exactly?

-[Annise wheezing] What?

-I called the school

and they don't kn-- Hello?

-Is George inside?



-George! George!

[Annie coughing]

[wheezing and coughing]

[Mikey coughing]

Jesus Christ.

Annie, you've got a gas leak!

-I think, yeah.

-Gas, exactly!

[Mikey coughing]

George? Gemma?


-[Annie coughing]


[suspenseful music]

[Annie] George!

Holy shit.

Mikey found a gas leak.


-Mikey is the interesting part

of what I just said?

Uh, Mikey found what?

A gas leak.

He was looking for Gemma.

I was home. I smelled something.

I wanted a shower

because she threw up on me

and all of a sudden,

I couldn't breathe.

The fire department came

and they said that

all the appliances

are shot to hell.

And I opened

all the windows and doors,

but it still smells like--

like rotten eggs,

don't you think?

Where were you?


we need a new water heater.

That thing is shot to hell.

I'm gonna go take a shower.

The water heater is out.

It almost tried to k*ll me.

Are you hearing a word

I'm saying?

I'll take it cold.

[Annie clapping]

Here's how to order.

You call 555-555-5555.

Here it is again.

It's 555-555-5555.

Beware, Wow Sponge imitators.

There is only one true sponge.

And it's Wow!

That's 555-555-5555.

Future Oscar

Walk of Fame superstar

right here in our g*dd*mn midst.

Bravo, Annie. You did it.

It's a dream come true, guys.

You must be a proud man, George.


-Say something.

-I'm speechless, I said.

Well, what are you two

doing to celebrate?

-Oh, I don't know. We're gonna--

-You should go skydiving.

-No, no, that's dangerous.

-[Gemma] It's not.

The instructors

are well-trained.

How do you know

so much about skydiving?

It's a hobby.

-It's active.

-Come on, hun.

I've always wanted to try it.

-You have?

-You knew that.

-I didn't.

-It's quite the release.

-Seeing who's--

-I will book us a reservation


-I'll refer you.

He will get you in wherever,

whenever you want.


-The skydive thing.

The automated--

the appointment number, Mikey.

Modern technology, huh?

Texting a skydive center?

That is unbelievable.

A toast! Oh.


[Mikey choking]

-What's wrong with you?

-It was an accident.


Sloppy man.

[Mikey] I'm sorry.

Screwed up with the missus.

-She'll be fine.

-Your missus.

How are you, George?

To be honest,

I am drowning in debt

and woefully underappreciated

in every facet of my small,

pathetic life.

I am attempting to pull off

something truly devilish

for which I will certainly burn

in Satan's eternal fire,

but I can't imagine hell

being any worse than life.

That's great. How's work?

Come by sometime.

I'll give you

a free slice of pie.

[Mikey scoffs]

I got pies galore at home.

We say ours are better

than homemade.

No, no.

Burgers Now is selling my pies.

-How's that?

-And they pay well.

And that Lucy, well,

she couldn't be nicer.

I like their ethos, too.

Preparation is crust

for the filling.

Solid mantra, that.

And the encouragement. Oh.

So refreshing to have

higher ups that believe in you.

You know, Gemma's out all day,

so I have the house to myself.

Sounds nice.

You'd think so.

[chuckles softly]

The pies, George,

the pies have been my salvation.

Salvation to salivate over.

How's that for a slogan?

The trick is the apple, okay?

Depending upon what type

of apple you use, George,

you can dramatically alter

the taste of the pastry.

Honeycrisp, Fuji, Granny Smith.

Gemma usually comes

home pretty late,

and so I like to have something

delicious waiting for her.

The way to a woman's heart

is through her stomach.

-Must you taste it before--

-She's popular.

She's got friends and interests,

and I love that about her.


[Mikey grunts]

Well, our first date.

It's my favorite picture of us.

-It's something, isn't it?

-Do you need medical attention?

I was lucky.

Lucky as Lou Gehrig. [chuckles]

But, well, you know Gemma.

We start dating.

She stops answering my calls.

We moved in together.

She rarely comes home.

I manage, but--

There are dark moments, George.

And I think to myself,

"Oh, God,

has she been cheating on me?"

I mean, that makes me

sound crazy, doesn't it?

And the last thing

I want to do

is be one of those

hysterical men.

And I get the look,

"No, we don't have sex."

And I have a notebook

full of things

I would love to experiment with

when she's ready.

If I can be honest, George,

I think

she might have become asexual.

Just doesn't interest her.

But when we first met,

woo-wee, George,

she was whatever

the opposite of asexual is.


-We haven't slept together in...

Can I be honest, George?

I'm-- I'm worried.

I'm worried about me.

I mean, do you listen

to the radio, George?

Do you watch the television?

Are you aware

of the terrible things

that people do to each other?

Why don't you clean yourself up?

Sure thing.

You okay?

Never better.

[Mikey's stomach gurgles]

Did you, uh,

get the water heater fixed?

Oh, got a new one at Kent's.


-Always on.



Lucky you came by the other day,

or, you know, who knows

what would have happened.

-Yeah, lucky indeed.

-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I was looking for Gemma.


-Well, just checking.

Yeah. You find her?





[intriguing music]

-[music continues]

-[no audio]

[music fades]


Hey, so Annie said that

you were out the other day

when the gas leaked.


Where were you?

Old friends.

-Anyone I'm familiar with?

-I don't think so.

Well, I might know them,

given the pie situation.

These are friends work...


The graveyard shift?


[chuckles] That's funny.

For a restaurant

that closes at 9:00 p.m.

[George groans softly]

They're the cleaning crew.



-Okay, well, good night.

-Good night.

So proud of you. I'm so proud.

Thank you.

Good night, you guys.

Did George seem

a little off to you tonight?


Hey, I really do love you, Gem.

[car engine rumbles]

[planes whooshing]

[Annie] I really don't want

to do this, George.


Come on, we're celebrating.

[Annie on radio]

Say it with me.

-Live a little.


Now, the Wow Sponge

goes for $3.99 a sponge, which--

Yeah, what the f*ck is up,

you adrenaline junkies?

You g*dd*mn adrenaline addicts.

What the f*ck is up,

you adrenal heads?

I'm Gail, but enough about me.

How are you today?

-We're excited.

-Hell yeah.

All right, now, listen up.

Come here.

Story time. Come here.

People are always asking me,

"Gail, what's the trick

to staying calm up there?"

All right, now, let's be honest.

It's in your DNA to fear,

and that's why we're here.

Don't avoid it, confront it.

Head-on collision with our

base instincts, m*therf*cker.

-[George laughing nervously]


Now, here's a tip, all right?

This is a Gail trademark.

If you look down,

you're falling.

But if you look out,

you're flying, baby.

-f*cking A, right?

-[George chuckles]

Yeah, all right, now, let me

just go ahead and check this.

Yes. All right.

Now, um, you know,

I do like to suggest

a quick visit to the old

toilet day before we head up.

A little field trip

to the piss and shit factory,

if you catch my drift.

Uh, yes, please.

All right, well,

follow me, darling.

I gotta empty the t*nk myself.

[suspenseful music]

[cloth ripping]

[Ty] George?

Yep, I'm Ty.


-You're Gemma's referral, yeah?

-That's right.

-Ah. Cool.

Does she ever talk about me?


-Shit. Sorry.

Oh, so weird to ask.

Ah, forget it.

She said she loves,

uh, skydiving.

That's cool.

I love her.

Holy shit, is that

the Wow Sponge lady?

All right, who's ready to fly?

Oh, excuse me. Huge fan.

-Oh, wow.

-Wow, you said it.






-It's like a--


Oh, my God.

Wow. Truly.

Oh, oh, my stomach.

I can't go up.


-My stomach.

-I can't go up.

-I heard you,

-but what do you mean you're--

-Oof, ouch.

That'll result in a $2,000

per person cancellation fee.


-Oof, ouch. That'll result in--

-I heard you.

I hear all of you, but...

it's going to be $4,000

if we don't go up?

-[Gail] Yeah. Oh!

-[Annie whispers] Oh, dear.

[groans in pain]

[Gail] All right, hey,

listen, what?

I'll tell you this, okay?

If we go up, you and me,

lady friend,

I'll spare you his fee.

I got the jet already fueled up.

It's all full of f*cking fuel,

and I'm ready to fly, baby.

Gail's ready to f*cking fly!

-All right.

-This was a gift for you. Go.

I don't want to do this, George.

[George] You'll have fun. Go.

-What the hell?

-It's my stomach.

It acts up. You know this.

It doesn't.

It does. [groaning]


What do you say, Ms. Wow?

I'll go up. For you.

-That's a lot of money.

-All right.

Smell, you b*tch.

Okay, Ms. Wow.

Let's hit

the jet stream and soar.

f*cking soar.

[George mimicking pain]

[upbeat music]

Bathroom's inside, to the right,

if it's that kind of

stomach thing.

[propellers whirring]

We're almost there.

We're almost there.

[body thuds]

[Ty] Holy shit.

Holy shit!

Jesus f*cking Christ!


[upbeat music continues]


-[Gail retching]

-[Annie and George screaming]

[frustrated crying]


[Annie groans]

I'll do it myself.

[phone ringing]


[medical biller]

This is East Lake Hospital.

I'm calling to confirm

that you do not own

a health insurance

qualifying firearm,

nor have you ponied up the dough

to purchase one a la carte.

My wife was nearly k*lled.

God damn you.

You couldn't even wait an hour?

I could not,

you'll be receiving a bill

in the amount

of $200,000.53.


Annie Decker of Wow Sponge fame

is lucky to be alive

after a harrowing accident.

[Annie on TV] Now that

is what I call the wow fact--

[rapid tapping]

-[loud thud]

-We have a birthday.

[door creaks and shuts]

Decker, you're dancing today.

-Lucy, I'm not dancing--

-I'm doing you a favor.

The $10 birthday bonus

might help.

Your wife is all over the news,

and I imagine things are getting

a little tight at home.

$10 is real money, George.

How about

a birthday bonus for my boy?

It's your birthday.

Happy birthday.

Every day is a gift.

This is yours.

[birthday man] Thank you.


Hit it.

[disco music]


it's a silly birthday

Oh, yeah, another year older

Yum, yum,

so eat some f*cking cake

Baby, we ain't got to wait,

so we might as well say

Oh, oh,

look at this guy go


-It's made with love

It's got sprinkles

on the top

A candle that'll pop,

like this song

Happy birthday,

Burgers Now

f*cking damn, Burgers now

Oh, oh, songs not over

I know you want more,

you sexy little whore

Oh, yeah, so baby, get vulgar,

you ain't getting younger

You old piece of shit

Happy birthday,

Burgers Now

f*ck yeah, Burgers Now

-[loud pop]


Thank you. I--

I really needed that.

The Department of g*n Ubiquity

is pleased to announce

that the purchase

of an approved firearm

now entitles the g*n owner

to medical coverage,

dental coverage,

mental health coverage,

an allowance

for a gym membership,

an allowance

for meditation courses.

-[doorbell dings]

-[door shuts]



Is Annie doing okay?

Oh. She is remarkable.

A month later

and she is already on her feet.

She's an inspiration.

Light of my life.

Nice flowers.

[Kent] Thank you.

Picked 'em out myself.

Trying to diversify.

I'll take the sunflowers.

[Kent] An assorted bouquet?


[quiet music playing on radio]

And rat poison.

Had an infestation a while ago.

Ended up with a barn cat.

Still better than

any product on the market.

And you could save a life.


Has that always been there?

It's mandatory

that all businesses

display their firearms

ever since

they got rid of health ratings,

fire codes,

and occupancy guidelines.

-Oh, yes.

-[phone rings]

Oh, uh, excuse me.

Kent's Korner Store.

Kent speaking.

How may I help you?

Um, it's for you.

-Who is it?

-Jack and Associates.

I'll call them back.

He'll call you right back.

-They're rather angry about--

-Hang up the phone, Kent.

Apologies. You just missed him.

-Jack and Associates, huh?




-[doorbell dings]

-[door shuts]

All right,

let's get back to business.

[Kent whispering]

Perfect. Okay.

-[doorbell dings]

-[door shuts]


-You just missed him.

-What did he get?

He's got a heavy tab, my friend.

What did he get this morning,

just now?

Uh, a bouquet of flowers

and rat poison.

And a lotto ticket, naturally.

-Were they sunflowers?

-They were.

Annie almost dies

in a freak parachute accident,

and now George

is buying rat poison

and my wife's favorite flowers?

Okay, this isn't some

crazy conspiracy--

Gemma's cheating on me, okay?

I-- I know it.

I'm not gonna defend

George's character, but--

Would you stand aside if

you knew who the other man was?

Can you say for certain

George is the other man,

despite his deeply selfish

and destructive personality?

I know I'm right.

I know I'm right.

-[doorbell dings]

-[door shuts]

Now would be

a good time to help.

[intriguing music playing]

[dog barking]

Fresh flowers

for the light of my life.

-I'm allergic to sunflowers.

-Are you?

You knew that.

How about some

lasagna for dinner?

-I have plans.

-[George chuckles]

I'm treating you

to a home-cooked meal,

flowers and lasagna.

I'm being romantic, darling.



I made plans.

[shouting] Can't you at least

pretend to love me?

You're supposed to be

an actress.


I'm making you dinner.

-I have--

-Let me be a good husband.

You're scaring me.

-It's lasagna.

-George, stop.

It's flowers and lasagna.

-Stop walking.

-Beautiful, Annie.

-George, stop!

-Wow! Wow! Wow!

[Gemma] Annie!

She's not here.

I was supposed to pick her up.

What did you do?

Uh, I--

-I couldn't tell you.


Wait, let me text her.

Well, I'm f*cking starving.

Um, I was gonna make lasagna.

Hmm. Enough for two?

[tense music]

Nice to be away from them,

isn't it?

Almost feels like I'm alone.

Ah, paradise.

Nice to be away from them,

isn't it?

Almost feels like I'm alone.


[laughter on TV]

I told you

I was having dinner at Annie's.

[Mikey on phone]

How's it going?


-[George laughs]

-[Mikey] Who is that?


-[Mikey] I...

thought you were

having dinner with Annie.

Yeah, we were supposed

to have dinner,

but she left and she isn't

answering her phone.

-[laughter on TV]

-[Gemma laughs]

-[Mikey] Gemma.

-Look, I'm having

an impromptu dinner

with George, okay?

I'll talk to you later.

Jesus Christ.

Well, you missed dinner.

Time for me to turn in.

Good night, George.

-Uh, where were you?


Fame getting to you?

No, no, I think

George is trying to k*ll me.

Mikey kills me every day.

He tried to poison me

with lasagna.

I ate the lasagna.

Do I look dead?

Can I just-- can I just stay

with you for a little while?

Oh, Annie, I love you, I do,

but the place is cramped

for two people.

And it's almost

too small for Mikey now.


You really think George

is smart enough

to k*ll you

and get away with it?

He went to Bloward.

Well, there's little

evidence of that, so...

Uh, I mean, look, you could--

you could divorce him.

No, he'd take

half of everything.

Wait, you didn't sign a pre--

No, he didn't think

it was a good idea.

Are you out of your mind?

You let him talk

to you into a marriage.

You're fine, okay?


it's George, you know?

It's-- it's George.


All right, I love you.

You call me

if you need me, okay?


-You're gonna be fine.



-[scissors clatter on ground]

[Annie sighs]




[crying bitterly]

[grunting and groaning]


[romantic music]

[girl laughing]

[girl thuds on ground

and screams]

Do you f*cking hear me?

[Tod] Yes, ma'am.


And where were you yesterday?

Coffee and a slice of apple pie.

Uh, you're supposed to be

on the clock.

Coffee and a slice of apple pie.

Make it two of each.


-What do you think you're--

-You'll speak when spoken to.

I'll just ask.

I'll just come out and ask it.

Why do you t*rture me?

I want you to show me

that you want to be here.

-You abuse me.

-You like it.

-And you're well paid.


This is my place.

I run it how I want.

Mommy built it, no?

You need this place.

You need me.

[Lucy on speakers]

I want you to show me that

-you want to be here.

-[George] You abuse me.

[Lucy] You like it.

And you're well paid.

[George] Don't.

-Well paid.

-Legal wage.

Record me all you want.

I'll be fine. You know that.

Maybe life

isn't about public opinion

so much as it is

about one person

deciding something irreversible

should happen to you.

Hmm. I'll be damned, Mikey.

Well done.

-George, please.


George, please."

What does "George" even mean?


It stopped sounding

like a word after a while.

George. George.


George got good grades

so he could get into college.


did well at Bloward,

so he could get a good job.

I did have them too.

In the city. Did you know that?

Yeah, the city.


I was a part of it.

Can you picture that, huh?

Me, fancy cocktail parties.

My business card out just so.

"Take me, take me."

Little bits of me

stuffed into important wallets.

Then there was Annie.

Always in my ear.


"We should start a family.

We should move to the suburbs.

Maybe we'd be happier."

You know something, Lucy?

That woman has a lot...

of life in her.

She was--

she was always destined to--

to make something of herself.

She-- honestly, she...

she sees life as a-- as a--

kind of-- of, uh, opportunity,

an invitation...

to be someone.

It's infuriating.

And she has suppressed that.

For me, for-- for so long.

So long.

Honestly, is she--

she didn't want to,

she shouldn't have, uh,

hitched her cart to this donkey

'cause I am...

who I've always been.

[exhales sharply]

You wouldn't understand that.


You're a child.

I wasn't happy in the city.

I lived well beyond my means.

I still wasn't happy.

I'm not happy now.

I have been alive

long enough to know...

that I never will be.

Nothing I ever do

will live up to

who I think George should be.

I played my part.

I've stayed on track.

And now I'm j-- I'm--

I'm building up quarters.

Have you been to the Bahamas?

I'm going tonight.

[cutlery clattering]

Um, Lucy, um...

I really mean this, okay?

I hate you.

I hate you more that hate.

I hope you die early...


and alone.

Can I get a deal on that?

Annie doesn't want one,

so it would have to be quiet.

I can't do the paperwork.

Why do you need it?


All these freak accidents, um--


I'm a little jittery.

I'll be fined, and so will you.

What's a little fine

at this point, Kent?

You're a good person, George.

Aren't you?


I have never felt more hinged.

[ominous music]

Can I use your bathroom?

Ah, there's something

wrong with the loo,

-my friend.

-What's going on?

Water just keeps

rising and rising.



[Kent] Don't worry, George.

I'll manage.

I don't know how these work.

Engineering was my third major

at Bloward University.

Since in the blueprint as part

of an internship application.

Didn't get the job.

Never saw a cent of profits.

Could you imagine

the kind of money that is?

I'm not bitter.

Just to know that they've helped

people is [indistinct] enough.

Oh, um,

and I'm sorry

to do this so callously,

but I added the [indistinct].

A little over $40,000.

I don't blame you.

I don't blame you

for not believing in me

when I asked you to open a store

with me all those years ago.

I don't blame you for begging me

to let you in on it

once you saw it was a success.

It-- it was my investors

that wouldn't allow me

to do that.

-[toilet flushes]

-I felt terrible.

I tried to do right, but I--

I know things

haven't been easier.

But I'm here for you, George.

I consider you a friend.

And I value my customers

and my friends equally.

So consider yourself

double valued.

Coming out now as a friend.

And I hope in turn

to be met with a friend.

[door creaks and slams shut]


[Gemma chuckling]

Wait, wait, wait, wait!

[phone ringing]


[Mikey on phone]

What are you doing?

I told you I was having dinner

with Annie tonight.

-[Mikey] Again?


What are your plans till dinner?

Are you at work?



I'm coming to your office.

-I made a pie for you.

-I don't eat pie, Mikey.

A nice midday surprise

for my baby?

I'm-- I'm--

I'm out of the office.

You just said you were at work.

Well, I-- I am.

-[Mikey sighs] What's going on?


-[man sneezes]

-[Mikey] Who is that?

Uh, no one.


That was a man sneeze.

Don't be hysterical, Mikey.

It's unbecoming.

[Mikey] Hysterical?

Are you cheating on me?

You're cheating on me.

-I know who it is.

-[line beeps]

He does?

[dog barking]

[phone ringing]


[Gemma on phone]

Mikey knows about the affair.

I'll pack a bag.

Come here

and we can leave them together.

We could just

f*cking leave them.

[Gemma sighs] I'm sorry.

I never told you.

-I didn't think--

-Didn't tell me what?

[Gemma sighs] I'm pregnant.


[Gemma] I'll make its life hell

without even meaning to.

Hey, um...

come quick, okay?

-[Gemma] Annie...

-Just get in the car, Gemma.

Get in the car.


[floor creaking]

[can hisses open]


[can hisses open]


[newscaster on TV]

Kent's Korner Store

was the site of a robbery

tonight and Kent,

the proprietor, was m*rder*d.

Point-blank shotgun

blast to the face.

Authorities obtained

security footage,

which we are obligated

to show you.

[announcer on TV]

Up next, the lottery.

But first, a word

from our sponsor, Triceraglocks.

[Annie on TV]

It's me. Triceraglocks.

Bang, bang. [chuckles]

The ticket

to Target Island is...

-[g*nshots bang]

-...your very own


That's right.

For just $3.99, you can...

-[g*nshots bang]

-[glass shatters]

-[exhales sharply]

-[body thuds on ground]

[upbeat music playing on TV]

[host on TV]

And now, the lottery.

An tonight's

winning numbers are...





And the lucky number...


-[g*nsh*t bangs]

Congratulations to the winner.


-[g*nsh*t bangs]

[Annie grunting]

[Annie panting]

[Annie panting, gasping]

[George wheezing]


[upbeat electronic music]
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