01x12 - The Glitter Dragon

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Isadora Moon". Aired: November 17, 2023.*
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Isadora Moon, half fairy, half vampire, totally unique! Her mum is a fairy, her dad is a vampire, she's a bit of both.
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01x12 - The Glitter Dragon

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Isadora Moon, one and only ♪

♪ Here I go ♪

♪ I'm totally unique and extra
starry ♪

♪ Waving my wand, flying
fearlessly ♪

♪ It's your girl, Isadora ♪

♪ A little bit of both ♪

♪ Half a vampire, half a fairy ♪

♪ Ready for a new exciting
journey ♪

♪ Sparkly and extraordinary ♪

♪ Yeah, that's me ♪

♪ Isadora ♪

♪ Watch me be ♪

[light music]

- This is gonna be the
best half-term ever.

- Mirabelle, look what mum made
for you.

- Like I said, best half term

[Isadora giggling]

What have you got planned?

Should we make a potion
that will turn us into owls?

Then we can stay up all
night flying in the garden.

- Um, I can't stay up all night.

I have my last day of school

- Right. I forgot.

- But we can do that for
the rest of the week.

- Great.

[paper rustles]
[dramatic music]

- [gasps] Oh no, I totally

It's bring-your-pet-to-school
day tomorrow.

Um, okay. Maybe I can
bring one of dad's bats.

No, it'll probably just
sleep the whole time.

- I've got an even better idea.

Why don't I just make you a pet?

- How can you make me a pet?

- Ta-da.

I'll just magic you up
the most amazing pet

that nobody in your class
has ever seen before.

[gasps] Like a dragon.

- A dragon? What if it
starts a fire at school?

- I'll make one that
breathes stars and glitter.

- Um.

- A cute little baby glitter
dragon. It'll be so much fun.

- That does sound very cute and
very fun.

Okay, just a little tiny
baby glitter dragon.

[anxious music]

[tense music]

- A dash of dragon flour, four
pinches of cuteness powder,

and a sprinkle of glitter and

[cauldron bubbling]

- [gasps] Aw, he's so sweet.

- [Mirabelle] I know.

- Okay, we should get ready for

We've got a big day at school

[gentle music]

Hey, where did he go?

Mirabelle, the dragon. He's

[anxious music]

- He can't have gone far.

- [gasps] Look.

Come on.

[searching music]

- Good morning.

- [gasps] Who slobbered all
over my velvet slippers.

- Um.

- It must have been

[Honeyblossom giggles]

- [gasps] Oh, she must
be getting another fang.

- That wasn't exactly the truth.

- I know, but she probably is
getting another fang someday.

And besides, we need to
find that glitter dragon

before your parents do.

- [Mum] Breakfast, darling.

[Honeyblossom giggling]

[cereal crunching]

- So, I know Isadora has school
today, but what do you girls

have planned for the rest of the

- Um, not much. Maybe just
hanging out.

[cereal crunching]

- Yum. Thanks for breakfast.

Off to school.

- Isadora, get dressed first.

- You get dressed, I'll
find the, you know what.

- Okay.

[searching music]

Did you find it?

- No. I looked everywhere.

Well, except for in your room.

- I was just in there. I think
I would've noticed a dragon.

[spring twanging]

[door clicking]

[Isadora gasps]

[dragon purrs]

- Mirabelle, we agreed a baby

- It was a baby dragon
and now it's a teenager.

Glitter dragons become
full grown in one day

and then fly off to the
magical fields near my house.

It's no big deal.

- It's a very big deal.

I can't take a teenage dragon to

it'll wreck everything.

- [Mum] Isadora, you're
going to miss the bus.

[Isadora groans]

[dragon purrs]

[lips smacking]

- [Dad] [gasps] Oh, no.
Slobber on my sunglasses.

- Oh dear. [chuckles]

[Isadora gasps]
[bus engine roars]

- Oh, missed it.

Mum, I need to lift to school.

- [Mum] You can fly in on your
own today.

I'll call Miss Cherry.

- Why don't you ride the
glitter dragon to school?

- What? I can't.

- You don't want to be late for

and not have a pet for the

- Um, I don't know.

- The longer you wait,
the later you'll be.

Plus he can't cause problems at

if he's with you at school

where you can keep an eye on

- Um. Safe and sound above the

[dragon purrs]

- Whoa.

[Isadora gasps and whoops]

[bright music]

- [gasps] Whoa.
- Isadora,

your pet is a dragon?

- He's a glitter dragon and very

Want to ride him?

- Yes! [laughs] Wow.

- Absolutely not, health
and safety hazard.

Get off that dragon, Zoe.

- But Miss Cherry.

- Zoe, you haven't had
any dragon flying lessons.

[Zoe grumbles]

Now everyone inside, it's
time for your presentation.

[students chattering and

[students laughing]
- Yeah.

- Watch out.

- Alright, class. Let's settle

So who would like to
present their pet first?

- [gasps] This is Sir
Hops-A-Lot, and I got him

because once Isadora's
cousin turned me into a frog

and it was amazing.

Then it was quite cool.
- No.

[animals calling]
[students laughing]

[dog barking]
[dragon purring]

[cat meows]
- Shush.

[students gasping]
[books clattering]

[everyone laughing]
- That's enough, class.

Isadora, why don't you go next

and then maybe take the dragon

- Um, well, this is a glitter

My cousin Mirabelle
magicked him up yesterday.

He was supposed to be a
baby, but grew really fast.

[dragon purrs]
[dog barks]

[students shrieking and

- No.
- Whoa.

[Zoe gasps]

- Oh no.
- Oh dear.

- Um, it's okay.

I'm sure he flew off to the
magic fields.

He won't be any more trouble.

- Right, who's next? Um, Oliver.

- This is my pet rock.

- Oh, thank goodness for that.

[door clicks]
- Hi, I'm back.

[slobber squelches]

- [Mum] Hello, darling.
We're in the kitchen.

- Um, Mirabelle, can we go...?

Um, can you help me with...

- Oh, you want me to help
you with tying your shoes.

- Isadora, you know how to tie
your shoes.

- [laughing] Of course she does

but I've been working on a

that ties your shoes
automatically for you.

Saves you seconds every morning.

- Oh, well, okay. You girls have

- The dragon escaped from the

and he must have come back here.

I think I would've noticed a
big slobbery glitter dragon

running around the house all

[liquid splashing]

- Uh-oh.

[both gasp]
[dragon purrs]

- Oh no. Shush.

- Eh? There's a dragon in my

[dragon huffs]

- Oh, my great-great

antique jeweled vampire comb.

No! [groans]

- [gasps] Oh, my.

- We have no idea how it

- Mirabelle, no more excuses.

Dad, I'm really sorry.

I was so excited about Mirabelle

I forgot it was
bring-your-pet-to-school day.

Mirabelle offered to help
and made me a glitter dragon,

and I knew it wasn't the best

but I said yes because
it did sound like fun.

It caused some trouble at school

and I thought it flew
away to the magic fields,

but I guess not.

- [sighs] I'm sorry too.

I didn't mean for all this to

- [sighs] Well, this isn't

We need to get this glitter
dragon back where he belongs.

Poor little thing, doesn't
know his way home yet.

He's only young.

All right you, out. Bath time's

- He really is amazing
when he's behaving himself.

- Dragons don't like to be
cooped up

in bathroom or classrooms,

and this one is especially

Excellent job conjuring him

but maybe next time we do it

- Mum, do you think I could
ride him just one last time?

- Oh, all right.

Safe and sound above the ground.

[bright music]
[Isadora whooping]

- [Isadora] [laughing] Yay.

[Isadora sighs and laughs]

[dragon purrs]

- Ready?

[dragon purrs]

[slobber splashes]
[Dad gasps]

- No, I just had these cleaned.

[everyone laughing]

[Dad groans]
- Bye.

♪ A little bit of both ♪

♪ Mighty vampire, magic fairy ♪

♪ Ready for a new exciting
journey ♪

♪ Sparkly and extraordinary ♪

♪ Yeah, that's me ♪

♪ Isadora ♪

♪ Watch me be ♪
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