[intense music]
[solemn music]
[sirens blaring]
[wings flapping]
[intense music]
[flames crackling]
[horse neighing]
[tense music]
[horse neighing]
[tense music]
[flames crackling]
[tense music]
[horse neighing]
[tense music]
[horse neighing]
[tense music]
[horse neighing]
[flames crackling]
[chamber clicks]
[tense music]
[g*nsh*t booms]
One, two, three, four
[upbeat music]
Well, that's all right, Mama
That's all right for you
That's all right, Mama
Just anyway you do
That's all right
That's all right
That's all right
That's all right
That's all right now, Mama
Anyway you do
Come on
Come on, you gotta
be kidding me.
I'm surprised it
lasted that long.
You know, you'd think
that a bunch of Mormons
who got together in their
little covered wagons
and made it all the way out west
to build their city on
top of a patch of salt,
that maybe, just maybe,
they'd build a radio tower.
But no, not the Mormons.
we're in Miller County.
[Tommy] What's that mean?
It means there's not
so much as a gas station
between here and Nevada.
You should have brought a book.
[scoffs] Think
they'd spring for us
to be put up in Salt Lake
City for one night, huh?
One night.
[chuckles] Salt Lake City?
- Yeah.
- What would you have done
in Salt Lake City?
Tipped cows?
You kidding me?
All those Mormon
girls with no booze,
no dancing, no culture,
just fighting over some frozen
- peckerwood preacher.
- Hey,
look sharp.
[tense music]
[Tommy] Is that our man?
Looks nothing like him.
[tense music]
Dang thing blew a gasket.
I don't think I can fix it.
I don't think you can.
Ain't no water out here,
and Sulphurdale's
ten mile that way.
I'd be obliged if
you help me out.
Help with what?
You got a spare
gasket back there?
Well, I reckon, I don't
know for sure it's the gasket.
[tense music]
[car door opens]
[tense music]
I've been working on it all day.
It's all busted up.
This old jalopy's got
a ton of miles on her.
I'm lucky you came
along while you did.
Ain't nothing out here
but critters and
Mormons farming oats.
[intense music]
[g*nf*re pattering]
Don't move.
Drop your g*ns or I sh**t.
Both of you.
You move, I sh**t him.
Don't sh**t.
I got 'em.
Crash, I got 'em.
He got 'em.
[intense music]
I am Crash Mooncalf with
the Crash Mooncalf g*ng.
And I run this here
part of this here state.
And you passing through my
part of this here state,
means you owe me debt.
Collect my debt, huh?
Mr. Mooncalf says
you owe debt, city boy.
I have no money.
He says he ain't got no money.
That's a brand new car.
Those are brand new
fancy-pants suits, huh?
Fancy-pants suits.
If you don't put
your limp-wristed
hands high in the air
and step out with your
billfolds spilling cash money,
I'm gonna air you f*ckers out.
Hey, we don't
want any trouble.
We'll give you our money, okay?
My billfold's in my pocket.
I'm gonna grab it slow.
Don't sh**t.
All right?
Here we go.
I got 600
right here.
I got 600 right here.
My partner's got
a thousand.
Take the money, you let us go.
[g*nsh*t booms]
[body thudding]
[g*nf*re pattering]
[intense music]
[Gunman] Get 'em.
[g*nf*re pattering]
Hold your fire!
You down there!
It's just the two of you.
Now, drop your g*ns.
Can't do that, Mr. Mooncalf!
My name is Frank Fenton.
My partner and I
are U.S. Marshals.
I have a warrant for your arrest
signed by a federal
magistrate judge
in Ormsby County, Nevada.
That means drop
your g*ns, dumbass!
Nothing doing, Marshal.
I got a bead on
your man in the car.
You drop your g*ns.
He ain't got a
bead on shit, Frank.
There's no need to spill
any more blood today,
Mr. Mooncalf.
Let's negotiate.
I can talk him down.
Mr. Mooncalf, use your head.
You got two marshals right here
and a hundred on your
tail if we go down.
There's only one way this ends.
I'm a crack shot.
We're both crack sh*ts.
You best back off.
You best back off!
We can take them, Frank.
There's only one
way, Mr. Mooncalf.
You know that.
Come on!
[g*nshots booming]
[Crash] Damn you, Marshal!
Damn it, Tommy!
[intense music]
[g*nshots booming]
Cover me!
[intense music]
[g*nshots booming]
[g*nsh*t booms]
[body thuds]
[tense music]
[Tommy panting]
Hot damn, Frank.
I got that sucker
dead to rights.
You see that?
What in the hell was that?
Don't put your hands on me.
Our job is serving warrants
and bringing in fugitives alive.
You know that!
For God's sake, we had him.
He would have surrendered.
He wasn't gonna surrender.
I did the job so
you didn't have to.
You're welcome.
Don't you walk away from me.
Don't you touch me!
You negotiate first.
[Tommy scoffing]
Then sh**t.
You do not go in g*ns
blazing every time!
That g*ng k*lled
families, Frank.
We stopped the bad guys.
That's the job.
this isn't a cowboy movie.
Yeah, well, sometimes
a cowboy's what you need.
I'm gonna call it in.
[tense music]
[car engine humming]
Fillin' her up?
[Frank] Just topping off.
You here for the sheriff?
Only reason anybody in a
suit's gonna be in Gilead
is to drive down to the
county seat in Fort Tipton
and see the sheriff.
Is that so?
Well, ever since the murders.
The sheriff ain't in his office.
Where is he?
He's up off the
State Line Road
at the McCluskey homestead.
What's left of it.
[Frank] Well, I guess
that's where we're headed.
Yep, well,
they was m*rder*d.
The McCluskeys.
All of 'em.
You need anything for the road?
I'll take a 7-UP.
Got anything a
little stronger?
[engine revving]
Hey, you want one?
No, thanks.
Suit yourself.
[car engine humming]
[Tommy sighs]
We got the federal warrant
served before lunch.
What do you think the odds
are we can make it a twofer
and get this rinky dink state
warrant served before supper?
I wouldn't hold my breath.
This one might get complicated.
[tense music]
[Sheriff] What?
[Frank] I'm Frank Fenton.
This is my partner, Tom.
We're U.S. Marshals.
Where's the coroner?
[laughing] Paiute
County has no coroner.
They got me and my deputy.
Yeah, middle of
nowhere here, huh?
I live here.
This is Paiute country.
Only flat dicks in DC think
this is the middle of nowhere.
Now pick that up.
And, uh, feel free
to look around.
Best we can tell is that
the perps entered here.
And whoever kicked the
door in was not invited.
[Frank] Any idea who did this?
Yeah, Benjamin Bonney.
You here to serve him a warrant?
Yeah, we're here
to serve his warrant.
You sure it was him?
[scoffs] Dead positive.
Anybody who lives within
a mile of his ranch,
he sh**t them in the head and
just burns down their house.
[Tommy] And not a
single speck of evidence?
That's right.
He's real good.
Not one speck of
evidence until last week.
We found a casing
that's matched his iron.
How far away is his ranch?
See that other side
of that mountain?
He lives up there with
these three half-wit sons.
Three sons?
Yeah, Noah, Ahab, and Joe.
Now I've never really seen Joe,
but I've heard a lot about him.
Every crime scene always
had four sets of footprints.
So they're all involved.
[intense music]
[car engine roaring]
Son of a b*tch.
Three kids.
Dossier said two, right?
"Benjamin Bonney,
born 8/18/1902, Gilead,"
uh, blah blah.
"Married in 1924.
Produced two offspring,
two sons, Ahab and Noah."
So who's this Joe kid, huh?
Some illegitimate half-breed?
Look, the warrant is
for Benjamin Bonney.
We just gotta bring in one guy.
We play it smart.
We feel it out.
Well, you better find
us a motel with a bar.
[bluesy rock music]
Only if I could
Hey, pigtails.
Can I get another tequila?
Actually, make it two.
Two more coming up.
So there's
something I don't get.
What don't you get, Tommy?
Why us?
Why'd they send a
couple of marshals
to this little podunk hickville
to serve a county warrant?
I mean, I get the
sheriff's outgunned.
Look at that guy.
He could barely stand.
But why did the
FBI kick it down?
Well, I'm sure our
friends at the FBI
didn't want to deal with
a couple of dead miners
in Indian country.
So we got sent on a milk
run after the Mooncalf grab.
Seems pretty cut
and dried to me.
I just don't get why
the FBI passed on it.
[Callie] Here you go, boys.
Much obliged.
Now what is your name?
Name's Callie.
You here about the murders?
Ooh, cat's out of the
bag, Frank. [chuckles]
No, thank you.
You think it's land
they're after, the Bonneys?
Anyone with any sense knows so.
Is that right?
Them boys got a grudge and
they'll spill blood over it.
Ben Bonney's daddy
owned 10,000 acres
of God's country around here.
Largest ranch in the mine area.
When he went off and
got k*lled by the Indians,
the bank took it,
sold it off in plots,
and I bought one of them plots.
You see, there ain't nobody
got no recollection of it
except Ben Bonney
and a few others.
A man thinks something's
rightfully his
and it gets took from
him's a dangerous man.
Ben Bonney's even worse.
So he's trying to buy back
the land at bottom dollar?
Hell, he low-balled me
to the tune of $20 an acre.
Turned him down.
Next week, had two dead
horses shot through the head.
He come back the next day,
offered me $10 an acre.
Did you take it?
[Tommy] [chuckles]
I like this guy.
I always figured
my end would be the
bottom of a mine shaft,
inflation would run me off,
or Soviet Reds would get me.
I never ever dreamed
it'd be the cloven-hoofed
devil himself.
[Don sighs]
How about that?
We get to arrest the
cloven-hoofed devil himself.
The whole country's gone to
half to hell if you ask me.
Mama'd spin in her grave.
If it's not murderers,
it's the communists.
Didn't used to be like this.
It won't always be like this.
That's how you flirt?
Mind your business. Tommy.
[chuckles] So this
Benjamin Bonney guy, right?
He's out there, what?
k*lling landowners and
then buying up the plots?
And he thinks he's not
gonna get caught.
I reached inside
Oh, come on, Tommy.
Hi, boys.
[Tommy] Hello, yourself.
What's your name?
What's yours?
You want a drink?
Don't mind if I do
[laughs] Hot damn, Dinah.
Where are you from?
Twin Falls, Idaho.
- Idaho?
- Mm-hmm.
What-what are you doing
all the way down here?
Oh, just looking
for a boyfriend.
It might be you if you
play your cards right.
Miss, we're U.S. Marshals.
[scoffs] Is that a crime?
Just keep it above
board, please.
My son likes those.
He's four.
So, you got a girlfriend?
[Tommy] Well, I
think I might now.
You staying here?
I am.
Just outside.
Uh, Tommy, we're marshals.
Yeah, you said that already.
You think I'm a prost*tute?
You think I'm trying
to take his money?
Well, I'm not.
I'm not for sale.
I just...
I like Tommy.
And you're gonna give
me some gas money
to get back home to my
little boy next week?
Well, that only sounds fair.
Hey, Frank, can I borrow $10?
I'm kidding.
All right.
That sounds fair to me.
Frank, don't you
wait up. [grunts]
How's it going, darling?
Look at that dress.
I love the way it moves.
- Take it off.
- I cannot wait
to see what it looks like
on the floor [indistinct].
[Frank sighs]
[Dinah speaking indistinctly]
[door slams]
Left you with the bill, huh?
I'll collect on it.
No, thank you.
I gave them up 10 years ago.
You really a marshal?
[Frank] I am.
And you're really
going after the Bonneys?
Looks that way.
Drinks on the house.
Whole valley's scared
to go near them.
Well, thank you, Callie.
They're dangerous.
Next time you might need
something a little stronger.
All right.
I got six sh*ts in my p*stol,
and every one of them's
got your name on it.
Well, well, well, if
it ain't Durango Jack.
[Dinah moaning]
Last I heard you were lightin'
out for Indian territory.
[Dinah moaning]
[fist thudding]
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, here you go.
- Yeah, right there.
Here you go, here you go.
All right.
[Dinah moaning]
[Cowboy] Confound
you, Durango Jack!
[coin clattering]
[tray sliding]
[solemn music]
Lo and behold, church
on wheels. [laughs]
Quite a sight, isn't it?
What, are you some
kind of preacher?
That I am.
Reverend Cassidy
Whitaker at your service.
My friends call me Cass.
[Cassidy] How do you do Frank?
I've never seen a
traveling church before.
You mean you've never seen
a man roam from town to town,
in a preacher wagon, bothering
strange men in parking lots?
You gotta get out more, Frank.
You starting a revival?
There's already a revival.
I'm just bringing
it to Paiute County.
[Frank] Hm.
First altar call
tomorrow night.
Free Bible if you want it.
Yeah, the Gideons
beat you to that one.
You got me there.
Of course, the Gideons
can't give you more
than what fits in a drawer.
But Frank,
this place
is special.
I can feel it.
A man in your line of
work might benefit.
What kind of work is that?
Well, you're a man
of the law, aren't you?
How'd you guess?
Turn around
- What?
- Turn around.
I'm unarmed.
Shoulders of a law man.
A thousand burdens in
every fiber of muscle.
You're still holding it tight.
What are you,
some kind of shrink?
Just a man of the Lord, Frank.
But you don't need to have
religion to call me a friend.
I've been down some hard roads.
You ever need an ear or
a hand or anything else,
I'm your man.
Thank you.
I'm an Evangelist, baby.
Good will don't cost me a thing.
I'm gonna catch some shut
eye in the preacher wagon.
You have yourself a good night.
[solemn music]
Hey, you too.
[Cassidy] Thank you.
[solemn music]
[fist thudding]
[Tommy] Oh, shit, I gotta go.
[Dinah] No.
- Where's my wallet?
- Right now?
Rise and shine, kiddo.
[Tommy] I gotta
go, I gotta go.
I gotta go.
Be safe, baby doll.
I'll see you tonight.
Don't get shot.
Is that coffee?
Oh, man.
Is she staying?
She needed gas
money and then, uh,
turns out her engine
needed an overhaul,
so I had to work
on that all night.
[sighs] Jesus.
All right, Casanova, it's
time to clock in. [sighs]
[intense music]
[Don coughing]
What the hell?
[Don coughing]
[Don groaning and gasping]
[tense music]
I need a b*llet.
Grab a canteen.
sh**t me.
I need a b*llet.
Hang on, pal, we're
getting you water.
sh**t me.
Sh-sh-sh-sh**t me.
sh**t me.
[tense music]
sh**t me.
[tense music]
[soldier speaking German]
[Don] sh**t me.
[g*nsh*t booming]
[grim music]
What did you do?
I put him out of his misery.
You heard him.
Poor bastard was begging for it.
[Frank panting]
[Frank panting]
are you all right?
Yeah, I'm all right.
I'm all right.
I get like that too sometimes.
[solemn music]
Call it in.
[solemn music]
That's Don Burgess.
At least he had the common
courtesy to sh**t him.
I shot him.
I think you did
the right thing.
Poor bastard.
That's one hell of a way to go.
the whole place is done for.
Shack's burnt down and
the horses shot dead.
Same as the McCluskey place.
We met him last night in town.
- Hm.
- He gave us reason to believe
Bonney has some sort of
ties to the land here.
Yeah, I heard that.
Can't you check?
Don't you have a
courthouse here?
We keep our archives
in the basement of the
courthouse in Fort Tipton.
But it mysteriously burnt down
two weeks before
these murders started.
Covering his tracks.
[Tommy sighs]
we'll have him at the
business end of a g*n soon.
I'm telling you, they
are very dangerous men,
so you and Barney Fife
here better watch your ass.
All right there.
[tense music]
Big ol' fancy ranch with
no cattle and no horses.
And they got a storage barn,
but they aren't growing crops.
[g*nsh*t booms]
Get out!
[g*nshots booming]
[intense music]
Hey, we're unarmed!
Stop sh**ting!
[Benjamin] State
your business!
We're Mormon!
[Benjamin] Mormons?
That doesn't help your case any.
[g*nshots booming]
Hey, stop it!
I'm offering you diplomacy here.
[g*nsh*t booming]
[Benjamin] Beg your pardon,
Mormon, but I'm no diplomat.
What we gonna do here, Frank?
What are we gonna do, Frank?
[g*nshots booming]
Sir, what are we gonna do?
[intense music]
What are we gonna do?
[g*nf*re pattering]
[bombs whistling]
[expl*si*n booming]
[intense music]
[g*nf*re pattering]
[explosions booming]
[r*fle clicking]
[g*nshots booming]
[intense music]
cover me!
[intense music]
[g*nf*re pattering]
[intense music]
[g*n clicks]
[g*nshots booming]
[g*nf*re pattering]
Tommy, get over here!
[tense music]
Drop your g*ns or
I throw grenades
through every window
of this house!
[tense music]
You're the first pair of Mormons
to ever sh**t their way
through the front door.
Are you Benjamin Bonney?
I am not.
I'm Mickey Mouse.
And these are my
associates, Jim and Judy.
Nice to meet you.
You come to plug holes
in the front of my house?
Tell you what, why don't
you join us for dinner?
What's your name?
And you?
That's right
Where is Joe?
[men chuckling]
I'm beginning to suspect that
you're not actually Mormons.
No, no, wait.
Give me a minute.
Don't tell me.
You're U.S. Marshals
and you're here 'cause
you got something to say.
Yeah, we do.
We have a warrant
for your arrest
on the charge of capital m*rder.
Capital m*rder?
Oh, good heavens.
I'd better comply.
Gentlemen, here are my wrists.
Just slap the irons on me and
drag me off to the hangman.
That is exactly what
we're going to do.
You will have your day in
court if you come peacefully.
Oh, did you hear that?
I'm going to get
my day in court.
Uh, you know, uh, if you please,
Marshals, I was wondering
if I can have a look at
a copy of that warrant.
That'd help me come
along peacefully.
[Frank] Yeah.
Issued by a
Paiute County judge.
Well, now, you must be mistaken.
Um, it says here it's
issued on November 13th
and that was, uh,
well over a week ago.
That's right.
Warrants don't expire.
Well, I was wondering if they
kept a copy of that warrant
in the Paiute County courthouse.
I would assume so.
I would assume so, too.
May I, uh, may I make a
phone call to the courthouse?
Maybe that'd help me
not resist the, uh...
I'll make the call.
[tense music]
Operator, connect me to the
Paiute County courthouse.
You fight in the w*r?
You got that look about you.
Probably the right age.
You want to see what I
brought back from Saipan?
I cut the tongue
out of every Jap
I stuck my bayonet through.
He was in Germany.
t*nk command.
k*lled 40 Krauts in
the Hurtgen forest.
How many was it?
About 40. [spits]
[Noah] You're on the
wrong ranch, peckerwood.
[Frank scoffs]
[g*nf*re pattering]
[tense music]
How about I make a
souvenir necklace of my own?
Now, now.
You got anything you
wanna say to your son,
you better say it now.
Calm it down, come on.
Calm it down.
I am calm.
Yes, yes, this
is Officer Morton
with the U.S. Marshal Service.
Calling to check on a
status of a warrant,
issue 13 November,
one Benjamin Bonney.
Yes, ma'am.
Are you sure?
Thank you, ma'am.
The warrant's been remanded.
The warrant was
remanded yesterday.
The county clerk's office
forgot to notify the sheriff.
[Frank] Why weren't we
notified by the field office?
Now here's what's
gonna happen.
Joe Bonney's outside
50 yards away
with a r*fle ready to blow a
hole in the side of your head
the second you step
out that front door.
Now I don't want to
filthy up my floor
with a couple of dead marshals,
not any more than it's
already been filthied,
even though I'd be
justified in doing so
'cause you never identified
yourselves as marshals.
You start sh**ting up
the front of my house.
I have two witnesses for it.
Now, you fly back to
wherever you came from
and don't ever come back here,
and I won't have to
bleach your skulls
and send them home to your
mothers for Christmas.
How's that for
diplomacy, Mormons?
[grunts] I'll take
that as a yes, sir,
and thank you for not
cutting my nuts off.
Now, if you don't want Joe
to splatter your brains
all over the front yard,
you throw down your g*ns,
you strip down to
your bare asses,
you take your Walt
Disney Storybook warrant,
and you get the f*ck
out of my house!
[tense music]
[car engine turning and revving]
[solemn music]
Call him.
I-I don't, I don't understand
how something like
that gets lost
Field office confirmed it.
Warrant was remanded yesterday
by somebody higher up.
The sheriff wasn't in the loop.
CO says the evidence
went missing.
That's great news, Frank.
Courthouse building burns
up all the vital records.
Evidence goes magically missing,
and some redneck hillbilly
tyrant takes our
service pistols.
Man, we look like true
professionals, don't we?
I don't like it either--
I can't eve
get a damn light!
Now what was all
that back there, huh?
You sh**ting up the place
after giving me your little
lecture on procedure?
It was nothing, all right?
Didn't look like nothing.
All right, look,
let's go to a pawn shop,
pick up a couple of pistols.
We'll stay the night in Gilead,
head back in the
morning, close it out.
As far as I'm concerned, this
is the FBI's problem now.
All right.
I'm still pissed they had
clothes that fit you and not me.
Luck of the draw.
Can you at least
give me the belt?
[Frank sighs]
We're not in a
hurry to go anywhere.
Let me sleep in, huh?
Hiya, Tommy.
Well, hello, gorgeous.
What are you wearing?
What are you wearing?
[laughs] Take it off.
[Dinah chuckles]
[door slams]
[chuckles] So this
man, this Zen lunatic,
this Jesus Christ,
this Son of God,
this man who transforms men
and restores him to the land
that once bore him bounty,
this man from the bosom
of the earth brought life,
and it is this life in abundance
that Jesus promises us.
Howdy, Frank.
Transformation makes
the broken world holy,
the skin holy, the nose holy,
the tongue and cock
and as*h*le holy.
makes the soul holy.
Okay, boys.
You go tonight with
the blessings of Jesus.
Have a seat, Frank.
You look spent.
Mind if I smoke my pipe?
Not at all.
I've never seen
a preacher smoke.
Listen, Frank.
If the good Lord didn't
create all manner of plants
on the third day of creation
so we could bunch 'em up into
a piece of hollowed out wood,
and smoke our little hearts out,
I don't know why He
created them at all.
Don't deny yourself for my sake.
I don't smoke.
I quit
after the w*r.
I just, uh,
needed to do things
a different way.
You know, they used to, uh,
put lithium in this stuff.
Why are you here, Frank?
Tonight, here at this hotel?
It's the only
motel in 50 miles.
It was this patch of
concrete or a tent.
You know why I'm here?
Why is that?
I was reading the
book of Genesis,
the first book of the Bible.
I was reading the story
about this man named Jacob,
son of Isaac,
grandson of Abraham.
He spent a great deal
of his life in turmoil.
Gilead was the name of the place
where he laid that turmoil down
and made peace with himself.
That spoke to me.
That's why I'm in Gilead.
I know as a lawman you're
in Gilead because of...
Well, you must be on
some kind of assignment.
But I want to know
why you're here,
in this patch of concrete,
sitting across from me,
when you could be anywhere
else in Gilead, Nevada
you want to be right now.
You want to know why I'm here?
[Cassidy] Mm-hmm.
I'll tell you.
It's not because of
some divine path.
There's a man in this
valley k*lling people.
I'm here to stop him.
Only I can't.
He found a loophole
to keep on doing it,
so I'm packing up
and I'm going home.
It's that simple, Reverend.
There's no neat, tidy
bow to the story.
No happy ending.
No angels and beams of light.
No disrespect, just,
not everything means something.
You got a hunger, Frank,
and a thirst that transcends
your circumstance.
I can see it in the way
you hold your shoulders.
The Lord promises bounty, and
I think you chose this place
because you're here to be fed.
There's no bounty for me here.
It's just another mission.
[g*nf*re pattering]
[intense music]
[expl*si*n booming]
[intense music]
[Frank panting]
[g*nf*re pattering]
[expl*si*n booming]
Captain, we have
to order the men
to pull back to the bridge.
Sir, Murphy's still
pinned down out there.
We can't leave him.
We don't have the fire
power to get this thing down.
We have to pull back.
Order your men to pull back.
He's gonna die.
We're all gonna die.
That thing can't be stopped!
Fall back! Fall back!
Fall back to the bridge!
Sir, we cannot leave him.
He's already dead!
I'm ordering you!
Fall back, now, Captain.
[intense music]
I'm not leaving him to die!
g*dd*mn it, Captain!
Look around you.
We don't have armor.
We don't have fire support.
We don't have a g*dd*mn bazooka.
This whole thing is fubar!
Now I'm ordering you.
Get your ass over that hill now!
[g*nshots popping]
Now, soldier!
[intense music]
[g*nf*re pattering]
[gears cranking]
[hatch clanking]
[g*nf*re pattering]
[intense music]
[t*nk commander speaks German]
[intense music]
[g*nf*re pattering]
[t*nk commander speaks German]
[rocket blasting]
[expl*si*n booming]
[Frank gasps]
[Frank panting]
[machine clanking]
[Frank panting]
Hangnail moon
You don't watch
out, call it stars
It was reflected
- Well, hey, there.
- Hey, Callie.
You got a light?
I thought you didn't smoke.
I've been corrupted.
By what?
Today was a mess.
You found the Bonneys?
I did.
Doesn't matter, not a damn
thing I can do about it.
They're at home safe and sound
and, uh, we're off the case.
We're headed out tomorrow.
Uh, I'll take a
7-UP if you got one cold.
I hate to break it to
you, but I'm all out.
Bar's closing in a
half an hour anyway.
I'll leave you to it.
Ah, there's a vending
machine around the corner.
On me.
Thank you.
You owe me one if
you ever come back.
All right.
Goodnight, Callie.
[bluesy rock music]
[tires rolling]
[g*nf*re pattering]
[woman screams]
[g*nshots popping]
[tense music]
It's me. It's me.
Call an ambulance.
Call an ambulance!
[tense music]
She's dead.
We got him.
[tense music]
[g*nshots popping]
Hey, who sent you, huh?
Who sent you?
Was it the Bonneys?
Was it the Bonneys?
- Tommy, he's dead.
- Who sent you?
I swear, I'm gonna
blow your head off.
[grim music]
[g*nshots popping]
[Tommy grunting]
[grim music]
[door opens]
Sheriff says he's a drifter.
There's no way to tie him
to anybody, so that's that.
She's dead, Frank.
Benjamin Bonney put
a hit out on us.
And now some poor
bastard is an orphan.
I'm gonna k*ll him, Frank.
We're off the case.
We're going home.
[Tommy scoffs]
They got you in room four.
[pensive music]
[clock ticking]
[lighter cap clicking]
[clock continues ticking]
[alarm clock ringing]
[car engine turning and revving]
[car engine rumbling]
[tires screeching]
[car engine rumbling]
[Frank mumbling]
[car engine turning and revving]
[tense music]
[tires screeching]
[tense music]
[Tommy] I'm just
trying to find out
who remanded the warrant.
I already told
you, I don't know.
Now stop raising
your voice at me.
I'm not raising
my voice at you.
- I'm just trying to-
- Tommy,
what the hell are you doing?
I'm trying to get
some answers, Frank.
Who remanded it?
Was it the sheriff?
Get out!
Tommy, Tommy, listen to me.
You're not gonna get
anywhere by scaring-
No, you know what I'm
not gonna do, Frank?
I'm not gonna stand around
with a thumb up my ass
while Benjamin
Bonney goes around
murdering hundreds of people.
Now where did you
put the warrant?
Is it in the records office?
Because it doesn't look
like that burned down.
Get out of the courthouse.
I have jurisdiction!
I will deal with him.
- Tommy.
- What?
You're not thinking straight.
I've been thinking
straight all night.
We got sent here with a
warrant issued by this county.
Benjamin Bonney
is k*lling people
and somehow somebody
in this county
lost the only piece of evidence
tying the Bonneys
to the murders.
And then, like magic, that
warrant is suddenly pulled.
Now who do you think
pulled it, Frank?
John F. Kennedy, huh?
[Tommy scoffs]
Somebody in this g*dd*mn
sh*thole town is crooked.
Yes, they are.
Hey, they're crooked,
- all right?
- Yeah.
So what?
So somebody f*cking
died last night, Frank!
Okay, flyboy, what are
you gonna do about it?
Do you think whoever
remanded that warrant
signed their name at the bottom,
filed it in permanent records?
We are done.
We are going home.
Accept it.
Maybe, I think maybe
there's a chance.
And maybe it's worth
looking at the land records
from that year just
because everything else
went up in ashes, Frank.
And I think maybe you
might actually give a shit
if your balls weren't
permanently locked up
in a cabinet since 1945.
Drop the folders.
Drop them right now and
let me see your hands.
What the hell are you doing?
Man, I almost shot you.
g*dd*mn, brother.
Never thought I'd
run into you again.
Not in the middle of the
desert, that's for sure.
[chuckles] What has
it been, 10 years?
More that that I
think, what, '51, right?
Hey, you should have
seen this flyboy.
He was driving
fighters in Korea.
Best wingman I ever had.
When I wasn't saving your ass.
Oh, no, no, no, uh-uh.
You were saving my ass?
I don't think so.
I know a couple of MiG
pilots in parachutes,
they'd swear to it.
We're gonna do this again?
You know I had that shot.
I know you think
you had that shot.
After I saved his ass, we
both got out, went to college.
He went Marshals, I went FBI.
What are the chances?
So you're FBI.
Yeah, they got us down
on field assignment.
Who's us?
I'm not really
at liberty to say.
You know how that goes.
[Tommy] Does the
name Benjamin Bonney
mean anything to you?
No, no, I'm just saying-
- Come on, man.
- we were sent here
with a warrant for his arrest
and we get here and suddenly
somebody makes the warrant
just [blows] disappear.
Tommy, you listen to me.
I got a little office here.
I'm doing my job, I like my job.
You can't just come in and
pump me for information.
It don't work like that.
That's not what I'm doing.
I just need a little
something, man.
[door bangs]
Tell me-
Are you on active assignment?
That's an excellent question.
Mr. Armstrong, they're
U.S. Marshals, sir.
They check out.
That doesn't
answer my question.
Are you on
an active assignment?
No, sir.
We are following up
on a recent case.
What kind of case?
We were called in
by the county
to serve a
m*rder warrant.
Evidence got lost,
so my partner and I were
doing a little follow up.
m*rder warrant?
k*lling over land.
The old ways never
change, do they?
Yeah, they do,
if you change them.
Tommy and I, we flew missions
together in Korea, sir.
He's a good pilot,
a very good man.
Investigations are
FBI jurisdiction.
As you no longer have
active warrants to serve,
you'll need to return
to your station.
Carson City.
That's a 15 hour drive.
Call the air station
at, uh, White Rock
and charter these
gentlemen a flight
tomorrow morning, first thing.
You can, uh, leave the
car at the airport.
We'll take care of it.
Professional courtesy.
That is mighty
kind of you, sir.
We will get out of your hair.
[Daniel] Take
care of yourself.
Excuse me, sir.
[tense music]
I spent an entire year
taking Chinese flak,
trying to save South Korea
from that madman Kim.
It was black and white.
You got the good guys over here
and the bad guys over there.
You suit up, you go sh**t
rockets at the bad guy.
And now the good guys are
sh**ting rockets at us.
[scoffs] I think
I liked it better
when they were communists.
At least it made sense.
It doesn't make sense.
It doesn't have to.
[grim music]
[intense music]
Something ain't right.
See it?
[Frank] Yeah, I see it.
[Peterson] Some
kind of signals?
Krauts must be dug in.
It means there's more
of them out there.
I don't have a good
feeling about this.
Hey, maybe we ought
to let this one go.
We back off, we go
around these pricks.
Cut 'em off at their supply.
They'll surrender to the first
unit that comes across 'em.
Sergeant, every drop of blood
those Krauts spill
from here on out,
that's on your hands and mine.
So, if you're not willing
to live with that,
get your r*fle
pointed down range.
Let's take out some bad guys.
[grim music]
Starting to think you got
a thing for being corrupted.
[footsteps clomping]
Drinking your problems away?
The intrepid U.S. Marshal.
Badge and g*n in his motel room,
indulges in spirits and barmaids
just to ease the
pain that he exists.
What are you doing
here, Benjamin?
What am I doing here?
I'll have what he's having.
Make it two.
I spent my day on top of
my roof plugging holes
so that when it
snows next month,
it doesn't, it doesn't
drain down into the house
and onto the holes on the
floor that I just patched.
It's November.
It's damn hot and I
worked up a sweat,
so I reckon I,
thank you,
deserve a respite
for my troubles.
What do you say?
You put that on his tab.
He owes me one.
You here to sh**t
up my room again?
Someone shot up your room?
You got a lot of nerve.
[fist thudding]
I would love nothing more
than to blow your insides
out all over this bar.
Can't think of a
good reason yet.
Go on, drink it.
[tense music]
[Benjamin grunts]
Drink it.
[Frank exhales]
[Frank sniffs]
I'm gonna tell you a story,
Marshal, about my mother dying.
Bartender, two more.
She was k*lled on her own ranch,
the one you just shot up,
during an insurrection
of the Paiute Indians
and the federal government.
Was shot in the stomach.
My father held
her while she died
while I sat there
inside watching.
She was k*lled by
a 10-year-old boy.
Go on now.
[tense music]
I knew that boy.
His name was Tu-cu-pit.
That's Paiute speak
for a mountain lion.
He shot her in the stomach.
She died right there on
the ranch you just shot up.
My father held
her while she died
and I stood inside watching.
[glasses clanking]
Pour two more.
Eventually, the federals
crushed the uprising
and k*lled all the
leaders and it was over.
And Tu-cu-pit was still alive
and he went back to his
boarding school the next week
like nothing happened.
You know what I did?
[Frank] What?
I found his boarding school
and I watched him from
the woods for a month,
watching him learn
how to plant corn.
Then one day, he was alone,
so I took a rock, hit him
in the back of the head.
And I kept on hitting him
until his skull cracked.
Then I dragged his
body into a ditch
and then I pulled
out my jackknife
and in the rage of a child,
I did what a child would do.
I cut off his head.
That's, add two more.
Come on now.
You know how I felt?
- How did-
- Not the slightest
bit guilty.
Slept like a baby.
From that day on,
I never lost a minute of
sleep for k*lling that boy.
Anyone who survived
the insurrection,
they knew Tu-cu-pit
had k*lled my mother,
so they assumed my father
cut his head off in revenge.
So the next day,
they shot my father
right in his own front yard.
Naturally, they
cut his head off.
No more mother.
No more father.
No more 10,000 acres
I lost to the bank.
All for making sure that
that kid got his comeuppance.
[tense music]
Now, as a U.S. Marshal,
I'm sure that you
feel really inspired
to follow every injustice
down to the end of a rope.
[Benjamin grunts]
The point I'm
trying to make here,
that sometimes you need to know
when to go back to your
f*cking house and stay there.
Those are for you, honey.
I don't drink.
Four bucks.
And you still owe me a drink.
You all right?
There's a time I had the fire
to do something about that.
I don't know if I need to
feed that fire or put it out.
Might be best to not ever
light it to begin with.
World's got enough fires.
Fire by an outlaw's hand
or being vaporized
in a nuclear inferno.
Either way, the whole
world's consumed by it.
Everybody burns.
[keys jangling]
[fist banging]
[door creaking]
[serene music]
Got a light?
[serene music]
[fist banging]
[fist banging]
Frank, is that you?
[Daniel] It's Danny, open up.
It's unlocked.
We need to talk.
Come on in.
You're hungry.
You're smoking
cigarettes and drinking
after years of sobriety,
'cause you're hungry
for something.
Well, once in a while
a guy's gotta cut loose.
You knocked on my door
because you have an urgency,
a burning desire deep
inside you, Frank,
to break out of
your constraints.
You know how Jacob
came to Gilead?
[Frank] Jacob who?
Jacob from the Bible.
Yeah, right.
No, I don't know how Jacob
came to be in Gilead.
Because he was traveling
to reconcile his burdens.
And the Lord chose Gilead
as the place of reconciliation.
Good to know.
[serene music]
In Gilead, he was transformed.
Have you ever embarked on
a psychedelic trip before?
I think you're long overdue.
Smoke it.
[intense music]
What's the jig, Daniel?
No jig, just deep shit.
- Deep shit, huh?
- Yeah.
Okay, so you're here to what?
Scare me away again?
Tommy, you remember
the Pusan run?
January of '51, K9 airbase.
- Yeah.
- Couple of MIG-15s?
Yeah, I remember
the Pusan run.
You remember what happened?
We lost Joker.
Joker wasn't supposed
to fly that day.
He felt a sense of duty.
Leapfrogged the roster,
flew himself in front
of a MiG ace's cannon,
and that was the end.
All the honor, all the
glory, 21 g*n salute
and wings punching the top
of his coffin, still dead.
That's you right now.
You're Joker.
Stay on the base, Tommy.
Sit this one out.
I'm not built for hanging
back at base, Danny.
I'll take my chances
getting shot.
I gotta see this through.
I tried.
[intense music]
My boss made that
shell casing disappear.
Galen Armstrong, he got
rid of the only evidence.
The only evidence tying
the Bonneys to the murders.
He's the one that
torched the archives
and remanded the warrant.
I don't know why.
He's got something
cooking and it's bad.
The Bonneys are k*lling people.
Armstrong's letting it happen.
Whose side are you on, Daniel?
Fair winds and
following seas, brother.
[tense music]
Transformations are spiritual.
Jacob's transformation
was spiritual,
but it was a physical encounter.
He woke up in the
middle of the night,
sleeping by the road to Gilead,
and found himself
wrestling with an angel.
The angel took
the form of a man,
and there Jacob
wrestled with that man
till the breaking of the day.
Let me go.
And when the man saw that
Jacob prevailed against him,
he touched the
hollow of his thigh.
[intense music]
And the hollow of Jacob's
thigh was out of joint
as he wrestled with him.
And that man said, "Let me go!"
[intense music]
The day breaketh,
and he says, "I
will not let thee go
until thou bless me."
[intense music]
And the angel blessed him there.
[tense music]
Your struggle, Frank.
You're wrestling with an angel.
You're wrestling with yourself.
You ready to do this?
Let's sh**t 'em out
the g*dd*mn window, sir.
Be prepared to cover me
if we start taking
fire from the woods.
[g*nf*re pattering]
Till the f*cking
house is falling!
"Death be not proud."
Let's go k*ll them
f*cking Nazis.
[intense music]
"Though some call thee
mighty and dreadful,
-[g*nf*re pattering]
-thou are not so.
Those whom thou thinkest
thou dost overthrow die not!
Poor death nor yet
canst thou k*ll me
from rest and sleep.
[g*nf*re pattering]
Their bones and soul's delivery!
Poppy or charms make
us sleep as well.
And better than thy stroke!
Why swellest thou then?
One short sleep past,
we wake eternally.
And death shall be no more."
"Death shall die."
Jacob called the place of
his struggle, He Who Strives.
For I have seen
God face to face,
and my life is preserved.
For Jacob was righteous
in the eyes of the Lord.
We're sh**ting rockets
at the North Koreans.
What are you
talking about, Frank?
You said you liked
sh**ting at the bad guys.
We know where the bad guys are.
Let's sh**t at them.
What are you on, Frank?
Remember this?
That's every land
deed and bill of sale
in Paiute County this year.
Every one of them deeded
to Benjamin Bonney
for pennies on the dollar.
He's murdering to create a panic
and buying out everyone
within 20 miles of his ranch.
This is all
circumstantial evidence.
But lucky for us,
that's no longer our problem.
Pack your rockets, Tommy.
There's a w*r on.
[intense music]
The Bonneys have been
in that barn for an hour.
They're not coming out.
Then we're going in.
You got the duffel, right?
You sure that's how
you want to play this?
I've never been more sure
of anything in my life.
We're gonna get Bonney,
we're gonna take down Armstrong,
or we're gonna wind
up dead or in prison.
That all right with you?
Better to die a hero
than live as a coward.
That's the spirit.
Let's get 'em, cowboy.
[suspenseful music]
Don't move!
U.S. Marshals,
you're under arrest.
[tense music]
Don't do it.
[g*nshots popping]
[body thudding]
[tense music]
[tense music continues]
[footsteps clomping]
[tense music]
[tense music continues]
[hatch clanking]
[lights thudding]
Tommy, you need to see this.
[tense music]
[Tommy] Holy shit.
[Reporter] [indistinct] was
shot just below the shoulder,
according to [indistinct]
who spoke with the
governor at the hospital
where he [indistinct].
[indistinct] asked where
the sh**t came from,
and the Governor
replied, "I don't know.
I guess from the back."
Benjamin Bonney.
You are under arrest
for capital m*rder.
Do not make any sudden
moves, either of you.
What the hell is this?
Yeah, how'd you get in here?
Where are my sons?
Noah and Ahab are dead.
That's right.
You tell us where Joe is,
and maybe he survives.
You can't make an
arrest without a warrant.
See, a little birdie showed
up on our doorstep last night
with your missing evidence.
That's probable cause.
this is our insurance policy.
You're gonna answer some
questions on the record.
Mr. Armstrong, I'm aware
that you can make a
shell casing disappear.
But this recording is getting
air-mailed to Washington.
And you will not
make that disappear.
So why don't we start
with where the hell we are?
Why's there a rocket down here?
[Reporter on T.V.] The President
of the United States,
John Fitzgerald Kennedy,
has been confirmed dead at
Dallas Parkland Hospital
at 1 o'clock p.m.
local time today.
Lyndon Baines Johnson
- has currently assumed the-
- Is that real?
[Reporter] the oath of
office and will be sworn in-
[Reporter] President
John F. Kennedy
who was shot by a
would-be assassin-
You telling me
that the President of the
United States is dead?
And you had something
to do with it?
What's going on?
It's a new world
and the end of yours.
[g*nsh*t booming]
Stay where you are.
Don't move, I've
got you in my sights!
[tense music]
That would be my daughter,
What the hell
are you doing here?
Drop your g*ns, both of you.
You sh**t and Daddy here dies!
Frank, I've got your
partner in my sights.
Tell him to drop his g*n.
[tense music]
You got no choice,
drop your g*ns.
Not gonna happen.
What the hell are you doing?
Why are you here?
Drop your g*ns!
I'm gonna blow his brains out!
Hey, you want a confession?
I'll give you a confession.
We're standing in
a m*ssile silo.
What you saw in the other room
is a rocket with an atom b*mb
strapped to the top of it.
Those Soviet engineers
from Angola or whatever
have been down here building
it for what purposes,
I don't know and I-I don't care.
If you want to
know, you ask him.
I personally don't give
one single solitary f*ck
about the Soviets
or the missiles.
I just like a good deal.
And that's what Mr.
Armstrong proposed to me.
Yeah, he wanted his privacy.
He didn't want neighbors
snooping around.
I heard that.
Made a deal.
What I do is keep
the locals away
by any means at my
disposal. [chuckles]
Yeah, and he makes sure
the scrutiny goes away.
You let him m*rder
with impunity?
For land?
Yeah, you're g*dd*mn
right, Marshals.
I'm k*lling for land, yeah.
I want that land.
That's my land.
It's always been my land.
That land will be mine
for a thousand years.
That will be my land without
any consequences at all.
I own you, I own your badges,
I own your family,
I own your asses.
Put down your g*ns,
get on your knees,
and pray to whatever
God you can think of
that we don't slash you from
your as*h*le to your elbows
and leave your guts
bleaching in the sun.
That's your only chance,
you cherry fucks.
You better take it.
You k*lled the president?
You're g*dd*mn right we did.
So what power do
you think you have?
[tense music]
[g*n clicks]
[g*nsh*t booms]
[g*nsh*t pops]
[tense music]
[g*nf*re pattering]
[g*n clicking]
Get him!
[g*nf*re pattering]
[intense music]
Dr. Hansi, we have a code nine.
You know what to do.
[tense music]
[g*n cocks]
[Dr. Hansi panting]
[Dr. Hansi speaking Russian]
I don't speak Russian.
Who are you?
Are you with Mr. Armstrong?
No, I'm not.
What is this?
This is your day of reckoning.
What kind of reckoning?
[Dr. Hansi laughing]
You are in a m*ssile silo.
Why don't you do the math?
You're launching it?
At what?
Tell me.
[door clanging]
I've got your scientist.
[tense music]
What is this, Armstrong?
You launching a m*ssile?
[Armstrong sighs]
I'm, uh...
I'm going to explain
something to you.
Imagine you have a,
a Russian soldier
with a g*n pointing
at your head.
Now, if he fires, you die
before you can get
off a shot in defense.
But he's not going to fire
because you have 1,000
American soldiers
standing behind you
pointing g*ns at him.
If he sh**t, you
die, but so does he.
It's mutually
assured destruction.
If I turn that key,
the nuclear m*ssile
in the next room
will launch into the
city of Los Angeles.
You can't stop it.
But if you put down your g*n,
you have a historic,
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
to convince me to
change my mind.
Why should I believe you?
[scoffs] You could
gamble with the lives
of every man, woman, and
child in Los Angeles,
if you prefer.
[tense music]
[shells clanking]
[g*n thudding]
[intense music]
All right, Frank.
Save Los Angeles.
Tell me to fire the
m*ssile somewhere else.
Say it.
Fire the m*ssile
somewhere else.
[dial whirling]
[grunts] What are you doing?
I am reprogramming the m*ssile
to land on the
bustling metropolis
of Cactus City, California,
population zero.
It's a ghost town.
This is not part of the plan.
The plans were to wait
successful news about the-
Of the k*lling of
President Kennedy,
and then launch the
m*ssile at Los Angeles.
We're changing the plan.
We're saving the world.
You cannot change the plan.
You cannot!
You cannot!
We just did, Dr. Hansi.
I just saved America
from a Russian plot
to destroy Los Angeles from
one of America's own silos.
I'm a hero.
You k*lled the president.
I k*lled the rot that's
plagued this country
since Stalin
marched into Berlin.
When that m*ssile
lands in the desert,
the whole world will think
Russia k*lled the president,
and launched an atomic
b*mb at Los Angeles
and missed by the grace of God.
Flattening a ghost
town's not enough
to justify wiping Russia off
the map with our own arsenal,
but it stops every
politician in this country
from coddling the
Reds once and for all.
I just made every wobbly-kneed,
fence-sitting senator
and fifth-column voters' league
opposing the defense
of this country
just as much a danger
as Moscow itself.
Hell, I just got every
nation in the West
to stand up and commit
to stopping the, the
spread of communism
to Chile and Vietnam.
I'm a patriot, Frank.
What are you?
[Frank] It's not
too late to stop this.
I'm sorry about your father,
but it's not too late.
My father's death
served a greater cause.
It's like I told you.
If you're preparing for
w*r, you've already lost it.
[tense music]
You cannot do this!
You made a deal with
Moscow, you treasonous scum!
You're going to burn
in hell for this!
Do you hear me?
You're going to burn!
[tense music]
Do you know the protocol?
I know the protocol.
Prepare the launch sequence.
I want this thing in
the air in 10 minutes.
Get our man of
Mexico on the line.
See if he's got full
confirmation on Kennedy.
Looked pretty dead to me.
Any chance they
can survive this?
It's gonna be 6,000 degrees
when this thing goes up.
Won't be so much as a
pile of ashes left over.
Come on, let's get
'er in the air.
[fists banging]
"And now, I am become death.
Destroyer of worlds."
[Frank grunts]
[Frank panting]
So this is it, huh?
We're cooked?
More or less.
But that doesn't mean
we can't stop them.
Stop them how?
You're saying we could, we
can turn this thing off?
Quite easily.
There is no permissive
action link on the warhead.
I can run up there
with a screwdriver
and pull a few wires.
But I am not going to do that.
What do you mean
you're not gonna do that?
Because it is
now my sworn duty
to give them a taste
of their own medicine.
Only a fool would
trust that man.
And I am not a fool!
So I built an electronic
release on a fuel valve.
And now, it's armed.
We flip this switch and rocket
fuel starts bleeding out.
Slow enough they won't notice.
10 minutes later,
the charge goes off
next to the oxider seal,
the gas mixes, and 150
tons of rocket fuel
goes off in half a second.
And that is the end.
Disarm it!
You crawl up there
and you disarm it!
We can live to
fight another day.
If you know how to reprogram
a D-17 main frame computer
and fly this m*ssile
into the ocean,
then we live to
fight another day.
But that won't stop Mr.
Armstrong and those maniacs.
It will only slow them down.
So it's his plan or mine.
Kennedy's dead.
Then, uh, you'll
need the launch code.
Your plan will k*ll them.
We are talking about
150 tons of rocket fuel.
That is enough to put a blast
door into solid granite.
Do it.
[switch thudding]
It's a go.
[tense music]
[alarm beeping]
It is a nice day to
die for your country.
[tense music]
[g*nsh*t booms]
[Frank panting]
How long we got?
Five minutes.
Where's Tommy?
He gave 'em hell.
Let's go. Let's go.
[intense music]
[alarm buzzing]
[intense music]
Farewell, old friend.
[tense music]
To a better world.
[alarm buzzing]
Oh, my.
[intense music]
[expl*si*n booming]
[wind whooshing]
Are you the chaplain?
Do you see what I've done?
Redemption is a
long road, Frank.
This is your road to Gilead.
What do I do now?
[Cassidy chuckles]
Drive it, baby.
[solemn music]
[solemn music ends]
[intense music]
[intense music continues]
[intense music continues]
[dramatic music]
[intense music]
[intense music continues]
[intense music continues]
[intense music continues]
[solemn music]
[intense music]
[solemn music]
[solemn music continues]
[solemn music continues]
[solemn music continues]
[intense music]
[intense music concludes]
Laws of Man (2024)
Moderators: Maskath3, GabrielAlejo2341, sidolanters
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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.