Chocolate or strawberry?
Life's big decisions.
You are going places, kid.
Oh! My apologies.
That was close.
Whoa! Whoa!
And there's the punchline.
Oh, Sandy, there you are.
Any signs of Sarah?
Guess she's a no-show.
It's just, I have that audition.
Oh, another
toothpaste commercial?
No, this one is a biggie.
Bigger than a shift
you committed to a month ago?
Well, technically my shift ended
an hour ago.
Flexibility, Fiona.
It was in the job description.
Yes, ma'am, of course.
Which is why I worked
a double last Tuesday,
and again on Thursday, and...
This is one of my
favourite ballets of all time!
It's a once-in-a-lifetime
Leave now, and that
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
will turn into a job search.
Thanks, fellas.
Hey, sweetie.
And the universe strikes again.
What happened now?
Oh, you know, just another round
of the universe's Lady Luck.
Sandy won't let me leave
for the Giselle audition.
Well, that's unacceptable.
She promised.
Mom, she wears
sandals with socks.
She's hardly a cornerstone
of good choices.
You need me to flex
some mom muscle on her?
What are you gonna do?
Knit her into submission?
I think I'm just gonna bolt.
You know that I support
this dream, but it...
It's Giselle,Mom.
- No, it's deja vu, Fi.
- So?
So, eventually, the city's
gonna run out of jobs
Well, you know
how hard it is to find work
that offers enough flexibility
for auditions.
Yeah, which is why
you shouldn't quit.
What's going on over there?
The shop just got a new
indoor waterfall this morning
courtesy of the apartment above.
Yikes! Everything okay?
Well, I gotta close the shop
for the next two weeks,
so what do you think?
Well, I think you could use
a universe-sanctioned break.
Breaks are for ceramics. Get it?
- Because ceramics...
- Yeah.
Got it, Mom. Comedic gold.
Just promise me you won't
do anything you'll regret.
The only thing
that I'm gonna regret
is not believing in myself.
Pray for a miracle!
Shh, shh, shh.
Okay, ladies,
for the callbacks tomorrow
we would like to see
and Abrams.
Everyone else, thanks so much.
Erm, excuse me! I'm so sorry.
There's no chance
that you forgot a name?
Grant, Fiona?
I'm afraid not.
Thought I nailed that one.
Technically, you did.
The director is looking for...
something different.
Oh! Yeah, I'm in here.
I got take-out.
- From where?
- Everywhere.
That bad, huh?
Oh, just my usual luck
working its gloriously
depressing magic.
- I'm sure you did great.
- Well...
wouldn't matter if I did.
Apparently, they're looking for
'something different'.
Don't be ridiculous.
I'm basically a meme
for failure.
Or a meme for resilience.
I am single, unemployed,
and living with my parents.
It's only been a few months.
Wow, look at me go!
- You know what you need?
- A time machine?
That will work. For now.
-"From your mother, M.J.
You found your birth mom?
She found me.
And you didn't
tell me because...
- Cos you were busy.
- Busy doing what?
High school or college?
High school.
- Mom!
- See?
I knew that you would overreact.
Well, of course
I'm gonna overreact!
This is huge! Bigger than huge!
This is life-altering!
Yeah, that's what terrifies me.
I don't understand.
I struck gold
with your grandparents
and your dad and you.
I didn't wanna risk
ruining that.
But it's your mom.
Aren't you curious?
All I know
is what's in that letter.
It isn't much.
She's Irish
and wants to know me.
Or did, at least.
You never wrote her back.
I mean, I tried
many times, but...
days turn into weeks,
turn into years,
and then it just felt too late.
I can't believe I'm part Irish.
Actually, it explains
your stubborness.
Don't even think
about answering that.
It's probably the plumbers.
You are not
wriggling out of this!
Might be another leak.
This is not over!
Helen speaking.
- Wakey wakey!
- Wha... What's happening?
Operation Mother-Daughter Trip
is officially a go,
and our flight leaves very soon.
My bad.
I slept through my alarm.
Flight? What flight?
Oh, just a little hop
across the Pond.
I booked us ten days
at a cottage
in this tiny seaside village
called Ballymore.
We're going to Ireland, baby!
Don't forget your toothbrush.
Please tell me
that you're joking.
- About the toothbrush?
- Fiona!
Dad is at his conference,
and I am officially funemployed,
the shop is out of commission,
so it's perfect!
We'll soak up culture,
trace our lineage,
and maybe, just maybe,
knock on your
biological mother's door.
You're not gonna let me
get out of this, are you?
Remember when I had
my first big dance audition,
how terrified I was?
And your tricked me into
thinking it was a rehearsal.
Do you remember
why you said you did that?
Sometimes a nudge is
the only way to help us jump.
Exactly. Now, get dressed.
Our ride is gonna
be here any minute.
Yeah, well, for the record,
this feels more like a push
than a nudge.
What can I say? I inherited
Dad's lack of subtlety.
Chop, chop!
Don't you just love flying?
I swear, I get the best sleep
on planes.
Well, that must be nice.
Meanwhile, I was stuck
next to Mr. Garlic Breath
with the kid behind me who saw
my hair as a plaything.
Why do these things
always happen to you?
I must've walked under
one too many ladders
in a past life.
Oh, wow!
Well, if a fairy doesn't
come to visit us tonight,
I will be writing a complaint.
Oh, how cute!
Been here two minutes,
and I'm already craving a scone.
Is that weird?
Oh, look at this
funny little guy.
What's wrong?
One bed.
Up there.
Yeah, not gonna lie,
I was kind of half asleep
when I booked this, so...
- Fiona!
- It's fine!
It's fine if we were
at summer camp.
I hear you, and I validate you,
but our mission is clear.
And what mission is that?
Drink first, rant later.
It's the Irish way.
- To the pub!
- Can we shower first?
That's why you're the mom.
Wow! The colours of buildings...
- Mm-hmm.
- The sea...
Makes New York feel like
a different planet, doesn't it?
Yeah, it certainly does.
Good evening.
May I tempt you
with some blooms to brighten up
- your night?
- They're stunning!
I picked them fresh
this morning,
so I can vouch for every petal.
Erm, we will take... the tulips?
- Yeah.
- The tulips.
Excellent choice.
I'm Daisy, by the way.
- You two on holidays?
- Yeah.
We're in from New York.
Big Apple! Bit of a leap
from here, innit?
Well, I hope you're enjoying
Ireland. I'm obsessed.
I came over for what was
supposed to be a short stint,
and then, six years later,
business is thriving,
I've got a cosy flat
and brilliant friends.
Life's funny like that.
- Life is funny.
- Yeah.
I suppose this place
just gets in your bones,
you know? The music,
the people, the festivals...
Speaking of festivals,
there's a cil in a few days.
Yeah, you won't want to miss it.
The whole town comes out.
Singing, dancing, the lot.
- Okay, well, we'll be there.
- Yeah?
- Thanks for letting us know.
- Of course!
Well, enjoy your night,
and welcome to our
little corner of Ireland.
That's a crooked toss.
Those dice have seen more hands
than the Blarney Stone.
Do you mind if I give it a try?
- Yeah, show us what you got.
- Okay.
Did I win?
'Fraid not.
You might wanna
work on that luck of yours.
Story of my life.
Fortune follows
the curious foot.
You remember that, now.
I will.
Hey, hey!
And she says to me,
do you use the same lines
on all your catches?
And I tell her,
'Only on the pretty ones.'
And then I got her number
and a barrel of the fish.
Ah, you old sea dog!
Sounds like someone's
been sniffing
too much of the salt air.
Ooh! Says the lad with no lass.
Don't let him fool ya.
He's hiding them
all out the back
with secret brews,
aren't you, Liam?
Ooh! The elusive
secret stash, huh?
Eoin here tells me they're finer
than some of the things
you have on tap.
Yeah, that's because Eoin here
has hit his head
one too many times on a wave.
Helps get the sand
out of my ears.
Go on, give us a taste,
and we go easy with you
on the darts.
Last I heard,
I was the darts king
of this fine establishment.
Let's see you defend
your throne, Your Majesty.
The board awaits.
Pool table, two o'clock.
Ooh, still got it in you?
- Watch and learn.
- Ooh!
Ah! Some things never change.
Oh, like your modesty.
A lady never apologises
for being good.
Step aside, Mom. It's time
for the real pro to take a shot.
- Oh!
- Hey!
Apologies! I lost
my footing there.
Yeah, flat surfaces
can be tricky.
Yeah, it keeps things
Do they not teach
personal space in Ireland?
We're a close-knit lot.
Must be all the cil dancing,
I suppose.
Ah, right, that's the one
where you guys
pretend to be
river dancers, right?
Only if we're feeling
particularly spry.
Let's keep the spryness
to the dance floor
next time, yeah?
Ah, there's that Yankee charm,
always hidden
beneath a thin skin.
And here I thought the Irish
were known for their warmth.
Only to those
who can take a joke,
or a nudge.
Well, maybe later I'll let you
teach me how to
pour a beer
without it being half foam.
Yeah? Only if you show me
how to make a burger
that doesn't require
me dislocating my jaw.
Okay, okay.
I'm sensing
some transatlantic baggage.
- I got this, Mom.
- Of course you do.
You wouldn't want someone else
stealing the spotlight.
If I wanted the spotlight,
I just would've done this.
She didn't even warm up.
Lucky shot.
Oh, no, luck and I don't mingle.
- That right?
- Part of my factory setting.
You know, they say that fortune
favours the curious foot.
You're the second person
who's said that to me today.
Must mean you're meant
to hear it.
What does it mean?
It's just a fancy way of saying
that luck follows those
who go looking for it.
And I suppose you're the type
who believes in fairies
and pots of gold, too.
Never doubt the myths
of a man's motherland.
Fair enough, but I can
assure you that...
was all skill.
Prove it.
You were saying?
Shall we?
Well, he was dashing.
- Oh, don't.
- Tall...
- Please stop.
- And broad...
- Mom!
- I'm just saying.
Do you think
what he said was true?
About luck?
Well, I think if there's
some luck
floating around out there
anywhere, it's here.
There's no harm
in looking for it.
Can you, er, go grab
some more firewood?
A lucky penny.
All right, Ireland.
Let's see what you got.
Can you believe
that we're gonna be galloping
through the mythic valleys,
along ancient ruins...
It's like leaping
into a fairy tale.
Yeah? And in those fairy tales,
does anyone ever mention
getting kicked in the head
by a horse named Cupcake?
You'll be fine.
I was practically a jockey
at your age.
There's two of you?
Yes, the Grants?
Terribly sorry, ladies,
but all my other horses
are already out on rides.
Bit of a booking mix-up,
I suppose.
Oh, shucks.
Guess I'll just have to survive
without risking life and limb
on the back of an unpredictable
giant beast today.
We can maybe do it
tomorrow instead.
No, no, you go gallop off
into your fairy tale.
- You sure?
- Mm.
Yes. Absolutely.
I will look into
that luck thing.
Maybe find a four-leaf clover.
- I'll meet you later.
- Okay.
- Whenever you're ready, love.
- Thank you.
Hello, there.
Hello, there. Yes.
Post office, here I come.
Looks beautiful.
Locks for luck!
What a beautiful
building for sale.
Holy cow!
It's you, isn't it?
The dart dancer from last night?
That was the classiest thing
I've seen in ages.
Classy, huh?
Will you teach it to me?
The turning bit,
not the dart bit.
I'm quick to learn.
The last dance teacher I had
used to say I was a prodigy.
Then she moved to Vienna
to breed ferrets.
- Wow. That is so niche.
- Annie!
I've got to leg it.
But, hey, will you
be at the cil tomorrow?
It'll be great craic.
- I think so.
- Brilliant!
You can show me then!
You're the best.
Would you look at that?
An Irish blessing,
straight from the heavens.
Nature's own bridge.
In our tales,
the rainbow's more than beauty.
It's a promise.
A pathway to what's needed most.
For some,
it's a sign to bridge the gap
between the past
and the present,
to connect with what's lost
or left behind.
Is it true what they say,
that the wind carries
old voices?
Very much.
If you listen closely,
they might just
have a message for you.
You looking for Una?
Oh, er, maybe?
I'm trying to get some info
about an old letter
that was sent from here.
Oh, well, I'm afraid
she's off sick today.
But there is a chap
who sometimes
helps out when she's away.
Oh, yeah? Do you know where
I might be able to find him?
Oh, well, he'd be down
at the beach at this hour.
Foraging for seaweed.
He's mad about the stuff.
Yeah, just follow the path
straight on down.
I'm sure you
can't miss the coast.
Thank you!
Come on, you.
Excuse me!
You've gotta be kidding me.
Miss me, did you?
Like a toothache.
And yet, here you are.
Yeah, I thought I made
an impression.
I was told that you
could help me
with some detective work
at the post office.
Lost a package, did you?
A person, actually.
And I'm hoping to find
a phone number
or address linked
to a PO box number.
Trying to track down
an old flame, are we?
Not quite, but it is important.
Tell you what.
Help me finish up here,
and I'll see what I can do.
Quicker for the both of us.
- Fine.
- Great.
What is all of this for anyway?
Some weird spa treatment?
The local farmers swear
that it's the best
natural fertiliser.
So I try and fill up a basket
and drop it off to them
every few days.
My way of giving back
to the community, I guess.
That is surprisingly thoughtful.
Well, it's more
my wife's thing, really.
Oh. You're married?
She used to come down here
every weekend.
Donated armfuls of this stuff.
Yeah, after she passed,
I guess I just
kept the tradition going.
I'm sorry.
It's messy,
but it's good for the soil
- and the soul.
- Mm.
And it's a nice break
from the noise of the pub.
You're there a lot, huh?
Yeah, it comes
with the territory.
- Barfly?
- Owner.
Do you always argue
with your customers?
Sure, that's the best part.
That stunt you pulled
last night was something else.
Mm, darts and I go way back.
No, I meant the spinny bit.
- You dance professionally?
- On and off.
Mostly off.
- I'm sorry to hear that.
- Yeah.
I've had a few stints
over the years.
Some understudy roles.
Just enough to keep
the dream alive,
but not enough
to keep my landlord happy.
Yeah, well, you never know.
The next gig may be the one.
Yeah, I used to think that too.
Then I turned 30,
and suddenly my feed
was full of baby showers
and mortgage approvals,
and there I was,
standing in a sweaty
audition room
wearing a hot dog costume,
convinced that if I just
landed the part
of Dancing Hot Dog #9,
all my dreams
were gonna come true.
Spoiler alert: They did not.
Well, it sounds to me
that Lady Luck
is just waiting for the big one.
Well, if there is a Lady Luck,
she's got me on
'Do Not Disturb'.
Oh, that's right, that's your
factory settings, isn't it?
So what brings you to Ireland?
My mom is hoping to find
her birth mother.
Well, sort of.
I kind of pushed it.
Oh, yeah?
Yeah, ever since I was a kid,
she's been obsessed
with these stories
of long-lost families reuniting,
and I never understood it
until years later
she told me she was adopted
and everything clicked.
I know she really wants this.
She's just scared.
So you've got a bit
of Irish in you, then?
Mm, maybe a sprinkle.
Well, you can't be
all bad luck, then.
Tell that to the three elevators
that I've been trapped in.
- Get away!
- Mm.
- Three separate elevators?
- Oh, yeah.
That's basically a habit.
You know, I was thinking about
what you said last night,
about looking for luck.
Is there like a map?
- No map, I'm afraid.
- Figured.
Whole island's ripe
with ways to find it, though.
And let me guess,
each and every one can be found
for just a small tourist fee.
Not all of them.
Some magic's free.
Oh, like...
- lucky pennies.
- Well!
I knew there was something
different about you.
Well, I've found pennies
before, so...
Ah, but that's an Irish penny,
and those, they find you.
You really believe
in all this stuff, don't you?
I can think of
worse things to believe in.
I wish I had your optimism.
It's not optimism, it's fate!
And more importantly, intention.
You have to know what you want.
Well, that part is easy.
I want...
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.
That's between you and the tree.
What tree?
It's called a wishing tree.
Each ribbon represents
a wish or a hope
someone's casting
into the future.
Kind of like sending a message
in a bottle.
A lot of folks believe
it's a way to let nature
carry our wish forward.
Well, that is beautiful.
There's one problem, though.
I do not have a ribbon.
Well, I've got you covered.
Go on.
Okay, do I have to chant
or do a little jig
perhaps around the trunk?
You should absolutely
do a jig around the trunk.
Yes, please.
I think that's a brilliant idea.
Or you could just tie
a ribbon and make a wish.
- A little privacy, please.
- Oh!
I wish I had better luck.
You broke the wishing tree.
Let's go.
- Go, go, go, Fiona!
- I'm going!
- Told you I was cursed.
- You're not cursed.
I single-handedly destroyed
a magical wishing tree.
I'm sure we've got
forests full of them.
And for the record,
it was an old branch
that gave way, not you.
Besides, that was just one step.
The real work and the real luck
come after the wish.
It's about what you do next.
In fact, I bet your luck
is about to turn around...
about now.
Or maybe a little later?
Of course.
Yeah, it says she closed down
the account
about six years ago.
Is there any
contact information?
- Phone number? Address?
- Neither.
But... it does have
her place of employment.
How's that for luck?
I will take it!
You know, I can't believe you,
a history-phobe,
is excited to tour a manor.
Hey, just because I prefer
reality TV
to a four-hour documentary
about ancient tapestry weaving
doesn't mean
that I don't appreciate
a good manor when I see one.
Plus, I heard it's supposed
to bring good luck.
- Really?
- Oh, yeah, totally.
Something about old stones
bringing good fortune.
It's a whole vibe.
Well, thank you
for arranging this tour.
What do you think
the mediaeval Zillow is
on a place like this?
Two villages and a magic bean.
Plus, the HOA fees
for dragon upkeep.
Don't forget
the court wizard's retainer.
Mm, but hauntings are free.
- Oh! Adds to the ambiance.
- Shh!
Er, what do you say we go
on a little private tour?
Erm, I'm pretty sure
that's not allowed.
Well, what are they gonna do?
Behead us?
Come on.
This is brutal!
You'll crack it yet.
You're the sharpest lass
I know, Annie.
You're my dad.
You've got to say that.
True, but luckily, you're not
making a liar out of me.
- History of Berlin, is it?
- Yeah.
It's about as festive
as the Berlin Wall.
You know, your mum almost moved
to Germany after university.
Yeah, she had a right fancy job
lined up and everything.
Why didn't she go?
I begged her not to.
Way to play it cool.
Yeah, we'd been seeing
each other
on and off for about a year.
She didn't start
for another month,
so I asked her to stay
a bit longer
and see if things might change.
Lucky for me she did.
Yeah. Lucky for the both of us.
Where are we going?
- Fiona!
- Er, this way.
Let me look in here.
Oh, wow. It's like
stepping into a painting.
- Very cool.
- Oh!
What is going on? It's like
you're on some sort of hunt.
What? No! I'm just soaking up
the ambiance.
At a very quick speed.
Well, you know what they say:
The faster you soak,
the more you absorb, right?
This would be my favourite room.
It's full of history,
which I will explain to you now.
Would you all get together now?
That's it, lovely.
So, you remember that whole
'gentle nudge' thing?
What did you do now?
Er, just some harmless digging.
And I found her.
I found your birth mom.
She has spent
the last eight years
working as a tour guide
at a historic manor.
This historic manor.
I'm sorry if that was too much.
I was just trying...
No, I know, I know.
She's beautiful, isn't she?
Pretty fabulous.
How did it feel?
It was overwhelming.
It's like I've known
her face my whole life.
I guess she's pretty
into history, just like you.
- You think?
- Mm, two peas in a pod.
How'd you find her?
I had a little bit of help
from a local.
A local, huh?
Do tell.
So, there I was,
knee-deep in a bog,
trying to fish out
my very expensive shoes.
Well, this former London girl
now has absolutely hideous
but proper footwear.
I do not think
I packed correctly.
Eventually, you'll get
the hang of it.
- Hey, girls.
- Hi.
Fi, guess who signed us up
for the potato-peeling contest?
- You're joking.
- Nope.
Bring home the gold, love.
Check him out.
Just go and talk to her, fella.
- I can't.
- Sure you can.
What if she thinks I'm dense?
Janine thought I was dense.
Well, then, at least
you'll know she's perceptive.
Good point.
All right, grab your spuds
and peelers,
and on my mark...
You know, that's the second time
he's looked at you.
- So?
- So, you should go talk to him.
And say what exactly?
Erm, thank him for helping you.
I know what you're doing. Mm-hm.
Try starting with,
'Hello, Daisy.'
Hello. That's good. Smart.
- Then what?
- I don't know.
Maybe mention something
about liking flowers.
It's a bit on the nose.
You know, your father and I met
on a foreign adventure.
You two met at a taco stand
in Albuquerque.
Yeah, but to two New Yorkers,
it was practically
a new continent.
And we have a winner!
All I'm saying is,
a little romance
could be good for you.
This is supposed to be
a mother-daughter trip,
times two.
I see you every day.
As your mother,
I'm ordering you to go dance
with the handsome local.
Oh, you're ordering me, are you?
Consider it another
loving shove.
Okay. Well, I will do that
if you promise that tomorrow
you will go back to that manor,
and this time,
don't run away from
what's waiting for you in there.
You shove, I shove.
Are you all right?
Flowers, daisies, er...
You're Daisy.
- Shall we?
- Ah, really?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- You came!
- I did.
- Everyone's so excited.
- Everyone?
The band will take a break.
Okay, chins up, ladies.
Tall spines, feet in
first position, arms in first.
Okay, you are holding
these bottles to remind you
to engage your arms.
Lift up your elbows,
and we are gonna pretend
that the bottles
are the riskiest text
that you've ever sent,
and if you drop them,
then every kid in your school
is gonna get an alert.
Life-altering stakes. Got it.
Okay, let's pli.
Lengthen up.
Relev, roll through those feet,
back down.
Pli, yep.
Ooh, remember those arms.
Oh, better, better.
Okay, let's do it again,
minus the condiments.
Great job, ladies.
Look at you
being all professional.
Hey, Dad.
That's my name.
Look, I need to go over
to the pub
and get another keg.
There's only bottles left.
- You all right here?
- Yeah.
Maybe you should go
help the man.
You know, I think
he's more than capable.
I could use the company, though.
It's settled, then.
Shall we?
I like your style.
Oh, let me help you
with that. On three?
I thought you
were holding the door.
What do you mean, uh-oh?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure
that door only opens
from the outside.
Like pretty sure or sure-sure?
Erm, now, I'm leaning
more towards sure-sure.
Hello? Anybody?
Help us! Please?
Please, somebody,
we're stuck in here!
There's no one out there.
This is bad. This is very bad.
It's really not.
I'm slightly claustrophobic.
- Really?
- Yes, really.
All right. Well, then,
just breathe.
Just breathe.
Help is on the way.
But it could be hours
before somebody finds us.
Days, even.
Nolan said he'd be here
in five minutes.
Oh. Okay, normally,
there's no service
- when I get stuck in elevators.
- Oh.
I forgot getting trapped
was kind of like a hobby
for you.
What is this?
Oh, er, don't worry about that.
- Hey...
- Moby's White Ale?
Yeah. Cos ale
rhymes with whale.
- Clever.
- Yeah.
Crisp, light, and gives
a bit of a chase.
- Just like the story.
- Yeah.
Did you brew these?
Only the ones with the bad puns.
Pride and Porter.
Rich, dark, little bitter,
but finishes sweet.
- Like Darcy's character arc.
- Exactly.
I am sensing a pattern here.
Yeah, I like to call it
Literature Liquefied.
Every flavour has a story.
So, it's just a fun way
to celebrate things I love,
and it helps pass the time.
Well, it's kind of genius.
Yeah, it's kind of silly.
- What's your favourite book?
- Guess.
All right, strong
free-spirit vibes, for sure.
Artsy, but more
- Mm.
- On the Road,Jack Kerouac?
Okay, The Unbearable Lightness
of Being?
- To k*ll a Mockingbird.
- Okay!
- Mm-hmm.
- Deep sense of morality.
Themes of innocence
and growth. Classic.
Let me see. Taste would be
the bitterness of injustice
mellowed by the sweetness
of childhood.
And name?
Scout's Honour.
Scout's Honour. Not bad.
Yeah, it's just a bit of fun.
I don't remember seeing
any of these on your menu.
Yeah. No, I don't think
anyone would want them.
They're a bit personal
and a little too odd
for the regulars.
Connecting flavours
and feelings,
what's odd about that?
Someone call for a hero, huh?
Stop smiling.
Did you mean
what you said earlier
about this island being ripe
with ways to find luck?
You kidding? There's tons.
Would you mind showing me some?
Oh, sure. He'd love to.
I don't think
that's a good idea.
- What?
- I've got a pub to run.
Yeah, and a great staff
to help you to do it.
Look, I'm sorry.
No, no, it's fine.
No need to be sorry.
I'll see you back at the party.
- Are you daft, Liam?
- Don't start.
The girl was practically
asking you out.
No, she wasn't.
She was asking me to be
her own personal leprechaun.
Yeah, and what's so terrible
about that, huh?
It's not the right time.
It's been four years, Liam.
You're allowed to do stuff
yourself now and then.
You do know that, don't you?
I haven't got the time, Nolan.
I'm busy.
Oh, please.
That's a load of rubbish,
and you know it.
How's about tomorrow at nine?
I would love to.
'Ride bicycles
along the Wild Atlantic Way.
Plant a hazel tree.
Cook an Irish stew.
Play the tin whistle'?
It's supposed to bring
a merry heart and lucky steps.
Er, what does
drown a shamrock mean?
It's not as grim as it sounds.
Just drop a clover into top
of your pint for a spot of luck,
and then chuck it over
your shoulder
- when you're done.
- That, I can get behind.
- See that fella over there?
- Yeah.
I want you to throw this
onto his boat.
You're joking.
It's an old sailor's charm
for good luck, but you have
to get it on the boat
while he's on it for it to work.
And this is gonna help me how?
Old lore says if you give a bit
of luck, you get a lot back.
All right? Trust me.
It'll come round.
I hope you've got good aim.
Have you already forgotten
my dart performance?
I have great aim.
Good. 'Cause you're
about to miss your shot.
Watch and marvel.
Watch and marvel, eh?
This is nerve-wracking!
This is a disaster.
Wha... On the boat, not at it.
I got this one.
- I wish you would.
- Mm-hm.
Now, come on. You got this.
- Hey, you!
- Uh-oh.
- Oh! Hi.
- Hi.
Erm, you wouldn't happen to know
a woman named MJ, would you?
She's a tour guide here.
Sure, everyone knows MJ.
She's the best.
Erm, you wouldn't happen to know
where she is?
Well, she doesn't work
as a tour guide
on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Oh, I see.
But I do know
where we can find her.
Each leaf represents
something different.
Hope, faith, love,
and of course, luck,
but you need to find one
with all four,
and they're very rare.
How rare are we talking?
About one in 10,000.
Oh, and I thought finding
a parking spot
in New York City was hard.
Don't be giving up just yet.
You know, I was thinking
about your special brews.
- Were you now?
- Mm-hmm.
I think you should sell them.
I bet people would love them.
It's not really why I brew them.
Yeah, I get that.
I didn't say but.
Yeah, but you're choking
one down.
I can see it clear as day.
Come on.
Out with it.
Okay. I used to have
this dance teacher, Miss Wilder,
and she was always so happy,
always laughing.
Even as a kid, I remember being
just mesmerised by her spirit.
And before every dance recital,
just as the nerves
were about to take over,
she would say to us,
'Sharing something that you love
is like sprinkling beauty
across the world.'
Yeah, but it's just beer.
It's not high art.
Well, art or not,
it brings you joy,
and that means something.
Unless of course
you're just scared.
You up for a detour?
I want to show you
something special.
Oh, my.
This is actually my home.
Wait, what? Really?
I didn't think New Yorkers
were that gullible.
Come on.
Think we're allowed
to be in here?
Well, I imagine the door
would be locked if we weren't.
Fancy a look from the top?
- Hello, there.
- Oh, hi!
I'm so sorry, erm...
I was out front taking it all in
and the door was open,
so, well, I walked in,
which is probably not allowed,
so I should probably just go.
Nonsense, nonsense.
You're here now.
You might as well
get something out of it.
Besides, I've always been
a wandering soul myself.
MJ is the name.
- Er, Heather.
- Heather.
It's a pleasure, Heather.
These costumes,
they look like they're
from a different century.
And that they should be.
You know,
it's the history that weaves
the real magic into the fabric.
Did you make them yourself?
Oh, no, dear.
But I mind their spirit.
I, erm,
I restore antiques myself.
Back home, in America,
I have a little shop.
So, we're kindred spirits.
Come on. Let me show you
how I play with time.
There's an old tale
related to this place.
I would expect nothing less.
It's about a captain
named Seamus O'Reilly.
He lived for the sea,
spent his whole life
chasing legends of lost gold,
and never stayed ashore
any longer than he needed,
just resupply.
But one night,
after a brutal storm,
his ship was wrecked,
washed up right here
on these very rocks.
He was barely alive.
The keeper saved him,
helped him heal,
and as Seamus recovered,
this lighthouse eased
the storm inside him.
And before he knew it,
he found something unexpected.
A newfound appreciation
for life vests?
His true calling.
When the keeper
at the time passed away,
Seamus took over.
He'd spent his whole life
thinking that he needed
the sea's open horizon.
But what really made him happy
was guiding others
to find theirs.
I always related to that story.
How so?
Well, before I opened the pub,
I was all geared up
for a life in engineering.
Yeah, it was the only dream
I'd ever had.
I spent more than half my life,
I thought it was
my forever horizon.
And then one day, it wasn't.
What changed?
Somewhere along the way,
building something new,
well, just felt more right.
Do you ever miss
the old horizon?
In my experience,
finding what truly fits
is a lot more rewarding
than chasing a dimming glitter.
How do you find what fits?
You don't. It finds you.
You can practically feel
the history through the fabric.
Isn't it remarkable
how a single piece of clothing
can transport you in time?
It is so nice to meet someone
who gets it.
I don't just get it, dear.
Sometimes I wear it.
When no one's looking,
of course.
Once upon a time,
I wanted to be on stage.
- Really?
- Yeah.
But then I found my magic
behind the scenes.
So, Meryl Streep's legacy
is safe from me yet.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
Don't be.
I mean, minding these costumes
keeps my inner artist alive.
And it spares me
from the stage fright.
So, tell me,
how long have you
been rescuing antiques?
Oh, goodness,
for as long as I can remember.
You know, I've always
had this instinct, I guess,
to collect the things
that the world's given up on.
Clocks, furniture.
I used to believe
that if I could fix them up,
make them better,
then they could find a new home,
a second chance.
I do understand.
A friend of the estate donated
a lovely old planting table
that I've been meaning
to spruce up for some time.
But if I'm honest,
I think I bit off
more than I could chew.
Well, I could take a look at it.
I mean, if you'd like.
Well, yes.
It's like a canvas with no end.
There's only a handful of places
where you can see
the cosmos this clearly.
Growing up,
whenever I felt alone
or whenever I had a rough day,
I used to come up here
and chat to the stars.
For a while, they felt
like the only mates I had.
Hm, did those mates
ever chat back?
In their own way.
I used to think that each star
was a message
for someone, somewhere,
trying to reach out,
like postcards across the sky.
Hm, kind of like your brews.
Little messages just waiting
for somebody to find them.
You're really not
gonna drop this, are you?
I get it.
You know, the first time I went
on stage, I was terrified.
Exposing something you love
is scary.
But what if there is
somebody out there
just waiting to find
the message?
And perhaps
that message is in...
Don't say it.
A bottle!
It's so corny.
- Okay, pop quiz.
- Go.
Aliens. Real or myth?
Er, real,
but probably not green
or with antennas.
Fair enough. Astrology?
Er, good for a read,
but best not making
any life choices based on it.
Hm, black holes?
Portals to other dimensions.
Ooh. Thoughts on Mars?
Future tourist spot,
if they can sort out
the Guinness situation.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Come on. Out with it.
Out with what?
Oh, now, don't be coy with me.
You can't come marching in here
with lovey eyes and say nothing.
I don't have a clue
what you're talking about.
Oh, you're smitten by her.
Was that even a question?
Oh, just calling it as I see it.
Painfully clear as it is.
Have I really got big,
lovey eyes?
Big as saucers and real googly.
But like, in a cool way, right?
Oh, yes. As cool
as a Dublin breeze.
You're humouring me, aren't you?
Every day of the week
and twice on Sundays.
Good night, Nolan.
No way. A dance studio!
What do you mean,
you didn't tell her?
Well, I wanted to,
but then I panicked.
Well, once I was looking
in her eyes, I just...
I just wanted to know her
for who she is, you know?
Not as my mom
or whoever she felt
she needed to be right then.
Wait till you meet her.
She's brilliant.
And witty and full of charm.
Everything I'd hoped for.
Oh, and I talked to your dad.
He sends his love.
I told him that I met MJ,
and he was supportive as always.
I'll tell her today.
Good. What's happening today?
Oh, she needs some tips
on restoring.
- An old gardening table.
- Oh!
Okay, look at you besties,
already working on
projects together.
Well, I mean, I don't have to go
if we have plans.
No, absolutely not.
You are going.
And anyway,
Liam is helping me with...
Liam is helping me complete
my good luck list this weekend.
And like you said, you and I get
to spend every day together,
and you should cherish
every minute
that you have with MJ.
- Another date with Liam, huh?
- Mom...
Thank you for nudging me.
To unexpected adventures.
- May they continue.
- Amen.
I can't remember the last time
I breathed air this fresh
back home.
I swear, you could
bottle it and slap
a '100% organic, free-range
Irish Breeze' label on it
and make a k*lling.
I can't believe you get
to experience this every day.
Not every day.
Meanwhile, the rest of the world
is living in a box apartment,
staring at a deluxe view
of the back of another
box apartment.
Does it ever get old?
Old, no.
Blurry, more often
than it should.
Yeah. Life has a funny way
of taking even the best views
and fading them
into the background sometimes.
After Lillian,
a fog settled on us.
She was always the one
who believed in us, in me,
always pushing me to go
for more, to try new things,
and without that,
it was hard to see things good.
That's why I took to books.
I mean, I'd always been
a reader,
diving into
other people's stories...
I found this escape. Yeah.
For a long while there,
it felt like there was always
something keeping my head down.
Pouring, brewing,
reading, praying...
These last few days,
it's the first time
I've looked up in ages.
Thank you for that.
I should be the one
thanking you.
Sorry about that!
Didn't mean to break the moment.
What are you doing way out here?
Oh, come on, man!
You're not the only one
with a good taste in views.
The best views
for the prettiest girls.
Not too shabby, innit?
Yeah, I couldn't agree more.
Oh, wow.
How about a nice cup of tea,
and then we can tackle
that sticky drawer?
- That sounds like a plan.
- Yeah.
Well, he's a bit of a mess,
but in a proper charming way,
like a puppy chasing his tail.
- We'll see how it goes.
- Well, I'm happy for you.
What about you and Liam?
Looking quite cosy.
He's just helping me
shake off some bad luck.
Just that, is it?
- Just that.
- Mm-hmm.
So, when do you head back?
- Er, about that.
- What?
Tell me.
It... it's barely a flicker
of an idea.
Just go on, spill.
There's this dance studio
in town,
and it's up
for auction tomorrow.
- I can't stop thinking about it.
- Wait...
The old Hanson place?
- Yeah.
- Yes, yes!
You must go for it.
Oh, we'll be business besties.
Honestly, I don't know how
I'd be able to afford it.
We'll get you sorted.
As a business owner myself,
I will make sure
that this happens for you.
That's really sweet of you.
Just to have someone
in this town
who understands the value
of a well-placed
Taylor Swift reference,
it will be worth it.
Doesn't matter.
Does he know?
There's nothing to know.
Not yet, anyways.
Here we go.
A nice cup of warmth.
Thank you.
Erm, and I think I managed
to fix the squeaky drawer.
I just gave it some oil.
Oh, fabulous.
So, how is it sliding now?
- Like a dream.
- Oh!
You should, er, give it a go.
I might just do that.
I should have told you sooner.
Is it really you?
Is it really you?
It's... it's really me.
I should've reached out sooner.
I really did want
- to write you back.
- Oh, don't, no!
Oh, sweetheart.
I've never felt so happy! Oh!
Oh, darling.
Before you go.
Now you know
my favourite book too.
I have to admit,
I was not expecting that.
There's a lot of
life lessons in there.
And some grit too,
if you look close enough.
I always thought it was
a nice reminder that sometimes
a shift in luck
is just a shift in perspective.
Well, thank you for this,
for today and yesterday,
and all of it.
I hope it helps you find
what you're after.
Me, too.
Good night, Liam.
Good night, Fiona.
Fiona, it's Julia Donovan,
casting director w Giselle.
Give me a call when you
get this. It's important.
Thank you so much!
This is a dream
come true, really.
I'll see you then.
Who was that?
The casting director
from Giselle.
They rewatched
the audition tapes,
and the director
and choreographer
want to see me again,
and apparently,
it's down to me
and one other dancer.
For which part?
Oh, wait, wait.
Did you tell her?
I told her.
Oh, how'd it go?
It was amazing!
We talked for hours,
and she wants to take us
to a show tomorrow night,
meet her granddaughter.
I have to get back
to New York, ASAP.
They're putting me
on the flight tomorrow,
but you should stay.
Finish the trip.
- You think?
- Absolutely!
You've got a mom
to hang out with!
Those are moments
you're never gonna forget.
It looks like
the good luck magic
is working after all.
I guess so.
Okay, lads, the auction starts
in an hour. We need to hurry.
Hey. Wasn't expecting you.
Yeah, erm...
I just...
I just came to say goodbye...
because I'm leaving a little bit
earlier than planned.
Are you now?
Yeah, you were right.
I never should have doubted
the myths of a man's motherland
because it worked.
All of it. Erm...
After you dropped me off
last night,
I got a call from New York.
Erm, the show
that I auditioned for,
they want to see me again,
and the final callback's
It's the job of my dreams.
That's, er...
I never would've gotten
that call if it wasn't for you.
- That's not true.
- Yes, it is.
Irish luck isn't just about
ticking boxes, Fiona.
None of it works without belief.
That's all you.
- I should be getting back.
- I hope you know...
Look, you don't have to say
anything else, all right?
I-I'm happy for you.
You caught the horizon
you were after.
of all the pubs in Ireland,
I'm glad it was mine
that you came twirling through.
Me too.
Goodbye, Fiona.
I can't believe
I just got a new grandma
and now I have to leave.
Look, we have all the time
in the world ahead of us.
Erm, please call me GiGi.
I've always wanted to be 'GiGi'.
I like GiGi.
What's up, sweetheart?
You look as if
you're wrestling with yourself.
I am just not entirely sure
that I want to get on
that plane right now.
What's going on?
Okay, there's this
old building in town
that's up for auction today,
and it just...
it has this magic about it.
It actually reminds me
of Miss Wilder's
old dance studio in Brooklyn,
and I just haven't been able
to get it out of my head.
So, what are you saying?
You know better
than anyone how much
living I have missed out on
just relentlessly chasing
this dream,
convinced that my life
could truly begin
once I finally made it,
you know?
But there's always
gonna be auditions
and more what-ifs.
And for the first time
in my life,
it feels like there's a dream
that's actually chasing me.
Your flight?
Gotta go.
I love you.
See you soon, darling.
- You be safe.
- Yeah.
Hey. These are for you.
Where's Fiona?
Why'd you let her leave?
I can't exactly chain her
to the bar, love.
Why didn't you ask her to stay?
I've only known her a week.
So? Ask her to stay
a little longer.
It worked for you once,
didn't it?
You've got to fight for her,
like you did for Mum.
Hurry up!
I'm going as quick as these legs
will carry me.
Keys, Dad, keys!
Step on it.
Not with you in the car.
Great. So, we'll be
safe and late.
Perfect combo.
Hi! Are you
and GiGi still in the cottage?
Her flight's boarding.
We'll never make it.
I'm so sorry, Dad.
Me, too, kiddo.
Me too.
Go, Fiona.
Go, go, go, go, go!
Excuse me! Sorry!
Erm, is the auction over?
Never really started.
A private bidder snapped it up
first thing this morning.
Erm, is there any way
that you could give me
their name?
Absolutely not.
That's illegal.
I'm so sorry, sweetie.
Oh, stop your moaning now.
It's not over
till the Irish lady sings,
and I haven't
cleared my throat yet.
Benefit of living here
all my life is I know people.
Any idea who bought the place?
Okay, thanks a million.
Any idea who...
- She certainly has moxie.
- She sure does.
Found him!
Come on. Hurry up, girls.
Okay, er, what exactly
is the plan here?
We're gonna confront the owner,
and then what?
Force him to give me the space?
We're not going to force anyone,
but sometimes a friendly chat
can go a long way.
And sometimes, it's good to spin
your own luck.
- The buyer's right up here.
- Hmm.
Oh, no!
I threw a piece of coal
at that guy the other day.
I was trying to get it
on his boat, but I kept missing.
Why would you do that?
It's a good luck thing.
What have you got here?
Well, we're here to talk
about the Hanson building.
You're the coal-loving lassie
- from the other day, aren't you?
- Yes.
Sorry about that, Captain.
Can I call you captain?
Okay, here's the deal.
I have spent most of my life
believing that I was just
an inherently
unlucky person, you know?
Walking around
under a permanent dark cloud.
But ever since coming here,
and just being around
all the warmth
and the kindness of everyone,
it's felt like the sun was
finally peeking out, you know?
And, well, I just wanted more
of that, so I threw myself
into every Irish superstition
and good luck ritual
in hopes of finally
shaking off the cloud and
turning my luck around for good,
hence throwing the coal at you.
Apologies, again.
But now, I can't for
the life of me think of why
I thought I was so unlucky
in the first place, you know?
And what's all this got to do
with the Hanson building?
Right, back to the point.
I have also been a dancer
my whole life,
and walking into
that beautiful building
and seeing what it was
and what it could be again,
not just for me,
but the village, you know?
For every little girl
with a dream.
Just really felt like fate
was reaching out to me.
I'm afraid I can't
sell it to you.
The building's been in my family
for nearly a hundred years.
We lost it back in '98,
fought hard to get it back.
What if I rented it from you?
I promise it would be
in such good hands.
I'm sure a charming man
like yourself,
now, I'd wager you have
a few granddaughters.
A whole gaggle.
Lively as the sea, they are.
Could use an outlet.
Well, I would be honoured
to provide that for them.
Looks like you found
a new landlord.
Thank you. Thank you so much!
Well, I don't know about you,
but I'm feeling pretty lucky
right now.
- Me, too.
- Oh, the charm.
What are you doing here?
Did you know
that if you have
an Irish grandparent,
you can become a dual citizen?
Is that right?
Yeah, which I thought
might come in handy,
you know, with my parents
being over there
and the studio here.
- Studio?
- Yeah.
You haven't heard?
Oh, I just signed a year's lease
on the old Hanson building.
So, your village
just got a new dance teacher.
I thought maybe you could
help me find my first student?
Oh. What about Broadway?
I found a better horizon.
And remember, no pirouettes
in the street!
Love of the Irish (2025)
Moderators: Maskath3, GabrielAlejo2341, sidolanters