Colorado Territory (1949)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Movies from before 1960's.

Moderators: Maskath3, GabrielAlejo2341, sidolanters

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Colorado Territory (1949)

Post by bunniefuu »

Yes, madam?

I'd like to see

my nephew, please,

Wesley McQueen.

Sorry, no visitors.

Governor's orders.

But this is his birthday.

I baked him a cake.

I've come all the way from

Kansas just to see him.

His, uh, uncle Pluthner

sent him the prayer book.

I knitted him the socks.

We'll see that

he gets them, madam.

I wanted to tell Wesley

about his folks

and about the farm.

And, oh, about his horse.

The one he used to ride

when he was a little boy.

You tell him his uncle Pluthner

has broken him to a buggy now.

And he takes

good care of him.

Yes, ma'am. We'll tell him

about his horse.

Thank you, thank you.

It's a white horse.

A white horse.

Tell him we pray

for him to be set free.

He's innocent, you know.

Just a mischievous boy.

He never really done

anybody any wrong.

Never done anybody any wrong.

Only held up four banks.

And the Missouri

and Pacific Railroad. Twice.

Like she says, mischievous.

Hank, cut into that cake.

Nothing in it.

Eat a piece.

Mm, not bad.

Try a piece.

No, thanks.

It might be poisoned.

Here, take the big innocent

rattlesnake his goodies.

Happy birthday, McQueen.

Some presents

from your aunt.

Don't you want to hear

what she had to say?

I'm listening.

She said to tell

you that the white horse

you used to ride

when you was a kid

is now pulling

your uncle Pluthner's buggy.

See you off to Leavenworth

in the morning.

McQueen is not gonna

like getting up this early.

Well, he can catch

up on his sleep

on the way to Leavenworth.

Sound the alarm.

Get a posse together fast.

Where the heck

did he get this?

On the end of this,

I imagine.

But how'd he get that?

On the end of this.

But how did he get that...?

Don't tell me. I know.

And the dear old lady

knitted them herself.

You Pluthner?

That's right.

Pinkerton man, ain't you?

I used to be,

but I resigned.

The old man must think

a lot of you.

Since when's he been hooking

up with gumshoes?

Don't worry, I'm all right.

I handle things

for him at this end.

He's out

in the Colorado Territory.

Oh, here's your route

and some money.

He wants to see you

as quick as you can get there.

I owe him that.

You owe him

more than that.

Cost him a pile of cash

to bust you out.

He's got a big job

set up for you.

- A chance to get rich.

- I've been rich.

When I couldn't get

a breath of fresh air

or feel the ground

under my feet.

Yeah? Well, don't get any ideas

you're through with us.

You wouldn't last long

cut off from the herd, McQueen.

They'll brand you clean

to the bone.

- Hello, mister.

- Howdy.

Who lives here now?

The Martins.

Used to be the McQueen's place.

You heard of Wes McQueen?

Pa says they're fixing

to hang him over in Missouri.

Who's your pa?

Our name's Turner.

Tommy Turner?

How's your sister?


She's gone.


Look at that, Julie Ann.

You can see all the way

into the middle of next week.

It's a new world we're going

into, that's what it is.

The start of a new life.

Saying it won't make it so, Pa.

Great day in the morning!

Well, sir, you had quite

a snooze, didn't you?

My name is Winslow.

Fred Winslow.

This is my daughter,

Julie Ann.

Your name, sir?

Uh, Rogers.

Chet Rogers.

You new to this country,

Mr. Rogers?

It's a promised land, sir,

that's what it is.

My father used to say,

"The sun travels west

and so does opportunity."

My daughter and I, we've left

the past behind us.

Yes, sir, we, uh, had a little

farm back in Georgia.

But then, uh, soil was beat out,

crops poor, prices bad.

So we sold out everything

we had, lock, stock and barrel.

That is, everything except

our household goods.

And we freighted

them out ahead of us.

They're waiting for us now

at Medicine Hat.

Mr. Rogers isn't interested

in our personal history, Pa.


My daughter's still

a wee might homesick, sir.

But she'll be all right

once she sees the place

waiting for us out here.

I used to live on a farm.

That right?

My people were farmers.

I've been thinking I might get

a place out here myself.

Wait till you see

our place, sir.

We bought it from

some agents back in Georgia.

Plenty of fine water.

Best soil in the Territory,

corral for 50 horses.

Five hundred head

of the finest,

slickest cattle you ever laid

your eyes on.

Now, what more can a man ask?

Hey, wait a minute.

Get down.

Get down on the floor.

Get down, honey.

Get down like the man says.

Please, Lord, carry your sinful

children safely

through the journey and take us

across the river Jordan.

Lord, give that young man

strength and guidance.

And, please, Lord, forgive me

for praying with my hat on.


Oh, Lordy, Lordy, Lordy!

One hour for dinner.

One hour for dinner.

Where's Charlie and Bill?

They had an accident.

Most stupendous thing you

saw in your life.

Six hold-up men,

and this gentleman

took them on single-handed

and saved us.

The guard got most of them

before they got him

and the driver.

- Did they get the money box?

- Safe and sound. Right up there.

Hey, Marshal, mister you can

tell them what happened.

Marshal got a tip this outlaw,

Wes McQueen, is headed

for the Territory.

Marshal, the stage was held up.

Charlie and Bill were k*lled.

Here's the gentleman

who brought it in.

Meet, uh... What'd you say

your name was?

Chet Rogers.

You was on the stage?

On it? Mister, he saved it.

He took on six bandits

single-handed. Six!

And he k*lled 'em all.

I thought

the Day of Judgment had come.

I... Look at that.

Look at that b*llet hole.

If that stagecoach had bounced

up instead of down,

that hole would have been

right through my head.


The guard got three of them.

I got two.

The other one got away.

Can you describe him?

Oh, big fella.

About 6'4", I'd say.

Long hair.

Too bad you missed him.

That sounds like Wes McQueen.

You'd have been $5000 richer.

Looks like I had

an expensive morning.

Where'd he jump you?

About 8 miles back,

right after we left the canyon.

Come on.

I wanna thank you, Mr. Rogers,

for what you did.

You're a brave man.

And if ever you find yourself

up around our way,

The Rancho Del Sol,

we'd be mighty glad

to see you.

Wouldn't we, Julie Ann?

You'll be most welcome.

Goodbye, sir.

Goodbye, sir.

Mister, the way I figure it,

you got quite a reward

coming from Wells Fargo.

Just leave your name and address

and our superintendant'll

get in touch with you.

Thanks, but I'll settle

for a good horse and saddle.

You got 'em, mister.



What do they call

this place?

You're in the Canyon of Death,


- What's that up there?

- That?

That's the City of the Moon.

Leastways, that's what

the Injuns call it.

A dead city hanging in space.

How far to Todos Santos?

Oh, that's way north of here.

Sits in the mountains.

Over the top of that ridge.

You ain't headed

for there, are you?

Why not?

I'll tell you

about Todos Santos, mister.

Strictly the back end

of nothing.

The Spaniards moved in first.

Injuns come along

and massacred 'em.

Then the pox come along

and took care of the Injuns.

Left nothing but scorpions

and Gila monsters.

Then an earthquake come along

and took care of them.

Ain't nobody gone

there since, mister.

Less'n some rattlesnake maybe

got himself lost.

Well, I ain't lost.

Who are you?

I'll do the asking.

That's McQueen, all right.

It sure fits the old man's

picture of him.

Glad you got here, McQueen.

We're in old Dave's

setup with you.

I'm Duke Harris.

This is Reno Blake.

Where's the old man?

He stays in Potrero.

How far is that?

About 60 miles.

What do you think

of the hideout?

Looks all right.

It is all right.

I picked it.

Reno's an expert

on hideouts.

Who's boss here?

A debatable issue.

Do you mean physically

or intellectually?

I'll talk to you.

The great Wes McQueen.

Just a big Kansas jay.

Reno and I are quartered

in that broken-down hacienda.

The girl has a room upstairs.

Anything else with a roof on it?

Well, we reserved

the old Indian kiva for you

if you're not bothered

by ghosts.

The tribal council chamber,

Mr. McQueen.

Gathering place

of the medicine men,

the seats of the mighty.

No longer occupied.

You talk kind of fancy.

Only philosophizing,

Mr. McQueen,

on my favorite subject: Doom.

When it's got you marked,

you're already dead.

What's the girl doing here?

You don't have

to worry about her.

- Why not?

- She's stupid, McQueen.

She thinks loyalty a virtue.

Reno met her

in an El Paso dance hall.

There was a bit of sh**ting.

He cleared out to save his hide

and he took her with him.

For some obscure reason

she's grateful.

Where do you two fit

in with the old man?

A large payroll

is the bond that unites us.

It travels by the Denver

Rio Grande up to Potrero.

A Mr. Wallace,

the railroad conductor,

will tell us the next date

of shipment.

So the details of execution

are in your hands.

Is Wallace in touch

with the old man?

He'll be up to talk

to you on his day off.

I'll do my own

talking to the old man.

That's all.

I take it

I'm dismissed.

And get that girl

out of here.

There are two of you

and one of her, savvy?

To be accurate,

Mr. McQueen,

there are now three

of us and one of her.

Yes, sir.

Pickings must be awful

easy back in Kansas,

a big jay like McQueen

can get a reputation.

I didn't see you

tangling with him.

What're you looking for,

a punch in the nose?

Well, what'd the big noise

have to say?

Very little.

Colorado, you can start packing.

What's eating you?

McQueen's orders.

This is to be a bachelor club

from now on.

Why, that overgrown jailbird.

He's not boss around here

any more than I am.

- He can't come in...

- Keep it up, Reno.

You may talk yourself into

winning this argument yet.

You getting tired

of living, Duke?

Stop it. Stop it. Stop it!

Instead of fighting

with each other,

why don't you go over

and tangle with him?


Trouble is we might

need him for this job.

A rather obvious point.

Well, give my regards

to the girls in El Paso.

I ain't there yet.

I'd like to talk

to you, Mr. McQueen.

Help yourself.

Duke tells me

I have to pull out.

That's right.

What if I tell you

I don't want to go?

I'm telling you,

you do.

But I don't wanna

go back to El Paso.

Why not?

I've been there.

Look, I don't care

where you go.

I don't want you

around here, see?

Maybe you think

I know too much.

Maybe you're afraid

I'll talk.


Well, if I was you, I'd do

my worrying about Wallace.

The conductor?

He's the gabby one.

Besides, there's nobody

up here to talk to.

I should think this is where

you'd want me to be.

Look, I ain't so worried

about you,

it's those two sage rats

you're tied up with.

Next thing you know, they'll be

throwing lead over you.

I can handle them.

You're pretty sure

of yourself.

That's right.

Can I stay?

You in love

with this fella Reno?


Then what's

the big attraction?

I like it here.

Look, I'm not hiding out,

if that's what you're thinking.

You ought to understand.

You don't wanna go back to jail.

Well, I don't wanna go back

to the dance hall.

That's right.

I didn't like jail,

but I did something about it.

I busted out.

Maybe that's what I'm doing.

All right, we'll give it

a couple of days,

see how it works out.

Thanks, Mr. McQueen. Thanks.

Don't worry about your horse.

I'll feed him and water him.

What happened between

you and McQueen?

Why'd he let you stay?

Maybe he likes the way

she combs her hair.

Yeah, maybe he does.

She never piled a plate

like that for you, Reno.

Leave that there.

If he wants to eat,

he can come in and get it.

You want more?


Get it.

You're losing

your grip, Reno.

She's looking for trouble.

So are you.

Want some breakfast?

Oh, I was wondering

about that.

We don't serve fancy,

but it's hot.

I was trying

to figure you out last night.

Didn't keep you awake,

did it?

Nothing keeps me awake,

Miss, uh...

By the way,

what is your name?


Colorado Carson.

Colorado. You born

in these mountains?

My mother.

She was part Pueblo.

I guess she was homesick

when she named me.

And your old man?

Boss cowhand down

on the Pecos country.

Grew up there.

Pretty tough place for a kid.

It was all right

as long as Pa was living.

After that, it was either

the Comanches

or the cowpokes.

I don't know which was worse.

You know, "Let's go

look at the moon."

That was on clear nights.

Rainy weather it was,

"Let's go inside the barn

and pitch a little hay."

You probably play

that game yourself.


After Ma died, I headed

out for San Antone.

Got myself a job

in a Wild West show,

sh**ting glass balls

with a r*fle.

Riding broncs.

Broke my leg twice.

Looks pretty straight to me.

Straight enough to get myself

a job dancing the h*nky tonk.

Then the owner decided

I ought to sing.

That's when

the sh**ting started.

Next stop, El Paso.

Anything else you wanna know?

No. I think I understand.

Just so you get

one thing straight.

It wasn't Reno brought me here.

Maybe it's these mountains.

Maybe there's more of my mother

in me than I thought.

That's the train conductor.

Well, if it isn't old Denver

and Rio Grande himself.

Yeah, and it's too bad they

don't run a train up here,

because I'm no horseman.

And after that long ride...

Ooh. I'm gonna stick

to railroading.

Sit down and rest yourself.

Long haul back to Aztec

and no short cuts.

On your way home don't run

into any mountain goats.

They're liable to bite you.

McQueen, this is our

contact man, Homer Wallace.

Well, it sure is a pleasure,

Mr. McQueen.

Do you mind if I call you Wes?

What's your play, Wallace?

Huh? Oh.

Well, uh, I... I unlocked

the baggage car for you.

Well, you got a g*n on me,

of course, what can I do?

I can't do nothing

except act scared...

You are scared,

ain't you?

Huh? Huh? W-who me?

Well, to tell you

the truth, Mr. McQueen,

I never threw in on anything

like this before.

I'm a respectable man.

Well, you can ask anybody

in the town of Aztec.

That's the junction.

Yeah, I live there,

me and my wife.

Well, everybody knows me.

I'm a family man

and a lodge man and...

Gabby old buck, isn't he?

You've seen the old man?

Uh, I... I saw him

just yesterday.

He wants to have

a talk with you.

I wanna have a talk

with him too.

Well, he's waiting for you.

Here, uh... Here's his address

in Potrero.

He wants you to ride

the train in

and kind of size things up

on the way.

I'm sizing things up right now.


Reminds me of a little hoist

we'd planned in West Kansas

about five, six years ago.

One fellow was smooth, slippery.

The other was green and gabby.

The third was just plain mean

from the top of his head

to his boot heels.

Next thing we knew there was

a boxcar of soldiers

coupled onto that train.

Too bad we never knew which one

sent word to the soldiers.

Been better for the other two

if we had.

Their monuments are right

outside of Barksville, Kansas.

Prettiest little bone orchard

you ever see.

Little stone angels

watching over them.

Well, I, uh, guess

I better be going.

Take care of yourselves.

You too.

You sure scared

the pants off him.

I'll ride that train

into Potrero tomorrow.

Hello, Mr. Rogers.

Evening, Miss Julie Ann.

This Indian woman is looking

for water for her sheep.

Yeah, don't seem

to be much water hereabouts.

Then you've seen our ranch.

Rancho Del Sol,

a new life, adventure.

Opportunity travels

with the sun, remember?

I kind of thought your Pa

was expecting too much.

Where's the 500

head of cattle?

Five hundred?

Less than a dozen.

Walking around

like dead things.

Pa sent them ranging

to find water.

Barely enough here

for the horses.

He packed off before sunup

to try digging a new well.

Your Pa's got

a lot of gizzard.

You're lucky

to be his daughter.

I guess he's lucky too.

I try hard.

Well, Mr. Rogers.

Doggone, if I ain't, whoa,

glad to see you.

You're sure a sight

for sore eyes.

How you getting along?

Well, you... You can see

for yourself, sir.

I'm just a hunk of bait

thrown to the sharks.

The, uh, land sharks,

that is.

And I sure got gobbled up.

In me you will see a shorn lamb,

with nothing left to offer you

but his bleat,

but you're welcome to that.

You got stung,

all right.

Yeah. My boy,

never buy a foot of land

more than 5 miles

from home.

And not then till

you've seen it,

felt it, tasted it

and smelt it.

At that, you might

get bamboozled.

I wish we could

go right back home.

Julie Ann, we can't

go right back home.

You know that.

Not a red cent left, Mr. Rogers.

No brains, just chasing

a pot of gold.

You expect to dig

a well with those tools?

With them things, I couldn't

dig a hole in a swamp.

But then a man's gotta

use the tools

he can lay his hands on.

Yeah, don't worry,

Mr. Winslow, you'll make out.

Yeah, Julie Ann,

Chet's staying for supper.

Oh, no, I'm just on my way

to the railroad.

I can't stay.

I got a little business

in Potrero.

Well, let it wait.

Take tomorrow's train.

We'd be pleased if you'd stay.

- Yeah.

- I'll get supper.

Julie Ann's

a mighty fine cook too.

Did you ever think you'd like

to travel a long way off?

As far and as high as the moon?

Stay there for good and ever.

Forget all about

things down here?

There's been plenty of times

I wanted to get away

from where I was.

That far away?

Yeah, that far.

You never talk about yourself.

I don't know anything

about you at all.

There's nothing to tell.

Like you said: Wanting to get

far off from what you been.

This is far off.

I thought we were getting

a fine house, good land.

I thought maybe in a year or so

I could take a trip back home.

Maybe ride the train this time.

With fresh money

in your purse.

How did you know?

I had the same idea myself once.

Might work out yet, Julie Ann.

How fast can this thing go?

I can push her to 25 miles.

Man, that's sure rolling along.

Mister, what are you

doing in there?

Looking for a place to sit down.

Ain't there any seats

on this train?

Plenty of them up

in the passenger coach.


That rube'll

get his pockets picked

before he gets

to the junction.

Board! Aboard!

What's the fare to Potrero?

Uh, $1.80.

What's the next stop?

Well, there's a flag station

at Pine Flats.

Look, if you wanna know...

That's all.

The old man inside?

Yes, in there. He's sick.

Wes McQueen,

you old buffalo.

That call sure took me

back a long way.

Glad to see you, Dave.

You're looking good.

You're a liar.

I know what I look like.

What's wrong with you?


Can't eat, can't sleep.

Doc says I'm paying

for past sins.

Have a drink, Wes.

You supposed to have that stuff?

Oh, why not?

All gotta die sometime.

Me, you, the whole

cockeyed world.

Doesn't make much difference

what kills us.

How about the job I got set up?

Looks good, huh?

Dave, the reason

I came here

was to thank you

for busting me out.

Oh, forget it.

Sorry I couldn't have

got you out sooner.

You like the deal

you're gonna pull?

The deal's all right, Dave,

but it's me, I...

All the time I put in down there

got me to thinking.

About what, Wes?

I'm through with the game, Dave.

I'm quitting.

I wish I was a young buck.

I'd do the job myself.

I can't hardly get out

of this blasted chair.

I'd like to pull

it for you, Dave,

but I've been figuring

on settling down.

Getting a farm someplace.

You ride this one,

you can buy 20 farms.

Aw, don't let me down, Wes.

I'm just about clean.

Spent a lot of money

this last six months.

Busting me out, huh?

Oh, you'd do the same for me.

But I counted on this.

Set me up for life.

Well, I guess one more

won't hurt.

Aw, sure it wouldn't, Wes.

You'll pitch in,

won't you?

I'll ride with you, Dave.

Sure scared the liver out of me.

You meant what you said

about being broke?

There's the kitty, Wes.

Two thousand dollars.

Take any part you want.

I'll take half.

You can have it back

out of my end.

All right.

A thousand for you

and a thousand for me.

Thanks, Dave.

I'll head straight here

with the swag.

Anything happens to me,

you know where to find the wife

back in Joplin.

See she gets my cut.

You'll be all right.

Nothing's gonna happen to you,

you old coonhound.

Sort of making you

my executor, ain't I?

Well, I wouldn't want to leave

it up to Reno or Duke.

What rat hole did you raid

to find that pair?

Friends of Pluthner.

He'd sell you out

for a nickel cigar.

Oh, no,

you're wrong there, Wes.

Once a gum boots,

always a gum boots.

Now, don't you worry

about Pluthner.

He's the one hombre

we can count on.

You both got it straight?

We need McQueen

for the heist.

Keep him fat for it.

Soon as it's through,

so is he.

Well, even Reno

can understand that.

I been saving one

for that big jay.

I'll let him have it

right on schedule.

Hm, not from the front.

But not from too far back.

If you miss, McQueen don't serve

no second helpings.

I won't miss.

I'll drink to that.

You show up at Rickard's

house with the haul,

we make it

a three-way divvy.

What about Rickard?

What about him?

He can't reach for a g*n

or stand on his legs.

Come in, come in.

Well, hello, Chet.

I'm glad to see you.

It sure was nice

of you to drop back.

- Give me your hat.

- No, I can't stay a minute.

I got a long ride before dark.

Well, have you had

something to eat?

- Yeah, sure.

- Hello, Chet.

I brought you something.

What is it?

Go ahead, open it.

Oh, Chet, you shouldn't be

spending your money that way,

to bring us presents.

We... We...


Look at her, boy.

Look at her.

You put the light

of life into her face.

Oh, it's beautiful.

I hope it fits.

We'll soon find out.

I'll only be a minute.

Now, sit down, Chet.

Sit down.

That dress sure must have

cost a heap of money.

I got lucky in Potrero.

Fell onto a poker game.

Here's $900.

More than you'll need

for well digging.

Nine hundred...

No, I... No, it's...

I don't know what to say.

No, it's no use.

I... I can't take it, Chet.

Why not?

Because I know why

you brought it.

It's on account of Julie Ann.

I know, I know,

but it's all on account

of her.

You see, there's a little matter

that you don't know about.

About Julie Ann?


I got to be honest

with you, boy.

There's a fella back home,

name of Randolph.

Randolph sells the bell cows

back there.

Martha's in love with him,

is that it?


I meant Julie Ann.

Well, I don't know.

She still writes to him.

They figure

on getting married?

No. Randolphs don't marry

with river bottom folks.

You got to live it

to understand it, boy.

That's why you brought

her out here.

You can't blame her, boy.

She's not bad,

she's just...

Just young, that's all.

She sure did want to live up

in that Randolph mansion,

way up there on the bluff.

You know, a girl gets

crazy ideas sometimes.

Anyway, I... I sure thank you

for the offer.

I'm not giving the money to her.

I'm giving it to you.

You like her, don't you?

Why don't you tell her so?

Maybe you could get that

Randolph fella out of her head.

She likes you too.

Yes, she does.

Well, look at her, look at her.

She's as cute as a bug's ear.

It fits perfect.


Thank you.

Oh, I'll unsaddle your horse.

You're gonna stay

to supper, aren't you?

No, no. I... I can't stay.

I'll be coming back, though.

We'd always be glad

to see you, Chet.

Remember you said I never talked

much about myself?

Good reason why.

I got another life to get

done with, once and for all.

It won't take but a few days.

Then I'll be back.

We'll be here, Chet.

Thank you, Julie Ann.

Goodbye, Mr. Winslow.

Goodbye, son, goodbye.

You will come again

right soon, won't you?

Remember what I said that day

back in the stagecoach?

The Promised Land, I said.

And I was right too.

You won't find a man

like Chet Rogers back home.

Is that you, Wes?

What's going on?

What happened?


He went crazy.

Got to drinking with Duke.

You know how Duke is.

He likes to hurt people.

Took it out on me.

Well, I couldn't stand it

no longer.

I threw a bottle at him.


Reno wasn't any help.

He said I'd been

looking for trouble

ever since you came here.

I thought you said

you could handle them.

They went crazy,

I tell you.

Reno hit me,

then waded in on Duke.

I ran over here

and locked myself in.

Where are they now?

Out by the church somewhere.

Reno didn't have

his g*n on.

Duke did.

Reno had to take

to the dark.

Duke is hunting him out

like a rabbit.

You stay here.

Let them alone, Wes.

Let them k*ll each other.

Come on out, Reno.

Come on, move.

Who do you think

you're bulling around?

Move, I said.

Colorado, come here.

You two had fun

mussing her up, huh?

Self-defense, McQueen.

You slapped her around.

She had it coming to her.

You stinking rats.

Here, work them over.

Oh, what's the use?

You don't get off that easy.

Don't, Wes. It don't matter.

Now, wait a minute, McQueen.

We gotta start pulling together.

The heist comes off Friday.

Who told you?

Some crony of the old man's.

All right. Turn in.

I'll give you the layout

in the morning.

Get out of line again,

I'll k*ll both of you.

Get your bed roll

and bring it in here tonight.

Where'd they get the bottle?

Pluthner brought it.


That's what they called him.

He's the big scissor-bill

that brought the message

about the payroll.

You know him?

Yeah. I know him.




Wait. Don't go.

Don't go.

Where d'you go?

I'm getting out

of Todos Santos.

Come on back here.

Who's Martha?


You was dreaming

out loud.

Must have been.

Are you in love with her?

We was gonna get married.

What stopped you?

She's dead.

It wouldn't have done

no good.

What do you mean?

Marrying her wouldn't

have helped none.

You bust

out of jails maybe,

or mud holes like I was in,

but you can't

bust out of what you are.

You can if you're set on it.

Can you?

Me. Hm.

I was born under a chuck wagon.

Never got much higher.

Anything was a step up.

Even getting hit by Reno

was all velvet.

He won't do that again.

He had a right to.

He knew Duke was right when

he said it was you I wanted.

Hold me, Wes.

Hold me.

It won't work.

I've got plans.

There's no room

in them for you.

Not for the long pull.

Maybe there won't be

no long pull.

Maybe it all ends

Friday on that train.


Yeah, that's where it ends.

Everybody takes

his own road after that.

Reno. Duke. Rickard.

You and me.

We're all through then.

There's the railroad.

There's a good stand of trees

at Pine Flats

you can hide out in

until I signal you

to board the train.

Colorado, if we make this haul,

you're in on it.


There's a small bridge

at Luckman's Pass.

You wait there

with the extra horses.

That gives you just about four

minutes to get that safe open.

It'll be open.

I only hope those train guards

give us an argument.

If there's anything I hate,

it's railroaders.

Don't be getting a trigger itch.

I don't want any funerals

on this picnic.

Did, uh, Pluthner

have anything else to say?


You forgot to mention him,

didn't you?

You know, the bird that brought

you that whiskey yesterday.


Was that his name?

I just knew he was a friend

of the old man's.

Nice, private hideout

you picked.

Ain't supposed to be

anybody around here.


I'm glad to see this old bell

has a small voice after all.

A sky pilot, uh?

I am Brother Tomas.

Year in and year out,

I travel the trail

of the missions,

keeping the chapels in order.

Stopping often to ring the poor,

old broken bell of Todos Santos.

Not that it can be heard

very far.

Well, that's good.

The ways of the Lord

are strange and wondrous.

In the... In the foundry at Aztec

there is a bell cast of bronze.

Its tone is clear,

its call will carry far.

Ha! For 10 years

it has lain there.

Aztec's not far away.

It is not a matter of distance,

child, but of money.

When we receive enough offerings

to pay for it,

then it will hang high

and sound its call.

Perhaps, then,

the Indians will come back.

We will even rebuild

the mission of Todos Santos.

Oh. Thanks be to the travelers

who dropped this offering here.

Nothing is too small.

I didn't know it was there.

I'm quite sure you didn't.

Nothing is too small.

Time to be riding.

Good luck, Wes.

Do you travel far?

Far enough.

May God be with you.

Vaya con Dios.

Mrs. Wallace?


Is your husband at home?

No, he's down at the train,

about ready to take her out.

Oh, I guess I'm too late for

that job I was hoping to get.

What job?

Guarding the payroll shipment.

I figured they might

need some more guards.

They ain't short.

The marshal himself's

riding the train.

Homer had four of his deputies

in for poker last night.

He think that's enough?

More than enough,

if you ask me.

The hold-upper they're expecting

is only priced at 10,000.

I told Homer he'd be sorry

he took them other

fellers in on it.

Just makes less for him.

You're right, ma'am,

you're right.

Don't forget, Marshal,

I'm the one that tipped you off.

The big end of the reward

money's mine.

You'll get it.

All right. Get aboard.

Board! Board!

There's a flag stop

at Pine Flats.

Maybe he'll get on there.

Maybe Pine Flats.


Good heavens above.

One more double shuffle,

you're dead meat.

Call those two guards

out here.

Tell them the marshal

wants to see them.

Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Dan. Johnny.

The, uh,

marshal wants you.

Heist them.

Get rid of their g*ns,


Yes, sir.

Now jump.


Get over

on this other platform.

Oh, yes, sir!

All right. Now, pull that

coupling pin.

Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Your wife seemed awful

interested in that reward money.

My wife?

Maybe if she don't

skin you alive

for not bringing it home,

I'll drop in

and take care of you.

McQueen's outfoxed us.

He's run off

with the baggage car,

tortured the guards

and massacred the engine boys.

Blood's a-running

down the track.

Don't go out there.

This is the smoothest

run we ever made, friend.

We're breezing along

like a race horse.

When I fire them,

ha, they snort.

Keep it snorting.

Straight ahead

and don't look back.

And don't stop

until I tell you.

All right. Get it open.

I'll go up in front

and cover the engine crew.

I always did want

an engineer's watch.

What for?

They're never on time.

This wax is as hard

as your head.

Ah, those cracks

are sealed good enough.

Give me the chisel.

This'll put us right

back on the plush.

You still got McQueen

to take care of.


Now, what are you waiting for?

Now's your chance while

he's up there

covering the engine crew.

Trouble is, he might not have

his back turned.

Yeah, I knew you never

had the guts

to sh**t it out with him.

I could cut this car loose,

leave him up there.

Reno, you do have a brain.

With this car loose,

it'll take a mile

for the engine to stop.

That'd leave McQueen stranded

where the marshal

could pot him easy.

Go pull the pin.

The big country boy's

on his way.

The only thing he'll get

is the engineer's watch.

Gimme that fuse.

Well, don't blow yourself

through the roof.

Say, did you look

on top of this car?

What for?

He might have doubled

back on you.

Don't judge his brain

by yours.

I knew he wasn't up there.

Now, we'll deal Pluthner out.

Let old man Rickard

die in the poorhouse.

Yeah. Give your girl

back to the Indians.

Heist 'em!

Keep 'em up.

You and Pluthner had everything

rigged pretty, didn't you?

On your feet.

Here. Put these on.

Now, hook them to him.

No, to his shank.

Now, get over there.

Come on.

Get on your feet.

We can't.

We're shackled.



Here's the other two.

Yes, sir.

Mr. Duke Harris

and Reno Blake.

They're guilty. They're guilty.

Look, marshal.

You don't want us.

We're small potatoes.

McQueen's the one

with the price on him

and he's got the haul.

Yeah. Make it easy on us, we will

tell you where to grab him.

Go ahead.

He's headed...

Headed for old

Dave Rickard's house,

just outside of Potrero.

Wes, don't go in.

Those Indians singing

mean trouble.

Robbing the dead, huh?

You didn't expect me?

No. I, uh... Well, sure

I expected you, Wes.

Don't look at me like that.

I know what you're thinking,

but it ain't true.

Old Dave died natural.

Well, you got the stuff?

Was there any trouble?

A little.

The marshal picked up

Reno and Duke.


Aw, that was a tough break.

They were good boys.

But that's the game for you.

All a part of the game.

You and me, Wes.

Just you and me left out

of that fine parcel of men.

Of course, we end up

with the money, you and me.

But that's how

the cards fall.

Look, Pluthner,

this deck's had so much bottom

dealing it's dog-eared.

Too many jokers turned up.

The bank ain't cashing.

You took your divvy

out of the old man's poke.

The game's over, gumshoes.

Put your hands up

and turn around.

Just keep looking

in the mirror.

You'll see a coyote that just

done himself out of 50,000.

Wes, what happened?


He got me in the shoulder.

It's like I said.

I ain't never seen Wes McQueen.

Come on, let's cut up through

the Canyon Del Sol.

That's, uh... That's $765

for the well digging.

That leaves us over a $100

for winter feed.

Thanks to Chet Rogers.

I'll be needing

some of that money, Pa.


I'm leaving here, Pa.

You're what?

I got a letter

from Carter Randolph today.

He wants me to come back.

Does he say anything

in his letter

about getting married?

No. And I don't care if that's

the way it's gotta be.

- I'm going to him.

- Not by a jug full, you ain't.

If I can't go one way

I'll go another.

But I'll get there.

You won't get...

Who's there?

It's me, Mr. Winslow.

Well, what's the matter, son?

What's happened to you, Chet?

There was a sh**ting in town.

He got a slug

in the shoulder.

It was an accident.

It was no accident.

And my name's not Chet Rogers.

I held up

the Denver and Rio Grande.

I'm Wes McQueen.

You don't have

to take me in.

Sit down, son.

Colorado, this is Mr. Winslow

and his daughter, Julie Ann.

Let's have a look.

The b*llet's in there,

all right.

We ought to have a doctor.

He's got one.

Get me a sharp knife.

I got my veterinary kit.

Well, get it.

And boil some water.

Right away.

Colorado, you better

hide those horses.

I told you I had a past

to get done with.

I never figured it would

end like this.

I had it all figured different.

There's 100,000

in those bags.

I figured with a stake we could

start a brand-new life,

go anyplace you wanted.

You can't go anyplace.

Not now.

You've got to get well.

You mean it don't make

any difference I'm Wes McQueen?

I knew it.

I knew I could

count on you, Julie Ann.

Who's that girl?


She's all right.

She was in on the holdup.

Tomorrow she gets her share

and goes her own way.

We'll put him in my room, Pa.

He'll be more comfortable.

Here. You got it out.

Go ahead.

You know what to do.

Give me the powder

from one of those b*ll*ts.

Where are you going?

Well, I'm not gonna

let him lie there and die.

He's got to have a doctor.

I'm riding into Aztec.

You're gonna stay

right where you're at.

Nobody's leaving the house.

You do like she says, Julie Ann.

If he ain't better come morning,

I'll hitch up a team

and drive to Aztec myself.

Hey, you, in there.

It's the marshal.

Then I'll be right out,


Just as soon as I get

my britches on.

Oh, I rousted you

out of the feathers.

Blessed little sleep a man

get around here.

First a fella comes riding

through hob-leather,

bleeding like a stuck leech.

He's the one we're after.


Say, ain't...

Ain't you the one,

that we saw

on the stage holdup?

Yeah. I thought

I recognized you.

Well, you're sure playing in

hard luck, mister.

Two chances you've

had at Wes McQueen.

Wes McQueen?

That's right.

Which way was he heading?

He was heading north

like he had an antelope

by the tail.

It's too bad you didn't know

who he was.

You'd have been $20,000 richer.

The railroad's offered

a reward too.

Get out of my way.

If you hear anything,

get word to us in Aztec.

Let me go!

Talk and I'll

pull your tongue out.

Here. What's going on here?

Take her off me.

Quit that. Quit that.

Hold her here, and I'll catch up

with the marshal.

We'll be rich, Pa.

Twenty thousand dollars.

We can leave

this horrible place.

You heard what the mars...

Shut up.

Come on, Colorado,

we're leaving.

You thought

we was your friends.

I wish you could have gone

without knowing different.

You've been a good friend,

Mr. Winslow.

Good luck, Wes.

What did Martha look like?

The girl you were dreaming

about that night.

Well, she was pretty,

all right.

Tall and willowy,

turned-up nose that wrinkled

when she laughed.

She had dimples too.

That's Julie Ann.

That's funny at that.

All the time I was planning

to marry Julie Ann,

I knew it didn't make sense,

but there was something

about her.

Just Martha's ghost,

I guess.

How'd you figure it out?

I'm a woman.

Duke Harris, Reno Blake,

hung by order of district judge.

You see that the Territorial

governor gets that.

And tell him the crows will be

pecking at McQueen too

before another 48 hours.

Curley, Jack, Grey Eyes,

come here.

You ride out to Indian Springs,

he might head up there.

Seeing that he's wounded,

he'll need water.

You take your men

and head down south end

to the Canyon of Death.

McQueen might take off

for Mexico.

Grey Eyes,

you take a look

around Todos Santos.

And now, remember,

you men,

if you flush him, don't try

to sh**t it out with him.

He's quicker than

a black-headed snake.

Just send up a smoke signal

and we'll spot it.

Yeah, it's a nice sight

for anybody with

a train-robbing itch.

What is it, Wes?

We're going to get married.


I bought this ring for...

Maybe you wouldn't

wanna wear it.

I wouldn't care.

Oh, don't put it on now.

It's bad luck before

you're married.

Who's afraid?

You won't be sorry, Wes.

I'll make you love me.

Maybe I did all along.

Maybe that's why

I let you stay here.

Maybe I had the real thing

alongside of me all the time

and didn't even know it.

You're sure you're not

a little blind?

I knew what I wanted.

Wes McQueen.

You don't aim very high.

I'll see if that

Padre is around.

Oh, children,

I'm so happy to see you

back at Todos Santos.

We want you

to marry us.

But I'm not a priest.

I'm only a brother.

I have no authority

to perform such ceremonies.

But... But you yourself told

me once that

Aztec is not far away.

It is for us.

We don't wanna turn back.

Then go forward,

my children.

Follow the trail over the pass,

beyond the Canyon of Death.

It will lead you to Old Mexico.

There at Rosario

is our mission.

A beautiful church.

See Father Esteban

about getting married, huh?

And, uh, when you're happily


pray sometimes

for Todos Santos.

That it too may live again.

- Thank you.

- Bless you.

We'll hide out here

for a couple of days, and then...

Then where, Wes?

Old Mexico.

Do you think

you'd like it there?

I like it just hearing

you talk about it.

We'll be safe there.

I'll send the old man's

widow her share

and then we'll get

a place all our own.

What kind of place, Wes?

You could hold your head up

as good as anybody

married to a farmer,

couldn't you?

Whatever you wanna be.

It's what I want you to be.

As good as anybody.

This time, Wes,

we can really bust out.

We're in the clear now.

We just head out

over those mountains...

What is it, Wes?

What does it mean?

It means

we're a couple of fools

in a dead village

dreaming about something

that will probably

never happen.


What are you doing?

Fixing it so you

can't follow me.

Bury the money, Colorado.

I don't want you caught with it.


I'm going with you.

What do you wanna do?

Stay with me and get k*lled?

We got to split up

till this blows over.

They'll take you.

They'll never take me.

I've seen all the jails

I'll ever see.

This time

it'd mean the rope.

It's our only chance,


I'll head over the pass

to Old Mexico.

I'll wait there for you,

I promise.

We'll meet at Rosario,

do all the things

we talked about.

Goodbye, Colorado.


Good scouting, Grey Eyes.

You catch where he's running?

He take trail

through pass to Mexico.

That's how we figured it.

Fan out and we'll corral him

in the Canyon of Death.

First man spots him,

give the signal, three sh*ts.

Then we'll tighten

the cinch on him.

He start for City of Moon.

No way out.

Move it.

There's only one way up there

and he's got it

right under his g*ns.

Hey, McQueen!

You got no chance!

Come on down!

We don't want no sh**ting!

Come and get me.

We'll starve you out!

Go ahead.

I wonder if he's

out of amm*nit*on.

Let's see.


I don't know.

Do you think you could

work your way up there

to the top of that rim?

I never heard tell of nobody

ever doing it.

Well, we'll take

a try at it, anyway.

If we can get him

to show himself,

we can take a shot at him.

What are you doing here?

Who are you?

I'm... I'm Wes McQueen's woman.

We got him trapped

up there.

You the marshal?

I know where the money is.

You'll never find it.

Not unless I tell you.

Come here to bargain, huh?

Let him go

and you can have it all.

Now, you've got to understand

it's the law you're talking to.

It don't make bargains.

Then you won't get him.

Well, I might be willing to go

a little ways with you.

You get your man to come down

here and we won't sh**t.

What would you do?

Hang him instead?

I'm offering you the money

instead of Wes.


Come down.

We got your woman here.

That's what you say.

He won't fall for that.

Start yelling, you.

Go on,

or I'll cut you up.

Go ahead.

I won't call him out.

If he's gotta die,

he'd want it this way.

Take it easy.

All right, if that's

the way you want it,

let him die up there.

You don't wanna

leave him up there.

Buzzards picking

his bones clean.

Call him out and we'll split

the 20,000 reward with you.

Long time ago,

my people live here.

Me know way in City of Moon.

Go around mountain.

Come in back way

on other side.

How far?

Long way. Ride horses.

Curley and Jack,

you stay here and watch her.

We'll go around and get him.

Well, he wouldn't let us

in the front door

so we'll go around

the back door and get him.

You made it sound so good

I almost believed it

myself, Grey Eyes.

Do you think

she'll call him out?

Maybe so.

Anyway, Eagle's got

the daylight for his target.

Now, if Curley and Jack do just

like I told them,

this might work.

Get them up.

Both of you.


You. Go over there

and fetch me those two horses.

Keep your hands up.

Both of you.

Now, start walking

and don't look back.


- Wes!

- Colorado.

Wes, they're coming at you.

They found a back way.

Come down, Wes!

Hurry, Wes!

I got horses!



Brother Tomas, who has brought

this new life to Todos Santos?

A happy couple

who passed this way.
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