[train humming and clacking]
[birds chirping]
Gotta poop. I'll be right back.
[playful music]
[Karin sighs]
[birds chirping]
[Karin] Is this it?
[Tetsuya] Yep.
[Karin] It's a temple.
I wonder if they're still alive.
How long's it been?
Maybe like 20 years?
[chuckles] You sure
they'll be cool with this?
Oh, it'll be fine. Don't worry.
Hey! I'm back!
Hello. Can I help you?
I came back.
It's me!
[chuckles] Tetsuya!
-Recognize me?
-[Osho gasps]
[birds chirping]
Oh, this is Karin.
She's my daughter.
I didn't know you got married.
Mm. Well, that was a while ago.
What grade are you in,
Karin, my dear?
I'm in the fifth grade.
[Osho] A fifth grader!
Ah. [sighs]
Sorry to ask,
but can we maybe stay a while?
I suppose that's all right.
Are you unemployed?
[sighs] Look.
I get by.
Where is your wife?
Died, three years ago.
[Osho sighs]
[birds chirping]
[moped engine whirs]
[stand clacks]
[phone rings]
Yeah. Hello?
Ah! Yeah! [chuckles]
Oh, thanks!
Okay. Yep, yep.
Okay. At two o'clock.
All righty meow.
[phone bleeps]
Where'd you come from?
I've never seen you before.
You know
you can't just waltz in here.
[Tetsuya breathes deeply]
She worried about you,
up until the very end.
Selfish fool.
[Tetsuya sighs]
I, uh, kinda need some money.
Well, what do you need it for?
[chuckles] A loan shark.
He tried to k*ll me,
but I escaped.
[clears throat]
I'll pay you back, ASAP.
What mess have
you gotten into this time?
Oh, come on. It's not important.
How much is it?
A million yen should be good.
You need to leave!
You only came to get money!
-Get out!
-[Tetsuya sighs]
All right. 500 grand.
That's all!
-Get outta here!
And don't come back here again!
[Tetsuya grumbles]
[Tetsuya] Karin!
I need you to
hang out here for now.
I'm gonna go repay that loan.
Be good. I'll be back
before you know it.
[playful music]
Tetsuya, do you have any money?
Huh? Yeah, I'm good, I'm good.
[sighs] Except you always
say that and it's never true.
Hey, wait! Hold on a sec.
Well, uh, this is all I've got.
Look. I'll be back by
Mom's anniversary, okay?
When I do,
we'll visit her grave together.
You better keep your word.
[playful music continues]
[Tetsuya sighs]
[chuckles] All right.
See ya!
You big idiot!
[Karin breathes deeply]
[Karin sighs]
Here. I brought a drink for you.
Oh, thanks so much.
[chuckles] Perfect timing.
[Osho sighs]
Can't believe he'd abandon
his sweet little girl.
[scoffs] Some father.
Look, Karin,
if you ever need anything,
well, don't be afraid to ask.
Thanks. I appreciate it.
You're very well behaved,
aren't you?
Yeah. I get that a lot.
-I'm off to work, Master.
-[Osho] Take care.
Oh, Anzu.
This little girl here is Karin.
Tetsuya's kid.
She'll be staying here a while,
so let's keep
an eye out for her.
Yeah, how's it going, Karin?
It's nice to meet ya.
what's up with your cat?
[Osho] Oh, Anzu?
He's just our temple pet.
[Karin] Yeah. I meant more
the whole walking
and talking thing.
[Osho laughs]
[upbeat music]
Oh, that.
Well, Anzu is a ghost cat.
[Anzu laughs]
[Anzu laughs]
[upbeat music continues]
[thunder claps]
[rain patters]
[kitten squeaking]
[Osho laughs]
We named the kitten Anzu.
We took him in, and in time,
he became part of the family.
-But the years passed...
-[Anzu meows]
...and much to our surprise,
Anzu never died.
10 years passed.
Then 20.
And he was
still in perfect health.
After 30 years had gone by,
somehow or other,
he had become
a ghost cat.
-[man groaning]
Oh, yeah.
I feel a knot right there.
Sensei, the tea's ready for you.
Ah, thanks.
Mr. Sermaki,
you want the half hour?
-Oh, that'd be great.
[Sermaki groans]
[Sermaki groans]
There it is.
You got it. Right there.
You sure know how to find
all my...my trouble spots.
[Sermaki groans]
[moped engine whirs]
Thanks for stopping by!
Yes. Thank you so much!
Don't mention it!
[moped engine revs]
[Anzu laughs]
Hey. It's that temple ghost cat.
I think we should go
and say hello.
[Hayashi spits]
Die! [grunts]
Die! [grunts]
Karin, my dear. Why don't
you go out and have fun?
Oh, I'm all right.
I'm used to being by myself.
All right then.
And besides...
I mean, I don't have
any money to go out anyway.
[Karin sighs]
[Osho moans]
[Hayashi gasps]
He's right there!
He said yo!
Who are you little punks?
I'm not a little punk!
I'm Inoue!
-In fifth grade!
-I'm Hayashi!
[Anzu yawns]
So, um...
What do you want, kid?
Want something to drink?
Like a coffee or--
-Are you buyin'?
The Contrarians.
That's the name of our duo.
'Cause we do all
kinds of outlaw stuff.
How about you join us? Huh?
We're rebels without a care.
Nah. I think I'll pass.
[Hayashi sighs]
[footsteps approaching]
Yo, Karin! What's up?
[door creaks]
Uh, hey! Who was that?
Fill us in!
Don't hold out on us, bro!
[playful music]
-[Inoue sighs]
-That's Karin, huh?
[Hayashi chuckles]
I can't feel my legs.
She's an angel.
Just go talk to her.
[stammers] No way!
[kids stuttering]
[Karin] Go ahead and drink up.
It's on me.
[kids sighing]
So, um, can you tell me
whatever you know
about the Sousei-Ji ghost cat?
Also, a bit about the town?
-[ethereal chimes ringing]
[kids moaning]
[moped engine revs]
[Anzu laughs]
[Anzu laughs]
[dog barks]
[cop over speaker]
You on the motorbike.
Pull over on the left.
[Anzu yelps]
[siren wails]
[car door slams]
[cop] Afternoon, sir.
You know, you were
flying like a cat outta hell.
-Hand me your license.
-[Anzu laughs]
I forgot it at home!
Is that true?
Truth is,
I don't have one. [laughs]
-Stop laughing!
-[Anzu gasps]
Now, what's your name?
[Anzu grunts]
[cop 2] You're Anzu, right?
That little cat
from Sousei-Ji Temple?
I've heard of you.
All right. Get in the car.
Wait. For what?
[cop 2]
Driving without a license.
[Anzu groans]
Only humans need a license
and I'm not human, so--
-Don't play dumb.
-How old are you, cat?
I'm 37!
Can't operate
a vehicle with no license.
You can get one at 16.
[Anzu yowls]
[cop groans]
[playful music]
[Anzu sighs]
[food sizzles]
[Anzu hums cheerfully]
[Anzu laughs]
It looks like
it got a bit of dirt.
[squid sizzles]
It's fine, it's fine.
Fire'll k*ll it.
I heard you got
in a bit of trouble
for riding without a license.
Yeah. I'm in a real fix meow.
Just use a bicycle.
[sighs] Sounds super annoying.
You'll just
have to put up with it.
Are you not eating, Karin?
The squid is perfect.
Try some. Come on.
You know,
I'm kinda getting an ink-ling
that you're not
a huge fan of squid.
[Anzu laughs]
[Osho chuckles]
[Karin sighs]
[Anzu farts]
[Anzu and Osho chuckling]
[Karin groans]
[Karin scoffs]
Hey! Stop!
That's not a litter box!
[Anzu laughs]
Got a sec?
Want a part-time job?
What kinda job?
We've had
a cormorant influx lately.
They're gobbling up
all the sweet fish,
causing big problems.
I was thinking you could
drive those darn birds away.
Sorry, Master,
but that's a big no-can-do.
[Osho] But why?
I know I live like a human,
but at the end of the day,
I'm still a cat.
Animals are my bros.
[Osho] Huh.
I never considered that.
I'll tell them
you weren't interested
in the job
that pays 3,000 yen a day.
[playful music]
[Anzu hums cheerfully]
[Yotchan pants]
[Karin sighs]
No sign of wildlife here.
[Anzu] Hm.
Let's head over there.
Actually, will you be mad
if I head back?
And just miss out on 3,000 yen?
[Karin tuts]
There they are! Get ready!
Whoa! There's so many of 'em!
[birds squawking]
They're really going ham
on the sweet fish!
[horn squeaking]
Well, that's not good.
Karin, Plan B.
Get the bottle rocket.
[sighs] Yeah. Whatever.
Ready, aim.
And fire!
[Anzu grunts]
[bottle rocket whistles]
[bottle rocket bangs]
[birds squawking]
We did it!
-Team us, one!
-They flew away!
Dumb birds, zero!
-[both laughing]
-We did it!
-I can't believe it!
-[Anzu] Victory!
-We did it!
[birds chirping]
I'm telling you,
I studied so much
that I'm pretty sure
it turned me stupid.
Yeah, right.
My money.
[coins clinking]
If I hand it over,
then you'll blow it all.
For now, I'll just
hold on to the rest of it.
What's your problem?
Well, I was asked
to look after you, kid.
-Give me my money, now.
-No, ma'am.
-I earned it! Give it here!
-Give it to me!
-Not happening!
-[groans] Hey!
-Anzu isn't here right now.
-Leave a message!
-Better give it to me!
Get back here!
You can't hide up
there forever, you know!
[Anzu laughs]
Big furry loser!
[Anzu laughs]
[sighs] This sucks so bad.
[Karin] Hey! What're you up to?
We're just on patrol.
You think you could
take me somewhere more fun?
Oh, for sure!
Why don't you just
hop on the back?
-All yours. [chuckles]
[birds squawking]
[distant boat horn blows]
[sighs] I said somewhere fun.
We haven't caught anything!
Uh, I'm sorry.
[sighs] Girls can
be super annoying.
What was that?
[Yotchan singing cheerfully]
Hey, kids!
The fish biting today?
Not at all!
That's too bad! [chuckles]
[Yotchan hums cheerfully]
What's up with Yotchan?
[water splashes]
What's gotten into him, bro?
Yotchan? He landed
a job at Donabe.
The home improvement store.
Ooh! I know that place!
-It's got like everything ever!
-It's awesome.
Why are you guys
getting excited over a store?
That's so dumb.
The best day ever! [laughs]
[kids sighing]
Your boy's employed! [laughs]
I did it!
[Yotchan sneezes and sniffles]
You all right there?
Didn't even make
it past my first day of training
before I got fired.
It doesn't matter what
I try. I'm always gonna fail.
I think I'd be better off dead.
[Yotchan sighs]
[playful music]
What is it?
[Yotchan gasping]
[Yotchan sneezes]
[sighs] I wish I were dead.
[crickets chirping]
[Karin sighs]
[Karin sighs]
[Karin grunts]
[birds chirping]
Anzu, what you got there?
You've never
seen a quail before?
They're birds. Duh.
Obviously I know
what quails are.
Why are they here?
I found these little guys
lost on the mountain
and thought I'd bring 'em home.
They must've wandered
away from their parents.
I'll raise 'em till
they're nice and big
and sell 'em to a butcher.
I'm just kiddin'!
Well, take them
back as soon as possible.
If a weasel finds you,
it'll be lights out.
Why don't you play
around here for now?
[birds chirping]
[Anzu sniffing]
Headin' out somewhere?
Not really.
[Anzu] Huh.
I'm off.
[playful music]
[Yotchan grunting]
[Yotchan grunting]
[Yotchan groans]
You're the God of Poverty,
right? Let's talk.
[God of Poverty grunts]
What is it?
I'm the ghost cat of
that temple. Anzu Nakamura.
All right. So, what do you want?
Brought you a gift.
Sweet rice balls.
Oh, really?
Now, please.
Leave Yotchan alone.
He's a friend of mine and, uh,
I really hate seeing him
get put through the wringer.
Well, that means
I'm doing a good job.
Look. You gotta do your thing.
Great. Totally get it.
But can you do it
somewhere else, please?
Yotchan can't take much more.
You messed with
the wrong ghost cat.
Next time, I won't
be so nice. Get lost.
[Anzu growls]
[Anzu growls]
[God of Poverty moans]
[Anzu growls]
[line rings]
[line rings]
[automated voice] The person
you are trying to reach
is unavailable at the moment.
Please leave
a message after the tone.
Stupid idiot.
[birds chirping]
Draw for it.
Whoever gets
the shorter one's the loser,
and must leave
town without a fight.
A fair contest
between men of honor.
Now, draw!
[God of Poverty gasps]
What're you doing?
Just pick one!
Stop being a baby.
Time to man up!
[God of Poverty]
Enough of your lip!
If you lose,
don't come crying to me!
[God of Poverty grumbles]
This one!
Oh, man, come on.
This is really not good.
Well, not good for you.
[God of Poverty yelps, whimpers]
[Anzu gasping]
Hey, Yotchan! I won!
Now you'll be back
to having average luck!
[God of Poverty screams]
Curse you, ghost cat!
[birds chirping]
[Karin sighs]
[Karin sighs]
[gentle piano music]
[water drips]
[rain patters]
Hey, there.
-The last train left.
-[Karin moans]
It did?
Were you waiting for somebody?
Not really.
[Karin sighs]
[rain patters]
[Karin moans]
I could lend you an umbrella!
[crickets chirping]
[gentle music continues]
What're you doing?
Want any watermelon?
[Karin] No, thanks.
Did something happen?
[Karin] Not really.
[Anzu] Oh!
On we go to the mountains
far away from home
I know we're super
far now, super far away
While I may be far from home,
we're closer to yours
Oh, I think I found
you guys somewhere around here.
Oh, man.
You've all gotten so big.
It's hard to say goodbye
after five great days together.
That's how it's gotta be.
All right. Bye.
Ow, ow, ow!
What meow?
[Anzu] Oh.
A hole!
[playful music]
I had no idea
the mountain out back
had this underground passage.
It's super cool.
[water drips]
[Anzu laughs]
[water drips]
[Anzu groans]
[Anzu sniffs]
What do we have here?
[Frog snores]
Where'd all this come from?
Goodness. That is
one humongous frog.
-[man] Nice shot.
-[man 2] You're on the green!
[man] No surprise there.
-[man 2] You're so good at this.
-[man] Seriously.
[Anzu] Oh.
It's a golf course
outside of town!
[Frog gasps and yelps]
Who the heck are you?
I could ask you the same thing!
I'm clearly a giant
monster frog. Ribbit!
Well, I've never heard of you.
You're the cat from the temple?
Look, the peepees
wanted me to head in,
so I just followed them.
[chuckles] Oh, no.
Those are forest sprites.
Anyway, come! Hop a squat.
What exactly do
you do down here?
Ah, nothin' in particular.
Mostly just sleep
and then wake up.
Here. Have
a little somethin' to drink.
Digging holes is my hobby.
When I get bored,
I'll just dig for the fun of it.
Wait. Seriously?
-Hey, that's pretty darn cool!
-Aww! [chuckles]
I found this a month ago.
A hot spring?
[water splashes]
Ribbit, ribbit!
[water splashes]
[chuckles] Isn't this the best?
The water feels so nice in here.
[Anzu laughs]
This is perfect. Me-ah.
[automated voice]
The person you are trying
to reach is unavail--
[insects chirring]
[woman] All right, you two!
Smile for the camera.
[child giggles]
Oh, wait! Look this way!
This way!
[parents chuckling]
-[man] Oh!
-[child chuckles]
[man] You good? [chuckles]
[Karin sighs]
[bikes clattering]
[gentle music]
It's cool for us to tag along?
Oh, sure. Why wouldn't it be?
[Frog] Good evening!
Oh, the whole entourage
is with you.
Come on in.
Ribbit. Mm.
Ribbit. Ribbit.
You all want a temple tour?
[snoring continues]
So, you just good friends or--
I wouldn't quite say that, but,
they all took up residence
in holes I dug.
[Anzu] Hm.
[door slides open]
[woman snorts, grunts]
What in the world
are you doing this late?
Just partying.
Who are they?
[Frog] So then you're all
alone in the world, Karin?
Yeah, that's right.
With no explanation at all!
My dad just abandoned me.
[group sobbing]
-You poor little thing.
-[group sobbing]
And even worse,
three years ago, Mom died.
So I have no one to depend on!
[group wailing]
And to top it off, I was
left with no money. No nothing!
[Karin sobs]
[group wailing]
Well, we're here for you.
You're not alone.
Stay strong.
I'm grateful to you all.
This is the most joy
I've felt in a while.
[group wailing]
[birds chirping]
[Anzu yawns]
[bell rings]
[bell rings]
Did all your friends go home?
I mean, you'd think
they'd stick around
and keep me company, but no.
I won't invite them back.
They're lame.
[Anzu scoffs]
They seemed super nice.
You should learn
to be a better liar.
Wait. What?
We both know your dad
didn't really abandon you.
But he did.
That part was true.
[Anzu] No, it wasn't.
Well, he sure hasn't come back.
Can you even
tell me where he is?
He lied and broke his promise.
He was never
planning to come back
in time for
the anniversary of Mom's death!
I bet he's having fun
with some new girlfriend.
Yeah. That's probably it.
Yeah, I don't think that's true.
Are you suddenly
his best friend?
'Cause I spent my
whole life with my dad,
which means I know him
better than anyone!
You're just some ghost cat.
And you don't know anything!
[footsteps thumping]
[Anzu sighs]
[door slams]
[bright music playing]
[ball clacks]
[Anzu grunts]
Darn it.
[Anzu tuts]
Don't you dare think about it.
That's Karin's pay for the job.
Don't you use it, Anzu.
But if I win, though,
I can turn it into more.
[playful music]
Geez. I didn't
think I'd lose that bad.
Ugh, what do I do?
Meow, this is real bad.
[playful music continues]
That's weird.
Okay, okay, hold on.
Where'd my bike go?
Wait. It's not there,
not there, not there either.
Come on. No, no, no, no, no!
[Anzu sighs]
This one's close, but not it.
Hey, bro. What's the matter?
[Anzu] Oh, hey, guys.
[groans] It looks like
someone stole my bike.
Oh, for real?
I've been searching, but
it's not around here anywhere!
Well, we can
help you look for it!
Huh? Uh...
Uh, yeah, yeah.
Is something wrong?
-[Inoue] You got the runs?
[Hayashi grunting]
Do you think I'm a fool?
No respect for
other people's stuff.
Oh! What are you doing
with that kitchen knife?
Dumb thief. [grunts]
They better run, 'cause if
I find them, I'm gonna k*ll 'em!
[Osho gasps]
Hey! Uh, uh...
I finally found you, thief.
Meow die!
-Stop doing that!
-Come on! [grunts]
Oh, come on.
I, I can buy you a new bike!
Oh, we're way
past the bike thing!
I can't rest while this thieving
monster's still out there!
No, stop. Not again.
You can beg for mercy all
you want, but the only thing
you're getting is
a short dance with my blade!
All right, I get it! Just stop.
No, you don't, Master!
This is getting under my fur!
Please knock it off!
You made your point!
-I get it! Enough already!
-[Anzu sputtering, growling]
-[Osho] Stop!
-[Anzu] You want some of that?
[grunts] Die, die!
[insects chirring]
[Anzu sighs]
Yeah, nope. Not here either.
[Anzu sighs]
That you, frog?
Hey, there!
-Hey, nice job!
-Incredible swing, sir.
Seriously, you've got
an impressive golf game.
Then again,
I'd expect nothing less.
[man] Hey, you're
embarrassing yourself.
[man 2] What?
[food crunching]
[birds chirping]
-When'd you start here?
-Since yesterday.
I thought maybe
we could earn some money
to help Karin out of her pickle.
Got it.
Also, I went out and
got me a lottery ticket.
You're all really kind.
You guys know that?
[laughs] No, no.
It was no problem at all!
It was nothin' at all.
[birds squawking]
Oh. Hey, uh...
We got something
to tell you, bro.
[Anzu] What is it?
[Hayashi sighs]
Well, um...
[train humming and clacking]
[gentle piano music]
[Hayashi sobs]
I'm super-duper sorry! [sobs]
It was me! I'm the one
who stole your bike!
I'm sorry! I really mean it!
[Anzu] But why?
I didn't want to,
but Karin asked me! [sobs]
Bro, I'm so sorry!
Come on. Get up.
You're forgiven.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
[sobbing] I'm so sorry!
[Anzu sighs]
[train clacks and squeaks]
[scoffs] Where the heck am I?
[sighs] Whatever.
I can walk to Tokyo.
Yeah. I got this.
[dog barks in distance]
[Karin gasps]
[dog barks in distance]
Did Karin go somewhere?
'Cause I haven't seen her.
No idea.
Well, it's almost
dinner time. Go find her.
Yeah, yeah.
[wind whistles]
[crickets chirping]
[Karin pants]
[bird squawks]
[Karin gasps]
[Karin pants]
Where am I? Am I...
Whoa! [screams]
[birds squawking]
[wings flapping]
Karin, it's dinner time!
Karin, where are you?
[Karin pants]
I am not dying
in a place like this!
[Karin grunts and yelps]
Oh, come on!
[Karin grunts]
[Karin screams]
[body thumps]
Karin, are you around here?
[distant waves crashing]
[gentle piano music]
Uh, Karin?
[crickets chirping]
[Karin breathes heavily]
[spectators yelling]
[Karin grunting and panting]
[woman] Karin Nakamura
has gotten back up!
So close! Almost there!
[Karin pants]
[gentle music continues]
[Karin grunts]
[crowd chattering]
[gentle music continues]
-[Yuzuki chuckles]
[Yuzuki giggles]
[Karin breathes heavily]
[rocks clattering]
[Frog grunts]
Ribbit, ribbit. Here we are.
Karin? Whoa!
Ribbit, ribbit. What happened?
Oh, Karin.
Ribbit. [whimpers] Ribbit.
[Anzu] Karin!
[Anzu sighs]
Are you out here?
[Anzu sniffs]
That you, Karin?
Ah, this is great!
I really love it. [giggles]
Hey, frog, after my bath,
can I have a drink?
Like, something cold?
[Karin giggles]
Oh, I must be in heaven!
[Karin chuckles]
I finally found you.
What're you doin' down here?
[Karin] Nothing.
Oh, yeah. I'm sure.
It's pretty late.
Come on. Let's head home.
Master's really
worried about you.
Don't wanna!
-[water splashes]
Why not?
-I don't wanna!
That's why!
Oh, and by the way,
you were the one
who stole my bike, weren't you?
No. It wasn't me.
There you go. Lyin' again.
[Karin sighs]
[Anzu] And now, you're thievin'.
-[Karin sighs]
[Anzu sighs]
You're a real pain in the butt.
[water splashes]
It's time, Karin. You really
should head back home.
Spit it out. What do
you want from me, kid?
[Karin sighs]
I need some cash.
Well, like I told ya--
Look. I need the money 'cause
I'm trying to get to Tokyo!
[Anzu sighs]
[birds chirping]
[playful music]
[sighs] I'm counting on you
to watch her.
[Anzu sighs] This is annoying.
[Osho] Don't say things
like that. You're the adult.
Act like one and look after her.
You sure you don't need me here?
Don't worry. I'll be fine.
Keep in the shade.
Don't want you getting
heat stroke now, do we?
You got it! See you later!
-Back soon, Master.
-[Osho] Bye.
[Anzu] Whoa.
[Anzu chuckles]
[Karin sighs]
[Anzu] Oh.
[Karin] Come on already.
[pedestrians chattering]
Hey, Tetsuya!
[knocks on door]
Tetsuya, are you in there?
It's Karin!
[keys clinking]
[lock clicks]
[Karin sniffs]
I guess he hasn't been back.
Where do you think
he might have gone then?
He could die, for all I care.
[sighs] That idiot.
[Karin sighs]
[gentle piano music]
Hey, Mom.
I'm sorry.
[Anzu, singsongy]
Where you goin'?
Hey, where you goin'?
Stop. Shut up.
Come on.
Tell me where you're goin'!
[gentle music continues]
What is this place?
[Karin] My mom's grave.
[elevator chimes]
Oh, wow.
It's a locker style cemetery.
[card reader buzzes]
[card reader buzzes]
[card reader buzzes]
What's wrong
with this dumb thing?
Hi. Can I help you?
Did you figure out why
we weren't able to go in?
He said we were way
behind on our payments.
Then, uh, why don't we just
pay our respects right here?
[Karin] I wanna do it properly,
in front of Mom!
Don't be dumb.
All right, then.
Let's keep looking for Tetsuya.
I'm over it.
-Meow, hold on.
-I said I'm over it!
Look. Your job's done here.
So, go do tourist stuff.
It's your first time
in Tokyo, right?
Oh, no, no, no, no!
I can't just leave you.
-Besides, where would I even--
-Don't you get it?
I need some alone time!
[Karin scoffs]
No need to be catty!
[kids chattering]
Hey! Shuichi!
Oh, hey, Karin.
Where've you been?
You haven't been to
cram school in a while.
I've, um,
been going through a lot.
Oh, okay.
Do you have a little free time?
Tokyo crepes are
on a whole 'nother level.
Look! Those are the new flavors!
-[Anzu munching]
-Huh? Oh, man, they look tasty.
Mm. So velvety.
-He's huge!
-What is?
-[Anzu] Like eating a cloud.
-Right there! Can't miss him.
-Wow. He's pigging out.
-What is that?
Hi. How many in
your party, ma'am?
Table for two.
I was wondering
if we were still on.
On for?
We said we'd elope. Remember?
That we'd run off to a tropical
island without any grownups.
Then we'd get married.
Oh, right.
Will you take me somewhere?
Uh, right now?
Well, yeah.
[Shuichi] It's just, uh...
Let's wait till
after entrance exams.
Studying should be our
top priority, don't you think?
Guess that makes sense.
You're going to
a private school, aren't ya?
That's the plan.
I mean, you're super smart,
so you'll be fine. [chuckles]
And what about you, Karin?
If you don't study
during summer break,
you might not get
into the school you want.
Yeah, that's true.
All right then.
But someday we'll get married?
Yeah. So let's study hard.
Ah-hah! There you are!
[playful music]
[God of Poverty chuckles]
Uh-uh. Uh-uh! Nope. Nope!
Why are you here?
Oh! So, we meet again, huh?
Leave Karin alone!
Just doin' my job.
-Who are you talking to?
-Hold onto this for a sec.
[God of Poverty
grunts and groans]
What're you...
[groans] Get off of me!
Hey! Come on! [groans]
Now, let me tell you how
this is gonna work, okay?
You're gonna
stay away from Karin.
Why would I?
Because she's a kid!
Just this one time. Back off!
What do ya say?
Again, really?
Nah, I'm holding my ground.
I'll do whatever
favor you ask of me!
You just say the word!
No way!
First, it's a friend,
then it's a kid.
If I go soft on everyone,
I'll never work!
Okay. I'll tell you
what we'll do.
Meow draw!
[God of Poverty]
I'm not falling for that again!
[Anzu] Falling for what?
You can see for yourself. It's
clear this one is way longer.
Knock it off.
And if you look closely,
this one's shorter!
Now, come on!
What're you scared of?
[God of Poverty whines]
[Anzu grunts]
[Anzu hisses]
Hey. What's wrong?
Who've you been
talking to this whole time?
Oh, just the God of Poverty.
The old fart's
beside me right meow.
What're you talking about?
Are you crazy?
[Anzu chuckles]
No, no, no, no, no.
Humans usually
can't see guys like him.
So, humans can't see him,
and you're telling me
that the God of Poverty
is right there?
You are a ghost cat,
so I suppose it could be real.
In that case, I need a favor.
What is it?
I wanna see my mom.
I wanna see her.
I don't care if she's
a ghost or something.
Ask the God of Poverty
for his help.
He's a god.
It's literally in his name.
Take it.
[Anzu] You heard her!
[playful music]
Hey. Why are
we back at Mom's grave?
I don't know.
[God of Poverty] This way.
[God of Poverty grunts]
[lock clicks]
[gate creaks]
[Karin] Whoa.
[God of Poverty sighs]
-Where's he taking us to?
-Don't know that either.
This here's
the entrance to the underworld.
Don't blame me if
you can't come back, all right?
Wait, what?
Oh, come on!
Anzu, what did he say to you?
[Anzu moans]
He's claiming
this is the entrance.
[God of Poverty sighs]
[water splashes]
When this is over,
I'm taking hold of Karin, okay?
-Do we have a deal?
-Yeah, yeah.
[Karin] Hm?
[God of Poverty grunts]
[Anzu grunts]
[Anzu yowls]
[insect chirps]
[water splashing]
[Karin screams]
[insect chirps]
[suspenseful music]
[insect clicks]
[footsteps clacking]
[suspenseful music continues]
[elevator dings]
[rodent squeaks]
[pigeon coos]
[rodent squeaks]
[rodent squeaks]
[pigeon coos]
[God of Poverty grunts]
[God of Poverty groans]
[Anzu yelps]
[Karin grunts]
[Karin groans]
Now where are we?
The underworld.
Are you the God of Poverty?
[God of Poverty grunts]
Uh, yeah?
[Anzu meows]
What? What happened to you?
You shrank.
[God of Poverty]
He's back to his original form.
Don't worry about him.
Now follow me.
[Anzu meows]
[wind whistles]
[eerie music]
[Anzu meows]
[door creaks]
Is everything okay?
[God of Poverty] Shh!
[Anzu meows]
[wood creaking]
[eerie music continues]
[Karin] What is this place?
Across the bridge
is what matters.
[thunder claps]
Next in line?
Hey, hey.
[man] Please fill out
this form for me.
[man 2]
Yep, right down the hall.
What's happening here?
[man] Perfect. Let's see.
They're all
getting their fates decided.
[Anzu yawns]
[stamp thumps]
-Needle Mountain Hell, dear.
-I'll take the next in line.
Down the hall,
take the stairs to floor 200.
...then taking the elevator
to the seventh floor.
Next up.
[eerie music continues]
[indistinct chattering]
[Karin] This is the underworld?
That's right.
[Karin] It's way more peaceful
than I thought it would be.
Hmph. It's anything but.
Let's keep going.
[demons laughing]
You've gotten
a lot better at that.
Of course I have!
Did you see me?
[group talking over each other]
[demon] ...tucked a little more,
you get a little more power
on the end.
[group talking over each other]
[flames roaring]
[Anzu yowls]
[Karin gasps]
[people screaming]
[birds chirping]
[wings flapping]
[mushroom moans]
[insect mumbles]
Huh? Did you say Karin?
[insect mumbles]
The underworld?
I'll go round up the others.
[insect mumbles]
-[demon grunts] You smell that?
-[demon 2] Smell what? You?
-[chuckles] Always.
-[God of Poverty mutters]
-[Anzu yowls]
-[demon] Reeks.
-[demon 2] Give me one second.
[elevator dings]
-10th floor, please.
-[demon] Yeah, yeah. 10th floor.
[God of Poverty sighs]
[sighs] I could've sworn
she'd be somewhere around here.
Wait. You mean Mom?
Yeah. Her.
[Anzu growls]
[door creaks]
Are you in here, Mom?
[Karin sighs]
[God of Poverty groans]
[Karin] Mom?
[Anzu meows]
[Karin gasps]
[Anzu laughs]
[man] Help me! [shouts]
Karin! They're gonna k*ll me!
Help your old man out here!
He's between worlds.
Nearly beaten to death.
-He's what?
Looks like he's been saved.
[whimpers] Save me!
I don't wanna die.
He is right on
the edge, isn't he?
What are they doing to him?
What's happening?
[God of Poverty chuckles]
[Anzu meows and laughs]
[sighs] Just great.
[gasps] Mommy?
[gentle piano music]
Why--why are you here?
Did you die?
Does this mean you died?
Mm-mm. I'm still alive.
[sighs] Good.
Uh... [chuckles]
You're alive.
[both chuckling]
Not sure how you made it here,
but I'm impressed.
Well, you know, Mom,
it's actually your anniversary.
I was planning to go to
your grave with Dad, but then,
he, uh, couldn't make it.
I'm sorry, okay?
To be honest,
I had no idea what day it was.
Down here, they don't
really have the concept of time,
and all that kind of stuff.
Oh. Weird.
[chuckles] Okay, come here.
Let me see your face.
[giggles] I don't wanna
ever forget what you look like.
Or how you taste, either.
[both giggling]
Sorry to interrupt, but uh,
if the demons find you here,
there's gonna be hell to pay.
This is a grave offense.
Look, you saw your mom.
Now let's go back.
What do you think you're doing?
Quit slacking and get back to...
[suspenseful music]
Wait. Who are you?
-[Karin] Let's go!
-[Yuzuki yelps]
[God of Poverty] Hey, wait!
Where are you going? [yelps]
-[demon] Get back here!
-[Anzu yowls]
[Karin grunts]
[demon groans]
[Karin giggles]
Hey! Wait!
Stop running!
[demon 3] Lord Enma.
We have a runaway, sir.
[Enma] For real?
[all screaming]
[Karin and Yuzuki panting]
[playful music]
[Anzu meowing, groaning]
[gasps] Where are we?
Why don't you just take a guess?
[grunts] Do you have
any idea what you've done?
This way, Mom!
[demon and Anzu grunting]
You're coming back with us!
[demons yelling]
[demons snarling and laughing]
[demons snarling and laughing]
[Enma grunting]
[glass shatters]
Huh. Been a while
since I was here last.
[Enma growls]
[Karin and Yuzuki panting]
[Anzu] Hey! Hop on!
[demon] Hey!
That's my scooter, man!
-I got ya!
-No, wait!
Come back! [growls]
Darn it!
What do we do?
That's great.
[demons gasping]
Go get 'em.
Yes, sir!
Well? What are we waiting for?
I call shotgun! [giggles]
I'm drivin'!
[demon pants]
-How does this thing work?
-[demon giggling]
[Enma grunts]
[engine starts]
Step on it.
[demon] Yes, sir!
Let's go! [laughing]
[all screaming]
[all screaming]
[all screaming]
-[Anzu laughs]
-[movers] Hey!
[engine revs]
[Anzu panting]
Man, this is bad.
This is real bad.
-Please just let me get off!
I'm the only one
that the demons are after here!
Let them have what
they want and they'll stop!
No way! You got that?
I am never gonna lose you again.
Karin, stop!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Anyway, why don't we just--
[demon] Gotcha!
[all screaming]
[all screaming]
[Anzu groans]
[Karin gasps]
-[pedestrians chattering]
-What's the hold up?
Hey, no hitting.
I won't tell you again!
Let's hit it!
[Anzu laughs]
[Karin screams and laughs]
-[Karin giggles]
[Karin screams]
[Anzu and Karin howling]
[both] Huh?
[demon grunts]
Well, hello!
[all screaming]
[demon grunts]
-[demon] Take this!
-[all yelping]
My turn! [grunts]
[man] Hey! Who...
What the heck
are you do-- [gasps]
[all screaming]
[tires screeching]
[Enma] Hey, ghost cat.
Did you seriously believe
you could make a clean escape?
This is a punishable offense.
I'm sure even you know that.
[Anzu groans]
[Karin gasps]
-Take that!
-[Anzu yowls]
[all yelping]
[Enma gasps]
[Karin yelps]
[no audio]
Grab my paw!
[all yelping]
[tires screeching]
[Anzu growls]
-Mr. Ghost Cat!
-Where are you goin'?
Come back! [growls]
See you never!
[Yuzuki chuckles]
[tires screeching]
[demons grunting]
Hey! Get back here!
I can't believe those punks!
What're you stressin' out about?
The land of the living
has creatures
with noses far keener
than yours.
[demon] Ah.
And the dead
sure stink like hell.
[Anzu laughs]
Nice work,
Mr. Ghost Cat! [giggles]
What's our next step?
Any ideas or plans?
I know! Let's just be outlaws
and spend life on the run!
[chuckles] You dumb cat.
[Yuzuki chuckles]
[Anzu laughs]
[Karin and Yuzuki giggling]
Oh, what about this one?
-Hm? Oh?
-[man] Huh?
[crows cawing]
Well, I really want you--
-[man] Yeah?
-[child yelps]
My hat!
Why are they everywhere?
I think that the one
they're after is me!
What makes you think that?
I'm gonna get 'em off our tail!
-Geez, slow down.
-Would you hurry up?
[Karin, Yuzuki
and Anzu screaming]
Oh, no, no, no, wait!
-This really isn't good!
-Hold on, I can't see anything!
[Karin, Yuzuki
and Anzu screaming]
All right, so just
the one serving, or...
-Ah, make it two.
-[all screaming]
[man] There we go!
Thanks for joining in, sir.
All right! We're starting
to look alive out there.
Love to see it. For you
wallflowers, don't be shy...
[Karin, Yuzuki
and Anzu screaming]
[crows cawing]
Boss, I think I found 'em.
Nice work.
[Karin groaning]
[indistinct chattering]
All right.
Let's get outta here.
[Yuzuki pants]
Come on!
Anzu, this way!
[Karin and Yuzuki yelp]
[Anzu shouts]
[demons snarling and laughing]
Here, sir.
[Karin and Yuzuki panting]
[Anzu moans]
[Karin and Yuzuki yelping]
All right, you little punks!
We're taking you all
back to the underworld!
[demon growls]
[Enma speaks indistinctly]
[all gasping]
Your fun's over.
[Anzu] Hm?
[engine roaring]
[tires screeching]
[tires screeching]
[bodies thudding]
Hey! Who's this jerk?
[Frog grunts]
[gentle traditional music]
Hey, Anzu. We thought
you might need a hand.
Oh, wow. You guys.
[demon grunts]
[car thumps]
[Frog yelps]
[demons chuckling]
[Frog yelps]
Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit! Ribbit!
[demon grunts]
Give 'em hell, boys.
[dramatic music]
[all shouting]
[demon grunts]
[Frog groans]
[demons grunting]
[Frog groaning]
[demons grunting and laughing]
Swing, batter-batter, swing!
[demons growling and laughing]
You--you wanna tussle, do ya?
You do? Oh, no.
[raccoon screams]
Get his legs! There!
Not so tough now, are you?
[raccoon screams]
[mushroom groaning]
[demons giggling]
That went well.
[Yuzuki gasps]
[screaming, laughing stop]
[Yuzuki and Karin panting]
Draw for it!
Whoever gets
the shorter one loses!
Loser has to leave town
and not come back!
A fair contest
between men of honor!
-Now draw!
-Are you dumb?
[Anzu yelps]
[Karin and Yuzuki gasping]
[demons laughing]
[Karin] No!
[demons grunting]
[demon] Let's play whack a cat!
[demon 2] That'll teach ya!
[Anzu groans]
[demon] Hey! You should've
given me the last hit.
[Yuzuki and Karin panting]
[Yuzuki grunts]
[Karin grunting wildly]
-[Yuzuki] Karin!
-[Karin grunting]
[Enma] Can I help you?
I'm fighting you! [grunts]
[Karin yelps]
[Karin grunting]
[Yuzuki] Karin!
Please, stop it!
[Karin grunting]
All right, now. Enough.
[Karin yelps]
[Yuzuki gasps]
[Karin yelps, pants]
[Yuzuki gasps]
[Yuzuki gasps]
Please don't!
[Karin groans]
Please, Lord Enma.
Don't hurt my daughter.
-I beg you!
-[Anzu groans]
I can stop, but you know what
will happen when you return.
I do.
Are you sure?
And you're prepared?
[eerie music]
Very well.
All right! We're heading home.
-[demon] Yes, sir!
-[demon 2] Yes, sir!
[demons grunting]
-[demon] I'm tired.
-[demon 2] I'll turn on the AC!
I don't know about you guys,
but I'm ready for a nap.
[demon grunts, sighs]
It's my time to...
No, Mom.
-No, I won't let you go.
You and I both know
dead people aren't
allowed to be up here.
Well, I'll just
come down there, then.
Not like I have anything
up here worth staying for.
No. I'm sorry, but you can't.
Too bad. I'm gonna.
Do you even hear
yourself right now?
Come on! I bet
it'd be way more fun.
That's just not true.
Trust me when
I say it's more fun up here.
You're not just saying that?
I'm really not, sweetheart.
Karin, you have so
much life ahead of you.
Enjoy it. Do all the fun
things life has to offer.
Think of all the people
you're gonna meet.
All the yummy food,
and of course,
let's not forget about all--
I don't want that!
All I want is for
you to stay here with me!
I'm sorry, Karin,
but I don't make that call.
I mean, I did kinda die.
Will I ever see you again?
Don't worry.
Of course.
[Karin moans]
Okay, Mr. Ghost Cat.
Thanks for everything.
[Karin pants]
I can do a handstand now!
Wanna see?
[Karin grunts]
[Karin chuckles]
Who'd waste their time
learning to do
a silly thing like that?
[Yuzuki scoffs]
[Yuzuki grunts]
You'll have to work harder
to defeat the master!
[Yuzuki grunts]
[playful music]
[Karin chuckles]
I'll keep at it!
Bye, Mom!
[Yuzuki] Mm!
[Yuzuki chuckles]
[Yuzuki grunts]
[playful music continues]
You'll always have me, kid.
Just saying I'm a ghost cat,
so I won't die on ya.
I'll always be by your side.
[Karin breathes deeply]
[chuckles] You dumb cat!
[Frog] Heave-ho!
[spirits grunting]
[Anzu] How'd you get
a car this nice anyway?
The old lady bought
a winning lottery ticket.
We won 300 million.
[Anzu] You gotta be kitten me.
All right.
Let's try it one more time.
[grunts] Oh, yeah.
Give it your all.
[Anzu] You did good. I know.
Uh-huh. It was a close one.
[Frog] Put it down for now!
Think I pulled something.
[birds chirping]
[Anzu humming cheerfully]
[Karin yawning]
[Anzu humming cheerfully]
Catch anything yet?
[Yotchan] Not even a nibble.
Hey, Hayashi?
Sorry about everything.
Meh. Don't worry, it's all good.
Yeah? It really is all good?
I want us all
to be friends again!
Mm. Yeah, I'd like that.
I got one!
[Hayashi grunts]
-Get it! Get it, get it!
-[Hayashi grunts]
-Guys, I got one!
Nice going, Hayashi!
A squid! You got a squid!
[ink splashes]
[Karin yelps]
Ew. I hate squid.
I called it. Remember?
I just had an ink-ling. [laughs]
-I'm a ghost cat, so I can't.
But you'll wish you had soon!
[Anzu farts]
[group groans]
[Anzu laughs]
Will you just drop
dead already? [groans]
-I feel another!
-[group groaning and coughing]
[Anzu laughs]
[Karin gasps]
[Tetsuya chuckles]
Hey! There's my girl!
[chuckles] It almost k*lled me,
but I repaid all my debts.
And I'm back.
So, pack up, kid.
We're heading home.
You abandoned me
and now you show up?
[Tetsuya chuckles]
Hey, don't be
mad at your old man.
Come on. I'll buy you
whatever you want, okay?
[Karin sighs]
[Karin grunts]
I have a confession.
Remember that money
you earned from that job?
I kinda sorta spent it all.
And what'd you spend it on?
I thought I could double it.
That was pretty dumb.
I'll pay you back, I swear.
So, are we still cool?
[scoffs] We're not cool.
Sorry doesn't cut it,
you dumb cat!
[Karin sobs]
I hate you! [sobs]
Is your arm okay?
Hard to wipe my butt,
[chuckles] but it's good.
You say it's good,
but it never is.
Could've been worse.
I actually almost died.
I swear I saw
some strange world.
Like the great beyond,
or whatever they call it.
[sighs] What was all that?
[Karin laughs]
Huh? What is it?
[peaceful music]
[leaves rustling]
[peaceful music continues]
[whistle blows]
[girl] Come on, come on,
come on! [pants]
Oh, my gosh. We made it!
Whoa. Close call, huh?
I'm so hot now.
Yes. It feels so
much better in here.
I'm sorry, Dad.
I'll grow up fast. I promise.
Huh? Whoa, hold up, hold up!
[Karin pants]
I'll be back!
I'll go to school and
study and be a good girl!
So then, that way, maybe...
I don't know, you can visit?
[Karin pants]
[Karin gasps]
Stay sharp. [chuckles]
And look alive.
[chuckles] Yeah, you bet, Dad!
[Karin pants]
[Karin pants]
[Karin grunts and pants]
[Karin grunts and pants]
[mellow music]
[woman singing in Japanese]
Ghost Cat Anzu (2024)
Moderators: Maskath3, GabrielAlejo2341, sidolanters