Blessings of Christmas (2023)

Christmas & New Years movies collection.

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Blessings of Christmas (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

And that is how you make

the perfect French onion soup.

As many of you know,

uh, today is my last show,

so I just wanted

to say thank you

to everyone here

for making

the last 12 years possible.

You have literally

been my family,

and, uh, to everyone out there,

I just want to say thank you

for going on

this journey with me,

but it's time for me to embark

on my next chapter.

There are 142 three-star

Michelin restaurants

in the world,

and I plan on dining

at all of them.

I want to experience

all the best culinary creations,

and delve into the lives

of the chefs

who came up with them.

It'll be a two-year endeavor,

which I will be chronicling

in a book.


Thank you for watching,

and always remember,

when it comes to cuisine,

there's a world of food

out there.




Thank you so much.

I'm gonna miss you guys.

Thank you all.

Who's gonna make me laugh

every day?

Take me with you.

Have you forgotten

you have a husband and two kids?

I'd send 'em postcards.

So, where to first?



Hong Kong?



You remember

when my aunt passed away?

About three months ago.

You gave her a beautiful

on-air tribute.


Well, she left me

a piece of property I'm selling.

I'm going to fly there

in the morning

and sign the documents,

and then take the red-eye

to Paris.


Seriously, take me with you.

I'm gonna miss you.

I'm gonna miss you too.

- Bye.

- Bye.

Au revoir!


Oh, watch it, watch it.

Uh, black ice.

Very slippery.

Oh! Okay, thank you.

Hi. Are you the seller?

Yeah, are you the buyer?

Yeah, I'm the buyer.

I'm Adam Carraway.

Oh, hi. Mandy Gilmore.

So you own all this?

Yeah, yeah,

but there never seems to be

enough room.


This extra space

will be a godsend.

Okay, well, I have the deed.

Are you ready

to do the walk-through?

Yeah. Oh, um...

Yeah, let me get the paperwork.

I'll meet you inside.


Seller's here!

Yes! Now I'll finally get

my own office.

Oh, yeah, yeah, sure, Jim,

that's why I'm doing it!

I'm doing it so you can

get your own office!

No, you're doing it

so you can forge into

the top echelon of couriers,

which is next-level stuff,

by the way, man,

but I just happen to get

my own office out of the deal.


Uh, where's the paperwork?

I didn't take it.

Well, it couldn't have

walked off on its own.

Okay, let's retrace our steps.

Okay, uh, let me think,

I walked up to here...

- Yes.

- set it down right here...

- Okay.

- where it's not anymore.


I'm sorry...

You are?

Oh, I'm Otto.

I'm here to volunteer.


Otto, I'm so sorry,

but Susie passed away

about three months ago.

Oh, no, I...

I didn't...

I've been away.

And you are?

Mandy, her niece.


Susie spoke highly of you.

My condolences.

She was a great woman.

She was.

Thank you.

Yeah, she helped me

through some hard times

quite a while back,

and I have been volunteering

every holiday ever since.

That's nice.

Well, it was nice

to meet you, Otto.

You take care.

Lotta great memories here.

Hey, do you mind

if I just take a few minutes,

just look around?

Oh, um, no, certainly,

take your time.

- Ah.

- Yeah.

Do you hear what I hear?

Excuse me?

Said the night wind

to the little lamb.

Christmas music.

- Ah.

- Yeah.

Oh, sorry.

Took me a minute to find these.

Uh, this is Otto.

He used to volunteer here.

Oh, hi.

Uh, you ready

to do the walk-through?

Yes, let's start back here.

Is he, uh, following us?

I think it's fine.

This kitchen is magnificent.

This is where Susie

would prepare all the big meals

for all the festive occasions.

Yeah, Easter,

Fourth of July, Thanksgiving...

Ah, it was always such a feast.

But Christmas was by far

her favorite holiday.

Yes, it was. Yes.

That's why all the decorations

are still up, year-round.

Well, I don't really need

a kitchen,

so it's probably

all going to be torn out.

That's a shame.

Maybe add some walls

and offices.

It's still a shame.

Hey, oh!

- Careful.

- Oh.


Can't be too careful.

I'm used to seeing this place

buzzing with more activity.

Well, it will be again

when I move in.

Ah, that's Susie's office.

Yeah, it's locked.


I do know

where there's a spare key.

I'll fetch it.


Sort of an odd fellow.

Ah, he seems nice enough.

You have to be somewhere?

Oh, I have a plane to catch,

but we're fine.


Here we are.


Thank you.

You're welcome,

and I'm out.

Yes, again, condolences.

Susie is a wonderful soul.

- She was.

- Yeah.



He's, uh, kinda growing on me.

Yeah, he's a character.




What's that?


Oh, it looks like a box

of my aunt's mementos.

- I'll just take them with me.

- That's a weird place for it

- right there.

- Yeah, well,

the packers probably

left it behind.

I'll just... take it with me.

Um, okay.


I'm ready to sign.


Oh, yeah.

- Yeah?

- Yeah, sooner the better, yes.

Really? Okay, here we go.

I had my lawyer

draw up this contract,

and your asking price

right there.

Um, the address here

is 465 Lupine Street.

Yes. Yes, correct. 465.

But this says 456 Lupine Street?

Wait? What?

Uh, my lawyer must have

transposed the numbers.

Um... Um...

Well, do you want

to cross it out,

and we'll write

the correct address?

Let me call my lawyer

and figure it out.

Give me a second?


One minute.

Uh, okay.

Hey, just spoke to my lawyer.

Uh, he was just headed

into a meeting,

but he said he was going

to revise the documents

and bring them to us.


Um, well, I told him

you had to catch a plane,

so he suggested

that he meet us

closer to the airport.


It's okay.



You looking for something?

Oh, just a little

light reading for the plane.

Light reading about food?




Oh, no, just,

like, who reads a cookbook

on a plane?

Oh, maybe someone

who's writing a book

about food herself.


Yeah, it's always been

a dream of mine.

Travel the world,

eat at the best restaurants,

write about the cuisine

and the people behind it.


That's, uh, that's my lawyer.

Hey, Simon, we're here

at the book store.

Wait, where you at?


Is everything okay?

No, it's good.

Uh... w-what?


Uh, no. No, no, no.

She does.

She has a plane to catch.


I don't care

that you're doing this for free.

What? That's not cool.

Simon, that's not cool.

Um, so he, uh...

He's not coming.

Yeah, he's my cousin,

and he has a hiccup

with his other

multi-million-dollar deal,

so apparently, paying customers,

they come first.

Ah, well, right.

Um, okay.

Well, I guess I'll just

rebook my flight,

and, I'll, uh, get a hotel,

and then extend my rental car...

I'm so sorry. I'm... I...

That's okay.


It's just a little rescheduling,

but I got it.

I'm really sorry.

That's okay. Yeah.


Bonjour. Oui.

Uh, je veux changer

ma rservation.

Oh, you speak English.

Thank goodness.

Uh, yes, uh,

when is your next availability?

Oh, no.

Well, can you tell Jacques

it's for Mandy Gilmore?

I'm gonna be in Paris

later than I anticipated.


Au revoir.

Otto, right?


Spelled the same forwards

as it is backwards.

What are you doing here?

Oh, uh, just came to have

one last look.

Well, why don't you come inside

and say a final goodbye.

That'd be wonderful. Thank you.

So strange

seeing this place empty.

Adam, the buyer,

will be here any minute.

You were really close

with your aunt, weren't you?


She told me about Berlin.

That's where

she taught me how to cook.


Yeah, my dad

was career military,

so we moved around a lot

when I was a kid.

When I was 14,

she came to visit.

We spent almost the whole time

in the kitchen.

So she taught you

her love of cooking.

Oh, yeah, we started out

with chicken, lasagne,

roast beef,

and then we moved into French,

Thai, Indian cuisine,

and when we weren't

in the kitchen,

we were in town

searching for exotic spices

and herbs.

Susie once told me

about her love for cooking,

and how it changed

into her love for feeding,

whether it was

her grocery bag giveaways

or holiday feasts.

Yeah. That sounds like Susie.


Is everything okay?


I worry about the people

who are going to show up here

on Christmas day,

looking for a hot meal,

and instead find closed doors.

I mean, do you think

fast food restaurants

give away gift certificates?

I wouldn't know.

What if I just came back

on Christmas Day

and just handed out


I mean, something

is better than nothing, right?

Well... yeah.

And what better way

to honor Susie

than to just give back

to the less fortunate

just one more time?

Hello! Hi.

Uh, do you have the deed?

I-I do.

Great. I have

the corrected address.

Oh, great.

So, uh, yeah,

let's get to signing,

get you on the road.

Yeah, okay.

- Oh!

- What the...

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Your shirt!

- There it goes again.

Your, uh, pen exploded.

Yeah, I see that.

I can't say I'm surprised,

you know

it's the holidays, after all.

What does that mean,

"it's the holidays"?


Long story.


Do you have a pen?


let me check.


- Here you go.

- Thank you.

That's mine, and then you...


Is there... is there a problem?

No, no.

Why does it seem like

there's a problem?

Can you give me a minute?

Yeah, yeah, sure. Yeah.

We agreed on the price.

Is it the price?

No, it's not the money...


What is it, then?

I will sign this

if we can add one condition.


That the sale not become final

until the day after Christmas.

What? Why?

Because I would like

to reopen Angel's Fare

one last time,

hand out food,

and finish up with

a big Christmas feast

in honor of my aunt.

- Yes!

- No, no, no.


No, no...

No, uh, we had a deal.

Well, you made me wait

one extra day.

You would only be waiting

six extra days.

It's no biggie.

No, it's a biggie

because I rented

all these pallet jacks,

and there's so much work

that we have to do here

to get ready to move in.

Adam, what's a few extra days?


I don't...

Time is money, and I...

How do I know

that you're not going

to change your mind again?

Fair enough.

I'll make you a deal.

I will sign this document

right now,

and you can start

moving in here,

doing what you need to do,

while I run Angel's Fare

for the next six days.

On Christmas night,

I will sign over the deed.

What do you know

about running a food bank?

Otto, will you help me?





- Here.

- Oh.

There you go.



That one won't leak.

All right, thank you.

Oh, what have I done?


Why did you agree to it?


Don't think I had much choice.

Okay, but don't take this

the wrong way,

but sometimes you can be

entirely too nice.

Remind me of that

the first time

you ask for a raise.

Oh, see? You see that?

That is not what I meant.

I don't think we really have

anything to worry about.

How so?

Mandy has never run a food bank.

How much do you think

she can really get accomplished

in six days?

Ah, ha ha.

I was sorry to hear

about Susie's passing.

She was a wonderful woman.

She was.

My condolences.

Thank you.

So can I count on you

for your normal donation?

The problem is,

I didn't think Angel's Fare

was still in business.

Oh, we are,

until this Christmas.


It's too late.

Why? What do you mean?

I already made

our allotted donations.

You were

my aunt's biggest donor.

Can't you give

just a little more?

I'm given a number

by our policymakers.

I can't exceed it.

Can I talk to them?

The board isn't meeting again

until January.

Well, maybe

you could talk to them.

Here's my card

with my cell number.

Come back to me in January,

and maybe we can

work something out

for the next fiscal year.

No, we're only open

till this Christmas.

Then I'm truly sorry.

Oh, excuse me.

Hi, John.

Otto, we might be too late

to start up again.

No, it's never too late

to do a good thing, right?

Besides, I already

put the announcement out

on the Angel's Fare website.

You know what,

Susie, she would often struggle

with donors as well,

but she never gave up.


it runs in the family.

Well, I do know

all of her contacts.

Well, we are bound to find

someone who will donate.

Come on.


That's five places

and five "no" s.

Honestly, how many more people

can say no to me?

Well, Susie had

a long list of donors.

Someone will come through.

How do you know that?

I believe in the basic

goodness of people.

Susie did.

Well, I'm not Susie.

No, Susie wasn't Susie

until she was.

What does that even mean?

People change.

For example,

you aren't the same person

you were 10 years ago.

You won't be same person

you are 10 years from now.

Otto, I wish I could say

your optimism was contagious.

Maybe it is.

I'm not giving up.

Wait, are you?

No, I'm not a quitter.


of course not.

Careful there.

Be, uh, be deliberate

with your movements.

I'm a professional.


Oh, hi, hi.

Hey, how's it going?

Oh, well,

I didn't get any takers...


or I guess

I should say "givers."

Yeah, yeah.

That's too bad.

It's, uh, yeah, sorry.

Well, it's late in the season.

They don't have any money left

in their budgets.

It's not surprising.

Looks like you were right

about her not getting it done.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...


You're falling for her.


Why would you say that?

I can see it in your eyes.


She's leaving in six days,

and besides,

what did I say

about the holidays?

That you were going to give us

substantial Christmas bonuses

this year.

Did I actually say that?


That, and you're worried

something bad

is going to happen to you.

That's right.

Told you

I do not fall for people

this time of year.

Well, good,

because the sooner she leaves,

the sooner I can

get my own office.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

Let's check on her.

You're playing with fire.

Uh, I am not disturbing you,

am I?

Oh, no, not at all.

Come on in.

Otto just sent me

a list of donors

to contact tomorrow,

but I'm not sure the results

are going to be any different.

Well, I mean,

you won't know until you try.

I guess that's true,

but they don't know me

like they knew Susie.

I don't have

any credibility with them.

We all have

our strengths, right?

So right here, right now,

tell me,

what are yours? Give them to me.

I know about the preparation

of great cuisine.

Not sure that's super relevant,

but, um, what else?


No, no, wait, wait, no.

The preparation of great cuisine

requires improvisation,

trial and error,


It sometimes even requires

dealing with failure

and uncertainty

in an innovative way.


I know great food,

and people who know great food

sometimes know me.

Oh, that's it!

What? What!

What, what are you doing?

I'm looking up

five-star restaurants

in Milwaukee.

Uh, Angelo's, no.

Carolyn's Corner, no.

Tumbler's Table...



How would you like to have

dinner with me tonight?


I'm free. I think I'm free.

Wait a minute.

Can't believe

I've lived here all my life,

and I've never been here.

What do you think?


Golden beet stuffed with quark,

salted apple,

puffed barley and dill...





The complexity is amazing.

Is that a fancy word

for delicious?

Well, food can be complex

and work,

and food can be complex

and not work.


Well, this absolutely works.

Mm, incredible texture.

I-I gotta tell you,

I've never had

anything like this.

See, that is

the beauty of great food.

It's like tasting a work of art.

Excuse me.

Oh, thank you so much.

This was delicious. Thank you.

Thank you.


Oh, here's the main course.

Oh, wow.

Beautiful presentation.

My compliments to the chef.

You're gonna love this.

Roasted beef coulotte

with celtuce,

bitter greens,

and a sauce bourguignon.

Here we go.

Here we go!


Oh, that's...

- Mm!

- That's really good.


I love it,

but I gotta ask you

how is coming here

going to help you

get food donations?

What's going on?

You got work to do?

Wait for it.

Wait for what?

Mandy Gilmore?

Chef Louie!

This is Adam.

Oh, no, no, no, please,

sit, sit, sit.

How do you do?

Hi. Uh, your food's great.



That makes me so happy,

I could do a back flip!

- Oh, don't do that.

- Remember, I can do it.

- I know.

- I can. I can do one.

Oh, that's the...

Tumbler's, uh, Table.

Louie used to be a gymnast.

I get it.

So how... how do you two

know each other?

I was a guest chef on her show.

What show?

What show?!

"A World of Food," of course!

What has it been?

Seven, eight years?

Eight years in March.


I still remember

that incredible butternut

squash souffle you made.

Which you made even better

when you suggested

adding fermented cabbage.

It was already great.

You know, my restaurant

really took off

after I was on your show.


What are you doing in Milwaukee?

Oh, well, my aunt

used to have a food bank here

called Angel's Fare.

Sadly, she passed away

a few months ago.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Well, I was hoping

to keep the food bank open

through Christmas,

and I ran into a little trouble.

Um, would you happen to know

a food supplier

who would make a donation?

For a fellow chef?

For the woman who helped

put me on the map?

You bet I know people!

Okay. Of course, sit, sit.

Eat, eat. Good to meet you.

Enjoy. We'll talk.

This is so good.

How did that just happen?

I got you as much as I could.

Thank you for all your help.

How does your operation work?

Well, we're going to start

with a grocery-bag giveaway,

and then I'm going to make

a big Christmas Day feast.

Need a sous chef for this feast?

Oh, Louie,

I couldn't ask you to do that.

You're not. I'm offering.

It would be an honor.


I owe my career to you,

and you're doing

a good thing here.

Well, in that case,

yes, absolutely. Yes!


She's really doing it,

isn't she?

Well, you know what they say.

"The unselfish act

of bringing cheer to others

is the beginning of

a happier life for ourselves."

Who says that?

I just did.

Hey, careful!

I'm fine.

Yes, well, I... I thought perhaps

because you donated before,

you might...

Yes, I understand.

Thank you for taking my call.

Hi! My name's Janet.

I read on your website

that Angel's Fare is going to...

Wait a minute.

You're Mandy Gilmore.

I am.

I'm-I'm a big fan of your show,

"A World of Food."

I just saw your last episode

where you're going to go

to all those countries

and eat at all those

amazing restaurants?

That's right.


Um, I've been watching

your show, like

well, before I even

started volunteering

at Angel's Fare.

Oh, you volunteered here?

Yes, that's actually

why I'm here.

I thought I would offer

some help,

if you could use it.

Oh, thank you, Janet.

I could use

all the help I can get.


Um, so, you know your aunt.


she was so proud of you.

She used to host viewing parties

for your show here

all the time.


She never told me that.

Um, so it also mentioned

your website

that Angel's Fare is only

going to be opening again

for a limited time.

Oh... yes, that's true.

I wanted to start

with a couple days

of grocery giveaways,

and then end with a big dinner

on Christmas.

Are you going to be

cooking the dinner?

- I am...

- Oh!

And Chef Louie

from Tumbler's Table,

he's agreed to be my sous chef.

That's going to be a real treat.

Um, but in terms of

the grocery giveaway,

you're gonna need

a lot more food

than what's out there right now.

Believe me, I'm working on it.


You're also gonna need

to have a few tables,

so that you can work

from those...

Oh, yes, not to worry.

I've ordered those.

They should be here today.



Um, I should also mention,

I know a lot of the people

who used to volunteer here.

I'd be happy to reach out

to them, if you'd like.

Janet, you are now in charge

of the volunteer program.

Great. I'll get on the horn.



It's nice to have

a Barnaise sauce

around the holidays.

I'm gonna add

a little white wine,

because what is French food

without a little white wine?

- Okay.

- Duh...

Barnaise is a play

on hollandaise sauce,

which is another great sauce,

and another great option.

Barnaise. Barnaise...

Hollandaise has lemon.

Barnaise has a strong reduction

of tarragon,

shallots, and vinegar.


Barnaise sauce has lemon.

And we're just going to stir

that over the heat here.

Starting to get

a little bit thicker now.

If you were to add tomato puree

instead of tarragon vinegar,

then it would become a...

- Sauce choron.

- Ah!

Oh, hey.

I'm so sorry. I, uh...

This is going to be delicious...

I got curious.

Oh, it's okay.

I'm-I'm flattered.

I didn't know that

I was buying my building

from a celebrity.

Oh, please,

I'm hardly a celebrity.

Well, 10 million views

says otherwise, so...

Well, no, I'm...

I'm not much of one, anyway.

Uh, do you have a box cutter?

Uh, yeah, I think so.

Uh, be careful with this

very careful.

You're a very cautious guy,

aren't you?

No, no, I'm...

I'm a throw-caution-to-the-wind

kinda guy.


Wait, you...

You don't believe me?

As they say in my line of work,

"The proof is in the puddin'."


It's just the holidays.

The holidays?

Yeah, I'm Mr. Carefree

11 months of the year,

and then come December, I'm...

Yeah, I just drive

a little bit slower,

you know?

I just, uh, kinda watch

where I'm walking,

and generally avoid most people.

So you become paranoid?

No, no, no. Paranoia

is an unreasonable suspicion.

In my case,

I know that

the Christmas season is

it's out to get me.

And you think that's reasonable?

Well, no.

When I was seven,

I caught measles

on Christmas Day,

and then when I was 17,

I had a fender-bender

in my dad's car

on Christmas Eve.


Then when I was 24,

my girlfriend broke up with me

on Christmas Day

- as I was giving her a present.

- Ow.

And then I had that thing

with the ink stain,

and that's just an appetizer,

because every year, you know,

the holidays

is ready to serve up

a fresh course

of bad luck for me.

What on earth?

Hey, hang on!

Hang on, hang on.

Um, what is going on here?

This is unacceptable.

You can't leave your truck here.

What are you talking about?

Are you new here?

Sort of.

Okay, well,

I've been volunteering here

for nine years,

and I've never had a problem

like this happen before.

What's up? What's going on?

So our tables finally arrived,

but the driver

has nowhere to pull in.

Okay, why don't we go

on the street and unload them?

Yeah, we can...

We can help them do that.

- Come on.

- Whoa, "we"?

Yeah, let's go.

Where's Otto?

I don't know.

She's decided to stay for now.


I don't know.

I guess it worked.

Well, you know.

She does have her dreams.



Um, who are you talking to?

Oh, uh, just...

Just my special lady.

Yeah, excuse me.

Um, yeah, I am gonna have to go.



Were you talking about me?

Excuse me?

You said, "She decided

to stay for now,"

and, "I guess it worked."

Was that about me?

Uh, no.

No, my niece.

Yeah, she wants to quit her job,

start a new career in music,

move to Nashville.

Poor girl can't carry a tune.

I'm going to go see

if there's someone I can help.


Told you it wasn't a good idea

to let 'em stay an extra week.

Oh, come on, a little bit

of exercise is good for you.

You know what,

if I strain my back,

I don't think your insurance

is going to cover for this.

Does he always moan like this?

This is him

just getting warmed up.

I should have warmed up.

Can I help?

Yeah, come on, come on. Come on.


Can I talk to you for a second?

Yeah, sure.

Have you ever met Otto before?

Uh, no.

I thought

he was a friend of yours.


He said

he's been volunteering here

for years.

I don't recognize him.

Really, you've got to work

on that focus.

Okay, ready? Here we go.

In three, two...


One sec, one sec.


Hello, Donna Peters.

Miss Peters,

a producer at your studio


told me that you cover

local human-interest stories?

Uh, yes.

I left you a message.

I didn't get that.

Oh, about Angel's Fare?

Angel's what?

Angel's Fare. "F-A-R-E."

It's a local food bank

here in Milwaukee.

It was closed for a few months,

but we're going to reopen

for the holidays.

Oh, that's nice.

I thought maybe you could do

a news story about it

and get the word out there.

Uh, I'm sorry, Ms...

Mandy Gilmore.

Ms. Gilmore,

what you're talking about

sounds wonderful.

Uh, it's just not newsworthy.

Providing food for people

in need over the holidays?

Please don't get me wrong.

I think it's lovely,

it's just not...


That's right.

Oh, uh, I have to go.

Thank you.

Mandy, we have

new volunteers today.

Oh, I see that.

Thank you so much.

Well, tomorrow is the first day

of our grocery bag giveaway.

Unfortunately, I have not

been able to get any press,

so it's on us

to get the word out there,

but I printed up these flyers.

We can put them

all over the city,

and also post on social media.


We're going to need

some more volunteers, I think.

Well, you think you can

wrangle some more up?

Leave it to me.

You're the best.

Can't get one of your volunteers

to do that?

Cleaning relaxes me.

Ah, because starting

a food bank in six days

is stressful.

Well, I didn't know

what I didn't know,

which turns out to be

quite a lot.

But you're learning

on your feet.

Mm, I guess.

Uh, is that it?

That's all that...?

It's probably nothing.

What? Spill it.

It's Otto.

He said he knew my aunt,

but Janet, who has

volunteered here for years,

she doesn't recognize him.

Maybe their paths never crossed.

Mm, but that's the thing.

They should have.

How long

have you been next door?

Almost seven years.

Have you ever seen him around?

No, but I was focused

on running my business,

not your aunt's.


Do you want to un-volunteer him?


no, he seems like

such a nice guy.

He's a bit odd.

Says the man who thinks

the holidays are out to get him.

No, that's not...

It's based on fact.

Like, it's based on

empirical evidence.

Whatever you say.

Um, listen,

I have a friend

in the police department

that could do

a background check on Otto,

if you want.

Oh, no, I don't want

to hurt his feelings.

No, no, no, no, very discreet.

So, have you thought about

your Christmas menu?

Well, I want to stick with

all the traditional favorites...

The turkey, mashed potatoes,

stuffing, cranberry sauce...

But I also want to do

something extra.

Porchetta with broccoli rabe,

stuffed chicken with pork belly,

truffle, and nuts,

rhubarb on meringue skewers,

Christmas pudding

with con fit orange,

cream of pumpkin

with coconut ice cream

and sticky black rice.

- Mm-hmm.

- Ha ha.

I know it's ambitious.

And it's a world of food.

Italian, Spanish, French,

English, and Asian

Christmas dishes.

I just want

this Christmas dinner to be a...

A special treat.

Do you think it's too much?

I think your guests

are going to have

the meal of a lifetime.


Oh, buongiorno.

Thank you. Grazie.

Thank you for calling me back.

Yes, I need to change

my reservation.

Yeah, una prenotazione.

We're gonna need more food.

Oh, have faith.

But how is faith going to

fill this place with food?

Well, you'd be surprised.

Thank you.

Oh, it's Mandy.

Hi, Mandy. What's up?


it's buzzing with activity

in here, isn't it?


Is this how it was

when, uh, Susie ran it?


Yeah, similar.

What's your last name,

by the way?

I don't think you told me.

Ah, just call me Otto.


- Yes.

- Yeah.

But, like, what is your name?

I was just curious.

Yeah, it's, uh, it's Nessen.


- Nessen?

- Yeah.

Spelled the same forwards

as it is backwards.

Nessen, yeah.

Hey, everyone, listen up!

Mandy just got

a donation of vegetables.

Yeah, all right!


There we go.

Yeah, uh...

Yeah, no, make that

your last stop on Water Street,

and then head it back here,

just get back.

Yeah, okay.



Oh, come on...



Hey, I can help you with that.




Thank you.

Um, oh, yeah.

Maybe one more?

That's good.



Thank you.

Oh, thank you, that looks...

That's great, thank you.

You keep doing this on your own.

Oh, well, my volunteers

have been working so hard,

so I let them go home.

And what?

It's been a breeze for you?

No, to be honest,

I didn't know

what I was getting myself into.


If you had have known,

would it have made a difference?

Probably not.

It'll all be over soon.


Honestly, I'm just worried

that we haven't gotten

the word out to enough people,

or to the right people.

Oh, they...

They posted

one of your flyers on my door.

Your door?

- Yeah.

- Oh, no.

No, no, no, no,

that's exactly

what I'm worried about.

What... what...

No, I'm sure they were

just being thorough.

What if nobody shows up,

and all that food goes to waste?

It's gonna be fine.

Before you know it,

you're gonna be in Europe,


your world of food tour.

There's so much to do

between now and then.

Yeah, you gotta take it easy,

you know?

You've got a big day tomorrow.

You're right.

You deserve a break.

I could use one.

Are you, uh,

are you thinking

what I'm thinking?

I think I am.

A nice relaxing bath...


- Oh...

- Oh, sorry.

Oh, no, that... Totally...

A bath sounds super relaxing.

Are you sure?

Because I can go for a nightcap.

No, no, no, absolutely fine.

It's a big day tomorrow.

Okay, good night.

Good night.

All right...

they're almost ready.



Good morning.

- Ah! Good morning!

- Good morning.

Can you believe this lineup?

No. Wow,

we'd better get started.

Oh, um, I don't think

it's quite time yet.

- Oh, it's okay.

- Okay.

Okay, everybody,

time to get started!

Where did you get that?

- From home!

- Oh, gosh.

It's really handy when

you're dealing with a line.


Oh. Here you go, sir.

I lost my job three weeks ago.

God bless you.

Merry Christmas.

Here you go. Merry Christmas.

There you go.

Merry Christmas.

Hey... hey, can I help?

Oh, absolutely. Here's a bag.


All right,

let's keep the line moving.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas...

Hey, Merry Christmas.

Hey, guys, we have to get

our vans through here.

Oh, how the tables have turned.

Janet, could you ask a volunteer

to clear a lane

for Carraway Couriers?

On it.

Thank you.

There she is, let's go.

Hi, Mandy!

Donna Peters.

We spoke on the phone yesterday?

Mind if we get

that interview now?

Maybe over here? Um...

Please, get some of this action

in the background.

Well, I thought you said

it wasn't newsworthy.

You didn't tell me

that you were the Mandy Gilmore

of "There's a World of Food

out There."

- Oh.

- I love your show.

We're going live.

- Are you ready?

- What?

Hi, John,

we are here at Angel Fare,

where you can see,

there has been

quite the turnout.

I am live with Mandy Gilmore,

who is in charge of

this charitable food bank.

Now, did you expect

this many people to show up?

Oh, honestly,

I didn't know what to expect.

Okay, so you're surprised?


I've met a lot of good,

hardworking people today

who have fallen on hard times

for one reason or another,

and this holiday food giveaway

has been a real lifeline

for them.


Is there anything else

that you would like to say

to our audience out there?

Um, yes, if you're in need

this holiday season,

we are here

at 465 Lupine Street,

and if you're not

in need of any help,

but you can offer some help, um,

would you please consider

making a donation?

- Thank you, Miss Gilmore.

- Thank you.

So if you're looking

for the Holiday spirit,

you need not look any further

than Angel Fare

on Lupine Street.

Back to you, John.

Oh, that was just wonderful!



Merry Christmas.

- Mandy!

- Yeah?

We have a problem.

That's it. We've run out.


Well, you saw the line outside.

Yeah, we have no more.

We're gonna have to turn away

the people outside.

You want me to do it?

No, it should be me.

Hi, everyone.

Can I have

your attention, please?

Um, unfortunately...

Oh, excuse me. Hold on.


Miss Gilmore?


I'm calling from Gentry's Foods.

We spoke a few days ago.

Oh, yes, I remember.

I've been authorized to make

a generous in-kind donation

to your organization.

Well, that's fantastic!

What changed?

I just got a call

from a board member

who saw you on TV.

They saw my interview?

Not by chance.

Someone by the name of Otto

called him

and convinced him

to turn on the TV.

The board member was moved,

says you epitomize

the Christmas spirit.

Well, we're trying.

We just have one problem.

Well, okay.

I'll figure that out. Thank you.


Um, can I have

your attention again?

Uh, well, there's been

a slight delay,

so please be patient,

and we will start up again soon.


Oh, Adam.



Your voice really carries

with that thing.


I would like to engage

your services.

What's this?

Gentry's Foods.

They're going to make

a donation.

What, as in right now?

As in, that's the slight delay

that you just announced

out there?


No, sorry.

All my drivers are booked solid.

But Gentry's can't deliver.

I-I need you.

Well, I mean...

There's a truck in the warehouse

that I could drive myself,

if you...


Oh, thanks.

Oh, great,

they didn't even slice it.

I can help with that.


Uh, well...

Don't worry,

I give it a good cleaning

after every use.

Oh, such a gentleman.

Once an Eagle Scout,

always an Eagle Scout.

Oh, I see.

A man in uniform, huh?

So would you help me

cross the street, then?

That is actually a myth,

but if you ever need

a campfire lit,

I'm your man.

I bet you are.

Thanks, Jim.

Is Adam back?

Oh, not yet.

Just hope that we don't have to

keep them waiting outside

for too much longer.

But I am creating

a Christmas playlist.

For what?

Well, for the Christmas feast.

Susie used to have carolers

standing around

the Christmas tree, singing,

and, well, since we don't

really have time for that,

I thought the next best thing

would be to create

Christmas music playlists

that we could play

the old-fashioned way,

through my phone.


what-what Christmas tree?

- Hi.

- Hi.

Adam's here.

Oh, fantastic.


Everyone listen up!

The truck is here!

Let's unpack it,

and start filling

those grocery bags.

Thank you for your patience!

There you go.

Hey, come on, guys,

everyone, come on out!

We've got everything back there.

Truck's full.


We have frozen turkeys,

cranberry sauce,

potatoes, bread, yams,

you name it.


A helpful man

is an attractive man,

don't you think?

Adam, I'm so sorry

to keep asking you for favors,

but I need another pickup.

Okay, I'm available.

Thank you.

That's beautiful.

We're going to need

more than one.

It's a good thing

I brought my truck.

How long have you been

in the courier business?

All my life.

- Really?

- Yeah.

My father was a successful

dairy manufacturer,

and he used to say

that he made his cheese

making cheese.

That's kind of cheesy.


But I've always been

really driven to make it,

so I started working delivery

when I was 15.

My first vehicle was a bicycle.


Probably put 10 sets

of new wheels on that thing.

I still have it.

For sentimental values?

Ah, yeah, just to remember

how far I've come.

Well, your parents

must be very proud of you.

They are.

You know, what you're doing,

it's, uh, it's important,

and it's big-hearted.

Well, it's really my aunt Susie

who started it.

Well, you're running it now.

Only for now.

Still, how many people

touch that many lives?

I mean,

even if it's only

for one season.

Thank you.

The city of Milwaukee

has appointed me

to take you out

for a thank-you dinner.


What did you have in mind?

They want me to take you

to my all-time favorite place

in the whole world.

Sounds good.

"Good" doesn't cover it.

It's gonna...

It's gonna blow out your palate.

Oh, will you excuse me

for one moment?

I'll be right back.

Yeah, sure.


Just curious.

Um, after you collect

all the toys,

who do you typically donate to?

This is

your favorite restaurant?


This is the best hot dog

in the state, hands down.

Careful, you're

hyping it up a lot.

No, it-it lives up to the hype.


I'll be the judge of that.

- Wow.

- See? See? See?


This is the best hot dog

I've ever had.

Oh, yes!

And you didn't have to go

to Europe to find it.


Oh, you have

a little bit of, um...


- Um...

- Oh.


It's perfect.

Hey, whatcha doing?

Huh? Uh, nothing.

Is that the sales agreement?


Are you excited?

Uh, sure, yeah.

Well, hey, in a couple of days,

the place

is going to be ours, huh?


Well, I'm heading over.

You coming?

I need this ladder.

Stand in line,

but in the meantime,

you could help me

decorate this tree.

It's looking like it needs

a little something here.

Oh, if only I had an Eagle Scout

who could help me.

Oh, thank you.

Hello, Mandy.

Oh, Donna! Hi!

Thank you so much again

for the interview yesterday.

It was so helpful.

Oh, I'm glad to hear that.

Listen, we don't usually

get personally involved

in the stories that we cover,

but everyone at the station

is just so touched

by what you're doing down here,

we wanted to help.


Oh, I wish we could do more.

Are you kidding?

Every little bit helps.

Thank you.

Oh, you're welcome.

You know, tomorrow's

our Christmas feast.

If you have time,

you should stop by and say hi.

I might just do that.

- Great.

- Okay.

- Thank you again.

- Have a wonderful evening.

You too. Thank you.


Ah! Ow! Great...

There it is. Look...

You okay?


Yes, um...

Uh, yeah, just...

Yeah, holidays.

You can hardly notice.




You'd make

a horrible poker player.

Hey, do you need, uh,

do you need something else?

No, but I would like to pay you

for everything

you've already done.

What are you talking about?

Well, picking up

the food donations

and the Christmas trees?

Oh, no, no, consider that

a donation of ours

to Angel Fare.

Thank you,

that's very sweet of you.

Oh, I, uh, spoke to Otto.

I found out

his last name is Nessen.


I talked to my friend

at the police department.

They said that there's no one

with a criminal record

under that name.

That's good, isn't it?

Yeah, but they said also

that there's

there's no record

of Otto Nessen at all.

Maybe he's not from around here.

Yeah, maybe.


Otto is the reason

we got

that food donation yesterday.

Still, there's something

a little different

about the guy.

Come and join us tomorrow

for the Christmas feast,

prepared by two top chefs.

Um, hey, Janet...


Oh, when are we going

to wrap the toys?

Oh, we're picking up the toys


Have you seen Otto?

Uh, no, I haven't seen him

this morning.

Okay, thanks.


Merry Christmas. Thank you.

She's got quite the spirit

to take on such a task

without any previous experience.

You've got to hand it to her.

Hi, Mandy.

On the phone again

with your special lady?


just talking

to myself this time.

I'm impressed.

Well, we both know

how much Susie loves

her Christmas decorations.

"It is more blessed

to give than to receive."

That's beautiful.

It's also true.

Tomorrow's our last day here.

Seems like a lot of effort

for something

that's not going to last.


Well, I have

a personal philosophy

that time

really has no meaning,


However, love, grace, beauty,

the Christmas spirit,


that does.

Hey, you want to try

something fun?


Yeah. Just close your eyes.

Close my eyes?

Yeah, close your eyes,

count to five.







Here we are.

Oh, thanks, Otto.

So, Otto, where are you from?

What do you mean?

Where did you grow up?

Oh, here and there.

What does that mean?

I moved around a lot.

Oh, was your father

in the military too?


He just wanted to see the world.


Is this the last day

of the great grocery giveaway?

Yes, it is,

and it looks like we're gonna

have some food left over.

Yeah, I mean,

what are you

going to do with it all?

Well, there are

other food banks.

This is the only one

on this side of the city.

Don't worry, I will put

this food to good use.

Do you need a hand?

Oh, yeah, will you help me

carry some of the bags?

- Yeah.

- Thanks.

Merry Christmas.

Oh, don't forget to remind them.

Oh, uh,

Christmas feast here tomorrow.

Prepared by two top chefs!

Merry Christmas.

- Oh!

- Four bags...

What are you doing here?

Well, I clocked out,

and I thought "why not?"

Well, thank you, Jim.

We appreciate your help.

How's it going here?

Good. Oh, but there was

a woman who was just here

looking for baby formula,

and unfortunately,

we've run out.

No, no, we...

I have some right here.

It's right here.


W-Where is she?

She's right down there.

Oh, I see her. Okay.

All right...

- Oh!

- Oh!

Oh, oh! Whoa!


You okay?

Um, yeah.

I'm clumsy.

- Careful.

- Yeah, I'm okay.

- I'm okay.

- Okay.

- Here, um...

- Uh...

I got this.

Thank you.


Hi. Uh...

I cannot wait to taste

what Mandy and Chef Louie

are cooking up.

Where is this Chef Louie?

Oh, that's a good question.

Hey, Louie.

Hi, Mandy.

I'm afraid

I had a little accident.

What happened?

Fractured my wrist.

Oh, no.

Yeah, never do a back flip

near a patch of ice.

I'll keep that in mind.

I won't be able

to be your sous chef.

I'm so sorry.

Oh, it's okay, Louie.

Don't worry about it.

You just take care of yourself

and feel better.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.


Oh, sh**t.

Thank you.

Ah, so wonderful that Mandy

was able to receive

all of these donations.


Mm, sorry.

I-I-I can replace it.

It's okay.

What's going on with you?

It's my Christmas holiday

bad luck.


You seem strange,

and as though your mind

is on something else.

I'm the one that seems strange?

You seem like...

You seem like you're

you know, you're not

telling us everything.

You're not

telling her something.

I don't know what your angle is,

but I don't want to see Mandy

be hurt.

What does that mean?

That's the last thing

that I would want.

You like her?


What makes you think that?

I see it.

Well, even if it was true,

Christmas is not the time

to just lay your heart

on the line.


Adam, do you know what they say?

To everything,

there is a season,

a time for every purpose

under heaven.

Who said that?

A very wise man.

Hey, what are you doing?

Oh, Chef Louie

fractured his wrist,

and he can't make it,

so I've had to modify the menu

a little bit.

You... well, you don't

have to do it alone.

I mean, I can help.

I'm no Chef Louie,

but I can...

I can cut vegetables

and follow direction.

All right. You're right.

- We can do this.

- Okay.

The preparation of fine food

sometimes requires dealing with

failure and uncertainty

in an innovative way.

What am I, am I the failure

or the uncertainty?

Well, that is to be determined.

Yeah, oh... what... okay...

Let's go.

All right,

let me find you a bowl

or something.

Oh! Oh, okay, wow.

Have you ever been

in a kitchen before?


Okay, be careful,

that is really...

You'll slice your thumb.

Oh, thank you.

What, is it just us today?

It's Christmas.

It's my favorite day

of the year.

I told the others

to go be with their families.

I just kept the essential crew.

Oh, so I'm considered essential?

Don't let it go to your head.

Too late.

- Oh, hi!

- Hi!

Can I help you?

Yes, I am here to volunteer.

Oh, that is great.

- Okay, come on in...

- Thank you.

grab a toy and some wrapping,

we'll get to work.

Okay, all right.

- I'll take this one.

- Great.

Are you sure

you know what you're doing?

Yeah, I mean,

cutting vegetables,

really, how hard can that be?

Do you know all the different

type of knife cuts?

Uh, what? The what?

The what now?

The high cut, the low cut,

the dice, the mince,

the julienne,

the bias, the rondelle,

the baton, the chiffonade?

The chiffonade?


No, I, um, I don't think I do.

Okay, we'll just start

with a few.

The high cut

is when you're chopping things

that are larger,

the low cut is for

rocking smaller items,

um, and the mince is just

a rough chop on a smaller scale,

but when you hold a knife,

grab the knife by the spine.

- There you go...

- Okay.

and then you take your onion.

Is this the onion

you've been working on?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

Okay, so now,

take your knuckles,

bend your fingers back so that...

There you go.

That's how you protect

your fingers.

Then it's just nice,

long strokes,

like that.

- Oh, yeah.

- Mm-hmm.

Okay, easy.

There you go.


Who knew that cutting an onion

could be so complicated?

Would a painter use one brush?

I would use one brush, yes,

and I would use one color.

Okay, oh, no, no.

Just use

that middle knuckle there

to guide the knife.


I will.

I'd better

get back to the stove.


Um, do you think that I...

I've got it?

Well, if you have

all your digits

by the end of the night,

we'll call it a win.

That's the...

You know, I have seen

all of Mandy's cooking shows.

She is just spectacular.

Oh, yes, I think

we're in for a treat.


Well, it smells

delicious in here.

Oh, Donna, I'm so glad

you could make it.

I've been here,

doing all that I can.

Thank you for your help.

My pleasure.

So, how is it coming?

Oh, it's almost ready.

- Yeah.

- Hold on.

Just a few more minutes.

Uh... it's pretty good.


Mm, that looks amazing.

Careful. Don't burn yourself.


Oh, my goodness.

- That smells so good.

- That smells heavenly.

All right. Ha, ha.

Please, everyone, come on in!

Hello! Hi.

Hi, good to see you.


Ah, ha, ha, hello.

Merry Christmas.

Okay, now, we're gonna need

some names, okay?

Because I do have

a Christmas tree

right over there,

and there might be

some presents under it.

Ah, yes, ma'am.

Let me grab your name,

what is it?

Really? Okay, thank you.

Ah, and how are you, sir?

Good to see you.

Seat just for you.

Now, what do we have here?

Well, we might have

some crayons.

Wow, you look...

You look amazing.

Thank you.

I... I actually bought

this dress for Paris,

but I figured a special night

deserves a special dress.

I... I...


Oh, thank you.


I had to scale back

my ambition a little

without the help of Chef Louie,

but I think it turned out

pretty well.

It looks great.

Let's get to work.


I think we should plate

everything individually,

and serve it...

Merry Christmas.

Welcome, everyone!

We're so glad you could join us.

Merry Christmas!

All right, everyone, sit tight.

We're gonna get everyone's plate

and serve everyone.

Merry Christmas.

Here we go.

Happy holidays to you.

For you. Merry Christmas.

Oh, thank you.


All right...


Well, shall we enjoy

the fruits of our labor?

Oh, yes, I am starving.

Um, do you mind if we join you?


Thank you.

Thank you, Adam.


Excuse me, Mandy?

Um, before we begin,

do you think maybe

it would be okay

if someone said some grace?


Mandy's aunt

would always do that.

Otto, that's a wonderful idea.

Why don't you do the honors?

Uh, yeah, thank you.

Uh, excuse me, everyone.

If I could just have

your attention for one moment,

just bow your head with me

in prayer, please.

Dear Lord,

we thank you for this day,

and we thank you

for this amazing feast

that we are about to partake in

with so many of our friends

and neighbors,

and as we eat,

I just pray that

the blessings of Christmas

would fill us

with love and joy and hope.



Oh, um, if I could just

have everyone's attention

and say thank you to our host

and our wonderful chef,

Mandy Gilmore.

Thank you.

Thank you, everyone.

I just want to say

that this has been

a wonderful experience,

but it wouldn't

have been possible

without the generous food

and cash donations

that we received,

and it wouldn't

have been possible


our dedicated volunteers,

so let's give it up for them.


It's definitely been

a community effort,

so Merry Christmas.

Oh, and kids, listen up.

If you look under

the Christmas tree,

you might just find a gift

with your name on it.


Mom, look!

Look what I got!


That is cool!


Thank you.

I think that's everyone.

Now we can, uh, relax.


Can I, uh

can I ask you something?


Excuse me.

I'm sorry to interrupt. Um...

Listen, I was wondering

if maybe you wanted

to just have a look at that.

One of the kids drew it.

I thought you'd like it.

Get in there.

Oh, wow.

Thank you, Otto,

for showing me this.

Listen, if you have a moment,

would you mind

speaking with me in private?

Oh, Adam needed to talk to me...

No, no, that's okay.

Okay, um, why don't we talk

in Susie's office?

Okay, yeah.

You got this.


what did you want

to talk to me about?

Well, it's time for me to leave.


Stay and enjoy the night.

I have already,

very much so, thank you,

but I do have other obligations.


before you go,

will you tell me

how you knew my aunt Susie?


Well, we met

it was quite some years ago


and I don't know,

she was content,

but I believe

her life was unfulfilled,

so I led her down a path,

a narrow one, albeit,

that I believed

would bring her

to a profound happiness,

and for her, it did.

You seem to know her so well,

but you said you didn't know

she'd passed away.

Not entirely true.

Why did you say that?

I made a promise to Susie.

See, she felt

that the two of you

were very similar.

She just wanted you

to share in something

that she shared in,

even if it was just

for a short time.

Promise fulfilled.

It's time for me to leave now.


Thank you,

for everything.

Yes, ma'am.

"Angel's Fare."

How did Susie

come up with that name?


Oh, excuse me.


- Hey, Adam.

- Huh?

You okay?

Yeah, yeah.

Christmas is almost over,

and nothing bad has happened,

so you're in the clear.

The night is young.

Uh, yeah.

All right,

I'm gonna go get some air.

What was he so worried about?

Ah, it's a long story.

Hi, Mandy. What's up?

Have you seen Otto?

No, I haven't.

There goes another one

who can't relax.

Two peas in a pod.



Is something wrong?


Yeah, he's an odd bird.

He is, isn't he?

But he's also sort of...



Yeah, he, uh,

he said something to me

that kind of, uh, stuck.

Oh? What's that?

He said

that there's a right season

for everything,

and I think, um

this is my right time,

right here, right now.

So I'm throwing caution

to the wind,

and, uh... here.

Merry Christmas.

Your office Christmas card?

Oh, yeah, I didn't have time

to go and buy

a personalized one.

Oh, well,

it's the thought that counts.

No, it's not the thought.

It's what's inside.

Open it.


What is that?

It's the purchase agreement.

Look, I know that you have

this dream

of going to restaurants

all over the world



maybe you don't have to do that

all at once.

Maybe you can just do it

little by little, and

maybe you don't

have to do it alone.

Maybe you could stay here

and run Angel's Fare,

and I know... I know this isn't

Paris or London...

Well, you were right, Susie.

Well, you know

what would make this

even more perfect?

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