Can you really catch a bird by putting salt on his tail?
Well... Don't bother me, Andy.
Can't you see I'm busy?
Daddy, it's that woodpecker again.
Guess who?
Did you get him, Daddy?
Give me that g*n!
Now, wise guy, I'm gonna blow you full of holes just Iike you put on my roof.
You're not going to pull that old gag on me, are you, son?
Do you know what I did to the Iast guy that tried that?
Why, I tore him Iimb from Iimb!
Betrayed! Betrayed!
I got him! I got him!
Look, Andy, I got him!
Yeah, Iook, Andy, he's got me!
He's got me!
He's got me.
Hold tight, pop, here we go!
Some fun, eh, pop?
Last one down is a rotten egg!
It works!
They got me!
Get me out of here!
Let me out of here!
Let me out of here!
Get me out!
Let me out of here!
Get me out!
Confidentially, this guy is crazy.
Yeah, he's nuts.
We know his whole family.
They're all batty.
Now, take us, for instance.
Why, we're different.
Knock Knock (1940)
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