01x10 - Episode 10

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Year Of". Aired: June 9, 2023.*
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The final two years of high school are simultaneously traumatic and exhilarating for the kids at Jubilee High--and also for their parents and teachers.
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01x10 - Episode 10

Post by bunniefuu »

Mind it for me?

On three, let us go. OK?





Do you like jam?

I went to get
some wine,

then I ended up
in the fruit store

and then...

..this occurred.


Did you, um...

Did you enjoy the process?

It was so boring!

Look at me!

Please give me something to do.

Please? Can I do anything
for the kids' party?

No, I mean...

I think I've got, um...

I've got most of the food and...

OK, what about
the garden? Can I...?

-The garden?

My gosh, no, I do not
need help in the garden.

Lucy, no, no, no. We're fine.

Well, then what about... Are
you sure we can't have it here?

Why don't we have it here?
It's... It'll be so much easier.

Thank you, but no.
You know, I just... I, um...

-Come on. We always do it...

I just wanna...
I just wanna have it there.

I wanna have it at home.
I want them to...

I just want, um...

f*ck! It's like a minute ago
they were just babies, you know?

And then all of a sudden...


I couldn't let him go, Lucy!

And I'm not pretending
like it's the same.

I just... Ah.


Say it.

Go on, say it.

Every day I think
it could have been him.

But it wasn't, was it?

-It wasn't.
-No, I know.

I know, I know, I know, I know.

I...I shouldn't, um...

What? Well, you can worry
about them growing up.

I know, but what if I let him go

and then something
happens to him?

Then what?

What if?

God, I would...

I would do anything to
worry about Tully growing up.

I would suffer that fear
for the rest of my life

if it meant
that he was still alive.

He's not.

Your kids are.

Let them live.

Let them live. Be...f*cking
terrified by them being alive.

Hey, you wanna hang later?

Uh, yeah,
but I'm on George watch.

Oh, and also...
I'm trying this thing

where I'm gonna be independent
from now on.



I don't know. I just thought
I'd try being...not pathetic.

-I'll talk to you later.

-Did Priya just ditch you?

I never liked the guy, eh?

Well, catch ya.

Hey, Gus.

Hey, well done
on your last English assignment.

Yeah, nah, I can get 93% in my
sleep, so don't worry about it.

Good to hear.

And, um...

..thanks for everything,
for real.

But are you Christian?


'Cause it's the longest
I've ever been at school for,

like, in a row.

We're lucky to have you.

Yeah, well, sometimes Christians
aren't Christian, you know?

I guess not. No.

It's a shame that you're
leaving, though, sir.

You're gonna miss me.

Is it normal
to have so many mums and dads

waiting to personally
wish you goodbye?

You could clean up in there.

Knock, knock.

No-one's here. Sorry.

You do look a bit
like a hologram.

Hey, um, you didn't stay long
at Eddie's morning tea.

He looked so sad,
I couldn't bear it.


..don't think you're a joke.


How was, um, the wedding?


The groom's best friend

re-enacted the most offensive
parts of his 21st speech

in his best man speech, but my
mum still thinks me being single

is more embarrassing
to the family.

But, hey,

at least I didn't overshare it
to multiple students

who I still need to teach for
several more excruciating terms!

-You're alright.

-Oh, oh.



I should leave you to tidy up.

Oh, you can stay.

-You can stay.
-No. No.

Ooh, I'm only horny
'cause I have my period.

-Oh, OK.
-Won't care about you next week.

See you in the holidays?

It kinda sounds like something
a heartbroken psycho would play.

I'm over him, thank you.


I'm surprisingly doing very well

for someone
that did not get closure.

But I'm always down to hang out
whenever you need.

Your brush-off with Mo...

OK, he didn't brush me off.

It was just...really bad timing,
is all.

And I've been doing me-time
since then, anyway.

I got a 96 in Bio, OK,

so I don't need to be obsessed
to be thriving.

-Oh, my God, love!

I'm channelling myself
and my future

what whatever it's called.

So we're, like,
both completely fine?

That is so cute! I love that!


In that case...

..it's Priya o'clock.

Literally what does that mean?

I told you. Me-time.


You do that.

Taking a journey

to enlighten your central power.

Starting with the bravery
of being alone

and being quiet,

of being free of distraction.

Find a quiet place to sit
or lie down.

Hmm! Oh!




Took your time.

-Happy birthday.
-Thanks, bro.

-Are you ready?
-Where are we going?

A little place I know.

I think you should go.

Nah, they were right.

I don't even know
why they were freaking out for.

It was
a f*cking stupid idea.


Most people don't go anywhere
and bad shit still happens.

I don't even know
if he wants me there.

Then go find out!

f*ck the phone calls and shit.

Look him right in the eyes.

No-one's gonna stay mad
if you go.

And maybe they'll upgrade you
'cause it's your birthday.

Do they do that?

How am I supposed to know?
I've never flown anywhere.

You're ballsy, MoMo.

What you doing?


Am I supposed to
bring something?


You're all good.

Hey, mate.
Hey, mate, how are you?

-Hey, buddy. Happy birthday.
-Thanks, mate.

-You good?
-I'm good. How are you?

Good to see you.

Hey, uh... Hey, miss.

Hey, Gus.

Sorry, I didn't bring anything.

It's OK. You're...you're here.

Thanks for coming, hey?

Come on. They're out the back.

-Oh, doofus.

-Happy birthday!
-Oh, hi!

I brought you...


-So generous.
-I know.


-That's my mum.

Hi. Nice to meet you, Mrs Mo.

-He seems sweet.


How are you going?

Um, where did you get this?

Oh, my mum got it for me.

-Can you get one more? Please?

Hi. How are you?

There's food out the back
and just make yourself at home.

Thank you so much
for having me.

Hey, where's my present?

Oh, my gosh!
How did you get these?

Are you kidding me?!

Thank you.



How far did you get?

I was, like, "Oh, my God,
I'm sh1tting myself."

Wait, let me try them on.

-Like...like this.




You're joking! Not again.

He did it again.

-Oh, my God! Stop! Stop!


Ohhh! They are hot!

Happy birthday.

Happy birthday.

Like my shoes, Mum?
Watch out.

Oh, very nice.

She's the one, yeah.


-No, it's OK.


It's OK.

Do you think I'm a dog?

For wanting to leave?



..sometimes it's hard for mums
to say goodbye.

Even if they know
you'll be coming back.

Have you seen Mo?

He's upstairs.

It's OK.

If you want to go up.

Oh, my God.

Oh, God.

Oh, my God,
we all had matching bracelets.

It's giving Leo.

Any good?

He's a Pisces.

Oh, my God!

-Is this from...?
Year 9 camp.



We were supposed to do this,

like, group
arts and crafts thing.

But George over here smuggled

the most potent brownies
ever made by man.

We were truly munted.

Mo couldn't stop
taking his shirt off.

Yeah, so I just did that
really quick

so we actually had something
to hand in.

But then you lost it.
-Well, yeah, I thought I did!

Hmm. And we all got detention.

-Oop. Tully be shady.

Nah, for real.

Don't even get him started
on the Pokémon saga of 2015.

Oh, my God.

Hey. Are you actually
not going anymore?

I told him to go.

You were the only one.

Tully would have told you to go.

Is he OK?

Priya, all this me-time
has made you desperate for goss.

OK, leave her alone.

She's allowed to go
sit on a rock or whatever.

Alone with
her own thoughts?

OK, fine. Last time I got bored,
I wanked on a rock.


You know you're being
full-blown selfish.

What are you doing?

Why couldn't you just wait?

We could've gone
somewhere together

after the end of Year 12.

That's a whole year away!


-I've already lost one brother.

Maya, please don't say that.

Please don't say that.

If I stay here, my brain is
gonna f*cking fold in on itself.

Join the club.

You've got Mum.

Did you cancel the ticket?

So you are gonna miss me.

Oh, my God!


Where are my babies?

Hey. Are you coming back over?


Mum, it's OK.

Mama, come here.

-No, Mo, no!
-Gotta go away.

-Mo, please! Please!

Please just listen to me,
listen to me...

-Please don't go.

Mum, please stop.
-Please don't go! Please!

-Come on, Mo. Maya!

-Mum, I have to go.
-Mo! Mo! Mo!

It's gonna be OK. I have to go.
I'm gonna miss my flight.

Please don't go. Mo...

I love you.

Mo, please!

Mo! Mo!

I can't believe
I'm doing this.

Are you ready?

I mean, you're chill as,
so you should be.

What's the matter?

Oh, no.

I thought I forgot something.

-Just relax and breathe, my bro.
-I can't.

-Oh, God! Oh, my God!

Georgie, hey.

How are you feeling?

I'm scared, man,
but I'm so excited.

-Like, this is gonna be just...
It's gonna be good.

I'm gonna come back
a different person.

I'm gonna come back 10 times
hotter. You guys aren't ready.

You have to
take care of Mum.

I will.
-You gotta make sure she's good.

Promise. Promise.

Alright, you're the man
of the house now.

Oh, I always was
the man of the house!

I always was.

"Next stop international..."

-Oh, my God.
-Oh, my God!

Oh, my God.

This one?
Are you ready? Are you ready?

Go, go, go.

Go, go, go!

Other side!
Oh, shit.

I've packed, like, two T-shirts.


Yeah, well, 'cause I'm buying
stuff over there.

-I'm going shopping.

-With what money?
-Oh, that's rude.

-My dad's money.



Oh. Oh.

You're a little creep, man.

Just...remember to come back.

Guys...I can't breathe.

I can't breathe!

Sorry, sorry.


Oh, my God.


OK, that's enough.

Come on. Come on.
Keep it real.



Thanks, Gus.

Don't worry, Gumby.

Love you, Mo!

I love you, guys.

MoMo, they're good
at football over there!

Love you, Mo!
Love you, Mo!

Love you, guys. 'Bye.


I'm really gonna need you.


Come on.

Oi, Gaylord, hurry up!
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