01x08 - Patient: Baek Kang-hyuk

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call". Aired: January 24, 2025.*
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Baek g*ng-hyeok joins a university hospital known for its struggling trauma team. His arrival shakes things up as he possesses exceptional surgical skills honed through experience in conflict zones worldwide.
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01x08 - Patient: Baek Kang-hyuk

Post by bunniefuu »


-Dr. Baek. His BP is dropping.

-50 over 30.

Keep your mouth shut!

-I'll transfuse it directly.

-What? That's too much!

-We'll lose the patient.

-Shut the f*ck up!

Hold your fire.

I repeat. Hold your fire and stand down.

This vehicle is cleared.

This is your troop commander speaking.

The intruder's identity

has been confirmed.

I'm sure you're all familiar

with his name.

Many of our fellow soldiers who served

in Afghanistan owe him their lives.


That's his name.

All medics on duty,

proceed to the medical unit immediately.

Provide all of the support he needs.

That's a direct order from your commander.

Malak. Bring it here.

One, two, three.

Gangster, we need more blood.

Okay. I'm on it.

-Number One.


-Let's begin. Start draping.


Do you want us to assist you?

No. My team will.

How are things looking?

Is he the Malak?

He is,

and he hasn't changed a bit.

Showing up out of nowhere with a patient,

just like when we were in Afghanistan.



You can begin surgery.

-Energy device.


You're removing

that entire section?

-That's at least a meter.

-Two meters.

Every bit of necrotic tissue has to go.

How's it coming along?

He'll live.

Don't you see the condition

of that patient?

See the look on that guy's face?

Zero hesitation.


Well, at least now

we've cleared the source of the infection.

We'll create a stoma.

Everything else, we'll leave as is.

What about the b*llet?

We can't leave it in the abdomen.

We need to find it.

Will the patient hold on

long enough?

The b*llet isn't in here.

It's in there.

Small intestines?

It has to be in there.

Otherwise, if it's still in his abdomen,

I can't save Captain Lee's life.

Take that outside

and find the b*llet.

Yes, Doctor.

Please, come out. Please.

Come on.

Take a break if you're tired.

You've earned it. It's fine.

I'm okay. He's my patient too.

Huh… huh?



I found it.

We're done with his abdomen.

Now let's start reconstructing

his left arm.

His left arm?

You cut out all the bones. How?

We cut out the infected

so we can replace it with the new.

-A new bone?

-That's right.

An artificial bone graft.

Yes, sir.



Dr. Jae-won.

Nurse Jang-mi.

No. It's all right. Stay seated.

How are you feeling?

Feeling all right. But how's the patient?

How is he? Uh…

He's okay. His vital signs are good too.

That's a relief.

How're we getting home, by the way?

Captain Lee Hyeon-jong will need

quite a long time to recover.

I know. And it's not like

we can take a commercial plane.


It's been too long, huh?


Have a seat.

What a throwback.

I miss the glory days

we spent together in Afghanistan.

Why did you leave in the first place?

You did only ask of me

when you needed help.

That hasn't changed.

It's time to repay the debt you owe me.

Haven't I already paid my debt?

What do you want now?

You know what I want.

-To go all the way to South Korea?


Well, the pilots are swamped.

And you know how they are.

They're not the most

obedient bunch.

Give them a call.

Tell them

I need them.

-So, Doctor…


What is this place anyway?

Military base?

This is

where Dr. Baek used to work.



He was a medic

in some kind of mercenary group

called the "Black Wings."

And the Black…

The Black Wings' African branch

is here in South 'Sudan.


Then I think Captain Lee will live.

But, you know,

the pay here…

Pay is good?

You think they hire nurses too?

Mm! Mm! Dr. Baek.

Hi, Malak.

We're going back to Korea. Finish eating.

-Right now?

-Huh? You got the air ambulance approved?


Wow. Wait.

This is better than

some intensive care units.

Enough gawking.

Now go check on the meds

and our instruments.

Gyeong-won is bringing everything now.

Did I ask Gyeong-won?


I need a minute to talk to you.

All right.

Let's talk.

You know why we need to talk.

I'm just gonna come right out and ask you.

You're a spy, aren't you?


Was it for Director Choi?


All right, I won't tell Dr. Baek.

In return,

all emergency surgeries

are now yours to deal with.

Sounds good.


I said I'll do it.

Was there anything else you wanted?

Uh, wait, wait, wait, wait. Just wait. Mm.

Why even bother being a spy

if you're gonna give in so easily?

Well, I knew if I didn't do it,

they'd find someone else who would.

And that person might've spied for real.

Once I pass my exams,

I'm going to apply to the trauma center.

So, I… wanted to keep

the trauma center safe.

-But that's like totally insane.

-I know.

But still…

That's amazing.

I look forward to working with you.

Excuse me,

but Dr. Baek is looking for you.

-He wants us all to hurry.


Dr. Park, let's go.


-Dr. Park?

Hey, it's got a nice ring to it,

doesn't it? Doesn't it?

Hey, hey.

Welcome aboard the flight

to Seoul, Republic of Korea.

We wish you a comfortable flight.

Cabin crew, prepare for takeoff.

The aircraft carrying

Captain Lee Hyeon-jong

left South Sudan at 8:00 a.m. local time.

Dr. Baek Kang-hyuk

was dispatched to South Sudan,

where he performed a secondary surgery

on Captain Lee.

The use of an air ambulance

was authorized for a speedy transfer.

It's been reported that they're going to

arrive at an airport in Seoul very soon.

All public attention right now is focused

on the return of Captain Lee Hyeon-jong.

Dr. Baek has proven his skill set again

and put an end

to any allegations of favoritism.

He is due to attend a press conference

at the airport upon landing.

They're called Black Wings

and are, apparently, the largest

private military company in the world.

I think that's where

the surgery took place.

It turns out

that's where they got the air ambulance.

I like that.

Makes for a good story.

While Dr. Baek Kang-hyuk

was working as a medic

for the private military company

that enabled Captain Lee's surgery,

he received a very generous compensation.

However, he donated most of it

to purchase medication for refugees.

Sometimes, a single pill is more important

than having even

a world-class doctor on hand to intervene.

Isn't that right?

Flight attendants,

prepare for landing.

It's good to see you.

Thank you for your hard work.

As promised, I brought

Captain Lee Hyeon-jong home alive.

Yes. This is about

the medical helicopter, right?

Don't worry.

I'll make sure to hold up my end.

Let's just attend the ceremony.

-This way to the welcome ceremony.

-Whoa! Whoa! Hey, easy!

Just a moment.

-Okay, okay, okay! Reporters, listen up!

-He's over there!

I have an update regarding

Captain Lee Hyeon-jong's condition.

We removed the most critical component,

the b*llet lodged in his abdomen,

during the secondary surgery.

We also resected part of

the small intestines,

where there was direct impact

and necrosis due to infection.

Lee Hyeon-jong will make a full recovery.

I need to monitor the patient now.


-So I leave the rest to you.

-Ah, yes.

-Dr. Baek…


-…where are you transporting him now?

For Dr. Baek,

his patients are his highest priority.

Hurry, it's getting late.

So the Ministry of Health and Welfare

will continue to provide generous support…


What? Who went where?

Dr. Han. He's at the fire, sir.

He received an urgent call

right before we came here.

I think he really believes

he's become you.

Uh… I, uh…

I am Baek Kang-hyuk.

I, uh…

Car keys. Car keys.

I need to borrow your car.

It's an emergency. Give me the keys.

We need a doctor over here!

This patient needs urgent…

Thankfully, the wound isn't too big.

Tell us if there are any more issues.

Keep taking deep breaths.

Get ready to transfer.

Where, where?

Tell me where it hurts! Shoulder?

You're clear to descend.

Hurry up!

Over here!

Over here, over here!

Go toward the ambulances

and make sure you're treated, understand?


-Right, let's get going!

Let's go!

I need help. Come on.

Follow me.

Mr. An.

Dr. Baek.

-You're back to on-site duties?


Nice welcome back, huh?

You got them off the roof?

-Is there anyone else?

-No. Rooftop rescue is complete now.

So I'll be assisting at the fire site.

Then, for now, let's keep the helicopter.

-So we can move patients.

-All right.

Relax. That's one. Okay?

How's that? Is it…

What the hell?


Ah! Jesus!

Oh God.

-Thank you. Thank you!

-Go put on safety gear.

You still got a lot to learn.

Baek Kang-hyuk!

What took you so long?

I've been all alone here.

Hey, listen.

-I need help.


You did very well.

Over here.

We need help over here.

Let's begin triaging.

And we're too close to the fire here.

You just arrived?

-You know how to use these?


-Mr. An?

-No, I have no idea.

What do I do with these?

When will the briefing start?

Now, now, now, all you reporters!

You can't be loitering here right now!

The entrance needs to be kept clear!

-The ambulance needs--

-Here comes the ambulance. Look!

Stop, stop. Stop, stop!

Get back! Get back! Stop!

Now, in order to transport

him inside safely,

we need to work together as one.

When the doors open,

you bring down the stretcher first.

-You too, Agnes. Okay.


And what about you?

I'll clear a path for you guys.

It's my specialty.

Let's open the doors on three.

-Let's go.


One, two, three.

Move aside. Get back now!

And as for this patient,

let's move him.


Careful, careful. Watch out.

Dr. Baek.

There's a company on the second floor

that refills oxygen tanks.

We should evacuate immediately.


If they end up exploding,

everybody here will be in danger.

We're almost done triaging,

so let's move the patients.

All right.

Rescue unit, start transporting patients!

Yes, sir.

Please move toward

the temporary shelter

that can be seen ahead.

Rescue unit, please ensure that transport

is as safe and quick as possible.

To all patients,

I know this must be difficult,

but try to keep moving.

-Hang the fluids and follow me out.


There's one patient left.

Baek Kang-hyuk!

Baek Kang-hyuk!

-Baek Kang--

-It's too dangerous!

-Are you okay?

-Dr. Baek!

Get the patient.

Rescue the patient first.

Dr. Baek.

Stay there.

Are you okay?

Dr. Baek.

This patient needs

to be intubated right away.


Make sure

to give him fluids too.

All right, all right, all right.

Mr. An, let's use the helicopter.

-All right. Let's go.


Mr. An!


Call the attending of the burn unit.

Yes, Dr. Baek.

Why? Something wrong?

Not up for surgery?

A fragment's lodged inside.

There's no bleeding, so it's

an internal organ burn.


Show me. Show me where.

Can you feel where I'm touching you, huh?

It must be tissue necrosis.

Baek Kang-hyuk!

Baek Kang-hyuk!


Jesus, it's been a really long day.

You're right. Feels like we've filmed

an entire movie today.

At least it's got a happy ending.

We should start prepping again though.

There'll be a rush of patients soon.

Oh, that's right. The fire.

Excuse me.

Yes, Dr. Han?

All right.


Uh, Jae-won, Jae-won. What's going on?

They're flying in a patient right now.

And it's…

Dr. Baek.

What are you talking about?

He's been injured… severely.

-Dr. Yang!

-Call anesthesiology.

-Emergency surgery!


If Dr. Baek is on the operating table,

who will perform the surgery?


is getting

really shallow.

-You understand?

-I know, I know.

Please don't try to speak.

Conserve your energy for now.

All right, I'll do my best to hold on.

It's progressing

so rapidly.

I understand. Here.

I'll give you a sedative. Hold on.


Not yet.

There's something

I need to tell Number One.

Hey! Quick, quick, quick! Quick!

-One, two, three.

-Dr. Baek? Dr. Baek.

-Go, go.


Come on.

Dr. Baek. Focus. Stay focused. Let's go.

-Dr. Baek! Oh no.


-Dr. Baek.

-Lie down here. Lie back.

Here, here, here.

Hey! Move, move, move, move! Hurry!

All right, let's go.

-Let's go. Let's go!

-Hey, wait.

Just a moment.

Number One.


-You can do it, right?


You decide.

It's your decision.


-I understand, Dr. Baek.

-Hurry! Let's go now!

-Let's go! Yes!

Let's go!


Quickly! Quickly!

At the end of this hallway…

is a crossroads.

For the last six months,

I've wrestled with it over and over.

This dilemma.

But now, once I turn that corner,

I must finally decide.

Where do we go from here?

Which direction?

Who will care for Dr. Baek?

Which way are we going?

Hey, we need to get a CT first!

Dr. Yang!

The CT room

to assess the patient's condition?

Dr. Yang!



What are you doing?

Or straight to

the operating room

so we don't miss the golden hour?

Snap out of it, Jae-won.

That decision…

must be made by the lead surgeon.

What are you doing, huh?

You're not getting a CT?

-Ah, Dr. Park.

-How did this happen?

-A piece of metal's lodged in his abdomen.

-Well, how deep is the injury?

I don't know.

It's inside his stomach.

If you don't know,

then why are you operating?

Dr. Baek needs a CT scan.

We're beginning surgery now.

Get ready.

We should know

how deep the wound is first.

One wrong move, and you'll k*ll Dr. Baek.

That's right.

-What he's saying is true, Dr. Yang.


We're going straight into surgery.

Trust me.

Dr. Yang.


Are you the surgeon here?

Now, now, let's not do this.

I'll call and see

if I can get another attending surgeon.

-So let's all just…

-No, you won't.

There's not enough time for that.

-I will perform this surgery.

-Oh God.

Dr. Yang,

should we start disinfecting?


We'll do it together.

Dr. Yang.

Dr. Han, I need your help.

All right, then. Fine.

Let's remove that hunk of metal.

Take care of the anesthetic.

I'll be right there after I scrub in.

Please, Doctor.

Let's each of us

do what we do best.

I really need you on this one.

Let's say I get the metal removed.

What about the periwound?

All right.

That decision

must be made by the lead surgeon.


Commencing… the operation.











Am I dead?



-Hi there.

You're finally here.

Why aren't you going in?

Ah, well, the lead surgeon

should always be first.


Dr. Baek.

You're okay, aren't you?

What happened

to the patient from the fire?

Uh, we worked with Dr. Park.

They were transferred from the burn unit

to the general ward.

Their prognosis is good too.

Who treated the others while I was out?

Uh, there've been a lot of

traffic accidents lately.

So there's a lot of orthopedics patients.

Dr. Im in Emergency Medicine

and Dr. Jung in Orthopedics helped.

There were no fatalities.

What's this?

What, Dr. Baek?

I see on the operative chart

you cut me open without a CT.

Oh, for… for your surgery?

You told me

that I should make the decisions myself.

We needed to operate right away and--


Tell me your thought process.

The condition of the patient.

You have to consider the actual condition

of a trauma patient,

not just what you study in class.

-At least, that's what you told me.

-What was my condition?

The heat was continuously spreading,

which could've led to

severe internal damage.

I determined that waiting would speed up

the damage and lead to liver failure.

Yeah. That's why I operated.

One-third of my liver…

That's what you took.

That's almost as much as

in a living donor organ transplant.

Yes, that's right.

You almost k*lled me, you little bastard.

But you're still alive.

That's true.

I'm sorry, Dr. Baek. Sorry.


You did very well.

Dr. Yang Jae-won.


Dr. Baek?

You said my name just now?


You've finally earned it.

-Well, f*ck.


f*ck yeah!

What's wrong? Huh?

What are you doing?

We should probably go in.

Why is he cursing suddenly?

What, what, what? What's going on, huh?

-Dr. Baek. Take it easy!

-Wow! Let's take a look.

Dr. Baek, are you okay?

Hey, we were all so worried about you!

Ah, goddammit!

Just shut up! We're in the ICU! Argh!

Oh. Careful, careful, careful.

Hearing him curse like that,

he's definitely still alive!

Everyone relax.

You've been through a lot, huh?

Dr. Baek, are you okay?

Yes. He's still alive.

-Please, everyone, just leave.

-All right.

Onto the next story.

The two heroes of South Sudan,

Captain Lee Hyeon-jong

and Dr. Baek Kang-hyuk,

continue to make headlines.

In a recent interview, Dr. Baek Kang-hyuk

stressed the need for medical helicopters

as a life-saving tool.

His sincere pleas have been met with

a very positive response from the public.

I work in the trauma center.

There, every moment

is a life-or-death matter.

A helicopter is a necessity.

Despite that, we're unable

to utilize a medical helicopter

due to budgetary constraints.

This policy

threatens the lives of our patients.

My hope is that you

will join me in transforming

the way we do business.

In response

to Dr. Baek Kang-hyuk's fervent plea

that a medical helicopter is needed

to treat patients within the golden hour,

various community groups

have released petitions

supporting the introduction

of these medical helicopters.

Public interest

has also grown significantly.

The government declared

they will expand the deployment

of medical helicopters nationwide

within the next three years.

And medical helicopters represent


We promise that we will

roll them out nationwide.

Some in the medical community

see this as a potential first step

toward developing an advanced

trauma treatment system

comparable to other developed countries.

Darling, you have a visitor.

So why haven't you been coming to work?

Were you hoping this would go away

if you simply avoided me

until the board meeting tomorrow?

What's this nonsense about a heliport

and a medical helicopter?

No matter how much noise you make,

you can't stop the emergency

board meeting.

The motion to rescind you

will be addressed tomorrow.

Director Choi.

Think about it.

If you fire me,

you'll face nationwide backlash.

Doesn't change the fact

that your appointment

was an obvious act of favoritism, right?


My reasoning is more than fair.

Come on, Director.

I can understand why you're doing this.

But I'm being honest with you.

Everything I do is for our patients--

Yes, and that's why

the National Rescue Unit

pledged its full support for this idea.

-So why aren't you satisfied?

-It's not enough.

You have certain conditions,

but we need access to deploy at night too.

Twenty-four-seven access? Seriously?

Huh? Trying to run our hospital

into the ground?

Do you think the board

will agree to that? Huh?

-Put it on the agenda. We can debate it.

-Hey, kid.

You… Just what the hell

are you trying to do here?

Why our hospital, of all places? Why?

Are you plotting with Director Oh

to ruin my life?


Why did I come here to work

at your hospital?

If you want the answer,

I need to start by telling you why

I became a doctor.

What are you talking about?


My father has passed away.

He was in a serious accident.

They went to several hospitals,

but no one would take him in.

And after driving around

and running out of options,

my father was declared dead

at this very hospital.

That day,

his doctor

didn't give up until the very end.

Even well past golden hour.

14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.

21, 22…


I decided then and there

that I would become a doctor too.

Just like that man.

I wanted to become a doctor just like you.

Like the one you were

24 years ago.

The one who worked tirelessly

to save his patients.

But where is that doctor now?




-Okay, everyone's here, right?

-Yes, sir.

Wait. It's fine to take pictures,

but don't stand too close to it.

It's still brand-new, okay?

-The reporters are here?


Director Choi.

Hey! Director Choi.

Oh my. Oh, Director Choi.

Was yours also a gift from Dr. Baek?

Yes, it was.

We should smile. Everyone's happy.

-Hi. Hello everyone.

-Gosh. Here comes Minister Kang.

So here we are!

Yes! Thank you for making the trip

and coming all this way.

I wouldn't miss it.

But where is Dr. Baek?

-Ah, Dr. Baek?


He didn't want to miss

the Surgical Society's autumn conference.

That's where he is, Minister.

-Hopefully, we'll see him.

-It's a pleasure.

-Thank you.


-Take a seat.

-Right this way.

Looks like you planned matching outfits

for this occasion.

-Take a seat. Don't worry.

-Thank you.

-Oh, hello.




Why have you all applied

to surgical departments?

It's because you want to be on

the front lines of saving lives, right?

But you aren't gonna find that front line

in just any department.

And that is why I am here today.

These applications are for

the trauma surgery department.

Here. They include proposals

to improve the working conditions

for future staff at the trauma center.

Read it carefully.

If you're willing to spend five

to six years slogging under my direction,

maybe then you can become

my second or third in command.

And within the next three years,

we're planning to

establish a trauma center

in every local government area.

But you don't know for sure?

Nothing is confirmed?

Son of a…

Dr. Baek, it's hopeless.


These kids couldn't save anyone.

Every second counts in the trauma center.

They'll end up losing their patients

if they hesitate like this.

Leave. Go.

All right, just go. Get out of here.

I have a question.



Uh, you're Seo Dong-ju

from South Sudan, is that right?

So what will happen

if I join the trauma center?


-You see here, we have various changes--

-Not that.

I meant, what could I accomplish

by working with you there?

That's what I was asking.

You'll be able to save lives.

And isn't that what being a doctor

is all about?

This is an opportunity

to become real life-saving doctors.

However, only for the first 50 who apply.

Nice to meet you,

Number Two.

"Number Two"?


The Hankuk National

University Hospital Trauma Center's

new helicopter is a technological marvel

made by the Italian manufacturer


The helicopter is even safe

to fly in the dark,

enabling us to reach our patients

day or night.

And so, finally,

we have the advanced equipment we need

to provide specialized treatment

to our patients--


My apologies for being late.

Welcome, Dr. Baek. Hi. Hello.

Oh, uh, hold on, everyone.

Baek Kang-hyuk has arrived.

Look at him. So dramatic.

Yeah, it's a serious medical condition.

-I still have some left to go.

-Just a moment.

Step aside.

Oh, and about the biography

you're writing…

maybe you should get his permission first.

His permission?

No, no.

Oh, don't worry. I changed his name,

and I'm releasing it as a web serial.

It's going online next week.


I'm Baek Kang-hyuk. Welcome, everyone.

Now, I don't usually make

public appearances like this.

However, there's something

I felt I had to address.

What does our trauma center stand for,

and what's its actual role here?

That is an important question.

Excuse me.



Ah, shall I say a few words?

Yes, Mr. An.

-All right. We'll take off right away.

-Take off?

Actually, I think

I can keep the answer short.

We here believe that

the trauma center is important.

Jae-won, let's go.

-Yes, Dr. Baek.

-Let's prepare an OR.

-Dr. Gyeong-won!

-Hurry off to the OR.

It appears

an emergency situation has arisen.

The helicopter's gonna take off!

Move the chairs that way!

Otherwise, everything will get blown away.

Grab that. Grab that! Come on.

Is the helicopter cleared to fly yet?

Is this a good idea?

Are you even allowed to fly it?

Has it passed the safety checks?

This isn't on me. I don't know.

Don't do this!

Dr. Yang,

you okay with helicopter rides now?

"Dr. Yang" doesn't sound right.

Let's stick to "Number One"

until we have a Number Five.

-Really? All right, Anus.

-Anus? That's not what I meant.

It's good to be reminded of

where we started, right?

-Don't you think, Anus?

-Dr. Yang is fine. Yes.

-Let's go with Dr. Yang.

-All right, Dr. Anus.

Now, let's go.




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