01x01 - Episode 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Eastern Gate". Aired: January 31, 2025.*
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After a personal tragedy, Polish intelligence agent Ewa Oginiec plans to quit the service. Her world is shaken when her partner vanishes following exposure by Russian operatives.
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01x01 - Episode 1

Post by bunniefuu »




IN 2021, THE THREAT OF w*r

I'll help you.

It's okay.

Let's go.
-There we go.

long may she live

long may she live

long may Kalinka live
in glory

in gloria, in gloria

Congratulations, Kalinka.
-Many more years to come.

First, make a wish.

Got it?


Be careful, it may come out.
-Come on.


And now...

It's going to be delicious.

Who goes first?

Calm down. There is enough for everyone.

Even for a few seconds.

Is this piece big enough?

Do you need help, Consul?
-Thank you, Inka.



I'm glad you'll finally
meet my mother.

I am also happy.


What do you know about her?

Yuliya Petrova.

Studied literature in Riga.

Russian father and Latvian mother.

Welcome to our humble cottage.

Ma, Pa, this is my beloved Yuliya.

Pleased to meet you.

Thirty Years Together is a great success.

People in love know no time.

Am I right, dear?
-Yes, definitely.

Here are our hosts.

Tamara, Nikolaj.

May I have a word with you?

Excuse us.

Vladimir Avayev.

His wealth is estimated
at $15.4 billion.

Gas? Oil?
-The latter.

All the guests here are such types.

Who was that?


They say she was the mistress
Of you-know-who.

And that man?

The bald one?

General Kozlov.

Deputy head
at the Belarusian KGB.

And supporter of
a new Greater Russia.

Russia had Bulgakov and Dostoevsky.

Not to mention
Tchaikovsky and Kandinsky.

We can list names endlessly.

And who has the West?

Jack Kerouac?

Or Andy Warhol?

Since when is a picture
of a tomato soup can is a work of art?

You are right, general.

You studied literature, right?

-Where then?

At the University of Riga.

So you probably have
your own opinion...

about the superiority of the East?



Is this a banquet or a hearing?

I am happy to answer.

I don't eat canned tomato soup.

That's why I don't hang one on my wall.

When it comes to differences
between us and them...

Excuse me.

Our culture has existed for a thousand years.

They only have 120 years of electricity.

You passed.

Let's raise a glass...

On my wife.

The most beautiful woman
in the world of nuclear engineering.

There are only a few of us.

Hence the competition.

Enjoy the night.

In a few minutes
there will be fireworks in the garden.

Come out.

Losha, there you are.

You had promised to write
when you got back from Paris.

I was waiting.
-I was busy.

Yes, I see that.

I'm going to look for something stronger.

Then you can talk.

You look good.

If you hear me, tap twice.


Safety word...

It is hot here.

Just say the word and we'll come get you.

What a beautiful house.

It is not easy
to find a toilet.

My son told me about you.

Good things, I hope.

What my son says doesn't matter much.

He has a weak character.

He looks like his father.

He spoiled him with all his money.

Today he says one thing,
tomorrow another.

Want to know a secret?

Not one that I have to keep secret.

No, you deserve better.

He will soon tire of your beauty.

And your eyes are too beautiful to cry.

And the bathroom is that way.

But don't be late,
or you'll miss the fireworks.

I never tire of
On your beauty.

I'll take you out to dinner after the performance.
Now concentrate.

The door on the right.

Is she in the office?

We have visibility.


I was looking for you.

I wanted to be alone for a while.

There is nothing going on between Polina and me.

She doesn't seem to agree.

We had drunken sex once
and that was it.

Maybe it meant
something to her.

Calm down.

Listen to me.

She is history. And you...

are the future.

But it is your mother's office.

I know.

Who the hell are you?

Put it this way.


Put it this way.

Who the hell are you?

Who do you work for?

Ewa, say the damn stop word.

You're dead, whore.

Dear friends.

Not all men can say
that they have been married for thirty years.

Because not every woman has that much patience.

Adjust the glasses and run.
They will be back soon.

Wasn't the champagne delicious?

She is quite drunk.

Congratulations, Ms. Oginiec.

Give me the first-aid kit.

Did you have a good time?

Ewa, what is it?


We need to report this.

They will send someone.

You don't get to make decisions.

I'm pregnant, Skiner. It's yours.

First hospital on our side?
-Braniewo. Seventy kilometers.


We finally got the images
of the glasses in.



Go get some coffee. I need two.


How is my wife?

I brought her last night
After a seizure.

My wife...

came back from her friend
and I would...

meeting her.
-I informed the police.

Of course,
just tell her she's okay, please.

She lost a lot of blood.

And the baby?

I'm sorry.

Another thing.



How's it going?



I spoke to the doctor...
-When can I go to work?


The doctor said
You can't have any more children.

Did he say when I can leave here?

You can go. Thank you.

Fix that police thing.

And return to headquarters.

My sincere condolences.

The su1c1de of a child is always
a tremendous tragedy for the parents.

He was your son.

Why did he do it?

Why did he commit su1c1de?

What for?

Give my husband some tranquilizers.

I checked.

She didn't come home again.

She disappeared into thin air.



There is a problem.

This one goes first.

Niedzwiecka. I heard.

That's unfortunate.

She was a good consul.

On the seventh birthday
of her infant daughter.

Would you like some water?
-No, thank you.

Did anyone help her?

She would never think of it herself.

Since the annexation of Crimea
there have been cases

Get to the point, Lange.

This is the Polish-Belarusian border
at the Suwalki Gorge.

I know what the hell that is.

These are images from two weeks ago.

And that applies from now on.

It seems that the Russians and Belarusians are
are planning maneuvers.

They have two complete
tactical battalions...

from the interior of Russia.

Here, on the strip of no man's land
with the illegal migration camps

of Syrians and Iraqis,
new ones arrive.

And now, Niedzwiecka ...

Too many coincidences.

We need to send our people to Minsk.

We have people in Minsk.

But, we also have a mole there.

And now that Niedzwiecka's position is vacant....

When provocation occurs.

before NATO meets,
the Russians take over Siedlce ...

and we are the suckers
who couldn't prevent the w*r.

If you f*ck this up,
I'll drop you.

Do you have people ready to do it?

-I was going to call you.

You could pick up the phone.
-She had no choice.

How is she doing?

He beat her up.

She needs a few days.

I will send both of you to Minsk.

Ewa confessed.
-Tamara Sorokina reported a su1c1de....

And no m*rder of her son.
Ewa is not to blame.

Ewa can't do it now.
Let's wait.

No, you go alone, Ewa goes with you.

You have to find
find the mole in the embassy.

I haven't seen them in five years.

But it's your only family.
-which I haven't seen in five years.

Why are you sending me there?

Are you still there for me?

Your nephew is in trouble.

What next?

Helping refugees at the border.

There is an informant in Minsk.
The same one who gave us Kaliningrad.

He knows who is working for the Russians
in our embassy.

When do we go?

I go there as a businessman.

I'll meet him to find out more
And then I'll come and get you.


What are you doing here?

Nice to see you, too.

And the dean considered it
as exceptional circumstances

and made an offer
that I could not refuse, a leave of absence.

Already in your first year.
-Luckily, you weren't expelled from school.

This man seems to be very insecure
or has self-esteem problems.

Did you throw paint on his car?

He earned that.

Being dean does not give you the right
to harass female students.

So you're studying law
but don't believe in it.

You take matters into your own hands.

What did you come for?


She never took no notice of us.

She must be feeling the pressure.



Let's hope it's not
in Russian.

God damn.

The icon of Our Lady
Of Czestochowa.

It stopped the Swedish deluge,
maybe it will also help against the Russians.


Ready to exchange?


Here come our heroes.

Untie it.

Damn it, Lange, are you sure?

Skopintsev is worth more
than all of our people combined.

Poland wanted to release its opposition members.

After months of deliberation
it finally worked out.

Don't whine.

Don't make me laugh.


Let me light a cigarette.

In any case, they let Drawicz go.

I stay.

You are only safe in Poland.

I know.
But I have to get back to my wife.

I understand, but this way
you put her and yourself in danger.

I will protect her.

We are taking her back to Poland.

But I have to...


What an idiot.

We are leaving.

The party is over. Back to Minsk.

Up to Warsaw.

I confirm that the activist Jan Drawicz
of the Polish Union

has been released.

He was unjustly imprisoned.

He was falsely accused ...

Of inciting hatred
and glorification of n*zi ideology.

The release of Drawicz is...

a great success
for Polish diplomacy.


The coffee is ready. Get the cups.

On the shelf.

Then help me mix the paint.

I don't know how.

You'll learn that.


You cross the border at Terespol.

The contact person at the embassy
is Lena Jankulowska.

Does she belong to us?

Tell her I sent you
And she will help you.

And this is the informant.

From the Caucasus?


They call him Golem.

Heroin and underage Asian
girls for the FSB and KGB.

Money makes him talkative.

When Ewa is back on her feet,
you will work together.

Good luck.

The U.S.
intelligence claims.

That Russia is funding far-right parties
in Europe is funding.

Their task is to undermine unity within the EU
and NATO.

Moscow is using its influence to lobby
for the lifting of sanctions ...

that were imposed
after the annexation of Crimea....

and mitigate the effects of their international


Everything is prepared.
I have blankets and food.


Record it.

I told you they are here.

How are you doing?
Are you letting your pets out?

Quiet, gentlemen.
We don't want any trouble.

We leave like this.
-Are they going back home?

Are you helping the browns?

f*ck off.


You k*ll him.


So you dropped out of college
to save refugees?

So what?

Should I pretend
as if nothing is wrong?

Do you know how many people have already
have disappeared at the border?

How many perished?

No, but you're probably going to tell me.

You pretend to be cold,
but you're not.

You should know.

What about you?

Will you save the world
by transporting refugees?

Or to feel better about yourself?

And you beat them off just like that
Or was that because of your own problems?



You are confusing me with someone else.

We had made an appointment.


You are not my type.


Mom said you are coming to stay with us.

You can't stand me, can you?

No, it's cool.
We're going to beat up fascists together.

That's not funny.

Check it out.

What if I bring it back?
-Go ahead.

I told you she would be back soon.

Good morning.

-Then I take it back....

It was delicious.

Honey, come help me in the kitchen.

You are going to Minsk.

Our consul committed su1c1de.
You are replacing her.

You have to track down the mole in our embassy.

So that the Russians don't use them
for a false flag.

Tell me you understand.

I understand.

Where is Skiner?

We never leave our boys behind.

Tonight will be fine.

Show yourself, as*h*le.

Do your thing.

We'll find him.
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