Hello. Stellar Industries does
not share my vision of the future.
People are buying everything
he's betting on.
- The Fontanelli Army.
- Things are going to change.
John needs your help.
He can't do it without you.
I don't want to sit
at the table with those people
and talk about holdings!
Screw them!
I wanna kick their asses!
Who helped you? Was it Elena?
Who the hell is Elena?
- She is the devil.
You're fighting against the
entire world. Don't you get it?
And now I will destroy you!
John, Hellstroem has disappeared.
- What?
- You're on the right path.
But you have to go all the way now.
Who is this woman?
- She's like a ghost.
And her jeton to sit at the table
was Luc Fontanelli.
Zia, is it going to get bad?
It has to get bad.
It's the only way, Hedda.
I know where to find her.
- That's her.
- Elena Vacchi.
- My God.
- Elena Vacchi is my grandfather's sister.
Go, go, go!
Go, go, go!
What is it?
I don't know, man.
The engine's busted.
They hit the gas t*nk.
Hey, hey.
Get the first aid kit!
Take my g*n.
It's in the car.
- There is no first aid kit.
- We need to get help.
We'll get help. You'll make it.
You have to go east.
You have to get off the road.
No, no.
No. You'll make it, okay?
Don't mess around, I need you!
The sun...
You have to keep the sun
on your back, John.
You'll save the world.
I know it.
We have to go, man.
John, we have to go now.
- We have to go now.
- We can't leave him like this!
We gotta go.
Otherwise, they'll find us.
I'm not coming with you.
I'm going to go back to the house.
What...? What are you gonna do?
I'm going to wait for her.
Are you crazy, man?
We're wanted by the police.
No, you are.
No one gives a shit about me.
I do.
I need to know if it's true.
My mother.
If she had her k*lled.
And then what?
If it's true, John,
I can't let her get away with it.
He's right.
You need to save the world.
But I need to do this.
Don't pull any crap.
Thank you.
Take care.
You too.
The ECB is ready to do whatever
it takes to preserve the euro.
Your call is not available.
- Was it John on the phone?
- No, I couldn't reach him. Why?
What happened?
- Didn't you hear about it?
- About what?
They found Hellstroem
on the coast. He's...
He's dead.
Now they're looking for John.
- Why John?
- He's the last one who...
Who saw him alive.
As you all may have heard,
our CEO, John Fontanelli
went missing in Algeria,
and he's also wanted around the globe
as a suspect in a m*rder case.
This means, in the upcoming weeks
our enterprise will be
sailing in pretty stormy seas.
Therefore, let me introduce
our new head of security,
Mr. Kasper de Vlught.
He and his team
will be watching after us from now on.
And we've already started a
search in Algeria to find John.
So back to work, everyone.
Can you take care of this?
What the hell?
Malcolm, did you see that?
Markets are falling rapidly in Africa.
The disappearance of Stellar Industries'
majority owner John Fontanelli
led to panic selling of Stellar stocks.
This bank run
has put national institutions
in the Global South
under severe pressure.
Successive failures of
major financial institutions
in overindebted countries
has led to bank closures.
In Cairo, people took to the streets
after weekly wage payment
has been deferred
due to the sudden close
of all major banks.
Local authorities responded with force.
In the v*olence, two people were k*lled,
and at least seven were injured.
No, no, no. This is just the beginning.
See what happened in Egypt?
We're expecting
worldwide contagion effects.
This is going to spread out to Asia, Europe,
and the US in the next couple of days.
I talked to the others. No one
is willing to step in at this point.
In fact, they're all desperately looking,
for a safe haven for their assets.
Listen, we need the G20
to set up a rescue fund, okay?
And in Morocco, authorities there
have introduced capital controls
to regulate cash flow.
PP, the biggest opposition party
is demanding the king's abdication.
Experts agree that
the trigger of the crisis
has been the takeover of
Stellar Industries by John Fontanelli,
who overpaid Stellar shares
by almost 80 percent,
and with this,
he destabilized the market.
I'm paying $527 per share.
That's 80 percent more
than the current share price
when I started my financial involvement
with Stellar Industries.
Hey! Stop!
The country is currently facing
extreme financial crisis.
- In the absence of...
- Hello?
- Out!
- No, no. No.
Out of my shop!
- Business.
- Go!
Business. I want to do business.
- Put the watch on the table.
- I want to...
To show you something.
Patek Philippe. Very expensive.
Expensive watch.
No money.
No money.
For my phone.
- A charger?
- Energy.
- Charger. Charger.
- Energy. Yes.
We are in the worst financial
crisis we have ever faced.
Even central banks
can no longer calm the markets.
We have to realize this.
So what can we do?
We have to set up a rescue fund
before the stock markets
will open again tomorrow.
Otherwise, it will end in a catastrophe.
Yes, we know all of that.
And we are ready to participate.
Excuse me for a moment.
- But it can't be just up to us.
- John? Where have you been?
- I mean, what are you willing to give?
- Are you still in Algeria?
Hello? Can you hear me?
John, where are you?
- Benetti's dead.
- What?
What happened?
Are you hurt?
The police that tried to k*ll me...
they shot him.
- What's going on?
- It's John.
Is he okay?
- The police tried to k*ll him.
- What?
John, where are you?
Béni Saf... I don't know
how to pronounce it.
No, where exactly are you?
- I don't know.
- Marvin is in Algeria with Benetti's people.
- They are looking for you.
- What's happening?
John, the financial system is collapsing.
What? Where?
- In Algeria?
- No, everywhere.
All over the world.
Now listen to me.
I need you to stay safe.
Marvin is coming for you,
but keep your phone on, okay?
My battery is screwed.
- I'm in a shop.
- Then stay right there.
Just send me your location.
I'm calling Marvin.
We need to get back to the G20.
I know, I know. I will be back
I will be back there, but just...
But where the hell
has he been all this time?
Later. Can we do this later?
- I need to make this call.
- Okay, I'll do this.
All right.
Can you turn it up?
Renowned trillionaire John Fontanelli,
head of Fontanelli Enterprises
appears to be connected to a crime.
Now, John Fontanelli
is still eluding arrest.
The trillionaire is suspected of having
m*rder*d entrepreneur Morten Hellstroem.
Fontanelli's disappearance
has triggered a worldwide
stock market crash.
His massive investments have
previously driven the market to new highs.
The planned acquisition of
Stellar Industries in particular
fueled stock markets around the world.
Now, share prices are in free fall.
John Fontanelli has now been
missing for some days.
No, no, no.
I have nothing to do with it.
- It's a lie! It's a lie!
- Stop! don't touch the wire!
Another day of nationwide bank closures.
Prices for food, petrol,
and electricity skyrocketed.
Police forces have quit
their jobs in vast numbers
after salaries have not been yet paid.
We're seeing contagion effects
of the financial crisis all over Africa.
Leave him alone!
You have decided to take on
a great responsibility.
How you save the world...
you have to find out for yourself.
Wait, I think he's awake now.
Here, it's...
It's Franca.
John, Malcolm is here.
He's listening.
Hello, John.
It's happening. He was right.
Giacomo Fontanelli.
The prophecy.
I saw wars in which men fell upon
the land, and devastated everything.
The sun itself was hurled down
upon the enemy.
What's that? Is this the will?
And everything froze
in fear of that power.
And fear came over me
that a w*r might break out
that could destroy the Earth itself.
So powerful had man become.
He predicted everything.
All the chaos.
That there will be w*r.
John, you mustn't take it literally.
But we blew up the stock market!
Especially with the takeover.
You always warned me it was wrong, but...
- It's all my fault.
- John, John.
We have other problems now than
worrying about who's to blame.
Your disappearance triggered
a global financial crisis.
Stock markets have plummeted
up to 60 percent.
Countless banks are insolvent,
and interbank trading
has almost dried up completely.
If this continues, there will be
a financial meltdown.
The G20 wants to put up a
gigantic rescue umbrella, okay?
All the big banks will pay in,
and so will we.
We're working on that.
But what you do now is critical.
When will you get there?
We need about four hours.
I need you to listen to me now.
Be absolutely honest.
Did you have anything to do
with Hellstroem's death?
- No.
- Turn yourself in to the police.
There's a video from a surveillance camera
showing you arguing with Hellstroem.
You have to tell people you're innocent.
The markets open again in 10 hours.
The rescue package has to be in place.
But it won't do any good
- if markets don't calm down.
- Franca?
People believed in you.
Franca? Franca?
How much are we paying
into the bailout fund?
One ninety billion.
Then why isn't it up yet?
One eighty is still missing.
Then we have to take it from here.
The negotiations are still on.
No. No, no.
No, listen.
That's not enough. If it doesn't
work out, we have to take care of this.
You have to promise me.
I know what my task is now.
The heir will save the world,
not in 20 years or 30 years.
It's now.
Do you understand?
We have to stop this.
Promise me.
I promise.
Thank you.
As soon as I'm in Berlin
I'm gonna turn myself in to the police.
No, no, no.
As soon as you land our lawyers
will pick you up at the airport
and escort you to the police.
Do it.
- Do it.
- Okay, bye.
You're not really
going to do this, are you?
I promised him.
Hi, Mila.
Can you set up a meeting, please?
Yes, right now. We've decided.
Thank you.
The bailout is supposed to build trust.
If no one else pays in,
the others don't believe in it.
- It's his money.
- He's in shock.
What's happening is not a coincidence.
What do you mean?
There are flash crashes
happening constantly.
The market crashed
after John disappeared.
Yes, but as soon
as the crashes bottom out,
then a new one starts again,
and like this, over and over again
like out of nowhere.
Because there was no confidence
in the market.
Really, though?
I looked at it.
Every time the market calms down,
then it collapses again,
for a few minutes,
but long enough
to create panic and chaos.
I compared it
with the flash crashes of 2010.
It has the same exact pattern.
- You mean the British trader?
- Yeah.
Who would want to do something like that?
The woman who spoke with me.
The same one who gave us
Cassidy's number.
She is the one
who also coached the Frenchman.
They thought he would've
inherited instead of John.
She's a Vacchi.
Elena Vacchi.
She's my grandfather's sister.
I thought she was dead.
Disappeared in Brazil somewhere.
But no, obviously not.
She's alive, and...
And she's a Weerter.
- Why would she have done that?
- She used us.
She wanted us to invest all the money
into the stock market.
Never before has so much money
pumped into the market
in such a short period of time.
One trillion dollars?
A gigantic financial bubble.
- Hi, Mila?
- Hello.
Hi. What are you doing?
It's a pity you two never really
got to know each other.
She's brilliant.
She was my teacher
in university and in life.
I accompanied her to the other side.
She's very proud of you.
Don't resist. Please.
Please don't resist.
- ...left of the runway.
- Roger that.
You need to change, please.
We drafted a statement on your behalf,
which we'll publish later today.
Read it, in case you have any comments.
Why are you torpedoing
the G20 negotiations?
Your people are blocking
the bailout resolution.
With your trillion you could easily
spare 190 billion don't you think?
You're participating?
Not if you don't pay anything.
You caused the crisis.
I'll pay everything if necessary.
What the hell are you talking about?
Then you should talk to your people.
Very quickly.
They're pulling out as we speak.
They're not.
What is this about, huh?
Do you even realize
what's happening right now?
The Tokyo Stock Exchange
opens in four hours.
We have to meet as long
as we still have the chance.
I've spoken to the others.
The other Weerters?
Our package is 160 billion,
plus your 190.
The rest comes from
the other banks and the G20.
We can calm the markets with that.
I'm in Berlin.
I have to get back to Paris
in three hours at the latest.
I'll send you the meeting points.
"Bailout fund failed,
G20 cancel negotiations."
Hi, you've reached Franca Vacchi.
I can't...
We'll be there in a moment.
- Stop the car.
- We can't. They're expecting you.
I don't give a shit.
Stop the car!
Stay here!
No way.
Why did you let him get away?
- He just took off.
- So call the police.
- Shutdown!
- Shit.
- Where is he?
- He ran off.
Shit, we can't access
the servers without him.
Why not? You guys are hackers.
Hack that shit back on.
Come on, you can do it!
Come on!
Hello, Franca.
I'm sorry Malcolm hurt you.
- Malcolm works for you.
- He works for us.
We all have the same goal.
No. You've been using us.
You know, I was in the Amazon
for a long time.
With the Yanomami.
They have no privileges,
no property.
It's absurd to think
we could all live like that.
Do you seriously think
we can exist like this in the long run?
That's why we want to change the world.
Not destroy it.
This system will collapse,
one way or another,
even if we don't do anything.
Better now, while we still have room
for something new.
What do you want that system to be?
After this crash,
everyone will realize
how sick everything is.
They'll want to live differently.
And we will enable them to do so.
With an alternative currency system.
Digital money
that loses value
every day you don't spend it.
No more obscene wealth, no more
concentration of power
or extreme inequality.
It will be an economy
in which people
take only what they need to live.
I need you.
You have to convince John.
He's locked down the servers.
Tell me...
what do the Weerters
have to say about your plan?
The Weerters have no clue.
Their only objective all these years
has been to get more.
I helped them with that.
help me.
It's time.
Call John.
Hi, John.
Where's Franca?
You broke off the negotiations.
What are you doing?
- Where's Franca?
- John...
You want to do the right thing.
That's laudable.
But that's not enough, John.
To do the right thing, you have
to know what it is first.
Help me.
Unlock the servers.
Please, I'm begging you.
Where is Franca?
John. You've done everything
right up to this point.
Really. We're thrilled.
Who's "we"?
John, I don't want to quarrel with you.
Let's finish this together.
Please, unlock the servers.
- Who's "we"?
- John.
I'm begging you.
Please do the right thing.
We're so close, John. So close.
I need to know
where Franca is! Got that?
Turn on...
- Where is Franca?
- John, please.
I need his face.
Keep his face still, please.
What's the code?
- I forgot.
- No.
Guess I'm just a stupid
bike messenger after all.
You don't want it any other way.
Take him over there.
What are you up to, Malcolm?
- Franca!
- John!
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
- What's going on?
- He is working with Elena.
They want to destroy the financial market.
They are crazy.
I'll ask you one last time.
What's the code?
No. No.
Malcolm, let her go.
Or you'll get nothing from me!
Okay, you wanted it this way.
You wanted it.
- No.
- No.
No, Malcolm.
Don't give it to him.
Do not give it to him.
- Malcolm, stop this shit.
- Nine.
He's gonna sell our shares.
It's half a trillion, John.
You can't do this, man!
We want to change things, too!
But that takes time!
Transformation processes take time!
No! No!
You pig!
Always parroting what others say!
You have no idea
what you're talking about.
I worked on Wall Street for 20 years.
Know what their favorite word
was there? "Transformation"!
Everything transforms,
everything flows, moves.
That's their trick.
But it's not like that.
People have lost their roots.
Everything's dissolving.
Traditions, social environments, culture.
Bonds between people, love.
The only thing left
is money, money, money.
Which keeps accumulating
and accumulating.
- Seven.
- But it worked!
Get him up.
We put on a show.
Just a little hot air.
You can't save the world
with one trillion.
Anything that goes into the system
stabilizes it.
If you want to save the world,
you need to destroy the system.
A trillion in one hand
is like a pile of expl*sives.
We split it up
into many small packages,
and placed them all over the world.
And when the stock markets reopen,
we'll press the detonator.
And then, boom.
What's left of the financial
system will be ashes. Forever.
And then you'll have saved the world.
- No.
- Six.
- Malcolm, please.
- Five.
Don't worry about me.
Don't give it to him.
- Two.
- Don't give it to him.
- One.
- I'll give you the password!
Okay. So?
Two, three,
zero, nine...
one, five...
- two, three.
- Why?
- Why?
- Okay.
Okay, Hedda?
- Yeah, it's running again.
- All right.
- Take her.
- Why?
She needs a doctor!
She needs a doctor, Malcolm!
Malcolm, she needs a doctor!
Get them out of here.
- I promised them...
- Franca!
Okay, let's go.
- John.
- She needs a doctor!
She'll bleed to death, you assholes!
b*stards! Damn it!
They've been planning this for ages.
They used the Weerters to
manipulate the financial market.
Oh, sorry. I'm sorry.
They're gonna destroy everything.
Why did you give him the code?
- Why have you done that?
- Because I don't wanna lose you!
We started this together, we'll
finish this together, all right?
All right?
The Tokyo Stock Exchange
will open in three hours
and then, McCaine will sell everything.
- It's over, John.
- I don't care about that right now.
I just need to get you to the hospital.
No, you have to save the world.
I don't want to live
in that world without you.
Really? Why not?
Because I love you. That's why.
I love you too.
I love you too.
It's gonna be all right, okay?
It's gonna be all right.
It's gonna be all right.
Where are we going?
Where are we going?
Where are we going?
I'm so sorry. I didn't mean
for any of this shit to happen.
I wanted to help
change things for the better.
Not k*ll people.
I'm going to cut you loose, okay?
- We have to stop her bleeding.
- Right. I'm so sorry.
Okay. Okay.
Here, take this. Take this.
We have to put pressure on.
Put pressure on.
- Yeah.
- Come on.
It's okay. Okay.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Check if the back is clear.
Listen, if Malcolm sells everything,
the prices will drop, right?
But if there are buyers, they
will go up again, won't they?
Yes. Yes.
But who's gonna do that?
You don't have access
to your money anymore.
I spoke to Monet.
He's in Berlin.
He wanted to pay
into the bailout fund too.
He and the other Weerters.
They have enough money to stop McCaine.
That's it.
You have to go to Monet.
She will drive me. Right?
- You go.
- Are you sure?
- Are you sure?
- Just go.
- Just go.
- Okay.
- Don't let her die.
- I'm not going to.
Listen, my name is John Fontanelli.
Mr. Monet is expecting me.
Monet! I'm here.
You're too late.
There will be no bailout fund.
The negotiations have failed.
We didn't break them off!
It was McCaine behind our back!
Don't blame others.
Everything that's going to happen now
is your responsibility.
No one else's.
No, but let's talk. Okay?
Let's talk.
Elena Vacchi, you know her, don't you?
McCaine and her,
they're working together.
Did you hear that?
Let him in.
Listen, McCaine and Elena, they
want to destroy the financial system.
Elena Vacchi used you.
Everything she has done in
your name, for the Weerters,
she's done to destabilize
the financial system.
Right now, Malcolm
is about to sell everything.
All the stock we have, everything.
You have to buy them.
You and the others, you have no choice.
Listen to me, man!
If you don't do it, then the whole market
will collapse, and that's it, for you too.
Then all your damn money
will be of no use.
I didn't spend the last decades
making the rich get richer.
That was you and your damn friends.
That's enough. Get him out.
Hey, hey, hey.
Calm down. Calm down.
I'm sorry.
I don't want to hurt anybody, okay?
- Okay?
- John, it's fine.
Calm down, put the g*n down
and we'll talk, okay?
We have to stop this.
If not, hundreds of thousands will die.
Supply chains will collapse,
people will go hungry,
medicines will be lacking,
w*r, suffering, destruction.
That's what the prophecy's really saying.
And that's what we're facing, right now.
Is that what you want?
sh**t me?
It's actually happening, everywhere.
- All over the world.
- I'm listening to you.
Put the g*n down and we'll talk.
How could we end up like this?
You k*lled my mother.
Who told you that?
How can printed paper
thrust us into chaos like this?
Only because we allowed it to happen.
So, it's true.
We had time.
We had all the opportunities,
but we didn't make any use of them.
And now we're in this situation.
But we can still change it.
If we ourselves are willing to change.
Go ahead. sh**t.
I'm begging you.
Stop this from happening.
You have enough money.
The Weerters have enough money.
But it's not over yet.
We have a job to finish.
You're our only chance.
and you.
You'll save the world.
You have the power
to change people's lives.
You'll save the world.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I don't want to hurt anybody, okay?
John. Calm down.
Put the g*n down.
Thousands will die. Millions.
Listen to me, man!
How did we end up like this?
How can printed paper thrust us
into chaos like this?
Only because we allowed it to happen.
We had time.
We had all the opportunities.
You're our only chance.
Stop this from happening.
I'm begging you.
But we can still change it.
Everywhere, all over the world.
How did we end up like this?
We can still change.
Stop this from happening.
We can still change.
We're in this situation.
I don't wanna hurt anybody, okay?
How can printed paper
thrust us into chaos?
I don't wanna hurt anybody, okay?
We had all the opportunities.
Only because we allowed it to happen
How did we end up like this?
We can still change it.
We can still change it.
01x06 - Episode 6
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John works as a bicycle courier in Berlin. Although his job is poorly paid, he likes the freedom that comes with it. One day he receives the news that he is the sole heir to a fortune invested over 500 years ago. Over time, this has grown to over a trillion dollars through interest and compound interest.
John works as a bicycle courier in Berlin. Although his job is poorly paid, he likes the freedom that comes with it. One day he receives the news that he is the sole heir to a fortune invested over 500 years ago. Over time, this has grown to over a trillion dollars through interest and compound interest.