02x04 - Gozo

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Good Ship m*rder". Aired: 13 October 2023 – present.*
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Former police detective Jack Grayling finds his old life intruding on his job as a cruise ship singer, when murders begin happening onboard.
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02x04 - Gozo

Post by bunniefuu »


JACK: Feels like I've been scouted.
Oh, you absolutely have.

I mean, seriously,

you'd stand out in any crowd
with a face like yours, darling.

But let's be honest,

the bar is so low,
we'd have to limbo.

Look at the state
of some of these norms.

How do they live with themselves?
Happily, I imagine.

Meet the man himself - Tony Tong.

JAMIL: Hi. Your drink, sir.

Are you kidding me? I said ice-cold!

Yes. I will get you a new one.


This is Jack Grayling.
Isn't he adorable?

I've seen your face.
It's all over the ship.

Does that mean I'm famous too?

I thought we could dangle
a bangle or two his way.

What Peaches wants, Peaches gets.

Oh, ho-ho!

OK, I'm trying to play it cool,

but that is honestly the first time
I've landed a 30.

Over to you, Scott,

and you just holler if you want
another masterclass, all right?

Another beautiful day in paradise.

It is.


Oh, my God.

I think my stomach
just swallowed my heart.

Did you just serve
who I think you did?

What, Jacuzzi Man?

Jacuzzi Man?
Oh, Jamil, you are hilarious.


That's Tony Tong.
Over two million followers online.


Maybe I've been at sea too long.

Yeah, one of the cleaners
said he was on board,

but I didn't believe it.

Apparently, he's throwing
some mad VIP party when we dock.

His parties are THE best.

I mean, clearly,
not for the likes of me, but...

No. If it was down to me,
you'd be invited to every party.

Aw, that's so nice.

Right, I'm gonna have to say hello.

Yeah, he'll love you. Go.

Don't ask.
I'd help, but I've got work to do.


I've got...

..two wristbands to a VIP party
on Gozo if... you fancy it?

Oh, your new internet chum.

You know of Tony Tong?

Didn't have you down with the kids.

Yes, I saw he posted
a picture with you.

It's nice to see
that you've been hard at it.

I know what you think of people
like that.

They are vain...


..but the Tony Tongs of this world
know exactly what they want,

and they go out and get it.

So that's exactly
what I'm going to do.

Well, I hope you find...

..whatever it is you're looking for.



♪ Going on an adventure

♪ And I got a feeling
The sun's gonna shine

♪ Shine, the sun's gonna shine

♪ I'm in love with the ocean

♪ And I got a feeling
I'm sailing tonight

♪ Tonight, I'm sailing tonight

♪ It's because of you

♪ That I'll always remember

♪ I'm going on an adventure

♪ With you on my mind

♪ I'm going on an adventure

♪ With you on my mind. ♪

Hi, Pa.

JAMIL: Hey, Cassie.

Are you OK?

All good.

W-Why are you crying?

It's so silly.

Honestly, don't worry about me.

I, er... I bounce back quick.

Bounce back from what?

TONY: 'Hey, yo, guys,
you want to see a norm in the wild?'


Yo, where do they get
some of these from?!

Oh, "I like playing games with the
passengers and smiling at people.

"It makes me happy."

Hey, don't be wrong, live long,
live Tong, right?

So, peace out, kids,
and remember,

live long, live Tong,
don't be a norm.


JAMIL: All she did
was ask him for a picture.

Ah, it's a VIP bash thing.
He's invited me personally.

You're going to his beach party?

Not too sure yet.

Budgie smugglers with his face on
might be a bit much.

Oh, I'm late for my sound check.

Look, Cass is a big girl.

She can look after herself.
Try not to let it bother you.





'Ladies and gentlemen,

'we have just arrived
in Mgarr Harbour,

'on the jaw-droppingly beautiful
island of Gozo.

'Hold onto your sun hats
cos it's gonna be a scorcher.'

Two wristbands to Tony Tong's party.

Let's give Jacuzzi Man
a taste of his own medicine.

Embarrass him and stick it online.

Can't let the bullies win, huh?

Jamil, I've never seen
this side to you.




JACK: No, no, no, I'm on that list.

Oh, Pablo, he's with me.

All good, darling.
I know, I know, shouldn't smoke.

I won't tell if you won't.

Tony'll k*ll me if he knew.

Not good for the image,
or the life expectancy.

Live long, live Tong.

What a place.

Yeah, and look at him,
reaping the rewards.

You'd never know who the brains
behind this whole thing were.

And the money, of course.

VIP cove's just over there.

Strictly for Tony's nearest
and dearest.

You come find Peaches
and I'll take you there

when you need a little breather.

Schnapps, soda and lime,
plenty of ice.

Unbelievable, Jamil.


I can't believe
we're at a Tony Tong party.

Just stay out of trouble.

LUNA: The turtles are nesting
on the next beach!

Turn the music down!
You're going to disturb them!

It's a delicate ecosystem!

Have some respect
for the country you're in!

Oh, go away, little girl.

This is a private party.

You don't own this land.

Get rid of her, Pablo.

No. No!

Go ruin your own life,
you mad hippie!

We're just having fun!

No, no!

Someone turn the music up!



JAMIL: It tastes like fruit juice.


OK. OK. Cheers.

We need to work out
how we want to humiliate Tony.

Oh, forget about it, Jamil.
Come on, one more.

'Everyone needs paying.'

The DJ is threatening
to cut off mid-set.

We promised to pay everyone upfront.

CHUCKLING: What do you
want me to do about it now?

It's 25 grand, Tony.
Can you sort it out?

Oh. "Sort it, Peaches.
Pay the man, Peaches.

"Sign the cheque, Peaches."
Honestly... Is everything OK?

Oh, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

This is a Tony Tong party,
not some sloppy redcoats event.

We were just having fun. No, no,
you don't talk to her like that.

Why are you even doing here? I
don't remember inviting no waiters.

Excuse me?

It's the norm.

What are you doing here
in your charity shop dress?

Get out of my party. I said
don't talk to people like that!

What are you gonna do?

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Who do you think you are?

You don't talk to people like that.

Jamil! What are you doing?

Get this idiot away from me.

'Ey, calm down.
You're in my party. My party.

My party. You're at my party.
Calm down. Calm down.


WOMAN: Oh, gosh.
WOMAN 2: I can't believe it.

Excuse me... By any chance,

have you seen a really drunk man
coming out of that party?

I've lost my mate.

I saw you earlier, didn't I?
Are you OK?

They really didn't want you
in there, did they?

I hate them.

People like Tony Tong
just do what they want.

Put money in the right hands here,
and you can buy almost anything.

I need to rest my dancing legs.
Too old for this.

I'm Jack, by the way.

Are you from here? It's beautiful.

Luna. I live next to the harbour.

I've been away for a few years.

"Saving the planet",
as my dad calls it.

I bet he's glad to have you back.

If my mum was around, she would be.

I miss her so much.

She taught me
how to swim in the sea.

A bit different
from Holden Swimming Centre.

Never mind.


WOMAN: Tony!

He's dead.

You k*lled him!

WOMAN: You are under arrest
for the m*rder of Tony Tong.

The only way in is via the party,
and security just announced

that nobody other than Tony
came in or out.

Then it can't have been Jamil.
There's no way.

How did he get in there?

Looks like bruises.
The other mark...

..face paint, maybe?


Do you remember
how you got into that cove?

Well, I... I was lost.

I... I just followed some...

Hey! We'll save the interrogation
for the station, thank you.

Jack used to be a police officer.
And I used to sell ice cream.

Do you see me offering up
refreshments? He's a good man.

I understand,
but if you were a cop...

..then please see it
from my point of view.

Look, don't worry. I'll sort it.

Jack. My job.
I-I'm going to lose everything.

No, you won't
because you didn't do this.

What if I did?
OK, take him away.

Why do you look like
you're about to tell me

the ship's headed for an iceberg?

Jamil's in the slammer for m*rder.

Bashed a YouTuber's head in
with a rock.

Jamil?! That's crazy. Jack?

I was the last to see him.
He stormed off, never came back.

I've never seen him so drunk, Kate.

But Jamil hardly ever drinks.
You let him get drunk.

Another video from Tony's account.

'Tony Tong has been taken from us.

'm*rder*d by a man he barely knew.

'A crew member on this very ship.

'We have lost our light...

'..but I will
carry the torch for him.

'Live long.

'Live Tong.'

What, and she just happened
to have packed that black dress

ready for the occasion?

And she basically
just accused Jamil.

He didn't do this. He can't have.

Then who did?

He's been arrested on suspicion,
not charged,

so let's be clear on that.

It's all over social media.

Passengers will be desperate to know
why the cabin boy is in the clink.

So stay savvy. Stay schtum.
Peaches has named him.

She's trying to deflect attention
by using Jamil.

How could anyone think
Jamil could have done this?

He was the only one
found in the VIP area.

If Jamil got in, anyone could have.

I can't bear the thought
of him in a jail cell.

Jamil has courage, Cassie.

And as my own ma used to say,
"The brave always get their bread."

That was beautiful.

We'll get him out one way
or another, so keep the faith.

Cops will be here any minute,

so we need to be
in and out sharpish. Gotcha.

Promotions. Meetings. Adverts.
Dinners. Drinks.

Meet and greets.

Exhausted just looking at this life.

It's the same handwriting.

Who's Dale?

MAN: Good morning.

So, this is the best
of what I could find online so far.

Everyone's wearing the same
face paint as you and Jamil.

It's silver and gold.
They'd been giving it out.

Something to do with the conditioner
Tony was promoting.

That's Peaches,
Tony's business partner.

She was in my ear all night talking
about how much she does it all

and that Tony
is nothing without her.

Well, it seems counterproductive
to want him dead, then.

Maybe, but from what I can see

she's got quite the fan base

and she was the first on the scene.

There's just no way
that this is Jamil.

I don't get it.

Security are adamant they
did not let him into the VIP area.

There's no other way in.
It's strictly invite-only.

So, how did he get in?
Could somebody have helped him?

I've got to get back to the bridge,

Look, can we just agree that...

..whatever happened between
you and I the other day, we park it?

I need to be with you on this,

and we just need to stay focussed,

'Passengers are reminded

'that anyone wishing
to sign up for shore excursions

'should do so
via the online cruise agent

'for the duration of their stay.'

Sorry about Tony.

And I want you to know
that Jamil didn't do it.

You mean the boy I found

slumped over Tony's body
with the m*rder w*apon?

I know it's hard
to work out what happened.

It's obvious what happened.
And I said the same to the police.

Your little waiter
was out for revenge.

He followed Tony to the VIP area
and bashed him to death.

The security said they didn't
let him in. He was there.

And nobody else came in or out.

I wouldn't be surprised

if he was the one
harassing Tony online as well.

Tony was being abused online?

Does Tony have any enemies?

Everyone envied Tony, sweetheart.

What, including you?
You were arguing at the party.

We were always at each other.
What business partnership isn't?

Who is Dale?

In Tony's room,

there was a bottle of Champagne
with a note he'd written that read,

"This one's for you, Dale."

Is he celebrating something?
I don't know any Dale.

Probably some brand manager
or sponsor of some kind.

There's nobody else you can think of
that would want to cause Tony harm?

Apart from that tree-hugging maniac

trying to get the party shut down,
you mean?



Bruising suggests a struggle.

But Jamil's accused
of using a w*apon.

The eventual cause of death
has shown to be drowning.

Your friend struck him with a rock.

The victim falls unconscious
and probably drowned in the sea.

I'm sorry, that is not Jamil.

The evidence is quite damning.

The blood on your friend's shirt
belongs to the victim.

Fingerprints on the m*rder w*apon
belong to your friend.

So we have no choice
but to charge him with m*rder.

Excuse me.


There's no way this is Jamil.

We need to figure this out, Kate.



Just say it.

He att*cked Tony
in front of everyone.

The w*apon, the blood.

He was wasted, Jack.

I'm not saying that he meant it, but
even Jamil was questioning himself.

What if he did do it?

Peaches also accused Luna,

and she said that Tony
was being abused online.

The brand is fake.

"Live Tong, live wrong."
Gaia999 is the handle.

Gaia. Gaia.

The Greek goddess of the Earth.


Peaches could be right.

Hey, I remember you saying
you live by the harbour.

Jack, wasn't it?
And is this your partner?


CHUCKLING: Oh, you look
so good together, I just assumed.

No, no, no,
we're very much colleagues.


I'm sure you heard about what
happened last night at the beach.

I can't get it out of my head.
It's horrific.

Did you know of Tony before?

I was aware of him. Who isn't?


"Extinction is coming
for the likes of you."

Police can trace that.

Yes, they interviewed me.

Guess they felt
the same way you did.

Look, I...
I sent a couple of messages.

I hate people like Tony, but
no-one deserves to die like that.

You were very angry about the party,
those people.

They're part of the problem.

Someone like Tony Tong
has millions of followers.

If he says this is the place to be,
then there's flock. I...

I just wanted to ruin his day.

Are you OK?


Stay away from here, huh?

I can see he cares about you.

To be honest, I was in a really bad
place when I sent those messages.

The anniversary
of my mother's death.

That must have been
very difficult for you both.

I missed her funeral.

Dad, he never forgave me.

How much for one of those pots?

Please, take it.

They're beautiful.

Thank you.

I'm sorry. I've got to get back.

Thank you.



Thank you.


We will get him back,
won't we, Jack?

I swear, I will never let him off
this ship again.

I know he usually doesn't drink
that much and... Cassie.

He was doing all of that
to impress a certain someone.

Oh. Oh, no.

This is not your fault.

Jamil is an absolute babe,
and he is my best friend here.

But he's like
a little brother to me.


It's Jamil. He wants to confess.


Look, you don't want to do this.

Trust me.
You shouldn't even be in here.

No, Jack...
Just give me some time.

I will work this out.
I'm not going to confess.

It was the only way
they would let me speak to someone.

I remember something.

A-A guard was smoking outside
my cell earlier.

I smelt it, and I realised I smelt
the same thing on the beach.

I-I woke briefly like someone was...

shaking me or...
Moving you?


Somebody's trying to frame you.

And whoever did it
smelt of cigarette smoke.

WOMAN: Time's up. Let's go.

I'm gonna get you out. I swear.

Frankie said you were leaving.

Where are you off to, Peaches?

I need to get off this ship.

Away from this hell.

I wouldn't do that, if I were you.

Bless you for caring, but I'm fine.

Peaches, I've been going over it
in my head,

and there's no way that anyone
could have got into that VIP section

except for down that path.

So either security
abandoned their post,

or whoever k*lled Tony
was known to them.

Security are adamant
that the only person

that went in there at that time
was Tony.

But then you pay their wages,
don't you?

So maybe they're not telling us
the truth.

Our friend was passed out,
but he remembers stirring

and smelling cigarette smoke.

So we think someone was moving him
to frame him for Tony's m*rder.

And you think that someone was me?

You were the first to find him.

And you're a smoker.
Everything I did, I did for Tony.

All of it.

I made Tony Tong what he is today.

Is that why you k*lled him?

Because he pushed you to your limit.
You're as bad as the trolls.

Your friend m*rder*d Tony.
And, what?

You wanna pin it on me?

How dare you!


Are you OK?
God sake.

Are you OK?

Yeah, I'm fine.
Finally got ahold

of Tony Tong's next of kin -
Mrs Clarke.

Turns out Tony changed his name
several years ago.

His real name is Dale Clarke.

This one's for you, Dale.

A gift for his former self.

Dale Clarke comes up
as an infamous blogger,

working for fashion company
La Fabless.

Known for his controversial takes -

the right to wear fur,
crocodile shoes, blues.

"I like my steak waterlogged."


Every word of that
would boil Luna's blood. Mm-hm.

Well, he changed his tune.

Luna and Dale.

Tony Tong.

They were activists together.

So they knew each other. Wait.

The colour scheme.

Kate, you were right.

Silver and gold.

Only silver and gold, except...

..on Tony's neck. The yellow paint.

At first, I didn't think anything
of it, but before he was k*lled,

Tony had no face paint on.

You're thinking
the yellow paint came from Luna?

But how did she get into the party?

Could she have snuck past security?

We need to get to the beach.


There's no way you could climb this.


How did the police miss this tunnel?

You wouldn't know about this
unless you were local.

So Jamil wandered up here,
saw Luna.

And followed her in.



Luna, stop!
We know everything.

We know about Dale.

You were part of an animal rights

activist group with Dale,
weren't you? Or... Tony, in America?

You tell me.
That's not how this works.

We've seen the pictures, Luna.
We've seen the articles.

Hard to believe he was this shy,
chubby, stoner kid once.

Troubled family life, and...

And we brought him into our group.
Embraced him.

So he was into the eco cause.
Oh, he was never really into it.

He just needed a social circle,
an escape.

So what happened?

He betrayed us.

He went for a job
with this fashion company,

La Fabless, and...

and we had this protest planned,
a big one, a dangerous one.

And Dale snitched on us
to get in with them.

Got us all arrested.

So that's why you missed
your mum's funeral?

Cos Dale put you in jail.

From that moment on, my life...

..just seemed to be slipping away.

So you came back here
and planned your revenge?

I just wanted to ruin the party.

Turn the music down,
you're going to disturb...

'But then he came
and-and he insulted me, and...'

We're just having fun.

You knew these beaches
because you grew up here,

and you knew about the tunnels,
that they led to the cove.

I realised that he had set up
the cove as his VIP space.

I went to confront him.

I called him out.

I reminded him of all of it, and...


Even then, he just insulted me.

No remorse, nothing.
He just walked off.

And you followed him.

I'm not saying that.

You need to come clean, Luna.

My body reacted before my brain.

'I picked up the rock
and I hit him.'


And he just went straight onto
the sand, and I panicked.

So I ran through the tunnels,
and I couldn't get my head straight,

so I... I just headed to the beach.

That's where I saw you.

So you hit him with the rock
and you ran off.

Jack, Forensics said that he...
He drowned.

Yellow paint.

It's not from the urn.

I better call Officer Falzon.

Luna hit Tony with the rock,

and she thought that
she'd k*lled him.

But I think that Tony
was still alive.

And I remember seeing how protective
you were of your daughter earlier.

I think you were worried
she was up to something.

So you followed her. Waiting.


The paint was on the k*ller's hands.

Yours, Lorenzo.

Jamil smelled the smoke on you.

You drowned Tony.

You framed Jamil.

'I could see you arguing with him.

'He was so angry.

'And then... he dismissed you
and walked away.

'I saw you pick up the rock.

'If only I could shout or scream,
maybe I could have stopped you.'

Luna... Luna.

'Just then, I knew that...

'I had only few minutes
to do something

'before somebody will find him.

'For a minute,
I thought you k*lled him...'

'Then he opens his eyes.'

You could have gone for help.

Condemning my own daughter?

I knew he would never let her
get away with this.


..I did what I had to do...

..to save my own child.

I dragged him
to the edge of the sea,

and I held his head under the water.

And you drowned him.

And when you saw my friend Jamil
passed out on the sand,

you took your opportunity
to frame him

and placed a rock in his hand.

JACK: OK, guys, listen up,
we've got an update on Jamil.

Jack, what's going on?

He's not getting out, is he?

Oh, my God. Jamil!

Oh, I can't believe it.

What was in those sh*ts?

I've been worried sick about you.

I didn't know you cared.

Thank you, everyone.
You had us worried, kiddo.


Come here, big man.

Missed ya.

Good to have you back, Jamil.

I'm sorry
you had to go through that, mate.

You saved me.

You believed in me, Jack.


Glad you could make it.

Passengers and crew
all present and correct?

All present and correct.

Well, let's set sail, then,
shall we?


You had me worried.

You and me both.

I'm so sorry.

You only went to that party
because I said... No.

Cassie, no.
But I just need you to know...

..I care about you so much, Jamil.

But as a friend,
do you know what I mean?


Oh, hey.

I've left Pierce at the wheel.
He'd never admit it,

but I think he's as giddy as we are
that Jamil's out.

Nobody wants a giddy Pierce
at the wheel of anything.

Look, I'll make this quick.

You can't just go around
planting kisses on people.

If you think I'm beneath you, Kate,
just say.

I mean, I won't be offended.

Well, maybe a little bit.

You were incredible today.

Is that all I get?

For now, yeah.

For now.

COLIN: Let's hear it
for Mr Jack Grayling!


♪ Oh, she may be weary

♪ Them young girls
They do get wearied

♪ Wearing that same old

♪ Shaggy dress

♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ But when she gets weary

♪ Try a little tenderness

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah

♪ You know she's waiting

♪ Just anticipating

♪ The thing that you never, never

♪ Never, never possess

♪ Yeah

♪ But while she's waiting

♪ Without them

♪ Try a little tenderness... ♪


♪ It's not just sentimental

♪ No, no

♪ She has her grief and care

♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ But the soft words

♪ They are spoke so gentle

♪ Yeah

♪ It makes it easier

♪ Easier to bear

♪ You won't regret it

♪ Young girls, they

♪ They don't forget it

♪ Love is their whole happiness

♪ But it's all so easy

♪ All you gotta do
Is try a little tenderness

♪ Mm-mm... ♪


♪ You wanna squeeze her, tease her

♪ Don't leave her

♪ You gotta, you gotta

♪ You gotta try tenderness!

♪ You wanna squeeze her, tease her

♪ Don't leave her

♪ You gotta, you gotta

♪ You gotta try tenderness

♪ Cos all you gotta do

♪ Is try a little tenderness. ♪


Thank you.

COLIN: Happy holidays.

Just informing all guests

that our ship has now docked
in Alexandria.

So you're saying 20 passengers
have been affected so far?

The offender used stolen key cards
to break into the cabins

and steal valuables.


When the right one comes along...
Yeah, I'll be ancient.

You fancy a drink?
Yeah. Yeah, I... I'd love to.

Why should I ruin my integrity
because of Jack Grayling?

This doesn't feel like
a random attack.

If I get sacked,
I'll just find another job.

Even if it means leaving the ship?

♪ You thought you'd run away now

♪ From the troubles in your life

♪ And watch a new horizon in the sky

♪ But now the truth's caught up
With you forever

♪ It's waiting for you
In the deep blue. ♪
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