Sand Castle, The (2025)

Thriller & Mystery Movie Collection.
(Pyschological/Film Noir/Mystery/etc.)

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Sand Castle, The (2025)

Post by bunniefuu »

In a single breath,

beyond the waves,

beyond the sky,

until I finally reach the shore.




This is my land.

Our paradise.

Hidden from everyone.

It doesn't know we're here.

Come on.

He's rolling like the waves,

behind you, waiting to be pulled.

Come on, bring it.

Come on.

Here, I keep everything in its place.

Just the way I want.

How did you get on my ship?

Where did you crawl out from?

Where did you come from?

My castle got surrounded.

It was moving against the waves

and fighting them all.

Where is it?

It made them listen to it.

Where is it?

It made them listen to it.

The big blue monster is angry.

It's waiting.

There it is! There!

It turns black at night

hypnotizing you

to show you what it wants you to see.

And it tricks you to come closer

And closer.

Local fire departments

brace for a heat wave

forecast to hit the country

in the middle of next week.

A meeting between the Greek Prime Minister

and the Turkish President

has been confirmed.

The Prime Minister confirms

that dozens of migrants drowned,

when a boat capsized off the coast

with potentially hundreds still missing

Damn it!


Wait a minute.

Where is your brother?

Go get your brother for dinner.



A bone.

What kind of bone?

I don't know.

For sale?

If it's for you.

When you buy one,

you'll get a second one free.

And for me?

No! For you, it's on the house.

Oh, great.

Let's share. Let me count them.

Nabil, can you help me?

They're usually not late.

- But if they are...

- We're supposed to believe them.

Maybe tomorrow.

If the guys are late,

what are we going to do?

What do you mean?

They keep saying they're coming.

- They're not answering the phone.

- They will, try again.

Quiet. She shouldn't hear you.

But no! Damn it!

Dinner is ready. Go get Adam.

Adam doesn't want to come.

Jana, I'm telling you, go get him.

He doesn't listen.









If your father sees you smoking,

he will k*ll you.

Come sit with us. Let's go.

What, did you miss me?

Don't be a smart ass.

Let's eat.



isn't it delicious enough for you?

Yeah, it's delicious.

Very tasty.

Delicious as if we were eating

a stuffed lamb or meat

- or eating Mansaf.

- Adam, enough.

Be a little grateful.

It's better than nothing.

What are you drawing for us?


This is us and our lighthouse.

- Lighthouse

- Mmm-hmm.

What is this?

Something I saw in the sea.

Stop making things up, Jana.

I'm not making anything up.

She's crazy.

- Dad, by the way

- Mmm.

I buried Adam in the sand

and he wet himself.

Isn't that right?

She's lying. That never happened.

- It did.

- No, it didn't.


Yesterday? When yesterday?

I brought him a little crab,

and he wet himself out of fear.

- She's lying.

- The sand was completely drenched.

Shut up.

- But it's...

- Mom, tell Adam not to interfere.

And I'm not talking to you, anyway,

I'm talking to Mom.

Finish your food, Adam.

Why are you acting

like everything is normal?

We're stuck in the middle of nowhere.

Of nowhere.

Will we die, too?

Mom, what's this about?

I'll check the generator.


Why are you mean to your sister?

You're all she has, Adam.

It's almost over.

One more night.

I'm serious.

It's the last night, Adam.

If the generator is working,

turn on the lights so they can see us.

Give it to me.

Hey, Adam

Come on.

- The kids love it.

- You want it?

- No, no, no.

- Get up.

- Where?

- There.


Let's light it up together?

Let's see how much bigger

your hand is than mine.

That much.

Put your hands like this.

Try it.



That's it.

That's my girl.

Dad, why do we

turn on the light every night?

So those who are lost

can find their way in the dark.

Our star is beautiful, right?

Does it protect us?

- Hmm.

- Come on, do it like this.

Go to sleep.

"Go to sleep. Time for bed."

- Close your eyes, darling.

- I'm thinking.

Er, no.

Enough playing. It's bedtime now.


Listen to me.

The sooner you sleep,

the quicker tomorrow comes.


- I want to play.

- What do you want to do?



No more playing for today.

- Mom!

- Jana, enough.

Close your eyes. Come on.


Good night, my dear.

Good night.

One, two, three.

Shut up.

Grandpa once told me that counting to 100

will help me fall asleep.

Then count in your head.

One, two, three, four, five

I swear to God, Jana,

if you keep counting I'll

Can I sleep next to you?

- No.

- Hmm.

Do you think of her before you sleep?

It's working. It's working.

- It's working! It's working!

- How is it working?

I've been trying to get it to work

since this morning.

- It is working!

- It's working?

All the doors will open for us.

I miss you. I miss you.

I miss you.

Don't you miss me?

The kids will hear us. Go away.

Help me tidy up. We'll wake up early.

Come on, my darling. Come on.

What do you want?

The kids won't wake up.


What is this?

Don't go near the water.

It will pull you in.

Listen to your mom.

Blah, blah, blah. I hope it does.

Can you throw stones?

Now. Come on.

- Okay, dear, okay.

- Now, now, now.

Where are your friends?

They didn't show up.

- They'll arrive at any moment.

- Oh, my friends are there.

They're playing for a bit

and they're swimming.


"Any moment"?

They would have been here by now.

They tricked us.

If only we hadn't paid all the money.

Why are the waves so high?


Take this, press on it.

- This?

- Like this.

- But I want this.

- This is good.

Those are prettier, Dad.

The stones that are not flat.

I can throw better than that.

Go on, show me.


- Great.

- Who can throw higher?

Are you sure

they know where we are?

I'll go and, uh, try.

I'm going to the beach.


Can anyone hear me?


Can anyone hear me?


Can anyone hear me?




Oh, God, Nabil! Oh, God!



I'll fix it.

Oh, God, Nabil! Oh, God!

I said I'll fix it.

It's not working.

Don't make a sound.

Don't splash.

It's been looking for us.

It knows we're here.

It pulls you in, through magic.

The small wave is gone.


Hello? Can anyone hear me?


Can anyone hear me?

Please, we have kids here.

Do you hear me?


We have children.

Can anyone hear me?!


I will try again in a little bit.

You'll try?

And if it didn't work?

What other options do we have?

Have I ever not kept a promise?

I'll go check on Jana.

"Allah does not burden

a soul beyond that it can bear."

"All good will be for its own benefit,

and all evil will be to its own loss."

"Our Lord! Do not punish us

if we forget or make a mistake."

"Our Lord! Do not place a burden on us

like the one you placed on

those before us."

"Pardon us"

"Forgive us, and have mercy on us."

"You are our protector"

"Forgive us, and have mercy on us."

Hey, Mom.

Hey, Mom, can we keep it?

Can we keep it with us?

Have you gone mad?

How many times I told you

not to go into the water?

The sea is rough. Your sister cannot swim.

But, Mom, there's water all around us.

We went in.

Where did you find it?

Put it back where you found it.


What is that?


Hey! We're here!

Come! We're here!

We're here! Come! We're here!

We're here!

- We are here!

- Where are they?

They're over there.

- Over there.

- Where? Where?

Don't you see them? They're over there.

Don't joke about this.

Happy like this?

We need to stick together while we're here

or things will get worse like before.

Is that what you want?

Put it back where you found it.


Let's keep it.

No one's coming,

even with the light on.

I want to leave.

We all want that.

What are we waiting for?

I'm tired of waiting.

You must listen to your mom.

Turn it on again.

Dad, Mom doesn't see the good things I do.

She only sees the bad things.

Believe me, she sees them.

But she has her own way of showing it.

Help us so we can leave this place.

Go on. Faster.

Is it working?

It is working.

Go faster. Faster.

It will work. It will work.

Will we spend the whole night

turning it, or what?

Go watch the horizon, will you?

Where are you, you b*stards?

What are you listening to?

You won't like it.

How do you know that?

Like this.

Like this.

I saw a squid in the water.

We need to eat.

Don't go alone.

Your dad will go with you.


Come here.

Dad, look, there's a squid there!

Let me catch it.

Come here.

All right, then. Catch it.

Give me a minute.

Catch it.

No, no, no, no, no!

- Enough!

- Wait a minute. Wait.

No, no, no, no. Adam

Get out of the water, Adam.


Give it to me. Leave it.

Give it.




- What happened? Answer me.

- I don't know.

Oh, my God! Dear God!

- It's okay.

- Oh, my God!

What happened?


Oh, God! Oh, God!

Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God, please.

Oh, God! Oh, God!

Oh, God! Oh, God!

- What happened?

- I don't know.

Don't let Jana see.

Go get the bandage

for the wound.

What happened

in the water, Nabil?

What happened with you?

Bring me clean water.

What did you say?

Get me a bedsheet. Go.

Keep trying.



.644, east

To all stations.

To all stations.

.600 .644, east

to all stations.


644 east.

To anyone who can hear us.

Our location is 34.212 north.

33.644 east.

What is this shit?

Work, you piece of crap, work!


Give it to your sister.

Here, eat.

What are you doing?

I'm setting a trap.

For who?

Come on, you shit!

Come on! Come on!

- Come on!

- Jana, get up.

What are you doing? Come on!

Go inside. Go, Jana. Go, go!

They say my country is small

And my country is besieged by anger

Pride is anger and love is anger

And the most beautiful anger

Is my country

They say my country is small

And my country is besieged by anger

Pride is anger and love is anger

And the most beautiful anger

Is my country

And they say we're few

And so we're few

Our country is goodness and beauty

They keep saying, it doesn't matter

A few rocks and hills



Where are you going? No.



Adam, no.



Mom, come look.

What are you doing, Adam?

Come look.

Fresh water?

Fresh water!

Fresh water.

Thank God.


Drink, my dear.

Come on.

Everything will be all right.

Come on, get up. Come on!

Get up. We have to make dinner.

Come on, get up.

Get up.

Come on, Nabil. Get up!

Keep watching the horizon

Someone should come.

Will you watch it with me?

Darling, get up. Come on.

I can't I can't sit with Jana.

Where is Jana?






Mom! Adam!

Mom, help me!





Hold me.

Come on.

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid. I've got you.

Come on. Come on.

Forgive me, sweetheart.

Forgive me. Forgive me, darling.

Forgive me.

In a single breath,

beyond the waves,

beyond the sky,

until we finally reach the shore.



We made it.

And now, open your eyes.

Mom. Mom!

Adam! Adam!

Adam, come here, for God's sake!

Mom is drowning!

Adam! Adam, help me!

Adam, Adam!


Help me! Mom's in the sea!

I need help.

Dad! Dad!



- Mom's in the sea!

- Yasmine!

What is happening?

What is happening?

- Adam!

- Mom, answer me.

- What happened?

- Adam!

- Mom!

- Jana!

- Mom!

- Mom!





If anyone can hear me,

we're a family stranded here

in the middle of the sea.

We don't have any food or water.

My dad is injured.

And my mom, uh

We're stranded in the water.

I'm dreaming of coffee.


Can you make me a cup of coffee?

You're becoming like me.

Make me that coffee I want

I've worked hard

so you don't have to suffer.

Why do you think we came here?

I thought we could save you.

But no one can escape the past.

Broken spirits are worse than death.

When you lose all of your family,

and when you lose your voice,

your dignity

And little by little, you even lose

everything you fought for.

All that's left

is the sea.

Yasmine, tell me what I should do.

Now I see everything in front of me.

What do you see?

Where Where's Jana?

She's dreaming.

Jana! Nabil!

Nabil! Jana!

Leave us alone!


Yasmine. Yasmine.

Yasmine! Yasmine!





Dad, why are you here?

Have we arrived?

Arrive where?

Why are you here?


There she is.

Dad, there's nobody there.

Jana, listen to me.

We're almost there.

We'll be with Mom and Dad.

Listen, look at me.

Smile and breathe.

More! More! More!

I can't do it.

Come on. I know you can hear me.

No, no. Enough. Wait.


Rock, paper, scissors.

No, no, no, no.

They will see us now.

The lighthouse lamp is turned on.

Let's play a game

like we used to in the past.

Close your eyes

and I'll close mine, remember?

Take a deep breath now, like me. Try.

It'll help you relax.




until we finally reach the shore.

Do you hear?

Beyond the sky

The grass is growing everywhere.

And look at the sandcastle.

It's exactly as you left it.

Look, it's the lighthouse you drew.



Come on, let's go.


A drawing of a palm tree?


And that's your castle.


Can you hear the birds?


- And the flowers there.

- Inhale


I forgot about all the flowers

that are in the world.


They're so beautiful.

You made all of this.

Are the flowers calling you stupid?

- Do I put it on my

- It's all yours, Jana.

A grasshopper.

And it's a big one.

I have a gift for you.

I need your help.

- Where are we going?

- We're going home.

Don't you want to go back?

We'll fly them so they can see us.

Mom and Dad?

Yes, they are coming.

Hold it tight.

They will see us.

Even God will see us.

We're drowning.

Can anyone hear me?

Can anyone hear me?

Can anyone hear me?

Can anyone hear me?

Can anyone hear me?

Some warnings over the radio.


Can you hear me?


- Hello?

- Where is he?

Hello? Can you hear me?

- Can you hear me?

- Hello?

- How many of you are there?

- There's two of us.

We need help here.

We're two. We're kids all alone.

- Do you know your last coordinates?

- Yes.

What are they?

When we last checked, we were at

33.846 north,

33.025 east.

We'll be there in an hour.

What's this?

The generator.

Stay here.

Why, God?




Come here.



Jana, help me!

You told me that

Mom and Dad were coming.

Take this

and empty it, Jana! Quickly.

Adam, what's wrong?

Nothing. I'm making you something.

Something to wear, that's all.

What is it?

It's nothing.

I started to understand.

I was sitting at home.

To arrive, we should remember.

Do you remember?

Or is it me who doesn't remember?

Maybe it's all an illusion.

Adam, look.

- Here! We're here! Here!

- Here!

- We need help. We're here!

- We're here!

We're here! We're here!

- We're here!

- We're here!

- We're here!

- We're here!

Here! We're here! Hey!

- They're going away.

- Here! We are here!

I'll take you to them. Wait.

Adam! Adam! Don't leave me here!

Adam, don't leave me here!

Adam, don't leave me here! Adam!

I'll be back.

Don't leave me.

Don't leave me!





Come here. Come here, darling.

Don't be afraid. Come here.

Come here.

Come here, darling. Come here.


Don't be afraid. Come.



Come here.

Jana, come take a picture with us.

Jana, come, Jana.

Go get Yara.

- Jana!

- Come take a picture with us.


Jana, come.

- Come on.

- Come here.

Let's take a picture.

Go get Yara.

- Jana, darling, come.

- Come on.

Come on. Come on. Come on.

Tik, tik, tik

Where has your husband been?

Tik, tik, tik, he was in the field

Picking prunes and pomegranates

Lady, Miss "Bdoor"

Look at how the moon revolves

And the caretaker wants the sun

And the sun is in the coral necklace

Tik, tik, tik, Umm Soliman

Tik, tik, tik

Where has your husband been?

Tik, tik, tik, he was in the field

Picking peaches and pomegranates

Why did you leave me?

I'm here.

In a single breath,

beyond the waves,

beyond the sky,

until I finally reached the shore.





We made it.

And now

open your eyes.
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