There's a spot on this glass.
Straighten your tie.
Who's been eating chips?!
People, I need you
at your tip-top shape.
It is not every day we get
a jeweler of this caliber
showcasing in our room.
Oh, she's here.
Stand up straight.
I am honored, thrilled,
and so proud
to introduce you to one of the
most sought-after jewelers in,
well, anywhere, the inimitable
Miss Abby Vandenbrink.
Abby? Abby?
- Abby!
- What? What?
I have been calling your name.
My gosh, I fell asleep!
Okay, Nadia needs
that watch like ASAP.
The Duchess is here
to pick it out.
I was up all night,
making these.
Finally saved up
enough for the gems.
You have to show Nadia.
She's in a, uh,
marginally average mood today,
and that's really
the best that we can ask for.
You are going to show her what
you can do beyond repairs.
All right?
- Okay, yeah.
- Yeah.
- I'm going.
- Okay, you're going.
- I'm going. I'm doing this.
- You're doing this.
- I'm going.
- Now, go!
Just exquisite work.
Thank you. May I?
Good as new.
Lovely earrings, darling.
Oh, thank you.
I made them, actually.
Thank you.
Your grace.
Abby, when someone
compliments your jewelry,
you say you got it here...
even if it's from the mall.
Um, actually, I was wondering,
if you have time,
I'd love to show you
some of my other designs.
but only because Rosie won't
stop talking about you.
And if I didn't
value her opinion,
she wouldn't be
my assistant anymore.
Nope. Focusing.
I see.
Your designs are lovely,
but I can't put sketches
in a display case.
No, of course.
I was just... I mean,
I was hoping that, maybe,
if you liked something,
that you might
want to commission it
and I could take some time
and and fabricate it.
Oh, Abby, that's not
the way any of this works.
Well, you've done it
for others in the past.
Those designers already had
a body of work to display.
You have one pair of earrings
and a dozen unrealized designs.
Unrealized for now.
You must make a name
for yourself first,
and then we'll
display your designs
and your beautiful jewelry.
Not the other way around.
We are Davidsons.
But good job on
the Duchess' watch.
Keep it up.
How do you make
a name for yourself
if no one will
give you a chance?
Oh, well, I'm glad you asked.
It is a matter of buzz.
Now, you see, nobody wants
you until everybody wants you.
Trust me, I have been working
for Nadia for a very long time
and this is the way
you get her to take notice.
You make it sound so easy.
All you have to do
is jump right in.
You know,
take some of your PTO days
and make some of
those sketches a reality.
Yeah, because
diamonds and emeralds
are so accessible
with my salary.
You couldn't use, like,
the cheaper stuff?
I'd be disowned in my family.
Besides, I want to make jewelry
that makes a statement.
Ah, yes, like,
"Look how rich I am.
"Don't you wish you were me?"
Okay, I was thinking more like
classy, demure, mindful.
Mindful. Mm-hmm, yes.
Oh, hang on.
It's Belgium.
Your grandpa?
Not his number.
Abby Vandenbrink?
This is Jules Peeters from
Belfius Bank of Antwerp.
Hi. How can I help you?
We are having an issue
with your grandfather's
shop, and your name
was added to the trust after
your grandmother passed.
It was?
The shop has been
in arrears for several months.
We were hoping you could help
to remedy the situation,
so we wouldn't
have to take any...
drastic action.
Yes, my grandmother
used to handle the finances,
so I'm sure something
just fell through the cracks.
Yes, that is what
we believe, as well.
Okay, well,
thank you for calling,
and I will take care of it,
Mr. Peeters.
He always said he would
leave the shop to me,
but I thought it was just talk.
I mean, he knows
how you feel about it.
He taught me everything I know.
I hope it's okay.
He seems fine when we talk.
He says he's just preparing for
the Antwerp Diamond Festival.
Obviously, there's something
he's not telling me.
Do you think he's struggling
without your grandma?
I mean, it hasn't
even been a year yet.
You know what? I think I am
going to take those PTO days
and go and check on him.
I mean, it's not like
I'm doing anything here
for Valentine's Day.
I told you not to leave Keith
until after Valentine's Day.
I'm kidding. I'm kidding.
I think this
trip is a great idea.
You know, maybe he'll have
some gems hanging around
that he can spare, you know?
Find some inspiration there.
What are we creating?
- Buzz.
- That's right.
- Buzz.
- That's what I'm talking about.
Oh, sorry.
You speak English?
They're closed.
Um, I can...
I can fix that for you.
Let's see.
Oh, yeah.
The prongs aren't broken;
they're just loose. Let's see.
What are you doing?
The store wasn't open
and she was concerned, so...
Five minutes, we open.
Actually, you know what?
Can you hold this?
By all means.
You know, diamonds
can be heirlooms
and I, you know...
I get why she's concerned
when you lose them.
You're American?
Yeah. Yes, but I, um...
I spent a lot
of time here as a child.
What, in Antwerp
or the diamond district?
Both, my family's from here.
This place has sure changed.
Yeah, well, we just renovated it
with the latest technology
and electronic displays.
And I thought the appeal
of this neighborhood
was the old-world charm.
Well, I guess the thought is
we must attract the interest
of the next generation.
Of course, but I mean,
it's a little much.
You're very good, huh?
Oh, thank you.
- Oh, my...
- It's a passion.
There you go. Good as new.
My pleasure.
It's a beautiful ring.
Where do I find you?
Oh, um, Vandenbrink's,
around the corner.
You've got skills.
Must be the spirit of the
neighborhood, I guess.
So, it is.
Thank you.
Have a good day.
Yeah, you, too.
What was that?
I'm afraid we just lost
Mrs. Reynaert as a customer.
That's unfortunate.
Vandenbrink's strikes again.
Abbytje. Why didn't you
tell me you were coming?
Wonderful surprise for me.
The bank didn't
need to bother you.
You have a job
and a life in the States.
And I... I'm fine.
Bompa, it's not fine.
You can tell me the truth.
You know how much
I love this place.
I'm here to help you.
One day she wasn't well...
And the next week,
she was... gone.
She did everything for me.
I know.
She was the best part of me.
Hmm. You were
the best part of each other.
I tried to get your mother
interested in this...
in this life here.
Yeah, she had to marry a Navy
man and move to the States.
At least you have a love for it.
You guys built something
incredible together.
One day, it will be yours.
But it's yours now, so
I want to help you preserve it.
I suppose it's
a bit of a backlog.
Um. Yeah, what happened to Luca?
Is he not working
for you anymore?
He was too much money.
I'm perfectly capable.
but you're only one person.
You need some help in the shop.
I don't know how I
let it come to this point.
Okay, so, we're going to finish
the repairs and get you current,
and then you can get back
to doing what you do best,
I have two weeks.
We're gonna get it all done.
And the fact that my visit
coincides with the festival
is just an added bonus.
I don't think I've attended
since I was in middle school.
It hasn't changed much.
Well, the neighborhood sure has.
Remy and Sons did a complete
overhaul of their shop.
It's like
the old world charm, gone.
We don't need gimmicks
like Peter Remy.
And I know that your piece
for the competition
is going to pull out a win,
and with that prize money,
we're going to get
settled up with the bank,
and show Peter Remy what's what.
I'm not entering.
It's too much.
Trying to keep up has
taken all my attention.
This is all repairs.
Designing is what you love.
I could say the same about you.
Are you designing
your custom pieces?
I'm trying.
But you instilled in me
a very expensive aesthetic.
repair must pay the bills.
I used to love watching
you compete and win,
year after year.
It's one of the greatest
joys of my childhood.
I try again next year,
when there is more time.
After all, my Abbytje
is here to save the day.
- Hmm?
- Yeah.
Oh, I forgot the lobster
clasps for the necklace.
Fine, I'm here to help.
I will go to
the mart and get some.
Are you sure?
The mart is not always so
welcoming to outsiders.
Bompa, come on,
I've been there a dozen times.
How hard can it be?
Excuse me?
Okay. Ik ben Abby Vandenbrink.
From Vandenbrink Jewelers?
Jewelry Mart here is a bit
different than in the States.
It's okay.
- Ja.
- Okay.
He says you can come in,
but only with me.
Thank you.
Thank you for this.
So, do you do that often?
What? Do what?
Swoop in on
a damsel in distress,
get to be the hero,
save the day.
Oh, if I was trying to be a
hero, I would go much bigger
than lobster clasp. Clasps.
You were quite the hero yourself
earlier on the street corner,
with your skills of an expert.
Mm. All in a day's work.
But thank you for this.
I do appreciate it.
Yeah, you better, after stealing
away one of our customers.
What do you mean?
I guess we weren't
introduced properly earlier.
I'm Alexander Remy.
You're the "and Sons"
part of the name.
I am, and from the moment
you said "Vandenbrink",
I knew you were a force
to be reckoned with.
I wasn't trying to poach anyone.
She needed help and
you weren't open.
That's what superheroes do.
We met once, when I was like 12.
I was here for the competition.
It was between
your dad and my Bompa
and we were cheering them on.
That was you.
You had quite
the spirit back then.
Mm. I still do.
Vandenbrink's take
great pride in our work.
As do we Remys.
And, as I recall...
I believe we took the victory...
that year, and the year before,
and the year before,
and the year before.
This year will be no different.
Don't underestimate us.
Okay, we might
not be cutting-edge,
but our work speaks for itself.
And yet, we'll still emerge
victorious next week.
You seem pretty
sure of yourself.
Well, I understood that
your grandfather is sitting out
of the competition this year.
So, the rumors aren't true?
Well, he's not entered
the competition yet, so...
That's because
he's not competing.
I am.
I'm a Vandenbrink,
I'm a designer,
and so, here I am.
This contest is
taking an interesting turn.
Yeah, I'd say so.
- You better get going.
- Really?
Because the registration
is closing tonight.
Yeah, that's where I was headed.
Of course, you were.
Good luck to you, mister.
Yeah, good luck to you,
uh, Vandenbrink.
I think it's a wonderful idea.
It's like
my mind had a mouth of its own.
I just...
It just blurted it out
before I could stop it.
It was fate.
No, no, Bompa, it's not.
I've never done anything
like this before.
So, there's that.
Every journey has a first step.
You're more than capable of
not only entering, but winning.
I taught you well.
I know your talent.
And with this,
your boss will know, too.
I wish I had your confidence.
I help as much as I can.
You have eight days
and you will be ready.
I'll be ready.
Hey, I got your text.
Sorry I couldn't call
before my lunch break.
I can't believe you
entered the competition.
Okay, tell me everything,
so I can relay it to Nadia.
She watches it
religiously on the trades.
Okay, so, there's this guy.
Ooh, okay, guy, do tell.
No, it's not that kind of guy.
That's too bad.
I mean, how amazing would it be
if you ran off to Europe
and fell in love?
Okay, slow your roll, Rosie.
He's a jeweler.
It's Remy and Sons.
There's this kind of rivalry
between his Dad
and my grandfather.
They ping-pong back and forth.
One year my Bompa will win,
and then the next year,
Remy and Sons.
Oh, okay, hold up.
"And Sons" is cute.
His name is Alexander and yes,
he's not terrible looking,
but I felt like he
was kind of baiting me
and I couldn't let him
get away with it.
So, now, I am going
to humiliate myself
in front of the entire
Antwerp Diamond District.
Uh-uh, uh-uh, no.
No, you are not.
You are going to do amazing.
Aah! Maddie is going to
flip when she hears this.
This is exactly
what she wants to hear.
I hope so. Thanks, Rosie.
Any time.
Keep me posted on your progress.
I will.
Ooh! Ooh! Wait!
And if "and Sons", you know,
asks you out for, like,
a coffee or something, say yes.
It's almost Valentine's Day.
Okay, yes. Bye.
Fritter, please.
Oh, the pronunciation.
Een frituur.
Yeah, I think I found
your greatest skill.
What? I only have one?
I don't know.
But you're real good
at sneaking up on people.
Oh, if the
bad guys don't see you coming,
they can't run.
Wait. Am I the bad guy
in this scenario?
Absolutely not.
So, you're
working on your designs?
I'll never tell.
You're not getting my secrets.
I wouldn't dare ask.
But I thought
you're new to this,
so maybe I could
give you some tips.
Well, why would my
competition want to help me?
I'm not your competition.
My Dad is.
Right, well, maybe you're
fishing for information for him.
Okay, well, maybe it's not
about the contest at all.
Maybe I just find you intriguing
and I want to know
more about you.
An American who likes
fries with mayo.
The plot thickens.
The people in the
States don't get it,
but I was trained
right by my grandparents.
It really is
the only way to do it.
So, your parents, aren't they
in the diamond business?
My Dad was a Navy man,
and he met my Mom here
while he was stationed,
and now he's the captain
of a cruise ship,
and she's the
pastry chef on board.
I moved around a lot when
I was a kid, the military way.
But you came here to visit.
It's my favorite
place in the world.
Watching my grandparents
create something exquisite
out of nothing but imagination.
It's a beautiful thought,
but it's a slow process.
Because we live in the instant
gratification generation,
people want things now;
they don't want to wait
months for fabrication,
And I find that so sad.
can still be beautiful.
Like my dad says, we have to do
whatever it takes to stay alive
in this shrinking marketplace.
But it's missing passion,
the craftsmanship,
the attention to detail.
Also missing the profits.
It's never been
about the money for me.
It's just...
it's about the love of it.
Can we not have both?
Fashion, beauty, everything
a heart could possibly desire.
Well, I guess this competition's
the first step
towards finding out.
Oh, there's a check
on the desk for you to sign.
I'm gonna make the first
payment to the bank today.
Will you come with me
to the festival opening today?
It's the first meeting
of the contestants and...
I feel a bit like
a fish out of water here.
Of course.
You're representing
I happily make a showing.
Thank you, Bompa.
Um, what do you know
about Alexander Remy?
Nice boy,
nothing like his father.
Not a creative bone in his body.
Ah, but his business
sense is fantastic.
He knows how to create buzz.
But there are other ways,
like this competition.
It's the equivalent of a
Michelin star for jewelers.
Not to mention
the 100,000 euro prize.
Yes, which would get us
squared up with the bank
and some leftover.
Home is where the heart is,
that's the theme for this year.
And what are you thinking?
I don't even know.
Moving around so much,
when Dad was on active duty,
no place ever really
felt like home to me.
home is like a feeling.
For me, it was your grandmother.
Wherever she was, that was home.
You must dig deep, Abbytje,
and find out...
what home means to you.
This is exactly
like I remember it.
I was so mad when Mom and Dad
wouldn't let me miss
school for this every year.
I always wished it
took place in the summer.
We should do this every year.
My job isn't
so generous with time off.
It took me three years to accrue
enough days for this visit.
After competition,
your boss will be
begging you to design for her.
You always know
just the right thing to say.
I'm so happy
to be here with you.
I'd say we're
all happy you're here.
- Peter.
- Laurent.
I understand you're giving your
slot to the next generation.
It is risky utilizing an
amateur, I'll give you that.
The next generation
just might surprise you.
I doubt that very much,
but I can't wait to see.
She makes original pieces,
beautiful ones.
None of these 3D, mass-produced,
and knock-off design you sell.
We may sell those things,
but we do not cheat
with anything mass-produced
for a competition.
An original piece
is being fabricated
in our shop as we speak.
Is that so?
It is, by my son, in fact.
I'm sorry. What?
Like you have done,
Alexander is following
in my very capable footsteps.
He's the future of
Remy and Sons, you know.
But you're the one
who's already been entered
in the competition.
Ah, Remy and Sons is entered,
and Alexander is
a part of that team.
Yeah, we were going
to announce that... today.
It was suppose
d to be a surprise, so...
Well, then...
good luck to us all.
Let's go.
What was that?
any press is good press and
we need to stay relevant.
And now, the rivalry lives on
with the next generation.
I get all that,
but we don't need to
take such extreme measures.
I'm not my brother, Dad.
Just be careful with that girl.
This is your future,
so don't let her
get in your head.
You remember
what happened the last time.
The competition takes
place in two stages.
The sketch phase accounts
for 25% of the score.
The execution phase
will receive the other 75%.
Please remember that all
entries must be anonymous.
You may pick up your
official envelope
here at the front table.
Please have your sketches
in by Thursday at 9 a.m.
And we hope to see
you all here that night
for the Carats and Cupids dance.
Now, go design,
make our community proud.
- Hello?
- Miss Vandenbrink,
This is Jules Peeters again
from Belfius Bank of Antwerp.
Oh, hi, Mr. Peeters.
I'm actually in Antwerp.
Thank you for sending
the first payment,
but we really do need to
get this account current
as soon as possible.
Yes, we have a couple
more billings coming in
and I should be able to get you
a check in the next few weeks.
Miss Vandenbrink, this account,
it's five months past due.
Oh, um...
I'm sorry.
I haven't had a chance
to go through my
grandfather's paperwork yet.
I didn't... I didn't
know it was that serious.
Okay, I promise to, uh...
I promise get this sorted.
I will, um...
I just... I just need
a little bit more time.
I'll try, but I can
only hold off for so long.
Thank you. Yes, I understand,
and I appreciate the help.
Hey, looks like
we had the same idea.
Look who's doing
the sneaking up.
I figured turnabout
was fair play.
For the competition?
Just seem to be having
a bit of a block.
Happens to the best of us.
Keep going. You'll push through.
My father has been begging me
to takeover
the competition from him.
But design is just not my
strong suit, as they say.
Can I ask you something?
Of course.
It's "Remy and Sons",
but you're only one son.
Why the plural?
There were three of us,
Mathias, my father, and I.
It's always been his dream to
work alongside his sons,
as he did with his father.
I'm... I'm so sorry.
Did Mathias...?
Oh, no. He's alive and well.
He just fell in love with a
woman, moved to Cleveland,
leaving a Matthias-shaped hole
in my father's heart.
Well, I'm glad
he's okay at least.
Okay? Matthias is perfect.
He just didn't go
into the business,
wasting his talent on
selling insurances.
And now, Father is...
trying everything he can
to put me into his shoes,
mold me into a man
that I can never be.
Well, according
to my grandfather,
it's all thanks to you that
the business is thriving,
and that's no small feat,
trust me.
Well, my father doesn't
see it that way.
He says I've got
the mind for business,
but creative skills
of a six-year-old.
Hey, I know some pretty
talented six-year-olds,
so don't sell yourself short.
I just don't operate that way.
I just... can sell
and market a piece, but...
We all have our strengths.
And this is clearly not it.
Here's an unorthodox thought.
Vandenbrink's is struggling.
Bank's on our backs.
It's hard to compete
in online stores.
But I have a proposition.
You help me whip
Vandenbrink's into shape,
and I will help you get in touch
with your creative side,
which I know is there;
it's just lying dormant.
Our families can never know.
Well, I'm sure that my
grandfather would not be pleased
if I was speaking to a Remy.
He's very proud.
Okay. Well, I can keep a secret.
What a coincidence. So can I.
Okay, then, let's do it.
Let's do it.
How is your design going?
Oh, I've been working
on it all day.
I'm just taking a little break.
The creative juices
weren't exactly flowing.
Plus, this backlog
is just staring me down.
Oh, um,
I made another
payment to the bank
because another billing came in.
So much pressure off,
thanks to your help.
I could maybe begin making
original pieces again.
If you could get the word out.
My customers only think of me
for repairs lately.
I'm working on outreach.
I'm coming up with
a marketing plan
to bring more business in here.
I cannot wait to hear it.
We can discuss it
over an early dinner.
Um, I was gonna... um,
I was gonna go out
for dinner, actually,
for, um, inspiration
for the competition.
My sketches are due soon.
But I made made pt gaumais.
My first time cooking
without Bomma.
It was always your favorite.
Still is.
You two used to make it together
while I played with that
uncut diamond over there...
which I used to
think was rock salt.
I can't believe you
still haven't cut it.
It was the first stone
Bomma and I acquired together
when we opened the shop,
and we called it
our good luck charm.
We wanted to keep it intact.
So, you let
a six-year-old play with it?
Not that it could break.
And it made you happy.
It's so complex, isn't it?
The way a diamond is formed,
it's... it's from this rock.
It becomes brilliant.
I like to think we
all experience this,
a similar evolution.
Well, being with you
makes me happy,
and I would love nothing more
than to have
'pate gaumais' with you.
'Pt gaumais'.
I'm just going to finish
this up and I'll be right over.
Oh. Hi.
Hope I didn't keep you waiting.
Uh, no.
I was just taking in
the beauty of this place.
Me too.
This is actually where my
grandparents got engaged.
It's a very popular site
for romance and engagements.
Their love was...
kind of forbidden.
- Is that so?
- Mm-hmm.
I always used to
make them tell me the story.
You can't leave me hanging here.
Okay, so, she came from money
and her parents
did not approve of him.
He was an aspiring jeweler
and an apprentice
for a diamond cutter.
So, for a year,
they would sneak away
and meet here.
Kind of what
we're doing right now,
without all the real romance
and engagements and stuff.
No, without all that... stuff.
So, on the night
that they got engaged,
she was actually running away,
and her parents
followed her here,
and they saw him propose.
And seeing the love
in their eyes,
they had no choice
but to give their blessing.
That's so beautiful.
Must have been hard
for him to lose her.
Yeah. Yeah.
He says, when you find
that person, that's home.
The theme of the contest,
"home is where the heart is",
it's a little vague,
if I'm being honest.
I never had a real home
growing up, you know?
At least no place
I ever felt connected to.
What does home mean to you?
Remy and Sons.
Even though I can never be
what it needs me to be,
it will always be that for me.
I get that.
felt more like home
than any house I ever lived in.
Maybe your grandfather is right,
home is a who, not a where.
So, um...
I have something for you.
Oh, my gosh,
did you do all this in one day?
A couple hours, actually.
A few pictures are placeholders,
and as soon as you give me the
photos of the original pieces,
I can adjust them.
This is incredible.
I've been wanting to
make a website for him,
but he's so old school.
Thank you for this.
the flower market, noon...
we are going to find
your hidden talent.
Okay, I give.
What are we doing here
and what does this place have
to do with jewelry design?
What inspires you, Alexander?
seeing the fruits of our labor,
positive balance sheets.
All good things. It's not
exactly what I had in mind.
With creativity,
you can't force it.
So, what inspires you?
This! Nature.
Beauty is so unique.
Every petal is different,
like when you hold a magnifying
glass against a snowflake.
Look beyond the surface.
What do you see?
It's like there's
a whole other universe
that's not visible
to the naked eye.
Now, look at these.
The detail is impeccable,
although not obvious from afar.
That's where I like
to find my creativity,
in looking beyond the obvious.
I'm going to consider
that tonight, dig deeper.
Seeing as our sketches
are due in the morning,
I think you should do the same.
Look beneath the surface
of Vandenbrink's,
just put it under a microscope
and see what it means to you.
You know that tomorrow night
is the Carats and Cupids dance.
Yes, it is.
Were you planning on going?
I don't know.
I don't have a dance partner.
I might know someone.
He has quite the moves.
No. Matthias couldn't
quite do this.
May I have this dance, Mevrouw?
I would, but...
But what?
We're not supposed to be seen
together in public, remember?
Right. I think I'm
starting to hate that part.
Be sure
that your sketch is submitted
in an unmarked
official contest envelope.
You finished?
I followed your advice:
look beneath the surface.
And are you happy
with your design?
Not unhappy.
Not sure how
I'm going to execute it,
but I do like
the idea behind it.
I'm sure it'll be great.
Oh, I sent you
some more pictures
of Bompa's designs
for the website.
Yeah, yeah. I'll block them
in later tonight.
I have something to show you.
Can you meet me
at Grote Markt in an hour?
Yeah, I think I can
make that happen. Thank you.
You have some nerve, Mr. Remy.
Do you want to make
a wager about this?
Absolutely not.
I couldn't live with myself
taking away your
hard-earned money that way.
Oh, that's what someone says
when they know
they're going to lose.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Do not mistake my confidence
for false bravado,
Miss Vandenbrink.
I'm quite sure
of my chances here.
Unlike some contestants,
we've been here before.
We prove ourselves
with our work,
and it's in the bag,
as they say.
See you on the 14th,
Miss Vandenbrink.
I look forward to it.
If I had known
we were coming here,
I would have skipped breakfast.
In Antwerp,
there's always room for more.
So, why am I here?
How is this going to help me
with my family's shop?
Allow me to explain.
You see those two waffle shops?
They sell
the exact same product.
I imagine the taste is similar,
prices are competitive.
What do you notice?
Um, well,
this one has a long line
and this one is a ghost town.
And why do you think that is?
Soggy waffles,
runny whipped cream,
bad score from
the health inspector.
As you would say...
look closer.
Well, the waffles in that
window look more appealing.
That's because they
clean the glass cases
every 20 minutes,
so no fingerprints.
Well, and the pictures
of the waffles
is making me hungry.
The ivy is nice and the flowers.
Exactly. You gotta make your
customers salivate, you know?
Your product
can't speak for itself
if your customers
don't know it exists.
Okay, so I see what
you're saying,
but isn't it enough to have
existed for half a century?
Reputation is important,
but you still
gotta distinguish yourself
from the competition.
Aren't you the competition?
No, Abby.
No matter how this contest
is going to turn out,
Remy and Sons will never be able
to do what Vandenbrink's does.
Well, I don't know
if I agree with that.
I mean, my grandfather is
exceptional at what he does,
Oh, I wasn't talking
about your grandfather.
Can't you see?
You are the future
of Vandenbrink's.
You okay?
I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine.
I just ran up
the stairs too quickly.
I'm not as spry as I used to be.
Ah, yes, what you did
to the window, it worked.
I just sold the emerald broach.
Bompa, that's wonderful.
And the woman
is here from France
and she asked me to bring
some designs to her hotel
after her lunch meeting,
and she wants to commission
a graduation gift
for her granddaughter.
Had I known that
you'd have such an impact,
I'd have called you earlier.
I am here to help.
So, does this mean that you are
not going to the dance tonight?
if my meeting doesn't go late,
I make an appearance.
But you go.
Um, I, uh...
need to find my old sketches.
Oh, yes.
Ooh, we're cooking now, Bompa,
you and me.
Oh, no.
I volunteered to bake
Bomma's heart-shaped
for Carats and Cupids,
but I completely forgot
about it just till now.
I don't know where my head is.
Your head is back in
business where it belongs.
Do you know any... pastry chef
who wants to work for free?
No, but I happen to be an expert
at making Bomma's stroopwafels.
Hey, you got my text.
Thanks for coming so quickly.
Any chance you know how
to make stroopwafels?
But I know how to
follow a recipe... sort of.
Great, that makes one of us.
Um, come on up.
Okay, it's official.
We're an unmitigated disaster.
Um, I don't know why I thought
I could tackle a waffle iron.
I can't even make
boxed mac and cheese, so...
I know what we need to do.
We'll stop by Elsen's bakery
on our way to Carats and Cupids.
They sell heart-shaped
stroopwafels this time of year.
No one will ever know.
We are racking up a lot of
secrets here, Mr. Remy.
That's what makes this
so much fun, Miss Vandenbrink.
I'm gonna change
and I will swing back by
to get you.
Sounds... sounds like a plan.
Or is it a date?
It's not a date; it's a plan.
A date is strictly forbidden.
Well, your grandparents,
they found a way
to make the forbidden work.
Yes, they did.
But I think we should wait
until after the competition
before we date
or plan or anything.
After the competition,
you'll be back in the States.
So, time's
not really on my side here.
Hey, how about we just be
in the moment tonight?
Not worry about anything.
Just take it from there.
Hi, Ro. I'm getting ready
for Carats and cupids.
Hey, that's fun.
I am in a limousine
on my way to pick up Nadia
to go to the airport.
Where are you going?
Nadia literally decided,
like, five minutes ago.
Well, she saw you
and some fellow contestants
on the Jewelry Exchange website.
So, all the trades
are covering it, so now,
she wants to go down to, quote,
"Maximize the publicity
from this for the store."
I'm representing Vandenbrink's
in this competition,
not Davidson's.
Do you think that
would stop her?
One of our very own
at the Antwerp
Diamond Festival contest?
The possibilities are endless.
I mean, I'm excited.
I just... I'm surprised.
Yeah, I know.
I just wanted to warn you.
We'll be there tomorrow night.
So, what's happening
with you and "And Sons"?
Are you seeing him at the dance?
We are going together,
but it's complicated. He...
He wants to live
in the moment tonight.
Yes, he's right.
I agree with him.
You like him, Abs.
I do.
But geography
is not on our side.
Okay, so,
it's a fun "vacationship".
Just enjoy it while it lasts.
I mean, this is the first guy
to even pique
your interest since Keith.
But you know what
is on your side?
I'll see you tomorrow.
Okay, travel safe.
You shine like a diamond.
You clean up
pretty well yourself.
- Shall we?
- Mm-hmm.
Since we are on our first, um...
whatever this is...
I have to say, you... in all the
time that we spent together,
you've talked a lot
about your love of family,
but never relationships.
You didn't ask.
I didn't know you cared.
Well, since you asked,
I almost got married last year.
Ah. See, I should have stopped
at the 'almost' part.
You went through with it?
A regret that
will live in infamy.
But I was very young
and stupid at the time.
Why didn't you
go through with it?
I don't know,
You know when you're with
someone for a long time
and you don't really know how
to live without them? It's...
I can imagine.
It becomes quite comfortable.
No, it was, um...
It was uncomfortable, actually,
and I-I didn't know
why at the time,
but I just...
I realized it wasn't right.
It's a good thing that you
set him free, so that
he could find the person
that was right for him.
I mean, I hated hurting him,
but it wouldn't have been
fair to either of us
if I went through with it, so...
What's your story,
young and stupid?
Well, they say 'diamonds
are a girl's best friend'.
In my ex's case,
they were her first
and only love.
Camille was very good
at telling me
exactly what I wanted to hear.
I fell like only
a 20-year-old can.
It took a while for me to
realize that objects,
especially the one in our shop,
were more important
to her than I was.
Ahh. I'm sorry you
had to deal with that.
We live and we learn.
Sometimes, it makes us wiser.
Yes, and sometimes it helps
you learn what you do want.
Maybe we should have a dance.
My dad's not coming tonight.
I don't think
my Bompa is either,
but I'm sure
they have eyes everywhere.
So, let them talk.
We cannot have our first...
whatever this is
without at least
having one dance.
Let's live in the moment.
One more.
I don't know.
It's a slippery slope.
First, it's one more,
then two, then... ten.
I hope so.
- Alexander!
- Abby!
What is this?
You like him, don't you?
I just want you to be cautious.
He's a good person, Bompa.
You don't know.
She could be using you.
You want to go down
that road again?
Abby is nothing like Camille.
Alexander is nothing like Peter.
You're here for a short time
and it's your dream.
It's important to keep focused.
I am focused!
Our business
means everything to me!
What I do know
is that you will win.
I didn't ask for you to
put me in the competition.
You have a real
chance of winning.
I don't know about that.
You're putting way
too much pressure on me.
I don't have the confidence
and skill like Matthias.
Skill can only get you so far.
If you have a dream,
you can't take your eye off
the prize for even one moment.
I know. I know.
The problem is
you're not serious.
I am serious!
How could you say
that I'm not serious?
Allowing the competition
to get close to you
so few days before the finals?
You have to finish strong.
Finish strong, Abbytje, and you
can write your own ticket.
If Alexander
is your future, so be it.
This is our future. You can't
let an amateur swoop in
and get into your head and
take the limelight away from us.
You'll need these
for your bracelet.
where did you get those?
They're so expensive.
I have my ways.
You took them out of
another design, didn't you?
Thank you.
They're exactly what I needed.
How is this coming?
I'm just melting the gold.
pouring it...
into the bracelet mold.
Why don't we take
a walk while it cools?
We haven't lit a candle for
Bompa since you got here.
Bomma would love that you
decided to make a bracelet.
I saw the photo in your shop
and I remembered
how her bracelets used
to jingle when she walked.
Most of them made by you.
All of them made by me.
She sees a picture of
something she found beautiful
and put in an order.
More like a demand.
"Bring it home."
When I really think of home
and what it means to me,
it's here, it's her, it's you.
The shop was the only
constant in my life as a kid.
I would come and visit and
everything would be the same,
and I needed that so much.
It will be yours one day.
What does that mean exactly?
What do you want it to mean?
I don't know.
I have a job
and a life in Chicago.
My boss is on her way
here right now...
To capitalize on the
press and the competition.
Once you win this money,
you can quit your job
and do full-time fabrications
on your own terms.
No. This money is for you,
for the shop,
so you can get settled up with
the bank and find some help.
You don't have to
do this alone anymore,
I promise.
The money's for the winner.
Yes, Vandenbrink's,
who I'm representing.
I'm not here as
an employee of Davidson's.
This is not about me.
Oh, sweet child...
Well, you're up late.
I hope I didn't wake you.
Oh, no, no, no.
Sleep is not
in the cards tonight.
I was burning
the midnight oil, as well,
and it's just about
to burn out on me.
What seems to be the problem?
I can't seem to get
these gems fixed properly.
Well, everyone
is gone for the night,
and I just refuse to
give my dad the satisfaction
of knowing that I'm struggling.
So, what? You need me to come
over there and rescue you?
Is that why you're calling?
Isn't that what superheroes do?
Okay, fine,
I'll throw on my magic suit
and I'll be right over.
See you in ten.
Yes, my magic suit is pajamas.
Don't judge me.
After you.
Check this out.
We use high-color
rendering LED bulbs
to accurately represent
the colors of the gems.
These glasses
are cleaned every hour
and as needed.
These digital screens
allow the customers
to view detailed
information about the gems,
including craftsmanship
and design origin.
So, you guys left
no stone unturned.
Well, you gotta
spend money to make money.
See, you know, now, that's the
part that I have a problem with.
Okay, show me what you got.
Okay, so, you know that this is
supposed to be anonymous, right?
I won't say anything
if you don't.
Okay, so,
you're making a woman's ring.
What's the significance of home?
Well, it's inspired by
my mother's engagement ring.
She died when I was six.
I don't remember much,
but I do remember the sparkle
that came off of her hand.
It was a big diamond,
six carats,
courtesy of my grandfather.
I always thought
it was interesting
how these jewels
could spark memories.
I think home is not... a place.
I think that home are
the people that really see you.
Yeah, I do, too.
Well, if I could only
get this diamond to sit.
Okay, so,
I see that you've
done a bezel setting,
but it would have been
a little better if you've done
modified tension, but okay,
it's fine, we can work with it.
Let's see here.
Like... that.
And that's how it's done.
You're amazing.
It's really just the basics
of jewelry fabrication.
That's not what I meant.
I should probably
get back to my work.
You should.
Now, we're in trouble.
The best kind.
Oh, Abbytje.
What a design.
Bomma would have loved this.
Thank you.
Are you writing your statement?
Yes, I still have to type it up,
but, um,
I think it's pretty good.
Would you read it for me?
"When we think of home,
we think of
four walls and a door;
"we think of a chimney
with smoke billowing out.
"But in reality,
home is a feeling,
"a knowingness that you belong.
"This bracelet is a reflection
"of the unconditional love
that encompassed me
"each time I walked in
this one particular door.
"It encircled me
"and gave me a place
to develop my passion.
"The jewels
represent the unbreakable,
"eternal light of love
"in the eyes of the people
who truly see you."
How proud she would be of you,
as am I.
Thank you, Bompa.
Thank you for
always believing in me.
Always... and forever.
Oh! You're here!
You made it!
- Hello.
- Hi.
It's so, uh,
quaint -
the history, the... smells.
Oh, but impeccable
Yeah, that's my grandfather.
He's, uh...
He's won the
competition many times.
Well, let's just
hope it runs in the family.
I guess we're going to
check in at the hotel.
But I'll catch you
at the festival.
Yes. I'm so glad you're here.
Lots to tell.
- Oh, okay.
- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
As we stated,
this is all anonymous.
So, do not
point out your design.
Our judges must
make pure assessments.
Please, everyone else,
come and have a look.
Our judges choose
the grand prize,
but we do have the audience
favorite award, as well.
So, be sure to vote.
Good luck.
You too.
- Dad.
- I'm sorry I'm late.
I had to meet with a vendor.
Did I miss it?
Not much has happened yet.
The judges are
examining the pieces
and tomorrow, we'll know if
it's going to go our way.
It's going to go our way, son.
You can't know that.
I certainly can and I do.
Let's just say
one of the judges
owes me a very large favor
and I've called it in.
Keep your voice down.
That's why you were so willing
to let me join the competition
because it's fixed.
You make it sound so sinister.
It is sinister, Dad.
For a moment I thought you had
let go of the comparisons
to Matthias
and just see me for me, but...
I see that I'm wrong.
This is about our future,
your future.
It's all going to be yours.
But our shop needs to exist
for that to happen.
It's cheating.
We can't do that to...
To her?
To all of them.
It's not right.
Well, it doesn't matter now.
It's done.
And so am I.
Oh, please, Alexander!
So, are you going to
introduce me to "And Sons"?
I don't know.
I saw him go talk to his Dad
and now, he didn't come back.
Girl, he is coming back.
I saw the way he looked
at you on that stage.
We kissed last night.
Shut up.
We're keeping it low-key.
His Dad and my grandfather were
not thrilled to see us together.
Um, how romantic.
It's exactly like Romeo
and Juliet, if he were Belgian.
I'm so glad you're here.
Me too.
I am going to go
take care of Nadia.
An assistant's
work is never done.
- Not with my boss.
- Mm!
Hi. It's Abby.
I was looking for you to
introduce you to my coworkers,
who are here from Chicago,
including my boss.
But maybe you left already?
Uh... call me when you get this.
I think I'm being ghosted.
No. "And Sons"
is going dark on you?
I don't know what happened.
Everything was fine at the
competition this morning,
and he just took off,
and now he's not answering
his calls and texts.
Maybe he just didn't get them.
Well, he has read receipts on.
Eee. Yeah.
Those are the worst.
You know, it is impossible to
ignore to ignore Nadia's texts,
as long as those
are in existence.
I don't know what happened.
I mean, maybe it was the kiss.
Maybe he got scared.
Or maybe there was an emergency?
If there was an emergency,
why doesn't he just tell me?
He's obviously
reading his texts.
Okay, all right.
So, I know this isn't
the way you want it to go,
but hey,
look at the bright side.
Nadia is taking
notice, all right?
You are finally getting
the press you need
to actually do this thing.
You can write your own ticket
once you get home.
Chicago is where you belong.
Girl, you are finally
making your dreams come true.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Yeah. You're right.
Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to the finals
of the jewelry
design competition
here at the 56th annual
Antwerp Diamond Festival.
As you may notice,
there are now only
nine designs in the cases.
As one of our contestants,
Alexander Remy, has withdrawn
from the competition.
Why has he withdrawn?
I-I have no idea.
I haven't heard
from him since yesterday.
And now, without
any further delay,
I am pleased to announce
the results of the competition.
The moment of truth.
Who will emerge victorious?
And the grand prize winner is...
oh, this is a surprise...
Antoine Lemmens
from Jewelry Exchange.
A long-time entrant,
first-time winner.
Just to place
in this competition
is an accomplishment.
I wanted this
so much for us, Bompa.
Yes, I know,
and you did beautiful work,
something to be proud of,
and that's enough.
I love you so much.
Yeah, I love you, too.
Have no regret.
And now, for the
Audience Favorite Award.
- Yeah.
- And the winner is...
Abby Vandenbrink
from Vandenbrink's.
Come on up, Abby.
You have won the
Audience Favorite Award.
Thank you.
Thank you.
to all our winners.
And we hope to see
you all again here next year.
We figured that Alexander
would want his piece back.
It was...
very beautiful.
Whatever his reasons
for withdrawing,
he truly had
a chance at the prize.
- I'll be right back.
- Okay.
Uh, Mr. Remy,
can you tell me
what happened to Alexander?
Some... mistakes were made
and he's left, Abby.
I don't know where,
but he's gone.
- What's that even mean?
- I don't know.
"Mistakes were made."
I don't know if it was about me
or the contest.
What could I possibly have done?
Nothing! Okay?
This is not on you.
I don't even know.
I mean, I didn't
win the competition.
I didn't get the guy.
And now, all I have is
my mundane repair job
at Davidson's.
No, don't say that.
Well, I did it.
I got the winner
to show at our store.
Here's the card.
Follow-up in the morning.
Will do.
Congratulations again, Abby.
Oh, Nadia, I-I didn't win.
Not the grand prize,
but the Audience Award
holds even more weight.
Do you know
who attends this festival?
Um, local jewelers and
residents of Antwerp.
I imagine they attend,
as well, yes.
But only the finest jewelers,
designers, vendors, distributors
from all over the world.
That's who voted on your piece.
And my phone has been
ringing off the hook about you.
Thank you, by the way,
for mentioning your job
at Davidson's on your bio.
Very smart.
I had no idea.
Oh, there's
a strong buzz about you,
my friend, and when we get home,
we're talking about your future.
Also, I would like to buy
that winning piece of yours.
The Duchess is going
to flip for it.
It's all happening, Abbs.
It is.
Alexander, where have you been?
I needed time to think.
I received your
message about the ring.
Your mother's ring.
It was... unexpected.
It wasn't an original.
It was just
inspired by something
that represented home to me.
I'm sorry
I underestimated you, son.
I'm used to it.
I know, and
I want to apologize for that.
I'm not Matthias.
I need someone
who's as passionate
about the work we do here
as I am, and that is you.
What you've done
for the business,
you've accomplished
more than any design
Matthias could ever make.
Things have changed
so much in our industry,
but I trust you to
bring us to the future.
And you did the right thing,
stepping down
from the competition.
And I want to thank you
for helping me to see
that I was wrong.
Look, you're a good man.
You made me that way, Dad,
raising us all on your own.
I am who I am because of you.
But she is home to you.
This all is home to me.
Thank you and have a good day.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Another day, another sale.
That should
help us with the bank.
But boy, am I wishing
I won that prize money.
Ah, it doesn't matter, Abbytje.
If this is the end of
we have had a great run,
and I have had the most
wonderful time
having you with me here,
side by side.
But we can't give up.
Oh, Abby...
I'm slowing down.
I'm, uh, too old
and too tired to do this alone,
and you have this
opportunity in Chicago.
So, you have to go
back to your life.
To always remember
where your place is.
It's your good luck charm now.
You do with it what you want.
Thank you.
What? Thank you.
You'll figure it out, hmm?
Grandma would be proud.
Okay, what was so important
that we had to rush right over?
What would you say that's worth?
It's pristine.
Nice quality.
A lot of potential.
It's very impressive, Abby.
How did you come by it?
My grandfather has
held onto it for years,
and he gave it to me
as a going-away gift.
A rock like this is worth...
$2,500 per carat.
Um, euros or dollars?
Does it matter?
It's a gold mine.
Well, it's 30 carats.
Do you want to
buy it from me, Nadia?
Very much.
You're going out
on your own, aren't you?
Mr. Peeters?
It's Abby Vandenbrink.
Miss Vandenbrink, please.
How nice to meet you in person.
And thank you so much
for your prior payments.
Well, I have one more.
This should settle up
the mortgage on Vandenbrink.
In fact, it does.
And we do so appreciate
your attention to this matter.
The shop means a lot to me.
Your grandfather
is lucky to have you.
You know, this place
has welcomed me
more than
anywhere else, actually.
It's the Belgian way.
It is.
I'm sorry. I have to go.
Oh, okay.
Excuse me.
Alexander, it's me.
Can you meet me on the bridge?
I have to talk to you.
I guess we don't
need to hide either anymore.
Still sneaking up.
Are you okay?
What happened?
Why the radio silence? What?
And you dropped
out of the competition...
It's a long story. One day,
I'll tell you everything.
I just didn't agree with the
decision that my father made,
and I just needed
some time for myself
to figure out my next steps.
And did you?
I did.
My father and I spoke
and we're okay,
better than ever.
Just him seeing my design
felt like he finally saw me,
and I believe that would never
have happened had I not met you.
I'm glad.
I know how much
Remy and Sons means to you.
And I know how much
Vandenbrink means to you,
which is why I think...
you should stay here in Antwerp.
I had already decided to stay.
I have been
searching for so long
to find out what home means
to me, and it's here,
it's Antwerp,
it's Vandenbrink's,
it's everything, and maybe...
maybe even you.
They say whenever you find
that person, that's home.
Yeah, I think that's true.
I have something for you.
Alexander, we've known each
other for two weeks,
and you're giving me a ring?
Do you maybe want to try
having a second date first?
It's a gift. It's a gift.
So, just wear it, don't wear it.
I just wanted to
give it to the woman
that helped me
find my way back home.
Well, home is
where the heart is.
That's so corny.
That's so corny!
But so true.
Perfect Setting, The (2025)
Moderators: Maskath3, GabrielAlejo2341, sidolanters
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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.