♪ ♪
♪ There's a void in the room ♪
♪ ♪
♪ A silence so loud ♪
♪ It's drowning everything out ♪
♪ With just a picture on the wall ♪
♪ ♪
♪ All that remains ♪
You have a wall for the ones we lost?
I wanted to make sure
that I never forgot their faces
or the fact that I couldn't save them.
♪ ♪
I've always been afraid that
if something happened to me,
Jamie would be forgotten.
You know, he deserves
better than that.
He deserves better than...
my last words that came out
of frustration and exhaustion.
Margaret, wherever Jamie is,
he knows that you love him.
♪ ♪
Trent should have been here by now.
Something big must be happening.
But since I have been given
the gift of extra time,
there are others that I need
to say a private goodbye to.
♪ In the dead of the night ♪
♪ I'm looking for the answers ♪
♪ Where did you go ♪
♪ Where did you hide ♪
♪ I'm searching for traces ♪
♪ Chasing the wind ♪
♪ Praying some day
I'll find you again ♪
♪ I'll keep searching ♪
♪ Oh, I'll keep searching ♪
♪ For my, my missing person ♪
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
Can I help you?
We're sorry. We know it's early.
My name is Martin,
- and our son...
- My son is missing.
TJ is only 13, and he can't
handle the outside world.
I mean, he can, but he's...
he's not a typical kid.
What Tracy is trying to say
is that TJ is non-neurotypical.
He doesn't do well with strangers.
I saw what happened to Elijah McLean.
Please, help find TJ
before that happens again.
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
If it's been three days already,
time is not on our side.
We need to know everything,
and I mean everything,
starting with whatever is
going on with the two of you.
This is a judge-free zone.
I need the truth to find TJ.
I'm TJ's biological father.
My late wife and I were
high school sweethearts.
We got caught up in
the drug thing young.
TJ was exposed in utero,
but only in the first trimester.
After he was born, sobriety was hard.
So Child Protective
Services intervened
at some point, didn't they?
TJ bounced around the system
until he was placed with me.
I'm TJ's foster dad.
How long ago did you take TJ in?
Three years ago.
TJ was only 10 and very guarded.
It took a lot of time and patience,
but I won him over.
Won him over how?
I learned the things
that triggered his anxiety.
Loud noises are sensory overload.
You know, change is tough.
So I just wanted to
make sure that he was
prepared for the big changes.
How did you figure out how
to handle TJ's special needs?
I paid for ABA services so that
TJ could learn his own triggers
and how to self-regulate.
I guess I kind of
learned along with him
and became the kind
of parent TJ needed.
Unlike me?
I didn't say that.
Tracy, when did you
re-enter the picture?
My wife passed 18 months ago.
It scared me straight.
I finally got some help.
I've been sober 15 months now.
That's huge.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
Court agreed,
because three months ago,
they ruled for reunification.
I got my son back.
Walk us through what happened
the night TJ disappeared.
He was having a rough day already,
and I got called into work
last minute at the garage.
I didn't have time to settle
TJ into the change in schedule.
You should have made time,
man, to make sure he was OK.
You know that's easy to say that when
difference between you
keeping your job or not?
We don't all have money
dripping from our pockets
like you.
Let's stay focused on TJ.
- When did he run?
- Right before I left.
I-I assumed he went to Martin
like he's done before,
and after a couple
of days of cooling off,
Martin always brings him back.
Except this time, TJ wasn't with me.
And I didn't even know
anything was wrong
until TJ missed our
weekly check-in last night.
So TJ has been out on the
streets alone for three days.
And the two men who were
supposed to keep him safe
didn't even realize?
We... we messed up.
We know.
That's why we need your help.
OK, we're talking about a Black boy
who is big for his age and neuro.
He's different.
In this country, that's
three strikes against him.
If the police try to approach
him wrong, he'll... he'll just...
You don't need to explain.
We know.
We will find him, I promise.
These maps cover the areas
around Tracy's apartment
and Martin's house.
They're not that far apart in miles,
but in socioeconomic terms,
we're talking night and day.
What else do we know about TJ?
He loves DC Comics,
especially "Green Lantern."
According to both fathers, his
happy place is Shield Bright
Comics in Silver Springs.
He also loves hanging
out in bus stations.
Tracy and Martin have
two major bus stations
walking distance from them.
That's my bus station.
The one near Tracy's is my station.
Cross Routes Transport
runs out of there.
The one near Martin is much
larger, with at least three
times the commuter population.
That would be sensory overload for TJ.
Then we'll start with Cross Routes.
I'm OK.
I... I mean, obviously,
I can't go there because of...
The restraining order.
Yeah, but more importantly,
that place is not good
for my mental health.
So you guys should go.
And I will stay here and work
on the comic book angle
with Zeke.
Lacey, call CPS.
See if there are other foster homes
TJ might have felt safe going to.
Dhan, with me.
♪ ♪
It's OK, Dhan.
No matter what happens next,
I need you to promise me
that you'll find TJ
and bring him home.
♪ ♪
You here for me?
We're here to protect you.
There was a sh**ting overnight.
Where's Trent?
At the hospital.
But he wasn't the one who was shot.
It was someone close to him.
And they were shot with Trent's g*n.
The one Sir took from his house?
They retrieved the g*n, but the prints
on them weren't Sir's.
They were Christian's.
So how long will it take to heal?
Oh, maybe a few weeks.
♪ ♪
Is she gonna be OK?
Well, it looks like it was
just a flesh wound, so, yeah.
That's the girl you've been seeing,
the one who left
the subtle gift behind?
I'm glad she's going to be all right.
Thank you.
Now, what happened?
DCPD tracked down Sir's RV last night.
Now, Sir wasn't there, but my g*n was.
That's when I got a call
about Heather's sh**ting.
Ballistics just came back.
She was definitely shot with my g*n.
How? Where?
I'll wait for the doctors to finish
before I get a full statement.
I don't understand what Christian
is trying to accomplish.
This doesn't even feel like him.
And why Heather?
To distract me.
So I would take my eyes off of you
long enough for him or his
psycho brother to get to you.
There are many other ways
he could make that happen.
You know, with everything
going on right now,
I could probably stall your
arrest for another few hours.
That gives me more time with the case.
But the safest place for you
is probably in police custody.
So maybe we just turn you in now...
Hell, no.
You don't get to arrest her
and call it a favor.
If I have more time,
I want to spend it on TJ.
My call. Anything?
TJ did pass through the bus station
the day he went missing.
Bought a ticket to Maryland,
Montgomery County.
What's in Maryland?
Just got off the phone with CPS.
Turns out TJ wasn't Tracy and
his late wife's only child.
They had a son four years before TJ.
Is he still in the system?
Private adoption.
I'll do some digging,
see what I can find.
Well, the secret kid
isn't the only thing
Tracy forgot to tell us about.
Every month, he gets a $1,500
deposit from a personal
bank account in
Montgomery County, Maryland.
Montgomery County is
where TJ was headed when he
left his house three days ago.
OK, and Montgomery County isn't small.
So where is this money coming from?
And... and also,
why is TJ headed there?
Maybe TJ stumbled on something
he wasn't supposed to.
Maybe Tracy went
from using to dealing.
Keep his sobriety,
but make some extra cash.
Tracy was jealous of what
Martin's money could do for TJ.
Maybe he was tired of
working paycheck to paycheck,
needed more.
Zeke, I need a name and address
of who in Montgomery County
was sending Tracy that money.
Let me make a few calls to dig it up
in a completely legal way.
Stick to hacking,
'cause acting ain't it.
No. I'm sorry.
I've never seen this kid before.
No, he doesn't look familiar.
Are you sure?
Uh, give us a second, son.
- Grown-ups are talking.
- Yeah, sure.
That's him.
That's Tracy's other son,
same familial traits.
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens.
Hilary, please.
Your son Max is adopted, right?
TJ, the child we are looking for,
is your son's birth brother.
We think he may have
come here to find him.
We would know if Max had a brother.
And certainly
he'd stop by for a visit.
This is TJ's favorite pin.
It would take a special
connection for him
to give it away.
And your son was
wearing that exact pin.
There's no way that he would have it
unless TJ gave it to him.
We know you've been giving
TJ and his biological father
- monthly payments.
- What?
Was that money to keep him away?
OK, this story is getting
more ludicrous by the second.
Can we take a look at
your security camera footage
from two days ago?
- Absolutely not.
- Of course.
We have nothing to hide.
There's a boy's life on the line.
I doubt if you're going
to find anything useful.
But whatever we
can do to help, we will.
You have my permission.
He's backing down to the post.
Three, two, one.
For the win.
Can I play?
Yeah. Sure.
Just take your time.
Just take your time.
If you need to dribble lower,
just bend your knees a little bit.
I don't know what to do.
All right, so move
your hands a little lower.
And then bend your knees.
Oh, my bad.
It's OK.
You don't like being touched, huh?
Yeah, I know I'm weird and stupid.
No, I don't know, man.
I think having personal
boundaries is kind of cool.
- Max, go inside.
- Dad, what's up?
- We're just playing.
- Go inside.
- I'll be right there.
- Wait.
Here. Um...
Here's my Superman pin.
I'll come back to play again sometime.
All right.
I hope so.
♪ ♪
You will not come back here.
I know who you are.
And I pay your father
so you'll all stay away.
Max is my brother.
I saw it in my dad's papers.
I never really had a brother before,
and I just wanted to say hi.
I know, kid, but Max
doesn't know he's adopted.
I just need you to
give him some space.
Take this 50.
Take it, and go.
I don't want to call the cops.
♪ ♪
You raised an incredibly
empathic son in Max.
It's a pity that you couldn't
practice what you preach.
It was him.
As a lawyer,
I've got pretty tough skin,
but seeing that bastard's smug face
is a little more
than I can handle right now.
Can you go over what
happened one more time?
I know it's a pain in the ass, but...
No, I get it. Of course.
Uh, I drove to Mark...
Detective Trent's place
last night to check on him.
The rumors about
his encounter with Sir
spread like wildfire
at the courthouse.
I'm guessing that is where Christian
saw me and followed me.
All I know is he pulled up next to me
in his Jeep
at a traffic light and fired
into my open car window.
I still can't believe you
drove yourself to the hospital
with a b*llet wound in your arm.
Like I said, tough skin.
I like her.
Try not to mess this up.
I'm pretty sure
that detective was joking.
Nothing about this is funny.
This is happening because of me.
I'm sorry I ever
picked you up at that bar.
I'm not.
If I let every crazy
in this town steal my joy,
I would be a highly miserable person.
I like you.
I've made no secret about it.
You want to make it up to me?
Find that piece of crap
Christian Evans
and bury him and his miserable
brother under the jail.
That was definitely
what I planned to do.
Don't answer it.
This is Detective Trent.
Leave a message.
Did you know that
Trent was seeing someone?
I didn't know it was serious,
but he should move on from me.
I'm the reason why
Sir almost k*lled him.
Should have k*lled Sir
when I had the chance.
None of this would be happening.
People think it's easy to k*ll someone
who's right in front of them.
It isn't. It changes you forever.
I don't want that for you.
I want you to always be my Bella.
Good night, girls.
♪ ♪
Sweet dreams.
♪ ♪
♪ Can you see the danger,
see it in your eyes ♪
♪ Can you hear it
crawling in the night ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh ♪
♪ Can you touch
the fear on your skin ♪
♪ Can you feel the tension set in ♪
♪ ♪
♪ I see you run, I see you hide ♪
♪ In the night, I come alive ♪
♪ ♪
♪ I can see the danger coming ♪
Don't you dare move.
Try me.
♪ I can see the danger coming ♪
Your instincts were right, Gabi.
With 50 bucks to spend, TJ hit
his favorite comic store.
Did anyone talk to him? Was he OK?
They wouldn't say much
and were reluctant
to share their security
information from that day, so...
So I hacked in and got it.
Don't touch me, don't touch me,
don't touch me, don't
touch me, don't touch me.
Did he trash the store?
No, apparently, some other
teens did that just before.
And then the clerk was
sketchy on details after that.
He looks like one of the teens.
I want to go home.
TJ wouldn't do something like that.
Put your hands down.
Please, I... I just want
to go home to my dad.
Stop resisting.
Get down! Get down!
- Get down!
- Hey!
- Stop resisting.
- No!
- Get down.
- Ow!
- Ow!
- Get down!
I wanna go home!
- I wanna go home!
- I got him!
Come on! Get up.
- Stand up!
- Stop!
♪ ♪
Those b*stards have him in the system.
One way or another,
we're getting him out.
♪ ♪
I am so sick of being
given the runaround.
How does no one have
a bead on where TJ is?
I told you, after he was arrested,
we were contacted at
Child Protective Services.
Until this could get
sorted out in court,
his choices were juvie for a
couple nights or a group home.
And you chose group home.
A group home you are now telling us
he ran from yesterday.
That's not uncommon
with troubled kids.
Call him troubled one more time.
And why didn't you just
call his father, Tracy?
I did. The phone was disconnected.
I'm assuming we had an old number.
Then you call his foster dad, Martin.
It's not protocol.
Martin is not his
foster parent anymore.
Well, maybe if your incompetent brain
was more worried about the
actual child and not protocol,
he would be somewhere safe right now.
I'm gonna need the address
of that group home.
Yes, TJ ran away yesterday,
and I reported it
immediately to CPS.
But he'll be back eventually.
Why are you so sure?
They always come back
to what feels safe.
Did he say anything to you
while he was here
about trouble at home, or... or why he
ran away in the first place?
I'm afraid not.
He mostly kept to himself.
But he did leave his backpack behind.
I'll get it for you.
Maybe there's something
in there that can help.
Excuse me.
We're playing soccer in the back.
Who wants to play? Who, who?
Do you want to come
with me and my friend?
- My friend's outside!
- Who?
Who's outside?
They all are, my friends!
OK, deep breaths, kid.
Lead the way.
Honey, where are your friends?
Jordan, what are the rules on being
outside without supervision?
I have supervision, Ms. Kristina.
- Lance is here.
- I'm so sorry.
Jordan is on the spectrum,
and he has imaginary friends
he likes to play with outside.
Uh, come on, honey.
Not near the railing.
Remember, always safety first.
Now, why don't you
count to eight with me slowly
and see if we
can't calm our hearts, OK?
One, two...
- Three
- Three.
- Four.
- Four,
five, six, seven, eight.
Good job, Jordan.
You're very good with him.
Kids are my life.
Let me get you the backpack.
Christian Evans has now been upgraded
to the prime suspect in the attempted
m*rder of Heather Tollin.
If you see him, do not approach.
Just call it in.
We believe he is armed and dangerous.
You think Trent's stunt with the press
might bring Sir out of
hiding to save his brother?
At this point, anything is possible.
Hey, you guys.
I just went through TJ's backpack.
You got to see this.
It's a go bag full
of everything you'd need
if you were on the run.
Burner phone, fidget spinner,
a very expensive raincoat.
These printed emails
are from Martin to TJ,
mostly catch up stuff, but he gives
the address to his lake house.
I'm guessing these
are for that hideout.
I know you're probably on
your way to the lake house.
They keys are in the bag, like always.
We'll make sure you
never have to go back.
Just call me.
This isn't a kidnapping.
It's a custody fight.
We'll make sure you
never have to go back.
Just call me.
Look, I made that go bag for TJ
before he left
for Tracy's three months ago.
All I knew about you at the time
was that you were
a drug addict who was
choosing dr*gs over
raising your own son.
Let him finish.
I love TJ.
I wasn't just going to send him away
without him knowing
that if it ever got bad,
he had somewhere to go.
And that voicemail?
I left that for him when
I found out he was missing.
But he never showed up
to the lake house, did he?
I don't even think he got my message.
Look, I'm sorry.
I realize I was wrong about you.
You love TJ, too.
And what about your lies, Tracy?
Why didn't you tell us that TJ
had an older brother that you'd
given up for adoption?
And those adopted
parents have been paying
you monthly to stay away.
I didn't say anything
about Max because I
didn't think it was relevant.
And when I got sober,
I tried to see Max.
I knew it was too
late to get him back.
He had already been legally
adopted by the Stephens
when he was a baby.
I just wanted a chance to
be in his life in any way
that Max was comfortable with.
But Athelstan wouldn't
even consider it.
So you took the money instead.
For TJ.
Look, the extra money helps to pay
for the services he needs.
It's clear you both love him.
You need to stop fighting each other
and present as a united front for TJ.
Show him he doesn't have to choose.
Set up the press conference.
No, wait, wait.
If you sic a bunch of strangers on him
and he's triggered,
this world, it isn't kind
to people that are different.
I, better than anyone,
can testify to the cruel world
we all live in.
But every once in a while, as
a human race, we get it right.
Trust me.
I will make sure this
is one of those times.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Did you get Gabi's text?
I did.
I'm still patched in to M&A.
I need you to look
into something for me.
It's about the group
home and Kristina.
You get a bad vibe off her?
Actually, the opposite.
I believe that Kristina
believes that she's doing right
by those kids,
but there's just something
about her dynamic with Jordan.
I mean, he reminds me a lot of Jamie.
And no matter how much you love
them, hyperactivity like that
can just can be exhausting.
- How did Kristina handle it?
- Perfectly.
Almost too perfectly.
I don't know.
I mean, maybe I'm...
I'm latching on to something
that's not actually there
because I'm working
on forgiving myself
for not being a perfect mom.
Hey, it's normal for
these emotional landmines
to pop up with you for this case.
But let me reiterate.
You aren't a bad mother.
Thank you, Zeke.
And I'm proud of the progress
you've been making.
I mean, it's a one day
at a time thing.
I... I know that the bus station
isn't good for me anymore,
and I'm working with
a therapist for real this time
on really letting go.
I mean, I don't know
how I'll be in a year,
but, um, today I'm better.
And trust your gut.
I'll, um... I'll look into
Kristina and the group home.
♪ ♪
TJ Desouza is a sweet, gifted, frank,
superhero-loving boy, a boy the
system would have thrown away
for being a little different
if it weren't for the men beside me,
a birth father
who loved his son enough
that he fought his own demons,
and a foster dad
who stood in the gap
when TJ needed him the most.
America, I need you to
hear us clearly on this.
TJ sees the world through a beautiful
non-neurotypical prism.
Please keep an eye out for him.
And if you find him,
be slow and gentle in your approach.
Introduce yourself.
Don't try to hug or grab him
or even shake his hand.
Tell him that you are there to help,
and then call us here at M&A.
Gabi, with everything going on
in the manhunt with Hugh Evans
and now Christian,
why take on this case?
I will do anything to make
sure the TJ's of the world
are safe and protected.
I'll do anything
to keep my girls safe.
"k*ll me with thy w*apon,
not with words."
You truly believe you are
smarter than everyone else.
That ego will be your downfall.
I know Henry VI, too,
and just like King Henry
with Gloucester, I know you.
Yeah, I studied the man
who wrecked my life.
And you know what?
All I have is pity for your existence.
You have never been loved.
Your father walked out
on your whore of a mother
and his worthless shell of a son.
Your own mother, who labored
to bring you into this world,
didn't even love you
because you are nothing.
You will not stand in my way.
Gabrielle is my family.
Wrong again.
She's mine.
Put me out of my misery.
♪ ♪
You've been a good mother
to my Gabrielle,
which is why I'm not gonna k*ll you.
But you and your broken child
shall interfere no longer.
My apologies. Is that loud?
Still getting used to our new system
that will have the cops here
in 90 seconds.
♪ ♪
What happened? Are you OK?
Yeah, sorry.
I came to get Bella's kangaroo
and accidentally
set off our new panic button.
Everything's fine.
We should just head back to my
room for our group sleepover.
♪ ♪
What the hell?
- What is it?
- It's my home alarm.
There's someone in my house.
Gabi, slow down.
We don't know what
you're walking into.
It's all clear. She's fine.
Who was it?
Perp was gone by the time we got here.
- It has to be Sir, right?
- My best guess.
Gabi, does anything in this
house look out of place to you?
♪ ♪
Whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey, hey.
It's evidence. I have gloves on.
You don't.
♪ ♪
"I know you don't have
a reason to trust me,
"but there are things
you need to know.
"I didn't do this.
"I can't explain what's happening.
"I have to protect myself.
"But I promise you, Gabi,
I shot no one.
How do we know it's really from him?
I'll run the letter for prints.
Whoa, whoa, hey, where are you going?
To talk to the only
witness to the sh**ting.
♪ ♪
God, you're gorgeous.
I'm Gabi Mosely.
I know.
Nice to finally meet you.
How are you feeling?
I don't really idle well, so honestly,
going a little stir crazy.
I know the feeling.
I'll make this quick.
You don't have to.
Something tells me that
you and I could have
fascinating conversations.
Unfortunately, I have a young boy, TJ,
who's missing, so I need to be quick.
Can you walk me through what
happened with Christian Evans?
The Evans brothers
are my cross to bear.
They came after you
to get to Trent because...
it doesn't matter.
I just need details.
Christian may have
said something to you
that only I would understand.
I wish I could help more.
But the truth is, is,
Christian didn't say much.
When he shot at me from his car,
I know he seemed a little crazy,
desperate, muttered about
doing this for his brother.
And then he was gone,
and I was left bleeding.
I need to take this.
You're the one, aren't you?
The one who broke Trent's heart?
I can see you still care for him.
I'll take good care of him, I promise.
What do you have, Zeke?
Why was the shutdown a whole year?
What kind of shoddy operation
was Kristina running?
We were just getting into that.
Kristina was shut down
two years ago after a kid
passed away in the premises.
It was all above board.
The kid had the flu,
but it took a year
for her to get back up and running.
Since then, she hasn't so much as
reported a kid with a cold.
But there was one other kid
is on record as having
run away from her group home,
never to be heard or seen again.
I've been monitoring the M&A tip line,
and all the tips that came in
were sightings from
the first day TJ went missing.
No sightings at all from the point
he went into the group home.
If he ran away,
wouldn't someone somewhere
have seen him by now?
And why would he leave his go bag?
So maybe both kids
never left the facility?
Zeke, do you have the name
of the other kid
that also ran away?
Lance is one of Jordan's
imaginary friends,
the kids from the backyard.
Zeke, bring up satellite
images of Kristina's backyard.
♪ ♪
That's exactly what it looks like.
Only problem is these
images are from a year ago.
How is it still under construction
with the exact same
mounds and flag placements?
♪ ♪
This is ridiculous.
I've done nothing wrong.
♪ ♪
L for Lance.
How could you?
Is Lance buried in there?
Yes, but I didn't hurt him.
He passed from natural causes.
I couldn't risk another
year-long shutdown.
So you just buried him
out back like trash.
He's a foster kid.
He doesn't have any family.
I gave him a proper burial.
What about TJ?
Did you do the same thing to him?
He was on punishment because he
kept on coming out,
asking too many questions
- about dirt and Lance.
- Punishment where?
So help me, Kristina, I will...
In the mound with the pipes.
- TJ!
- TJ, honey!
TJ, make a sound!
I got something.
There's some kind of box.
TJ, baby.
It's OK. We're here.
♪ ♪
TJ, I'm Gabi Mosely.
Your dads, Tracy and Martin,
sent me to find you.
You're safe now.
♪ ♪
Oh, thank you, God.
♪ ♪
I'm so sorry I left.
I won't do it again.
♪ ♪
Are you both friends now?
BOTH: Yeah.
Thanks to you.
In fact,
if you feel safer at Martin's,
I'm OK with you living there.
You're my dad.
So your apartment is my home.
But can Martin come visit me there?
Anything you want, son.
♪ ♪
Um, I have a friend,
and he needs a dad.
Jordan's like me, and I thought
maybe you could help him
the way you helped me.
Buddy, it would be
my honor to meet him.
TJ, we have a surprise for you.
Is it OK if we let them in?
♪ ♪
I heard you had quite
the adventure, little bro.
♪ ♪
I am so sorry for everything.
My husband didn't mean any harm.
- He was just...
- Trying to protect his family.
Yes, he was.
We, um... we told Max the truth
today about you and TJ.
It's nice to meet you, sir.
I guess we have a lot
of catching up to do.
♪ ♪
♪ In the breath, in the light ♪
♪ I'll be by your side ♪
♪ Or by the moon in the dark ♪
Oh, what about Katherine?
No, too old.
Uh, Kaylee, Kora.
♪ ♪
How about Lacey?
It means cheerful, just like you.
Nice to meet you, Lacey.
You are going to start over
in a new life.
And it's going to be so amazing.
You guys are troopers.
Thanks for helping to pack up so fast.
Did you pick a name?
♪ ♪
That's a beautiful name.
Your dad just got here, Lacey.
He's helping Gabi's dad
pack up the car.
I noticed the cops that are
still outside since yesterday.
Oh, they're just a precaution
from the alarm
going off last night.
Thank you for protecting me.
♪ ♪
I am so glad you're getting
your fresh start
at college far away from here.
I'm so sorry
we won't be there to see you,
but I just think, starting
over is the only way Bella...
Lacey... will get better.
Of course.
You've done so much for me already.
Thank you isn't enough.
♪ Don't be afraid ♪
♪ When you feel like it's over ♪
♪ It's just a bad day ♪
♪ 'Cause in a moment, in a second ♪
OK, Lacey,
let's get your backpack
and make sure we're not forgetting
anything you want to keep.
Hey, it's OK.
I promise,
no matter what your name is,
no matter where you are,
I will always find you.
I love you.
♪ ♪
♪ So put your head on my shoulder ♪
♪ Don't be afraid ♪
♪ When you feel like it's over ♪
Thank you, Gabi.
♪ ♪
♪ And the darkness never stays ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Don't be afraid, no ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Don't be afraid, don't be afraid ♪
♪ The darkness never stays ♪
♪ ♪
ALL: Welcome home.
I tracked down Lance's uncle.
He's flying in tomorrow
to claim his nephew,
bury him properly.
We saved TJ, but it's not enough.
It's never enough.
And now Gabi's going away.
What's gonna happen to
the other missing people?
They have all of you.
But do they, though?
M&A is still broken.
And... and without you,
it's gonna fall apart, Gabi.
Lacey's not ready to take over.
Maybe we accept reality,
quit while we're ahead.
Where is this coming from?
M&A can't die.
Who will look for the forgotten?
Maybe it's time to take
a page out of your book.
Save themselves.
This place almost cost me my marriage.
I think it's time to call it quits.
What is happening?
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I should go, too.
♪ ♪
Margaret, I don't know
what's going on,
but it can't end this way.
You set this in motion
the day that you kidnapped Sir.
♪ ♪
Hello, you.
Time and again, I've tried
to tell you your so-called
team do not deserve you.
No more wasting time on them.
♪ ♪
I always wondered what my
last words to you would be.
Turns out it's "go to hell."
Step back.
♪ ♪
You knew.
Step back, Evans.
On the ground.
Hands up.
Did you really think you
could step into my sanctuary,
touch my books,
my laptop,
touch my life,
and I wouldn't figure out your plan?
That's why I had the cops
stay around, staged a fight.
My family is now
and forever safe from you.
It's over, you bastard.
Gabrielle, don't do this.
♪ ♪
I told you,
as soon as my family was safe,
I would turn myself in.
♪ ♪
I'm ready.
♪ ♪
♪ Hello ♪
♪ My love ♪
♪ Is real ♪
♪ Hello ♪
♪ You're in the next room ♪
♪ I feel you ♪
♪ You're someone that's close by ♪
♪ Speak ♪
♪ Speak, my love ♪
♪ I'll listen ♪
♪ Speak, speak, my love ♪
It'll be OK.
We'll save our girl somehow.
♪ I feel you ♪
♪ You're someone that's close by ♪
♪ You're someone that's close by ♪
♪ You're someone that's close by ♪
♪ Oh, oh ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ Ah, ah, ah ♪
♪ ♪
Hi, Mom.
♪ ♪
Greg, move your head.
02x11 - Missing While Misunderstood
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Gabi Mosley, a recovery specialist, and her crisis management team work to find missing people who they believe are overlooked by the system.
Gabi Mosley, a recovery specialist, and her crisis management team work to find missing people who they believe are overlooked by the system.