07x03 - Shuck Everlasting

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hudson & Rex". Aired: March 25, 2019 – present.*
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Rex's keen nose and ears are instrumental in helping Detective Hudson advance the investigations in each episode.
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07x03 - Shuck Everlasting

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ I need a vacation ♪

♪ In the isle in the East ♪

How beautiful is this, huh, Rex?

- ♪ Maybe down on the coastline ♪
- Unspoiled nature.

We're going to catch
you a big old cod today!






What do you see, Rex?

I'll turn us around.




What have you got there, Rex?




What is that?


I see it, I see it.


- Are those bloodstains?


Is there something else down there?


Well, I guess there's
only one way to find out.











- Charlie.
- CHARLIE: Hey, how are you?

Hey! Great!

How are you? What's going on?

Did you make it to Mexico?

Yeah, yeah, it was a
bit crazy but I'm here.

And any word on your brother?

Unfortunately not. It's
like Jack just vanished.


- How's your dad doing?
- Ah, you know him.

He's a tough son of a g*n.

- How are you doing?
- Great.

Just finishing up the
last of the unpacking.

- And Rex?
- He's on a boat ride with Joe.

I've been gone two days

- and he's already partying it up.

- Oh, hang on.

It's Joe.

You go. We'll talk later.

- Charlie, wait, um...
- Yeah?

I've never really worked a
case with Rex on my own before.

You think we'll be okay, yeah?

Sarah, you've been around him.

You've seen him in
action. Just trust him.

He'll do the rest.


Thanks, hey.

I love you.

I love you, too.

- Talk later.
- Okay.




Hey, buddy, come here.

Rex never ceases to amaze.

A k*ller can't even hide a body

in the bottom of the North Atlantic.

You sure it's a m*rder?

Unless this guy decided to take a swim

- with an anchor attached to him.

Oh, it's the chief.

He needs me back at the
office. Says it's urgent.

- Okay. I'll take it from here.
- Okay.

Hey, you.

It's going to be just me and the
guys with you for a while, okay?

Yeah, I know. I know. We're not Charlie

but we'll do our best, deal?


[SARAH SIGHS] Let's get to work.

JESSE: Sarah!

- Sarah, hey!
- Jesse! What are you doing here?

Oh, well it's the perfect
opportunity to run a field test.

Allow me to introduce to you
the newest member of the SJPD,

a completely state-of-the-art
Al-powered, Law Enforcement Analyst.

- LEA for short.
- LEA?

LEA is beautifully designed.

Yeah, she's powered by
this neural interface

that helps with field investigators.

- It's pretty great.
- I see.

Well, this real-life field
investigator is going to start

- by identifying our victim.
- Okay!

So, what do we have?

Ooh! Cause of death appears to be

a single penetrating chest wound.

Likely a knife of some sort.

Do you mind actually enunciating
a little bit for LEA?




Bruising around the face

suggests the victim
was in an altercation

some time prior to the m*rder.

How long do you think
he's been in the water for?

Judging by the skin
maceration, I'd guess

about a day, maybe two.


- Oh. Company logo.
- Oh.

Maybe we can use that
to track the tux rental.




Yeah, Dapper Dinesh!

Specializing in tux, retail
and rentals since 1992!

Okay! Looks like they're missing a tux.


Sarah, hey.

So the tux company had 14
bookings over the weekend,

but one jacket was un-returned.

- Who rented it?
- Marlowe Sawyer, local businessman.

Victim Services,

they're contacting the
next-of-kin to make an ID.

[LEA CHIMES] LEA: Cordelo's.

Is that LEA?

Yeah. I activated her vocal interface.

She sounds a bit like Elisha Cuthbert.

I thought more Jennifer Garner.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure what LEA
said was Cordelo's Restaurant.

- How'd you know?
- The boutonnière came from

Harbourside Flowers on Duckworth.

The owner said that they supplied
a wedding at Cordelo's on Friday.

Andy Mitchell and Sofie Nolan.

Me and your girlfriend seem
to be on the same wavelength.

- Rex, let's go!
- She's not my girlfriend.

She's a state of the
art... Oh she's gone, okay.

Bye Rex, yeah.

- Hey.
- Hi!

- Are we celebrating something?
- We are not.

I just met with the chief.

And my friend, we have
a smuggling problem.

Contraband champagne I presume.

Wow. Coming in through ports?

- No. We believe it's coming...

from St. Pierre and Miquelon.

LEA: An island archipelago
near Newfoundland

that belongs to the country of France.

- You got LEA to talk?
- I did.

Oh! She sounds like Elisha Cuthbert.

Jennifer... Ah, it's all right.

So, we think that the goods

are being smuggled via small boats

to offload at unmonitored docks.

Okay, so all we have to do

is just check over 10,000
miles of remote coastline.


Hey. You ever been in
a restaurant before?

You can't bring dogs in here.

He's on duty.

Sarah Truong, Major Crimes.

And this is Rex.

I'm looking for the owner.
Are they on the premises?

That would be me.

Ricardo Dimas.

- What's this about?
- Were you here on Friday night

for Andy Mitchell and
Sophie Nolan's wedding?

Of course. I'm here every night.

I also happen to be
friends with the couple.

Do you remember this man?

Yeah. That's Marlowe.

We were fishing buddies.

Right there.


And you say you were fishing buddies?


Yeah, that's Marlowe in the middle.

But when you say you were...

Oh, he's the kind of guy who
goes straight for the jugular

and then claims he's just being honest.

Tough guy to stay friends with.


Is he pressing charges against Andy?

Because I can guarantee
that Marlowe started it.

- Marlowe fought with the groom?
- Yeah.

And knowing Marlowe, it was about women.

Or money.

Or both.

I'm sorry to have to tell you this.

Marlowe Sawyer's dead.

What happened?

That's what we're trying to figure out.

You said that he fought with Andy?

And then what?

Then he left. The fight
kind of ruined things.

10:00 or 10:30 maybe?

Do you know where he went?

No idea.

But most everyone at the wedding
works at Torbay Oyster Farms.

Someone there might know.

Okay, thanks for your help.


- Hey Jesse, what's up?
- JESSE: Hey, Sarah.

Marlowe Sawyer's son is coming
in to identify the body.


- Rex.



You're doing great.


Oh God, yeah yeah.

That's him.

That's my dad.

I'm so sorry, Ethan.

Do you have any idea who might
have wanted to harm your father?


I don't even know who
could have hurt him.

He was like this,

this giant...

- Who did this?
- I don't know.

But I promise you we will find out.



SARAH: This officer will see you out.

I'll let you know the
second we learn anything.


JESSE: Sarah, hey.

We found something.


Yeah, well, LEA and I.

We tracked the victim's credit card

to a local taxi company.

Is that even legal?

Well, I did it first
but LEA did it faster.

Anyway, the cab dropped
Marlowe off at 8 Tim's Road

- near the...
- Torbay Oyster Farm.

How'd you know that?

Old fashioned detective work.


Any idea what Marlowe's
connection to the farm is?

Well, I... we,

did a little search and it turns out

he co-owns it with Andy Mitchell.


I wonder what happens
to the partnership now.

Actually maybe you and
Silicon Sherlock can find out.

You know I'm not looking to
really replace anyone, right?

Well, Jesse, I think the
question you should be asking yourself

is whether LEA is
looking to replace you.



Rex, let's go.


ZACH: Hey big guy!

Welcome to Torbay Oyster Farm!

How's it going?


I'm looking for Andy Mitchell.


- SARAH: Mr. Mitchell.
- Morning!

Sarah Truong, Major Crimes.

This is Rex.

What happened to your hand?

[CLEARS THROAT] That was a mistake.

Zach will you go
muster the sorting crew?

What's this about?

Marlowe Sawyer's body was found
this morning in Swallowtail Cove.

And we're treating his
death as a homicide.


You mind if we go
somewhere more private?


I guess you already know I fought
with Marlowe on Friday night.

I do.

What was the fight about?

We got an offer from some seafood
conglomerate to buy the farm.

That's the reason you hit him?

No, I hit him because he wanted to sell.

Wouldn't you make a lot
of money if you sold?


We created something from nothing here.


Everyone said it couldn't be done.

Water's too cold.

Sea's too rough.

It's too tough to run a boutique
shop in a luxury market.

I've heard it all.

And it may seem modest now

but soon it's going to be big.

That's why they want to take us over.

And what do you think
happens to the sale now?

That's something Marlowe's
son, Ethan, and I,

will have to figure out.

He'll inherit his dad's
half of the business.


- What's happened?
- My wife, Sophie.


ANDY: These are the police.

Marlowe's been k*lled.


- Oh my God.
- ANDY: The detective here

is asking about the
fight I had with Marlowe.

Oh. That was just a misunderstanding.

What happened after the fight?

- The party broke up.
- We went home.

- Mm-hmm.
- And you were both there all night?

It was our wedding night.

Where else would we be?

Marlowe took a cab
here after the wedding.

Do you have any idea why he'd do that?

No, none.

Is there anyone here
who might have seen him?

Night security, CCTV?

ANDY: Sorry, no.
There's nothing like that here.


I'm going to need to talk
to the rest of your staff.

So tell me, Zach.

Where did you go after the wedding?

Home and went to sleep.

- Can anyone corroborate that?
- Ethan.

I gave him a lift back to my place.

You said you had the
early shift on Saturday.

Did you notice anything
unusual when you came in?

Not really. Our skiff
was missing. Still is.

That's not strange.

Kids will take that for joyrides.

It'll show up. Always does.

Okay, that's it for now. Thanks, Zach.

Your partner there looks
pretty interested in seafood.

Does your dog want an oyster?

Fresh as they come.

Ooh, sorry, no. Raw oysters
aren't safe for dogs.



- Thanks, though.
- Yeah.

All right, boys.

- Rex, let's go.
- Let's get this batch unloaded.

Pick up the pace a little

JESSE: Boss, I have something.

- It might be crazy.
- sh**t.

So we know that Marlowe
arrived at the oyster farm,

but you and Rex found his
body at Swallowtail Cove.

Thank you. Swallowtail Cove
isn't accessible by roads.

Meaning they brought
the body there by boat.

Yeah, so I had LEA map
the potential routes

the boat might have taken.



Could LEA do this with the
smuggling data if I sent it to you?

- Oh, absolutely.
- Good.

- What's the crazy part?
- Well, I wondered if someone

might have seen the boat en route.

So I contacted the coast guard

and they sent me thousands of hours

of marine radio recordings.

I couldn't have gone
through them on my own, so

- So you had LEA do it.
- Yeah, and she found this.

MAN: Coast Guard.

This is the fishing vessel Allora.

We just spotted an unlit skiff
operating near marker 14.

Pilot is a white male in a tuxedo, over.

COAST GUARD: Say again, Allora. Tuxedo?

Yep, tuxedo. Guy must think
he's James Bond. Over.

They must have been
talking about Marlowe.

Yeah, on his way to his m*rder.



SARAH: Torbay Oyster Farm is
missing one of their skiffs.

DONOVAN: Suggesting Marlowe
took it to Swallowtail Cove

where he met his k*ller.

But then where did the skiff go?

Well, it could have floated away

or maybe the k*ller took it.

Well, regardless, we
need to find that boat.

It could be our crime scene.

This scenario explains the
where, when and how of the m*rder

but not who or why.

I might have the why on that info.

LEA estimates that if
the farm were to sell,

Marlowe's share would be
worth two million dollars.

That's strong motive for Ethan.

On the other hand, Andy seemed
determined to stop the sale

because he wanted to grow the business.

So maybe Andy k*lled Marlowe,
trying to stop that sale.

That's also strong motive.

Well, maybe we can ask
LEA what she thinks.

LEA has the same evidence that we do

- which is not enough.
- We could always ask.

Okay LEA, who k*lled Marlowe Sawyer?

LEA: Naming suspects in
a homicide investigation

can have profound personal
and legal consequences.

Okay, but based on the
information that you know,

- who's the most likely k*ller?
- LEA: Ricardo Dimas.

- Why him?
- LEA: Financial motivation.

Marlowe Sawyer's holdings reveal

he recently divested from
Cordelo's Restaurant.


Is there some reason LEA
didn't tell us this earlier?

Well, it's all about the
prompts that you give her.

I give her.

It's a learning curve.

Ricardo could have been angry at Marlowe

for pulling out his money.

SARAH: Okay. I'll
go back to the oyster farm

and look into the
ownership end of things.

And I'll talk to Ricardo.

And do you mind if I take Rex with me?

SARAH: Not at all.

He'd probably enjoy
some different company.

JESSE: Hey, hey.
What's the latest on Charlie?

Yeah, yeah, what's going on there?

Unfortunately, still no sign of Jack.

But you know Charlie. He'll
get to the bottom of things.

Yeah. Well, if there's
anything we can do...

- Yeah, just say the word.
- SARAH: Thanks.

I'll be sure to let him know.

All right, Ethan.

Where did you go after the wedding?

Zach took me back to his place.

I wasn't in any shape to drive.

And then what?

I slept a while and
got up and walked home.

Did anyone see you?

No, but my Fitbit
records all my movements.

- I can give you the data.
- Yeah, that would be helpful.

I'll get it off my phone.

So Ethan, it's my understanding

that you'll inherit your
father's share of the farm.

What do you plan to do with that?

I'll let Andy tell me what's best.

He's the one with the vision.

My dad always said his part

was to know a good
investment when he saw one.

I guess my job will just be
to try and not mess that up.

Oh, I've got to sync the
Fitbit data to the app

- then I can send it to you.
- What are these?

Pretty cool, huh? That's a
live feed of our sprats t*nk

of ten million oyster larvae.

Enough to cover ten acres.


Your father came out here to the farm

on Friday night after the wedding.

You don't have any idea why, do you?


- Maybe he slept here sometimes?
- Never.

But Andy does.

Yeah, this place can be

[SARAH SIGHS] We believe your
father took the skiff out that night.

You don't know why he'd do that, do you?

A couple of oyster bags got
cut loose a few weeks ago.

We figured it was some kids

but if my dad saw anyone
messing around out there,

he'd definitely go after them.

He had a temper.



RICARDO: This food is not fit for a dog!

How many times do you have to hear this?

Stop bringing

your culinary school b.s. here!

Oh. I remember you.

But not you.

Superintendent Joe Donovan, SJPD.


I already told your other
investigator everything.

Well, we've got some new information.

It's come to our attention

that Marlowe pulled his money
out of your restaurant recently.


I see where you're headed.


This business has seen it all.

Recessions, chain restaurants, COVID.

You name it. We've gotten through it.

And yeah, losing Marlowe's money hurt.

But it wasn't the end of the world.

Where were you after the wedding ended?

I cleaned up here and then
I had a couple of drinks

to forget about the night
and then I went home.

- Can anyone corroborate that?
- Yeah.

You just met her.

My sous-chef.

We run hot and cold.



- Hey! How'd it go with Ricardo?

He has a temper.

But he's alibied.

Okay, well listen, I want
to show you something.

I had LEA go through
all your smuggling data.

She identified these corridors as
the most likely routes
for smugglers.

This is incredible.

This has saved us weeks of
surveillance, maybe months.

Yeah, and she didn't even
break for a cup of coffee.

So all these routes seem
to converge right here.

- That Gull Island.
- Yeah, there's a reason for that.

See, this area around Gull Island,

that's a designated wildlife sanctuary.

No boats longer than three metres

are allowed within that zone.

Meaning police and Coast
Guard can't patrol there.

But if you're a smuggler...

It's a safe zone to
conduct your business in.

Okay, I'm going to contact the judge

to see if she can get
the injunction lifted

and get our patrols in there.

That's good work, Jesse.

It's good work, LEA.


LAB TECH: The bruising
around Marlowe's s*ab wound

indicates a knife with
a squared-off hilt.

- And the blade?

Approximately four inches long.

Serrated. All-in-all
a very common w*apon.

So, that's not of much help.

Agreed. However,

this might be useful.

You're holding out on me?

Just my little flair for the dramatic.

Have a gander.


- Diatoms, right?
- Yeah.

Our favourite single-celled,
aquatic micro-algae.

I found them inside the wound.

And they're such homebodies.

Yeah. Identify the diatom,
identify the marine environment.

So, where was Marlowe stabbed?

That's the catch. I'm not completely up

on the hundred thousand known species.


I think I know someone who is.

I'll put the two of you in touch.

Hey, Rex.

How was your visit at
the restaurant, huh?

You know, we were actually
just coming to see you.

I was looking into local vandalism cases

and I came across this.

These oyster farm lunatics
are ruining this bay!

Most people seem to like
oyster farms but not this guy.


Do we know who he is?

Yeah, his name is Jeffrey Hoole.

He owns the yacht club
across from the oyster farm.

Every time I turn around ,

I see one of their damn boats racing by.

Or their garbage floating in.

If the cops won't do anything about it ,

then I guess it's up to me.


SARAH: Rex, what say
we go see some boats?


I can see you're upset,

but what I asked you, Mr. Hoole,

was whether you've ever
vandalized the oyster farm.

Vandalized? No, but maybe I should have.

I've complained to the
planning department

the government... Everyone.

Things will only get worse
if they're not stopped.

- Stopped from doing what?
- Expanding.

- Is this about the sale?
- No!

Do you see that shoreline?

They're going to wipe it out
and turn it into a processing facility.

You sure about that?

One of our members has
connections in fisheries.

The oyster farm has applied for
a permit to develop 100 acres.


What's wrong with your dog?

Nothing's wrong, Mr. Hoole.

He's alerting me because
he's found something.

This skiff is from the oyster farm.

- How did it get here?
- I found it floating in the bay.

Towed it in.

It's just more oyster farm trash.


You see the water in the back
of the boat, Mr. Hoole?

- There's blood in it.

This boat isn't trash.

- It's a crime scene.






SARAH: You got something for me, Ingrid?

INGRID: I can confirm
that the murderous micro-algae

in your victim's wound
is Haslea ostrearia.

It's common in aquatic environments

with iso galbana and eelgrass.

Sorry. My taxonomy is a bit rusty.

What does that mean?

Iso galbana and eelgrass
are the favourite snacks

of saltwater bivalves.


But here's the weird thing.

There are no oysters
in Swallowtail Cove.


How about that?

Okay. Great thanks, Ingrid.



No oysters in Swallowtail Cove, Rex.

But there are plenty of them right here.


DONOVAN: So you're absolutely sure

that Marlowe was k*lled somewhere

connected to the oyster farm?

One hundred percent.
The diatom's prove it.

Okay, okay. But what about
the blood in the skiff?

It wasn't enough for it to
have been the m*rder scene.

- So where did it come from?
- I think it leaked from Marlowe's body

when it was being transported.

So, if that's the case, that
means that the man in the tuxedo

who was piloting the skiff

could very well have been
another guest from the wedding.

Okay, okay. There are

and, aside from the victim,
only four of them wore tuxes.

Ethan, Andy, Zach, and Ricardo.

And they all have alibis.

Unless we break them.

I've seen this picture before.

At Ricardo's.

ANDY: Yeah, that was a good day.

Marlowe's favourite fishing spot.

- Andy, I'm going to ask again

about your whereabouts
after the wedding.

I already told you I was with my wife.


I appreciate how much you
want to solve Marlowe's m*rder

but this is beginning
to border on harassment.


SARAH: Good find, buddy.

It's a bow tie. Like someone
would wear with a tux.

You know, Ethan said that
you sleep here sometimes.

Did you after the wedding?

You didn't go home with Sophie?

- No.
- Why not?


I was angry with her.

Oh, you and Marlowe didn't
fight about business, did you?


- Cheers!

Come on. Married!

This is incredible. I have
never seen you smile so much.

Ah, that's because we're very happy.

- Give me that.
- Okay.

Here we are,

stuffed on our oysters,

drinking good champagne.

You, me, and Sophie.

Look at us being grown up.

No hard feelings.

Just good friends and partners.

- Huh?
- Hard feelings about what?

Sophie said she told you.

[ANDY SCOFFS] Told me what?

[MARLOWE SIGHS] It was nothing, Andy.

It was years ago.

You two had broken up.

You and Sophie?

Hey! It's a testament to your love!



I was...


Marlowe wanted to congratulate me.

So you came back here to be alone.

- Did you see Marlowe when you got here?
- No.

I just passed out on the couch.

I didn't k*ll him.

I wanted to.

But I didn't.


Just heard from the judge.

She says that she's
sympathetic to our cause

but doesn't believe that
AI scenarios are enough

to prove that smugglers
are using these routes.

So no police patrols near the sanctuary?


There's got to be another
way to monitor this area.


I think I might know a way.


Good morning. Here's everyone's...

Oh my god! I love puffins!

Yeah, apparently so does Rex.

What is this?

Funny enough, it is our puffin camp.

Yeah, scientists use these
remote control cameras

to conduct population counts

at the puffin sanctuary on Gull Island.

So this camera is going to give us eyes

on the protected waters
that the smugglers are using.

And if LEA is right, we should
catch our smugglers in the act.



- Excuse me.
- Mm-hmm.

SOPHIE: I feel terrible
but I need to tell someone.

The night of the wedding,

Marlowe didn't just get
in a fight with Andy.


RICARDO: What are you doing back here?

MARLOWE: Looking for more champagne.

You're not an owner
anymore. Ask your server.

- What's this?
- None of your business.

My company name is all over this.

So it is my business.

This could ruin us!

Why didn't you tell me this earlier?

Sleeping with Marlowe was a big mistake.

Same with not telling Andy.

But they were my mistakes.

Not Marlowe's.

What did he mean, this could ruin us?

I don't know. I guess
you'll need to ask Ricardo.


SARAH: I thought I
recognized these cliffs.

This is Swallowtail Cove.

- So?
- SARAH: Well, that's where Marlowe's body was found.

How many times do I have to
tell you I didn't k*ll Marlowe?


You know I have an alibi.

But you fought with him
the night he was k*lled.

SARAH: Something you forgot to mention.




Looks like Rex has found
something interesting.

What do we have here?

Well, Rex.

I didn't realize you had a
penchant for smuggled champagne.




You and Marlowe were close, but,

then you fell out after he pulled
his money out of your restaurant.

Is that why you turned to smuggling?

To save your restaurant?

I don't know what you're talking about.

You know what? Perhaps...

this will jog your memory.


- I didn't k*ll him.
- SARAH: Okay.

It's a diatom.

It's a fingerprint for
an aquatic environment.

We found them all over your boat.

Which means that you
were in the oyster beds recently.


I was angry with Marlowe

for pulling out of the business.

And I wanted to get back at him.


I went down to the beds and I
messed with some oyster bags.

DONOVAN: If you want
any hope of leniency,

you need to start cooperating now.

Who is your contact at the oyster farm?




What's this about?

Zach Ballard.

We have a search warrant for your boat.

- And based on what we found here,

you're under arrest for
possession of smuggled alcohol

in violation of the Liquor Control Act.

You've got to be kidding me.

DONOVAN: Take him to the station.


Hold on.


- SARAH: Up there?

Don't move.

What's this?

ZACH: It's my knife.

It went missing a few days ago.

It fits the description
of the m*rder w*apon.

ZACH: I didn't know... I didn't
know that was there, I swear!

Let's go.

This is a big mistake.

Listen to me!


ANDY: What's going on here?

DONOVAN: Zach's been smuggling

contraband alcohol
through the oyster farm.

ANDY: What? No,
that's... That's impossible.

It gets worse. We
found the knife we think

Marlowe was stabbed
with hidden on the boat.


- This can't be happening.

Jesse, talk to me.

Hey, I've got two boats in the
protected zone off Gull Island.

They just finished transferring
boxes from one to another

and one boat is flying French colours.

DONOVAN: That's the boat bringing in

the smuggled alcohol from St. Pierre.

What about the boat they're
transferring the goods to?

JESSE: That's registered
to the oyster farm.

DONOVAN: Do you have any
idea where it's going?

LEA: Given its current course and speed,

the boat's likely destination
is Torbay Oyster Farm.

Did you get that?

Who's piloting that boat?

There's only one out today

- but it can't be.
- You didn't answer my question.


Who's piloting that boat?


Hey man, where are you?

I'm not unloading all
by myself again.

Zach's not available, Ethan. But, uh...

We are.




DONOVAN: What about Ethan's alibi?

LEA found an anomaly

between Ethan's story
and his Fitbit data.

LEA: Location and time
data from Ethan's Fitbit

is inconsistent with meteorological
temperature recordings observed.

He changed the time on his Fitbit

to give him an alibi for the m*rder.

- Yeah.
- Why would he do it? For the money?

I don't know.


I'm sure Sarah's gonna
get to the bottom of it.


What happened with your father, Ethan?

You don't feel like talking?

Okay, that's all right.

How about I get us started then?

Your father came to the oyster farm

expecting to break up Zach and
Ricardo's smuggling operation.

But instead,

he found you there.

Dad always said to take
business initiative.

Not the kind that put his farm at risk.

And he had a temper.


After the wedding,

we had a shipment to pick up.

I took Zach's boat out to get it.

As I was coming back in to dock,

I saw him.

Dad was on a mission.

He didn't even let me dock.

He just jumped on board and att*cked me.

I don't even know how the
knife ended up in my hand.

But after you stabbed him,

you cleaned up the blood and
hid the knife on Zach's boat.


I thought if something went wrong,

maybe it would look like Zach
was the one who k*lled him.

That picture of your father
fishing with Andy and Ricardo,

does that have something to do

with why you dumped his
body in Swallowtail Cove?

My dad and I didn't
see eye to eye on much.

We still loved each other.

Yeah. In a really messed up kind of way.

I just wanted to do something for him

that would have made him happy.

DONOVAN: Good news.

Zach has agreed to turn Crown
Witness in the smuggling case.

And along with Ethan's confession,

the French police have made an arrest

on the St. Pierre end of the operation.

- Oh, that's fantastic.
- What about Ricardo?

DONOVAN: Ricardo will be
lucky to run a burger joint

- when he gets out of jail.
- Ah.

Yeah, well, LEA was wrong about Ricardo

but she did help us out with a lot.

She did.

And you're welcome to
complete field testing.

- Okay.
- And after that?

DONOVAN: Oh, after that, we'll see.

Crimes are a human thing, Jesse.

And at the end of the day, I
think humans have to solve them.

Yeah, maybe so.



You know, LEA, no matter what
happens, I won't forget you.

- I won't forget you either, Jesse.



It's probably better if
you didn't hear that, so...

I brought bubbly.

- SARAH: Legal bubbly, I hope?
- [DONOVAN LAUGHS] Of course.

- I brought oysters and,

a steak for you, my friend.

- Oh, also another little surprise.

A puffin. Just for Rex.

- Do you like it?



Perfect timing. Joe and
Jesse are here for dinner!

- Hey!
- CHARLIE: Well, how dare you guys

have a party without me.


JESSE: Hey Charlie, it's
great to hear your voice.

Hey, any news on your brother?

CHARLIE: Well, he won his fight.

He was supposed to meet
some pals afterwards.

And he never showed up.
After that, it's a blank.

So, what have you guys been up to?

Well, uh, Rex found a
body and a m*rder w*apon.

CHARLIE: Wow, nice job, buddy.

- And we broke up a contraband ring.

Jesse's got a crush
on some new software.

We're just friends! It's not a crush!

CHARLIE: Yeah, sure it isn't.

Rex discovered that he loves puffins!

CHARLIE: Who doesn't?


JESSE: Joe misses you but
not as much as we miss you.

What's the weather like?
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