01x16 - Our Personal Heaven

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "My Demon". Aired: November 24, 2023 – January 20, 2024.*
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Series depicts the story of a contract marriage between Do Do-hee, the devilish heiress of a conglomerate, and Jeong Gu-won, a demon who temporarily loses his powers.
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01x16 - Our Personal Heaven

Post by bunniefuu »










"I can do all things…

through him…

who gives me strength."



Everything's okay now.


Did you

save me?

I saved myself.




No, don't.

No, Gu-won.

I still have so much to tell you.

Gu-won, I know now.

I remembered everything.

I was Wolsim, wasn't I?

I was going to k*ll myself

the day we first met,

but meeting you

made me want to live again.

I don't care what you are.

Just stay with me.

Don't go.

Please don't leave me.

Don't go.




Please don't go!


that's the choice you made.







I guess it's not over till it's over.

Is Mr. Jeong still missing?

Yes. It's certain

that he was at the scene,

but he's been missing for over a week.

Ms. Do is still in shock

and refuses to say anything.

And Noh Suk-min

keeps rambling on about nonsense,

looking as if

he's just crawled out of hell.

I won.

I destroyed both of you

with my own two hands.

Do-hee, open the door!

I think we'll have to break the door open.

Please get started.

Ms. Do!

You'll catch a cold.

You should change first.

Go out in the sun and get some fresh air,

or you'll fall into a downward spiral.

I can't…

stand this world.

Gu-won is nowhere in this world.

I used to be able to sense…

that he was hovering around me

even if I couldn't see him.

But now…

I can't feel him anywhere.


You can't go on like this.

At this rate,

you might die as well.

I won't die.

I can't.

Not after what

Gu-won went through to save me.

I'm going to endure this living hell.

That's my punishment.

Why should you be punished?

You didn't do anything wrong.

He died because of me.

It's my fault.

If only he hadn't met me.

I'm the one who k*lled him.

It's all my fault.

I k*lled him.



This is the second time

I've seen Ms. Do like this.

She was like this

at her parents' funeral too.

It was as if she had shut herself off

from the world.

She had…

barely been holding on,

but she's fallen apart in the end.

-Silent night

-Silent night

-Holy night

-Holy night

-All is calm

-All is calm

-All is bright

-All is bright

-Round yon virgin, mother and child

-Round yon virgin, mother and child

-Holy infant, so tender and mild

-Holy infant, so tender and mild

-Sleep in heavenly peace

-Sleep in heavenly peace

-Sleep in heavenly peace

-Sleep in heavenly peace

Merry Christmas, Gu-won.

I thought we'd be spending

Christmas together,

but you're gone.

It feels like when you died,

a part of me

died with you.

Make a deal with me.


My wish…

is to have you back.


Are we

in hell?

Am I dead?

Or am I dreaming?

You're neither dreaming

nor dead.

Merry Christmas, Do-hee.

I'm back.

I still can't believe it.

The world without you was terrible.

Same here.

Being without you

is hell to me.

Give me your hand.

Let me charge up.

Go ahead.

Let's charge up.

Thank you.

Thank you so much!

Christmas miracles do happen.

But why did you do it?

You said you were a mere companion

on the journey of everything.

She wanted a deal.

Since you were gone, I had to step in.

A deal?

Are you saying you're sending her to hell?

Don't you play with us again--

Don't worry.

The payment for her deal

has already been made.

Let's make a bet.

If I get my powers back

and Do Do-hee lives,

you lose.

I told you.

That's never going to happen.

Is it still valid?

I mean the bet I won.

If I ever have a wish,

will you grant it?

Are you asking me for help?


I need all the help I can get right now,

even if it's from you,

whom I trust the least.

If I had compassion,

I would've gone crazy.

There are too many

pitiful lives in the world.

So I didn't think I possessed

such human emotions.

You were right.

One should

never say never.

You were also right.

Happiness has no meaning

without misfortune.

I get that now.

So we're even now.

But come to think of it,

it's rather fortunate

that you don't have a knack for gambling.

-I don't?


-I don't have a knack for gambling?

-Not at all.

I've only lost once!

Let's make another bet!

If I win this time,

you'll cease to exist for good!


Not in a million years.

I love living among humans now.

Also, you still need a worker.

You'd never find another worker

as handsome and hard-working as me.


I guess…

you're the perfect fit.

I agree.

My goodness.


"Without powers, the body of a demon

is no different from that of a human…"

Director Jeong!

My goodness. Director Jeong!

You scared me. What are you, a buffalo?

Director Jeong.

Ga-young. Please stay away.

I just barely escaped death.

Are you trying to k*ll me?

We thought you were gone for good.

What are you talking about? I'm a demon.

Why would I die?

Christmas is already over.

Why decorate the tree now?

Who cares?

Our Christmas is just beginning.

I'm starting to understand

what you said about Christmas.

What do you mean?

That Christmas somehow makes you excited.

I'm the same way.

Being with you makes me excited.

You must be my Christmas.

Do you feel like a kid again?

That's also true.

The most important part.

Can you tell me…

about the deal you made with my dad?

I want to know,

even if it's an inconvenient truth.

That day…

it was pouring rain.

Traffic update.

There was a 12-vehicle collision

at the intersection

south of the Seongsu Bridge.

due to heavy rainfall.


Are you okay?



We're almost there.

Hang in there, honey.

Just a second, doctor!

Please examine my wife.

We were in a car accident.

Sorry. But all our beds are full,

even in the emergency room.

Please find another hospital. I'm sorry.


Something doesn't feel right.

No, this can't be happening.


Someone help!

Please, someone save my wife.

No, honey.

Please help.

My wife will die

if she doesn't see a doctor right now.

Saving two lives by granting one wish.

Not bad.

I'll grant your wish.

On one condition.

It doesn't matter.

I'll do anything.

Shouldn't you still hear it?

You might regret it.


I'll never regret it.

Well, suit yourself then.

You saved me back then too.

It wasn't me.

It was your father.

His sacrifice…

saved you.

Why didn't you tell me sooner?

I didn't want to confuse you further.

Because it's true

that I made you miserable.

You didn't make me miserable.

I spent ten wonderful years

with my parents.

They did their absolute best

every moment,

probably because they knew

they had limited time with me.

You saved me.

Both in my past life

and in this one.

You saved me as well.

You saved me…

from eternal destruction.


Good morning.

Good morning to you too.

Long time no see.

Good morning.

Thank you, Ms. Shin.

No, thank you.

I'm happy to see you again.


Mr. Ju Seok-hoon is waiting for you.

They've been gone for a while,

and they're totally glowing.

They always have been.

Both Ms. Do and Mr. Jeong.

They must've been on a trip.

No, I have a feeling

there's something more to it.

Like what?

Beats me.

But they seem to share a strong bond,

as if they overcame

an immense hardship together.

After hearing

someone clueless like you say that,

I'm more convinced

that they were on a trip.

I'm telling you, that's not it.

Mr. Jeong.

Didn't I say I wouldn't just sit back

if you ever hurt Do-hee?

What's with him?

Don't you dare disappear again,

or I'll make you regret it.

You and your obsession with me.

I get it, so let go of me.

I'm glad to see you back.

I said I got it.

Jeez, our ears are touching.

Do-hee, help.

Look at me.

-Don't ever get hurt.



I get it, okay?

-Two brisket soups to table seven.

-Here are two bowls of rice.

-Did you enjoy your meal?

-It was really good.

Thank you.

Collect ten stamps

and get a free bowl of rice soup.

Thank you.

We look forward to serving you again!

-We'll serve you again!

-We'll serve you again!

How dare you serve someone other than me?



Welcome, boss!

-Welcome, boss!

-Welcome, boss!

You didn't have to.

I heard your rice soup

is all the rage now.

Bring me a bowl.

I'll go for the assorted toppings.

One drop-dead delicious rice soup

with assorted toppings, please!

-One rice soup with assorted toppings!

-One rice soup with assorted toppings!

Will my food be on the house?

-It says "9,000 won," doesn't it?

-Then I'll pass.

It's on the house, of course.

How have you been?

-Your face has become so thin.

-I haven't been eating well lately.


More than half the board

is on Do Do-hee's side?

I don't believe this!

Will that brat Do-hee

really become the chairwoman?

I can't give up like this.

I have one last resort.

What brings you here?


a family matter.

Ms. Noh Su-ahn,

who claims to be your family, is here.

Greet her, boys.

-Hello, Chairman.

-Hello, Chairman.

What are you doing here with your kids?

I'm sorry for everything, Do-hee.

My sincere apologies.

Do you remember?

Austin right here

used to be so fond of you.

I'm Justin.

Justin right here

used to be so fond of you.

Don't you worry

about the future of Mirae Group.

Austin and Justin are undergoing

thorough successor training.

They'll be supporting you

from either side of you in the future.

Justin on your left

and Austin on your right.

How reassuring is that?

Justin on your left

and Austin on your right.

Justin here on your left,

and Austin here on your right.

The two of them.



I'll try harder.

I'm sure you'll recognize

my sincerity someday.

We're family, right? Do-hee!



Let's go.





You seem fine.

You sure have a heart of stone.

Everyone around you

died off because of you,

but you don't bat an eye.

I'm sorry to tell you this,

but you failed to destroy anyone.

Gu-won's back,

and I'm unscathed, as you can see.

Do you expect me to believe that?

Look at me.

I'm not hurt by anything you say.

I can't just be pretending, can I?

The only thing you managed to destroy

is yourself.


Noh Suk-min!

Calm down, Noh Suk-min!

Once I get out of here,

I'll k*ll them with my own two hands.

No matter how long it takes,

I'll k*ll them myself.


Why are you looking at me like that?

Don't look at me like that!

Stop it!

Someone help!


I said stop it!

Go away!

Ma'am, should I tell them

to move the stuff out?

Yes, please go ahead.


What do you want to do with this?


-Just throw it away, please.


My goodness.

You should've been more careful.

I'm sorry.


Are you going to the gym again?

Do you realize what time it is?

Why do you have to go this far?

I need to protect…


and you.



But this is…



I'm sorry.

It's okay. I have one for wounds.



See you later.

I'll video chat you every day.

To think how lonely you'll be

in a foreign country.

Let's part ways with a smile.

Take care of yourself in England.

Don't skip meals

even if you're not used to the food.


-Don't strain yourself while rehearsing.

And before going to bed…


Jin Ga-young.

Are you leaving without saying goodbye?

I thought I might waver if I saw you.


I looked it up,

and it rains a lot in England.

Take this with you.

I could buy one there.

He wants you to think of him

every time it rains.

This will be a reminder of him for you.

That's reaching. It's just an umbrella.


If you…

If you ever want to come back,

you're welcome here…


See? You're making me waver.

Have a good life, Director Jeong.

You too, Mr. Park.

Sir, hold on.

I knew it.

I knew coming back here

would make me want to leave.

Are you okay?


What happened to your face?

Come here.

I said come here.

Are you her dad?

So what if I am?

That doesn't give you

the right to hit her.

I didn't hit her.

She tripped and fell while playing.

Who are you anyway?

Why are you butting in--

Is this the police?

I'd like to report a child abuse case.

Hang up right now.

-Yes, the address is…

-Why, you little…

Don't you know what a guardian is?

I'm her parent.

Can't I even discipline my own child?

What is this nonsense?

Child abuse, my ass.

She tripped and fell while playing,

that's all.

I'll miss my flight if I don't leave now.

Aren't you going?


These are for you.

They look good on you.

Are you an angel?

Are you an angel?

Me? What makes you think so?

You saved me.

Yes, I am.

Call me whenever something happens.

Don't forget.



never come to save you.

…always come to save you.

Okay, angel.

Are you going or not?

I'm not.

I have unfinished business here.

Please drink.

I heard that

you're resigning from the board.

I plan on starting a center

for child victims of domestic v*olence.

I know it won't make up

for all my wrongdoings.


I don't want to turn a blind eye anymore.

I'm sorry

for turning a blind eye all this time.

Thank you for finding the courage.

Please let me know

if I can help you with anything

regarding your center.


I will.

My tarot reading predicted

I'd get a boyfriend this year,

but I've been single all year.

Cheer up, Ms. Choi.

There's still one day left

until the year ends.

That's right. It's too early to give up.

That only makes me feel more miserable.

On that note,

how about a team dinner?

Sounds good!

Let's go have that team dinner.

I guess she's getting old too.

Do we have another team dinner maniac now?

I'll pass.

I'd like to welcome the new year

with my family.

We're family too, aren't we?

Come on. Don't you have a personal life?

I don't have one, even at home.

Let's go have that team dinner.

Ms. Shin!

Where are we going?

Everyone, I have an announcement to make.

Why are you doing this?

The two of us are in a relationship.

This man here,

Mr. Park Bok-gyu, is my man.

He's the most innocent

and kind-hearted person in the world.

Ms. Shin.

-I see.

-I see.

I see.

You've finally said it.

It's finally over.

It's been so hard to play dumb.

Does that mean you all had figured it out?

It's not that we figured it out.

Let's just take one photo strip.

All right. One strip and we're leaving.

We're leaving after one strip, okay?

All right, we will.

You look so cute.

All right.

Do I look pretty?


-In the name of love and justice…

-Is that…



Shall we say

you already made a declaration of sorts?


How are you doing this?


That's enough exercise. Let's go.

I can't die like this.

My mom

recently got diagnosed

with a terminal illness.

Once she passes away,

I'll go with you.

Stop acting so pitiful.

I'm starting to feel sorry.

My mom…

She'll be miserable without me.

Please have mercy on me.

Hold on.

Take five.

Yes, Mr. Park?

I've looked into Oh Jin-sang,

whose contract expires today.

And he's a real piece of work.

He beat up his own mother so often

that more than ten reports

have been made so far.

That little wimp

asked you to make him stronger

only to harass people.

It doesn't end there.

That'll be enough.

Thank you.

For what?

For being

a total scumbag.


The chairperson is coming.



I made it just in time.

"Reach Zero through the Holy Spirit"?

I've repented and turned to Catholicism,

just like my mom.

This is a hybrid

of my faith and weight loss.


-What does zero mean?

-Size zero.

Taking care of your soul isn't enough.

You should take care of your body as well.

I'm sorry I'm late.

I had a lot of documents to go over

before my first meeting as the chairman.

Let's get started.

Before we start the meeting,

each subsidiary will report

on their performance

for the first quarter.

I've already reviewed the reports.

Our first-half operating margin

significantly increased from last year.

However, my research reveals

that this rapid improvement

stemmed from a substantial reduction

in personnel expenses

and employee benefits,

which is the easiest way to boost numbers.

While results matter,

the process is much more important

in fostering better long-term performance.

Moving forward,

Mirae Group will not take any shortcuts

in order to create results.

Great job, sir.

-Thank you for your work.

-Thank you.

You came prepared.

Research is my forte.

By the way, Do-hee,

are you really okay

with my taking over the chairman position?

You know I refuse to get any help

from Madam Ju.

If I became the chairwoman,

it'd be mostly thanks to Madam Ju's will.

It would be frustrating

to need her help after all this time.

That's very like you.

I've always known

what an incredible person you are.

Don't let your guard down.

I might grow my company big enough

to take over Mirae Group.


-Hi, Su-ahn.


A young leader sure is different.


Do you remember?

Austin used to be so fond of you.

Don't you worry

about the future of Mirae Group.

Austin and Justin are undergoing

thorough successor training.

Justin will be on your left

and Austin on your right.

And I'll be supporting you as well.



-Come up with some new lines.

-I've got your back.

Take care of yourself.

Eat healthy and work out hard.

Keep in mind that I've got your back.



Okay, all right.

The Supreme Court

upheld the death sentence.

As you may know,

that implies no possibility of parole.

Noh Suk-min will now rot in prison

for the rest of his life.

That's a relief.

He can no longer harm anyone.

By the way,

something came to my attention

while investigating,

and I think you should know.

The late Chairwoman Ju Cheon-suk

had a health checkup before she passed.

That's right.

That was my condition

for going on a blind date with you.

But the checkup revealed

that she had terminal pancreatic cancer.


What are you talking about?

According to her doctor,

her symptoms were so severe

that she was aware of her condition.

Madam Ju.

Is that why you kept pestering me

to get married?

So that I wouldn't be left alone again?

Why didn't you tell me?

Then I would've been nicer to you

and loved you as much as I wanted.

You must've been in a lot of pain.

You said you had lies flowing

through your veins instead of blood,

and it was true.

Don't you worry anymore.

I have someone on my side now.

Humans can now live up to 130 years?

I mean, 130 years pass

in the blink of an eye.

It's too short.


Time for cake, your favorite.


-You can't eat it.

-Why not?

Do you know how bad sugar is for humans?

You should stay away from these things

to live long.

I'll have just a little.

No! Don't.

You can't.

I run a dessert company.

From now on, sell health foods only.

I'll have to eat all of it myself.

-Share it with me.


It looks so bad. Let me take care of it.


-Eat something else.

Have some red ginseng

over there or something.

I paid for this.

Look at the night view.

You're missing such a beautiful sight.

It's involuntary.

I can't take my eyes off you.

I can't help it.


Your time

goes by too fast.

That's what makes

this moment even more precious.

-Mr. Park.

-Director Jeong.

Listen, you should never get married.


-I had a fight with Do-hee,

and she's been playing hymns and chants

from all religions all day.

She'd even sell her soul

to get on my nerves.


Isn't this so childish?

Does she think this is a diary?

She thinks she can do whatever she wants.

Director Jeong.

Why aren't you taking my side?

Why are your eyes twitching? What is it?




Can we talk?

I thought we were done talking.

No, we weren't.

I'll go work on the performance.

-Don't go, buffalo.

-Goodbye, Mr. Park.

I'll leave you two to talk.

What's this? A frog?

It's so pretty.

A frog, a flower,

-a chick…


It scares me when you call me hubby.


-Never mind.

Is it so hard to tell me beforehand

when you'll be home late?

It slips my mind

when I'm too busy with work.

You stay out late making deals

without telling me too.

That's a different story.

How so?

How can you compare my deals

to the insignificant jobs humans do?

Do you know what I've been going through

to only make deals with scumbags?

Are you saying

that what you do is important

while what I do is trivial?

-That's not what I meant.

-Forget it.

Caught in the crossfire

of hatred and misfortune,

we ceaselessly

hurt each other

and destroy each other's souls.


despite all that,

our lives

and this world continue.

Perhaps that's because

there are more people

who save each other

with their love and trust.

Let go.

I hate you the most.

I love you.

A lot.

I hate you the most,

but I love you the most too.


You're my everything.

Silly humans.

-This looks good.

-How about this one?

That's a bit…

If you want something bright,

how about blue?

-It looks good.

-Do you like it?

-I think it's boring.

-It's boring?

Then how about pink?

-That's cute.


-Do you like it?


Do you know why

the dinosaurs went extinct?

-A comet crashed into…

-Poor performance.

Their performance

didn't live up to their size.


It was because of poor work-life balance.

Let's go home.

-Let's go home!


-That's what I'm talking about!



-Let's go home!

Let's go!

Let's go home!

One more time?


I love you.

We may destroy each other at times,

but we're also the ones

who save each other.


we are both each other's destroyers

and saviors.




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