♪ ♪
PRIEST: Welcome.
Dearly beloved,
we are here today to join this man
and this woman
in holy matrimony.
♪ ♪
Good morning.
Uh, in honor of this slow Monday,
I thought we could catch up
on some long overdue paperwork.
I know, I know,
but it's got to get done.
Here's for you.
Oh, after action reports. Yummy.
And here's for you, McGee.
Much obliged.
And here's for you, Tor...
Oh! Uh, yeah, paperwork, we're on it.
Hey, you okay?
Yeah, I'm just, uh, just a little tired.
More like exhausted.
That's been happening a lot lately.
You, uh, pulling
some late nights, are you?
Bet I can guess with who.
What? Just saying.
I'm sorry, what are we
talking about here?
Nick's been dating
Knight's sister Robin.
- Mm.
- Oh. Right.
And, apparently,
someone isn't cool with it,
even though she said she was.
Oh, I am cool with it.
Yeah, well, could have fooled me.
I'm just pointing out that
you've been spending
a lot of time with her lately
and that's why you've been
neglecting your work duties.
I closed my eyes for five seconds.
You were snoring.
Can we drop this, please,
and get back to the paperwork?
But this is so much more interesting.
All right, we got a body
in a park in D.C.
Thank God. [SIGHS]
She's not cool with it.
Morning jogger found
the body, called it in.
According to his ID,
he was Navy Lieutenant David Fripp.
Found this stuff in the grass nearby.
ChapStick, hip flask and a lighter.
They might belong to our, uh, k*ller.
Have Kasie check it for prints.
Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late.
Had a little trouble
getting started this morning.
I had quite the late night last night.
Well, I heard that's going around.
Yeah, Victoria's school is
having a daddy-daughter dance.
I don't want to embarrass her,
so I'm taking dance lessons.
I don't know if you guys
know this about me:
I am not the strongest dancer.
- Is that right?
- Don't be so
- I never noticed that, did you?
- hard on yourself.
- No, that's impossible.
- No, it-it's true, it's true.
But my instructor said
I'm the best student in the class.
The youngest, too.
Mostly senior citizens.
Do you guys want to see me
do the cha-cha slide?
Uh, can we get to the body, please?
Right. Uh, let's see.
Multiple GSWs in his upper torso.
They're all exit wounds,
so let's take a look at the other side.
Rigor mortis tells us that
he has been dead between
eight and 12 hours.
Not a lot of blood around the body.
So, most likely,
he was k*lled elsewhere,
his body dumped here.
Hey. You okay, Nick?
You all right?
I don't know, man.
I think you were right.
I think my exhaustion
is catching up to me.
I think I'm... I'm coming down
with something.
Feel like you have a fever?
You want me to take your temperature?
No, I think I just need
to go home and get some rest.
Yeah, sure. Okay.
Feel better.
Yeah. [COUGHS]
Has he ever done that before?
Left a crime scene?
First time.
That was weird.
You know what, so's this.
Data chip inside the ID is wrong.
It's a hex pattern.
Should be a grid pattern.
ID's fake.
- So he wasn't military?
- No.
Then who was he?
KASIE: Vince Kelso,
a career criminal out of Baltimore
with a long rap sheet.
as*ault, robbery, petty theft.
What about the items
we found near the body...
any hits on them?
Uh, all three had
Kelso's prints on them,
which means they probably
fell out of his pocket,
but the hip flask
had a second set of prints.
Running them now.
Might belong to our k*ller.
- Thanks, Kase.
- Yeah.
Oh, hey, uh, how's Nick feeling?
Jimmy told me about what
happened at the crime scene.
- Sure he's fine.
- Uh-oh. You shrugged.
What's the matter...
things still chilly between you two?
More like arctic.
You said you were not
gonna let this bother you.
I'm trying not to.
But he's dating my sister.
And you know how she is.
Oh, yes, I know how Robin is.
I means, he goes through
boyfriends like they're water.
And I don't want to have
to choose between her and Torres
when they break up.
Do you know how awkward that's gonna be,
me being in the middle?
No. I have no idea.
Fair enough.
Have you talked to Torres
about how you feel?
I tried.
He told me that I am overreacting
and that the two of them
were just casual.
Oh, well, then there you go.
Don't sweat it so much.
This whole thing
could be over in a week.
Like, two, tops.
- Maybe I'm just being silly.
Ooh, I think Torres dating your sister
might be the least of our worries.
The prints on the hip flask...
results just came in.
The prints belong to Torres?
The same Torres that just
bailed on the crime scene.
Torres. Parker. Call me
as soon as you get this.
No. Talked to his sister and to Robin.
Nobody's heard from him.
Well, no sign of Nick at his apartment.
Neighbors haven't heard from him either.
- Where the hell is he?
- We don't know.
His prints are at the scene,
he disappears. Doesn't look good.
So, what do we do... put out a BOLO?
We're not there yet.
There's got to be a
reasonable explanation.
What about our victim, Kelso...
is there any connection
between him and Torres?
We're still looking.
Kasie's going through
Kelso's phone records
to see if they ever communicated.
Keep trying to find him.
I'll be on my cell if you need me.
Where you going?
Playing a hunch.
I understand it was
a difficult decision,
but you made the right play.
You had no choice.
Yeah, it still doesn't sit right.
You know, lying to my team, I...
I should have just told them
what I was doing.
I have a feeling they already know.
Hey, guys. Mind if I join?
This isn't what it looks like?
- Agent Parker...
- That's good, because,
uh, what it looks like is you guys
are discussing how Torres
is on a secret undercover op.
I figured the dead guy
in the park was part of it,
that's why you split.
In case, uh, someone connected to the op
saw you and your cover was blown.
Who told you?
Nobody. I put it together myself.
This isn't the first time
that you've kept a side hustle from me.
So you tell me,
exactly how many ops
do you have running?
In total or just in North America?
All right, if you're
looking to blame someone
for keeping you in the dark,
Parker, you can blame me.
This op came straight from SECNAV,
need-to-know only.
Well, considering that we now have
a dead body in our morgue,
I guess I need to know, don't I?
All right, for a while now,
I've been undercover,
trying to infiltrate this, uh,
criminal g*ng out of Baltimore.
Who's the g*ng?
It's run by Roman Sobchek.
Real piece of work.
TORRES: Yeah, he's, uh,
using fake military IDs
to steal goods off, uh, Navy bases
and selling them on the black market.
And the dead guy in the park... Kelso?
One of, uh, Sobchek's top guys.
I saw him last weekend.
That's why my prints were on his flask.
Any idea who k*lled him?
Not yet.
So, if you've infiltrated
this Sobchek already,
why haven't you busted him?
What's the hold-up?
'Cause Sobchek's just the middleman.
We still don't know who his boss is.
All that we have is that
he goes by the name Wilk.
Yeah, which is Polish for "wolf."
And that he might live in D.C.
And you think this Wolf took out Kelso?
Well, that's what you're gonna find out.
Your team will work the
m*rder case, Torres will
go back undercover, full-time,
into Sobchek's g*ng.
Any questions?
Hey, hey.
Things might be
a little frosty over there,
with one of their own k*lled,
so just watch yourself.
Always do, sir.
♪ ♪
No way!
Donny Rico. My man.
What up, Lenny?
Where were you? We tried calling.
I was busy.
Doing what?
None of your damn business.
What's with the 20 questions?
Didn't you hear?
Kelso was k*lled last night.
For real?
Y'all know who did it?
Nah, man.
We're thinking maybe
that Venezuelan crew
up in Highlandtown.
It's a shame, though.
Kelso was good people.
A real loss.
That's one way to look at it.
Oh, yeah? What's the other way?
You know, with Kelso gone...
...it opens up a spot
for somebody to move on up.
And that somebody's who?
Well, I could think of worse.
You serious, man?
Kelso was my friend.
Come on, Frank, he didn't mean nothing.
He ain't even in the ground yet
and you're already making a move.
Just because your little friend died,
I'm gonna give you a pass,
but if you touch me again...
You're gonna do what, Rico? Huh?
MAN: Hey! Hey, hey, hey.
What the hell is going on?
If anybody's gonna beat
somebody's ass with a pool cue,
it's gonna be me, do you understand?
He was disrespecting Kelso, Pop.
He's trying to take his spot.
Is that true?
Vincent Kelso
was one of our top earners.
You know that, right?
All due respect, Mr. Sobchek,
Kelso was slipping.
Wasn't good for business.
You know it and I know it.
Now, it's a shame that he's dead,
but the real shame is that you didn't
fire his ass when you had the chance.
See, that's why I like this guy.
He's a straight sh**t.
You know what,
I'm branching out into a new territory
and I could use
some fresh talent like you.
But, Pop...
You come back tomorrow, Donny.
We'll see what I have for you.
Thank you, Mr. Sobchek.
♪ I want to be cool just like you ♪
♪ I know it's stupid but it's true ♪
♪ I wish I could be
one of the cool kids ♪
♪ Too stuck in my pool, not like you ♪
♪ I know it's stupid but it's true... ♪
Wow, Jimmy.
Getting down.
I'm practicing for the, uh,
- daddy-daughter dance.
I think I'm getting it, you know?
Like, I finally got the boogie in me.
Right, the boogie. [CHUCKLES] Totally.
All right, so what do we got?
Uh, Vincent Kelso's cause of death
was massive blood loss
due to multiple g*nsh*t wounds.
He was shot at close range,
no defensive wounds.
So he could have known his k*ller.
Yeah. I also pulled a
b*llet from his rib cage,
sent it to Kasie for analysis.
Everything okay?
It's just my sister
calling about Torres. Again.
She's probably just worried.
[SIGHS] I told her that he's fine,
but she won't stop bugging me.
For a casual relationship,
she's not taking this casually.
Oh, it is not casual.
Nick told me that
she already has a drawer
at his apartment. [CHUCKLES]
Excuse me?
Probably shouldn't have told you that.
A drawer?
When did this happen?
Uh... Oh, that's the time?
I just remembered, I have to be...
anywhere but here right now, so...
Oh, no, no, no.
You're not getting
out of this room alive
until you start talking.
Okay, Nick told me
that he gave her a drawer
about two weeks ago. I mean,
it's probably not a big deal.
Oh, it's a big deal. [CHUCKLES]
It is a drawer.
That is a commitment.
We waited six months
until I even had a drawer at your place.
That-that's true. I mean,
I didn't even have a drawer
at your place until, like...
Come to think of it, I never
had a drawer at your place.
I can't believe this,
because they are both
deliberately keeping that from me.
Why didn't I have a drawer
at your place?
You need to tell me everything
you know about this relationship now.
[GROANS] I'm late for a meeting.
- Thank God.
- With Torres.
Maybe don't mention that it was me
who told you about the...
They're as much in the dark
as we are about who k*lled Kelso.
They think it was a
rival g*ng or something.
Gangs, right.
I just moved up in the...
in the crew.
Which is good, because Sobchek
is escalating his operations.
Are you... are you listening, Jess?
You gave Robin a drawer.
You told me that
you and Robin were casual.
Are we really gonna talk about this?
I mean, I'm in the middle of an op.
Why didn't you tell me?
Because of this. Because I knew
- you were gonna freak out.
- Nick,
you gave Robin a drawer.
That is a commitment.
It was like a little...
like a small, little drawer.
I... It's not a big deal.
Okay, maybe to you it is,
but you obviously
don't know Robin
the way that I do, okay?
She has been engaged five times.
She is addicted to this,
and this is how it always starts, okay?
You give her a little drawer,
and the next thing you know,
you give her
a key to your apartment,
and then you're buying her
a wedding ring.
Sobchek's men. They must have tailed me.
Nice surprise. Out for a stroll?
- Oh, you following me now, Frank?
- Nah.
I'm just enjoying our fair city,
same as you.
Who's this?
I don't answer to you.
Oh, I think you do.
First, you leave the
pool hall all alone,
and now I find you out here,
having a secret powwow with her?
So I'm gonna ask you again.
Who is this?
I'm his fiancée.
We are engaged.
Engaged? You're kidding.
PARKER: Wow. Wow.
How'd you come up with that?
I don't know.
We were talking about my sister
and how she's
been engaged a million times,
and it just kinda... popped out.
So, you guys have a-a date planned
for the wedding?
You registered anywhere?
Next time there's
an update meeting with Torres,
one of you two are gonna go.
Okay, speaking of updates,
where are we at with our, uh,
victim, Kelso... any leads?
Unfortunately, no.
Kasie analyzed the b*llet
that we pulled out of his body,
couldn't trace it.
All right, we need to focus then
on what Kelso was doing in D.C.
Was he meeting with the big boss,
this, uh, Wolf guy?
I've been worried sick.
Have you heard from him?
What are you doing here?
I thought I was gonna call you later.
Well, I couldn't sit at home any longer.
Yeah, we c...
Guys, you remember my...
my sister, Robin, right?
Yeah, nice to see you again.
Uh, you two probably
have a lot to catch up on,
- so, uh...
- Mm-mmm.
we'll give you the room.
No, you don't have to... It's...
If you just want to stay, it's...
So, how is Nick? Is he okay?
Like I told you earlier, he is fine,
okay? He's just busy working a case.
But why won't he return my calls?
And why isn't he at his apartment?
I am not supposed
to tell you this, okay?
So you have to promise
to keep this quiet.
Nick is working an undercover op.
Like, with a fake identity,
and everything?
That is so...
- ...hot.
- Okay.
I mean, I knew he was
into role play, but...
Oh. No, no, no.
No, no. We're done, we're done.
- I'm sorry.
- Mm-mm.
I'm sorry. Come back.
No, we're done.
Thank you for telling me.
Him ghosting me now
makes so much more sense.
Okay, Robin.
About you and Nick...
have you actually thought this
relationship all the way through?
I knew this was coming.
He's one of my best friends
and I love him very much,
but he is a man that
comes with a lot of baggage,
and I'm just not sure
that you can handle that.
Well, first of all, you don't
know what I can handle.
Second, it's none of your business.
Well, you're my sister
and he's my partner,
so, yeah, it kind of is.
I'm just looking out for you.
No. You're trying to parent me again,
like you always do.
I am an adult, Jess.
Sooner or later,
you're gonna have to trust me
to make my own choices.
Come on, baby.
One night.
I'll rock your world, I promise.
You'll rock my world?
Baby, come on.
I'm a closer.
Lenny, she ain't the one.
She's not interested.
You should listen
to your cute friend here.
Don't mention it.
I'm Lana, by the way. And you are?
Sorry, lady.
Shame. All the good ones are taken.
Let me know
if your situation changes.
Man. How do you do it?
- Hmm?
- Chicks love you.
Where's Roman?
In the back.
Hey, maybe you could
teach me how to pick up women.
Give me some advice?
Try not opening your mouth as much.
Help you with something, Rico?
Roman said to show up for work.
Oh, that's right.
He told me
he had a real important job
for you and Lenny.
What is this?
Kelso's car's out back.
Scrub it and dump it.
Roman doesn't want anything
tying us to Kelso.
That's grunt work.
Sorry. Roman's orders.
Found Kelso's car in an abandoned lot
about ten miles from the pool hall.
Right where Torres said it would be.
Thank you, Torres.
Was there anything in it?
Empty, except for these.
Ghost g*ns?
Yeah. We found them in the trunk,
stuffed under the spare tire.
All homemade, unserialized
and completely untraceable.
So, Sobchek's selling ghost g*ns now?
Well, Torres did say that they
were escalating their operation.
Yeah, but why leave the g*ns in the car
for someone to find?
Maybe Sobchek didn't know.
Kelso could have hid them.
Okay. Why?
Because he was
collecting evidence for me.
Detective Martin Alonzo. Baltimore P.D.
Yeah, sorry to drop in
but, uh, when I heard that you
guys caught the Kelso case, I, uh,
I thought I'd swing by and...
- fill you in.
- We appreciate it.
So, uh, Vincent Kelso
was your informant?
Busted him about three months ago
and flipped him.
He was feeding us info
on, uh, Sobchek and his crew.
How long have you known that
they were selling ghost g*ns?
Not until recently.
Kelso, uh, stole some
from an incoming shipment,
but before we could meet, he was k*lled.
Sobchek must have figured out that, uh,
Kelso was an informant and took him out.
Kelso ever give you anything
on Sobchek's boss?
No. Kelso had no clue who that guy was.
Why? Uh, what do you know about him?
Not much, yet, but we're learning.
Uh, how? Oh.
You got a man on the inside.
All right, well, then I wish you luck.
And tell your man to watch his back.
Sobchek is not someone
that you want to fool with.
This is crap.
First they got us dumping a car,
and now we're making deliveries?
When you say I shouldn't
open my mouth with women,
do you mean, like, never?
You know, Roman is wasting my talents.
I should go over his head
and talk to the guy
who's really in charge.
No way, man. No one talks to Wilk.
He keeps himself totally private.
I'm not even sure
Roman has ever met him.
Supposedly they communicate
remotely or something.
- Hmm.
Okay, you're done.
Go home.
Not you, Rico.
Pop wants to see you.
What about?
You wanted to talk to me, Mr. Sobchek?
Something you're not telling me, Donny?
I don't know what you're talking about.
I think you do.
I think you're hiding something from me.
What are you...
Is this a joke?
How long did you think
you could keep this from me?
Did you think I wouldn't find out?
You're getting married?
[LAUGHS] Oh, I had you
going there, though, right?
Yeah, you did.
Well, you should have seen
the look on your face.
Why didn't you tell me
about the wedding?
Guess it just kind of slipped my mind.
Marriage is a wonderful thing.
It shows stability and loyalty.
Makes you a real man, not some
playboy chasing girls all day.
So, when is the big date?
Uh, well, you know how it is.
My girl and I are still planning it.
Oh, I love weddings.
So, when you know the date,
you tell me, I'm going to stop by,
going to bring you
a beautiful wedding gift.
Oh, well, thank you.
I'd rather be cut in
in that big score
you keep talking about, though.
[LAUGHS] The jajkas on this kid.
Hey, I tell you what.
I'm expecting a big shipment soon.
It's going to make all of us very rich.
We'll talk.
Everybody out.
TORRES: Along with his pager,
he had this older handheld
device, a PalmPilot.
Definitely old-school.
So this is what he used
when he communicated with Wilk?
MCGEE: Well, it's outdated equipment.
Can't trace it or hack it.
KNIGHT: Same with the ghost g*ns.
These guys sure are
covering their asses.
We need to get our hands
on Roman's device.
It's probably got
delivery routes, payments,
Wilk's identity.
Enough evidence to take 'em down.
It's not gonna be easy.
Sobchek keeps it with him at all times,
surrounded by bodyguards 24-7.
Can we clone it without him knowing?
Possibly. But we'd
have to get near the device
for a period of time.
He might get suspicious.
We would need a distraction.
Like, say, a wedding?
- What are you talking about?
- [CHUCKLES] What?
PARKER: Suppose we stage a
wedding between the two of you
and invite Sobchek and then
get access to his device
and take down his entire crew.
You can't be serious, Parker.
A fake wedding?
Yeah. It's the craziest idea
I've ever heard.
Why? Sobchek already thinks
you two are getting married.
And you said it yourself...
he likes you, he'll probably come.
- But it will never work.
- Actually, it might.
Been done before.
Michigan police force in 1990
and the FBI in 2009.
Both staged weddings to catch criminals.
There you go. We have precedent.
- That is all your fault, you know.
- Mine?
Yeah, if you hadn't
made up that whole story
- about us being engaged.
- Well, I saved your cover.
And it only came up because
you gave Robin a drawer.
It was a small drawer.
So, who wants to throw a wedding?
You want to do what?
Stage a fake wedding
between Torres and Knight.
No, I heard you.
I just can't believe
that you're serious.
If SECNAV wants us
to take down Sobchek's
and Wilk's crew, trust me,
this is our best play.
It's foolproof.
Yeah, I've heard that before.
Our agents will be there undercover,
in control the whole time.
As soon as Sobchek shows
up, we get close enough
to clone his handheld device
and then we pack it up.
He'll never know what hit him.
And you and Agent Torres...
you're comfortable with all this?
I wouldn't use the word "comfortable."
"Horrified," maybe.
And you really think
all this is worth it,
just for this device?
It is if it contains
what we think it does, yes.
But why clone it?
Why don't you just
arrest Sobchek when he shows up
at the wedding and take it from him?
Too risky.
If Wilk finds out, he'll run
and we'll never find him.
But if we can clone it
and have nobody notice
and get the details of the
next ghost g*n shipment...
You'll be there to take them all down.
All right, so, how much
is this wedding gonna cost me?
Well, it's not gonna be cheap.
Okay, here we go.
We need to make it convincing, don't we?
So, that means catering,
music, drinks, everything.
You can have a cash bar,
you can have a buffet and a DJ.
No live music. I'm not made of money.
- Everybody hates DJs.
- Parker, I'm serious.
If I find out that there was a band
playing "She's a Bad Mama Jama,"
I'm going to lose it.
What's your timeframe?
Tight. Sobchek told Torres
that there was a big shipment
of ghost g*ns coming in
at the end of next week.
So if we want to be there,
this wedding needs to happen ASAP.
One week to plan a whole wedding?
Good luck.
You'll need help.
I might know of someone.
No. I want the ivory tablecloth
with the green napkins, okay?
Ah! Okay. [HUMS]
Too sweet. Let's go with
the red velvet, please.
Oh, I need those seating arrangements.
Uh, Robin, this is, uh, Agent Piotter.
He's gonna be playing the part
of the priest at the ceremony.
I studied theology in college,
so I know all the lingo.
Go see Olivia to get fitted.
Come on. I thought of the perfect place
where you can hide your g*n.
Hey, your sister's pretty good at this.
Well, I mean, she should be.
She's been engaged enough times.
Planned enough weddings, obviously.
- Hey.
- Hey. Pretty crazy, huh?
Whoever thought I'd be planning
my sister's wedding to my own boyfriend?
So, want to go check out
wedding dress options?
Considering it's your dress,
I thought we could go together.
Could be fun.
Oh. No, it's fine. You just
pick up whatever
and I'll be fine with that.
- Uh, okay.
- Yeah.
Okay, people, where are
we with the salad forks?
You know, I think she was trying
to extend an olive branch there.
- Was she?
- Come on, Jess.
Weddings are supposed to be fun.
You know I'm a total sucker for 'em.
As long as she and Torres
don't get any ideas from this.
Eh, so what if they do?
Ugh, please, no.
Jess, come on.
What are you so afraid of here?
Nothing. I mean, besides the fact
that they're completely wrong
for each other.
I'm just trying to protect them
from getting hurt.
Or could it be maybe you're afraid
that if it doesn't work out for them,
that you'll have to pick sides?
And if it does work out for them,
that you'll be left out in the cold?
Don't be ridiculous.
Have you seen them together?
They're really happy, Jess.
So, who are you really
trying to protect here?
- I do.
- I do.
I now pronounce you husband and wife.
- Oh.
- You may kiss the bride.
- ♪
Bring out the crab cakes first,
then the mini sliders.
Thank you for coming.
- Hey, thank you. Enjoy.
- Nice meeting you.
- Congratulations, Donny.
- Thank you, Lenny.
You remember Lana?
I do.
Your advice worked.
I've barely said
three words to her all day.
Congrats, Donny.
This is, uh, my wife.
Can't get over hearing that. [CHUCKLES]
- Thank you for coming.
[CLEARS THROAT] Uh, the bar's that way.
There's still time to change your mind.
I was just standing here.
Frank, thanks for making it, man.
Where's your pops?
He's running late.
Said he'd be, uh, here soon.
You have an ETA?
'Cause, uh, I don't want him
to miss out on the cake.
He'll get here when he gets here, hmm?
Nice party.
Alonzo? What are you doing here?
A friend in your department
told me what you were up to
and, uh, I figured
I had to see this for myself.
You just keep a low profile, okay?
Because if any of Sobchek's
guys recognize you,
- this is not gonna...
- Relax, all right? They won't.
You think all this is gonna work?
Well, it better, or else it's my ass.
Either way, hell of a party.
I should be out there, Kase.
That dance floor is calling my name.
Cool your Capezios.
Our job is here, behind the monitors.
Oh, this is t*rture.
Really caging a peacock here.
Hey. Any sign of Roman?
No, not yet. He is giving new meaning
to the term "fashionably late."
Yeah, and when he does show up,
are you sure that that thing
is gonna be able to clone his device?
That's the idea.
No, I should be able to pick
up the Bluetooth signal,
- copy over the contents.
- Hmm.
Roman's device is 30 years old
with old Bluetooth technology.
Exactly. So, in order for it to work,
I'm gonna have to get
pretty close to him.
Uh, you're about to get your chance,
'cause look who just showed up.
Thank you for coming.
- Yeah.
- SOBCHEK: Donnie!
Oh, well, thank you
for coming, Mr. Sobchek.
There she is.
Donny has told me so much about you.
Oh, likewise, except he did not tell me
you were this gorgeous.
Oh. I almost forgot.
This is for you.
- Oh. We-we can't accept this.
- Oh, no, take it.
It's just a little something
for you to start your family together.
You two... you're going to make
beautiful babies together.
But today is-is
about the two of you, uh?
To, uh, to the happy couple.
Yes, yes, come on.
- No, it's fine. It's...
- No, it's... Come on.
- You don't have to do that.
- I... I-I just
Okay, they're not sitting down.
Okay, they're not sitting down.
- Yes. You know what, jump in there.
- Sit down.
I'll get-I'll get one
of the three of you.
No photos. No.
Oh, come on.
Something for the memory book.
- No, no.
- Big smiles, everyone.
SOBCHEK: I said no photos.
All right, never mind.
Never mind.
DJ: Ladies and gentlemen,
please direct your attention
to the dance floor
as our newlyweds
will share their first dance
as husband and wife.
All right, let's get this over with.
♪ At last... ♪
By the way, I'm hating
this as much as you are.
♪ Has come along... ♪
For whatever it's worth,
you look great tonight.
You too.
I got to go to the head.
Something, uh, funny
happening with my stomach.
I can do this by myself, all right?
♪ At last ♪
♪ The skies above ♪
- ♪ Are blue... ♪
Got it.
Oh, great.
Oh. You mean the party's over?
MCGEE: Why, haven't you had enough?
Well, it's just that, you know,
we've been cooped up this whole time.
I was thinking Kasie and I might be able
to sneak out on the dance floor,
give Nick and Jess
a run for their money.
Uh, you may want to hold off there,
Flashdance. We got a problem.
Sniffer's empty.
Wait, the cloning didn't work?
No, it did, there were just no files
left on Roman's device left to clone.
They've been recently wiped clean.
How recently?
KASIE: Ugh. Within the past ten minutes.
Somebody got there before we did.
Well, who could have
deleted 'em... Roman?
I doubt that.
Because Roman's lying dead
on the bathroom floor.
MCGEE: This is bad.
PARKER: Very, very bad.
Has anyone else seen this?
Only me. I followed him in
to keep an eye on him,
then I found him like this.
Dilated pupils,
discoloration of the tongue.
This could be poison.
First Roman's device gets wiped clean,
now we find him dead,
poisoned on the floor?
This can't be a coincidence.
Got to be the Wolf.
He's here, tying up loose ends.
He's got to be on to us.
If he isn't, he will be soon.
This is Parker.
I want agents guarding the
reception doors. Nobody leaves.
I repeat: nobody leaves.
S-So, what do we do now? We...
Want to just, uh, shut down
the party, arrest everyone?
No way. Too many bad guys with g*ns.
We need to keep this quiet for now,
until we can review
the surveillance cams.
Find out who got close enough
to Roman to poison him.
All right, I'll tell Knight and Torres
to buy us some more time.
[IN DISTANCE]: ♪ At last ♪
Could they have picked a longer song?
What is this, the extended remix?
I wanted to talk to you about something.
Now I'd like to welcome
all of our guests
to join the happy couple
on the dance floor
and get down!
Mind if I cut in?
♪ Let the music ♪
♪ Set you free... ♪
Just keep smiling as I talk.
Roman Sobchek is dead.
We don't know how.
We need to figure it out.
So you and Nick, stall.
Make sure no one leaves.
♪ For such a long time... ♪
You seen my dad?
- Uh, no.
I just wanted to give a...
a little toast to my new husband...
You know, when my father first found out
that Donny and I were dating,
he wasn't very happy.
He didn't think we were
right for each other,
he thought this was
never gonna work out.
He had fooled himself into thinking
that he was just protecting us
from heartbreak.
But really, all he was doing
was protecting himself.
Because he was afraid.
He was afraid that he was
gonna lose two of the people
that he loves most in this world.
But the point is...
...if you love someone,
you got to let them go and trust
that they are always gonna be there.
And if my father were here today...
...he would want to give both of you...
uh, both of us...
his blessing.
wish both of you... both of us...
...nothing but happiness.
That's it. [LAUGHS]
Great, let's keep dancing.
Party's just starting. [WHOOPS]
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ I like this one,
let get it, let get it ♪
♪ Let get it, let get it ♪
♪ Are you outside tonight... ♪
- Anything?
- No, not yet.
We have scrubbed through all the footage
from the time
Roman entered the reception
to when he went to the bathroom,
but there's just too many people.
Any one of them could have
gotten close enough to poison him.
And since we don't know
how he was poisoned,
it's like looking
for a needle in a haystack.
Wait, wait.
What's that?
KASIE: Looks like whiskey.
We're not serving hard liquor
at the reception.
Only beer and wine.
Vance wouldn't pay for it.
Okay, so maybe the poison's
in the whiskey,
but if we didn't serve it,
where'd he get it?
Kasie, can you pull up
the camera footage from the bar?
Way ahead of you.
There it is.
Leaving so soon?
I have somewhere to be.
But you can't leave now,
you're gonna miss the cake, Lana.
Or is it, uh, Wilk?
Or the Wolf?
Which one do you prefer?
'Cause I can't keep track.
You're Roman Sobchek's boss.
After you learned there was
an informant in your midst,
you decided to pull up stakes.
But first you had to cover your tracks.
Which meant, uh, deleting the info
on Roman's handheld device and then...
deleting Roman himself.
Only problem was how
to get close to him.
The wedding provided you
the perfect opportunity.
The Wolf?
Save it. We've got surveillance footage
of you giving the bartender
a bottle of whiskey
to serve to Roman.
Same whiskey that was laced with poison.
KASIE: Parker and McGee
are making their move.
They're cops!
Cops! They're cops!
Stop her! She's the Wolf!
On the ground, now!
Get out of the way!
You're under arrest.
- Come on.
- AGENT: Let's go, move it.
That's quite a haul.
Not bad for a day's work.
FRANK: I always knew you were a rat!
From the moment I met you!
AGENT: Keep moving. Let's go.
Great. All right, I'll see you later.
That was McGee.
The location that Lana gave us
for where the ghost g*ns
are being stored checked out.
They're safely in our hands,
case closed.
Well, not exactly. There's still
the little matter of the wedding bill.
A four-tiered wedding cake?
I did not authorize that.
It had to look convincing. What
did you expect us to serve...
- cupcakes?
- Yes.
This wedding is gonna
bankrupt me, Parker.
Relax. Come on, I saved you
a slice in the break room.
You'll love it. I don't want cake.
- Is it chocolate?
- Red velvet.
All right, well, since I paid
for it, maybe I'll have a bite.
Well, night is still young
and I'm still amped.
Want to grab a drink and celebrate
our marital separation?
Man, I'd love to, but, uh,
I already made plans with Robin.
I haven't seen her a lot
since I went undercover.
Yeah, totally get it. It's fine.
Wait, actually, you know what?
I can just call her and cancel.
No. Go.
Have fun. I'm good.
Why don't you just come with?
I mean, obviously,
we'd love to have you.
I'd love that.
Oh, you know what we could do? What?
We could go through the wedding
photos that McGee sent us.
Ugh, sounds too painful.
- I mean, it's too close to the divorce.