03x08 - Sort of Gone Again

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sort Of". Aired: November 9, 2021 – December 8, 2023.*
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Series stars Baig as Sabi Mehboob, a non-binary millennial trying to balance their roles as a child of Pakistani immigrant parents, a bartender at an LGBTQ bookstore and café, and a caregiver to the young children of a professional couple.
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03x08 - Sort of Gone Again

Post by bunniefuu »

[airplane intercom chimes]



Sabi, give me
towel paper.

Are you two texting
behind my back?

I'm sitting here doing
literally nothing,

which is the only thing
anyone will let me do.

Hey, what is
happening with them?

I don't know.
Ask them.



What is going
on with you?

Oh, um...

I booked a flight to
Berlin last night.

I didn't think I was
actually gonna book it.

I just went to
the travel site

just to, like, dream about
it and then I did it.

Okay. One of us
needs to understand

what you're
talking about.

So you and 7ven
booked a flight?

No, just me.

Wasn't thinking.

I booked business class.

And how long do you go for?

OhmyGod, open ticket.

Mom, where you going?

What, I can't go
to the bathroom?

It makes sense.

You should know
what it's like

to live somewhere else.

What about your bun?

My bun will benefit from
having a worldly auntie.

[slow rhythmic music]

So, you're
thinking a year?

That's what I'm,
yeah, considering.


Well, I don't mind taking on
all bar staff training if 7ven,

you're down to take a bit of
a lead on event programming?

But you're not
fully decided?

Well, at some point
for the business,

they're gonna have
to decide, right?

Like soon you're
gonna have to tell us

your definite
actual decision.

[softly] Of course.

Or, you know, just
leave us scrambling

as you have a
tendency to do.

For real dawg?
- What?

Sabi's never left
us scrambling.

Well, we're gonna
be scrambling now.

Take it down
a notch, yo.

There's no legit reason for
you to be that grouchy.

Yo. Let's go
for a walk.

Wolfy has a legit
reason to be grouchy.

This place is
the three of us.

If you go,
it changes the game.

I know.
-Which is okay.

We can change the
game we're playing.

We just need to know
if we gotta do that.

I know.

So you need to be clear.

Going or not going?

I know 7ven.

Don't do what you do,

trying to
prioritize your needs

but looking for a way
to sacrifice yourself

at the same time.

Where you going?

I'm trying to be emphatic.

Just go with it.

Imma flip a coin

using a coin-flipping app
cuz who the f*ck has coins?

And you need to do
whatever the coin says.

And you have to commit to
doing what the coin says

or it doesn't work.

As the coin spins,

I want you to think
about leaving us all

for an indefinite
amount of time.

Feel how that feels.

You feeling it?

'Kay now, think about
staying and nothing changing.

Heads you stay,

tails you go.

It's up to the coin now.

[coin dings]

Heads. Says you're staying.

I want to go.

Then you're going.

Coin always reveals
what your truth is.


How long are you going for?

A year-ish.

I feel like you
have to do this.


Berlin, eh?



Yeah, that Berlin.

With your sister
about to give birth?

She said she was
good with me going.

Can I say something Sabi?



For what?

[gentle music]

Kind of blown away.

Really? Why?

That you like,
I don't know,

have the balls or whatever.

I got arancini.

I got puttanesca.

I got osso buco.

One of those is pasta, right?

Certo, baby girl!

[festive Italian music]

How many more days?

I don't even want
to think about it.

We hardly got to
live together.

Remember when we first met?

Mm, that history class.

Oh, Mr. Wagman.

OhmyGod, yeah,

and you wanted me to
double-ride you home

and I was like,

who is this
way-too-comfortable human?

I can't believe
you made me walk.


I just wasn't
confident on that bike.

The shit's not Italian,
don't tell my dad.

But Spanish olives
are nuttier.

The end.


No! Hold it!

You need the burrata. Mm.

That's a lot. Okay.

Take a bite.


-Ah. Ah.




Mmm hmm.
-Mmm hmm.

Now sip the wine.


Oh my God.

-Oh shit.

[birds chirping]

[sounds of children playing]

[phone ringing]

Hey Iz, what's up?

Oh. OhmyGod.

Oh, who hurt you,
baby girl?!

They're inducing Aqsa.

They're inducing?

They're inducing!


[hospital chatter]
[soft rhythmic vocalization]

Hey, is she okay?

Doctors are
slightly concerned

because we are at
the 37 week mark.

So not exactly pre-term-

Has she given birth?

We haven't been
told that yet.


Walekum'asalaam, Kareem.

Is she still in labour?

We believe so.

[soft electronic music]

You wanna sit,
mama Raffo?


[soft electronic music]

Sabi, come with me to
the vending machine.

What do you want?
I'll grab it for you.

I can go, Aunty.

I want to stretch my legs.

Wolf is coming?


You are young.

There will be other wolves.

Your sister is
having a baby.

I'm aware.

Never know what's
around the corner.

Mm hmm.

Doctors say there is
a chance Aqsa will have

postpartum preeclampsia.

She will need support.

Uh huh.

She will need her family.

She will need us.

What I'm trying to
say to you is this...

Don't let this stop
you from going away.

We will be able to manage.

-Sabi! Raffo Aunty!

The doctor just
gave us an update!

Tell us!

Came in at just
under six pounds,

which is small,

but the doctor says it's
still a good weight.

Won't need to be in the NICU,
which was a possibility.

[background chattering]

[soft electronic music]


How're you feeling?

I'm feeling.

Do you wanna hold this baby?


[softly] Hi baby.

OhmyGod that is
such a sweet baby.

This baby is a
perfect baby.

I can't stop saying baby.

Beautiful baby.

What's up, baby?

Hello nanna bacha.

That is a gorgeous baby.

Everyone keeps
saying "baby".

Don't go.

Don't go.


["Massive Fight"
by Kimmortal]

♪ I don't need you

♪ I'ma pull through

♪ I'ma pull my socks
up kicks baby blue

♪ I'll be on the other
side gettin over you

♪ f*ck your rollercoaster
ride I'ma just cruise

♪ Ohhh ♪

I know you can hear me.

You get here early?

There's some stuff to do.

Can I, like, say
something to you

that I've been, like, practicing
in my head for days?



Um, so, I was supposed to get
here first, like, before you

and I was gonna be waiting
here with the headphones.

And then you were
gonna come in

and you were
gonna be like,

I don't want those.

And then I was
gonna be like,

it would be really awesome
for you to accept them

cuz you've, like,
made me feel valuable

and cared for.

Which were things I
really needed to feel.

Plus they really
cost a lot.

And now...

um, they're out
of the packaging.


oh no...

the packaging is
currently being destroyed

so you can't return them.

I've caught 7ven up on
the grant deadlines

for the rest of the year.

And we've gone
through, like,

all the community
programming stuff,

so we got that.



Did you give him
the headphones?

Ya ya.

Did he accept them?

I didn't really
give him a choice.

You never know
what will happen.

I didn't talk to your
father for almost a year

after he went to Dubai.

Ah, that's not true.

Well, I didn't talk
to him nicely.

Okay, feel free to dig in.

I just gotta grab the biryani.

Oh, I should do it.

No, no. I told you,
I got dinner.

What is the name of the place
that you're staying at again?

friend in Neukölln.

That's where I'm
gonna start out at.

How do you say it?


And say that slow.


I don't know
what I'm saying.

I don't think I'm
putting it right.

It's just, it's got
a bunch of parks

and it's like
q*eer friendly.

So it's safe?


Don't laugh at me

but you have to see the
'Sound of Music' tour.

Oh, [in Urdu] Sweetheart,
that's Salzburg!

[Sabi laughs]


No, they were
definitely Nazis.


You knew.

Mom knows.

Why are we talking
about Nazis?

Where is the salad?

Oh. Oh no. I forgot it.

I'll get it.

You're going to Salzburg!

No, not Salzburg.


See, it looks good.

Oh, thank you.

♪ Can you tell I'm not fine

♪ Without telling me
I'm losing my mind

♪ I'm not on the
other side yet

♪ I'm not on
the side ♪

Alright hunty,

moment of truth.

You surprise me.

You're my hero.

And if it's too much,

you come home to
papi right away.

Come on, you're gonna
miss your flight.


An diamo!

♪ Never had bad thoughts

♪ I used to have bad dreams

♪ Then I'd wake up

♪ I wanna wake up now ♪

[soft piano music]

Enough good-bying already!

Get the f*ck out!

[soft piano music]

♪ On a bridge I'm facing

♪ Gonna move to
the other side

♪ Oh I don't feel
like breaking

♪ I'm alright, I'm alright

♪ I wanted to change

♪ Take all the little things

♪ That define me

♪ And throw them all away

♪ Don't carry things that

♪ Weigh you down down down

♪ On a bridge I'm facing

♪ Gonna move to
the other side

♪ Oh I don't feel
like breaking

♪ I'm alright, I'm alright

♪ I'm not alright yet

♪ Just a little upset

♪ I'm a slow bloom open
when the frost comes in

♪ And then worst of all

♪ Is that when I fall

♪ I'm divided

♪ When you go
through changes

♪ I don't mind I
don't mind that ♪

[phone pinging]

[soft piano music]

Hi, Vi.

Thanks for your text.

Really quickly
wanted to say, um...

don't let Wolf k*ll a
cool idea cuz of money

and don't let 7ven spend
too much on a stupid idea.

Trust your gut no matter what.

Hey Henry,

um, just wanted to say, ah,

the world rewards quiet

and thoughtful people way
more than it seems to.

That's it, I think.

I'll miss you so much, Henry,

[phone blooping]

♪ Throw them all away ♪

Flight Attendant VO:
Welcome onboard Flight 8779

with service from
Toronto to Berlin.

We're currently third
in line for takeoff

and expected to
be in the air

in approximately
seven minutes.

We ask that you please
fasten your seatbelts

at this time.

[soft piano music]

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