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06x02 - Selfis

Posted: 02/05/23 08:53
by bunniefuu
My parents'll hear us.

Then don't eat me out so well.

Okay, never mind. Keep going.

I'll just try not to scream.

- Yeah?

- Dinner's ready.

Be right there.

Ask your friend if she

wants to stay for dinner too.

- No. Tell her no.

- No, you.

- Well, no, I mean

- I should?

Yes. Seriously, please. You tell her.

Oh, no, thanks. I have dinner waiting.

I'll go see her off, Mom!

Great, honey. But don't wait

too long. It'll get cold.

Your folks really go with the flow, huh?

They're pretty great.

It'll get cold if I wait too long.

- Thank you, sweetheart.

- You're welcome.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.


- Well, I can't help worrying about him.

- But why?

He's doing better than ever.

Well, that's the reason.

It's been so tough for him.

For all of us, you know?

I'm afraid he'll cross paths with

someone who's not doing as well,

who'll hurt him

and destroy all the good things

he's been working towards.

He'll be fine, María. You'll see.

Now, thanks to awful girls like Isadora

who make up shit just to

get a little attention,

people won't believe girls

who report real things.

One lie's remembered more

than a thousand truths.

The queen who sits

on her throne of lies.

- Anything to say?

- Why don't you record your assh*le?

- And we hit it off so well.

- Mencía, that's enough.

- No! We won't be silent.

- I'm serious, guys. Please don't.

We're not apologizing

or asking permission.

We just want justice to be done.

Yeah, except we all know

justice has already been served.

Listen, babe. Abuse doesn't always come

from strangers in a

dark alley at knifepoint.

You can't sit on the fence here.

This situation requires taking

sides, and you should be on ours.

Look, Rocío, I'm hearing this now,

and I'd like more of this from you.

So there you have it. Blah, blah, blah.

Lie after lie after

lie. Sham after sham.

We've had a tough f*cking

time. Not gonna lie.

We even doubted ourselves

at one point just because.

We had too much to drink,

but we were all drunk.

All of us.

We didn't force anyone to do anything.

In fact, we were guests.

They invited us to everything.

We got a warm welcome there.

Cheer up, man. It's over now.

- Our word was up against

- Against hers and the g*dd*mn world's.

Because now, as it turns out,

just being a guy is

enough to make you guilty.

What Álex is trying to say

is that it's been really

hard to feel singled out.

And now that justice

has ruled in our favor

Thank you.

Thank you to to those of you

who never had any doubts about us,

even when we ourselves

were full of them.


Hey! Over here!



- Hey! Javi! Javi!

- I got it!


- That was some game.

- Thanks.

- What're you up to tonight?

- Why?

In case you wanna hang tonight.


To get to know me

better over some drinks.

So you'll realize I'm not

the girl you think you know.

Instead, I'm the one you thought

I was. The one you fell for.

The one you just couldn't

get out of your head.

Yeah, I no longer have any interest.

Plus, I'm getting to know

that girl from the other day.

But all I'm asking

from you is one night.

If you get tired, tell

me to leave, and I will.

Okay. But the night's gonna be short.

It'll be super short.

Is this for real?

Even if the pope himself

told me that my Cruz

No way in hell.

What're you talking about?

What do you mean, Raúl?

You can't be serious.

It's a trending topic.

There's a video of Cruz

making out with a guy.

But it's probably fake, though.

I'm sure someone from another

team posted it to screw him over.

For sure.

Or it was posted by the guy

in the video. He's in my class.

Get this. He's Cruz's son's boyfriend.

He's the boyfriend of

Hold on. I'm lost here.

You're always talkin' about people,

and I have no idea who they are.

Maybe he wanted to skip over the son

so he could catch the wealthy father.

What a complete jerk.

- What the hell?

- Oops. My bad.

The thing about us jerks

is we do jerky things.

A complete jerk.

- We didn't do that bad.

- Hmm, I mean, a little.


You complain about how Isa's

supposedly false allegations

don't help our cause.

Yet, I think you're

the one holding us back

with your shitty live streams.

Oh, come on.

Spare me the lecture.

Not all girls are damsels in distress,

and not all dudes are monsters.

Because things aren't black and white.

In this case, and many

others, you'd be mistaken.

C'mon, seriously. Don't be like that.

Justice isn't a science

or some math equation.

There can be errors.

Oh. And you're the one who gets to

decide whether it's right or wrong?

I mean, I'm new here. I

don't know you. I get that.

But I've followed Isadora forever.

And she's a big enough public figure

that it's not a secret to anyone anymore

how much she likes to

be the main character

and draw attention to herself.

She's the baby at the baptism,

the bride at the wedding, and

the dead one at the funeral.

She'll die without attention.

Okay, so according to you, she

randomly made up something this awful

'cause she's starving for attention?

I make a whole living getting

attention. I know what she's about.

You okay?

Yeah. Why?

I dunno. You seemed very upset

when Hugo was giving his speech.

You do know for sure

what went down, right?

Even if a judge thinks different.

It's good to feel guilt and

remorse. It makes you human.

Ignore her, dude.

- And you've never doubted your friend?

- Never.

Known him all my life,

from summer vacation.

He's a noble guy.

- Always sees the best in everyone.

- Oh, sure. It's the same old spiel.

"He was an angel."

"Smiled and waved from his door.

Helped me bring up groceries."

I'm telling you, I've been close friends

with this guy for many years, okay?

He's never given me a reason

to think he could do something

like what you're accusing him of.

Whereas you, who I've

literally just met,

has already managed to fire me

and accuse me of something I'd never do

just because I didn't

wanna hook up with you.

These claims kinda seem like your thing.

Well, your childhood friend's a

piece of shit around the other two.

He would do anything just to

fit in. Literally anything.

But I'm sure you know that, don't you?

- Was this place your idea?

- Yeah.

Hi, guys. Welcome. Do

you have a reservation?

Yes. Ariadna Blanco.

Ariadna Blanco, party

of two. Right this way.

Not really your kind of place.

Or at least, I never would've imagined

it, but I don't really know you.

I've never been here before.

But I don't know, I felt like

it. Also, I knew you'd like it.

And why did you assume I'd like it?

'Cause it's "trans"?

Like "transvestites"?

Obviously not. I know

it's not the same thing.

But I mean, my brother

likes coming here, and

Oh! So, since your brother's

in the G, and I'm in the T,

we must all like the same kind of bars?

I'm really trying here.

What exactly are you trying?

I'm trying to make you

feel more comfortable.

Then stop doing things you

wouldn't do with other dudes.

Yeah, right.

That's a really great point.

Anyway, since we're here,

should we get a drink?

I mean, the thing is that

one of my favorite parts

about going out on dates with guys

is is discovering cool new spots.

Are you two coming or not?

- Yeah?

- Okay.


I'm Patrick.

And, um

And I've read on the Internet

I'm the disgusting q*eer

who dared shove his tongue in

Cruz's mouth against his will.

Or whom he allowed to kiss

him because he was drunk,

as I've also read somewhere.

Or that he hooked up with as a bet.

In other words, it was all my fault.

Cruz didn't do anything.

Because Cruz isn't gay.

I'm the one who went after him.

And And I'm dating his son.

Or dated, because honestly,

at this point, I have no idea.

The thing is that Cruz was

He was very drunk, and, well,

I was pretty drunk myself, and

Well, just imagine, a legend like Cruz.

Who wouldn't be turned on?

So I took a chance

and made out with him.

But it was all on me.

So I'm asking you to

to please leave Cruz alone and

don't think he's something he's not.

I'm the only one to blame.

Yeah, I thought so.

If you need me, you

know where to find me.

All right.

Direct your hatred at me and not at him.




You don't know what to say now, do you?


I just had this urge to, um,

ring you up. I don't know.

Now I I'm not sure why.

Well, I'll make it easy for you then.

You don't have to do or say anything.

Um, see you at school, okay?

- Ciao.

- Ciao.

No. Wait.

Please don't hang up. Hold on.

I have something to say.

You were right.

I lost it.

I didn't believe in your love.

I was blindsided by it.

And I ruined it.

But on the bright side,

at least this helped me to, um,

to stop blaming people outside myself

and realize all this is my doing.

Thank you, Iván.

For helping me to figure that out.

For being my first real love.

I love you.

Forget it. You're really bad.

- But we're 2-0. - No.

I told you, I'm winning.

No, I'm winning.

How'd that song go? "Party, party"?

That doesn't exist.

- I won again.

- Pfft. Nah.

- Another bottle?

- Yes.

Uh, no. You got a second one?

- Oh, while you were in the bathroom.

- Uh, I'm already tipsy. I don't want any.

Oh, really?

I mean, I feel totally fine, and

I'm not used to drinking at all.

Would you like me to leave it?

Yeah, leave it. We'll finish it.

Can I take this for you?

- Yeah, thanks.

- Hm.

- A double espresso, please.

- Okay.


What are you looking for in a woman?

- Straight sh**t, huh?

- So you don't have time to think.


- I want a partner.

- Mm-hmm.

- A friend. My best friend.

- Mm-hmm.

And your best lover, right?

- Well, yeah. Of course.

- Ah.

I want to have exactly

what my parents have.

Yeah. To be like my father.

- He's my role model.

- Mm-hmm.

I want to be exactly like him

and find someone

that's like my mother.


You're not trying to

think too hard about it.

I just want wine for now.

You sure you're all right?

I'm great.

You haven't answered yet.


What you're looking for in a guy.

Hmm. I don't know, honestly.


I mean, I always, um

I think I know for sure.

I look for it, I find it, and

once I have it, it's never

It's never what I pictured.

Hmm. I guess it's all in my head.

Or it's the guys you

choose to go out with.


Yeah. That too.

Hey, why don't we go to Isadora's?

- Right now?

- Mm-hmm.

That's what I'd do with any

of the very good-looking men

I go out with, so you know.

Some drinks, some dancing

I just need the very good-looking

man to want to go with me.

All right.

Perfect then.

Is it true?


It was me who kissed

him. It wasn't his fault.

Do you know why he posted that video?

He did it for himself.

Because he felt guilty.

- Because he's selfish.

- No.

He did it for you.

For us.

Even though he knew he might lose you.

I don't think we're together anymore.

I mean, I know we're not together.

You really stirred the shit.

We couldn't let this go on, Iván.

You know how much I

depend on my sponsors.

Seriously, Dad?


I don't give a shit about sponsors.

That's easy to say when you've

always had everything handed to you.

- You've never wanted for anything.

- That's not true.

You know what I needed?

A decent father.

Have you ever really thought about me?

Now you'll say I don't love you.

Dad, I know you love me.

Of course I know. That's not the point.

I'm talking about respect.

You've never respected me.

I feel like I'm just another

guy in your entourage.

I've never been your priority.


It was always all about you.

Just like with Patrick.

You're two of a kind.

And there's ten marks on this cross ♪

And you're talkin' pretty fast ♪

I can't keep up, I can't keep up ♪

But there's been ten girls ♪

Here before me ♪

Their names have lost all meaning ♪

It's all I'm feelin' ♪

It's all I'm feelin' ♪

- Hi. Do you have a reservation?

- Yes, under Hugo Múler, please.


- Beneath your bed ♪

- Hold on a moment, please.

I see your face ♪

I'm the best thing about your day ♪

I will not be a plague ♪

- Aren't these Isadora's guys here?

- Well, they were all found innocent.

- They have nothing to do with Isadora.

- Does it feel right for you to come here?

- I will not be a plague ♪

- They can do whatever they want to.

I don't care. Coming here

is immature and just cruel.

And it's unnecessary. I'm

surprised you don't see that.

Hey. I think we better

go somewhere else, okay?

Why? What'd he say to you?

That being here might start some

drama, and I think he's not wrong.

Look, we just wanna do

what any guy would do.

Have a drink. That's all.

Isn't that true?

Yeah, but we could have a

drink somewhere else, you know?

I'm so very high when I'm low ♪

Uh, I don't care. Up

to you guys, though.


I'm staying here.

We have nothing to be ashamed

of, and the sooner we normalize it

and start acting like

nothing happened, the better.

Yeah, f*ck that shit. We're free

men. We can do whatever we want.

I know. But I'm saying,

it doesn't have to be here.

Javi, what do you say?

Javi doesn't like provoking

people for no reason.

Well, I wanna have a drink here as well.

I'm a free guy too, and

I can do what I want.

That's my Javier! Come here.

So, can we please get a table now?

Yeah. Follow me, please.

There will not be ten girls after me ♪

I will break this fantasy ♪

- I was everything I seemed ♪

- Are you coming?

- Sure.

- Broken crosses, opened dreams ♪

I will not, I will not ♪









Hey ♪

Ooh ♪

Oh ♪

All my senses are on fire ♪

Thirty feet above the floor ♪

Only wanna get you higher ♪

Higher than we've been before ♪

Love in motion ♪

Yeah ♪

I tried to stop them from coming in.

Not your fault.

It would've happened eventually.

They've been waiting. I knew they would.

Dancin' on a telephone wire ♪

Amplifiers all aglow ♪

But that was one of your best nights.

I gotta say.

Hey, what's this?

It's on me.

Thank you for making me feel so

welcome to Madrid and Las Encinas.

Uh, no. Thanks for this.

And welcome. A friend of

Javi's is a friend of ours.

Should I do the honors?

Please, go ahead.

- Wow. Straight up, then?

- Straight up.

You trying to knock

us out here, or what?

Come on. Let's go.

- To us.

- To us.

To us, guys.


Jesus. Oof.

Man. Another?

- Another one?

- One more.

All right, let's go for it.

- Fill it up.

- Man, that burns.

Let's go.

- You're gonna fall down the stairs.

- I'm not falling, honey.

- Where are we going? You're very drunk.

- Ah.

Come on.


- You booked a suite?

- Well, yeah.

I mean, this is an important part

of any of the super

special dates I go on

with with all the

gorgeous men that I date.

And I get a discount as Isa's friend.


You good?

Yeah, I'm great.

Uh, hey, I have an idea. Why

Why, uh, don't we order a a

bottle of whiskey or of rum?

Or maybe I'll I'll take anything.

What'd I do?

Wow, you will drink anything

to get over the awkwardness

of seeing me naked, won't you?

No, I'm No, no.

It has nothing to do with that.

Take them off.

Take off my underwear.

No. No. It has nothing

to do with that, I swear.

Wait, don't leave.

- Nico, I promise you

- That really blew up on you.

- Not as progressive as you thought.

- No, Nico, I didn't

It has nothing to do with

Whoa, man. It was incredible.

We took the helicopter to Ibiza and

took all sorts of dr*gs and shit.

And then after that, we

went to the Imperial Suite,

or whatever they called it.

- A total blast, dude.

- Right.

Dude, Isadora was so f*ckin' hot.

We all ended up just

ba-bam, ba-bam, ba-bam,

ba-bam, ba-bam, ba-bam.

Ba-bam, ba-bam, ba-bam!

Was she, uh, on dr*gs?

I mean, of course. We all were.

Man, we were all super high.

Wow, it was so hot.

Dude, it was so awesome.

Yeah, and Isa? Was she a

screamer? Don't hold out on me.


Not even, dude.

She couldn't stand up,

man. She passed out.

But that didn't matter to you.

Since up till then,

she'd been all horny.

Yeah, sure.


Your insides ♪

Turning inside and out? ♪

Upside down, your intestines ♪

Lift your soul to the clouds ♪

Up above, we are floating ♪

Across the sky to the ground ♪

Here we go ♪

Floating ♪

We are ♪

Know that we're floating ♪

From the sky to the ground ♪

Here we go ♪

Ah, great. Wonderful.

Isadora, wait. Don't leave.

I need to talk to you.

- I'm leaving. Don't worry.

- No, you stay too.

You've already said enough about

Isadora on your social media.

Uh, what's all this about?

Yeah, and Isa? Was she a screamer?

Don't hold out on me.

Yeah. Not even, dude.

She couldn't stand up,

man. She passed out.

Of course, but that

didn't matter to you,

since up till then,

she'd been all horny.


Sure. That's right.

That's Javi.

I'm sorry about what you went

through. And not believing you.

I just hope you'll understand

that I'd known Javi all my life.

And not you.

I don't know if you'll need the phone,

or if it's enough for

me to send you the audio.

What about your childhood friend?

He's not my friend.

He's not who I thought.

Thank you.

Hey, babe?

You're awfully quiet.

What's the matter?

I'm just exhausted.

I'll be in bed.

Hi, guys and girls. How's it going?

I'm dead tired, and I just

got back from partying.

Many of you asked why I said what I said

about Isadora in my live earlier.

Hello, everyone.

No one asked me to, but I'm

here to tell you why I said

what I said about Isadora

in my live earlier.

Well, no.

I guess, rather, I'm here

to, um to take it all back.

To say my apologies.

And to revise what I said about her.

Justice didn't rule

her way. That's true.

But we know justice isn't infallible.

Judges are just as human as anyone else.

Human, like me and you.

And I suppose it's hard

to judge a situation

if you're not familiar with it.

If you've never been afraid

walking down the street by yourself.

Or never pretended to

call someone on the phone

so that creepy guy wouldn't harass you.

Or never found yourself in

a crowd of people feeling

extremely alone and

incredibly fragile

because those people terrified you.

Well, I don't know.

If you've never dealt with that, I mean,

it's difficult to comprehend

someone who's been there.

And I have no idea. No idea.

That's all I'm sure of.

I know nothing.

And I f*cking ran my mouth

without having a clue.



I'm telling you, that's

exactly what he said.

Trust me. I wouldn't lie to

you about something like that.

You're so full of it.

- Wait. No.

- The doctor. It's obvious.



Hi, honey.

Come on, son. You're

late. Eat something.

- No appetite.

- What's the matter?

Nothing. I'm just exhausted is all.

I'll grab a sandwich at school, okay?

Wait, hold on for a sec.

I'll give you a ride.

Let me go get the car.

We'll talk later.



Look, I've started learning piano.

What's your last post about?

Nothing. I wanted to make a

statement on the Isadora thing.

You already made a statement, though.

Well, I wanted to clarify.

Oh, clarify.

Well, your clarification cost us

a million and a half followers.

Well then, at least we know

that the 10.5 million followers

we still have left are cool people.

Are you f*cking joking?

You decided that yourself?

I don't have a say in it?

- That's f*cking fantastic!

- Babe!

I have no say about the thing

that puts food on our table

and pays for this

apartment in the center?

- Calm down.

- I'm not!

- You're gonna ruin the piano!

- I'll ruin it!

- What? Stop!

- I'm ruining it.

I'm f*cking ruining it,

see? Shut the f*ck up!

- Christ!

- Raúl!

Shut up!


Hey. Did you convince him?

Did I convince who about what?

What's going on?

Thank you for coming.

You're all here today 'cause

I want to tell you that, um

that what my son's classmate

said in in that video

It was a lie.

Okay, so then, the video where we

see you two kissing is also a lie?

It's a fake? A fabrication?

No, no, the the

video is It's real.

But I'm telling you that he

wasn't the one who kissed me.

I was the initiator.

I was drunk and

got carried away.

I should never have done

it because the kid is also

my son's boyfriend.

And he loves him. He's

a great guy. Truly.

They both are, and

And they deserve each other.

But what my son

What my son doesn't deserve

is a capricious, selfish,

and cowardly father.

He deserves a father.

One who who will be honest,

who will stand up and

finally admit who he is.

I'm Cruz.

I'm a soccer player.

And I'm h*m*.

Thank you.