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01x05 - Search

Posted: 02/05/23 09:51
by bunniefuu
Just before the shot,
my chest feels like it's gonna tear open

I shout out countless times, break out

It's not over,
rush through the endless night

Hot blood flows through my body

The moment it ultimately rots away

it's all over,
fragments of an empty dream come to mind

I can never go back,
I can't remember a thing

I've been reduced to struggling,
and my voice won't carry

Uncontrollable impulses

Give me your XTC,
let me feel it one more time

This body heats up, and I shout out
your name in the darkness

Give me your XTC, I don't need false love

I will accept it, sin and punishment

Slash through the destiny
I've been set up with, Blade

You made contact with them
earlier than I had anticipated.

Who were they? All I know is
I don't like the likes of them.

Who were they? All I know is
I don't like the likes of them.

I'm sure you've heard of NSWF.

Isn't it like the boss of
the Child Welfare Department?

"Boss"? That puts non-profits
around the world at a loss.

Segawa. Tell her about the Cloneblades.

Yes, sir.


Douji Industries and NSWF once
shared technological information.

We succeeded in creating "Cloneblades",

a fusion of our Witchblade research
and the NSWF's biotechnology.

They're somewhat inferior to the original,

but their basic structure is
the same as the Witchblade's.

So those two women were...

Members of the NSWF's Neo-Gene pool,

who were particularly
suitable to wear Cloneblades.


A species born from biotechnology.

The one you encountered is named "Lady",

and is the most advanced Neo-Gene.

We have no info on the other woman,
but she is quite high-level too,

judging from how she crushed the X-Cons.

Hold on! Did you hire them
to exterminate X-Cons too?!

No, we haven't collaborated
technology with NSWF for six years.

Then why were they doing battle?

It's because of how I-Weapons work.

As they seek stronger opponents,

they prefer Neo-Genes over regular people.

It's the same reason
the Witchblade craves battle.

You've surely sensed it yourself.

You, of all people,
should be able to empathize.

The other factor we must be careful
of is NSWF's director, Furumizu.

He wants the Witchblade.

How come?

Because putting the real Witchblade
on the most advanced Neo-Gene

will create the most powerful human ever.

This is just a rumor,
but I heard his Dept. Of Child Welfare

is just a cover to select Neo-Genes
from a prime field of candidates.

What?! Are you saying
he's using the children?!

Probably. So make sure you
never join hands with NSWF.

Of course not! I never liked them, anyway.

If you understand, then leave.

Hold on. About this money
I got the other day...

It's for your living expenses.
We'll give you some from time to time.

I don't like how that makes you my keeper.

The way I want it is like this:
I work and then get paid.

If that's how you want it...

So I'm taking this as payment
for the job I did earlier!

In that case, you haven't
done any work for us this time.

So you get nothing.

I went to the scene! You recovered them,
so I deserve a percentage!

I hired you to eliminate X-Cons.
I will pay for no other work.

I'll just take %.

Did you not hear me? No payment.

For someone rolling in the dough,
you sure are a tightwad!

Being cheap'll make you bald, you know!

And your hairline already looks pretty iffy!

Masane-san, I think that's enough...

Fine! Then pay me for the very first job
I did at the detention center!

-That was before we hired you...
-But I defeated the monster!

Fine. Segawa, pay the woman.

Thanks for the business!

And I don't need this guy
as my bodyguard anymore.

My goodness! You put me
on pins and needles, Masane-san...

I just spoke the truth.

But that was the first time
I've ever seen him concede.

Really? By the way,
how much does a job pay?

You negotiated without knowing that?

I'm thinking , to , ?

What do you take Douji for?

It's the same as what our top
lab researchers get... over two million.

What?! Two million?!


I can't believe that woman...

Lower illumination.

To think the Witchblade would
choose someone like her...


It's time for the
board of directors meeting.

You're one minute and
thirty seconds late... Takayama-kun.

This is it.


Come here, Mom!

It has a real kitchen!

Yeah! You can do lots
of cooking now, Riko!


The following month's rent
is due at the end of the month.

I'll take , for
this month's prorated rent.

Hold on!

Chou-san said it's , a month!
Half a month comes to , !

It's a surcharge for the kid.

Say what?!

If you don't like it, then leave.

-Sticks and stones...

Tadaa! Sorry to keep
you waiting, everybody!

Here's a loving housewarming gift
from ol' Chou-san!

Wow! Futons!

Thank you so much! It'll come in handy!

And this...

We all use the public bathhouse
since we don't have a bath here.

Care to join me?

I want to go! Can we, Mom?


That reminds me,
Kei-chan at the bathhouse

said you went in the women's side again,
pretending you were senile!

I have no recollection of that.

Okay, it's bath time! Come on, you two!

Oh, coming!

-See you later!

I don't know...


I've never been to a bathhouse before!
I'm so excited!

Me, too!

Yo! Looking studly today!

This is Michael, he lives on the roof.
Recently got a job at some office.

An office?

Nice to meet you, Michael-san!

Care to bathe with us, Naomi-san?



Naomi-bou is shy, so she always
goes in the morning. Right?


If Tozawa-chan were here,
then that'd make all of us!

Is Tozawa the guy Riko first met?

Yep! But he hasn't come home lately.
Maybe he got himself a woman?

Damn that geezer Nakata,
throwing me in the slammer!

Has it gotten colder?

Do we put both our clothes in here?


Say, Mom...

-What is it, Riko?
-Tiptoe... silently... creeping...

-Have you gained weight?
-Tiptoe... silently... creeping...

-What?! You think so?!
-Tiptoe... silently... creeping...

-I haven't weighed myself lately.
-I like my women with fat on them!

I don't wanna get cold! Let's get in!

-Every so silently...

You perverted geezer!

-It's so big in here!
-We could go swimming!

No. There was a sign out front
that said we aren't supposed to swim.

Yeah, I know.

But I like this place!
Let's come every day!

Yeah! Say, wanna go shopping tomorrow?

Yeah! We have to buy kitchenware first,
like sharp knives and-

I don't mean that stuff.
What about clothes?

You buy them. You need to
be a little more feminine!

Okay, okay! Understood, Princess Rihoko!

Stop it, Mom!

Next is my shower attack!

I see... So she has a child. A daughter?

Yes. About six years old.

I see. That's all the information
I need. You can come back now.


It couldn't be...

It's still... not enough.


Oh. You're alive.

I'm beat... Nobody can sleep
in that kind of place.

What kind of place?

Mariko-san, food please...

Sheesh! How can you
make a living like that?

I hope you're okay with something simple.

Good morning!

Huh? What're you doing here?
I thought you ran away?

I moved in here yesterday with my mom!


I hear you helped Rihoko!
Thank you so much!

I'm her mother, Amaha Masane.
Nice to meet you!

Oh... Masamune-san?

Masa... mune?
(Masa = serious; Mune = chest)

That's a good one.

You do have big boobs, Mom!

It's perfect! Ma-sa-mu-ne.

It's Masane! Ma-sa-ne!

You're the one that disappeared
from the detention center!

I was looking for you!
Your daughter asked me to help!

Tell me, did you see anything there?!

No... I didn't see anything...

No, I can tell you know something.

Tell me! Please! I'm begging you! C'mon!

Let go! Stop being weird!


I didn't see anything!

-Riko, let's go shopping!

Don't harass my mom! Let's go!

Something happen at the detention center?

-That's an understatement.
-So that's why you haven't slept.

You mean me?! No, no, no!
You've got it all wrong!

Where's my food already, Mariko-san?


I think I'll do the choosing.

-Hold on a sec!

I'm afraid we don't carry
your cup size here...

-Maybe I'll just go bra-less...

They'll droop.

-Hey! Let's get this!
-Don't need it.

I'm pooped...

We forgot to buy aprons! I'll go buy some!

Kids have so much energy...

Yo! Have some.

Just what do you think-

Name's Tozawa Yuusuke. I'm a
freelance journalist... well, almost.

I make money by following up on leads.

I don't have any scoops for you.


What's this?

So you did see it... the monster.


You were there so you had
to have seen it. Am I wrong?

C'mon. How long're you gonna stay silent?

At least throw me a bone here...

I already told you, I don't know anything.
Thanks for the coffee.


It's Masane. Ma-sa-ne!

My bad.

And don't bother tailing me anymore!


Oh! Why is Tozawa-san here?

Just by coincidence! Now let's go home!


I bought matching aprons!


-Maybe I should do some cooking, too!
-This isn't the last you've seen of me...

Sir. I don't see why you need
to attend a charity party

thrown by rich people
with too much free time...

I pulled the short straw
at the directors meeting.

But I'm sure you'll be popular
with the lady stockholders.


I see. So you made contact
with the Witchblade wearer.

It seems Douji has indeed obtained it.

And the wearer?
What kind of woman is she?

It's nothing to concern yourself over.

I know you would be disappointed
if you met her, Father.

How deplorable.

I heard that one of the sisters
is missing. Was it an X-Con again?

Most likely, although Douji claims
the X-Con leak was an accident.

Regardless, you just continue
working on the Witchblade.

There's a party tonight, isn't there?

Yes, though you aren't
scheduled to attend...

No, I'll be attending.

Oh, Takayama-san! How unusual
to see you at a party!

Nice to see you.

Let me introduce you to someone new!

This is the president
of FB Pharmaceuticals!

His stock doubled after introducing
a new hair regrowth drug!

Riko... We finally have a home!


This is Ota, from the retrieval team.
We've spotted an X-Con.

Got it.

I'll be back!



Furumizu is here.
He requests your audience,

-if you don't-
-Such things must first be
cleared through his secretary.

What do you say?

All right.


I've acquired some rare wine.
Would you like some?

No, thank you.

It's been six years...

Yes, six years since the Witchblade
vanished from our sight.

It was your daughter who got rid of it.

Yes, but it is in your hands now.

Where did you hear this groundless rumor?

Let us stop beating around the bush.

Both the Cloneblades and I-Weapons
were born of our collaboration.

The NSWF should have
no need for the Witchblade.

So you still insist it belongs to you?

Yes. It belongs to Douji.

It's close by!

Only one can wear the Witchblade.

Furthermore, it is the Witchblade
that chooses who wears it.

I do believe it was my daughter
whom it chose first.

With all due respect, the Witchblade has
changed hands many times in the past.

Yes, changing hands...

Might your X-Cons be
because you feared that?

Are you serious with that accusation?

A crown always returns to sit
on the head of the deserving.

Indeed... But only after
you k*ll the current king.

It's the first time I'm satisfied...

Well... I'm not satisfied!

She's not as powerful as we thought.

Likely due to the wearer.

Allow me, Doctor.

Let's see what you got, Witchblade.

You guys piss me off!

No way!

I can't believe it's Masamune!

I murmur, "I love you,"
with all my emotion

All my feelings until yesterday
now overflow and dissolve quickly

If only this one last prayer
could make it through...

Thank you for giving us the words
to ascertain each other, God

Tomorrow, we'll reach out
and hold hands harder than normal

Tomorrow, we'll reach out,
hug, kiss, and love each other