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01x08 - Reciprocity

Posted: 02/05/23 09:53
by bunniefuu
Just before the shot,
my chest feels like it's gonna tear open

I shout out countless times, break out

It's not over,
rush through the endless night

Hot blood flows through my body

The moment it ultimately rots away

it's all over,
fragments of an empty dream come to mind

I can never go back,
I can't remember a thing

I've been reduced to struggling,
and my voice won't carry

Uncontrollable impulses

Give me your XTC,
let me feel it one more time

This body heats up, and I shout out
your name in the darkness

Give me your XTC, I don't need false love

I will accept it, sin and punishment

Slash through the destiny
I've been set up with, Blade


Now then...

I got so many stories that
I don't know what to ask first.

I got so many stories that
I don't know what to ask first.

'Kay, Masamune-san?
No hedging around this time.

Please. Leave it 'til tomorrow.
Somewhere without Rihoko...

Well, that's fine.
But you'd better not run away.

This is our first home!
As if I'd lose it on account of you!

I'm lookin' forward to tomorrow!

Oh, Riko... You worked
so hard to clean up for me...

Is the shop closed?

As long as I'm up, we're open.

Kahlua and milk, please.

You're such a kid.

I like it! What's wrong with that?

You call yourself a do-it-all handyman,
but what exactly do you do?

Leaving your girl alone
all night like that...

Everything I can. If it means
I can be with her.

Well, she's way more "with-it" than you are.

Don't I know that.
Maybe she takes after her father.

What happened to him?

Who knows... I don't remember.

You don't remember?

I don't remember anything
before the Great Quake.

Without my maternity record book,
I wouldn't even know my name.

And it'd be awkward if he showed up
now that I don't remember him.

People lost so much
in the Great Earthquake...

I guess your memory
is one of those things...


That's a nice photo.

-That Tozawa kid took it.
-Eh?! He did?!

Yup! I discovered him myself,
but all he does is go after lousy scoops.

You're absolutely right!
Just who does he think he is?!

No fair! You should've said you were
drinking with Masamune-chan!

Chou-san, my name is...

So, what're you having, Masamune-chan?

Missy, gimme my bottle of potato shochu

Your bottle?! It's not like
your name is written on my booze...

Oh, come on.

Naomi-bou! Come, sit! Want your
usual hot milk? Some cow juice?


Oh, Michael, perfect timing!

Let's drink! We'll have an all-night fever!

If one comes out, then-!

Oh! Tozawa-chan! Drink with us!

No thanks, not tonight.

What? Can't hold your liquor?
What's the deal?

Hey, don't forget our promise tomorrow!

No! No! No! Not unless you drink with us!

-No! No! No!
-Look at you...

No, Michael. Today's not...

Oh, all right.

I know what it feels like
to wanna get drunk...

'Kay, down the hatch!

Oh, great! Go for it, Masamune-chan!

-Let's keep it goin'!
-Ah! One more, please!

Masamune-chan prepares
for another drink! Drink up!

This is a message from Father.

Regarding Tsuzuki Shiori,
my sadness runs deep.

I await an investigation and report
into why this happened.

This goes for the Witchblade as well.

Furthermore, Father is a bit put out

because there has been
no explanation directly from you.

That is all.

Hey! Not again! Stinky cigarettes
spoil our place's classiness!

Yeah, yeah.


Please say it.

Who's there?

"I wish upon a star that
my love reaches you..."

Mom, wake up! It's time
for breakfast, Mom!

My head hurts... I feel awful...

Ugh! You drank too much again!
I told you to be more careful!

I was careful, up to a point...

You're hopeless...

I'm going to the sale at the supermarket.
I'll get you some medicine!

'Kay... Thanks...

Come in... It's open...

Hey, Masamune...

You promised. Talk to me.

About what?

Don't play dumb.

Tell me, what the hell's going on?

That thing you changed into... what is it?

Why ask?

What do you think?! This is something big.
I'll have lots of buyers...

You'd go public?

I'm willing to pay you, of course.

I don't know what you're talking about!

I have no idea what you're talking about!

Hey, now! I have proof,
clear as night and day!

You're gonna deny it now?!

That isn't me.

Hey, now!

No idea what you're talking about at all!

Why, you-!

No clue!

It's not me!

I'll be back!

Code in the Chuo Building in Shinjuku.

Squad # , head to the scene immediately.

Detain any passersby and witnesses.

I'm back!

Will you gimme a break?!

You're a do-it-all handyman, right?

I got a job for ya!

I expect you to work hard for me.

No complaints as long as I pay you, right?

Of course.

She was fine yesterday. How could
she end up like this in one night?

The method's different,
but it's similar to the others.

It's the same perp?

Not necessarily, but...

Dammit! I was about to make
the connection from the victims!

Yuck! Talk about gross!

Could've been another of those monsters!

I've been following these
unimaginable killings.

And just when I thought I had
a solid lead, I saw you like that.

I will find out what's going on here!

Tozawa! How'd you get in there?!

What about you, Detective Nakata?

Lording it over there... it's rubbing
the other detectives the wrong way!

Shut up! You want another ass-kicking?!

Whoops! Another time, maybe!

Damn him...

Detective Nakata is the lead detective
in the cases I'm following.

He's a real assh*le.

You take photos like those and sell them?

Something wrong with that?

You talk all big, but do you
enjoy doing things like that?

What about you? Is it fun?

I said I don't know anything.

I see...

It's his car. Let's give him a warm hello.

Been a long time...


Have we met before?

One year ago, you sold photos
of a very valuable client,

going into a hotel with a woman,
to a magazine.

Oh... Now that you mention it...

We got a severe scolding that
our security was too weak...

Yeah? But those photos
didn't sell for much.

-The guy just wasn't important enough.

Hey, hey! I'll apologize!

Masamune, take the envelope
out of the dashboard!


-You're quick to understand.
-I'm used to it, y'know?

It's not here.

No, it's in there!

-Close the door!
-Tozawa! Hey!

Do you do this often?!

Just once in a while.

Damn nuisance!

H-hey, don't cause an accident!

If you don't want an accident,
tell me about that night.

At a time like this?!

I... I...

Damn! Where'd he go?!

We'd better lay low for a bit longer.

Why don't you go to the police?

No need for that. They're too busy
to be chasing hoodlums like that.

I wish you were busy, too.

No way.


Isn't it obvious? Who'd keep quiet
after finding a scoop like this?!

I see! In that case,
I don't know anything.

Hey, now. This is you in the photo.

Deny it all you want, but once
I get this in a magazine...


It's easy to make copies of those, y'know.

Please stop... I don't want Riko to know.


Well, I understand, but...

Sir. I sent the remains of the Neo-Gene
who self-destructed to the lab.

This is the data for the next
Board of Directors' meeting.

Is it true that the Witchblade
ultimately destroys its wielders?

If past records are true.

-So it'll destroy Masane-san too?
-The lab will investigate that.

If it's true though, I feel sorry for her.

The Witchblade is on
the agenda for discussion.

The director of the Bio Section
pressured to have it included...

You mean Wadou?

He really sees you as his enemy.
It may get ugly in there.

Arguments with him really do get ugly.

He doesn't give up, does he?

Do you know what he
was called in college?

"Gum Stuck to a Shoe."

They were right.

Sure is boring.

I'll say.

Mariko-san told me... You have amnesia?

Yes... I didn't even remember
giving birth to Riko.

I'm amazed you get through each day.

It was tough... Especially at first.

But we're family. Things work out somehow.

Say... I like your photograph.


The one in Mariko-san's shop.

Oh, that. Can't take pictures
like that no more.

In the passion of youth,
I sold all my possessions

and went on a photography journey.

I came home feeling
I had enough experience.

But the first ones I wanted
to show my photos to...

My teacher, my family,
my girlfriend... All had died.

I couldn't cry or scream
from the irony of it all...

But when I snapped out of it,
all I had was my camera in hand.

All of myself is buried in that rubble.

Anyway, that's it.

Mariko-san said that everyone lost
something in that Great Quake.

That's for sure.

We're the same.

Damned right. That's why you
should tell me about that stuff.

Huh?! Why's that?!

Work is work!

Geez! You spoiled that
camaraderie just now!

A normal person would say,
"Here, lean on me and have a good cry!"

Hah! Stupid! That's sentimental crap!

So hurry up and talk!

No way! I'll never, ever tell you!

What is it?


Please say,

-"I wish upon a star
that my love reaches you..."
-What the hell?!

Damn! I wasn't paying attention!

-It's dangerous to stay inside!
-You think?!

Please, say it!

-"I wish upon a star that-"
-Huh? It usually activates on its own...

What now?! You gonna do something?!

-It's not transforming!

"-That my love reaches you..."


Please say it! "I wish upon a star-"

-Oh, crap!
-"-That my love reaches you..."

Hey, Masamune! You alright?!

Tozawa... let's make a deal!

Huh?! What're you talkin' about?!

I'll let you photograph me!
But I want to tell Rihoko myself!

So don't go public until then!

-How long?
-At least a year.

Too long!

You can wait that long!

You won't be sorry!

All right, one year! That's all!

Then it's a deal!

Help me...

I can't stand it anymore!

He got away!

He's different from the others...

What could it be?
Something feels really wrong...

Let's see... Did I forget anything?

-Thank you!
-Got that, and that.

Okay! All done!



Umm... did you want something?

Not really. Do you want
a reason why I'm here?

Umm, my mom is waiting for me.

I see. Your mom, huh?

Well, goodbye!

Is that how it is?

Such a jalopy.

What?! This is my beloved car!



Huh? Why are you with Tozawa-chan, Mom?

Your mom was helping me with work.

Be careful, Mom!
Tozawa-chan is out to get you!

-Yeah! Better be careful!
-Better be careful!

Hey, now! What kind of family are you?!

Mom! Umm, just now...


No, it's nothing.

Oh, I bought you medicine!

Oh, thank you!

"-My... my love reaches you..."

No... I don't want to anymore!

I murmur, "I love you,"
with all my emotion

All my feelings until yesterday
now overflow and dissolve quickly

If only this one last prayer
could make it through...

Thank you for giving us the words
to ascertain each other, God

Tomorrow, we'll reach out
and hold hands harder than normal

Tomorrow, we'll reach out,
hug, kiss, and love each other