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01x12 - Prisoner

Posted: 02/05/23 09:55
by bunniefuu
Just before the sh*t,
my chest feels like it's gonna tear open

I shout out countless times, break out

It's not over,
rush through the endless night

Hot blood flows through my body

The moment it ultimately rots away

it's all over,
fragments of an empty dream come to mind

I can never go back,
I can't remember a thing

I've been reduced to struggling,
and my voice won't carry

Uncontrollable impulses

Give me your XTC,
let me feel it one more time

This body heats up, and I shout out
your name in the darkness

Give me your XTC, I don't need false love

I will accept it, sin and punishment

Slash through the destiny
I've been set up with, Blade


This means she's been captured, huh?
This doesn't look good...

Yes. Understood.

Chief Nishida is on her way!

She wants us to give first aid
and make sure she's held down tight!

-Wait here.
-Yes, sir.

They've made a bold move.
Will Masane-san be all right?

What if they lop her arm off
to get the Witchblade?

I can only hope they're that foolish.

If they tried that,

the Witchblade's defensive instincts
would take care of 'em.

I see...

Oh? The Witchblade, you say?
How interesting.

Understood. I'll call again.

Takayama's luck may've just run out...

Did something happen?

Seems someone stole
the Witchblade from him.


This is a major failure for him!

-Guess it doesn't work...
-Hey, you.

Have you forgotten that only
researchers can go through there?

Oh, I'm new here, you see...

What? Is there top-secret stuff
through there?

No. It's a medical research lab
or something.

They got dangerous stuff,
and do complicated surgeries and such.

Medical research...

Yeesh. Don't they tell this
basic stuff to newcomers anymore?

Hey, Mister!

You taking that trash to the
collection facility? I'll give you a hand!



I came to see you! Are you happy?

Yes, it's been a while.

Nishida went straight to
the lab to see the Witchblade.

She's the same as ever.

She said she would say hello later.

That's quite all right.

Once I've finished today's duties,
I will go down there myself.

Now Nishida can-

I'm here, so why're you
talking only about Nishida?!

Maria. This is important.


Maria. You'd be even more wonderful
if you were more reasonable.

You put your incredible IQ to shame.

You don't like me.

What a dilemma.

Nora. Take Maria somewhere lively.

Yes, sir.

No! Let go, stupid Nora!

Where's the conformant?

This one? She seems so ordinary...

She's severely injured, and her recovery
is slower than the Neo-Genes'.

We really should treat her...

Take a sample of the Witchblade
and the conformant,

then analyze the unit itself.

I've already got the information I want.


Rihoko-chan. Let's take your temperature.

-Was someone here?

I get the feeling someone was
watching me this whole time...

Was it your mother?

No. Didn't she go home last night?

She disappeared during your checkup.

She should've told you
if she was going to leave.

I think it was her work.
She suddenly has to leave sometimes...

Oh? She's that busy?

Yeah. Mom's been working really hard,
ever since we came to Tokyo.

-I need to get better soon!

Mom doesn't know how to cook at all!

This one, and this one,
and this one, and...

This one's cute! How about this one?

Ugh! I'm not a kid anymore, Mom!

-You're still a kid in my eyes!


We're done shopping. Take us to the hotel.

How come?! I still haven't
bought any stuffed animals!

I believe you've been taught not
to have such outbursts in public.

But she took my Mr. Hippo!
You should've taken it back!

I will advise Nishida to refrain
from letting you outside any more.

If you're not careful, I might lose
the ability to restrain myself.


-I hate you all so much!
-Let's go.

I hope you die.

Retrieving Masane-san
won't be an easy task, will it?

Barging into the NSWF would
cause huge problems in itself...

It'd be best if they quietly
handed her over to us.

I can only hope that's possible...

This is Takayama's office. Oh, Wadou-san!

-Has Takayama come out?
-Yes, I guess...

I doubt he can sleep soundly,
what with the Witchblade being stolen.

Now I know why he could never
speak clearly about the Witchblade.

To think that he'd lost it...

No, that's not-

This is a huge failure. I intend
to call an emergency board meeting.

Pass the word on to Takayama.

How did he find out
the Witchblade was stolen?

A board meeting doesn't
bode well. What will you do?

Give this to the lab.

Eh?! Are you serious?!

Taking back the Witchblade
is top priority.

This is finally the end, Takayama...

Oh! I'm such a bad person for not
being there for you, Rihoko-chan!

Actually, they said it's nothing serious.
Plus, I'll be out tomorrow.

Really? Oh, this is a
love bouquet from yours truly!

And this is from Missy.
She's actually pretty worried, you know!

And here's a get-well charm
from the unimpressive Naomi-bou.

Thank you!

-So, where's Masamune-chan?!
-Oh, she's at work.

Eh?! You must be lonesome, Rihoko-chan!

No, I'm fine!

Chou-san. Did my mom
come home last night?


An all-nighter, huh? That must
be rough, at a time like this...


Don't push yourself too hard, Mom...

Are things coming along?

Forgive me for not greeting you earlier.

That's quite all right.

So this is the Witchblade conformant?

Yes. I've had a sample taken to
determine her level of conformation.

She apparently has no memory
from before the Great Earthquake.

-She has one child, but-
-Why... am I... in pain?

How mundane. She shows
no glimpse of being a chosen one.

Why someone like her?


Father. The results of
the conformation tests are in.

Aside from the obvious fact that
this woman is highly conforming...


We re-checked the
sample comparison data,

but Lady's numbers have gone down.

I thought her numbers
were exceptionally high?

But they've clearly lowered this time.

You can't mean...

Things may have changed
between six years ago and now,

but it's a fact that Lady is incompatible
with the Witchblade at present.

Very well. I have lost
some hope in Lady as of late,

and the fact the Witchblade chose
this woman is proof it isn't perfect.

Yes. The blade under development
should surpass the original.

I have high hopes.

The perfect NSWF Neo-Gene will
be the one who can wield that.

And then I'll have obtained
the ultimate mother...

What? "Lady is incompatible?"
What are they talking about?

"E-mail Received"

"Sub: Amaha Rihoko DNA results"
"Frm: NswF Genetics Lab"

"Medical Lab"

"Medical Lab"

This's the only way inside.
Guess I got no choice...


Oh! Aren't you-

It is you! You're the photographer
who was with Masane-san, right?

Ah! So you came to rescue her, too!

-You're with Douji-
-Well, go right ahead!

Hey now, hey now!

It's all right! They don't
look for intruders here!

Getting out's the hard part!

You serious?! Then what
happens if I can't get out?!

That's what Masane-san is for!

You dumbass! Like I can really
rely on a wounded person!

You'll be just fine!

I'll teach you a spell that'll get her
on her feet, even if she's dead!

A spell?


Wow, how convenient! Even if
we fail, I can blame it on him!

It's almost time...

Hey, she gonna be alright?

If she dies, she dies.

Poor girl...

It... hurts...

Help... me...


Now if I can just analyze this data,

I can definitely upgrade the Cloneblades!

Father. Very soon,
our desire will be reached...

Yes. I will finally approach your level...

You were perfect in almost every way...

But there is one thing
that can never be forgiven!

If only it weren't for that...


Whoa, this is bad...


Pull yourself together!
Use your power to break outta here!

I... can't move...

Hey, now! Rihoko's waiting!
Pull yourself together! C'mon!

Ri... ko...

That's right! Riko!

Take care of Riko...
Have Mariko-san and Chou-san... help...


Hey! You dumbass!
This isn't funny! Masamune!

It's been a long while!

He has a wild smell...


I'll teach you a spell
that'll get her on her feet...

If you get outta here,
Douji'll pay you million!

You listenin'?! That's million!
Ten million!

The conformant?!

Riko... I'll do all I can!

Alright! Let's scram!

This can't be!
She wasn't even able to move!


This smells like a scoop!

The conformant has escaped!



There's more?! No way
we're gettin' out now...

Okay, that's enough!

Okay! Anymore, and we'll open fire!

W-what the-?!

Release Masane-san at once,
or Furumizu-san gets blown to pieces!

Oh, Director Takayama. It's been a while.

It isn't like you to
resort to such threats...

I didn't wish to draw this out.

Had you done this at the very start,
our sisters could've avoided injury.

It would've been all over
for me had you pretended

not to have the Witchblade.

I see...

What'll it be? Will we
recreate six years ago?

I think I'll pass.


Ten million...

for Riko...


I told you the spell would work!

Still, how did Wadou-san
find out about Masane-san?

There must be someone within the
section connected to Wadou...


Is something the matter?

The board meeting is called off!

Damn you, Takayama...
You're one lucky man...




Rihoko-chan! Congratulations on
getting out of the hospital!

After just two nights without you,
the Natsuki Building turned bleak!

-Thank you for visiting me!
-Thank goodness you're okay!

Speaking of goodness,
the hospital was full of nurses-

It's nice to see you again, Amaha-san.

Hold on! What's Child Welfare
doing here now?!

I have a notice from the
Welfare Administration today.


Test results show
that you and Rihoko-chan

are not genetically related.

"DNA Paternity Test Report"

That can't be...

I murmur, "I love you,"
with all my emotion

All my feelings until yesterday
now overflow and dissolve quickly

If only this one last prayer
could make it through...

Thank you for giving us the words
to ascertain each other, God

Tomorrow, we'll reach out
and hold hands harder than normal

Tomorrow, we'll reach out,
hug, kiss, and love each other