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03x12 - You Fought Well

Posted: 02/05/23 19:36
by bunniefuu
Where are you right now?

Wait there!
I'm headed your way!

Please. Wait for me.
I wanna see you!

I was so happy,
it was almost embarrassing.

I was thrilled that
out of everyone,

the person you were
looking for was me.

I still am.

We can't take it for granted

that there will ever be someone

who cares enough
to search for us.

It's not a given.

It's a blessing.
Almost a miracle.

You called. I'm so glad.

I'm sorry it was so sudden.

Like I said, there's something
I wanted to give you.

Of course. What is it?

Um, this.

It's a "get well" present
for Honda-senpai.

Coming from me,
it might be odd,

so, um, will you please
pass it along?

It's just some stuff
for the bath.

That's sweet. I'd be happy to.

Honestly, it's, um,

my way of saying thank you
for everything she's done.

President, just knowing
that someone like you

exists in the world
makes me happy.

So I want to show
how grateful I am

that Honda-senpai was
there to protect you.

Because, if you were weak once,

I think that made you
who you are now.

I think that's why
you noticed me.

Why you spoke to me and
reached out your hand.

Why you were able to
find the good in me.

You saw me when I
couldn't even see myself,

and that made me so happy.

There's somebody
waiting out there

who'll see this side of you
and know how special it is.

There you are. Finally.

Thank you... for finding me.

Hold on. What is this?

Such a strange feeling.


Is there something
on your mind?



Um, I couldn't find
the right time,

but I've been wanting
to tell you--

You're the last one.

Just you now.

Are you okay?

You kept the
promise... for so long.

It's time to go now,
but thank you.

Thank you.

The original memory,
forgotten by everyone.

The original promise.



Please, tell me what's wrong.

I-- I'm sorry
for crying like this.

It's just... I said
goodbye to someone

I've been with my whole life.

We were always together.

A constant presence that caused
so much pain and heartache.

But parting hurts, too.

It's selfish, isn't it?
To cry now.

The person you said goodbye to,
will you see them again?

No. Never.

But in exchange,
I have... my freedom.

Sorry. I know
I'm not making sense.

When I said I wanted
to tell you something,

this wasn't exactly
what I had in mind.

But for right now,
it'll be enough.

Well, um...

Actually, there was
something I wanted

to talk to you about,
too, if that's okay.


Do you think I could call you...
by your first name?

Of course. I'd like that.

Yu... ki.

Once more.

Yu... Yuki.

As often as you'd like.

He always seemed fine alone.

Content with his own company.

I found it irritating somehow.

Shigure, do you love me?

Yuki, have you seen Shigure?

Huh? Isn't he here?

He hasn't been home all day.

I see.

Honestly, the adults seem
more freaked out than we are.

You're right!
I'm sorry, so sorry!

I'm a pathetic
excuse for an adult!

You think maybe
you're overreacting?

I apologize! Stupid me...

Well, we're all here,
just like we were told to be.

Akito must already know
what happened, right?


I suspect the atmosphere
is going to become

very tense in a moment.



...isn't good enough!

Jeez, what is up with you?

I mean it,
you're ridiculous and awful!

I'm even more heartbroken
than ever now!

Shameful. You cheater.

Uh, what the--?



Hold on. Did you two plan that?

We'll be okay.

Things don't seem to have gotten
tense among us, at least.

I was worried, you know?

That we'd all feel
awkward or shy,

but it's like it always
has been, right?

Of course it is.
I'll love you forever.

Careful, Haru. Rin's watching.

As am I, Yuki, my dear brother.

I shall watch over you
my whole life long.

Worry not! We shall never
be awkward with each other.

Which brings to mind
an old proverb.

"There's no need
to fear red lights

so long as we all
cross together!"

Aya, you're amazing.

That is not an old proverb.

What's up? Akito's
not even here yet?

Says the man who's late himself!

Now, then, where have you
been wandering, Kyonkichi?

Uh, well, I've hardly ever
been inside the main estate, so.

Indeed, I see.

Its combined size and
opulence must be novel

for riffraff such as yourself,
so explore away.

I give you my blessing to
traverse its halls without fear.

Everyone, may I have
your attention?

Akito is ready to see you now.

Hatori, where is Shigure?

I don't know.

Akito, can it be? Have you
adopted my dressing habits?

No, I haven't. This is...

A present.

Consider it a parting gift.

I hate you!

I hate you so much!

I knew all along
that it would be you.

That you would be the
quickest to abandon me!

Fine then! Go on! Leave!

Just calm down.

Who said that I was
going to abandon you?

But you
brought that gift.

You're finally saying
goodbye to the you

your father always
wanted you to be,

and becoming a new Akito, right?

That's what the gift
is for. That parting.

Though I suppose it's also a
welcome gift for the new you.

I look forward to seeing
how you live a life

you've chosen for yourself.

This is a symbol of change.

Just as you've been able to
return to who you truly are,

at last, I've returned to
my true self, as well.

You're free, all of you.

I should've said
this sooner, but I'm...

I've caused such suffering.


So much to apologize for.

I'm curious
how you'll atone

for everything you've done.

Shut up. I mean it,
that's enough.

Did you know, out of everyone,
it was you who scared me most?

Because I felt like you were
the furthest away from me,

the hardest for me to pin down.

The one who never feared me.

You pushed me away
more than anyone.

Bond or no bond,
I couldn't tie you to me.

I have to act
like everything's okay.

Otherwise, I fear
I might explode.

Whenever I think I have you,
you flit away from me

and into somebody else's
sympathetic arms.

Such a traitor.

Wait. That's not fair!
You did the same thing!

I'm selfish and childish,

so I don't want to be hurt,

and I'm not interested
in losing out.

Once I have you within my grasp,

I have no intention
of letting you go,

or letting anyone
else touch you.

Heh. Yes, that's right.

If you're going to reject me,
then do it now.

See, thanks to you,

I've learned how to make a
concession every now and again,

so I'm giving you the
chance to run away.

However, if you think
it through and decide

to come to me once more...

...know what to expect.

Selfish. Cruel.

He acts like he's blameless.

Like none of the
fault lies with him.

He really is a child,

laying claim whenever
it suits him to,

then feigning indifference.

It's irritating.

And it makes me want
to make him look at me.

I want to permeate his body,

get into his cells, into his
bones, inv*de and infuse them.

Saturate his entire
being with my own.

Fill every corner
of him with my scent,

till he can't even breathe.

This feeling. This desire.

Is it the woman I've always
been finally reaching out?

They were surprised
and conflicted.

How could they not be?

I tried to apologize,
but I couldn't.

Any words I said would
have been hollow,

like I was asking for
absolution without atonement.

I've decided I'm going
to continue living here.

I think that there are still
things I need to do.

I have to stay. After all,
I'm the family head.

So, then, you're telling me

that's the kind of
life I'm in for?

Are you angry?

A little.

After all, I've been
waiting a long, long time

for you to come back to me.

You're late, you know.

And beautiful.

That suits you.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you. Forever.

As long as you want me to.

So I've decided
that when I graduate,

I wanna leave here.

Um, not like that.

I mean, I'm not trying
to run away or anything.

It's just, I've been avoiding
people my entire life

and disengaging from the world.

I sorta got a free pass to do
that, given how things were.

But it's different now.

I'm a normal human being,
and I can live a normal life.

I can be part of
this world with you.

That makes me so happy.
And I don't wanna hold back.

However hard it is,
I want to fight.

To test myself in another place.

And, um, I'm hoping you'll come.

So, when you leave here,
do you know where you'll go?

To a dojo run by
someone Master knows.

It's a long way from here.

It makes sense
because I can train and work

at the same time.

Then someday, when I take
over Master's dojo,

I'll have outside experience.

I'm sure I'll be able to
use what I learn there.

All of it. The good
and the bad, both.

I know it must
sound young and naive.

It would mean taking you away
from people who love you.

But, well, I wanna find
out who the real "me" is.


I want you to find
the real Kyo, too.

I can see it.

The look on Master's face
when you told him.

He was happy, wasn't he?

Hearing you plan and
talk about the future.

Finally seeing you
determined to live.

He was happy, and I am, too.

So, yes. When you leave
here, Kyo, I'll come.

Huh? Huh?!

You will? Are you sure?

It's really far away. It'll be
hard to see your friends.

And, um, we might not
have a lot of money.

You do know you're the one

who asked me to
come with you, right?

Yeah, and that's what I want,

but it's fine if you
need time to think,

or if you decide not to go.

Kyo, I'm easygoing,

but I stand my ground when
something's important to me.

I'm actually quite stubborn.

Oh, well, yeah.

I guess I've noticed
that a time or two.

Okay, good.

I'm glad you know I can
make up my own mind.

Because there's another thing
I've made up my mind about.

You're wrong about Mom
holding a grudge against you.

Even if it's true,
and she really did say

she'd never forgive you,

she didn't say it out
of anger or hatred.

I know it. Absolutely.

That's me... standing my ground.

I am going with you.

Yes, leaving everyone
here will make me sad.

It will be hard.

But, Kyo, if I were
apart from you,

that would be much harder.

I belong with you, by your side.

I don't wanna be separated.
And I don't wanna wait.

Please take me with you.

Thank you.

She's coming.
You good with that?

I'm keeping it, my promise.

I know I'm really late, but...
I'll protect her my whole life.

That work?


No. What do I do?

I can't hear anything
or feel any pain.

Why? No, this can't
be happening.

But it is. I'm sorry... Tohru.

I think... I'm gonna die.

What do I do? Please. I don't--

I don't want this.
I don't wanna die!


Leaving her alone is
the worst kind of unfair.

If I'm gone, she'll have no one.
What will happen to her?

She's young.
Barely even a high schooler.

She's just a kid.
Still... Still so...

Katsuya, I get it now.

Leaving is as bad
as... being left.

They both hurt, don't they?

Sorry. I'm sorry, Tohru.

Did I love you enough?

Sweetheart, believe me,

I wanted to love you
so much more.

Someone... protect her!

Please, someone...

Please... protect her.

My treasure. Protect her.

Someone. Some... one...


It's okay if you forget me,

but if you see her again,
please remember.

The next time she gets lost,
you go out there and find her.

You need to keep our
old promise, or...

...I won't forgive you, ever.

I'm begging you, please... what I can't.

Protect my baby girl.

Sorry, honey.
I guess this is goodbye.

I have to go, but I pray
that you'll be happy.

I pray that your years will be
full of people who love you.

Live the kind of life you
can be proud of in the end,

even if you make mistakes
or take the long way around.

Live so that...
when it's your time to go,

people will say,
"You fought well."

Have lots of happy
times, and sad times,

and everything in between.

That's how I want
you to grow old.

You fought well.

"See you again soon."