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02x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 02/06/23 08:44
by bunniefuu
VIC: "I, Stanley Basil Oakley,

leave equal shares
to my estate."

"Do with it what you will."

A bottle of Stanley.

-This is just sediment.
-No. That is Stanley.

-Got to dash.

Wife's ovulating.

LOUIS: These are
the vineyard accounts.

We have no money.

We're not vintners,
for God's sake!

WOMAN: The Gold Medal goes to...

the Stanley by Oakley Wines.

So we're going as a team, then.

As mutual sole heirs.


Oh, no, it's Pissy Rissy.

You'll just make a fool
of yourself.

Go home.

LOUIS: I want to be
a good husband to you.

We were over
a long time ago, Louis.

Hello, Stanley.

Oh, that's good.

Please shut up! Shut up!

To Oakley.

TIPPY: Maybe there is more than
one woman for you.


LOUIS: Don't be ridiculous,
Tippy. No.

TIPPY: You like her.

I'm an actor.
I can't just drop everything.

You're not out, are you?

DAISY: He's about to outed,

and he's worried
it'll affect his work.

You can't be on the same team
if you're sitting in the stands.

-We're pregnant.
-You know, I don't think

I've ever felt like
this before...

like I have everything
I've ever wanted.

JULIAN: Mum's on the phone.

-Thanks, Jay.
-I want you back.

Louis, can you hear me, darling?

[ Birds chirping ]

-Uh, yes, please.

[ Sighs ]


Yes. Lovely.

[ Rumbling ]

Oh, God. Do you feel that?


Where's, uh, where's Julian?


Oh, Louis.

It's all right.
It's all right.

[ Rumbling stops ]

Oh, my God!

-Sim, are you all right?

Oh, where's Jay?

That was awesome.

Thank goodness you're all right.

I thought the roof
was gonna cave in.

Oh, it was just a little rumble.
What do you think?

Five? Five point two?

-About that.

-Is it too early for a drink?
-God, no.

Is there going to
be another one?

No. Is there?

A sh*t for courage.

-Good idea.

-Oh, no. I was kidding.
-Gosh, I wasn't.

-Who drank the milk?
-Wasn't me.

Yeah. Five point two!
Is that big?

Um. It...

Oh. That hit the spot.

Ooh. Kettle.
Hey. Anybody want...

tea or coffee?

♪ Let it breathe,
if it doesn't breathe ♪

♪ Let us see, if you let it be,
is it gonna fly? ♪

♪ Set it free, and if it
leaves, we say goodbye ♪

♪ The web we weave
and then we grieve ♪

♪ And then we cry ♪

♪ I want to tell you
before I forget ♪

♪ Despite the darkness,
some of these days ♪

♪ Wintergreen can't
outshine your radiance ♪

♪ Wintergreen I love
you more than anything ♪

♪ Wintergreen despite the
darkness, some of these days ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

Are you all right?

That was terrifying.

I know.

But we're safe.

-This is nice.

We haven't had much
alone time lately.

No. I know. I know.

But once harvest is done,
we'll be back in London,

with all the time in the world.

Well, we're alone right now.

VIC: Kia ora!

NIC: Hello.

Oh, no! What happened?

-Uh, the earthquake.

Bit of a rumble, eh?

When I was a school, they taught
us to hide under a desk.

Have you got a desk?

Although, it would have to be
a pretty big one.

I suppose there's a lot of
people that live here.

Daisy, Louis, we have
something important

we wanted to talk
to you both about.

Oh. Sounds serious.

-It is.
-Should I...

Oh, no, no. You can stay.

Louis, Daisy,
we want you both.

To be our baby's Heart Parents.

Heart Parents?

It's like God Parents,
but with less God.

And more heart.

-Oh. Oh, that's so sweet.
-How lovely.

Well, that's --
it's a beautiful offer.

But, um, you do know we're --
we're going back to London soon.

Oh, that's okay. We'd love our
baby to be a dual-citizen.

I'm not quite sure
that's how it works, but --

Will you?
We can't think of anyone

better to be Heart Parents
for our little peanut.

Oh. Yes, of course.

Oh, we'd be honored.

-Give me a hug, Heart Papa!
-[ Laughs ]

-You too, Heart Mama!

Ooh, ooh. I, uh, I almost
forgot. There you go.

What's that?

Oh, uh, that's a list
of appointments,

pre-natal clinics, doctors,
and the baby's first scan,

that's the day
after tomorrow.

-And, uh you want us to, um,

Be there. Of course.

That's what Heart Parents
are for.



Give you a hand?

Oh, thank you, Rowan.

[ Clears throat ]

No, well, I'm not gonna give you
a tip for something

I could happily
have done myself.

She's sweet.
Don't want another incident.

What do you mean
another incident?

Guess you haven't heard
the stories?

Well, I'd like to hear them now.

Oh. For goodness sake.

And now, just because I arrived
at the showcase a little

full, I am apparently
a fishwife,

who relieved myself
in the bushes,

and then physically
att*cked a taxi driver!

We both know it's not true,

so why are you so worried
about some idle gossip?

Well, that's spoken as someone
who has the luxury of not

being the subject in question.

Now, come on, love.
Let it go.

I suppose, at least
when the new vintner arrives,

it'll give everyone something
else to talk about.

A French Enfant Terrible.

That'll knock Oakley
off its pedestal.

In all fairness, I don't think
Louis or Daisy

had anything to do
with that gossip.

Don't be so naive, Don.
[ Chuckles ]

Oakley, and all who reside
there, are bitter enemies,

and don't you forget it.

Perhaps turning people
into bitter enemies

isn't the best way.

You can catch more flies
with honey than with vinegar.

Yes. But vinegar is better
for cleaning up a mess.

Antique iron lung?

t*rture device?

It is a frost-fighting fan.

The quake did something to it,
and I don't know what it did,

because I don't know how Stanley
made it in the first place.

So I guess I have to try to
be Stanley to make it work.

But, you know, is a bit tricky,
since he's dead.

And so is Martha.

Who's Martha?

Ah. Oh, well, at least
it's still summer.

Yeah. No, I guess it's a problem
for another day.

Although I have felt
a bit of a chill lately.

So, maybe you shouldn't
give up on it so quickly?

Maybe you could still
patch things up?

Yeah, it's not something I can
just use short cuts on, though.

GRIFFIN: Sure, but if you
want something to work,

the rest of it
will just figure itself out.

GUS: Oh, I think, you know,
once it is fixed,

things can warm up
pretty quickly.

Uh, wait.

We're still talking about us,

TIPPY: There's no damage
that I can see.

Oh. Thank God for that.

TIPPY: We need to talk
about the pickers.

I know we do. I was hoping we'd
have an investor by now.

What happened to that last guy?

Well, like all the others,
he wants % of Oakley,

but I'm confident we'll get
our line of credit this time.

And I want to make sure Oakley
is in a sound financial state

before I go back to London.





Well, what about the pickers?


How much?

They say you can
expect aftershocks.

I hope we get another big one.

Might be a few tremors.

Maybe we need to build, like, an
underground bunker or something?

No. That's more for tornados.

You know, because earthquakes
happen under the ground.

If you smile any harder,
your face is gonna break.

[ Chuckles ]

Well, maybe you could just
get everyone to help.

-somewhere else?
-Like London?

I didn't know people
around here smoked.

A wine bottle filled
with cigarette ash.

It's just, I'm, um,
I'm a bit rattled.

I get it. I get it.
You just need an hour

of uninterrupted couch time.

No. Well, I'm beginning to think
I should have had that drink.

-Well, it's not too late.
-Oh, well.

[ Gasps ]
Simone, stop!

That's Stanley!

[ Sighs ] All right. Well...

We just need to find
something new to put him in.

Yeah. I'll go hunt for another
wine bottle.

I'm so sorry, Daisy.

If I'd had any idea.

No, no, no.
It's not your fault.

I mean, you weren't to know.

We've, uh, cleansed ourselves.

It's a Maori tradition.
On account of Stanley's ashes.

-Actually, maybe you could all

do with a bit of a wash.

Yeah. Just a thought.
Oh. Hmm.

-Are you all right?

Just a bit of, uh,
morning sickness.

It's a thing.
I Googled it.

Oh. Uh, would you mind
keeping Gus and Tippy away.

I don't want to have to explain.

Okay. Right you are.

Ooh. Louis is here.
Should I let him in?

-Yeah, all right.

Hey, bit a sitch.

All right.

Stanley broke during
the earthquake,

your good woman tried
to vacuum him up.

Uh, I've got a touch
of morning sickness,

and Nic is feeling better after
I threw some water on her.

Great. Thanks, Vic.
Uh, here. Let me help.

-No, no. I can deal with it.
-No, no.

I just need to find
something else to put it in.

Fine! All right. Yeah, fine.

[ Sobs ]

[ Knock on door ]

Come in.

I just came up to see
if you were okay.

Oh, I'm fine. Fine.

Simone feels terrible
about Stanley's ashes.

It was an accident.

Yeah. No, no, no, no.
It's, uh, fine.

It's totally fine.

Yeah. That's a --
that's a lot of "fine".


I think I know what's
really going on.


I've been really selfish.

It can't have been easy,
my whole family under one roof.

And it's been --
it's been awkward.

Between us, given what,
uh, given what hap --

well, what nearly --
what nearly happened between us.

Oh? Oh, no.
No, no, no, no.

I mean, that wasn't
even a thing.


No, no. But, um...

I think it might be best if,
uh, Simone, Julian and I find,

well, somewhere else to stay
before we go back to London.

Oh, uh.

Yes, no. Yeah.
You're probably right.



[ Chuckles ]


[ Sprinklers spraying ]

I'm sorry.

I didn't know what else
to do with it -- him.

Oh, Daisy must hate me.

Oh, Sim.
Of course she doesn't.

She understands it was just
an accident


I think we should try and find
somewhere else to live.

before we go back to London.

She wants us to move out?

No, no, no.
Of course she doesn't.

It's just that you
were right earlier.

We've hardly had
any time together,

and, you know, we're all --

we're all on top
of each other here.

I think that's a wonderful idea.

[ Laughs ]

How does Daisy feel about it?

Oh, Daisy's...

Daisy's fine.



-Anyone want a cup of tea?

Broken glass here.

Okay, everyone.
You know what?

I've -- I've got this
all under control.

So, why don't you just get on
with your day.

Right. Jay, let's, uh, let's
go and see if the, uh,

booster fits the rocket.

Sim, do you want to come?

Oh, I might head into town
for a few things.

You're sure you I need any help?

Yeah, absolutely.
Everyone out! Off you go!

Bye now.

Uh! Ooh. No, no.

Uh, I need that.

You need a full vacuum
cleaner bag?

Uh, yeah. Well, we're,
uh, we're out of bags.

So I just thought I'd, uh,
I'd re-use this one.

Look, I was talking to Louis
earlier about the pickers.


I know it's a lot,
but we do need them.

Yeah. Yep, of course.

So I was thinking we could try
and get some WWOOFers in.


Willing Workers
On Organic Farms.

Oh. Yes. Oh, yeah.
Do you know what?

Uh, why don't you take me
through it a bit later?

Uh, I'll, um,
I'll come and find you.



[ Sighs ]

[ Groans ]

You're enjoying this,
aren't you, Stanley?

Oh, a bloody great dent.

And a cr*ck.

[ Sighs ]

We're gonna have to find
something else that's gonna

withstand the resultant force
when we launch it.

Let me do the maths.

We need the weight
for every kilogram of mass.

JULIAN: There are
. Newtons of weight.


That's that.

Uh, Jay, we need to talk
about something.

What we're going to call it?

Uh, no. Well, yes.
But not -- not, uh, not now.

Uh, your mum,
you and I are gonna

find somewhere else to stay
before we go back to England.

Well, why can't we stay here?

The rocket is here.
Tippy and Gus are here.

I know, but it's very crowded,

and everyone deserves
their own space, including us.

We'll still come here a lot.



Well, maybe if we get
our own place,

Mum will realize
how great it is here,

and then -- and she'll want
to stay here forever.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah.

Well, I've asked Don to keep
an eye out for something.

We'll find something --
something really nice.

It'll be a new place,
where we can.

we can be a family all together,
just like you wanted.

VIC: Hoo-roo!

Hope I'm not interrupting
a father and son moment.

Because if I am, I'm ready
and willing to take notes

if I have to, because I really
should get on to these things.

Uh, right.
So what are you talking about?

Just calculating the force
of gravity in newtons.

Right, yeah.

Found this for a new nose cone?

-Ooh, that's cool.
-[ Phone chimes ]

-I'm glad you approve, Vic.


Okay. Right.

Let's, uh, let's get
this new nose cone sorted.

Should I be wearing a disguise?

[ Laughs ] I think -- I think
the words "Marissa"

and "w*r path" might cover it.

I think we should keep this, uh,

this meeting on the down-low,
as they say.

-A cheeky little Nino?


Cheers, Don.


Um, there's been quite a bit
of gossip going round the town

about Marissa and the showcase.

DON: Oh.
I'm sorry to hear that.

She's a good woman, Louis.

Maybe not the easiest person
in the world,

but, um,
she doesn't deserve that.

No. Of course not.

But, uh, please know
it didn't come from us.

Well, I would hope that
you and Daisy would

correct it
if you hear anything?

Of course.

Down the hatch.

-Now, Louis, about this rental.

Yes. Uh, something short term,
uh, not too expensive.

Uh, the family and I
are actually

moving back to London,
uh, after harvest.

It's getting a bit crowded
at Oakley,

and I just want
to take the pressure off.

Well, congratulations.

It's a shame that, uh,
we will lose you, but, uh,

things we do for love, eh?


DON: Well, as it so happens,

I can help you with

No problem at all.

Oh. Really, Don,
that's wonderful.

Thank you.


Uh, I didn't order anything.

[ Laughs ] Neither did I.
It's just what they do here.

It's the little things, huh?

Peak View, it, uh,

may not be London,
but I -- I suspect you --

you'll miss it
more than you think.



I am starving.

Me too, little man.

Hey, Gus.
Dinner is almost ready.

Um, I made your favorite.


Uh, can I help with anything?

Uh, no. No, no.
You stay right there.

Who wants some wine?


Hey, I put a call out
on the WWOOFer page.

Not a lot of notice,
but I think we'll find someone.

Ah. Great, thanks.

Well, I come bearing news.


Don has got a house
that we can use

until it's time for us
to go back to London.

Oh. That is good news.

So, uh, we -- we can,
uh, move in tomorrow.

Well, congratulations.

Okay! Dinner is ready.
There you go.

[ Groans ]

[ Insects chirping ]

Tried the gifts,
I've tried flowers,

I've tried cooking for him,

and he's still just
giving me the -- the -

the "things will warm up
eventually" speech, and --

-I mean.

It's not as easy
as he thinks, right?

It's baby steps,
it's baby steps.

-And I don't know.

Maybe I should try
something different.

We should -- we should try
and maybe

go on a trip together
on the down low.

Oh, for God's sake, Griff.
Just -- Gus has told you

what he wants from you, okay?

Piss or get off the pot!

Come out or go back in!

But I swear to God,
if I hear one more word,

I'm gonna go stark
staring mad!

Just grow up!

-[ Sighs ]
-Are you all right?

Do I look all right?
Don't answer that.

[ Sighs ] It's just --
you know what? Go to sleep.

And stop bloody snoring.
You're driving me insane.

Is this, by any chance,

Oh, I will k*ll you.

I was about to send out
a search party.

Where were you?

I had a pub meeting with Gerry.

Before that, I was with Louis.

And before you say anything,
I said Louis and his family

can use the rental
until they go back to England.

Louis is leaving?

-Well, that is good news.

Divide and conquer, Donald.

And being a kindly neighbor,

that's no bad thing
for our reputation.

What are you working on?

The press release
for our new vintner.

What do you think?

DON: Mmm.



MARISSA: Isn't it?

I can't wait to see the look
on their faces

when they see just who
we've got planned

for taking over the reins.

A stroke of genius,
if I do say so myself.

And I do.

[ Laughs ]

[ Snoring ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Snoring ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Snoring louder ]


Oh! [ Laughs ]
Sorry, sorry.



Uh, please.

I couldn't sleep.
I -- I still feel awful

about what happened yesterday.

-Oh, no.
-But I got you something.

Oh. Simone, that's very kind.


I hope you like it.

Oh. It's...

It's -- it's beautiful.

But you really didn't have to.

No. I did.

The last thing I want is
any bad blood between us.

I know how your and Louis
are so very close.

Simone, I'm very happy that you
both have worked things out.

Louis was miserable
without you.

He never stopped
wanting his family back.

And I hope
you'll come and visit.

I mean, Oakley is yours,
as well.

Oh. I'd like that.

Ah! [ Laughs ]

I might give up on that tea.

Perhaps I'll go and get
a lot more sleep.


Thank you, Daisy.

Oh, for God's sake!

NIC: Hello!



-[ Laughs ]

What happened to your kettle?

It looks like it's been thrown
out of a window.

Oh. No, no. It's -- it, uh,
it's stopped working.

So, to what do I owe
this early visit?

I have a doctor's
appointment this morning,

and I was hoping Peanut's Heart
Mama would like to come along?

Oh, great. It's just,
it's a little short notice.

Oh. It was on the list.


Do you mind if I say something?

No. Of course not.

It's just that between
the kettle

and the fact that
you're obviously really hot

when it's actually quite cold,
I was wondering if

maybe you considered
that you might be in menopause.

Oh. [ Laughs ] No.

We don't use the "M" word.

Oh. [ Laughs ]

It's just you seem to have
a lot of symptoms.

No. No, no, no, no.
It's just -- no, it's just --

I'm -- I'm. I'm just

-Living in an overcrowded house

sharing a bed with
a lovesick gay man

who snores like a banshee.

Harvest is coming,
and we've got no money.

So it's -- it's -
it's just stress.

Nothing more than that.

Well, why don't you see
if you can get an appointment

with Dr. David, anyway?

Um, I mean, he's lovely.

Oh. He calls himself Dr. David?

NIC: Oh. No.
We just call him that.

Because he's a doctor
and his name is David

[ Laughs ]

I mean, maybe talk to him?

Oh. No, no, no.
I'm -- I'm fine. [ Laughs ]

So about this appointment.

Oh, don't worry about it.
Vic will be there.

-You probably just want

to have a shower
and get on with your day.

Oh, but, uh, I've already had
a shower.

[ Sniffs ]

[ Sighs ]


GRIFFIN: I've moved my stuff
into Louis' room.

Oh. Well, well, well,
there she is.

You look fab.


It's amazing what one
can achieve with

garage sale buys
and a bedazzler.

Hey, is this little spruce up
because Simone always looks

so well put together?

No. No.
I just didn't realize how much

I'd been letting myself go.

I wanted to make use
of the new apparel.

-Well, you look hot.

Look, about last night, I...

You were totally,
percent right.

I needed to hear it.

In fact, you prompted me
to take some real action.


What's that?


[ Gasps ]


Got wi-fi.

There are a lot of utensils.

How about I rustle up
some lunch?

Yeah. Lovely.

I could probably get good money
for that in the gallery.

Good Lord, really?


[ Both chuckle ]

But this was a good idea.

Thank you.

-[ Cellphone rings ]
-Whoops. Sorry.


It's Daisy. Hi, Daisy.

Why? What's wrong?

Uh, yeah. Okay.
I'll be right there.

Bye. Sorry.

Apparently there's some sort of,
uh, emergency.

SIMONE: Oh, well, I've got a lot
of work to do anyway, so...

How about we do a big dinner
tonight, to christen our place?

[ Chime ringing ]

Jay, you can help.

-That sounds wonderful.

We'll, I'd better go.
See you later, bye.


[ Door closes ]

[ Birds chirping ]

Imagine if this held the answers
to all of our problems.

Well, it would need to be a much
bigger safe for that.

[ Chuckles ]

Hey, uh, I just need to talk
to you about something.

Okay. Hey, Stanley's stash.

I'd totally forgotten
about that.

Gus, we've had no money the
whole time we've been here,

and you just forgot there
was a safe marked "stash"?

That's weird, eh?

Uh, do you happen to remember
what the combination was?

It's just we're
running out of ideas.

Well, I suppose it wouldn't be
called a safe if everyone knew

what the combination was.

Be a bit more like a cupboard.

Look out, hold on. Try, uh, zero
zero, zero, zero, zero.


Or we could try to break in.

Well, if anyone can do it, Gus,
it'll be you.

DAISY: Well, yes. Go on.
Do it.

It's not like we know
any locksmiths.

I imagine we just might.



Make way!

-Hey, Willy.
-Don't call me that.

Now, just a reminder that my fee
is % of anything you find.


-[ Scoffs ]
-Half a percent.


[ Gasps ]
This is so exciting.

Oh, here's hoping for some cash.

What about some
blue-chip shares,

or a decent bottle of gin.

Maybe it's the instruction
manuals for the TV.

I never put ours in a safe
place. I wish I had.

We still only get one channel.

Now, before I begin,
I just need to check

that you tried the handle.

[ Laughs ]
Of course we did.

We're not idiots.

Both ways?


-Oh, my God.

Is there money?
Is there money?

LOUIS: Right. What have we got.

We have...

a beer mat that's been framed.


We have a photograph of Stanley
with a racehorse.


And a % share in
said racehorse.

Maybe the racehorse
is really good.

Uh, .

I'm afraid this racehorse
is no longer running races.

And we've got a...pen.

I remember.

One of those not quite

for this day and age.

And we have...

a letter.

For the funeral.

Whose funeral?

What? Stanley's?

LOUIS: "Your eyes were deep
and azure pools.

-[ Gasps ]
-"The color of very deep

-blue jewels".

"I cannot live
without those eyes.

And long to be between your --"

-I think that's really quite,

uh, quite personal.

That's obviously for Mum.

That's it.

So no fortune, then?


Well, I've got
another appointment.

I'm off.
I'm keeping the pen.

[ Engine starts, revs ]

Oh, Griffin.

Your latest Insta post
is so beautiful.

Oh, it's so brave and wonderful.

And Gus.

You look amazing.

See, this is -- this is what

I was trying to tell you
about earlier.

And, um -- Yeah. So, I meant --
I meant every word.

That I'm hot tractor guy?

Yeah. No, no, no.
No, that's --

So, what's -- what's going on?


I, uh...

I came out.

-[ Gasps ]

So, we're now, um...

we're now officially a couple.


GRIFFIN: Everyone is very
supportive in the comments.

They just want to know
more about you.

Gus, I -- I thought
this is what you wanted?

[ Sighs ]

You know when you're little
and you think it'd be nice

to go to the circus?

And then the circus animals
come out, and you realize

they're wild and they don't have
any fences around them,

and they could just
come into the crowd

and pick you off one
by one because

they don't want to be
at the circus.

It's cruel.

Yeah. I honestly don't.
But I'll just --

I'll just can take
down the post. I'll fix it.

Gus, it's not that bad,

There are so many pictures
of me with my shirt off

on the Internet.

Yeah. Well...

I'm not you.

[ Birds chirping ]

Well, for a brief moment,
we were free of

financial troubles.

[ Laughs ]
Possibly possessed of diamonds,

stocks and, uh, gin.

Yes. Well, right now,
I'd settle just for the gin.

[ Laughs ] Me too.

Oh. Dear Stanley.

I feel awful.

First we vacuum him up,
and then I laugh at his poetry.

[ Laughs ]

Stanley was many things,
but he clearly wasn't a poet.

[ Laughs ]

Besides, I can't help thinking
he'd find all of this

very amusing.

Actually, me too.

We've come a long way,
haven't we?

We have.

And, uh -- I'm -- I'm really
sorry about this.

About what?


Just the man I wanted to see.

Uh, Vic.

-[ Knocks ]
-Knock knock.

[ Groans ] I did the grandest
gesture I could think of,

and I screwed it up.

-He won't even talk to me.

DAISY: Yeah, well,
you've got to look at it

from his point of view.

Gus likes his life simple.

And you've just invited ,
followers into it.


[ Laughs ]

No, no. I get it.

I thought he wanted me
to come out.

DAISY: Yeah, but did he want you
to bring him

into the whole
celebrity thing?

Or did he just want
to walk down the street

and hold your hand without
you running for the hills?

[ Sighs ] Gosh.
Why are men such idiots?

And by men, I mean me obviously.

Yeah, well, when you figure it
out, can you let me know?


[ Sighs ] I love him, Daise.

I know you do.

Anyway. Are you okay?

You know, with the whole
money thing?

Stanley thing?

The Louis and Simone thing?

He's made his choice.

No, I just -- I just need some,
uh, quiet time.

and a good night's sleep,
which is infinitely more likely

now that I don't have to
share a bed with you.

How vary dare you!

DAISY: [ Laughs ]
You know what?

You'll work out how
to fix things with Gus.

He's not the type
to hold a grudge.

And I'm going for a walk.

And I love you, but please
don't come with me.

Oh. I had absolutely
no intention.

Thanks, Daise.

VIC: Hello!

Where's my Heart Parents?


It's me! Vic!


-[ Gasps ]
-I'm sorry. Sorry.

Oh. It's fine.

It's just -- I don't know
if you've noticed,

but Vic is getting a little
bit hard to deal with lately.

-He's just right there.

Every time I turn around,
just right there.

Mmm. I know the feeling.

Look, I know
he's excited about the baby.

But his sympathetic symptoms,
they're, well, they're annoying.

-This morning he was

complaining about sore nipples!

Um, Nic, I don't mean
to be rude,

but, right now, there's someone
every time I turn around.

And more often than not, that
someone is either you or Vic.

-I mean, don't get me wrong,

I'm -- I'm so -
thrilled to be a God --

a Heart Parent.

But maybe you and Vic could just
give me a little bit of space.

We're just really scared,
you know?

What? Scared?
What are you scared of?

Right now,
everything is perfect.

I mean, apart from
Vic's nipples.

What if we get to the scan,
and it's bad news?


NIC: What if everything
isn't perfect?

Oh, Nic.

Everything is gonna be fine.
I know it.

And both of Bubba's
Heart Parents

will be there at the scan.

We're here for you always.

All three of you.


Don't tell him where I am.

DAISY: I won't.

Point is, hardly
, dollars,

but the beer mat
was certainly worth it.

[ Laughs ]

-This is nice.

It is.

It is nice.

And dinner was very,
uh, very nice.

Thank you.

So, what is the first thing

you want to do
when we get back to London?

Ooh, God.
Don't know.

-Everyone done?
-Uh, I'll clear the table.

-[ Rumbling ]



Saved her.

That's wonderful, Louis.

Are you breaking up again?

LOUIS: We just need a little bit
of time, that's all.

I know you want us to be
a family again.

That's what I want, too.

Except things have changed.
You've changed.

LOUIS: I'm still the same, Jay.

No. No, you're better.

You smile more, and you
spend time with me.

I still will when we go home.

JULIAN: You said this is
what I wanted.

But I wanted us all
to be happy,

and I really don't think
that you and Mum

are happy together anymore.

Are you?

Yeah. You don't have
to say anything.

I am going to go home

The irony is...

is that I really did fall in
love with you all over again.

[ Sighs ]
Seeing you at Oakley --

all passionate and driven
and happy.

[ Laughs ]

Just like the man
I first married.

Sim, I'm sorry.

Oh, it's not your fault.

God knows you tried.
And I was the one who --

No, no, no, no.
It doesn't matter now.

It's -- it's not.

That's not what this is about.
It's -- we --

We -- we changed.

That's all.

You've got a good life
here, Louis.

God, you're even a Heart Father.

[ Laughs ] Yep.

Apparently so.

Just tell me honestly.

Is it Daisy?


No, no. It's not Daisy.

No. It's -- it's...

it's me.

Now you be good
for your father.

I'll see you in a few weeks.

He'll be all right flying
on his own, won't he?

Of course I will.
I've done this before.

LOUIS: Oh, I don't think you
should remind us of that.

I'll make sure
he's well supervised.


You stay happy, Louis.


You too.

I'll see you soon.



-What is that?
-[ Screams ]

Oh. Uh, it's -- it's...

Oh, Tippy.
Something terrible happened.

Stanley's bottle fell off the
sideboard during the earthquake,

and it smashed, and then someone
accidentally vacuumed him up.

But -- but -- but -
but now, uh, we saved him,

and he's at peace,
resting in his, uh, new urn.

Stanley's bottle wasn't on
the sideboard.


It was a bit creepy
so I moved him into his office,

and put another bottle there so
you didn't know I'd moved him.

Oh. So -- so who's that?

I'm not exactly sure.
I think it was Kissy Suzuki.

Stanley's Siamese.

-A cat?

She was pretty stuck up.

She probably would have
liked that urn.

Stanley wouldn't be caught
dead in it.

[ Laughs ] God.

Tippy, I've been so worried
how you'd take this.

Oh, wait till I tell Louis.

Oh. Are you -- are you smiling?

I knew he wouldn't leave.



I deleted the post.

Okay? I know I stuffed up.

I should have asked you first.

Or at least told you
what I was going to do.

But, Gus...

I honestly -- I thought
that's what you wanted.

I thought -- I thought
that's what we wanted.

And -- Oh, bloody hell.
This is so much easier

when someone writes it for me.

-It's okay.
-I'm sorry.

It's just this is uncharted
territory for me.

And I've never cared like
about someone like this before.


You know, you got over
two million likes.

[ Laughs ]
I'll settle for just the one.


STACEY: I wonder how
fish feel about rain?

Like, do they look
forward to it?

Or does it make them feel
like they're under att*ck?

-There are a lot of pictures of

men holding them on dating apps.

And I mean a lot.

[ Knock on door, door opens ]

-So sorry.

Have I missed anything?

Uh, just talking about --
No, no. Nothing. [ Laughs ]

-Are you all right?
-Yeah. Fine.

-Well, there's your uterus.

Um, so -- Uh, Stacey, is it?

Is everything all right?

Actually, I've had
a pretty full-on day.

No, with the baby.

Oh, um...

-[ Heartbeat ]
-Looks perfect.

Oh. Did you hear that?
It's perfect.

Two strong heartbeats.

Two? Nic's and the baby's?

Must be mine. Mine is b*ating
out of my chest right now,

what with all that
extra blood supply.

[ Laughter ]

No. Two heartbeats
as in two babies.

You're having twins.

[ Gasps ] Twins?


Vic, we're having twins.

Twinsies. [ Laughs ]

We're having twins!

Ah Oh!


