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01x09 - Episode 9

Posted: 02/06/23 09:08
by bunniefuu
Moreno? Bro?

Are you okay?

-Pass it to me.
-Here you go.

-Are you listening? Can I talk?

I found replacements
for Avihai and Steve.

Both special operations fighters.

Great. Have you got
a replacement for me too?

-Gideon shut down the unit.

We're all out. So are you.

Got a cigarette?

-Moreno, talk to him.
-It's pointless.

Have you got a cigarette
or not? C'mon, Moreno,
it's not the time to do this,

when God-knows who's got Doron
out there in The Territories.

Since when do you
care about Doron?

What do you mean?
He was my commander.

But you could never stand him.

When he rejoined the unit,
I saw in your eyes you wanted to die.

Well, it doesn't matter now.

I can't believe Gideon would
chuck his friends just like that.

We're not friends.

You saved his ass countless times,
haven't you? You're friends.

One must never forget
his friends.


Relax, Eran. Breathe.

-Hey, how are you?

-Hello and welcome.
-How are you?

How are you, my friend?

-Have a seat.

What brings you here,
Captain Ayub?

Najib, will it be much longer?

We want you to catch Abu Ahmad
and hand him to us.

That m*rder*r is on the loose,
making fun of you and us.

You want Abu Ahmad?

I thought you k*lled him.

Thank you, God bless you.
Have some coffee.

-Drink up.

That jackass still
works for you?

Here you go.

I'm under a lot of pressure
from my superiors.

I don't want that to happen,
but if you don't hand him to us,

I won't be able to stop them.
They'll start by retracting their approval

for your brother's resort,
just to break your spirit.

Wouldn't that be a shame?

You and I go back many years.

So don't use my brother's resort
to thr*aten me.

You think I don't know
that he works for you guys?

Listen to me carefully.

I sat in your prison
for 17 years,

but I never feared you people,
and I don't intend to start now.

Abu Mahr, you know that I have
the highest regard for you.

If you want my help with the crappy
situation you and Taufiq Hammed created,

no problem,
I'll try to help,

but he must stop snooping around us,
trying to become a hero.

Things are worse than you think.
We know for sure that Abu Ahmad

is planning a massive attack,
9/11 style.

He has named the operation
Al Buraq.

The plan is to take down
several towers.

If he succeeds, it will hurt
your side as well as ours.

See to it that Gideon Avital
approves my brother's resort,

and don't forget the armored vehicles
you promised us 20 years ago.

Consider it done.
I'm on it.

Look, all I know is that
he has meetings with the crazies.

But I'm not exactly sure
what he's up to.

We'll be in touch.

I have three children,
the youngest is five months old,

and my brother and I own
an electric supplies shop.

Why do you want
to be a Shahid?

When I was young, I lived in a room
with Fatah students from Bir Zeit,

but since then, I got married
and had children,

and sadly, was steered away
from the sacred cause.

What made you reconsider?

Five years ago
I started having marriage trouble,

my wife is a handful,

and also, my brother and I started
having business quarrels.

I met with the Sheikh, and he patched
things up between my wife and me,

and solved my business
problems with my brother.

He also told me what the Prophet
expects of us.

Since the Sheikh died,
I can't sleep.

The Sheikh will be greatly missed.

Are you still a Fatah member?

No. I realized that the Fatah
doesn't care about its people.

-But you're not like them.
-That's right.

I want my family to get a new house
instead of the one that'll be destroyed,

plus a monthly income
of 6,000 shekels.

I will have it checked out.

But aren't you scared of dying?

There is no better fate
than to die a Shahid.

That's true.

Well, thanks for coming.

-I'll be right back.
-May God be with you.

He's just right, isn't he?

-Why not?

He's in it for the money.

If the Jews gave him 100 shekels,
he'd work for them.

We should keep
our distance from him.

I want you to find the right man
for the Al Buraq operation.

A man who would feel humbled
in the face of death.

-Now, leave.
-Where to?

We're done here.

But Abu Ahmad,
it doesn't work that way.

You can't stay here.

-They could find you any minute.
-Things are different now.

They strapped an expl*sive belt
on my kid, they blew up the Sheikh.

-I know, but still...
-Walid, I'm done living like a rat.

If God wants me,
he can take me.

That will be all. Go.

Get out, now!

-Peace be upon you.
-Upon you be peace.

Shut the door, Walid.

-Peace be upon you.
-Upon you be peace.

Go with Nidal to Dr. Shirin. She's collaborating with the Jews.

Then dump her body
at Almanarah Square.



Well, I'll go take a shower.

You slut! You're betraying us
with the Jews!

It's not me, really,
it's not me.

-What is it, pal?
-Go back!

I said, go back!

Who sent you? -Who sent you?
-No one.

You've got three seconds
to answer.

One, two...

Abu Ahmad!
Abu Ahmad!

Where is he?

I don't know.

I'll k*ll you
like I k*lled your friend.

Where is he? Think!

-Last time I saw him he was in the hall.
-Where is it?

If you want to live,
think harder!

Yassmin neighborhood,
in Nablus' old city.

What is he doing there?

What is he doing there?

Interviewing volunteers
for carrying out su1c1de att*cks.

What do volunteers have to say
when they get there?

-What do they say?
-They say, "I want to meet the teacher."

-The teacher?
-Yes, I swear to God.

I believe you.

Why did you do that?!

Your life is in danger,
come with me.

-I'm not coming.
-Come with me!

I'll call you right back.
Good morning, can I help you?

No, thanks.

Do you have
an appointment with the Minister?

No, there's no way
I'll make it in time.

I'll get back to you.

Forgot something, Moreno?

Why so smug?

It's been ages since I enjoyed
the morning paper.

They're burying you alive.

All thanks to you.

Sorry to have to say this, Gideon,

but if you don't reassemble
the unit and my team,

I'll have a press conference

and describe in full detail

about the five captives that
you and I shot in the head in Gaza.

Have we resorted
to blackmail, Moreno?

Say what you will, but your
political career will be over.

You'll never shake off the headline
that will hit the newsstands globally:

"The Israeli Defense Minister k*lled
five Palestinian captives in cold blood."

Did you really think I'd sit back
while you destroy my career?

Is that how you know me after
all these years? You idiot.

I'm the one who swept up
all the shit you left behind.

Never ever forget
who your real friends are.

-God be with you.
-Thank you.

We need a room.

-One room?

One bed or two?

-So, two.

200 shekels a night,
you pay up front.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.



Your cousin the doctor just got
a room at my hotel, with a guy.


It will really shame your family
when they get word of it.

Just shut up and don't tell
anyone about it, you hear?

Where's your cousin, that slut?

I ask that you please
not call her that.

-Why not? Because she's a slut?
-What do you want from her?

Don't worry,
I have plans for her.

Problem is, I sent Bassam and Nidal
over to her, and they're gone.

You sent those two lunatics
to her house?

-Now you're telling me who to send?
-But she's my cousin!

I won't let you harm my relatives
without telling me.

-Is that so?

Listen to me, Walid, my friend.
I suggest you calm down,

because I will harm anything
that would ruin my plan.

-So your plan is to ruin my family?
-Anyone who puts it at risk,

be it your relative,

Abu Samara,
you, or your mother.




So I'm telling you again,
go get your damn cousin and don't come back
until you find her.

-How is she?
-I don't know. Relax, she's in good hands.

After the surgery, do you want me
to buy you all tickets to Berlin?

-Why not?

I can't.

-Because of him?
-There is no him.

I told you, he's dead.

I thought we were
talking seriously.

If he were dead,
Abir wouldn't be in this predicament.

You know what?
Let's play "pretend".

Let's pretend that your husband
is actually dead.

You could leave without him.

You and your children
could be off to Berlin.

A new beginning,

no Jews, no Arabs,
no w*r.

Suppose I'm interested...

What must I do
to make it happen?

Help me catch his ghost.

This time, your daughter ended up
in a hospital because of him.

Who knows how it will end
next time?

You can elude death one day,

but it will find you
the next day.

he'd never leave with you.

But on the other hand,
he won't let you go alone.

Our only hope is to catch him.

It's for his own good too.

If he's our prisoner,
we can't k*ll him,

and some day
he will be released.

They are all released in the end.
We released Sheikh Yassin, too.

And then you finished him
with an air strike.

A poor old man
in a wheelchair.

You will hear God's wrath.

-Nassrin, my dear.
-Your dear?

Listen, I've been divorced twice.

I have five children,
God bless them,

but I come back
to an empty house,

and sleep in a big, cold bed.

I'm alone, every day.

-If I had a woman like you--
-Captain Ayub, please!

To each his destiny in life.

It's all written
by the hand of Allah.

I don't believe in that.

One can change
his own destiny.

Take your time.
Think about it.

What are you doing?

-I have to be at work in 40 minutes.
-They'll manage without you.

-There's no reason for that.
-Abu Ahmad could have you k*lled.

Do not go anywhere, and don't
open the door until I come back.

But why would Abu Ahmad
want to k*ll me?

I'll talk to him.

Sit down.

Abu Ahmad thinks
you sold him out to the Jews,

and that you put his kid in the hospital
and got the Sheikh k*lled.

Don't hurt my cousin Walid.

He's just a foolish boy.

Wait for me here.

Hello. -May I come in?
-Who are you?

Samakh Tamimi.
I have a meeting.

-With whom?
-With the teacher.

-God be with you.

Spread your arms.

-Sit down and wait here.
-What for?

Until they call you.

-How long will it take?
-I don't know. You can leave, if you want.

-No, I'll wait. Here?

Shirin, open the door.

Shirin, I know you're in there,
open the door, it's Walid.

How did you know I was here?

You can't hide from us.
Open up.

-Shirin, open the door.
-Why are you here?

I need to talk to you.

Shirin, I would never harm you.

I won't do a thing, I swear to God.
Now, open up.

Shirin, I'm here to help you.
Open up.

You sent people
to have me k*lled.

Do you honestly think
I would do that?

Abu Ahmad sent them.

He thinks you told the Jews
about the operation.

How would I even tell them that?

I know nothing about it.

I know, that's why
I'm here to help you.

Now, open the door.

What does he want from me?
Why send people to k*ll me?

Shirin, you must tell me
exactly what went on.

-What did those people want from you?
-They're dead.

How did they die?

Amir Mahajne k*lled them.

Who's Amir Mahajne?

He's from the
Palestine Preventive Security.

-What's he got to do with you?
-He protects me for real,

unlike you, who got me
involved in this nightmare.

Do you really think a guy from
the Palestine Preventive Security,

-could shield you from Abu Ahmad?

-Well, you couldn't be more wrong.

-Who is he? How does he know you?
-It's a long story.

What did you tell him?


So he just happened to be at your place
when Abu Ahmad's men came for you?

-Just like that?
-I think he just came to see if I'm okay

after you blew up the Jew.

-Did he touch you?
-Excuse me?!

Did you sleep with him?
Are you insane?!

What are you talking about?!

I refused to believe it until I got
to this dingy hotel and found out

you're f*cking that piece of shit
from the Palestine Preventive Security.

Get out of here.
Who do you think you are? Get out!

Do you love him?

You're out of your mind.

Get out of here!

-Shame on you!
-No, you should be ashamed!

Your friend Abu Ahmad
wants me wiped out.

I'm the only one
who can protect you.

Fine, go ahead,
protect me.

You got him into my life,
now get him out.

-Hey, Walid.

We have a volunteer waiting
for an appointment.

We checked him out,
he's clear.

-Did you check everything?
-He's clear.

-What's his name?
-Samakh Tamimi. -Where from?
-Nabi Salih village.

His family owns a butcher shop,
I know them.

Should he come back
in an hour?

-Is he here? Did you tell him?

Okay, thanks.

-Peace be upon you.
-May the all merciful Allah bless you.

Do you know
why you're here?

I'm here for the sacred cause.

It's my time to die.

Why are you here?

I have no other way
to take revenge on them.

But why you of all people?

Because they blew up my
brother-in-law right before my eyes.

Pieces of his flesh
flew right before my eyes.

All that's left for me to do
is to avenge his death.


Only then will I find solace.

-Sorry to hear that.
-Thank you.

I'll take it from here.

-Peace be upon you.
-May the all merciful Allah bless you.

I see you're nervous.

It's understandable, you're here
for a very complex mission.

It's scary.

I'm not scared.

I know you're not scared.

You're not afraid to die.

You and death
sleep in the same bed.

You've k*lled before, huh?

I have.

But death and k*lling
are two different things.

It's my time to die.

Is there anything you want
to do before that?


You're not telling the truth now,
that's a lie.

What are you hiding from me?

I have no home to go back to. But you have a wife and children.

There's no place for me
in my own home.

A man has no place at home
after letting down his own family.

I'm sure that they love you.

I promise that your brother-in-law's
death will be avenged.

We can't take this anymore,
we're fed up.

I had to make sure you're right for us,
that you won't fall apart at go time.

God willing, they'll call you.

Be ready around the clock,
and don't leave Nablus.

You'll get a call in a few days,
when it's go time.


It was an honor to meet you.

We will meet again.

Got a light?

What's your name?

Amir Mahajne.

Is that so?
Amir Mahajne?

Who do you work for,
Amir Mahajne?

The Palestine Preventive Security.

What's your name
and who do you work for?

I'm Amir Mahajne, and I'm from
the Palestine Preventive Security.

If you harm me,
my friends will--

You jackass, we are
the Palestine Preventive Security!

What's the goal of our operation?

I don't know.

-Where will you get an expl*sive belt?
-I don't know.

Did you meet Abu Ahmad
in person?

Abu Ahmad is dead.

Just wait, you son of a bitch.

You'll be confessing
to everything you know,