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02x12 - Episode 12

Posted: 02/06/23 10:11
by bunniefuu
Come and eat.

There's also tuna in the fridge.


Ali? Who is it?

Moti, the downstairs neighbor.

Hey, guys.

Is that your truck outside?

Yeah, why? Is there a problem?

Yeah, it's blocking the parking area. It's hard to get in.

Could you please move it a little bit?

Sure, no problem.

- Do it now, okay?

- Sure.

Thank you, bye.

I can assure you, nobody left once the checkpoints were closed.

He must be activating them from a distance.

Perhaps the police will capture him.

Roger, copy.

They found the expl*sives in the huge truck downstairs.

- How much?

- Can't say.

We found documents.

They were in his wallet.

There's more than one truck.

- Eli, what's going on?

- His plan is unfolding.

They took down two t*rrorists and found a truck full of expl*sives.

- Is he there?

- No.

But Ayub says there's another truck. It ain't over yet.

- Okay, keep me posted.

- Sure thing.

We're all on it, Doron.

- Trust me.

- Great. Thanks.

Is everything okay?

There was an incident in Ramat Gan, two t*rrorists are dead, neither of them is Al Makdasi.

You all need to stay home until we get a handle on this.

We have to take Ido to the tournament.

He's been practicing for months.

You want him to miss out on it?

I'll take him, okay?

We can't all go together,

he'll understand.

The police force has

k*lled two t*rrorists

who plotted an attack in Ramat Gan

Don't be nervous.

I saw how hard you

practiced, you'll beat them.

Besides, participating

is what counts, right?

But you better kick some butt.

Roger, copy.

Eitan, forward any info straight

to me, skip the paperwork, okay?

- Sure thing.

- Cool.


The SWAT team found this on

the t*rrorists they took down.


"Sports Center"

- Yes?

- Gali, sweetie, what's up?

I can't get ahold of Doron,

have you heard from him?

- He took Ido to his judo tournament.

- Oh.

So they could already be there.

Is something wrong? Does it have to do

- with the incident in Ramat Gan?

- No just have him call me back.

- Ayub, what's going on?

- Probably nothing,

- don't worry, dear.

- That's not very reassuring

I'm on it. Do me a favor,

send me Ido's number.

- Okay.

- Bye, sweetheart.

You've reached the voice mailbox of

Send the SWAT team to locate a

car at the Ben-Zvi Sports Center

and track two cell phones, stat!

- What are you doing here, moron?!

- I was climbing the walls, bro.


What are you doing here?

What's going on?

Nothing new, we're still on call.


- That bastard has nine lives.

- Yeah.

- Hey, Gali, what's up?

- I'm glad I got ahold of you.

- Why, what's up?

- Doron drove Ido to the tournament

and I got a call from

Ayub, who freaked me out.

Said he's not answering his

phone. I tried calling them both,

they're not answering. I have

a really bad feeling about this.

She can't get ahold of

Doron, he's disappeared.

- Send me the address, we're on our way.

- Thanks, Steve.

Rest assured, Gali, we're on it, okay?

- You got the car keys?

- Yeah, I'll drive.

Yes, Avihai.

Yes. I'm on my way.

- What is it?

- I gotta head back there.

- What happened?

- Nurit, it's all right,

I'll be back soon.

You have to take off your robe.


We tracked Doron's

phone, then another phone

which stopped near the Oranit

checkpoint entering the Territories.

Dispatch all Special Intervention

Units to the Tapuah settlement,

where we're setting up the command post,

and inform the head of Secret Service.

- What?

- An ultimatum issued by !sis-Palestine:

"You have 24 hours to release all

!sis and senior Hamas prisoners."

They sent a list.

Or else?

For f*ck's sake

What is it?

Let's get a move on.

Hurry up, let's go.

Kaspi, activate all visual

surveillance means at our disposal.

Okay. Borders, checkpoints,

unit 8200, run every single cam.

- The negotiation team is on its way, too.

- It's Al Makdasi's ploy to buy time.

We can't even contact the fucker.

Who will you negotiate with?

So what do I do? Release the

prisoners? Call off the dispatch?

He'll k*ll Doron to boost

his status in the Territories.

No captives have ever

been released that quickly.

He's just trying to aggravate Hamas.

Let's send Hamas a sincere message

that we're ready to negotiate

and let Nidal feel the heat.

What do we have to lose, Ayub?

- Hello?

- How are you, Abu Samara?

I see you're no longer the boss.

Where is my son?

Nidal, where is my son?

Where is he?

Where is he?

- Idodi!

- Dad!

Idodi, it'll be okay,

don't worry, Daddy's here.

I love you, sweetie,

it'll be okay, don't worry.

- Dad!

- It'll be okay.

- Enough.

- It'll be okay!

- Enough!

- I love you, Ido!





If you do as you're told,

he'll live. Understand?

You son of a bitch!


Answer already

- Hey, Gali.

- Ayub!

I've been hearing

rumors, what's going on?

We still don't know. I'm on it.

It hasn't been confirmed yet.

Were they kidnapped?

I don't know.

Where's my son?

I don't know, I'll

call as soon as I know.

Gabi, that's not an answer,

tell me where my kid is! Now!

I'm sorry, that's all

I've got right now.

Gali, listen to me, don't

speak to any journalists,

it could endanger both Doron and Ido.

And don't leave home, it's too risky.

I need you to be strong now.


Do you realize how many tunnels,

burrows and hiding places they have?

It's impossible to find

someone in just a few hours.

I've been through this

before and it ended badly.

We don't know that yet.

You weren't here when we

searched for those kids.

We looked all over the Territories.

- What's wrong, Mommy?

- Everything's fine

put your sandals on.


But what is it?

Hold on.


Ma'am, I got orders.

I'm sorry, I can't let you out.

Open up! I have to get out!

Sorry, ma'am, I got orders.

It's for your own good.

No, you have to let me out

You have to

Come here

Commander Bazelet.

I'm almost done searching the

sheikh's house, the cube is clear.

Continuing to move along that route.



- Move!

- Where are you going?


Wait here! Abu Karim,

they wouldn't stop.

Sorry, I didn't know what to do.

Hello, Abu Samara.

You sell weapons to that piece of shit?!

- To whom? What?

- What? To whom?

- To Al Makdasi! Stop pretending!

- But did you tell me not to?

He's trying to f*ck us over,

haven't you heard the news?!

- I have.

- So you never armed him?


Sit down and have a

drink. Get him some water.

Did you know he's working with

someone named Musa Al-Khader?


Some guy who's always around Nablus.

I'll tell you where

you can find him, okay?

Listen, Marwa,

I know you have nothing

to do with all this,

nothing whatsoever.

I want to help you,

but you must help me, too.

We don't have much time.

Every second counts.

Where is Nidal?

Marwa, I asked you something.

Do you understand that unless

we find him right now,

you will go to jail?

Is that what you want?

I'd never collaborate with you people.

Burn in hell, Zionist bitch.


You know who I am, right?


You either tell me where

Al Makdasi is hiding

or I'll make you have a miscarriage.

I will do it.

I don't know where he's

hiding they blindfolded me

but he gave me this.


In order to maintain a high level

of performance and good quality


Yeah, it's me, Ismail.

- What's wrong, pal?

- Nothing. I just brought you some food.

Get in.

Hello, Ismail. Come here.

Tell me, buddy, what

do they say on the news?

Nothing about the Jew, but

there's a lot of other stuff.

- Any reports about a big attack?

- No. You want to check it?

No, no, don't turn on the

phone in here, only outside.

Tell me, Ismail, did anyone

call you asking about me?



Go outside with him, check the news.

- Come.

- Thanks, buddy.

Eli, what's your position?

One kilometer south

of Balata. Do you copy?

Roger. We're trying to

locate the phone signal.

I'm sending you new coordinates.

Turn right, this road outflanks it.

"An eye for an eye,

a tooth for a tooth."

Right, Doron?

You k*lled my father,

I k*lled your father.

But remember, I'm not like you.

I don't k*ll civilians,

I don't m*rder children.

Sure, you do,

but with you people,

it's supposedly never intentional.

That's also how you k*lled my brother.

If I'm not mistaken, it was

you who k*lled your brother.

You shot him, didn't you?

God, forgive my sins.

Was it not?

Abu Seif!

- Come here.

- Was it not?


You k*lled him!

What is it? Talk to me.

Ismail told me that the

Jews just reported

The Jews reported that two t*rrorists

were k*lled in an apartment in Ramat Gan

and that expl*sives were found.

We mustn't wait. Go get the camera.

Eli, the phone is on the

move, close to you guys.

He just turned the corner.

Eli, it's a kid.

Is he crossing the street?

It's a kid.

Grab him! He's our only lead!


We don't want to scare him.





Stop, stop!

Kaspi, he entered an abandoned

building, we're on his tail.

Advance cautiously,

it could be an ambush.

Eli, his phone signal is very

weak, it must be a real maze.

He's moving southeast.


They let me talk to

you because I'm nice.

I have a son your age.

May your children die!


you know where Al Makdasi is, right?

I'll never tell you.

Listen, Ismail, buddy,

we must know where he is,

otherwise everyone will die.

You don't want that, do you?

Ismail, we're running out of time.

You know what I just got?

The phone number of your dad,

Abu Ismail.


No, wait. Will they know it was me?

Of course not. How would they know?

You're a kid, you don't count.

If I tell you, promise

not to tell anyone?

You have my word.

Unchain him.

This is it, Doron.

It's all over.

Get down on your knees.

Go on, Doron, don't waste our time.

Here. Read it.

I won't read this until

you let me talk to my son.

I want to say goodbye to him.

- Musa

- Should I bring him in?

Dad! Idodi,

I love you,

you're my boy,

always remember that.

You're strong, you know that, right?

- Do you?

- Yes.

I'm sorry you got

involved in all of this.

Look at me.

Listen to me.

If there are suddenly lots of people

here and everyone starts sh**ting,

shut your eyes and

lie on the floor, okay?

- Okay. Dad! Dad!

- Come.

Go on, Doron, read it.

"I, Doron Kabilio, son of Amos Kabilio,

cold-bloodedly k*lled "

Go on.

I kidnapped Abu Nidal

Awdallah, Sheikh Awdallah.

We interrogated him and

he quickly broke down,

- crying like a little girl.

- Read the text!

- Your father cried like a girl!

- Read the text!

Enough! Enough!

- f*ck you and !sis!

- I said, read the text!

You're a bunch of shitheads

in beards and dresses!

- You're all pieces of shit!

- Prepare to die!

k*ll me and it's all over.

You'll be left with nothing.

Nidal, open the door!

Musa, go see who it is.

Hey, hey! Easy!

- Back off!

- Calm down, what is it?

Give me the soldier.

Settle down, Abu Samara.

This soldier is not yours.

I'll take all of you

down, Nidal, including you.

No one negotiates on

behalf of the movement.

This is an !sis operation,

so stay out of it, Abu Samara.

Give me the Jew!

Who's the kid? Now you kidnap

children, Abu Seif Al Makdasi?

I told you to stay out

of this, Abu Samara.

I kidnapped the kid and

I'll do as I please with him.

You're a kid yourself! Get a grip!

Abu Samara,

he k*lled my father. I

alone will handle him.

"I alone will handle him," huh?



Ido, put the g*n down!

Ido, put the g*n down!

Ido, look at me.

Ido, look at me!

Sweetie, put the g*n down, Daddy's here.

I'm here, it's okay.

Ido, look at me.

I'm here, it's okay, sweetie. It's okay.

Put the g*n down. Everything's okay.

It's okay. Put the g*n down and get out.

I'll handle this. Get out.


Get out.

Eli, the Special Forces are

two minutes away from you.

Look, it's Ido! It's Ido!

It's Doron!
