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02x08 - Truth and Consequences

Posted: 02/08/23 12:21
by bunniefuu

[ship approaching]



[footsteps approaching]
[Gonky honking]




[Gonky honks]


- Meditating again?
- Trying.

Gungi taught me, but it doesn't work
for me the way it did for him.

- He's a Jedi.
- I still like it though.

- You wanna try?
- No. I don't enjoy solitude.

I had enough of that on Skako Minor.

If it weren't for this squad,
I'd still be a prisoner there or worse.

Is that what made you join them?

Hmm. This was where I fit,
where I was needed.

We have an incoming transmission.

It's Rex.

Hey, boys.

Any chance I could use your
squad's expertise for a mission?

I'm tired of waiting around for Cid.

What do you need, Rex?

I'll explain everything
when you get to Coruscant.

That's a big ask, Captain.

Why? What's on Coruscant?

It is the galactic capital and, thus,
the heart of the Empire.

But the Empire thinks we're dead.

- They won't be looking for us.
- I'd like to keep it that way.

[Rex] It's a covert mission.

A simple data extraction
but a crucial one.

I'll send over a flight plan
to bypass Imperial security

and coordinates to a safe landing zone.

We're on our way.

- We are approaching Coruscant.
- Everyone, stay ready.

[Marauder approaching]


Glad you made it.

This is Senator Riyo Chuchi.

These are the special clones
I told you about.

- Hello.
- Thank you for coming.

Why are we here, Captain?

There's something I want you to see.

[Rex] He's an assassin.

His identifying number's been wiped.

- I was not aware that was possible.
- Who was his target?

A clone contact of mine named Slip.
He said he was in danger.

I came to Coruscant to get him out,
but the assassin got to him first.

Nearly got the senator too.

Why would a clone be targeting
another clone or a senator?

To silence us. Admiral
Rampart has the entire Senate

believing Kamino was lost
to a cataclysmic storm.

Slip witnessed the truth.

I wanted him to testify
to Rampart's crimes.

We were there too, Senator.
I can be your witness.

The Senate won't listen to any of us.

- We're deserters.
- Hunter's right.

But there's another way
to provide the Senate

with the evidence of the Empire's crimes.

The command log on Rampart's Venator.

Slip made a copy of it
on the ship's backup data banks.

Where's the Venator now?

Being retrofitted at the Imperial
shipyard right here on Coruscant.

Lots of security,
but I know a way in.

Rampart's Defense Recruitment Bill
goes to a vote tomorrow.

We must prove his crimes before it passes.

I'll return to the Senate
and garner support where I can.

- You could still be in danger.
- Then I must be on the right track.

I can go with her and keep an eye out.

You can't enter the Senate district
without an Imperial security clearance.

That will not be a problem.

Then let's get to work.

So, what exactly does a senator do?

We serve the galaxy.
We act as the voice of the people.

But what does that mean?

Well, where I'm taking you next,
you'll see.

[Rampart] Senator Chuchi.

- You seem surprised to see me, Admiral.
- Not at all.

I was just making a few preparations
for tomorrow's vote.

Indeed. I am looking forward to it.

If you'll excuse me.

Are you certain the senator
won't be a problem?

I've taken care of it.

- There's nothing else she can do.
- You had better hope so.

No more delays on this vote, Rampart.


This is where the Senate gathers

to discuss many pressing issues
and legislation.

Where the future of the galaxy is decided.

- For better or worse.
- Wow.

[Chuchi] Each pod belongs to the numerous
representatives and delegates.

Which one belongs to the clones?

Clones do not have representation
in the Senate.

- They never have.
- Why not?

We're part of this galaxy too.

There are those who view clones
only as military assets.

But I am working to change that,

to ensure you all have the same rights
as any galactic citizen.

It is a battle worth fighting.

[droid beeping]


- What was that?
- A message.

Can you keep a secret?

[Rampart on PA] The galaxy is at
peace, but our work is never done.

A new military, comprised of
our own citizens, will usher in

- a new era of safety and security.
- An assassin?

It appears Rampart is resourceful
in covering up his misdeeds.

Which is why I intend
to be equally resourceful.

Some associates of mine are
helping procure evidence

of his attack on Kamino
to present to the Senate.

And you're confident
they can accomplish this?

[Omega] Very.

I won't leave such an important task
to chance.

Other senators may have intel
useful to my efforts.

If you're intent on seeing this through,

then there is someone
you should speak with.

But her cooperation
may not be forthcoming.

- Halle Burtoni.
- Who's that?

Former senator for Kamino.

She was part of
the Defense Finance Committee

before being removed from office.

Follow the money.
It always leaves a trail.

[Rampart] A vote for The Defense
Recruitment Bill is a vote for the future.

Our future.

Senator Burtoni.
Thank you for coming.

Are armed guards really necessary?

There is a matter I must discuss with you.

Then speak.

Tell me about the missing
Senate appropriation funds

that were earmarked
for operations on Kamino.

Funding for the cloning facilities has
been siphoned off for over the past year.

- You had to have known.
- Of course I did.

Where did the money go?
Who diverted the funds?

You're a fool to bring me here.

Do you know what happens when you
dig around where you shouldn't?

- Your people deserve to...
- My people are gone.

[Burtoni] The few remaining
Kaminoans scattered

throughout the galaxy are
of no importance to me,

and therefore, not my concern.

How can you not care about
what happened on Kamino?

Why do you care, child?

Because I'm a clone too.
It was my home.

I was there.

I saw the Empire destroy
everything, and I'm angry.

What they did, it's not right.

I suspected an attack was imminent.
Lama Su was arrogant.

Too confident his clones were
a necessity to the Empire.

But none of us are.

Did Admiral Rampart divert the funds?

You already know the answer.
But yes.

You must testify to that
in front of the Senate tomorrow.

He cannot continue to get away
with what he's done.

Rampart is a mere cog in the machine.

And my word won't do you any good.

- You need concrete proof.
- I need both.

And I'm running out of time.



[Wrecker grunts]

[sighs, groans]

Wrecker, get to work on the hatch.


Haven't been in these
maintenance tunnels since the w*r.

Gotta say, Rex.

Coruscant's the last place
I'd expect you to be.

It's worth the risk.
More and more of our brothers

are waking up to what's
been done to them.

I can't turn my back on them.

- How many have you reached?
- Not enough.

Troopers who know too much
are a liability to the Empire.

I'm working with a few contacts I trust,
but we're spread pretty thin.

Help's hard to come by these days.

[Wrecker] Got it.

- Great. Ray shields.
- [Tech] Leave it to me.

And how are we getting
onto Rampart's Venator?

- I'm taking a lesson from your squad.
- We improvise.


There's not enough cover.

We won't get across the shipyard

[droid chatters]

Not on foot.



[grunts, strains]

[Wrecker groans]

- [Rex] He's still not better with heights?
- [Wrecker] Don't look down.

- This is him better.
- Don't look down. Don't look down.


I have bypassed the controls. Hang on.

[groans, chatters]


[Hunter grunts] Tech?

[Tech] Now.

[voice on PA, indistinct]


Well, that is unfortunate.

- Wanna narrow that down?
- Energy conduits are off-line.

The only way to retrieve the data is
to reroute power,

which will most likely signal
a security breach.

[Hunter] How much time will we have?

- Not much.
- Then let's make it quick.


[powering up]

There's an unauthorized bridge activation
on vessel VZ- . [alarm blaring]

We have a possible security breach.
Patrol squads to trench Alpha- .

Onboard sentries, report to the bridge.

[alarm blaring]

We're gonna have some company.

Wrecker, seal the door!

The controls are out of commission.

[clone trooper] Override them!

[Hunter] The door won't hold much longer.

I am expediting the file transfer
as quickly as possible.

Hostiles confirmed on the bridge.

[alarm blaring continues]

[Hunter] New plan.
, , .

- All of them?
- [Hunter] Yes. Echo, man the cannons.

Deal with the air support.

Data transfer is complete.

- [Echo] Plan , set!
- [Hunter] Activate.

- Look out!
- Incoming!

[Wrecker screams]

[Rex] Security teams
will be swarming this trench.

- We need an exit strategy.
- Got one.

- We're going over them.
- Over them?


[Rex] These escape
pods are nonoperational.

[Tech] We only need them to eject.
I can handle the rest.

This should be interesting.

Not bad.

[alarm blaring]

[Tech] I was off by . meters.
Not my best.

[Wrecker groans]

[Rex] It's almost morning.
We need to hurry.


With the clone trooper provisions
requested by Senator Chuchi

now addressed and the matter resolved,

there is no reason to delay the vote

of the Imperial Defense
Recruitment Bill further.

[Chuchi] That is not the case, Admiral.

We cannot take you on your word
when you have given us reason not to.

- And what reason is that?
- According to Halle Burtoni,

you were responsible
for diverting Kaminoan funding

to outside projects
without Senate approval.

[all murmuring]

And you believe the lies
of a disgraced Senator?

A formal investigation
should clear things up.

Unless you want to tell us now
where those funds went?

[murmuring continues]

[speeder approaching]

[Rex] Get this to Senator Chuchi.

I am not at liberty to disclose the
nature of certain military operations.

The funds you are referring to were
redistributed, not misappropriated.

Your actions began months prior
to the loss of Tipoca City,

almost as if you were preparing for it.

- What exactly are you implying?
- I assert that the Kaminoan cloning

facilities were
intentionally eliminated.

[all clamoring]

I will not dignify such baseless
accusations with more of my time.

Where is this proof you spoke of?

[whispering] I don't know.

If there are no further issues,
let us proceed with this vote?

I motion that Senator Chuchi be
removed from these proceedings,

and she be censured for her misconduct.

- I second the motion.
- [Omega] Senator Organa!

Got it.

[clamoring continues]

Senators, new evidence has come
to light which must be considered.

What so-called proof do you have?

The recovered command log
from Admiral Rampart's Venator.

Which indicates his own ships
caused the destruction of Tipoca City.

[all clamoring]

[laser cannons firing on recording]
[alarm blaring on recording]

[all clamoring]

[alarm blaring]


It would appear that Senator Chuchi's
horrific assertions are correct.

[all gasp]

This unprovoked attack on Kamino was

a cowardly act by Admiral Rampart
to further his own personal agenda.

[all clamoring]

Guards, arrest and detain the Admiral.

Stay back!

I was following orders.
I was follow... [grunts]

[clamoring continues]
Order! We shall have order!

[all quieting down]

I am deeply troubled
by this recent revelation.

My gratitude to Senator Chuchi for
exposing a rogue element within our ranks.

Many lives have been lost,
but I assure you,

Admiral Rampart will face
the consequences for his treachery.

[Rampart grunts]
However, he did not act alone.

The fact that the clones under his command
so blindly followed orders,

inflicting such carnage
without hesitation,

gives me pause.

Perhaps, it is time for a change.

Now more than ever,

building a strong galaxy requires
protection and security.

Due to the nefarious actions
of Admiral Rampart,

and the immediacy
of the bill on the floor today,

it is my opinion that this
legislation is our future.

With this momentous act,

we shall usher in a new era.

Heralded by
the Imperial stormtrooper.


Palpatine was one step
ahead of us during the w*r,

and he's still several steps ahead of us.

- We played right into his hands.
- [Omega] I don't understand.

We did the right thing.
We told the truth.

- And he twisted it to his advantage.
- The Emperor wanted us

to implicate Rampart
to get what he was after all along.

Senate approval
for his stormtrooper program.

The fate of all the clones is now sealed,
because of us.

- What's gonna happen to them?
- [Chuchi] I don't know.

But I will keep fighting for the clones.

You all deserve the same rights
as every citizen.

I won't give up.

If you need anything Rex,
just say the word.


Wherever you end up, remember what I said.


- Don't get into trouble without us.
- Without us?

Best of luck, Echo.

- Luck with what?
- I'm going with Rex.

The clones will need our help
now more than ever.

- I can't turn my back on them.
- You... you can't leave.

We're... we're a squad.

Omega, this is something I have to do.

- I'm going where I'm needed.
- But we need you too.

It's not forever.
I'll be back.

Keep up with your training
while I'm gone. Huh? Understood?

Yes, Sir.

Keep an eye on them.
