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01x02 - Pan Blasts Off

Posted: 02/19/23 08:46
by bunniefuu
Welcome back.

Young President, how is that
deal with Tabure coming along?

We've reached an agreement.

Tabure's president signed a contract

agreeing to just about
everything we hoped for.

Is that so? Congratulations.

I was just lucky.

He's so cool!

Every time I see him,
President Trunks always looks so sharp!

Welcome back.

Just as we've come to
expect, Young President.


You leave everything up to the president,
and things will go smoothly.

President, the president of Krate,
who you contracted with the other day,

said he would like to invite
you to its foundation party.

Oh my, you too? The president of
the company I'm dealing with was

also hoping to play some golf together.

Wow, the president is
popular everywhere he goes!

Absolutely. I'm as
jealous as can be, ha ha!

Could you leave me alone?

Yes, President...


Pardon me. Whoa-oa-oa...!

President, I'd like to have you
review these documents right away.

A- all of them!?

Yes, if you please.

President, here is
your upcoming schedule:

At 2:00, you have a project meeting.

At 3:00, you have a general
meeting with the stockholders.

From 4:00 until 8:00, you have meetings
arranged every fifteen minutes.

Following that, after 9:00,
you have a reception with the Satan Club.


He ran away on me again!


When it comes to flying,
nothing beats the Bukujutsu technique!

Hey! Tomorrow at 5:00? Okay!

Yeah, yeah, I'll pick you up.
Yeah, yeah.

Uncle Goten has a new girlfriend!

She'll dump you soon enough anyways...

H- hey! A child like you
shouldn't smart off like that!

I am not a child!


Sorry, sorry. It's nothing,
I was talking to someone here.

It's not like that.
No need for you to get upset...

I am not a child.

So, Bulma-san's spaceship can blast
off as early as tomorrow, huh?


Then, as long as Goku-sa goes into space
and gets the Dragon Balls together,

the Earth is goin' to be saved.

So I have to go, huh?

Of course you do! Goku-sa,
are you still talkin' like that?

But if I had to,

I could use the Earth Dragon Balls
to relocate to some other planet, right?

Yes, but we should leave
that as a last resort.

That's right. Nobody wants to move
from the place they're used to livin' in.

Dad, I don't want to lose
my home either, so...

I plan on going with you.

Yeah! If Gohan goes along,
that will be a load off my mind!

Papa, you're going too?


Then Pan's going too!
Pan wants to go with you, Papa!

You can't! Grandpa Goku and your papa
aren't goin' off for the fun of it.

That's right, Pan.

But I can be of help to them!

But there's no tellin' what kind of
scary monsters there are out in space!

I'm not afraid of them.

Pan, don't be selfish.


There ain't any helping it.
You're still too little, and all.

I'm bigger than you, Grandpa!

Wow, what is this thing?
It looks like an octopus.

It's huge!

Not really. It only seats three.
Be that as it may,

you really have gone back
to the way I remember you!

B- boss, someone is coming out.

All right, what do they look like?

Let's see...

His hair is all standing up,
and he has a broad forehead...

and he has a mustache.

There's no need to go
describing men in such detail!

Our target is the only daughter of the
Capsule Corporation's chairperson, Bulma!

R- right, understood!

Say, Papa, can I help out?


...but this is something that
Papa and Bulma-san can handle.

Really? How boring.

If you want to help, go check with Mama.


Mama, Pan's here to help out.

Thanks, but I'm okay.
I'm just doing some simple tests.

Don't hesitate on my account, Mama!


That's an important switch,
for when it's time to blast off.

You can't fool around with it.

I wasn't fooling around...

Look, if you want to help out,
why don't you ask Papa?

I think I'll go out and have some fun.

B- Boss! There's a girl!

This time it's a girl, for sure!

All right, bring her here!

Hey, Pan!


Where are you going?

Doesn't matter, does it?

Maybe I'll go with you.
I've got nothing to do.

Don't come with me.


I don't care if I'm a spoilsport.

I told you, don't come with me!

Okay? Don't you dare come with me!


Gotcha! I caught you!

Who are you?

Okay, hurry up and come at me!
What's the matter? You through already?

P- Pan-chan, you're being
particularly harsh today, huh?

Is something the matter?

Isn't there anyone?

I- I'm coming down with a bit of a cold.



You idiot! You said it was a girl!

Yeah, well, the girl
whooshed up into the sky.

What do you mean, whooshed?
Geez, you just screwed up.

B- but apparently,

that kid also has something
to do with the Capsule Corporation.


It's possible he's Chairwoman
Bulma's grandson, or something.

I haven't heard of any grandchildren...

Could he be the young
president's secret love child?

L- love child? That must be it, Boss!

That little brat--

Whew! I'm full, I'm full!

That will be 700,000 zeni.

S- seventy-two
installment payments, please.

Okay, as you wish.

Listen, we've got your
illegitimate child-- er, grandchild.

Illegitimate grandchild?
What do you mean?

It's no use pretending you don't know!
We've got your kid Goku here, see?

Goku? You've got him, how?
Oh no, did he lose his way or something?

No! Now listen up!

If you value little Goku's life...huh?

H- hello!?


They hung up.

Who's it from?

I don't know, but it sounded
like Son-kun got lost or something.

Dad, what are we going to do with you?

Well, he'll come back before long.

Son-kun's old enough to look
after himself, after all.

What? Everyone is treating
you like a kid, Pan-chan?

That's right.

Thanks for waiting.

They're not even treating me like a kid,
it's more like I was a baby.

That's awful, isn't it, Grandpa Satan?

That's awful, all right.

For sure! They're so rude!

Oh, Pan-chan, do you need any sugar?

I take it black.


Good grief, how can they treat
my Pan-chan like a child!?

Yeah, yeah!

Pan-chan is not a baby!

Yeah, yeah!

Pan-chan is...

Pan-chan is...

Pan-chan is...

...her Grandpa Satan's cute,
cute angel!

Angel, angel, angel!

Enough! Grandpa Satan, there's no
difference between a baby and an angel!

R- really? I'm sorry.

All right, if that's how they want it,
I'll show all of them!

Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!

A- all right! Forgive me! Forgive me!
I can't take it! I can't take this!

Okay, listen close. I've
got your little Goku here.

If you value his life, get five
billion zeni ready, right away!

What? Goku?

For someone as rich as you are,
it's a small price to pay, right?

However, don't you go
informing the police!

You inform them, and your
little Goku's life is gone!

If he's there, you can do
whatever you want with him. Bye.

U- uh, h- hello? Hello?

Enough! All right! Stop! Stop!

You guys are pretty kind and nice, huh?

I- is that so...?

How come? Do you guys
have nothing else to do?

W- well, partly since
there's nothing else to do,

and partly so we can
come by a big score later.

Dammit! At this point,

we're going to get that ransom money,
if only to show that we're not quitters!

Say, I have to get home pretty soon.

Oh, this will just take a little longer.

Could you still hang out
with us until then?

How would you like to go to the zoo next?

Boss, give me a break, already!

Just suck it up, you!

But I have to go somewhere tomorrow.

Well then, just until we can
make another phone call, okay?

You don't mind, right?

Let's see... telephone... telephone...
None here, huh?

You need a telephone that bad?

Yeah, we do.

Okay, I'll go get one for you.

Oh, yeah?

H- he's flying!

See? Just like I said, right?
Just like that girl!

That family must be able to fly!


I brought you one! Here!

He's a monster!

What was that for? And here I went to
all that trouble to bring this to them.

D- Dad...!

Hmph. I thought it might
be something like this.

W- why do we both...

...have to go?

I thought my brother Gohan was going...

This was my suggestion.

It would be best if you two went,

since you've been slacking off
with your training.

Going together with Kakarrot
will be a good experience for you.

But, I have a date tonight.

Forget about it.

W- what about the company?
What about Capsule Corporation?

Bulma can take care
of it fine by herself.

V- Vegeta-san, my mother...

my mother wants to have her fine
son carry on, don't you think?

Hmph, she's in complete agreement.

N- no, I meant...!

Main power on!


Goku-sa! Be careful, and come back safe!


Who would have thought things
would turn out like this?

Did you hear my message?
Yeah, something big suddenly came up.

Say, dear, have you seen Pan?

Isn't she together with Bra-chan?

Bra-chan is right over there.

W- what? I can't hear you!
The sound of the spaceship is too loud!

Huh? The spaceship! See, I'm about to...

All right...



P- Pan?


Geez, you guys are late!
I was getting tired of waiting.

U- um, what do you mean,
tired of waiting?

Okay, we're blasting off!

Yeah, yeah, you see...

H- hello? I- I might be able
to make it tonight, after all.

W- what's this? The spaceship
took off, leaving Goten behind!

Goku, Trunks, and Pan-- is the spaceship
heading off to boundless galaxies

with this unlikely trio aboard?