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01x04 - Call/Response

Posted: 02/19/23 10:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on Cloak and Dagger Billy! Daddy! Wait, are you that kid from the beach? You need a bath.

I mean, isn't there something else we could do? I could give you a concussion.

Both open up the mind past the conscious so you can walk in the Land of the Loa.

Daddy! Tandy! I think we need to talk.

You think? Not really sure where to start.

Well, how about you start with how the hell you found me here.

Oh, this church, I, um I actually saw it on a Voodoo tour, but then I saw it in your head.

In my head? Maybe it was your heart? Maybe it was nothing.

Well, it wasn't nothing.

'Cause you're here.

Just like you were in the middle of the road f*ring a g*n.

And in the cemetery that night f*ring God knows what.

What happened to us back there? Why is it still happening? You know? Why us? I don't know.

But you're right about one thing.

We need to talk.

Hash it all out.

Maybe then we'll find an end to this whole shitshow.

It all started with a bath.

Bath? Yeah, it was supposed to be cleansing with, like, root-work and karma, and - all that.

- Fizzy bubble b*mb for the soul? Yeah.

Something like that.

You fall for that touristy crap? No.

No, but the woman said it would point me towards answers.

And it did in a way.

But I think they were your answers.

I mean, you were right there.

Clear as day.

Your whole life.

First as a little girl, ballerina, actually.

This might sound insane.

No, not as insane as you think.

So what were they? My answers? Does the name ROXXON mean anything to you? Yeah, my dad used to work there.

Well, he was there, I think.

Your dad.

The ROXXON guys, they were putting him through hell.

k*lling him, torturing him.

Over and over.

What was I doing? You kept running.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

But then you didn't.

Last time, you stayed.

And you fought back.

You saved him.

No, that's impossible.

My dad d*ed the night of the storm.

So what does this all mean? Do you have practice today? Hey! Hey! Your mother asked you a question.

- What? - You okay? Yeah, I'm fine.

I'm just late.

No, you're not.

Now, your mother made breakfast.

- Now, sit down and enjoy it with us.

- No! Okay? I got things to do.

Comin' back stronger I will arise Well, come in if you're coming in.

Should I ask about that lady officer? Or will that make me an accessory? She had the wrong girl.


So what brings you here? I wanna know about the ROXXON thing.

Dad's case.

You mean the case that you're always ridiculing me about.

Mom, I'm sorry about that.

I know this whole time you've been focused on trying to get our old life back.

With the house and the money.

It is not just about money.

I mean, the money would be good.

Really good.

It's about your father's name.

His reputation.

How well do you remember him? Really remember him? I remember I felt safe when I was with him.

That he was kind and smart.

I remember he told bad jokes.

But I don't remember any of 'em.

Well, he was the hardest working person that I ever met.

If there was a problem he'd set out to fix it.

Leaky faucet, global warming.

Didn't matter.

You break it down.

Understand the moving parts.

- And come right at it.

- So then, why did that rig explode? I have no idea.

But I know it wasn't his fault.

He was a scapegoat for a greedy corporation.

They know that dead men can't fight back.

Okay, so then how can we? We can ask for help.

From someone who knows what to look for? Your boyfriend.

Look, I know that Greg is rough around the edges, but he's a real lawyer.

- And he's a good one.

- Mom.

He chased your cop away yesterday.


There is no upside to going against a corporation like ROXXON.

Mom, you have put your life on hold for the past eight years waiting for a windfall that's never gonna come.

Honey, it's gonna come.

You have to have hope.

Well, if hope exists I don't think that that looks like Greg.

Because Greg is just another married guy who's gonna tell you whatever you wanna hear because he thinks you have a great ass.

This never turns out well, you know that, right? Hey! Brought groceries.

I'll put 'em over here.


They're beautiful.

What? What? You want me to slow down? No, no.

Green light.

Just wondering who this new Tyrone is.

Who's to say this isn't the real me? There's something about fear that pushes me.

Has my whole life.

I think that's what I saw in you.

With your dad and ROXXON.

It's kinda like your darkest fear is playing out.

Has this ever happened to you before me? Yeah.

One time with my mom.

And before that.

I think the guy who k*lled my brother.

He was a cop, right? The guy who sh*t your brother? How'd you know that? Because I can do it too.

Good thing I brought enough fajitas for an army.

It's a nice surprise finding you here, Miss Tandy.


You know, I was taking a look at that front yard.

I was thinking, maybe this weekend, we could go out there and maybe pitch in.

Clear it out a little bit.

There's a lot of debris all over the place.

Like chains and things all out there.

I was thinking maybe we could move all that out.

Maybe plant a garden? Make our own peppers.

You wanna chop some? So what's your angle here? Side piece? Ambulance chasing, or are you just straight-up, everyday con man? Con man's bit of a sexist word, don't you think? I mean, girls can play too, right? I mean, I saw inside that bag.

I started out as a public defender, you know.

You're not perfect.

Neither am I, trust me, but your mom? She's pretty important to me.

So I hope you'll be patient with me.

Sometimes when I touch someone skin to skin I don't know.

I see something.

You can see people's fears too? No.

Not their fears.

Ironically, I can see their hopes.

You know what, I will slice up those peppers.

I'm not gonna lie.

I can't wait to work in that new chef's kitchen.

Well, the contractor says two weeks.

That probably means three.

I also can't wait to carry you over that threshold.

Well, you've earned it.

Tandy, you mind passing me the cilantro? Thank you.

Tandy? You mind passing me the cilantro.

You must've done this before.

Character is what you do when no one else is watching.

Is that from some philosophy book? No.

My dad used to say that.

Give me your wallet.

Why don't you just steal it again? I could if I wanted to.

Alright, this is some type of violation.

You were inside my head.

Student ID.


Sebastian's Preparatory.

Juice Stop punch card.

Credit card in Mom's name.

Stripe and chip unmolested.

You don't wanna take their money.

Possibly because you're flushed with $8.

00 in cash.

Wouldn't have got that much off me if you did steal it.

You don't make money by taking wallets.

You get to know people.

That's how you get your cop.

- Get your justice.

- Well, what am I supposed to do? Steal his wallet? Take his badge? No, but you should definitely find out who he is.

Maybe go to the station house.

I-I can't walk into a police station.

Why not? I watched one of them sh**t my brother.

On on top of that I'm a young black man in the South.

They see me, they see a thug.

So then, don't be a thug.

Be a victim.

Remember how I got this from you? Yeah.

Yeah, you lied to me.

I didn't just lie.

I constructed a narrative that made you feel safe.

I reeled you in.

Just do the same.

What kind of narrative am I supposed to create to get to a cop? So come on home and sing with me We'll live like we are kings and queens Life is short, so here's the thing We are We are younger living in the golden sun We are We are young, come tell me That it's just begun 'cause We are We are We are We are young Tandy! Surprised to see you here.

I have a couple questions to ask you.


You mean about the, uh, the big con that I'm pulling on your mom? Look Greg, if you're doing it, for real I wanna understand it.

Maybe help.


Well, I've never turned down free help.

So, what do you have on him? Well, your mom, she told me everything she could about your dad's albatross.

That rig off the coast that went haywire.


I know it.

Well, anyway, ROXXON, they, uh They closed the case on it, but they didn't let it die.

They kept feeding the beast.

All for a pile of scrap metal underwater.

Zoning permits, federal grants.

Payments for those, they led to routing numbers, and those routing numbers, they led to a shell corp.

Seems like a lot of effort to keep a failed project.

Why not just bury it with my dad? That is the million dollar question.

You know, the answer, I wager, is that these ROXXON guys are million dollar assholes.

Yeah, I know the kind.

And these guys, they're running all kind of personal sh*t through company coffers.

They're leaving a big paper trail.

Maybe it's not just paper.

Maybe these younger guys have Instagram and Snapchat, right? Boys love to show off their toys.


I'm glad you're here.

I mean, this'll be good for your mom, too.

It's about time she gets a win, right? So, you got another desk or should I use the floor? Ma'am, we got two cars headed towards you now.

Yes, ma'am.

Can I help you, son? Yeah, um, somebody stole my bike on Carrolton.

- I got pictures.

- Stolen bike.

Yeah, by the Rue de la Course.

On Carrolton, got it.

Hannigan! Somebody took his bike.

You wanna write it up? Yeah, okay.

Yes, ma'am.

Follow me.

I'll be right back.

Need to grab a form.

Hey, you take care of those things you had to do? Listen, Dad, I'm - Sorry if I - Alright, fine.

Don't even worry about it.

I was in a bit of a mood too.

Right after you left, I had it in my mind to take that door off the hinges.

Could you believe that? Got myself all the way out to the tool shed.

I happened to notice that my bolt-cutters are missing.

You know anything about that? No, sir, I don't.

You sure? This is how it all started with your brother.

It's not what you think.

I think there's only two things you can do with bolt-cutters.

Steal something or break into something.

- I didn't do either! - You expect me to believe that? I expect you to understand when it's none of your business, Dad.

Boy Come on.

Right now! Right now! I don't know how it works.

It has a mind of its own.

One day, I'm here, the next, I'm In front of my car? On a roof.

Or in a trunk full of cocaine.

Seems like it always brings you right back to that cop.

Or to you.

It takes me to you.

So it shows you what you need to see.

Guides you.

Yeah, but more than that, it protects me.

Kinda like it's it's looking out for me.

You know, like a So, um, what about you and your, uh I don't know.

Stuff hits the fan, car hits the tree, and at that moment when all hope slips away, I get all hot and bothered and weaponized.

If I had a Kn*fe of light, Detective Connors would be dead and buried.

If I could travel anywhere, I'd travel anywhere but here.

Maybe that's why we got what we got.

Or why we didn't get what we didn't get.

What? This all started the night we touched in the graveyard, right? Uh-huh.

What happens if we touch again? Let's test our limits.

Now, look here.

Don't say a word to no one, unless somebody asks you something first.

You understand me? Get back, get back for the Big Chief! Wild Red Hawks about to meet! We gonna step real high on white folks' street.

Wild Red Hawks about to meet! Spy Boy Otis done sharp his Kn*fe! Wild Red Hawks on prowl tonight! I'm Big Chief Roland Duplantier of the Wild Red Hawks of the 9th Ward.

Baddest in all of New Orleans! Who you is? I the Spy Boy Otis of the Wild Red Hawks.

Been off the trail, but got my eyes sharp, and my Kn*fe sharper.

Ain't my Spy Boy.

My Spy Boy know where home is.

My Spy Boy don't wear no shoes like that.

Must be from that 7th Ward.

High falutin'.

- Right, right.

- What y'all say? Should we b*at his ass back to the other side of Canal? The hell with that.

I got a mind to cut your throat myself.

If my hands wasn't so shaky.

Where you been hidin', Otis? - Been too long.

- Way too long, bro.

- So you're married? - Mm-hmm.

So how does that work? Not very well.

Thought that I could rescue her, you know.

Guess I like to be needed.

You like needy women.

So, no kids? No.

Janey was enough to handle.

And you know, our situation, it's, uh It's all over except the paperwork.

Now, I I know what you think.

You don't know what I think.

It's just that, your mom and I, you know, we, uh just laugh about the dumbest sh*t.

You know, it's nice to have somebody that you can talk to.

You know, honestly.

In my opinion, in my experience, it's dangerous to get close to anyone.

But with you, I'm conclusively right.

When we touch sh*t goes boom.

So, the first question is how close can we get to each other without triggering our crazy? And how we gonna do that? Close your eyes.

Don't move.

And no cheating.

- That was - What? That was nice.

At first.

- Where'd you get these? - Just right around the corner.

- Yours good? - Perfect.


You should get that.

No, there's no reason to.

She's your wife.

I'm sure it's important.

It's fine.

Excuse me.

Hello? Yeah.

No, I'm not I'm not doing this right now.


You know what, I'm not feeling too hot.

I You didn't hardly eat anything.

You want me to go get you something else? You know, I think I'm gonna go to bed.

And, uh, I have that job interview in the morning.

- You do? - Yep! So, I am, uh gonna say my goodnights and take leave.

You want leftovers? No, why don't we take 'em to the office? We'll be hungry tomorrow.



He was getting trained up to be the next Spy Boy.

What's a Spy Boy? Your daddy ain't told you? The Spy Boy travels fast across great distances.

He runs out into the unknown unprotected, where nobody can see.

Looking for trouble so we all know what's coming.

Each bead has its place.

Part of a larger design.

Here you got to pay attention, 'cause if you mess up, and you don't notice till later, then you gotta undo hours days even months of work.

I mean, it's no joke.

Takes years to develop the mastery of bead-work.

And each year, you gotta remaster it again.

You gotta make a new one every year? I mean, every year, you a new person, son.

So, we spend that time working on a new suit.

Some give up and never finish.

There's a room over there full of failure stories.

It can drive a man crazy.

But not the man with patience diligence and of grace.

Control of your actions, son.

If you can't control yourself, then you can't control a damn thing in this world.

This regalia, it helps us find that control.

And with it comes the strength we need.

The first time the Kn*fe came out, I felt I don't know Like some kinda release? Yeah.


Like sex, you know? So, who did you tell? Are you kidding me? No one.

- No one? - No.

Who would get it? You don't have a girlfriend? I mean, you gotta with those eyes, right? No.

Well maybe, I guess, I Not really sure what to call her.

But I haven't told her about my thing.

What about you? I had a sorta partner.

What does that mean? It means I didn't tell him.

Like you said no one would really get it, would they? Who would? Billy would.

I would've told my dad.

No matter what I did, he always saw the best version of me.

What about your mom? She can't even get her own life together.

What about your mom and dad? My parents look at me like a liar and a thief ever since I was eight.

They don't trust me.

Not really.

You know, ever since that night.

Hey, hey, put that away.

What? I thought this was just one of the throwaways.


Just give it here, son.


You said most of these were unfinished.

Maybe I could finish this one and march with you guys.

That's not gonna happen.

Why'd you pick this one? I don't know.

It spoke to me, I guess.

That was your brother's.

I'll finish it for Billy.

I owe him that.

I'll make it perfect.

Then I'll march for him.


Preparing for that job interview? We both know there isn't one.

I think you were right.

- About what? - About Greg.

He's a nice guy.

He's not an idiot.

I mean, he's working his ass off - on this case for you.

- Tandy.

You were right the first time.

He is just like the rest of them.

Mom, I don't think that's true.

Well, it doesn't really matter what you think.

I just broke up with him.

I don't know what you gotta be so afraid of.

You seem strong.

Wiley and honest.

Maybe that's what's wrong with you.

You're probably too honest.

- Is there such a thing? - There is.

But it hangs off your shoulders nicely.

I don't think you live here by accident.

What do you mean? I think you believe in hope.

What? I mean, you should.

I think you should.

You're smart.

And you know how to live in this world.

You know, it's not nothing.

And it's not ironic.

You and hope.

What are we gonna do, Tyrone Johnson? I don't know, Tandy Bowen.

The universe keeps pushing us together.

The universe keeps pulling us apart.

Anyway it's nice to have someone to talk to.

Uh, no, thanks.

Come on.

Don't altar boys drink communion wine? I'm not an altar boy.

I'm in church choir.

Of course you are.

You know it's called "survivor's guilt.

" What we have.

According to my priest anyway.

Can't have God without guilt.

Or vice versa.

Do you feel guilty? Yeah.

Is that what all those checks were about? What checks? People kept handing you checks every time you did something.

You just held onto them.

You were drowning in 'em.

That's crazy.

Someone gives you a check, you cash it.

I think it was some kind of I don't know, metaphor? For your feeling that you didn't deserve it.

That you don't deserve anything good.

Like you're atoning for something.

I feel like I have to be perfect.

Like I have to do everything right.

Like like I'm trying to make up for two lives.

You know? I go the other way.

What other way? I wish I was the one who d*ed.

Mom? I'm sorry.

I am so sorry.

I was just scared.

And stupid.

You know how I can be.

Because you know who I am.

Anyway, sixth message.

Just give me a call back.

I think we should give it another go.

This fancy-ass Airedale Terrier.

The police roll up on us.

Choo Choo started running from the Superdome.

That boy didn't stop until he got to Audubon Park.

- Hey.

- Good morning.

Now, what's so funny? - Oh - Nothing.

Ah, Tyrone made breakfast.

Come on, Mom.

Try it.

You Cooked.

Can't be that bad.

You know, it just it can never be that bad.

Sometimes it is.

You know, sometimes that's just life.

You know that little girl in the church you saw? Passing out roofies like communion candy? Yeah? That's me.

That's how I get by.

Or what I need to do for some sick reason, and I don't know what's worse.

But k*lling yourself? I think about it a lot.

What the hell is wrong with you? You have a life, and and opportunities, and you wanna waste it by k*lling yourself? No, I didn't say I wanted to k*ll myself.

- I just - No, I heard what you said! Look your life isn't that bad, okay? Where do you live, Tyrone? Good house? Good neighbors, you go to a good school.

You don't know me.

I'm sorry that your two living parents care about you so much.

Must be a real drag, sway.

What? You gonna teach me how to lie? You gonna teach me how to be a con man? Let me check your privilege.

My privilege? I was just dropped off by a cop who told me that I can't press charges against a guy who almost I've had a lot of things taken from me.

And everything I have, I've had to steal, - because - 'Cause you can! You can walk into any room in this world, and never be questioned.

Try walking into a department store looking like me! That's not fair, because I don't The world does! Look, this whole country's trying to k*ll me every day.

So excuse me, if I can't afford to sit around and contemplate su1c1de! You know what, you wanna die so bad why don't you just do it? You know, you forgot that I walked through your hopes, Ty.

Your hopes.

And you know what I saw? I saw a kid committing su1c1de by cop.

Over and over again.

You wanna know what I think? Go to hell.

You have your own death wish, choir boy! So how about you go to hell? Remember back in the day When you taught me to live and I taught you to pray We winnin' the battle together No matter the weather, we never delay You gave me commands I always obeyed, I'd never let you go astray Never thought I'd see the day that You would come up and betray me Sick of playing silly games You never loved me anyway You shoulda not let me get away 'Cause now I'm huntin' for my prey I'm bigger, I'm better But try break it down, I'ma just get it They ask me how I did it, I'ma just tell 'em I rose up I'm a survivor Fight for my life Comin' back stronger I will arise Comin' back stronger I will arise Hold on.

Morning, officer.

You again.

Yeah, I'd like to speak with Detective O'Reilly.


Get me O'Reilly.