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01x09 - Proof of Oneself

Posted: 02/19/23 12:57
by bunniefuu

Right now
in this situation,

I can't tell if you truly have
the power of the Byakugan.

Therefore, let's test it out.

Come out to the courtyard!


I shall personally
be your opponent!

W-What's going on, Grandpa?

If your Byakugan has
been awakened,

it will appear naturally
in battle.

Even if you cannot
manifest it at will,

neither I nor Hanabi will
miss its signs.

In any case,

it will become clear if
you fight in earnest.

Are you going to give up?

Oh boy.

I'm sure you want to show off
in front of your grandson,

but it will all be for nothing
if you throw out your back.

Besides, I know
you won't go easy on him.

Boruto's going to end up
hating you.

Well then,
I'll leave it to you.

Well, Boruto?
What do you want to do?

I'm willing to test your eye out.

Yes, please,
Big Sis Hanabi.

I'm gonna prove that
this eye is special, ya know!


Will Big Brother be okay?

He'll be fine.

He's just trying a bit harder
than he usually does at training.

You've been slacking off
at training at home, haven't you?


From here on out, it gets crucial!

Oh? Then show me.

Here I go!

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

The Byakugan sees through
any possible obstacle.

There are virtually
no blind spots.

You know that, don't you?

I don't disapprove of
your fighting style, but…

Are you really
giving it your all?

Yes, it's a good eye.

You have to discipline
your eye more!

With that eye, you will shoulder
the fate of this world.


What do you want to do, Boruto?

One more time, Big Sis Hanabi!

All right.

Yes, that's it!

Look carefully!

Eight Trigrams Palm


Did you see anything?

I think you know
the answer already.

There's no evidence that
the Byakugan is manifested

within you.


Even if it didn't manifest
this time,

it doesn't mean
it won't some other time.

And, it could just be that something
wasn't quite right this time.

– Besides—
– But…

the bottom line is
it didn't happen, ya know.

I'll get prove that
my Byakugan is real,

and I'll make my dad
eat his words.

Well, I can't help it
if it didn't appear.

My clothes are so dirty,
I guess I'll go take a bath.

I'm sure Boruto must be exhausted.

You all should spend
the night here.

How is it Hima? Is it tasty?

Yeah! It's tasty!

Here, have another.

Ah, thank you.

Hey, how do you like
my home cooking?

Oh, it's good.

Really? Then eat more!


This is my specialty.
Meat and potatoes!

Come on.

Still, I think Mom's is better.


Did you really say that?

That's not nice, comparing me
to Elder Sister!

You just wait, Boruto!

Okay, Hima, let's do this!

Time to get your big brother!


Wait, you two! That's not fair.

No excuses!

Hey, you guys,
we're still eating—

Don't mind them.

Today is a special day.

That just doesn't look right
on you.

Since it's just the two of us,

go ahead and
make yourself comfortable.

So? What did you think?

The Byakugan didn't manifest.

Are you disappointed
in your son?


At least he wasn't lying.


To be honest,
when Boruto first told me,

I didn't believe him.

I thought he was making it all up
just to get my attention.

No doubt, everyone goes
through that phase.


In a negative sense,
things come too easily for Boruto.

How can I put it?

He's so good at things that
he tends to take short cuts.

Oh, is that a complaint
about my grandson?

But today was different.

If he was lying, he wouldn't
have tried so desperately.

It's been a while since
I've seen him like that.

He's telling the truth.

I believe so too.

But, what is this power
that Boruto speaks of?

At the very least,
it wasn't the Byakugan.

I don't know.

I'll keep an eye on him.

I just hope it's nothing bad.

It will be fine.
He's my grandson.

And he's also my son.

Hmm? That's the part that worries me.

By the way, Naruto…

Regarding the Byakugan,
how is Himawari?

Oh, she hasn't manifested
the Byakugan since that time.

I can't believe
she manifested it at her age.

Well, not that it's unprecedented.

If something happens,
bring her here.

I will. Thank you very much.

But whether it's Himawari
or Boruto,

children always end up
surprising us.


Please excuse me,
I still have some work to do.

I'm concerned about you too.

I'm just following through
with my Ninja Way.

A parent and his children, huh?

Was that just a dream?

Can't sleep, Boruto?

Big Sis…

I'm sorry, Big Sis.

You took the time to test me, but…

It's okay.

Aw man…

Dad probably thought
I was lying.

Oh well, after what happened,

I can't blame him if
he doesn't believe me.

You must be disappointed
in me too, huh?

Since I'm all talk.

Never mind that.

Are you hiding something
from Lord Seventh?


How can you tell?

The Byakugan sees
through everything.


It doesn't have the power to do that.
I know that!


I'm kidding. Just kidding.

But sparring tells you things.

That's the truth.

And you were serious
out there.

Something big had
to have happened

for you to claim that
you awakened the Byakugan.

Big Sis.

I don't know what my father
or Lord Seventh thought…


But you have to take care
of this yourself.

And if anything troubles you,
come see me.

I have to take care
of this myself, huh?

The sensation I felt that time…

If I could only grasp it.

I shoulda eaten more of
those meat and potatoes.


If I want to test something out

and if I want people to believe me…

there's only one thing to do, huh?

So, what am I supposed
to do, Mr. Kagemasa?

What are you doing, Boruto?


I could ask you the same thing.

I'm on my way home
from night training.

I'm going to report to my sensei.

Honor students have it tough.

You watch Kagemasa too?

Everyone's crazy about him too.

No, I'm not too…

Really? You seemed
pretty hooked on it.

But isn't it too bad?

I heard the sequel's been cancelled.

Are you serious? Why?!

I'm not too sure,
but according to rumors…

The actor who plays Kagemasa
is under a lot of stress and—

I can see it!

What's the matter?



All right!

What are you doing?!

There's a shadow hovering
around over that guy!

I have to do something!

Shadow? What are you
talking about?

I can see it!


Oh, could you be
one of my fans?

You must be,
since you keep following me.

Yes! I see it.

This is…

The wind carries
the cries of the weak.

My eye throbs,
telling me to protect the powerless.

Don't tell me
you're Kagemasa?!


No, no way! Impossible.

You too, huh?

Is it funny that I'm Kagemasa?

Damned right it is!

Kagemasa doesn't have
a pitiful body like that!

He doesn't…right?

Damn it!
Every last one of them all!


I was gonna turn you
into barbequed chicken.

Yeah… I'll have
barbequed chicken today.

Since chicken is low
in calories.

What happened to you anyway?!

Kagemasa would never
do something like this.

A-And your body!

It's okay. I'll slim down right away!

I'll lose weight and
show them!

I'll eat today and diet tomorrow.


Look at you…

What you're saying and what
you're doing is completely different!

You say the same things
as them.

Just because I put on a few pounds,

they cancelled "Kagemasa."

I told them I'd be in shape
by the time filming began.

Why won't they believe me?!

Please believe me!

I can control myself!

I'm a pro!

Come on…

I can't get loose!


my barbequed chicken is ready!

Get a hold of yourself!

Stupid Boruto!



Another fan?

Who is he?

Take a good look!

He's fat, but that's Kagemasa,
ya know!


Evil Jammer Kagemasa.

You've put on too much weight,
haven't you?

I said I'll lose it right away!


They ran away…

So uncool…

Is that how you thank me?

Anyway, how did this happen?

I told you.

He's possessed by
this weird shadow.

And that's what makes him
go crazy.

Are you serious?

Wouldn't it be better to let

the grown-ups handle
something like this?

Is it something that
you have to deal with?

Only I can see the shadow.

I have to stop that guy!


Well, whatever you plan
on doing from now, don't fail.

You believe me?
About the shadow?

I don't know about the shadow,

but you're not a liar.


But, I think you're an idiot.

Anyway, don't let your guard down.

Judging from appearances,
he's super strong.

You bet I will, ya know!

Damn it… Where'd those brats go?

You don't intend on
losing weight, after all!

This is the last one!

I will lose weight!

Here he comes.

This is nothing for me!

How weak!


W-Why are you laughing?!

Thanks, Kagemasa.

After watching you,

I figured out what
I'm supposed to do.


You said so yourself.

To believe you, to trust you.


Believe me! I can lose weight…

Damn it!

Just kidding!

Don't take Kagemasa lightly!

Kagemasa would say this…


"Don't just say it,
prove it by your actions!"

And saying those words while
you eat stuff like this

is unconvincing, ya know!

If you want people
to believe you,

you've gotta stop walking around
with chocolates in your hand.


Maybe I can be
Kagemasa the Second?

Yeah, yeah.


Um… About that shadow…

I still have to report to my sensei.

See you later,
Dummy-Masa the Second.

Next up on the news,

the cancellation of the wildly popular
movie series Kagemasa,

due to the lead actor's obesity…
has restarted production.

Okay, I'm off!

Big Brother!

You forgot this!


I don't need it anymore.

You can have it, Himawari.

You don't want it?


Ultimately, you still didn't find out
anything about that eye?


Huh? How come you're not upset?

I thought you'd be angry that
you couldn't show up your dad.

Aren't you disappointed
that it's not the Byakugan?

I don't care if
it's the Byakugan or not.

I just have to prove it.

To you guys and my dad.

In other words,

I can't just say it, I'll prove it
by my actions, ya know!


That makes this easier.

Let's start after class today.

Yeah, I'll show you!

My eye is the star of hope!

I won't let The Ghost
get away!

We've been on
the lookout all day.

Shouldn't we be
seeing it soon?

What's this "Ghost" stuff
you've been talking about?

I thought it up.
It's my name for that shadow!

Leave it to Boruto!
You've got good taste!

Next time on Boruto
Naruto Next Generations:

The Ghost Incident:
The Investigation Begins!


You guys…have no taste.