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02x10 - Retrieval

Posted: 02/22/23 20:28
by bunniefuu

[wind howling]

[groans] I'm bored,
I'm hot, and I'm starving.

I told you to preserve your rations.

Well... [sighs]
...I got hungry.

[grunts] We're wasting our time.
This skiff's a heap of junk.

Yes, but with a few repairs, it'll be
a slightly operational heap of junk.

The energy cells have just
enough power to get us to the town

- on the other half of the hemisphere.
- [Omega] Power?

We forgot about Gonky.
He's still on the Marauder.

I'm afraid since the thief
disabled the ship's transponder,

we will not be able to locate him.

Not the ship.
I mean we can track Gonky.

Oh. Ingenious idea.

Try doing a trace
on his binary reference code.

On it.

Don't get your hopes up, kid.


[objects clattering]

[Gonky honking]

Shut it, already.
I'm getting annoyed.

[Gonky honks]

[comlink beeps]

- Mokko, it's Benni.
- You're late, kid.

My scouting run took
longer than expected,

but I found something you're gonna like.

Lower the shield.




[whispering] Is that...



[Gonky honks]

[Gonky chatters]


[Mokko clears throat]


You said you had something for me, Benni.

- Didn't expect this.
- I swiped it from some amateurs

poking around the old mines
in the northern territory.


- Miners don't travel in ships like this.
- [Gonky honks]

Looks specially modified.

This could draw
the wrong kind of attention.

Are you trying to cause problems for me,
after I've been so good to you?

No, Mokko. Honest.

I-I thought you could
make some money off of it.

- That's all. I-I swear.
- Yeah.

- All right. I believe you.
- [Benni groans]

But I'll have to sell it off
piece by piece just to be safe.

This'll still put me in contention
for top earner this round, right?

We'll have to see, Benni.
We'll have to see.

- But you did good.
- [Gonky honks]


As a show of my gratitude,
you can keep the droid.

What about water rations?

I was scouting out there
for four rotations.

Right you are.

[exhales deeply, groans]

Mokko always takes care of his crew.

Strip the ship of anything useful.

- [crew members laugh]
- Ooh, yeah!

- Whoo!
- Thanks, Mokko.

- Of course. Of course.
- [Gonky honks]

[clattering, banging inside Marauder]

[Gonky honking]

I'm getting a reading.

[gasps] I think I found Gonky!

[Wrecker chuckles]
You... What?

- You found him?
- His signal is kilometers east.

If Gonky's still on the planet,
the Marauder must be too. [beeping]

Let's get this thing running and find out.


[Tech] Gonky's signal is
pinging from down there.

I'm reading minimal life-forms
in his proximity

but an unknown number
in the subterranean level.

[Wrecker] This place looks worse
than the abandoned spaceport.

[Hunter] We'll do a split approach.
Stay alert.

[Gonky honks]

- Guess I'll have to sell you for parts.
- [honks]

Because you're useless to me.

What am I gonna do
with a defective power droid?


That's our defective power droid.

- Now, where's our ship?
- Oh...

You see, the thing is...




[speeder crashes]




- [Gonky honking]
- [Wrecker groans]

Hey, Gonky, you okay?

[Gonky chatters]

What do you care how that thing's doing?

- It's just a b*at-up old battery.
- Not to us.

Let's try that again.

Where's... our... ship?

- Can you be more specific?
- The one you stole yesterday.

Oh, right. That ship.

Well, Mokko has it.
He gave me the droid as a gift.

[Gonky honks]

And who is this Mokko?

Who's Mokko?
He runs this whole town. He's the boss.

- Your ship's his now.
- Yeah, we'll see about that.

- [Hunter] Take us to it.
- No way.

I can't help you go against Mokko.

You don't know what he's done for me.

[Wrecker growls]

All right, all right.
I can show you where your ship is.

But if you get caught,
you don't know me.


[Benni] Techno Union ran
this mine during the w*r,

but Mokko took over
when they were forced out.

He's kept this operation running
ever since.

So, you're an ipsium miner
and a ship thief?

Mokko says they're useful skills.

- Stealing's not a skill.
- It is when you're good at it.

The central portal is ray-shielded,

and all subterranean entrances
appear to be guarded in shifts.

Ah, we've stormed
tougher strongholds than that.

You can't use blasters
inside an ipsium mine.

You'll destroy everything
and everyone in there.

Cut your losses now.


There is one covert infiltration point.
From there.

[blowing steam]

The stack has a lower access hatch inside.

If timed correctly, we can rappel
down between exhaust cycles.

How big of a window is there?

- Sixty seconds.
- Plenty of time.

Glad you're all so confident,

but getting cooked alive
wasn't on my agenda.

Good luck. I'm rooting for you.

You can go once we have our ship back.


Oh, boy.

Uh, uh-uh.

- Set.
- On my mark.

- This is a very bad idea.
- [timer beeping] Now.


[droid chatters]
[device beeps]

- You said it was unguarded.
- It was at the time.

[device beeps]
[droid chatters]

- Thirty seconds.
- He's not gonna make it.

I'm telling you.
You gotta bail before it's too late.

We don't do that.

- This is not good. This is not good.
- [gasps]


[Tech, on comm]
Hunter, you have to move.

Five seconds.

All clear.

- You definitely aren't ipsium miners.
- Nope.

You stole the wrong ship.


[Hunter] Let's move.

[mouthing] Shh.

The conditions of this mine
are less than ideal.

It's because the ipsium's become degraded.

Mokko had to lower wages
just to keep this mine up and running.

At least we're still working.

Your ship's in the upper garage bay
across from the central tower.

Come on. I know a shortcut.

- No tricks.
- Hey, I'm not trying to get caught either.

Well, there's your ship.

I held up my end of the bargain,
so I'll be off.

[Tech] Hang on.

The hyperdrive has been removed.

You didn't ask me
what condition it'd be in.

How's that my fault?


- Relax. It's not a complicated fix.
- It better not be.

[Hunter] Grab the hyperdrive.
Let's make this quick.

What about the ray shield?
We still need to shut it down.

You can only do that
from the central tower.

- Let's go.
- [Benni] No way. You stick out too much.

If you don't trust me to go alone,
she'll blend in easily enough.

Well, don't let him out of your sight.

Transfer the data onto this,
and I can access the shield remotely.

- Let's go.
- [scoffs] Not looking like that.


[droid chatters]

They can wait till I'm good and ready.

[crew chattering, laughing]

You said the control room's
on the top level.

We can't just walk right in.

Only Mokko's inner circle
has access cards.

We'll need to swipe one.

- You're not part of his inner circle?
- Not yet, but I will be.

I'm working my way up.
But if Mokko finds out I helped you,

I'll be sent to the
mines, so act natural.

[music playing on speakers]

[people chattering]

We were just talking about you, Benni.
Where you been?

Here and there.

Bet you think
the ship you scored for Mokko

will make you the top earner this round?

Why not?
You can't expect to win every time.


Can't I?



[whispering] That's Mokko.

About time. I'm starving!


- See, it's a skill.
- Great, can we go now?

Not yet. I wanna hear the tally.

- [Mokko] All right, all right.
- [miners clamoring]

Stand sharp. [grunts]

I know it's been a lean season.

We've all had to make sacrifices
and go without.

Including me.

While some of you have been
working hard this quarter,

others continue to fall short.

But Mokko always takes care of
those who earn.

And, so far, this round's top earner is...


[miners cheering]
[scoffs, chuckles]

You've gotta be kidding me.

[Mokko] As for the rest of you,
rations are low.

Which means you need to work harder
and longer if we're going to survive.

But I won't let my crew starve.

[miners clamoring, grunting]

[miner] Hey! Watch it!


[spoons clanking on bowl]


How's it looking?

I can get most of the systems
back online easily enough,

but we are not going anywhere
until we get the hyperdrive connected.

[Wrecker] I'm working on it!

- Uh, you all right?
- No.

I stole the ship, and it still didn't
make me the top earner.

You shouldn't have to compete for food.

[Benni] That's how it works here.
We have to earn our share.

But I'll impress Mokko. Just wait.

[door panel beeping]


[door panel beeping]

Hunter, we've reached the control room.

[Hunter, on comlink] Copy that.
Get the shield code and get back here.

They really treat you
like you're one of them.

I wish Mokko did that.

Doesn't seem like he cares,
about any of you.

Why don't you leave?

[scoffs] You're wrong.
Mokko's kept us in business.

He said with more time and more digging,
we're bound to reach better ipsium soon.

Besides, I can't leave.

This is my home. It's what I know.

I get it.
Our ship is our home. [chuckles]

It's the only one we really have.

- I'm, uh, sorry I stole it.
- Here, you can have my rations.

I... Why would you give this to me?

For helping us.


The motivator is installed,

but I still have to connect the primaries
to the guidance system

and adjust the navicomputer.

- The weapons system's online.
- We're not engaging.

The situation for these kids
is bad enough.

Mokko appears to be using his power
and means as leverage over his workers.

It is a similar tactic used by the Empire.

Although, this operation is
on a smaller scale.

Didn't Bryce and Hugh say
they removed the hyperdrive?

Hey, who are you?

[Wrecker] Uh, Mokko sent us.


We're just here for our ship.

Get the engines online.


- Any luck with the shield code?
- Not yet.

Most of this data is
just Mokko's profit reports.

I thought you said
the ipsium here's degraded.

- It is.
- Not according to this.

Let me see that.

[device beeping]

[door panel beeping]

Mmm. [chuckles]

My thief caught another thief.

Nicely done, Benni.
I'm impressed.

- Where are the others?
- Garage bay.

- Sorry. I had to.
- That's my boy.

The title of top earner is
definitely in your future.

[droid chattering]

[Tech, on comlink]
The hyperdrive is nearly online.

[sighs] I lost our spies.

And they called in backup.

[Mokko] It appears we
have uninvited guests.

Care to show yourselves?

So, you think you can come here
and steal from me?!

- Technically, this ship belongs to us.
- Not anymore!

And I'd rethink the blasters.

One stray sh*t, and we're all done for.

We don't miss.


I believe you,
but I think you'll reconsider.

[Omega] No!


[grunts] Let go! Get off me!

Lower your weapons, or she goes over.

[device beeping]

Trespassing and attempted theft.

Ten years in the mines seems
like a reasonable punishment,

if you survive that long.

Take them below.

- Stop!
- Not now, kid. I'm busy.

You lied to us, Mokko.
The ipsium's not degrading!

You've been cutting us out
and keeping the profits for yourself!

[Mokko] That's a lie.
Don't listen to him!

You never cared about us at all.

And I have the proof right here.

[Drake] Let me see that.

[device beeping]

What's going on, Mokko?

[sighs] We toil down in the mines
while you enjoy the spoils?

I was taking my share!

None of you would've survived
without me! Don't forget that.

[device beeps]
[droid chatters]

[panting] Throw her over!

[grapple clangs]
[grunts, groans]

[droid chatters]

[Omega grunts]

[droid chatters]


[Mokko] No one's going to take
what belongs to me.

Take care of all of them!

I'll deal with you myself!

[grunting, groaning]

Grab my hand!

[Benni grunts]

You never should've crossed me, kid.

[Benni grunting, groaning]

- [Benni grunts]
- [screaming]

[Wrecker chuckles]

Good to have you back.

- [chuckles]
- [Gonky honks]

- [Benni] Here's your stuff.
- All of it?

Yeah, don't you trust me?

Okay, that's fair. But it's all there.

So, what will all of you do now?

I guess we'll keep mining ipsium.
It's what we know.

You can be whatever you want.
It's a big galaxy.

You don't have to stay here.

It's not so bad.
And with Mokko gone,

we'll all be getting an equal share
of the profits now.

[Drake] Benni, chow time!

Thanks for showing me the truth.

Hey, if you ever need a thief, I owe you.

- What is it?
- The Empire's not the only thr*at.

We've seen so many
in the galaxy like Mokko.

Unfortunately, yes.

However, there are many like us
out there as well.

And that is something.

[engines powering up]
