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03x05 - Heists

Posted: 02/23/23 18:00
by bunniefuu
["Time Moves On" by The Nude Party plays]

Four Kildare teens who went missing
nearly six weeks ago

are now reported alive, safe,
and back on Kildare Island.

[reporter ] Now a live update
from the sheriff's department.

Yeah, after six weeks,
the four teens that had been missing

from Kildare County have returned,
been reunited with their families.

We're still waiting for details
about their journey,

but I'm sure
they have quite a tale to tell.

We also got word
that the father of one of the teens,

John B Routledge,
who's been presumed dead for a year now,

has also returned alive and well.

Wonders never cease.

Right now,
we're just trying to get those kids

settled back into school,
with their families.

They've been through a lot.

[crowd cheers]

[reporter ] The teens were down
in the Caribbean

with another Kildare teen, Sarah Cameron,

the daughter
of disgraced real estate magnate,

Ward Cameron, who confessed
to the m*rder of Sheriff Peterkin

two months ago.

All the teens back,
safe and sound on Kildare Island,

and John Routledge back from the dead.

That's about as good
as a result as we could hope for.

When I went back to Tannyhill,
Rafe was on the phone with Ward,

and he just kept saying,
"My thing, this is my thing."

- He had to be talking about the cross.
- Absolutely.

And he's coming
into Wilmington tonight at eight o'clock.

It's being shipped by train
to Raleigh from there,

but this is our chance to get it back.

- You get any other information?
- Uh, Sarah got the cargo number.

- [Pope] Okay, well, that's a start.
- [Kie] Yeah.

They're definitely fencing
that sh*t off as we speak.

- So we should probably get a move on.
- Sarah, you hear from John B?

No, I mean, he's probably
off somewhere with his dad.

- But the problem is they have the Twinkie.
- Our transportation.

[Sarah] Um...

- I could ask Heyward for the truck.
- Uh, what?

- Yeah, that's gonna go well.
- I know, but we have no other options.

Absolutely not!

This might be our last opportunity
to go get that cross.

- Is that so?
- [bell chimes]

- I could just get to the mainland...
- Oh boy.

[Pope] Pop, please! Come on!

This is about our heritage, our family.

This is our thing.

You wanna know what our thing is?
Doing what we say we're gonna do.

Keeping our promises.
Exceeding expectations.

[splutters] You used to understand that!

Just... [grunts]

And I still do! I still understand that.

But, Pop, please,
this is the last opportunity,

and I won't ask you for anything else,
and I promise you, I'm done, I swear.

- Please, please let me do this. Mama.
- Uh-uh.

- You on board with this?
- Gotta strike while the iron's hot.

Get off my counter!

Pop, I know appearances
are against me right now,

but please, I will do anything I have to.
I'll work triple shifts.

I'll never leave the house again.

Just please let me go
to Wilmington with your truck.

[seagulls squawking]

Get out of here.

Before your mama talk some sense into me,
but you can't take my truck.

- Pop, we're going to need transportation.
- That is not my problem.

I got deliveries.
Somebody's got to keep the lights on.

You know?
Just in case you don't make it big.

All right. Thank you so much.

- Yeah.
- I won't let you down.

- Appreciate you, Pop.
- Don't break any laws.

- Try to keep him out of trouble!
- I'll try!

- ["Powerman" by The Kinks plays]
- ♪ I know a man, he's a powerful man ♪

♪ Got the people in his power
In the palm of his hand ♪

- ♪ He started at the bottom... ♪
- [song stops]

- Here we are. Gunning for the big prize.
- [engine stops]

See, the idol,
it has the directions to El Dorado on it.

The diary should lead us
to the other half,

which is why Singh wants it so badly.

But we got the jump on him this time.

If we put the whole thing together,
both halves, and decipher it,

mountain of gold, here we come.

- Let's go find this church.
- Mountain of gold, huh?

So we're looking for Society Street.

Uh, it should be
an old church with a graveyard.

- Uh, , you said?
- [Big John] Catholic church...

- Seventeen Society Street. That's it.
- Seventeen.

- [dog barking]
- No, no, no, no.

- This can't be right.
- Right, right.

Because we've been right so many times.
Why would we be wrong now, Dad?

Don't get smart with me.
I don't need that right now, boy.

This doesn't make any sense.

This should be a church and a graveyard,
not a damn Thai restaurant.

Maybe it's numbered wrong. It can't be.

[whistles] Hey, great explorer?

[clicks tongue]

Check it out.

"Stood until
the Great Earthquake of ."

[John B] Charleston Museum?

[suspenseful music plays]

Well, I'll be damned.
You are good for something, son.

Charleston Museum, eh?

Plan B.

Honey, I am listening to you.
I'm just having a hard time.

So I need you
to walk me through it one more time.

- The Cross of Santo Domingo that we found.
- Right.

[Kie] We thought it was gone forever.

We just find out
it's... it's gonna be in Wilmington tonight.

- Okay. And the cross is Pope's family...
- Pope's family heirloom.

- Okay.
- Priceless historical artifact.

which you're telling me that you found?

We found it,
and then Rafe and Ward stole it from us.

- Wait, do you know how insane you sound?
- Baby.

- Ward is dead.
- He's not dead.

We've been over this part a million times!

You understand that
this is hard to follow, right?

I mean, we had a funeral for the man.

[Kie] I get how it sounds, but he's alive.

I wish he wasn't, but he is.
Why would I lie?

He's alive.


- JJ?
- Yeah?

[cutlery clanking]

A little help?

- Ward's alive in the Caribbean.
- [Kie] Yes.

He's living off the loot
that he stole from us, and, uh,

yeah, he's flying across to Wilmington.

Give me a break, man.

You're right. What do I know, though?
Just saw with my own two eyes.

- So did Kiara, but whatever.
- I'm skeptical, okay?

I am skeptical, JJ,
as in "I think it's all bullshit."

I think you've been led astray, Kiara.

- And you, JJ...
- Mike.

- Let's get this out in the open.
- Can we take it down a little?

[Mike] Let me tell you something.
You need to understand that I do get it.

- Sure, you do. Yeah. Sure. Sure do.
- [Mike] Do you hear me? I do.

I like you, JJ, and I bet
you're fricking fun to hang with,

ditch school with, go down to the break,
because I was once just like you, bro.

I didn't think that anything mattered.

Thought I could make up any bullshit story
and these stupid Kooks would believe it.


But then I learned about hard work

and about what really mattered.

All I care about,
all that I care about is my daughter.

That's it.

And all that I know is
that she was a lot better off

before she met you and your friends.

- [Kie] Dad, I was never better off!
- [Mike] Yes, you were.

- Please.
- I was miserable.

- Miserable? No, no.
- [Anna] Take it down a notch. Listen.

No, these Pogues
have ruined my daughter's life.

Didn't mean any disrespect, Mr. Carrera.

- Y'all have a good day.
- Yeah.

Lovely home.

- What are you doing?
- What am I doing? Protecting my daughter.

- Can we please...
- Wait a second.

Everybody says it,
that he's a liar and a thief.

- He's just like his father.
- [Anna] Don't go there.

Please don't bring him into this.

- [Mike] Don't bring him into this?
- [Kie] He's nothing like his dad.

- Nothing like his dad. You don't know him.
- [Mike] I don't him?

- [Kie] They're nothing alike.
- [Mike] I know you. Where are you going?

[Kie] I listened to you guys.
Y'all can listen to me.

This isn't fair. No, I listened to you.

- This isn't fair?
- Y'all were supposed to listen to me.

Please just wait. Please wait.
Just wait one second, please.

I promised myself
if I had a second chance,

I'd try and be different,
and I'm trying to be different.

Okay, I got to go.

I want you take this.

There's a credit card on the back.

If you get into trouble,

if you need help, you call me.

I will.

I will, Mom.

- I love you. I gotta go. I'll be back.
- Okay.

- I love you. Please be careful.
- I'll be back.

Jayj. [panting]

I'm sorry.

["Kilby Girl"
by The Backseat Lovers plays]

Jayj, wait.

- My dad's literally the worst.
- It's whatever.

I already know what they think of me.

They think the same about me.

You ready?

- Yeah.
- [engine starts]

♪ I overheard that she was ♪

♪ She's got a fake ID and a nose ring ♪

♪ Those kind of girls tend
To know things ♪

♪ Better than I do... ♪

[engine revving]

[Big John] All right.

Just follow my lead. Okay, kid?

Hey, sharpen up.

Hello, sir. [exhales]

I wonder if I could have
a word with your chief of collections.

Dr. Pierce is
out doing fieldwork till June.

- Can I help you with something?
- Well, hopefully.

I'm Dr. Marion from up at USC.

Paleogenetics mostly.

Anyway, I'm interested in seeing
some items you have in your collection.

Specifically pieces retrieved
from the excavation at Trinity Church

back in the s.

You could submit a written request
to get access to the archives.

I was really hoping
to poke around there today.

I got one of my students with me.

They don't let folks down there
after that Egyptologist weaseled in

and proved a bunch
of the Pharaoh collection were fakes.

- I remember that.
- [man laughs]

You'll have to go through the protocols.

Well, where... where are the archives?
Are they... are they here on-site?

No, downtown museum storage,
end of Broad Street, uh, near the Battery.

I'd take you, but they won't give me
one of them key cards.

Above my pay grade. [inhales]

You got to be a director
like Ms. Flannery here.

- Hello, Ms. Flannery.
- [Flannery] Good afternoon.

- [Big John] Key card, huh?
- [beeps]


All right.
Well, thank you for the information.

You've been most helpful, okay?

Have a good day.

["Mad Man" by Mike Nyoni plays]

Honestly, the hardest part
is gonna be security, all right?

So most of the guys
are gonna be at the rail yard.

We'll need to find
some place and guard it,

maybe a little further down the line,
like a whistle-stop.


[Cleo] You guys are getting
ahead of yourselves per usual.

We don't have a way
to transport the cross.

What you think? On JJ's motorcycle?

[grunts] That's not my fault.

Oh, everyone. All right, all me.

[Pope] Okay, other options.

I was just, uh, surfing the Soup Bowl.
Oh my goodness.

- Oh my God.
- [Cleo] Oh my God, what?

[Pope] Is that Topper?

Why... is he everywhere?


- Hey, Jayj.
- What?

I bet you Topper has
a way to transport the cross.

Actually, Pope's right.
He does have a rig.

- No.
- Yes.

- No. Absolutely not.
- [JJ] Yes, come on.

Sarah, you already got him
whipped anyway, all right?

So why don't you just take one
for the team?

What would John B say?

I think John B will completely understand.

Think about the circumstances.
It's about treasure.

[Kie] We can handle John B.

Just talk to him.

So this is your master plan, huh?

Rob an old lady?

Not... rob.

Appropriate, all right?

Temporarily acquire an object
that has no value for her

and is essential for us.

[Flannery] Okay, I just wanna...

Hey, there she is.

It's game time, kid.

- No. What are you doing?
- [g*n cocks]

Do you know where we are?

We are on the hot damn Hillary Step,
okay, boy?

One b*at away from the mountaintop.

We can't let a little thing
like federal armed robbery get in the way.

- I taught you how to shoplift.
- Are you seriously bringing that up now?

But that came in handy
when I was gone, didn't it?

Oh Jesus. Come on, man.

So here's another little lesson.
A little baby step.

[tense music plays]

J-bird, hey, you gotta
let that thing go out there at sea, kid.

Lighten up a little.

It was us or them.

What did you want me to do?

And right now,
we got another thing that needs doing.

- [birds chirping]
- [women talking indistinctly]

- I think it's better if you do it.
- Oh, me. You want me to go, your son?

- To go hold up that old lady?
- That's right.

I assure you, once we get to Orinoco,
it will get harder.


- Hey, see? It's empty.
- Yeah, yeah. I get it. I get it.

You trust me now?
Now I need to know that I can trust you.


And don't ask
for her key card specifically.

All right? Get her whole wallet.

We don't want anybody to know
what we're after.

She's leaving now.
This is our only chance.

Go on. It's game time, son.
Go! Get that bag, boy.

That's it.

[tense music plays]


- Ma'am. [clears throat]
- Ooh goodness.

- You snuck up on me.
- Yeah, sorry about that.

Can I help you with something?

Come on.

- Look, I was just wondering, uh...
- [Flannery] Wondering what, son?

What are you doing?

I just need your bag, please.

You're not getting my bag, son.

I will bring it back
with everything inside of it.

- Can I please just have your bag?
- sh*t.

You're about
the most pitiful excuse for a thief

I've ever seen in my life.

What's the matter with you?
Does your mama know where you are?

You need to be ashamed of yourself.


["Your Love Is Too Cold"
by Bobby Oroza plays]


Ain't exactly Jesse James, are you, kid?

Come on.

We'll just get into the archives
the old-fashioned way.

I just can't believe you're here.
I saw the news. I... I texted you.

I didn't even know
if you were alive, Sarah.

How are you?

You okay?

You know, Top, um,
things are a little tough right now.


Tough how?

[seagulls squawking]

We've been after
this... family heirloom of Pope's,

which is why we were gone.

And we ended up losing it,

and unbelievably there might be a chance
that, um, we could get it back tonight.

In Wilmington.

- Okay.
- It's crazy.

Okay. How... how can I help?

- No, I can't ask you to do that.
- No, seriously.

Topper, I feel like if I ask you,
just, like, the person that you are...

- What do you mean, "the person I am"?
- No, I didn't mean it like that.

I guess I mean
you're such a giver, Topper.

You're just such a helper,
and I feel like if I ask you...

Sarah, that's just... that's just who I am.

That's just the way I was raised.

And anyway, remember when I said
I would do literally anything for you?

Remember that?


I meant it.

Unlike some people
who will just say whatever to get you

to go along with whatever they want.

I'm not that person, okay?
When I say something, I mean it.

I need your truck.

- [splutters] My dad's truck?
- Four wheels.

Oh my God. He would literally k*ll me.

- He's super a**l about it.
- So are we. We're super a**l.

We, like... we... we...
we'll take such good care of it.

You put me in a tough spot.
I know I said I'd do anything but...

I'm so sorry about everything.

I totally understand.
You have no reason to help us.

Actually, you have
all the reasons not to help us.

Why do I feel like I'll regret this?

["Your Love Is Too Cold" ends]

[engine stops]

Figured out a way
to get in without a key card?

No plan yet.

Just got to wait for the night to settle.
Less people around, the better.

We'll wait till the witching hour

then get down
to some serious cat burgling.


I'm good.

Ah, that a boy.

[Big John exhales]

You know what is true, though?
All faults aside,

it is nice to be back together with you.

Yeah, it is.

It sure is.

- [door opens]
- [indistinct radio chatter]

Oh, three o'clock, eh?

[indistinct radio chatter]

[indistinct radio chatter]

I think I might've bought
a racehorse at that silent auction.

- [continues indistinctly]
- [woman] What?

I thought it was a horse ranch. [laughs]

You know, I'm on the board of directors.

Being on the board has its privileges.

[Big John] This is it.
This could be our chance.

[woman] Oh my God. Really?

Let's go.

[woman] My God,
are we allowed to go in here?

- [man] Hell of a dress, lady.
- Thank you.

I'm about to trip all over it. [laughs]

About % of the collection is ever
on display at any given time.

- The rest of it, it's in here.
- What's...

Really? Are we allowed to? Oh my God.

- [door opens]
- [man] Let's go.

- [tense music plays]
- [Big John grunts]

[chuckles] Nice catch!

[Sarah] Well,
there's like , trains here.

Well, we know it's car X
on the track to Raleigh.

Yeah, so now we just gotta find it.

Well, news flash.

We're not getting out
of here unnoticed with a giant cross.

We won't have to. We can nab it
somewhere further in the country.

Just gotta figure out
how to stop the train.


- Leave that to me.
- How you gonna do that?

I got an uncle up in New Bern, right?

When he got tipsy,
he'd just throw an old chain

across the tracks,
just for shits and giggles.

And that old little chain
would stop all the train traffic

in coastal Carolina.

- A chain?
- [Pope] He's actually right.

There's a low-voltage current
that runs across all rail tracks.

Throw a chain on it,
you close that circuit.

It would read as another train.
Crossing lights come down.

- Science is actually pretty sound.
- Science. I knew my science.

Well, we don't have a chain.

No, but I bet Topper's dad
has jumper cables in the truck.

- Would that work?
- Yeah.

[Topper] What's going on?
Are we doing this?

All right, you all wait here.

Me and Pope will go look for it
and send a signal once we find it.

- Do we actually have a plan right now?
- Think we do.

- That's impressive.
- Let's not jinx it. Come on.

- [Cleo] Nobody ever listens to me.
- [Sarah laughs]

- [man] Try this.
- [woman] I don't think it's gonna work.

- I have shoulders. I do, I do.
- [man] You do. Lovely shoulders.

- No, this'll be good with that.
- [woman] Oh. Oh, great.

[man] Shh.

[woman talking indistinctly]

[whispers] Hey! Look, upstairs.

[woman laughs]

- [man] You're trouble!
- Shh!

[chuckles] Look at this place.

It's a gold mine.

Check everything, just check everything
Look for anything Trinity Church.

Anything late  s.
Habitats, biodiversity.

Antiques. Pretty cool stuff
but not what we're looking for.

Tiles, grass dividers, come on.

Underground Railroad, rocks.
What we got? Uniforms, coats, buttons?

Swords, scabbards.

Some porcelain, silver plates.




[chuckles] John B, hey.

The Trinity Church.

- This is it, buddy.
- No way.

[Big John] Okay.

[grunts] Look at this. Look at this, boy.

The mother lode. [exhales]

This could be it, Bird.
Five hundred years in the making.

Here we are. [grunts]

It's this track here.

Remember, it's car X.

All right, - - - .

[brakes hissing]

- - - .

- What's taking so long?
- [brakes hissing]

[sighs] It's gonna be all right.
It's gonna be all right. [clears throat]

[suspenseful music plays]

[Cleo] - - .

Hold on.

X, baby.

The is our car!

- Run and tell the other Pogues.
- Careful up there.

- Pope, come on.
- Hey, hey.

[whispers] Hey.

- [Kie] That's it. We're green.
- [train horn blaring]

- What's happening?
- You hear that?

- [brakes hissing]
- [metal clanks]

- Train's moving. Train's moving.
- sh*t, sh*t.

Cleo, get on. Hurry!


[Cleo and Pope grunt]

[train horn blaring]

- Hey, Sarah.
- Do you have jumper cables?

- Here I am involved in illegal activities.
- Not that illegal.

I'm not even close
to being okay with this.

- Okay.
- Jumper cables. What are we doing?

Topper, if you don't wanna go, it's fine.
We'll take the truck.

- The truck?
- Yeah.

Hey, I just wanna make sure everyone here
is okay with ending up in federal prison.

Uh, if it gets to that,
yeah, I'll do it for Pope.

- [exhales]
- [motorcycle engine revving]

["Live Like You" by DeWolff plays]

[tires screeching]

[panting] Come on.


I really wanted this one.

- Hey, hey. Come on, Dad.
- That's it. That's it.

- It's over!
- No, stop.

- Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. Relax. Shh!
- That's the last of it!

No, it's okay, Dad. Calm down.

What's the point?

- That's the last of the Trinity boxes.
- Shh.

[Big John exhales] It's over.

[Big John sighs]

It's over.

It was a long sh*t, anyway.

[Big John cries]

[tearfully] g*dd*mn it.

[Big John sighs]

[Big John cries]

[sobs] There's so much disappointments,
you know?

Near misses.

- [John B] Hey, Dad, we missed one.
- [Big John groans, sobs]

Uh, Dad, we actually missed a box.

- [Big John sobs]
- [John B] What is this?

- [Big John] What?
- Some sort of rock?


- Look.
- What's it labeled?

"Trinity Church, miscellaneous."




This... this...

This is... this is Kalinago.

A vanished Indigenous people.

[Big John exhales]



This could be it, John B.
This could be it.

Look, look.
The stones, they're the same color.

- Holy sh*t.
- [mumbling]

- [Big John] Let's see if it fits.
- Oh my...

Look, look. [panting]

Dude, Dad!


[Big John sobs]

Dad. Dad.

[panting] Look at this.
This is the cat serpent.

I think this is a skylight.

[chuckles, pants]

Oh, Birdy Boy.

[chuckles, pants]

All right.

[Big John gasps]


What the sh*t is that?

[Big John] Look at that, boy.
Look at that.

[panting] We did it, son.


Just like I said we would.
You see that? You found it, boy.

[gasps, splutters] What...

[John B chuckles]

[panting] We did it.
We did it. That a boy.

[Big John laughs]

[train horn blaring]



Just so you know,

I'm not normally this crazy.

It's just getting this cross back.
It means a lot to me.

I have to do this.

- It's worth it.
- It better be after all this sh*t, man.

[train horn blaring]

- This should be far enough.
- All right.

[grunts, groans]

[JJ mumbles]

- You good?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

All right? Oh God, you can hear it coming.

- Let's fry this sucker.
- [Kie] All right.

Okay, now, all you have to do...

Do your trick. change the current.

- Let's go.
- Don't get electrocuted, please.

Yeah, no promises with that.
Three, two, one.

- And red.
- [electricity buzzing]

Moment of truth.

[train horn blaring in distance]

[JJ] Come on, man. Come on. Come on.

Okay. That's what he would do.
That's literally what my...

So then it'd change red... Oh my God.

Think, think, think.
Okay, what if I blockaded the track?

That's what I could do. Maybe put a tree?

Uh, hey. The train touches
both sides of the track.

[train horn blaring]

Come on. Come on.

[train horn blaring]

Please, we don't have a plan B

- Yes. Yes. Yes.
- That's what I'm talking about!

- You're a genius. I was gonna do that.
- Science. No, it's all you.

[pants] And now we wait.

[train horn blaring]


[bell tolling]

It's gonna work. It's gonna work.


The train's stopping.
It's stopping. They did it.

- sh*t.
- Come on.

[Pope grunts]

[train brakes screeching]

- She's slowing down.
- We got brakes, dude.

[bell tolling]

Hey, dispatch. Trackside signal lights
are red at block .

Repeat, red at block . Standing by.

[train brakes hissing]

Go check it out. Will you?

[Big John] This is it, my boy.
There is blood on the tracks. [cheers]

- We are hot on the trail.
- Yeah. Feels great.

Ha, you're right about that, boy.
It feels great!

Wait, wait, wait.


Dad, where's the car? Dad.

It's... Somebody must have stole it.

Why would somebody steal the Twinkie?

That's all I've got.
That's all I've got, Dad.

- What?
- Oh boy. Looks like Carla found us.

Great. [sighs]

- Limbrey stole the Twinkie.
- Come on, I know where she lives.


[both groaning]

sh*t, man.

[Pope] I almost broke my arm.

- Can you pick the lock?
- Sure.

- [whispering] Kie. Back up. Back up.
- Shh!

[brakes screeching]

- sh*t.
- No, no, no. That's not part of the plan.

[bell continues tolling]

- [Pope] You almost done?
- Almost.

- [officer] Hey! Hey!
- sh*t.

- [officer] Stay right here.
- Oh sh*t.

Hey, what are you doing here?

Sir, I'm so sorry.
It is not what it looks like.

I know it looks like we're criminals,

but that's not our intention.
I promise, sir.

What is going on here?

- [worker ] Hell if I know.
- [worker ] What is this bullshit?

You see this?

What are you doing here?
It's very dangerous.

Just trying to get to the next town over.
We're running away from home. That's it.

You know, I'm not buying it.
I'm sorry, I'm calling for backup.

Sir, please, I see you're married.
Sir, please.

We're in love.
That's all we're trying to do.

We're just trying to get married,
and we can't do that here.

[bell continues tolling]

Unhook that for me.

What is going on?

Please, this is my fiancée.

- Please.
- Our parents won't let us be together but...

Sir, we can't get married in this town,
but I love her so much.

And if you'd just let us
get to the next town,

we're gonna find a priest who'll marry us.

And we just wanna start a life together.

- Throw that in the back for me.
- [worker ] All right.

[bell continues tolling]


You guys hopping the rails,
it's illegal, okay? But...

I can't stop what I don't see.

So listen, just... go.

Thank you. Sir, what's your name?

It's Jimmy.

That's gonna be
our first child's name, Jimmy,

because of what you've done today.
Thank you so much.

All right. Go.

- [Pope] Thank you.
- I don't wanna see you again.

[bell continues tolling]

You're all set over here.

Some assh*le
put jumper cables on the tracks.

[conductor] There you go.

They've had enough time, right?

[Cleo] Got it.

[Pope] You did it! All right.

[metal clanking]

- Help me get this open.
- [both grunt]

Okay, it's gotta be in here somewhere.

Start looking. [grunts]

Help up.


- [tense music plays]
- [engine revving]

Who the hell are we right now, Sarah?
This is ridiculous.

- Right here.
- [brakes screeching]

- [panting] How's it looking?
- [Cleo] Still searching.


[Sarah grunts]

That's good. That's good right there.

- You see it?
- [Cleo] Hey.

- What?
- [Cleo] This one says Cameron.

- It might be this one.
- [Pope] Cameron Development.

This is it. This is the cross. This is it!

[Topper] Hey, what are we doing here?

- We'll put this in your truck bed.
- That's gonna scratch the paint.

You'll be able to get
a thousand paint jobs after we do this.

- [Topper] This thing right here?
- Just help us spot it.

[Cleo] I got you.

- All right.
- [Sarah] Topper, help me!

- Help me with the door. [grunts]
- [Topper] Just push it this way.

- My dad's gonna k*ll me.
- [Cleo] Guide it.

- [Pope grunts]
- [train horn blaring]

- sh*t.
- [Pope] That can't be good.

- [Cleo] Quick!
- [Pope] Hurry up, let's go! [grunts]

- [Sarah grunts]
- What is in here? It's stuck. Go back.

- Don't mess up the cross!
- Don't mess up the truck!

[conductor] All right, all good to go.

- The train's starting.
- We gotta go get them.

- There goes the plan. We gotta help them.
- Come on.

- [JJ grunts]
- Come on.

sh*t. All right. [panting]

Hey, you dropped your...

[tense music plays]

Why do you have this?

If I'm gonna be accused of being a thief,
might as well get something out of it.

- You're just giving them amm*nit*on.
- amm*nit*on for what, Kie?

They're already against me. So who cares?

They didn't have a reason.
You're giving them a reason.

Know what?
We don't have time for this. Get on.

- [Pope] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- [Cleo] Careful, guy! Oh, stop!

[Topper] Which way you want it to go?

Dispatch, hold up.
We got a train robbery in progress.

[officer] Stop!

Hey, stop!

- We gotta go.
- [officer] Hold it right there.

[Cleo] Cops. Come on.

- The cops are coming. Let's go.
- Punch it, Chewie!

[Sarah] Go!

How the hell can you live like this?
You come from a good family.

Just drive!

- Hey, hey, stop!
- [horn honking]

[shouts indistinctly, grunts]


[siren wailing]

They took something off the train.
The cops are in pursuit.


Get on the bike, Kie.

[truck engine revving]

That's Top.

And that's the cross. Get on!

[motorcycle engine revving]

[suspenseful music plays]

- [siren wailing]
- [train horn blaring]

[tires screeching]

- [tires screeching]
- [motorcycle engine revving]

- We got somebody on us.
- That's JJ and Kie.

[siren wailing]

- [Kie] J!
- I know. I know.

What the hell is this kid doing?

[siren wailing]

[splutters] What is he doing?

I don't know.

- What are you doing?
- Top, keep going straight.

- Y'all be careful. All right?
- Topper, hold it steady.

[Topper] I'm trying.

- Get ready to jump.
- What?


- Have you lost your mind?
- Probably! Get ready to jump.

Come on. Come on.
I've got you. I've got you. Come on.

Kie, what are you doing?

- [siren wailing]
- [Pope] Easy, easy now.

- Be careful.
- [Kie grunts]

- [gasps]
- Oh sh...

- What?
- Holy sh...

[motorcycle engine revving]

- [Pope and Cleo] You okay?
- Yeah.

[Topper] Are you good?

[pants] Did she make it?

- [tire screeching]
- [siren wailing]

What's he gonna do?

I don't know.
I don't think he knows either.

[suspenseful music intensifies]

[siren wailing]

He's trying to get k*lled.

Okay, maybe he's just trying
to get rid of the cops.

Let's dance.

[motorcycle engine revving]

[siren wailing]

Oh, here we go.

- [glass breaks]
- Damn it!

[tires screeching]

[motorcycle engine revving]

- [Topper] He did it! They're chasing him.
- sh*t.

Oh God.

[siren wailing]

[motorcycle engine revving]

[tires screeching]

- Topper, stop. Stop the truck.
- Oh my God. I'm not stopping the truck.

- Hey! Stop the truck.
- Stop the truck!

- We're going to get JJ.
- Come on, man!

- I'm not going to jail for you. No chance.
- Stop the truck. Please.

All right. All right, damn it!
All right. All right.

[Pope and Cleo] Turn around!

- I'm not going... I'm not going to jail.
- Topper, look at me.

They're gonna arrest him.
We can't leave him behind.

Damn it. Damn.

[siren wailing]

[motorcycle engine revving]

[tires screeching]

[car engine revving]

- Go faster. You need to go faster.
- [Topper] I'm trying.

- Let's go!
- Move it!

- I'm risking my life for this sh*t.
- [Sarah] It's gonna be fine.

- Turn left!
- No, I'm not...

- Go! Yes! Yes! Topper!
- No. I'm getting out of here.

[tires screeching]

[siren wailing]

There he is. What is he doing?

- Turn right.
- [Topper] Okay!

[truck engine revving]

[tires screeching]

[motorcycle engine revving]

- No way, he's up on the overpass.
- [siren wailing]

- [tires screeching]
- [car honking]

- Oh f*ck!
- [tires screeching]

[grunts, gasp]

[all gasp]

- Pope, go!
- [Cleo] Go, go!

[Kie panting]

[panting] Jayj.

Jayj! [panting]

Jayj? Where is he?

- sh*t!
- [Kie] No, no, no, no.

JJ? Jayj!

- Ah, man!
- [officer] You all right?

Yeah, I think so.

[Kie cries]

Where is he?

- [Pope] Maybe he's up on the bridge.
- No, no, no.

[Kie sobs]

Sir, you okay?

- Yeah. Just my neck.
- Don't move your neck. Just stay still.

[Kie panting, sobbing]

I wish I could say I did that on purpose,

but that was the gnarliest powerslide
I've ever done.

You're alive! [laughs]

- Dude!
- [JJ] I know, I'm surprised too.

[Topper] sh*t, that was gnarly.

That was trucking, dude. Oh Jesus. Oh God.

[Sarah] We really thought
you did it this time, Jayj.

- Hey, did you call the ambulance?
- Yeah.

We got backup coming, sir. Just relax.

The pleasantries are nice,
but we should get out.

Yeah, yeah, let's roll.

[Kie panting]

Don't... don't ever do that again.

- Hey! Hey, you kids, don't move.
- Go!

Stay right there. I said stay right there!

- We need backup right away.
- [all] Go!

- Four or five kids in a Dodge Ram.
- [all] Go!

They're taking off.
They're headed south. Damn it!

[truck engine revving]

[Big John] So, yeah,
in return for helping me find you,

I told Limbrey I'd get her shroud.

Right, you're talking about
the healing garment,

the one that cures all maladies,
supposedly in the cross.

- Is that what you're referring to?
- That's the one.

It wasn't in the cross. She checked.

That's how I was able to convince her
I had a bead on it.

[John B] And do you have a bead
on this magic healing garment?

[Big John] Currently, I have zero beads.

I don't have a single magic garment
that can heal all maladies.

Oh, and by the way,
that shroud she's after,

it's a known hoax.

Yeah. I could've guessed that.
Do you have a plan?

Sure, always have a plan.

We are gonna prevaricate
our way out of a pickle, son.

- I don't know what that means.
- You'll figure it out.

Play along if you feel like it.

Yeah. I'd play along
if I knew what the word meant.

[tense music plays]

[Big John exhales]

[Big John] Hi.


Uh, you got my ride, right?

Yeah, I was tracking you,
first on your boat, then on your phone.

I needed to get your attention.

Just checking.
I came down here to see you, of course.

[chuckles] Oh.

Is that so?

That is so... so.

But first, lookee there.

Oh, hey, Ms. Limbrey. What's up?

You found your son.

And you found your father.

How fortunate.

That bond,

so precious, so... fleeting.

Please, come in.

Here, let me help you.

[door creaks]

You heard her. Come on.

[John B] Can't do this on the front porch?

- Just come on, be cool. Be cool.
- Be cool?

It's okay.

So, as the Spaniards were coming downriver

out of the headwaters, they were att*cked.

The Kalinago warriors
began to loot the ship.

And the priest was... was terrified
that the shroud would be taken

if the natives got the cross,

so he... he took it out of the cross. See?

That's why it wasn't there
when you looked. Yeah?

And then that priest

kept the shroud.

And he... he fled. He took cover.


So what my dad is trying to say is that
the priest ended up on the Royal Merchant

'cause he was the sole survivor
of the San Jose fire.

That's right.


[Big John] And we know all this
because of Denmark's diary,

which my son here found.

With a little help.

- Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
- Yeah.

[Big John] Then later, the priest,

see, he got dysentery,

and he d*ed.

He was... he was buried here in Charleston.

But if he had the shroud,

why didn't he just... touch it

and heal himself?

That, very valid question. You know,
I was thinking the same thing but...

- That's part of the story.
- Yeah, continue, please.

[Big John] Because he was so devout,

he was so looking forward

to being reunited
with his Heavenly Father.

[insects chirping]

We dug up his effects
at the Charleston Museum.

And yes,

we have it.

We have the shroud.

[suspenseful music plays]

We were just on our way to bring it to you

when you left your... invitation.

I wrapped it up the best I could
with... with what we had on the way.

[chuckles] That is

the shroud right in there.

Thousands of years
to be placed in your hands.

There she is. Behold a thing of magic.

[exhales] You feel that?


I just got chills. Look at that.

Yes, wow.

[Big John chuckles]

That's right.

Do you feel the power of that?

[suspenseful music intensifies]

[Limbrey clears throat]

[Limbrey gasps, exhales shakily]

- I'll grab it. I'll just leave it, yeah.
- [Big John] You can just...

I don't need your help.

[Limbrey exhales]

[clears throat]

[Limbrey exhaling sharply]

[crutch crashes to ground]

[dramatic music plays]



I'm healed.

[Big John chuckles]



[Big John] Look at you, darling.
How about that?

[Limbrey laughing]

[Big John] She walked. It worked.

- What the hell was going on there?
- [exhales]

Hey, you have to believe in miracles
if you want them to happen.

It'd be a miracle if this thing starts up.

[engine revving]

Gotta believe, boy. I believed it.

El Dorado, here we come.

[tense music plays]

- sh*t, they definitely called it in.
- Top, Top! Turn here!

- Turn here!
- Don't touch... don't touch the driver, man.

- Topper, turn around.
- Stop. He said don't touch the driver!

- It's a liability.
- Then go faster.

If I go faster,
that's gonna draw attention.

Yeah, I feel like that ship has sailed.

You guys are a nightmare.
Do you argue about everything?

- Put the pedal to the metal, boy!
- Yes!

Maybe put it a little bit.
You're going !

- All right. Screw it. Here we go.
- [Sarah] Let's just go faster.

There you go.
That's what I'm talking about.

- [Cleo] Hey!
- [Pope] Stop.

[tires screeching]

- Stop, stop! We lost the cross!
- [Cleo] sh*t.

- Great, Topper.
- You guys told me to go faster.


- [Kie] What the hell?
- [Pope] sh*t.

It's fake.

[insects chirping]

It's all a freaking fake.

Of course, we did.
Of course, we stole a fake.


Pope, I'm so sorry.

[melancholic music plays]

- [sirens wailing]
- [exhales]


Y'all hear that? Okay, I can't be here.
My grandfather's a judge.

[JJ] Dog, would you relax?

They're not gonna think some dude
in flip-flops is a part of a robbery.

Oh yeah, with the crate
sitting right next to my truck.

- I'm sure we'll be fine.
- Pope, we gotta go.

- [Topper] Y'all coming?
- [Kie] We got to go.

[whispers] Pope.

[whispers] Pope, we got to go.

We gonna find it. We gonna find it later.

- Pope, we gotta go.
- We gonna find it. Come on.

Come on. Come on.

[sirens wailing]

[truck engine revving]

[Barry scoffs] This sh*t is
straight out of the Pope's vault, bro.

You don't think
we can get more for it as it is?

I mean, this straight out of church, bro.

[tense music plays]


This is how we turn the cross
into untraceable money.

Untraceable, huh?

You know, I heard some crazy sh*t
that happened last night.

- [sniffles]
- Is that right?

- You know that fake cross we put in there?
- [Barry] Yeah.

It was stolen.

- Does sound like them Pogues, don't it?
- Oh, no doubt.

I mean, I'd pay half the value of this
just to see the look on their faces

when they opened the box.

I'll bet you would.

You know what the melting point
of gold is, Country Club?

, degrees.

Hot enough to melt me and you.

I got to be honest with you, dog.
I don't know if I got this in me, bro.

I do.


Yeah, I knew you did.

It's all yours, Country Club.

[fire roars]

[tense music builds]


[fire crackling]

There it is.

[Barry] We're going to hell.
That's for sure.

[tense music ends]

[upbeat instrumental music plays]

[upbeat instrumental music ends]