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03x12 - Four Star Spectacular!

Posted: 02/25/23 06:16
by bunniefuu
It took a while, but I found the perfect gift.

I can't wait to see Alanna's face when she opens it.


I calculated the timing and location of the zeta beam perfectly.

Something's afoot.


What? Uhh! Alanna's present.

No errant zeta beam's gonna keep me from my interstellar sweetheart.

Heh heh.

Looks like I made a friend.

This isn't Rann.

And it's definitely not earth.

Great Scott! It's Kanjar Ro.

Adam strange? Energy rod, huh? Let me guess.

You used it to hijack the frequency of the zeta beam, hoping to use it to teleport that negaton b*mb to Rann.


And after the b*mb vaporizes all sentient life on the planet, I'll control the zeta beam and begin my conquest of every planet in the galaxy.

You picked the wrong day to take over the universe.

I have a date with Alanna.

Uhh! Uhh! Unh! This isn't Rann.

Only missed it by a few star systems to the left.

Mind if I give it a try? Uhh! Aah! Uhh! Blasted! Ugh.

Aah! Uhh.

Uhh! Uhh! You win, Adam strange.

Rann isHuh? Mine! All mine! You failed your precious love and doomed her entire planet.

Hold your fire.

He has a negaton b*mb.

That's right, Earthbag.

And when I trigger it, every sentient life form on this planet will be vaporized.

What about you? The energy rod creates a positron field that insulates me from the b*mb's effects.

Your planet is mine.

Aah! Uhh! Uhh! Curse you, Adam strange.

You're too late.

Let's see where this one sends you.

No! Huh? Sorry I'm late, my dear.

I was trying to find you the perfect gift.


Happy anniversary.

I must say, Batman, this is an absolute work of art.

Perfectly balanced, feather light, yet indestructible.

It's a real beaut, or my name ain't captain boomerang.

You won't have it for long, you obscene outbacker.

Mind if I give it a whirl? Flash? Looking for these? What took you so long? I set that alarm at least 2 minutes ago.

Sorry about that.

There were complications.

Be there in a sec, bats.



All right, mirror master, you might as well come out now.

Hello again, flash.

Been a while, eh? Not long enough.

Nice mirror maze.

If you think that trick's nice, check this one out.

Is that all you got? I can still defeat each of you in the blink of an eye.

You might fight your way through one or two, or even 10 of me duplicates, flash, but there's no way out of me mirror maze.

And eventually, we'll wear you down.

Good thing I don't have to defeat all of them, just you.

Then catch me if you can.

Ha ha ha! Am I late? Did I miss it? Abra kadabra.

The 64th century's most benevolent magician.

If you're here to try to k*ll me, you'll have to get in line.

I'm not here to fight you, my primitive foe.

Then if you don't mind, I'm kind of busy at the moment.

After our last run in, I returned to the future to figure out why I failed to defeat an omnivore primitive such as yourself.

Do you know what I discovered? That you're a terrible villain? Temporal paradoxes.

You're a part of my history.

Therefore, I cannot k*ll you without changing time map.

But in my research I found something that may be of interest to you.

Notice the date? It's today.

I may not be able to k*ll you, but I can watch someone else succeed what I have failed.

The article mentions a mirror master.

Ooh! Still not impressed with me latest gadget, flash? Ooh, this is it.

Such a shame your defeat must come at the hands of this unwashed, snaggle

-toothed barbarian.

That's it.

Uhh! Talk about your glass jaws.

No! How did you know which mirror master to hit? Actually, abra, I owe it all to you.

Excuse me? If you hadn't pointed out his dental deficiencies, I might never have found the original.

His teeth were the only thing that weren't symmetrical.

But my newspaper.

Looks like your newspaper's wrong now, abra.

I guess I don't die today after all.


You can't change history.

Me? You're the one who changed it.

Aah! You'll pay for this.

I did it.

I k*lled the flash.

But if the mirror master was meant to, I may still have changed history.

I must get back to my own time, see if anything has altered.

So I take it you're not actually dead.

Mind if I ask why not? Thanks to this.

I used mirror master's gizmo and let him destroy the duplicate while I stayed out of sight.

So the newspaper was always wrong.

Like grammy flash always says, don't believe everything you read.

Are you the cat sitter? I am 'mazing man.

Da da da! Righter of wrongs, defender of the oppressed, doer of good deeds, owner of a spiffy hybrid car.

I brush my teeth after every meal.

And I occasionally volunteer for the Gotham City kitty shelter.

Then you are the cat sitter.

- Mm



Mind not standing on the couch? Hmm? Oh, sorry.

I'm Fiona and this is Owen.

Very nice to meet you, amazing man.

Uh, actually, it's 'mazing man, ma'am, with an "m.

" Of course.

Now, there's food in the fridge.

Oh, this must be precious.

Oh, isn't she the cutest thing? What a pretty cat! Be sure she eats her dinner and call us if anything goes wrong.

You needn't worry about anything.

I am a superhero, like my good friend Batman.


Well, precious, prepareTo be Entertained! Ha ha.

You do this.







Precious? P

-precious? Honey? She flew up the flume.

You having fun in there? Well, you need to come out.



Uhh! Precious! You probably ought to come out of there.

Oh! Please, precious.

I swore an oath to protect you.

Don't make me look bad.


I'll use psychology.

All right, maybe you should stay in the wall, precious.

See if I care.


I'm totally freakin' out! What'll I do? What'll I do? What'll I do? Calm down.

What would Batman do? Aah! Aah! Aah! Uhh! Wah! Wah! Oh, precious.

There, finished.

A fitting tribute to precious.

That doesn't look anything like this picture.

Huh? Well, I hope everything went


- Ahh! I swear I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you.

I'm a terrible person.

There was just too much wall for one little cat.

Oh, I know I could never be half the cat she was, but I'll never quit trying.






Just show me where the little box is, please.

Did you miss us, precious? Precious? It's precious.

Heh heh.

Ha ha ha! Precious.

And you did such a good job keeping things clean.

The place is spotless.

No need to thank me, ma'am.

Spotlessness is all in a day's work for 'mazing man.

Whoa! Heh heh.

This looks like a job for 'mazing man.

This is it, freaks.

We're entering the zone where several allied planes have disappeared.

Including one of our special operatives.

Hold on, freaks.

Move it, freaks.

Wait until army intelligence sees this.

I wonder how big this little fella's gonna get.


What are they waiting for? They are waiting for me, dear boy.

And you are? I am the Ultra Humanite.

Doesn't ring any bells.

I assume you're the one knocking allied planes out of the sky.

Yes, yes.

But that is only the beginning.

I have perfected my control of these magnificent beasts.

Soon I will unleash them on the allied forces.

They will ensure victory for the axis powers and the defeat of the allies.

What a fitting addition to my forces the creature commandoes will be.

The freaks work for me and the good old us of a.

And we're not joining up with some axis lackey who wants to enslave the world.


A pity.

Once I plant receivers in your brains, I will control you as easily as these dinosaurs.

Seize the creature commandos.

Uhh! Get that remote control.

You heard the man, creature commandos.

No! Thanks, creature commandos.

When army intelligence sees proof these dinosaurs exist, they'll make those lizards the greatest w*r weapons since

- Grr! Lucky, no! What's the idea? You made us monsters, Shrieve.

Made us fight your stinkin' w*r.

That's something we can understand.

But those dinosaurs are simple creatures living the only life they know.

We'd like to keep it that way.