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03x31 - April 27, 2001

Posted: 02/25/23 06:43
by bunniefuu
To "whose line is it anyway?", on tonight's show I just met a girl named maria greg proops.

When you're a jet wayne brady.

I like to be in america colin mochrie.

And I feel pretty ryan stiles.

And I'm drew carey, your host.

Come on down.

Let's have some fun.


[ cheers and applause ]

Whoo! Hello, welcome to "whose line is it anyway?" Where everything's made up and the points don't matter.

That's right.

The points don't matter, Just like who the president is.

Wow, you guys have been brainwashed By your social studies teacher.

That's what happened to you.

First let's start off with a game called "superheroes.

" This is for all four of you.

Why don't you come on up here? They're going to act out a scene for you As unlikely superheroes.

Greg's going to start, and they're going to name Each other on the way in and try to screw each other up.

Let's start out with a name of an unlikely superhero For greg.

[ shouting suggestions ]

Stop for a second.

What? Woman: Imaginary friend boy.

Okay, that's a good one.

Imaginary friend boy.

Good for you.

[ imitating woman ]

imaginary friend boy.

[ imitating woman ]

imaginary friend boy.

Ha ha.

So, greg, you're imaginary friend boy.

And what's the crisis for imaginary friend boy? Man: You're out of doughnuts.

You're out of doughnuts.

You're out of doughnuts, imaginary friend boy.

What are you going to do? Here we go.

No, don't you dare say tha.

I think he's fantastic.

No, colin is too trying to grow it back.

That's just naughty.

Oh, hold on a minute.

Great leaping salamanders of flame! The world vision monitor my goodness! All the doughnuts are gone.

Why, we won't be able to get a policeman To save our lives! What's that? What's that? Yes, I hope they arrive soon, too.

There's nothing I can do until they come.

Sorry I'm late.

Thank goodness you're here, break up and make up kid.

You look horrible today.

I'm so sorry.

That's all right.

Get off me! Come closer.

We're out of doughnuts.

Yes, I know.

I told him.

Who cares about doughnuts? Are you concerned? Well, a little bit.

I hurried over as quickly I'm not talking to you, four eyes.

Oh, the overly sensitive kid.

I told you to leave him alone.

I heard what you said! I heard! Don't yell at him! Come to daddy, come to daddy.

He wants to meet you.

Oh, daddy, daddy, why did you leave? We're out of doughnuts.

Oh, no.

Sorry I'm late.

Oh, thank god you're here, matrix boy.


[ slow motion ]


Oh That was horrible! That was great.

Do not try to eat the doughnut.

Instead, try to realize the truth That there are no doughnuts.

Don't worry.

I've got a lot of doughnuts.


Yes, yes, I like his ass, too.

I'll see you later.

Shut up! Come here.


Was he making fun of me? No, I don't t think.


Hey! Hey, what was that for? I never want to see your face again! Dinner at 8:00? Okay.

Come on, everybody, we're going to legoland.

[ buzzer ]

That was fantastic.

1,000 points apiece.

Hey, I heard next season They might even start paying you guys.

That'd be nice.

Enjoy the points in the meantime.

We're going to move on With a game called "song styles.

" This is for wayne brady With the help of laura hall, linda taylor, and ann king.

Ann king on the trumpet.

Let's go up here to the audience.

All right Hey, uh, you there in the pink, What's your name? Who, me? Robin.

What do you do for a living, robin? I'm a candy girl.

What does that mean? I walk around at a casino And I sell candy and cigarettes.

Oh, good for you.

Come over here, robin.

Come on up here and say hello to wayne brady.

Go over and sahi to wayne.

Wayne, this is robin.

She's a candy girl at a casino in las vegas? No.


One of the card clubs? Yeah, in gardena.

She sells candy and cigarettes.

She sells candy and cigarettes.

She walks around selling candy and cigarettes at a casino, And you are going to sing a song to her As louis armstrong.


Candy and cigarettes.

In case anyone was wondering Why we have ann king here on the horn, that's why.

'cause he's going to sing a song like louis armstrong, So whenever you're ready, sing a song, Uh, make up a song for robin the candy girl.

[ playing jazz music ]

she sells cigarettes to me she's my dream da, da she's arrived in the nick-o-tine yeah, yeah no, no, no nobody's better and nobody does it quicker hurry up with my pack of kools lay on me a snickers yeah

[ imitates trumpet ]

[ imitates trumpet ]

[ imitates trumpet ]

[ imitates trumpet ]

[ imitates trumpet ]

[ scatting ]

oh nobody can do it nobody can do that because I want you to touch my chocolate all the way down to my nougat oh, yeah Thank you, robin.

All right, we'll be right back with more "whose line.

" Don't go away.

Welcome back to "whose line is it anyway?" The show where everything is made up And the points don't matter.

Hey, did you see that there's a new channel That's a combination of the animal planet, History channel, and a&e? Yeah, I don't know what it's called, But yesterday I watched a biography of hitler's dog.

Uh, yeah, he's guiltless.

So let's go on with a game called "improbable mission.

" This is for colin and ryan, And they're going to be uh, greg, too.

You guys are secret agents Carrying out an everyday activity, And your instructions will come from greg.

What I need fr the audience is a mundane, bong activity.

[ shouting suggestions ]

Mowing theawn.

Mowing the lawn, I think I heard.

So the mission is to mow the lawn, And, uh, greg is going to give the secret agents instructions.

It's called "improbable mission.

" Take it away whenever you're ready.

I got the mail.

They didn't send a tape.

They sent a letter.

I'll rd it.

You listen to my thoughts.

Greg: Hello.

How are you? I am fine.

Recently, our families went on a bus trip to yosemite.

This is fr my aunt.

Here it is.



Good afterno, gentlemen.

How are you? Fine.

How are you? Good.

I'm very well.

Thank you.

Your mission, if you decide to accept it, Is one of the gravest importance of national security.

The grand duke of gondravi-- the grand duke of gerblav-- The grand duke of hard-to-pronouncia Is coming to washington Where he wishes to play croquet with the vice president.

The lawn in front of the white house Must be manicured down to a fine sheen.

Your job, if you decide to accept it, Is to turn page Mow the lawn as closely as you can By any means necessary using any technology you can.

If any of you or your team are caught or k*lled, The secretarwill say something awful about you At your funeral.

This letter will turn into a bird and fly away right now.


That's just like That was amazing.

Well, we have no time to be swayed by amateur tricks.

We have a b to do.

Let's get to it.

Thwhite use.

That's more th 500 miles away.

Yeah, but you know wha what? If we go in the other direction, It's next door.


There it is.


I don't know.

Itooks like a lot of security And a big, large gate.

Quick, give me a chocolate bar.

What? A chocolate bar.

How are we going to How are we going to get in? Wait the chocolate bar.

What? Well, that's loaded with nuts.

Go on.

Throw all of the nuts on thether side.

The squirrels will come and pile up.

We can climb up the squirrels and over the fence.

It's so simple.

Think! Step back.

Okay, come on.

Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak.

All right, over.

Oh, let me down.

Oh, sorry.


Now You're all right.

I didn't bring any lawn mowing tools.

That's all right.

Neither did I.

If we just that's bad.

What? That's bad.

Why? Well, we need something to cut the lawn with.

Maybe my hypnotic powers will help us.

And sleep.

You are a goat.

[ bleats ]

wake up.

Hmm, how are we going to cut this lawn? Hmm, hmm.

Chicken, chicken.

What are we going to do with a chicken? Oh, I forgot the wrong cue word.

What was it? Well, look, start pulling it up by the roots.

What? I know! This is so simple! I'll dig a hole underneath the grass.

You pull it down until it's level.

What was I thinking? Hey, wait, wait.

A quarter.

All right, I'm going under.

This could take a while.

You're right.

It's taking too long.

Quick, come up! What? I can't hear you.

It's taking too long.

Oh, right.


I've got an idea.

Another one? I hope it's as good as the last one.

Put on this sheep costume.

The sheep costume? Again? What? Oh.

Zip me up.

[ makes zipping noise ]

You've forgotten today That there's an international meeting of sheep.

Is that today? Yes.

If you can entice them They're very hungry around this time.

Entice them onto the lawn.

Put on my french maid outfit.

You heard me.

On me? No, on me.

Hide behind a bush.

[ bleating ]

It's working, it's working.

[ bleating ]

Oh, oh, oh, one of them got my leg.

Oh, I can't take it over anymore.

We've only got half the lawn mowed, And I'm injured.

It's up to you.

All right, I've got an idea.

What? Just watch this.

Hey, you're rolling up the lawn.

That's right.

Wait a minute! You've turned the lawn over? Yes, but wait! I snuck into the presidential pool room.

I ripped off the top Do I have to explain everything? The felt off the top of the pool.

Yes! What are all these stains?

[ buzzer ]

When we make jokes about presidential stains, That's when I hit the buzzer.

That was great.

1,000 points for giving me The sheep image in my head.

Now I can count you if I get sleepy tonight.

Little ryans in sheep outfits.

Let's move on to a game called "scenes from a hat.

" This is all four of you are going to play this.

Now what we're going to do before the show We asked the audience to write down suggestions for things.

We take the good ones and we put them in this hat here, And I'm going to draw the suggestions For things the audience would like to see, And then you act out as many as you can, Starting with this one.

If you could fast forward real life.

So anyway, I'm an insurance salesman

[ mumbles ]

[ slurring ]

this is the best party I've ever been to.

[ buzzer ]

Thank you for coming out with me tonight, yvonne.

[ makes fast forward noise ]

[ crying ]

This never happens to me!

[ buzzer ]

How today's issues Would be handled on "the brady bunch.

" Hey, peter, marcia, guess what.

I'm black.

[ buzzer ]

Improper etiquette when meeting the queen.

They know what I'm guessing.

Pull this.

[ buzzer ]

Your majesty.


[ buzzer ]

Okay, okay, who am I, who am I?

[ buzzer ]

The good news and the bad news.

Whew, the elections are over.

President bush?

[ buzzer ]

The good news is the surgery was successful, And now you look like a movie star.

The bad news is that movie star is drew carey.

[ buzzer ]

Merry christmas, tommy.

Look, it's "geppetto" on dvd.

[ buzzer ]

I liked it.

I was in it.

I liked it.

The bad news was it was christmas.

I like this good news and bad news run.

That was pretty good.

Uh, this is another one.

Pull the string on the drew carey doll And it says It was nice the time we worked together, greg.

You're fired.

[ buzzer ]


[ buzzer ]

Whatever you want, baby.

I don't care.

Mimi and I are the same person.

[ buzzer ]

Announcements that will cause this audience To go wild.

In 10 minutes, we bring out the liquor.

[ buzzer ]

[ imitates microphone feedback ]

I'm the licker.

[ buzzer ]

No me! No me! No, I am! No, with me.

Me no, me! No, I am! Everyone pull out their ticket stubs.

We will now raffle off drew's porsche.

[ buzzer ]

Okay, thank you very much.

We're going to go see a commercial.

We'll be right back with more "whose line is it anyway?" Don't go away! Welcome back to "whose line is it anyway?" Tonight's winner greg proops.

Greg proops is the winner, and the rest of us Are going to do a game for you called "hoedown.

" It's our favorite game in the world, right, guys? "hoedown" with the help of laura hall on piano, And what I need from the audience Is I need a suggestion of What's your idea of a glamorous profession? Rock star! Rock star.

We'll do the rock star hoedown.

Take it away, laura hall, whenever you're ready.

The rock star hoedown.

if you don't like music, well, you'd better stop I love rock musicians and those kids who sing pop oh, you say, "I don't like that music" yeah, that's what you think but, trust me nobody gets more booty than that group 'nsync when I became a rock star I thought it'd be sex, dr*gs and rock 'n' roll I thought that all the women would really take their toll but now there's this fact that really makes me loopy colin mochrie is my only groupie I am a member of the world's oldest band ilept with every supermodel in the land well, I didn't get one, but that is her loss a rolling stone never gets no kate moss I want to be a rock star, oh, that I can see I think that that would be the job for me rock 'n' roll isn't the best music, I've found but at least they don't have to do a stinking hoedown All: stinking hoedown We'll be right back with more "whose line" right after this.

Don't go away.

Tonight we're goingo to end the showt anyway?"s.

With ryan stiles reading the credits for us.

I want you to read the credits as an evil hypnotist Trying to hypnotize all the viewers at home.

Thanks for watching, everybody.

We'll see you next time.

Good night.

Dan patterson and mark leveson Are many of my The credits roll as you look deep into my eyes.

You will ask drew carey To give lewis a bigger part on the other show And raise his salary on "whose line.

" Phone drew carey.

Get his number out of the phone book.

Phone him day and night.

Do not let up.