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02x06 - Sister's Got a Brand New Bag/Shoo, Shoe Gnomes/Lab of the Lost

Posted: 02/25/23 16:34
by bunniefuu
♪ Take your body down

♪ take your body down

♪ on the groo-oove train

welcome aboard
the dance express,

where we'll travel
to the corners

of the boogieland

And now let's visit
our first stop,

the spotlight dance.

Choo choo.

Choo choo.

[Dance music playing]

That's old.

Seen it.


Man: Hey, man.
Look, it's...

Big daddy fat?

Yo, check this out.

Wow. Dig
that new groove.




[Joints creaking]

Phew. Mm-hmm.
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

I've got a new dance
I want to show you!


Can't you see
I am busy with
an important experiment?

I do not have time
to look at your silly,
stupid dance.

But, Dexter--

well, that's that.

Dexter, look! No!

No! Look!

Look! No!

No! Look!

Look! No!




Dexter, are you ready
to watch my dance yet?

I told you
I am too busy

to watch your dumb
girl dance!

Then I have no choice
but to keep dancing
till you watch!


giant freeze ray Cannon

should freeze Dee Dee

and that stupid dance.

Hmm. It looks like
we have spotted

our annoying
dancing target already.

[Dance music playing]

[Evil laughter]

Dexter, look!

Dexter, look!

Dexter, look!

Look, Dexter!

Look, Dexter!

Dexter, look!

Dexter, look!


Now I can get back to work.

[Loud knocking]

What?! There is no life

at , feet
below sea level.

Let me have a look.


Dee Dee:
Look, Dexter!

[Dance music playing slowly]

[Satellites beeping]

[Spacesuit beeping]


What the--


[Dance music playing]

Watch my dance, Dexter!


All right!

I'll watch
your stupid dance!

You will?

Ok, you sit
right here.


Here we go!

[Dance music playing]

So, what did you think?

Hey, that was
pretty good.



Well, I'll be
seeing you.


Ok, now.

Final checks

on nuclear engine
antimatter rays.

Testing lasers.
All systems go!




My wonderful boots
are maimed.

Oh, my poor shoesies.

You're out!


Hi, Dexter!
Whatcha doing?

Can you not see
I am in mourning?

My boots are ruined.

Shoe problems--
I've got just the thing!


"Gnowing gnomes"?

Lookie here. "Shoe gnomes
are a special variety

"of gnomes who specialize
in the manufacturing

and repair of shoes."

Hmm, sounds iffy.

I don't think
I want to risk it.

Fine! You can
just go barefoot

for the rest
of your life!

Dee Dee,
don't leave me!

Pretty please!
Pretty please!

All right. Quit
your groveling.
I'll help.

Ok, here we are.
"In order to summon
shoe gnomes,

it is necessary
to arrange the following."

...and the final touch.

Ooh, cookies.
Don't mind if I do.


These aren't for you!
They're treats
for the gnomes.

Stupid me.

Now we can go to bed.

[Rooster crows]


[Skating music playing]

Hold it, kid!

All right.
Coming through!

Hey, kid,
you know the rules--
no lookie-loos.

You either stay
with the tour group
or get lost.

no amusement park
in here, buster.

And, as you can see, with
our new state-of-the-art

A little lower,
come on.

Center it.
Put it over here.
Perfect. Beautiful.

Buy at % down.

Bring that tongue in
nice and slow.

Uh-huh. That's it.

Excuse me, sir,

you again?

I thought I told you
to get lost!

That's it!

You listen
to me, buster!

All this stuff
belongs to
me, me, me!

Got that?

Now get out!

Fine. I mean,
it's not like we
didn't fix your shoes,

but go ahead, throw us
out on the street
like everybody else does--

"thanks for
fixing the shoes.
Now, get out!"

I just thought
you'd be different.

Well, maybe
we could work
things out.

Uh, can I borrow
that there screwdriver?

Uh, sure.

Do you mind?

Some people
are trying
to work in here.

[Computer beeping]

Hey, Dex,
could I
use your--

shoe gnome.

Thanks, Mac.

Don't mention it.

Dee Dee, help!

They're everywhere.

They're sucking
the life from my veins!

Please, I need
your wise counsel.

Dee Dee:
Look at all the shoes!

I'm going to try them all on!


Hey, what the--

you guys are starting
to creep me out!




You gnomes are
nothing but brute,
hateful creatures.

Gnome: Wow!

Hot stuff!

Drool, drool.

These feet
were made for walking.

Great toes.

Who, Dee Dee?

She's ok.

Come on, guy,
have you no sympathy?

We fixed your shoes!

we need those feet!

We'll do anything to have
those feet!

Will you leave
my lab forever?

Except that.


Take it easy, kid.

You're foaming
at the mouth.


Fix the boots
or not,

I have had it
with you guys!

Dee Dee:
There you are!

I think
I found a way

to make
those creepy gnomes
go away.

Now all we need
is one of your
ingenious ideas

to pull it
all together.

[Gnomes murmuring]

I hear this show's
got saucy bits.

[Drum roll]

All: Yay!

All: Boo!

[Drum roll]

All: Yay!

All: Boo!

[Drum roll]

Gnomes: Yay!


All: Boo!



Make a run for it!

Our goose is cooked.

It's out of shoes!

So what?

[Gnomes screaming]

I want my mommy!

do something!

I am.

Fly true,
loyal shoe.

What a world.

Nice work, Dexter.

Don't thank me,
Dee Dee.
Thank my shoe!


Oh, no.

My precious shoe
is ruined!

My shoe!

I, the evil math magician,
shall capture all the children

and force them
to do homework forever.

Announcer: Just then...

Major glory!

You asked for it!

Uh, uh, uh.
No v*olence
in schools.

Hmm, you're right,
but there is one way
to stop you!

No! Not justice
fruit pies,
a delicious treat

you'd have to be
crazy to hate!
Ooh, I give up.

Thanks to major glory.

Don't thank me. Thank
fustice fruit fies.


I said,
don't fankum--


Yes. Yes!
At last, my greatest work...


These super-duper
hopped up hydrocrafts
are just the thing

for my scientific needs,

one for touring
and maintenance,

and one to replace
the original...

That Dee Dee
will inevitably break.

Now is when
we separate the boys...

From the men!

Safety first!

[Takes deep breath]

Power up.

All that is left now

is to go there.


She's too fast!

What a flight!

Must regain control!



What is this place?

Tell you what, though,
some crash!

Computer give me

a complete readout
on my exact location.



[Nervous laughter]

Ok, Dexter,
you traveled so far so fast,

you put yourself
out of range of communication.

Just relax.
It's no biggie.


Help, someone!

I am so lost
I cannot be found.

I am up a paddle
with no creek.

Dee Dee, lisping:
Dexter, hey,
I'll give you bucks

for a bowl
of my most favorite bowl
of fruity tooty cereal.

Dexter? Dexter?


[Imitates accelerating engine]

[Imitates screeching brakes]

Look out!
We're going to crash!

Button, button,

who's got the button?

A failure must be noted.

I must be
in the old part of the lab.

Perhaps I can find
something useful

in this pile of garbage.

Wait a second.
I remember you,

but I haven't seen you since--


At last,

my greatest work
is completed!


Now to be found.

[Mechanical voice]

Who--who are you?

We are
your early creations.

You invented us

By one.

We were all
your greatest work...

But you abandoned us,

and now you shall pay
for your neglect.

Uh, but, uh,
you see, uh,

it wasn't my fault, i--

look, it's r d !


Alert. He's escaping.

R d is not here.

Whoa! Woo!



What's this?

I remember this.

[Ringing loudly]


I got to show this
to Dexter.

He'll laugh!

Perhaps I have lost them.


Converge! Converge!


Filthy ancient technology,
stop that!

Simply put,
I'm doomed.



Dee Dee?

look what I found!

Dee Dee,
you found me!

I also found this--

your first invention,

Who cares
about that
stupid invention?

You can take me
out of here.

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk.

I'm surprised at you.

Look what's happening
to you now

because of your neglect.

By the time
you finish
one invention,

you're preoccupied
with your next.

You don't care
about any of them.

You're right,
Dee Dee.

I've never given
enough attention

to all
of these creatures.

I'm so sorry.
If I only knew...


My sweet darling,

how I remember
you well,

how I used to push
your button...


[Machines malfunctioning]


Hey, they've all
been deactivated.

I'm saved. Let us
get out of here.

Now that
that's over with,

I can start work
on my newest creation,

an advanced version
of the hovercraft.

Then I will be able to--


at your own peril

the vaulted door

where impossible
things may happen

that the world's
never seen before.

♪ In Dexter's laboratory

♪ lives the smartest boy

♪ you've ever seen

♪ but Dee Dee blows
his experiments ♪

♪ to smithereens

♪ there is gloom and doom

♪ while things go boom

♪ in Dexter's lab