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02x21 - Sports a Poppin/Koosalagoopagoop/Project Dee Dee

Posted: 02/25/23 19:45
by bunniefuu
[Children shouting
and laughing]


Oh, boy, oh, boy,
oh, boy, oh, boy!

Welcome to planet dad.

Hi, Dexter!

Dee Dee, how many times
have I told you--

oh, hello, father.

Hey, son, you want
to do something fun?


Come on, slugger,
let's play some sports.

Did you say sports?

That's right.

Mm-hmm. That's what
I thought.

Father, do you
realize that there
is an % chance

that a boy of my age,
height, and weight

can get tripped, kicked,
run over, and trampled
playing sports?

While if I stay
inside this extremely
spacious shelter

that you,
may I remind you,

so painstakingly

my chances of injury are
reduced to a mere %.


numbers do not lie,

Well, I know one thing
that numbers can't do.

What is that?

Build character,

and we're going to
start building right now.

From the first day
of olympic competition

in the glory
of mount Olympus,

no sport has ever been
more appreciated than
the great American pastime.

Long division?

No, son. Baseball.

Go ahead, son.
Take it.

It won't bite.

What do I do now?

Well, I want you
to throw it to me.

Whoa, whoa, son!
Not yet.

Ok, son.
Let her rip!

Let what rip?

Just throw the ball,

Ok. Here goes.

How was that,

Geez Louise, Dexter,
you throw like a girl.

Is that good?

[Blows whistle loudly]


All right, Dee Dee,
quit fooling around

and come over here
and show Dexter
how to throw.

But, dad,
you just said

do not
throw like a girl.

Dexter, in sports,
it's not what you say
that counts.

It's what you do.


just watch, Dexter.

All right, Dee Dee,
bring on the heat.

Here it comes.
Here it comes!

That's the old pepper,
Dee Dee.

Yeah, this is the game
for you--football.

Yep, the old pigskin.



Take a whiff, son.

[Sniff sniff]

Eh...ha ha ha...

Quite refreshing.

Punt, kick,
run, tackle, pass.

These are
the basic fundamentals
of football success.

Can I play?


Of course,
Dee Dee.


Ready, Dee Dee?


Ok, Dex.

Now, I want you to
kick that football.

You know, dad, she'll probably
pull the football away just
as I am about to kick it.

Nonsense, Dexter.
Now, kick that ball!

I always wanted
to do that.





Basketball. Yep,
that's the sport for you.

But, dad, isn't that
for tall people?

Nonsense, Dexter!

Did I ever tell you
the story of...

Shorty arbuckle?


Shorty was
the greatest player
of his generation.

He was no taller
than you,

but he used to weave
in and out past everybody

and score
to points
a game.

For you see, Dexter,
shorty used his mind

to outwit the other
much taller players.

And now his spirit
lives on in every
short person's heart

who ever wanted
to play basketball.


With my enormous mind,

I should
have no problem

outwitting this
taller half-wit.

All right!

Attaboy, shorty.


Defense, shorty!



All right, Dexter,
we're done.

Just pick up
the stuff
and come in.

Dexter, Dexter!
I let loose
the giant monster!



♪ Deep in imagination
lies a little girl's creation ♪

♪ he's her best friend

♪ she's the only one
who sees him ♪

♪ don't you even try
to spot him ♪

♪ even you, Jim

♪ I'm the koos
a la goop a goop ♪

♪ not the foo dop
a doop a doop ♪

♪ but the koos
a la goop a goop ♪

♪ yeah

I can't sleep.

Koosy, tell me
a story.

Ha ha! Yes.

Have I ever told
you the story about
the land of koos?


Oh! Oh! Oh!
It's a beautif--oh! Oh!

By the way, I live
in the land of koos.

And oh! Oh! It's
the most beautiful place
in the whole universe.

There are
pumpkin buildings
that touch the stars,

and there are
caramel flowers
with neon stems.

And then there's
all the koos folk
that live there.

There are tiny
little sugar wampums,
great tall giraffabobs,

and, of course,
your average

The koos folk crowned
a kind and gentle
creature as their king,

and do you know
who that king is?




You're really the king?

Yes, and I might add
that everyone loves me.

Oh, please, take me
to your kingdom!

T-T-Take you
to m-m-my kingdom?


Absolutely not!


no one's there.

Yeah. It's
a holiday today.

Now off to bed.


Dee Dee!
Come back.

Oh, no!


Well, I guess we're here,
so let's go.


Your kingdom
is beautiful.

Yeah. I mean no!

Dee Dee, we must go
this very second.

I agree.
Let's go!



Dee Dee, wait!

Oh, no!
Trollbetoot forest!

Dee Dee, I think
we should leave.

Someone might be

It looks like--

♪ picnic time
♪ picnic time

swing it, baby!

All: ♪ p-p-picnic time is,
p-p-picnic time is ♪

♪ p-p-picnic time is
food to eat ♪

♪ p-p-picnic time is,
p-p-picnic time is ♪

♪ p-p-picnic time is
a celebration ♪

Come on!

♪ P-P-Picnic time is,
p-p-picnic time is ♪

♪ p-p-picnic time is
fun for all ♪

♪ p-p-picnic time is,
p-p-picnic time is ♪

♪ p-p-picnic time is




Introduce me!

Introduce me!
Introduce me!

Gee, sorry, Dee Dee,

but imaginary creatures
can't hear or see

real little boys
or girls.

Hey, who are
you talking to?

You know, koos,

you really ruin

Dee Dee: Koosy, koosy,
what just happened?

You can't just
bully the king!

Do they even know
that you're the king?

Yes, but see, it's
be-mean-to-the-king day,

and it's
lots of...Fun.

This place
is so wacky.

Hey, yo, koosy.

We all think
you're a total jerk.

And don't even think about
coming to the king's ball

Or we'll really
mess you up!

You're throwing
a party?

We better prepare
for the big night.

No need to rush.

Man: Hey, trollbetoot.

Hey, Bob-o. Great night
for a party, huh?

By the way, Bob,
if you see koosy,
tell me.

I got a score to settle
with that bum.

Oh, gee!
Oh, gee! Oh, gee!

So, let's go in.


Ok. Let's go.

Oh! A secret
king's entrance.

I believe this year's
king's ball is
the best one yet.

Yes, my dear, and
when the children all
receive their gifts--

oh, the glow
on their little faces!

Oh! Look at all the dancers,
lights, costumes, and--

huh! Hey! Somebody's
sitting in your chair!




Come on.
You're the real king.

Do something about it!


I--you know--


Hee hee.


What are you

for your crown!

Please, Dee Dee, no!

Oh, gee!


Naughty, naughty,
Mr. Impostor.

Oh, gee! Oh, gee!


Oh, gee! Oh, gee!


Now you can kiss
your beautiful queen.

Man: k*ll the koos
that's kissing the queen.

King: Enough!

There will be
no more v*olence
at this king's ball.

Are you all right,
my queen?


I'm sorry.

King: It's
all right, koosy.

I lied to you.

Who did you lie to?

Dee Dee,
come sit with me.

I'm not the king, Dee Dee.

I lied to you because
I wanted you to like me.

But you don't need
to lie to me.

I already liked you.

I love you!

Ha ha! And I
love you, too.


I have no idea
what's happening,
but it's very sweet.

Your majesty!
The countryside
is fogged in!

Oh, no!

You won't be able
to deliver the gifts
to all the children.

There must be a way.

Koos a la goop a goop,
with your heart so bright,

will you guide my
sleigh tonight?



Hey, Dexter, you got
any scientific secrets

you want to share
with our friends?


Well, I do.
Come on, kids.

I'll show you how to make
something cool.

Take an ordinary ice tray

and fill it
with your favorite fruit juice.

Stretch a piece of plastic wrap
tight over the tray,

and stick a toothpick
in each cube.

Put the tray in the freezer
and let it chill overnight.

And voila! Fruity,
juicy popsiclettes.



Hey, Dexter!

Dee Dee,
how many times
have I told you

not to sneak up
on me like that?

What is it?

Sorry, Dexter.
It's just that I have
this science project due,

and I was wondering--

science project!
Of course I'll help!

Uh, that is, I am
a very busy man,

but since you are
my sister and all,
I guess I can help.


we have got a lot
of planning to do.

We've got to prepare
our tools.


we need a monosyncratic,
hyperneomatic oscillator.


or maybe
a remote diaxal
unshackle brinder.

But, Dexter.

What is it, Dee Dee?

We haven't time
for idle chitchat.

Dexter, I just need
to borrow some tape.

I don't need your help.

Ah! Hmm.


Oh, that's
a good one, Dee Dee.

You had me
going there!

Of course
you need my help.

I'm Dexter,
boy genius,
and you're--

ha ha!

Well, you're
Dee Dee.

Now, come on.
Quit joking.

We've got a lot
of work to do.

Dexter, all I wanted
was some tape.

If you don't want
to give me any, I'll go
find some elsewhere.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!
Ho ho!

I can't believe she
doesn't need my help.

Uh, hi, uh, Dee Dee.

I was just, uh,
busy working,

and I noticed
you dropped this,

your crystal-enhanced
laser singer,

and, might I add,
great for assignments
and science projects alike.

Zip! Zip!
Hee hee hee!

Nice try, Dexter,
but I'm only allowed
to use household items,

and I don't need
your help.

No, no. It is I
who has no need to
help you, Dee Dee.

Come, singey.

[Gears turning]

Hello, Dee Dee.
It is me, your mother.

What is it
you are doing?

Hi, mom. Just working
on a science project
for school.

Oh, science. Don't you
think you should

ask your brother
Dexter, boy genius,
to help?

Why, he is
a genius of all
that is scientifical.

As a matter of fact,

he is a genius at
just about everything.

No, thanks, mom.
I can handle this
by myself.

Why, you insubordinate

someday you will need
Dexter's help,

and don't you come
running to me
when he says no!

Hey, Dee Dee.
Look at what
I brought you.

Ooh! Whatever
could it be?

It's a intercom with
a direct link to me.

An intercom, huh?

Yeah. I figured
since I am so busy

and instead of you
having to walk

all the way upstairs
just to bug me,

just push
this here button
if you need anything.


Yes--anything at all.

You name it, anything.

Just push that button,

and I'll try to break
away from my busy
schedule to see you.


Ok, I'm going back
to my lab

because I've got
a lot to do, you know.


Ok. See ya.

You betcha.

Don't forget--
the button.

See ya.


Yes, sir,
any minute now.

She'll be begging
for my help

any minute now.

Dee Dee, did you call?

Uh, no.

Oh? Because
I thought I heard.


Ok. Just call
if you need anything.

I will.


All right.

Are you sure
you didn't? Because
I thought I heard.

Not me.

All right, then.


Hey, Dexter.

First, we'll get--

no, no, Dexter.
I still don't
need your help.

I'm done!

Say what?

I finished
my project
on propulsion.

I chose
rubber-band power.

What do you think?

Hmm. Crude and simple.

I'd give it
a "d" minus at best.

I'm telling you,
Dee Dee, if you want
an "a" plus,

you got to ask
the man.

You do want
an "a" plus, don't you?

For your achievements
in elementary school
science projectory,

we present you with
the nobel peace prize
and pony.


I knew you'd cave in.

Woman: Class, today I'll
be asking you to come up

and demonstrate your projects
on propulsion.

Let's start with Schwartz.





Dee Dee.

Um, for my project,
I chose the power
of rubber bands,

along with other
household items.

And now, without
further to-do...

[Engine roars]


Thanks a heap, Dexter.

Now I'll get an "f"
for sure.

You're crazy! That was
"a" plus material, easy.

Not only did you
propel your vehicle,

you also propelled
the entire school
into orbit--

a scientific first,
I might add.

When do you think
they'll be back?

They'll probably
come out of orbit
in a couple of days.

Good thing
it's Friday.

Hey, Dexter,
how long till we
reach the border?

I don't know,
but keep winding
that rubber band.

the vaulted door

where impossible
things may happen

that the world's
never seen before.

♪ In Dexter's laboratory

♪ lives the smartest boy

♪ you've ever seen

♪ but Dee Dee blows
his experiments ♪

♪ to
smithereens ♪

♪ there is
gloom and doom ♪

♪ while things
go boom ♪

♪ in Dexter's lab