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03x10 - Glove at First Sight/A Mom & Dad Cartoon/Smells Like Victory

Posted: 02/26/23 07:55
by bunniefuu



Whoa. Totally
sorry, dude.

Like, it's no problem,


[Bell dings]

Ha ha ha ha!

What's up, dude?
Ha ha ha!

Can I help you?

Uh, right.



You must be here
for the test study.

Yeah, right.
Ha ha ha! Right.

Sign in
on the clipboard,
and we'll call you.

Yo, dude, do we get paid,
you know, in advance?

Why don't you
take a seat,

and we'll
call you, dude.

Yeah. Ha ha!

Right, dude.
Ha ha ha!


[Smacking and gulping]


Ha ha!

Ugh! Puke-a-rama!

Number ,
number .

The doctor will
see you now.



Well, now, let's see.

Do you know
why you're here?

Well, it's because, like,
because, like,

because, like,
I'm a total germophobe.


Now, now. Admitting
that you have a fear
of germs

is the first step
to recovery.

Now, you realize
that this study
is quite radical.

Oh, totally radical.

Then you're positive
you want to go
through with it?

Totally. I'm so sure.

Very well.

Nurse, would you
please let in
subject "b"

for test case
study number ?

Nurse: Right away,

Hey, where's the party?

What's that?

That is your
test partner.

For the next
two weeks,

you must interact
with your partner
on a daily basis.

Can you do that?

With that? No way.

Can't do it.
Totally can't. Uh-uh.

Doctor: You must,
if you ever hope to be
even partially cured.

No. Like, no, like, no,
like, no, like, no!

I'm sorry, I can't.
I just can't.

How do you
expect to get
over your problem

if you can't
get past even
the first steps?

Well, doc,
it's, like, like...

Oh, I'm sorry.
You're just so
totally gnarly.

I can't help it.
You-you're dirty
and greasy,

and you totally gag me
with a spoon.

Uh, you're really nice.

I think you're awesome,
but you're just grody
to the Max.

I'm sorry, doctor.
This test case just
isn't gonna work.

I'm so sorry!

I'll be seeing
you around, ok?

Like, coming!


It's you.
What are you doing here?

it's like this.

See, um, I was
thinking about
your problem.

It's totally bogus.

That clinic
is bad news.

What you need is
a real situation.

No white lab coats,
no tests,

no experiments.

So I was thinking...

I was hoping
you'd come with me

to the annual
new year's

The last couple
to remain dancing
this year

wins months'

of cheeks-so-soft
toilet paper

or rolls--
comes first.

And a $
gift certificate

to happy pappy's
totally awesome

chicken and seafood
house in the valley.

What do you say?

You did this,
like, all for me?

Like, I'd love to,

[Both laughing]

Hey, dudes and dudettes!

Welcome to the totally k*ller
annual new year's

Now, I know you're
all majorly excited

to dance until the new year.

And don't forget--
last couple standing

wins the whole
awesome shebang!

Ok, kids, get ready!

Good luck.

You, too.

Are you having
a tubular time?

Oh, I think this is
the most tubular time
I've ever had.

That's right!

Look, they're
the last ones
besides us.

We might actually,
like, win?

Hey, dudes and dudettes!

It's just a few minutes
till midnight!

So let's bring the music
down just a bit.

But don't stop dancing,
or you're totally bumming!

Oh, no! We have to,
like, slow dance!

Like, so?

Oh, we have to, like, touch.

Hurry up, couples!

Start dancing,
or you will be so disqualified!

Oh, no. What are
we gonna do?
We're gonna lose.

Oh, what a total bummer!
We won't win!

What are those?

I thought these
might come in handy.

Crowd: , , ...

Oh, we've won!

In, like,
more ways than one.

Crowd: , , !
Happy new year!

See? Remember? That's why.
Now, give 'em back!

[Clock ticking]

How about taking
your turn...Today?!



That's points!


Both: I scream!

You scream!

We all scream
for ice cream!

Mom: Hey,
are you cheating?

Dad: Now, what on earth
would make you think that?

Then what's
this letter

I found hidden
in your pocket?


A letter?

Well, explain
yourself this time!

I have absolutely no idea
what you're talking about.

I don't believe you!

Passion? Passion?!

This is what
that letter
was all about,

just so you can have

Well, call it
whatever you want.

All this means is that
I'm gonna be the winner
in the end,

and you're gonna be left
high and dry.

Dexter, what are
we gonna do?

It's none of
our business.

Ha! I'm not losing out
on this one.

You're the cheater here.

Well, if that's how
you like to play

your little games,
then fine.

We're through.

[Tiles rattling]

What are you doing?

I'm packing it up.

Like I said, if
that's how you like
to play the game,

then you're
going to have to
play it alone.

I'm leaving.

Oh, yeah?

Well, how about the last time
I caught you cheating?

How easily you seem to forget
who dealt the cards then.

That was different.

I told you that
the Jack of spades
was wild.

Who is Jack?

Whoever he is,
he must be more
exciting than dad.

Hey, what are you
trying to do--k*ll me
with that thing?

Mom, don't do it!

Mom, stop!

No, mom!

We can work this out!

Don't do it!

Do not do it!

We can work this...


Oh, kids,
of course we can
work this out.

Sometimes we just let
our competitive nature
get the best of us.

Besides, it's just
a game, right?

Heh, heh, heh. Right.

Man: Die, die, die!

Die, stinky germs!

Naval hygiene is
crucial to the defense
of our great country.

Isn't that right,

Sir, yes, sir!

Computer, report.

Computer: Good morning,
general admission.

My sensors are reading
a loss of power in all
sectors, sir.

Our satellites indicate
an unidentified force
on earth

that seems to be
draining all of
our power, sir.

Unidentified force on
Obviously it's aliens.

Sir, yes, sir,
obviously, sir!


Using a ground base
here on earth,

these stinky, filthy aliens
have hatched an evil plan

to contaminate the m*llitary
with filthy germs

so they can take over
the world, right?

Sir, yes, sir!


Yes, sir.

Commence operation.

Destroy the evil,
stinky aliens.

[Alarm buzzing]

General: Well, whoever
or whatever it is

that's sucking up our power
is in for a big surprise.


We have full power
and optimum regulating charge.

Microwaves are a go. Check.

Temperature is just right,
fluids all check.

Binary code and teleports
are all functioning.

Rolling bowling ball
rolling, check.

Spinning sprinkler
spinning, check.

All systems are go
for nanometers
of high-yielding

fermented glauconite
anti-cholesteric brain
vitamin facial cream--

makes me smart
and beautiful.


Smells a bit stinky.

Maybe it needs
more salt.

What the--

Dexter, your room is stinky.
You'd better clean it up,

or else we'll have to put
you up for adoption.

[Sniffing] Hmm.

I guess I have been neglecting
the lab lately.

like frog]

Computer: Warning,
warning, warning...

Computer, what is it?
What is intruding?

Good morning, Dexter.

My radar is picking up
faint readings

of an incoming
unidentified fighting force.

Who--who is it?

Um, hello!

as in I don't know.

I'd better have
a closer listen

with my supersensitive


Attention, men.
This is your general.

We are about to encounter
the evil, filthy aliens'
ground base.

I repeat,

[static] We are--
the evil, filthy aliens' gr--

oh, no. The evil,
filthy aliens' gr!

They're coming!
They're coming!

Aah! My eyes. My eyes!
They burn!

[Aircraft approaching]

[Boat whistle blowing]

Man: We're going in.

The chickens are
in the soup.

Dexter: Oh, no!

Boy, this place

Ugh. I can smell it
through my mask.

Somebody light a match!

General: Hold your ground, men.
Filthy, stinking--

they are here--
the evil, filthy
aliens' gr!

Oh, no! That alien
is heading toward
my freezer,

where I keep my rare
Jurassic eggs.

Looks like we found
the aliens' nest, sir.


Aah! Aah!
Germs! Germs!

Get 'em off!
Get 'em off!


No filthy alien
is going to
blow up my eggs!





Aah! It stinks! Aah!

It seems that the aliens
have an aversion to stinky.


That's it.

Let's rock!

Smell ya later,
filthy, evil aliens' gr.

Aah! Oh,
that smells!

It smells!


Aah! My nose!
It burns!

[Troops screaming]

General, we're under
severe stink att*ck.
We've got to pull out!

[Troops moaning]

Looks like I've
defeated them all.

General: Not quite!

You filthy alien!


What the--

you're not
a filthy alien.

You're just
a little boy.

Yes, and you are
just a grown man,
a grown general,

whose whole army
was defeated by
this here little boy.

Blast it! You've got
a point there.

If word gets out that
the Navy was defeated
by a little boy,

we'll be
the laughingstock
of the world.

Yes, you will.

Listen, kid, can you
keep this a secret?

Well, on two conditions.

And they would be?

You guys have got to
keep my laboratory
a secret, ok?

What laboratory?

Yes, indeed.
What laboratory?

[Both laughing]

And the second

Well, this place
is a mess,

and I need it
not to be a mess,
if you know what I mean.

I hear you
loud and clear.

Excellent job, general!

This place is spotless.

You're darn
tooting, kid.

Well, kid,
it's been swell.

All right, men, listen up!

Let's return to the main base
for a nice, hot bath.

[Troops talking at once]

Dexter, I hope
that you remembered
to clean your room.

Oh, yeah, dad.
I cleaned house.

Enter at your own peril
past the vaulted door

where impossible things

may happen

that the world's
never seen before.

♪ In Dexter's laboratory

♪ lives the smartest boy
you've ever seen ♪

♪ but Dee Dee blows

♪ his experiments

♪ to smithereens

♪ there is gloom and doom
while things go boom ♪

♪ in Dexter's lab