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04x09 - Height Unseen/Bygone Errors/Folly Calls

Posted: 02/26/23 13:16
by bunniefuu
Ahh. My first day back

from summer vacation.

I am excited to get on
with the fun of learning.

Hey there, my dudes.

Can I get a high-five?

Hey, high-five!
Ha ha ha!

High-five here!


[laughs weakly]

Yeah, that's it.

Bah! Why does
everyone ignore me?

I'll tell
you why.

'Cause you're
a shorty.

Is that any reason
to ignore me?

I ask you.

But why doyou

you're not
that much taller than me,

Andy suriano.

What'd you say,

Ha ha ha!

I said nothing.

[Bell rings]

Must make it
to my locker!

Girl: Uh! Uh!

Oh, please excuse me.

Boy: Whoa!

Sorry. Whoa! Hey!

Watch out! Whoa!


Well, I'm sorry.

Was I in the way?

All but Dexter: Yes!

Smooth move,

So, how's
my little man today?

Not so good, mom!

I'm tired of being
a little man.

I want to be big
like everyone else!

But I'm still a shorty.

Ah, honey.

Don't cry.

You're at just
the right age

for your
growth spurt, too.

I am?


Mom: You should
be feeling those
growing pains

any time now.

Oh, boy! Oh, boy!
Thanks for the info!


Uhh! Ugh!


Hey, mom!

I think that the pain's
already beginning.

Hi, Dexter!


Bye, Dexter!

When my
growth spurt happens,

I am going to be a giant!

Ooh. I better get ready
for my new height.


I have completed my preparations

for my growth spurt.

Just in time, too,

'cause I think I feel
my growing pains coming on!

Uh! Ah ah ah!



Say, that was a good one.





That ought to be enough pain.

But what is this?

Have I grown?

No! I am still
a shorty!

Bah! I will grow
a long gray beard

waiting for my growing pains

to happen.

But I think

that with all the sophisticated
high-tech equipment

that I have at my disposal,

I can invent
an elegant scientific solution.


Ha ha!

That's the rough stuff now!

Now can I
get a measurement here?

Height unchanged.


This should do it, I think.

Height, here I come.



Aah! It's working!

I'm growing taller!

I've done it!

I'm taller!

That's not right.

No, no, no, no!

Computer: Dexter,

that's my semicolon
you're pounding on.

Well, sorry!

But I could not
see the keys.

Here. I'll lower
the screen for you.

I want to show you

The computations to make you,
an individual, taller

are too complex
at this point.

Yes, I know.

But the problem
of shrinking

the rest of the world
around you

is % achievable.

Hey, that is genius!

Let's do it!

for the ride, mom.

Sure, kids.

Bye, mom.

So, Dee Dee, notice
anything different today?


That figures.

Let the payback begin!

[All talking at once]

Ha ha ha!

Now I tower over everyone!


hello down there, Todd.

Hey, guess what.

No one cares

where you got

your cargo pants, shorty!


[Girls speaking


Sorry, Jennifer.

I can't hear you
up here.

You'll have to speak up

if you want any attention

from the big guy up here!


Um, hey,

it is my old friend,
Andy suriano,

and he's putting a book
in his locker.

Smooth move, shorty!

Now he's closing
his locker.

Smooth move, shorty!

Oh, and now
he's walking away.

Smooth move, shorty!


Hey, supersized.

Who? Me?

Yeah, you.

News flash,

Didn't you hear?
Now it's cool
to be short.

Like, shorties

are the cutest.

Yeah. So even though
you're trying

to dis me
by saying,

"smooth move,

it's like you're
really saying,

"smooth move,
cool guy."

So, you know, I win.

It is cool to be short?

It is not cool
to be supersized?

You got it, supersized.


Ow! Ow! Ow!

Uh! The growing pains.

[Rocking chair creaking]



Hey, Dex, look.

It's the fanciful unicorn.

Hey! Oh, hee hee!

Oh, oh, hee hee hee!

[Beeping stops]

Well, what do
you think?

The pain!

The pain!


It's k*lling me!

Ah, come on.
It wasn't that bad.



Say, look at that.

What is it?

It's a wrench.

For wrenching?

Yes, Dee Dee,
for wrenching.

But not just any wrenching.

Ah, the golden age
of science.

Ooh, I remember it well--

inventing, exploring,


Those were
the good old days.

It seems
just like yesterday

I was discovering fire,
inventing the wheel.

I'll bet you didn't know
I was the first man
in space.

First man in space?

Dexter, all those
things happened

you were born.

Details, details.

The point is,
I was really cool,

which reminds me
of the time

when I was young, handsome,

and single,

and, uh, I was
in an alien world!

No--an alien world

in the future.

My mission,

as a man of science,

is top secret, of course.

But I will say
it has something to do

with, uh, the suitcase!

My reputation was well-known.

But some people have
to learn the hard way.

Bam! Right in the nose!

Then I hit the other sucker.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Then hyah!

And whack so hard
and ooh!

Before I knew it,
the whole place
was chasing me.

There must have been, oh,
I would say, of them.

No, no, no! !

Dee Dee:
Wait a second.

That's not
how it happened.

You weren't
the man of science.

You were a boy.

And it wasn't
an alien world,

it was
your laboratory.

And you weren't
being chased,

you were being


Dee Dee, get out
of my laboratory!


I said,

"look! A pony!"

Huh? I love ponies!

Here, pony, pony.

All rightie, then,
where was I?

Ah, yes.

The late nights.


Huh? I said,

"ah, yes.
The late nights."

Go on! I'm trying
to ripple here.

Oh, right.

Dexter, voice-over:
Ahem. Yes, now,

the late nights,

working overtime

only to be reminded
of other pressing matters

with, uh--with the president
of the United States.


Yes. You know me
and the big guy--

hanging out, talking about
all the important stuff.

Dee Dee:
In a hot tub

at Ben's pool party!


Hey, dudes.

Ben? Oh, yeah.

That jerk--double agent--

and after the president.

Dee Dee,
You thought
the party was

so awesome, and I
was there, too.

Hi, Dex!

So I introduced you
to darby.


Dexter, voice-over:
And there she was--

Sally's comet!

It headed right
for the president!

I leapt into action...

Right into Ben's
pink sports car.

But luckily, it was the cool
kind of pink sports car

that transforms.

Into a unicorn!

[Unicorn neighs]

We had no time to spare.

So we worked

Even though I did
most of the cool stuff.

Time was running out.

But we
weren't worried.

And for serving
the president,

I was made president.

You're off
your rocker.

It's true!

No, really. You're
on the floor, Dex.


Stupid chair!

Ahem! All right, then,
billion-year-old gal sis,

where was I?

Well, you
were just about

to take a nap.



Who needs naps?

Not me. No, sir.

When I was young,

I never slept,

which reminds me.

Did I ever tell you the story

of, uh--


Dee Dee: , ,

, !



Oh, you're k*lling me!




Now, Dee Dee, we have been

through this scenario
so many times before,

and you know that I am
helpless to assist you

for one simple
and very basic reason--

you are stupid!

Oh, please,
Dexter. Please!

Please, please, please,
please, please, please,

please, please,
please, please!

Oh, please, Dexter!

Use your vast and unlimited

knowledge of science

to help me
get my hair back!

Pretty please.



All right, Dexter.

But remember,

I am your big sister,

[voice deepening]
And I will crush you
like a bug

if you don't do
as I say!

Now, Dee Dee,
pay attention.

You are only to apply
one drop of this stuff.

Do you understand?

One drop,

not drops,

not drops,

not drops.

Just one drop!

Got it?!

[Regular voice]
Yeah. Of course
I got it, Dexter.

Just one drop.

♪ One drop, one drop,
one drop, one drop ♪

♪ one drop, one drop,
one drop, one drop ♪

♪ one drop, one drop,
one drop, one drop ♪

♪ one drop, one drop,
one drop ♪

♪ one drop



Let me guess.

You used more
than one drop.

It was too
one drop, Dexter!

Just a really,
really big one drop!


Problem solved.

Uh, I don't think
this is gonna fly.

I must reverse this
at once!

Wait here.

[Muffled speech]

T.v.: Yes, Dave.
After just weeks,

I had a head of long,
luxurious hair.

My friends at work
used to call me "cue ball."

But thanks
to guy Spaulding's
hair town for guys,

my confidence level
is sky-high.

Men respect me,

women adore me,

and I look
totally natural.

Yes. Baldness
is a thing of the past,
thanks to...

Dexter, what
are you doing?

Um, nothing,
cue ball--

I mean dad.

[Laughs weakly]

I have no time to lose.

The genetic material
I have collected

from my father's balding scalp
is the only thing

that can prevent
Dee Dee's hair from growing

at such an enormous rate.

The situation has gotten hairy--

ha ha--worse.

I must make the antidote.

Help, Dexter! Help!




I knew this would come
in handy one day.





What's this?

hair growing solution."

It stopped!

♪ My hair stopped growing,
my hair stopped growing ♪

♪ my hair stopped growing,
my hair stopped growing ♪

♪ my hair
stopped growing ♪

♪ my hair
stopped growing ♪

♪ my hair
stopped growing ♪

♪ my hair
stopped growing ♪

I hope you learned
a lesson here, Dexter.

Don't ever leave
your experiments

in the hands
of the idiotic.

There's no telling
what could happen.

[Dad screaming]

Enter at your own peril

past the bolted door...

Where impossible things
may happen

that the world's
never seen before.

♪ In Dexter's laboratory

♪ lives the smartest boy

♪ you've ever seen

♪ but Dee Dee blows

♪ his experiments

♪ to

♪ smithereens

♪ there is
gloom and doom ♪

♪ while things go boom

♪ in Dexter's lab