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02x30 - The Game After Life" / "Goku, Dead!? 'I Bit the Dust.

Posted: 02/26/23 14:17
by bunniefuu
Little by little, I'm being charmed

By your dazzling, smiling face

Let us spring out from
this endless darkness

When I first came across you

I recalled a place that,
when I was a child, I held dear

Won't you dance with me

on the Winding Road of light and shadow?

Even now, are you lost in thought over him?

There are times when I get so that I
want to look back just a little bit

but holding on to love and
courage and pride, I fight on!

Little by little, I'm being charmed

This planet's last remnant of hope

Surely anyone would want
to take eternity in hand

Even though I act like I don't care at all

Look at me, I'm in love with you!

Let us spring out from
this endless darkness

At length, Baby had taken over
Vegeta's pure Saiyan body,

and together with Gohan and Goten, whom
he had made his followers, att*cked Goku!

What's more, even Trunks,
who had traveled through

space with Goku,
had become Baby's servant!

My servants, who fill the earth!
Earthlings, who have become Tsufruians!

Take the ki from your hatred of
the Saiyans, and transmit it to me!

Having taken the Revenge
Death Ball head-on,

Son Goku disappeared
without a trace.

It looks like Goku has died.

He what?!


Have you really died?

Goku Exterminated?! I've Gone and Died

Coming outside after such a
long time sure is refreshing!



Grandpa... died...


Please, be my guest, Baby-sama.

I have finally attained my
vengeance against the Saiyans,

and obtained the mightiest of bodies.

There is only one other
thing I could hope for.

Come forth, Shen Long!

Satan, is it night already?

H-He's out!

You're kidding!

How come?

Now, speak your wish.

In this one matter,
Shen Long, I must make use

of your power in order
to attain my desire.

Speak it.

Long ago, the planet Plant,
the world of the Tsufuru,

was invaded by those
barbaric Saiyan monkeys.

Create a planet exactly like it for me!

As you wish.

Such will indeed be a second
home for the Tsufruians!

Yes, let us call it Planet Tsufuru!

Your wish has been granted. Farewell.

A-After all the hard work we
went through to collect them!

He's used the Dragon Balls!

Now the Earth is going to blow up,
you know!

We'll have to gather them up
again within a year's time.

We can't do it!

The Earth will blow up? T-The Earth?!

Say, Satan,
how long do we have to stay here?

I-Indeed... How about we sneak
back and see what's going on?

There's nothing we can do by staying here,
after all...

Pan-chan, nothing will come of just crying.

Come on, cheer up.


Here we have our first visitor in a
long while, and he's still a child!

Where is this place? Have I died?


You're not dead yet...

Who are you?

I am the gangster Sugoro.


So, what's your name, sonny?

Sonny? I'm Son Goku!

And I ain't a child!

How rude of me, sonny. I mean, Goku-san.

You aren't dead yet.

Not dead yet, but as we keep going...

You are going to die!

Does the River Sanzu
flow anywhere near here?

No, no, but this place could just be
even more perilous than the River Sanzu!

The thing about the River
Sanzu, you see, is that you

don't necessarily have to
go a-crossing it, right?

If you're lucky,
you might just come back to life.

once you've gone a-plunging into

Sugoroku Space here,
it's not quite that simple.

What's going on here?
Hey, hold on a second, Sugoro!

What is this Sugoroku Space thing?

Are you ready for this?

We take turns a-rolling this die, and
advance the number of steps that come up.

Whoever gets to the goal first wins.

You lose, you die. You win, you're spared.

How's that?

Pretty simple, right? However,
as I am still here alive like this,

that means there hasn't been a
single person who could beat me.

You do this with everyone that comes here,

I don't mean to brag,
but I have won , , times in a row!

You sure have a lot of time on your hands,

All right! This should be interesting!

After all, I have to do this if
I'm to get out of here, right?

Now that I know I'm not
dead, I ain't got any

time to be playing around
in a place like this!

Let's hurry and do this!

That's the spirit...

I should tell you now at the start that
you cannot go a-using any ki at all here.

You can't go a-flying your way to the
goal, or a-destroying

any spaces with the power of your
ki, or anything like that.

I ain't gonna cheat like that.

Anyone who does cheat is
through right there. "The End."

Okay, let's begin.

Here we go!

Okay, Goku-san, it's your turn!

Coming through!

Go back five spaces!

Right, right,
you are forced to follow the

directions of whatever
space you go a-landing on.

And, if you're lucky,
good things can happen as well.

Oh, a three!


Lucky chance!

You get to roll three dice!

There, you see?

If you'll excuse me! "Cur-ry-rice!"

All right, I can do that too!

That's a big one!

Honorable Ancestor...

You idiot!
Appear out of nowhere, will you?!

My fish is going to get away, you know!

I'm most sorry, but right now,
there isn't time for that!

And that one was so big, too!

Goku-san has fallen into Sugoroku Space.

He did what?

I'm so sorry,
it's not like me to do such a thing.

I was successful in rescuing
Goku-san at the last moment.


I had no idea that the evil
power would have such force.

It warped him into a different
dimension of space...

It was careless of me.

Still, that's going to be pretty bad.

In that space,
not even my power has any hold.

Once he's fallen in,
there's nothing we can do.

The only thing to do is to have
him get out of there by himself.

Um, Honorable Ancestor?

What is it?

How can you catch any fish
without a line or hook attached?


Nazonazo! Pon!!

W-What the hell's going on?!

Oh, you landed on the
Nazonazo Pon pop-riddle space!

It's a good thing these questions
are geared toward children!

I ain't a child, I told you!

Question one!

Question one?

After ten ants gathered together,
they said something.

So then, what did they say?

What are you talking about?!
Ants can't speak, you know!

Um, these are riddles, you see.

Note: "Arigato" here means "there are
ants." The correct answer is "arigato".

Oh, is that it? These are riddles, huh?

For answering incorrectly,
a trap will be opened up.

The more you are unable to answer,
the wider the hole will become, Goku-san!

Take a look below you.

L-Look down?

Question two!

J-Just a second, now!

I ain't very good at these!

Preparations are complete, Baby-sama.

Well done.


Trunks-kun is no longer himself.


Note: "Kuri" means "chestnut" in Japanese.
A "kuri" may be a

"kuri", but what do you call a
"kuri" that is always surprised?

Ah! Kuririn!!

Note: "Bikkuri" means
"surprise" in Japanese.

The correct answer
is a "bikkuri"!

Who is someone that always rides in taxis,
but never pays any money?


Who is Vegeta? The correct answer is...

...the taxi driver!

I can't use my flying technique here!

My, my, for him to not even be
able to clear the first event...

That was all too short, wasn't it?

Perhaps I went too hard
against the kid as my opponent.

I geeb on derring you,
I ain'd a gid, arr right?!

That was close, that was close!

That's the spirit!

Six, now! Six!

I got a six! A six! "Sa-nd-wi-ch..."

Endurance contest! Cry and you lose!

What the hell is it this time?

Goku-san, on this space, you see,
you absolutely must not cry.

If you go a-shedding any tears,
it's "Game Over," and you die!

Is that it? That's all I have to do?
I'll win this easy!

Why is that?

Because there's no way I'm going to cry!

I hope you're right. Anyhow, good luck.

What's this? It's an onion, ain't it?

Sure I don'd like onionsh doo mush,
but even sho, I ain'd gonna cry over dish!

Whether you like them or not,
that's not really the issue here...

Okay, up next,
we introduce the one thing

that Goku has the hardest
time dealing with!



Trainin', trainin', that's all you do,
and don't ever come home!

Just once,
why don't you work and earn us some money?!

Stop it, Chichi!


You've done it!
You've finally started a-crying!

I-I ain't crying!

I ain't crying, see?

C-Can you get away with that?!

Go back five spaces.

Go ahead four spaces.

Go back three spaces.

Go forward two spaces.

Go back one space.

What's going on?!

No matter how many times I do this,
I end up returning to the same spot!

Hey, are you still there?!

Hey! Don't it seem like I'm the only
one who anything bad happens to?

You're just unlucky!

It's all the same,
no matter how many times you try it.

Goku-san, I'm a-going on up now!


Goku has begun a rather absurd board game,
with life and death stakes.

Meanwhile, on Earth,
the operation to relocate to Planet Tsufuru

using a giant spaceship that Bulma
built was proceeding steadily.

My new Planet Tsufuru...

There will never again be barbarians, such
as those Saiyan monkeys, to befoul you!

Starting now, the Northern
Galaxy, as well as the Southern

Galaxy-the whole universe
belongs to the Tsufuru!

Hurry, Goku!
This is no time to be playing around!

These words should come out smoothly

like when I'm writing a letter to a friend

But I need a little more time

for us to get to know each other

To think that my family

are the only ones who won't betray me

It's just too lonely-Love
is asking to be loved

I know if I just gave up
believing it'd be easier, but...

Don't you see!

Even though I hope and pray

for the miracles and memories,
I still worry a little bit

Don't you see!

No matter how much of a hurry
everyone else in the world is

keep hanging on to me

Heya! This is Goku!

Say, Sugoro, this die is a little strange.
It hops around and talks and stuff!

O-Oh no!
If he finds out that I'm a cheater,

then this whole world
will go a-disappearing

without a trace,
and us along with it!

Next time, on Dragon Ball GT:

"Ah, What a Surprise?!
Sugoroku Space's Grand Collapse"

I can't dilly-dally around
in this place forever!

Next Time
Ah, What a Surprise?!
Sugoroku Space's Grand Collapse