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02x37 - Old Kai's Last Stand" / "What a Turnout!! Baby and Son Goku -- Double KO!!

Posted: 02/26/23 14:21
by bunniefuu
Little by little, I'm being charmed

By your dazzling, smiling face

Let us spring out from
this endless darkness

When I first came across you

I recalled a place that,
when I was a child, I held dear

Won't you dance with me

on the Winding Road of light and shadow?

Even now, are you lost in thought over him?

There are times when I get so that I
want to look back just a little bit

but holding on to love and
courage and pride, I fight on!

Little by little, I'm being charmed

This planet's last remnant of hope

Surely anyone would want
to take eternity in hand

Even though I act like I don't care at all

Look at me, I'm in love with you!

Let us spring out from
this endless darkness

Take this! Times Ten!






Too bad, huh? I am immortal!

The Great Ape Baby,
after standing up to a x

Kamehame-Ha that used
up all of Goku's energy,

struck back with a Super Gyallic-Ho!

Die! Super Gyallic-Ho!!

I did it!
I'll finish you for sure this time!

I-Is he out of his mind?!

If he blasts something like
that right at the ground,

then never mind Goku, Planet Tsufuru
will be blown to bits as well!

Planet Tsufuru?!

The Great Ape Baby was burning with nothing
else but his obsession to defeat Goku!

However, if Planet Tsufuru is blown away,
it will be the end of everybody!

Valor!! Baby and Goku's Double KO!!

Goku-san, open your eyes!

Sonny Goku!

It's all over...

Just a bit longer...
Just a little bit longer and I'll k*ll you!

Finish off that despicable Saiyan!

Finish off that despicable Saiyan!

D-Dammit, man...
Am I going to get done in like this?

Now, to finish you! Away with you, Saiyan!



What the hell is going on?!
What's going on?!

Ah, so that's it!

Times Ten! Kamehame-Ha!!

Damn! You mean I'm just now
starting to be affected by that?

Apparently, my x Kamehame-Ha
had quite an effect on you.

That's not true!

It's just that it would
have been so easy to

k*ll you just now that
my heart wasn't in it!

Nope, it worked.

It must be all you can manage
just to stand up right now.

This time for sure... this time for sure,
I'll send you off to the Other World!

We'll just see about that.

Go to hell!

Oh no, Goku-san's power is gone, too!

It's a double knockout!

All right! This is our chance!

What chance would that be?

It's now or never!
If we're going to finish him off, that is!

I see! I'm going to go there
and revive Goku-san, right?

You nitwit!

You don't have the kind of power it
would take to revive Super Saiyan Goku!


You're going to revive
Trunks and the others.

What are you saying? Remember?

Trunks-san and the others
are our enemies right now!

And you want me to...

There's the Ultra Holy Water, right?

Ultra Holy Water... Oh, yeah!

We can use that, huh?
I should have known, Honorable Ancestor!


What is this Ultra Holy Water?

Ultra Holy Water, you see...

refers to a sacred water of
legend, which is kept

in the Heavenly Realm,
and can purify any toxin.

That's some incredible stuff, huh?


With that, there's no doubt
that we can purge the eggs

that have been laid inside
of Trunks-san and the others!

Now that you've got it,
why don't you go get it right away?!

T-That's right. I have to hurry.

Very well then, Kai kai!!

My, my,
he sure gives me a lot of trouble...

That was awfully fast, huh?

Well, you see, it's...
where exactly is the Ultra Holy Water?

Look, you... really,
what is it you do with all your time?!

Try studying a little!

I'm sorry...

It's in the throne room of the
temple in the Heavenly Realm!

Got that? Now hurry up and go!


That was close, that was close!

Right now, Popo and the god over the
Earth are under Baby's control...

To think that a Kaioshin
should have to do this!

It's almost as if I were a sneaky thief!

All right, this is the throne room.

Now then, the Ultra Holy Water...
there it is!

This must surely be the Ultra Holy Water!

Just which one of these
is the Ultra Holy Water?

This isn't it...

This isn't it either...
This isn't it either...

This isn't it either...

We're sunk.

Kaioshin-sama, what are you doing, coming
in here like the neighbor's thieving cat?

Do not tell me that even
you, Kaioshin-sama, are

trying to interfere with
Baby-sama's marvelous plans.

Well, I...

If that is what you are
thinking, then even

though you are Kaioshin-sama,
I cannot permit it!

Hold it!


W-What are you doing?!

Stop that!

each one of those was the wrong one, huh?

Is it really in here?!

You can't run any more!

Can it be that this is it?

W-What's the matter, Popo? Popo!


A-Are you okay, Popo-san? Dende-san?

Where am I?

You're back to normal!


Sure enough, this is the Ultra Holy Water.

And now that I know...

Where's Trunks-san...


Excuse me, but I must be hurrying, so...

Don't get this.


Trunks-san, please, come out of it!

Here, please drink some of this.


Trunks-san! You're awake.

What in the world was I?

What?! You want me to finish off Baby?!

Yes, as soon as possible.

I'm going to go return Gohan-san
and Goten-san to their senses.

All right, understood!

We're counting on you, Trunks-san.

Kai kai!!

W-What happened?

I-It can't be!


There's no way Baby-sama
could be done in by a Saiyan!

Please, get up, Baby-sama! Get up!

Baby-sama, accept this, if you would!
Get up once more, please!

Bruits wave, fire!

Please, get up, Baby-sama!

W-What is this? Power!
I'm being filled with power!

What is going on?!

Baby-sama, it's the Bruits waves!

Your whole body is being bathed in Bruits
waves, so please, regain your strength!

What is it?
What is happening to Great Ape Baby?

Well done! Well done, Bulma!

W-What is this intense ki?!

O-Oh no!

Is it too late?

You're in a good mood, ain't you?


Yo! You sure took your sweet time, huh?
I was getting tired of waiting.

It appears you still have
enough strength left to speak.

While you were all worn out,
I got myself plenty of rest, you see...

After all, if I can't have
a little more fun with our

battle, it won't be worth
having become Super Saiyan !

Is that so? Sorry about that!

In that case, let's make sure that starting
now, we fully enjoy ourselves... to death!

That's our Sonny Goku!

With that spirit,
he can still keep a-going at it!

Isn't that right, Kaioshin-sama?

No, it's not.

Goku's talk is no more than a ruse.

That was a ruse?

He doesn't have hardly any power remaining.

If he were to sh**t, he could manage
one regular Kamehame-Ha, and that's all.

Y-You can't mean it!

Before, I couldn't keep
myself from being childish and

attacking wildly, but this
time, I will k*ll you for sure!

For you, being Baby,
to be acting childish is quite a laugh!

This is bad.
I ain't got hardly any power left.

My arms and legs ache, and I can't
move at all the way I want to...

It seems like, as far as this fight goes,
I might have to give up...

Now then...

How about we finally
get serious about this?

Yeah! Let's enjoy what comes next!

It'll let me show off the
true nature of Super Saiyan !

Great Ape Baby has regained his full power,
while Son Goku has barely any power left.

Will Goku be able to fight his
way out of this critical pinch?

These words should come out smoothly

like when I'm writing a letter to a friend

But I need a little more time

for us to get to know each other

To think that my family

are the only ones who won't betray me

It's just too lonely-Love
is asking to be loved

I know if I just gave up
believing it'd be easier, but...

Don't you see!

Even though I hope and pray

for the miracles and memories,
I still worry a little bit

Don't you see!

No matter how much of a hurry
everyone else in the world is

keep hanging on to me

Heya! I'm Goku!

Trunks, Gohan, Goten!

Use your powers to restore my full power!

That's the only way we can defeat Baby!

Don't be ridiculous!

Do you think I'm just going to
stand by and let you do that?!

Next time, on Dragon Ball GT:

"With Everyone Else's Power...
Super Saiyan Revived"

Thanks, everyone!
I'm sure to win now, you'll see!

Next Time
With Everyone Else's Power...
Super Saiyan Revived