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04x10 - O Little Town...

Posted: 02/27/23 11:44
by bunniefuu
- * christmas

- * the snow's coming down

- * christmas

- * I'm watching it fall

- * christmas

- * lots of people around

- evening, sheriff.
Cold enough for you?

- Yeah, exactly how the holidays
should be.

Hey, guys.

Happy holidays.

- 'Sup?
- Yeah, whatever.

- What's up with them?

- Yeah, they're cranky
because we're snowbound,

and their vacation plans
are pretty much ruined.

- Oh.

Um, why don't you bring
a round of hot chocolate?

Keep 'em coming.
- You got it.

- Hi, guys.

So, uh, stuck in eureka
for the holidays, huh?

I used to try
to escape eureka at christmas

until one year
when I got stranded here.

It was crazy.


Gather round.

You can hear all about it.
- Uh, do we have to?

- Sheriff badge says yes.
- [Sighs]

- there you go.

- Ah.

It was deep in december.

And like every year, zoe and I
were heading out of town

to spend the holiday
with family,

which was great,
because it was

one of the hottest
christmas weeks

eureka had ever seen.

What's going on?

- You can't leave, sheriff.

No one in or out.

The electromagnetic shield
over eureka is malfunctioning.

- Well, it doesn't look
like anything's--



- right now it's more electro
than magnetic.

It's getting worse.

- You better shut
that thing down.

- And leave global dynamics
vulnerable to the prying eyes

of the rest of the world?

[scoffs] sorry, sheriff.
No can do.

- So...

We're trapped here
for christmas?

It's 85 degrees.

- Dad, they're trying
to fix it.

Just let them.

- All right, well...

Don't overexert yourselves.

- We'll make the best of it.

- Merry christmas.

- * I'm hot, humid, and hazy

- wait, so you make
elf footprints?

- Yeah, look, you dip
little sponges shaped like shoes

in baby powder,

and then you press them
on the floor

around the presents.

- You know what?
I'm boiling.

- You can't let a little heat
ruin your holiday.

Today I have strung up

We have baked gingerbread...
- All right...

Feast your eyes, people--

Limited edition copper cast

from my secret santa.

Oh, and he left this for you.

- For me?

How cool.

- You know who it is?

- No.
That's why he's a secret.

- Open it.
- Come on.

- Oh, wow,
the clash on vinyl.

I love them.
I wonder who knew.

Not you.

- Wow.
Come on, I-i--

No, I couldn't have.
- No.

Wasn't me.
- Well, this is my little gift

to all of you.

- When you say little...

Is that meatloaf?

- It's fruitcake.

- It's--oh.

Um, yeah, I'm still digesting

a piece from last year.
- No, no, no.

Trust me. This is like
a little christmas miracle.

- Eat it. Eat it.
- Come on.

- Oh.

Holy cow.



Even the raisins
are incredible.

- I blended
96 different varieties--

Everything from alexandroulis
to zilvaca.

- How'd you get 'em all
in one piece?

- That, my friend,
is the secret.

[cell phones ringing]

- what's going on?

- What's a code 12?

- Air as*ault.
We have a bogey.

- All right,
everybody down, down.

Take cover.
All right.

Stay inside.
[alarm blaring]

[sirens wailing]

- all right, everyone,
can I have your attention?

Can you get inside, please?

This is not a drill.

Possible air strike
headed for town.

get off the streets now.

- Get into position!

- Sir, thank you,
inside, keep it going.

Everybody inside,
inside, inside.

Thank you.
Clear, clear.

Clear the road.

- Steady.
- What's up, jo?

- First someone messed
with our e.m. Shield.

Now we're under attack.

- From what?

- G.d. Radar detected
an unauthorized vehicle

in our airspace over town.

The bogey's
crossed the threshold.

Weapons hot. Take aim.
[g*ns cocking]

- oh, ha--hang on.
That's not a plane.

[bells jingling]

hold your fire.
Hold your fire.

Ho, ho, holy crap.

[festive holiday music]


- santa's sleigh?


- You don't believe me?

- Where do I start?

One, reindeer can't fly.

- Well, stranger things
have happened in eureka.

- Yeah?
And who was driving

this tactical as*ault sleigh?

- I am getting to that.

- So it's not every day
you get to track down

a runaway santa.

Jo and I--
We jump at the chance.

- I want nothing
to do with this.

- Oh, like I do?
- Hey, the town's your turf.

- Which your trigger-happy
santa s.w.a.t. Team invaded.

- Sorry, carter. The holiday
party starts soon at g.d.,

and I'm on crowd control.

- Oh, well, that's not--
- Hey, shouldn't you guys

be chasing down kringle?

- No, what I should be doing

is drinking winter ale
with your uncles,

watching bowl games.

- And by watching,
he means arguing.

- Yes.
- Is there someplace else

I can be useful?

- Oh, I'm sure allison
could use some help at g.d.

A few people got banged up
avoiding santa.

I'll take you.
- Perfect.

See you, dad.
- Oh.

- Give santa my best.


chasing down
a fake, stupid santa.

It's, like, 900 degrees.
I'm never gonna get home.

- To the left.
No, the other left.

- Relax, fargo.
It's just a party.

- No, it's the party--

The time our g.d. Family
comes together

in the spirit of giving.
More candles.

- It's the time all you geeks
fly your freak flags every year.

- No, that's comic-con.

Look, I've got a tight budget

and a building full of people
to feed.

If we run low on latkes,

believe me,
things will get ugly.

- I will charge my taser.
[cell phone rings]

[sighs] ah, security breach
in sub lab 22.

I can't wait
for this day to be over.

Hold it right there.

What do you think
you're doing?

- Hey, jo.

I'm just taking
my experiment home.

- And you are?

- Noah drummer--
Condensed matter physicist.

- Well, I'm sorry,
dr. Drummer.

There's no authorization
for you

to take
your little ornament home.

- Actually,
it's crystallized hydrogen.

Can't leave it here unattended
during the holidays--

Too unstable.

- So you're shoving it
into a sack?

- It's lined with nonionizing
fiber and red tungsten.

If my ornament
is not handled carefully,

bad things could happen.

- Yes, it's very menacing.

What is it for, anyway?

- Just a little thing
called peace on earth.

It's an energy source.

Once fully formed,

it'll provide limitless power
very cheaply--

One less reason for w*r.

- Well, that is
a very lovely concept,

but nothing is gonna happen
to it here,

not on my watch.

- Not that I doubt
your abilities,

but I'd really prefer
to keep it with me.

- Yeah, I'm sorry, doc.

Crystal stays here.

[beep, whirring]
- all right.

- How's that?

- It feels okay.
Mostly I'm starving.

- That's weird.
Me too.

- You know what? It must be
vincent's amazing hors d'oeuvres

we're smelling
from the party.

you're all set.

- Merry christmas,
dr. Blake, zoe.

- You're all set.


You okay?

- Yeah.

Uh, it's just always
the same thing every year.

Dad can't wait to go home,

and it's always so much better
in theory than in reality.

I'm just actually really glad
that we're stuck here.

- Me too.

You know, we never get to spend
the holidays together.

The more, the merrier.

- you really get into it, huh?

- I just think
we could all use

a little more magic
in our lives...

You know?

- Hey, look,
secret santa struck again.

- What?

When did that get here?

- Open it.

- [Laughs]
bunny slippers.

I used to have a pair of these
when I was a kid.

This is perfect.

- I got to find out
who this guy is.

Kringle can run,
but he can't hide.

- [Laughs]

[siren wails]

- [grunts]

oh, no.

Can I help you?

Mr. Claus, I presume?

- Mr. Claus?

- Season's greetings, mate.
- Taggart.

Do you have any idea
what you've done?

You've damaged
our e.m. Shield--

Our e.m. Shield!

- I did not.
I was held up in--

In me lab
running field tests.

- Tests for what?

- For science, mate.

I'm pioneering the field
of santalogy.

- That's not a science.
- It will be.

Nearly every culture has a myth
about the man--

Santa claus, pere noel,
kris kringle, st. Nick.

I'm replicating
everything he does

and explaining it
with physics and technology.

- What about flying reindeer?

- Holographic...

And misbehaving currently.

This little beauty runs
on a pulse-detonation engine--

All-weather resistant,

uses state-of-the-art
stealth technology

to fly invisibly
under the radar.

- Taggart...

Your giant red sled

is neither stealthy...

Nor invisible.

- Well, I still got
a few kinks to work out.

Now, uh...

Be a santa's little helper
and give us a tow back to g.d.

- Sure.

- Cheers, mate.

- [Sighs]

[bell dings]
- [clears throat]

friends, colleagues,
I started planning this party

months ago,
determined to provide

an unforgettable, yet fiscally
responsible celebration.

Today we gather together--

- Oh, save it, fargo.
We're starving.

[all cheering]

- fine.
And without further ado...

[cheers and applause]

- okay, people, you've got
2 hours and 58 minutes

until I shut this place down.

- Eat, drink, be merry.

All: whoo!

- * the snow's coming down

* I'm watching it fall

* lots of people around

* baby, please come home

- it was late
on christmas eve.

I was just a wee lad,
no more than seven,

when I heard something
and crept downstairs.

That's when I saw him--
Just a glimpse,

a quick flash of red
by the tree.

- Taggart, it was probably
your father

in red pajamas.

- One might think...

But I found this
by the fireplace.

- Lint?

- A tear from santa's trousers.

I've tested the fibers.

They're fire-resistant.

- Again, not santa...

Red pajamas.

- [Grumbles]

I've also been working
on a gadget

for easy chimney descension.
[gadget rings]

and fancy this.

Made it just for you.

- You went all out.

- Imagine all the presents
santa has to fit in his sack.

But by putting "m" theory

and the concept
of 11th dimensionality

into practice--
- Ho, ho, ho, wait.

Santa's a physicist now?

- Oh, he's very clever.

He temporarily shifts matter

the dimensional membrane.

That way, objects can lose mass
but maintain integrity.

- Ho, ho, hey, hey,
hey, hey.

- Don't you want
to open your present?

Set it down, mate.

Come on.
Come on.

- Holy smokes.

A can of christmas cheer?

- Go on.
Pop the top.


- * we wish you
a merry christmas *

* we wish you
a merry christmas *

a merry christmas *
* we wish you

* and a happy new year

- they're programmed
to your voice.

And they're yours for the day,

every time you say,

- Thanks, taggart,

for--for making this
a very creepy christmas.

- * oh, christmas tree

* oh, christmas tree

* how faithful
are thy branches *

- [laughs]

- Yeah, I think he's going
for a degree.

I think with a minor
in tooth fairy.

- Well, myth and folklore
come from somewhere, carter.

Some ancient cultures believed
that wrapping moldy bread

on a wound
would make it heal faster.

- Yeah, that's
why ancient cultures died out.

- No, they didn't know
that mold was penicillin,

and it fought off infection.

- Yeah, we're talking about
santa claus, not antibiotics.

- No, as scientists, we have
to explore all possibilities,

to be open to the "what if?"

[upbeat music]


- [sighs]

- oh, hey, lupo.

You want to tell me
what you want for christmas?

This one's for naughty,

and this one's for nice.

- I'll pass.

- Oh, come on.

Where's your christmas spirit?

Seriously, you okay?

- I have a town full of yahoos
that I have to babysit.

I am super.

- Taggart's santa.

- You just wrecked christmas
with two words.

- Mm-hmm.
Why is it so hot in here?

- I don't know.
The a.c.'s cranked up to 11.

- Oh, ju--hey, hang on,
let me just grab a couple.

- I just hope I made enough.
This crowd is ravenous.

[cell phone rings]

- great,
more crystal lab issues.

- Do I want to know?

- It's this tiny,
little glowy thing.

I caught this strange scientist
trying to take it home earlier.

- Well, this is g.d.
Be specific.

- Um, his name's drummer.

- Never heard of him.

- Dr. Drummer?

- I thought you said
"little glowy thing."

- It used to be.

- This is unbelievable.

Under normal conditions,
it would take decades

to crystallize hydrogen
into a-a sample this size.

- Oh, key word--normal.

- Is it me,
or is it already bigger?

- Henry, what's going on?
- I don't know.

But if it keeps growing
at this rate,

it'll breach the lab
in 20 minutes.

We need to move it
to a larger containment unit.

- Dr. Drummer said
that it was unstable.

- Un--wait,
it's going to explode?

- Well, yeah, if it--
If it moves

the protective shielding,

it could fracture and boom.

- Merry christmas.

- * deck the halls
with boughs of holly *

* fa la la la
la la la la *

* 'tis the season
to be jolly *

- how do we turn this off?
- Hang on.

They're pretty good.

- Henry.
- All right, all right.

Find Dr. Drummer.
I'll supervise the transfer.

And maybe he can tell us
why this is expanding.

- * fa la la la
la la la la *

[singing continues]

- come on!

- * fa la la la
la la la la *

- * don we now
our gay apparel *

* fa la la la
la la la la la la *

* troll
the ancient yuletide carol *

* fa la la la
la la la la *

- man, guy must be roasting.
- Tell me about it.

I had to ice my hot toddies.

- Hey, zane.

Are you crying?

- What? No.

no, I...

I just got two tickets
to see springsteen

at the meadowlands.

- Let me guess--
Secret santa.

- You too?
- Perfect gift.

Man, this guy's good.

- * la la la la

* sing we joyous
all together *

- no one's even heard
of drummer.

We've been all through g.d.

- There are no personnel files
for him.

- That's impossible.

There's no way that he could
have access to the lab,

let alone get into g.d.

- Well, we got to find him.
His experiment's growing.

- Well, there has to be
a way to track him down.

The d.o.d. Has files.

- The glitch in the e.m. Shield
crashed our server.

We're cut off
from the outside world.

- I'll find him.

But if he goes to leave,
he's gonna hit a wall...

Just like I did.
- Wasn't me.

I thought
zane was my secret santa.

- And why would you think that?

- Only someone
who could hack my computer

would know I've been searching
the internet for years

looking for this.

Steve austin--
"better, stronger,


- Seriously?

- It's authentic--

Original hinges,
not a chip on it.

You have no idea
how rare.

- Okay, well,
it wasn't zane.

- Well, then someone
was thinking of me,

and I'm gonna find him.
- So you can thank him?

- So I can suspend him.

No one hacks fargo
and gets away with it,

not even santa.

- Okay.

- "Hello, fargo."

"hi, steve austin."

[imitates energy whirring]


- The crystal is secure
in our largest containment lab,

but I'd stay
it's still growing.

- What we need to do now
is calculate the expansion rate.

- Right, so we can figure out
how much time we have

before it outgrows this lab.

- This image represents
the density of electrons

within the crystal
ten minutes ago.

- Anything unusual?
- No.

But we'll know more once I do
another diffraction scan

as a comparison.

- I don't care
if we're on a wild-goose chase

for this missing scientist.

At least it's time away
from that party.

- You're not feeling
the merry, huh?

- Ugh, all the boozing
and schmoozing,

lights and glitter--
It's vegas, not christmas.

- Well, if it makes you
feel any better,

I wish I was home.
- Oh, that's beautiful, carter.

I'm all misty.

- You know what, jo?
You got a heart of stone.

- Bah, humbug,
that's me.

- Wow.

- They look the same.

- Yeah, the intermolecular
spacing is identical.

- Henry, what if...?

- Oh.

- So the crystal
hasn't changed.

- No.
[cell phone rings]

- Henry...

We're at the edge of town,
and, um...

Something else
has gotten way big.

- Well, no.

It hasn't gotten bigger.

We've gotten smaller.

- * dun-dun-dun

- so what, the whole town
was shrinking?

- Oh, I'm telling it
how it happened.

- Even though
it's totally bogus.


- all right.

I'll let you guys go back
to playing your video games.

I won't, uh, waste
any more of your time.

- Well, wait, I mean,
you may as well

just finish the rest
of the story.

- Please, sheriff carter?

- All right.


After we left the sign,

we went back
to global dynamics.

- We and everything contained
in the e.m. Shield

are getting smaller.

- Why isn't
the crystal shrinking?

- Well, because it's--it's one

of the strongest bravais lattice
atomic structures

in the universe.

It's almost impossible to alter
or compress.

- But we get to shrink into
microscopic dots of nothingness.

- And as everything in eureka
gets smaller,

the energy required to compress
radiates heat.

- Is that why it's like
a billion degrees in here?

- Yes, and why we've been
so hungry.

Our metabolism's working

- So what now?

- Maybe someone
outside of eureka

will see how small we are
and try to help us.

- Oh, like
a big-hearted elephant?

- The road's closed.

And nothing is getting
through that e.m. Shield.

It's a pretty bleak christmas.

- * five golden rings

- you must stop.

what's causing the shrinkage?

- Yeah, I don't want to die
a miniature,

though adorable,
version of myself.

- A miniature.


Let's go!

- * four calling birds

* three french hens

* two turtle doves

- taggart?


- Ha!
It works.

- Get me down.

- [Grunts]


- of course, the man himself
packs a lot more paunch.

I'll need to widen the knit.

- You can't trap santa claus.

- I'm ahab.

He's my white-bearded whale.

- Fyi, that didn't turn out
very well for either one of 'em.

Now, the present you gave me,
the "m" tracking, shifting--

- Good things come
in small packages.

- No, it's a big mess.
The whole town is shrinking.

- [Laughs]

you're joking.

- Does this look
like my joking face?

- My device
can't be responsible.

- Are you kidding me?

Look where you live.
A device is always responsible.

- The molecular transfer field
is very precise.

Atoms shift
from our dimension

in space-time to another...

Leaving us with this.

See? Tip-top.

It's not my device.
[alarm blares]

- that can't be good.

- The transfer field's expanded
beyond the target area.

- Expanded by how much?

- Oh, roughly, um...

The whole town.

Eureka's getting smaller
by the minute.

Looks like the only thing

the miniaturization effect

is, uh, the e.m. Shield.

- And the e.m. Shield is
a big sparking mess right now.

- I don't understand.

Un--unless it tried
to miniaturize an item

so dense it overtaxed
the containment unit.

But I was very careful to avoid
unusually dense material.

- Unusually dense like this?

- I beg your pardon.

- You used taggart's
shrinking machine, didn't you?

- I'm--

I'm sure I don't know
what you're talking about.

- Oh, really?

Those little pieces
aren't pieces at all, are they?

They're entire frickin' cakes.

Do you know how many calories
I've ingested?

- I just--
- You...

- I just wanted
to make a fruitcake

that wouldn't be
the object of ridicule.

I mean, they get
such a bad rap, sheriff.

- [Groans]
how'd you get in there?

- The molecular gastronomy
department across the hall.

I-I consult from time to time.

- Keep talking.

- Well, I-I reshrunk each cake
about a half a dozen times.

It's the only way to maximize
the fruity, nutty goodness

that is fruitcake.

Why are you looking
at me like that?

- No reason.

- I-i'm so sorry, sheriff.

You--you'd think a santa lab
would be a safe place.

[cell phone rings]

what's wrong now?
- What isn't?

Oh, wow.

Hey, jo, um, some stuff
just blew into town--

Um, big stuff.

K-keep everybody inside, okay?

Uh, hey, everybody,
can I have your attention?

I need you to stay inside
off the streets, please.

Everybody, if you could just get
off the streets.


- [shouting]

you okay?

All right.


- so I understand
we're all shrinking.

- Dr. Drummer,
where have you been?

- Enjoying the party.

You missed out.
There was fruitcake.

- I'm aware.

- Candy cane?

- No, thank you.

Look, there's
a serious situation

with your
peace-on-earth crystal.

The containment lab
is closing in on it.

- I told you
it had to be protected.

- You were right,
and now you have to fix it.

- I know.
- Okay.

- When did you stop liking
candy canes?

Do you remember?

- When I had to grow up.

- I know the holidays can be
tough on military families.

- [Chuckles awkwardly]
can we go now?

- Sure.

After you, josefina.

- If we can't shrink
your crystal, Dr. Drummer,

it's gonna blow our little bits
to little bits.

- Have faith, Dr. Taggart.

Once we boost the power,

your device should be
very effective.

- But even if we shrink
the crystal,

we still have to unshrink us.

- Oh, you'll figure out
a way, henry.

You always do.

- [Stammering]

[clears throat]
have we met before?

- We've crossed paths
a few times.

Hey, how much juice
are you giving this?

- A megawatt.
- Better double it.

Focused energy is the key.

- You know, your crystal's
electron density

is very unusual,

I mean, even
for crystallized hydrogen.

- Mm-hmm.

It has an extra element

that makes it unique.

- Dr. Drummer, there shouldn't
be secrets in science.

- Ah, it shouldn't always be
about science.

Some things are better left

- Sweetheart, just go ahead
and eat what you want.

Yeah, listen, I made pudding,
cake, four kinds of pies,


Jenna's--jenna's favorite
is the apple.

I know.
I know, baby.

I'll be there
as soon as I can.

I'm sorry.

I love you too.

Okay, bye.

- So, uh, the three wise men
are on it.

We might actually put an end
to this horrible day.

- Okay, carter, we all know

that you're miserable
being stuck here,

but you don't have to ruin it
for the rest of us.

- Ru--no, no, no, that's--
That's not what I meant.

- Uh, sorry.

I just like christmas.

- I know you do.

I mean, you go all out.

You're making
four different kinds of pies.

- You know, it's because
I never had what you have.

- What do I have?

- I love how your family
gets together to celebrate.

- Oh.
- I just--I grew up

with a more practical version
of the holiday.

- Practical
doesn't sound fun.

- [Laughing]

my parents,
they're--they're wonderful,

but, uh...

Well, they're--
They're scientists,

so they put their faith
in hard facts.

So, yeah, I got presents,

but they weren't from santa,

because my parents told me
that he wasn't real.

And my gifts--
They were never wrapped,

because, eh,
that's a waste of paper.


- ah.

- So I know
that it sounds silly, but...

I want my kids
to have what I missed.

I want the magic...

So I do too much.

- I think you do it right.

- Thanks.

- This procedure
is very risky.

We have to shrink the crystal
without making it explode.

- Or we could have
a front-row seat

for a new inflationary epoch.

- Hmm.

Uh, a few moments
after the big bang,

the universe underwent
an extremely rapid expansion.

- Well, isn't expansion
what we're trying to do...

T-to us?

- That's right.

We need to make it explode.

That way, we reverse
the dimensional shunting--

Uh, make us big again.

- But we can't blow it up here.

The energy release
will be massive.

- But, no. No, no, no,
if we shrink the crystal

and then detonate at the highest
point of the e.m. Shield,

it'd be like throwing up
a live grenade.

- First we need to see
if she gets any smaller.

Fingers crossed.

Make a christmas wish,
mini mates.

- All right, let's get
this puppy airborne.

- Before the puppy explodes.
- That's gonna be a problem.

Heat plus shrinking

equals not so healthy
for our helicopters.

The rotors
are completely warped.

- Oh, of course. Now we have
no way to transport it.

- There is one way, mate.

Uh, but I'll need...

A little helper.

I'll fire her up.

* deck the halls
with boughs of holly *

* fa la la la la

- mm.

- I'm not wearing
a pointy hat.

- Fa la la la la.


[triumphant music]


- contact.

- [Screaming]

- do we have any seat belts?

- Claus doesn't use them.

- Claus isn't flying.

- I've logged 300 hours
of flight time,

from anchorage to sydney.

- [Screams]

- [laughs]
just an air pocket, mate.

We're okay.

All clear.

- Taggart?

We're gonna have to go higher.

- Hang tight.

- [Screams]

- whoo!

here we go...

The peak of the e.m. Field.

- Okay, grab the crystal.

- Autopilot engaged.

- On my mark.

- Steady now.

We only get one shot.

- No pressure, then.




- ha!

Ripper shot, mate.

- Get us down.
Get us down!

- Fine. Fine.

But let's do it
in style.


[engines roar]
- [screams]

- whoo!

[festive holiday music]


- clean up would be
so much easier

if only we'd gotten bigger,

but the trash stayed small.

- [Chuckles]
I say leave it till tomorrow.

It's been a rough day.

- All my planning--
What a fiasco.

- Are you kidding, fargo?

This was
the best holiday party ever.

- Not that I got
to enjoy it, but...

Thanks, jo.

- Now go.

Everyone's at cafe diem.

- You're not coming?

- In a minute.

- [Humming silent night]


- hello, jo.

Or should I say secret santa?

- What are you talking about?

- You know
what kind of music I like

and allison's stories
about christmas as a kid.

And you've probably seen fargo
search the web

a million times
for his lunch box.

- Go away.

- But one thing
that just didn't fit...

Was that you hate christmas.

But you don't,
do you?

- When I was a kid,

my favorite thing to do
was to give something special

to my brothers
and just watch them light up

when they opened
their gifts.

- Okay, so...

- So now...

They're all in the service
in harm's way.

We haven't spent christmas
together in years.

- Well, I'm glad that at least
we get to spend it together.

- Yeah, me too.

- So what did you get
for my dad?

- He was tough.

But i, uh--
I think I nailed it.

- Really?

[cheers and applause]

- yeah.
All right.

[overlapping chatter]

- how was your flight?

- Bumpy.
Yeah, so, henry, uh...

Are we bigger?
- Back to normal.

- Oh, great.
- Uh, not quite.

Part of your crystal
still seems to be up there.

- Will you look at that?

- It's snowing.

- The rapid expansion
must have cooled the moisture

in our atmosphere.

- Henry, henry,
it's snowing.

- It's snowing.
[both laugh]

- hi, uh, we haven't met.

- Jack carter.
- Yeah.

- Holiday to remember, huh?

- Uh, even
by eureka's standards.

- You're supposed to be
with your family.

- Yeah.

Yeah, I-I was.

- I'm glad it all worked out
for you, then.

- Cagey bugger.
- Beg your pardon?

- I'm onto you now.

Let's you and me
have a sit-down.

I got a lot of questions.

- Well, I'm afraid
you're gonna have to keep them,

because I've got
an errand to run.

- You can't leave.

I finally found you.

- I'm not quite sure
what you mean, but don't worry.

I'll be back...
Same time next year.

- Sheriff carter?

Please tell me
that you're not suggesting

that this drummer dude
is santa.

- Oh, I'm just sharing
the story.

You guys can believe
what you want.

- Was any of that true?
- All of it.

But here's the absolute truth.

Spending the holidays

with friends and family
in eureka...

That's the best gift of all.

- Wow, man, way too sappy.

- Seriously.
I got a cavity.

- Yeah, but, uh, it's
a pretty decent story, dude.


- Thanks, sheriff.
- Thank you.


- we live in a community
where every day

we are presented
with, um...

Unique challenges.

But today let's remember

and rejoice at how wonderful
it is to be alive

and how lucky we are
to be together.

- Hear, hear.
- Cheers.

- What is that?

- I don't know.

You better open it.

What do you think?

- It's perfect.

- You know, we can probably
make it home

if you still want to go.

- We are home.

- * have yourself
a merry little christmas *

- merry christmas, dad.

- Merry christmas.

- * let your heart

* be light

* from now on
our troubles *

* will be out of sight


* have yourself

* a merry little christmas

* make the yuletide gay


* from now on

* our troubles
will be miles away *


* and have yourself

* a merry little christmas

* now