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01x03 - Prime Suspect

Posted: 03/02/23 11:57
by bunniefuu
It's time for Commander Cash! Mayday! Mayday! Yee-haw! Commander Cash! Not everyone was this lucky.

Hundreds of men came back brain-dead, kept alive by cryogenic freezing.

But without your help, we'll have to pull the plug on our frozen heroes.

A five thousand dollar contribution can keep one of our brave men on ice for years.

So, don't forget, adopt a vet! Help support our frozen friends.

For just five thousand dollars you can put your name or the name of a loved one on a vet of your choice.

Makes a great gift! Donations can be arranged through your local OCP bank, mall or superstore.

All major credit cards accepted.

Despite such public appeals, OCP admits that its fallen far short of raising the funds to maintain life support for the 142 medically brain dead veterans under the corporation's care.

Now, a potential white knight has come to the rescue with a unique answer.

Prominent cyberneticist and entrepreneur, doctor Roger Yung, who resigned from OCP two years ago to create his own company, Cybertech, wants to turn vets into cops.


This gives them a new life and an opportunity to be productive again.

Now, there are some religious nuts who call this a sin.

Well, I think that it's much more sinful to let these unfortunate cryovets just fade away.

Besides, everybody loves Robocop.

Down with Robocop! Down with Robocop! Behold Robocop, a security cyborg.

We know what it really is: the dog-spawn of Satan himself! Now, the forces of damnation want to create an army of inhuman monsters.

Only God can create life, not science.

This blasphemy must be stopped! Down with Robocop! Amen! Down with Robocop! Down with Robocop! Down with Robocop! Down with Robocop! This is surveillance footage taken by Robocop, Mr.


The man handing you the money has been positively identified as Vlad Stitch Molotov, head of the Russian mafia in Old Detroit.


He's never been convicted.

Do you wish to comment on any of the evidence we've shown you?


No comment.

Down with Robocop! Down with Robocop! So, does this Robo scoop have evidence on us or not?

Doesn't really matter.

The good reverend of this flock will turn up the heat on Robocop, - keep both of us out of jail.

- That better be right.

If not, I will have to find a way to deal with this nosy robot myself.

Down with Robocop! Down with Robocop! Get back! Let's go, Gadget, you're coming with me.

Hey, settle down now.

You're gonna have to take this outside! Come on, outside, now, come on! This is an unlawful assembly.

Please disperse or there will be trouble.

You soulless abomination! - I do not fear you! - Amen! I'll banish you! Come out, you foul metallic demon! I command you out, Satan! Unhand me, you soulless demon! You are messing with the power of the Lord! This is your final warning.


You don't scare us, Satan.

Down with Robocop! Down with Robocop! Down with Robocop! You'd better go.

Seeing you only seems to make them worse.

All right, all right! Robocop has gone now.

And I suggest you all do the same.

- We've made our point, for now.

- Yes! But we'll be back.

You can count on it.

Amen! Down with Robocop! Down with Robocop! Don't worry.

I still like you.

Go ahead and shock the flatline, then let's quit.

Okay, everybody, clear! Officer Alex Murphy shot to death in a line of duty.

Legally he's dead.

We can pretty much do what we want.

There's a new guy in town.

His name's Robocop.

Murphy, it is you.

Wow! Cops What a bunch of crap What did I do?

You exceeded the posted speed limit by 42 mph in a school zone.


Reverend Bob's got your number, buckethead.

I don't have to listen to no machine.

Turn off your engine, this is your final warning.

Go get a grease job.

Step out of the car, please.

Okay! All right, all right I'm out, I'm out Thank you for your cooperation.

I told it the light was yellow.

And it just went haywire.

How awful for you! I tried to reason with it, and it tore my car apart and grabbed me.

I can still feel those cold steel fingers wrapped around my throat.

There there, brother.

The Lord was there to protect you.

Amen! I don't blame you for suing the police, well, three hundred million hardly seems enough Well, I will demand a full investigation.

It's a sad day when our police allow a machine to brutalize a decent citizen.

It is so refreshing to see a public servant who for once is on the side of the Lord.

Hallelujah, brother Friendly! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! This is truly a spiritual moment.

- Friends, we have to leave now - Yes, indeed.

But we're going to fight the good fight here at Godamighty broadcasting centre, arcade and shopping mall.

Well, right now we're having our annual "He has risen" half-price sale.

That's where I buy all my clothes and cosmetics! - And don't she look great! - Oh, you! Keep those pledges rolling in! And we're off.

Makeup! The switch part is gem, sir.

Can I sell or can I sell, eh?

Come out, you foul metallic demon! I command you out, Satan! You soulless abomination You soulless abomination! Till death do us part.

You foul metallic demon! You're going to grow up to be big and strong.

Just like Dad.

What's with you, Alex?

Why are you here?

I have memories of this place.

You're letting that Reverend Bob get to you.

I will never know why so many people think God speaks to us through loudmouth jerks.

He says I have no soul.

So what does he know?

It's fakes like the Reverend Bob we're low on the soul department.

You should see his financial records: millions ripped in from innocent people.

You'd think there'd be some way for the law to stop him.

Sometimes the law's not enough.

Let us bathe in the waters of love, baby Oh yeah Lordy, lordy - Did you talk to the Reverend Bob's wife?

- Yeah, she was in the condo downtown.

Seems the perfect couple's been living apart for years.

I also checked to see if the mayor had an alibi.

- You questioned the mayor?

- Oh yeah, and get this: he says he was at home when Taker was shot.

His wife says he was out all night.

I wanna put him through a VS-analyzer.

You wanna put the mayor through a lie-detector test?

Just because he's a mayor doesn't mean he's not a suspect, Sarge, come on.

- Take a look at that, Maddy.

- What is it?

Ardour-9, armor-piercing with an alloy coating.

That look familiar?

Yeah, Robo's g*n or one like it.

We both know that piece is one of a kind, another thing: six sh*ts came through that wall dead on target, there's only one way to do that: thermographic targeting.

Oh come on, Sarge, this is obviously a frame.

There's no way Robo would k*ll Taker.

I know that! And you know it.

But OCP sees it differently.

Now, Mr.

Fraker from Security Concepts is on to Metro South right now.

We just got word that he already ordered Robocop shutdown.

He what?

He can't do that, who the hell does this guy think he is?

He's the boss, Madigan, he can Mad He It's like talking to a brick.

And this is the last of the data from Robocop's memory.

Stitch Molotov paying off Mayor Friendly.

- And that's the last of them.

- What's going on?

If I'm shut down, my memory banks will be erased.

You look like he's already been found guilty.

Did you even ask him about last night?

Dispatch tracking shows it off the air between 12 and 2.

When I asked it why, the only thing it has to say is "Directive 1 prohibits me from answering that question.

" Directive 1 serve the public trust That's obviously malfunction.

The only solution is an internal affairs investigation, in the meantime we have to shut it down.

"It" is he, okay?

And the rules say any officer facing disciplinary action is entitled to hearing the police commission.

That only applies to human officers.

- It applies to all cops regardless.

- Come on.

You can't expect us to treat this robot like a human being.

But Robocop isn't just a robot.

I mean, he's unique, he's a phenomenon.

Absolutely correct.

That is your opinion, Dr.


I did design Robocop's neural matrix which makes me somewhat of an expert on the subject, wouldn't you say?


You want a police hearing, you've got one.

Tomorrow morning.

Charlie Lippencot, Dr.


It's an honor to finally meet you in person.

I heard about your plan to robotize the cryovets, it's an ingenious idea.

Well, thank you, Dr Rippencot?


I was the designer of Robocop's motor circuitry.

I could sure use some help right now.

Robocop is refusing to violate Directive 1.

I see.

I've developed a new program which might help.

Could we take a look at the optic flow?

Oh, this is very exciting.

Right this way.

Murphy, what's going on?

I cannot violate my directive.

Damn it! If they shut you down you'll lose your memories, you know that! End of Murphy! Okay?

This is a death sentence.

I know.

You claim to give an account of your actions on the night of question would violate the Directive 1, "To protect the public's trust.

" Yes.

All right.

Then let's examine the m*rder.

The b*ll*ts that k*lled Reverend Taker were made by OCP Security Concepts for your g*n alone.

- That is correct.

- May I see your g*n, please?

- Thank you, is it fully loaded?

- Yes.

And to fire it, I just pull the trigger like this - Doesn't seem to work.

- The g*n is encoded.

It can only be fired by me.

So, you're saying that this g*n, which k*lled Reverend Taker, can only be fired by you?



Mayor, I wasn't pleased.

Members of the commission, in view of the overwhelming evidence I'm forced to move that a full Internal Affairs investigation is required, and the Robocop be shut down pending its results.

- Are we all in favour?

- No! Noone move! Drop your weapons! God sakes, do what he says! Security, this is Fraker.

Robocop's escaped, and it's taken a police officer c*ptive.

Give me OCP Internal Affairs.

You can put that down now.

You blew your queue back there, you weren't supposed to make your move until after the vote.

- I'm not programmed for acting.

- Sorry, it's all right, it worked.

They will still say we have broken the law.

Hey Murphy, there's no law that says any cop has to be put to death just because he's under investigation.

The only chance we have here is to clear you.


Hang on.

Turn left.


Come on, move it! Move, form a blockade, don't let them to get off this pier! Murphy, this is not working out.

This is Smith, OCP Internal Affairs.

Release the hostage and get out of the car now.

Get out.

Don't worry, I'll get to the bottom of this, alright?

- You know where to find me.

- Right Don't sh**t! Don't sh**t! All right! You, you, go and get her! Move it! The rest of you, hold your fire until the hostage is clear.

Stay where you are! Don't move, or we will be forced to sh**t! Damn it, open fire! Commander said open fire! Hold your fire! Hold your fire! Okay, let's move out! Come on, come on, come on! Police dragged the river but came up empty-handed.

And at this hour the search continues for Robocop, wanted for the brutal k*lling of popular evangelist Reverend Bob Taker.

Robocop: a m*rder*r Say it ain't so, Robo! The cop he took hostage, what was her name?

- Detective Lisa Madigan.

- I want to see her service file.

My nose is telling me this abduction stinks worse than a garbage truck on a heat wave.

- Anything else?

- Everything OCP's got on Robocop.

And I mean everything, right down to the kind of oil it uses.

And I want to see the police files on the Taker m*rder.

And get me a sandwich, I skipped lunch.

That miss at the pier is scandalous, I'm sorry I put in the initial call.

John Fraker, Security Concepts.

Smith, OCP Internal Affairs.

In spite of what you may think, I'm still in charge.

As of now, all police communications will be routed here to our command post.

Now hold on.

I'm the OCP VIP here.

You'll need my authorization for that.


Fraker, if I had time I'd explain the tactics of hunting a fugitive, and I'd point out that OCP's contract with Internal Affairs Concepts gives me total authorities so I don't have to explain myself to you, but I don't have the time, so stay out of the way and let me do my job.

Let the record show that his honour, the Mayor, insists on being questioned with the use of the voice stress analyser.

Only to clear my name.

Where were you the night Reverend Taker was k*lled between the hours of midnight and two?

At home.

In bed.

Were you in any way involved in the k*lling of Reverend Taker?

Absolutely not.

Well, the VS is working properly I want you to deliberately lie.

What's your name?

Abraham Lincoln.

- Now what's going on?

- I can only guess.

His long exposure to politics has made it impossible for his vocal responses to convey the truth.

- This is an outrage! - Mrs.

Taker, what are you How dare you question this fine man about my husband's m*rder?

His honour does not have an alibi for the night of the m*rder.

- Well, he does now.

- Bambi Mrs.

Taker Can it, Fred.

He was with me all last night.

It checks.

This is a blatant attempt of the police to cover for one of their own.

But it won't work.

Bambi, detective Madigan is simply doing her job.

Oh, yes, of course.

No hard feelings, dear.


This all you could get on the late Murphy Alex J.


That's it.

According to OCP's specs, his brain was used to run the autonomic system but the man's memory was wiped clean.

Irish Catholic.

Family man.

Married ten years, one child.

This kind believed in tradition and faith.

Those have a way of surviving long after we die.

Dad, Dad.

Dad, why are they so mean to him?

- That's Madigan's car.

- Yeah, I smelled it right.

They're down the hall of this Murphy's family church.

Okay, I'm going in.

Call in the Delta squad team.

Tell them to form a perimeter around the church.

No one open fire, attempt entry until I give the order Would you put that down?

Are we clear?

- Yes, sir.

- All right.

Pardon Easy, it's me.

Well, I guess the Vatican bank crash should've hit this place sort, huh?

What did you find out?

Well, we can scratch the Mayor off our list of suspects, he and Bambi Taker were together all night.

- What about Stitch Molotov?

- Very tight alibi, as usual.

It looks bad, doesn't it?

Not gonna lie to you, Murphy, it looks real bad.

But why can't you tell me what you were doing that night?

- Directive 1 forbids me - from responding, yeah yeah, dammit Murphy, I'm your partner, okay, your friend, - I'm trying to help you.

- I'm sorry, but you must trust me.

There is no way out, people.

Place is surrounded, and you're coming with me.

No, don't sh**t! I wasn't going to sh**t him.

I'm sorry.

You can't keep running forever, Murphy! Arrest her! Aiding on defending a fugitive! Give it up! I did not k*ll Reverend Taker.

Not my department.

My job is to take you in.

Dead or alive, you're coming with me.

- Look out, he's coming! - Don't sh**t! You idiot! Damn! Should've kept you down at Family Services.

Okay, people! Sonic hammers, power charges down here stat! Move! You heard the man, get the sonic thing! Diana.

Alex! What have they done to you?

Motor circuitry damaged.

Need Lippencot.

Give me your hand.

I'm patching you through now.

Wow, Robo! What happened to you?

Get Lippencot.

He's not here.

Can I help you?

I need Charlie.

He designed my circuits.

I know, the prototype.

Charlie showed it to me once.

He made me promise not to tell.

He's not even supposed to have it.


Thank you, Gadget.

According to the prototype, this will affect temporary repairs.

Alex, why don't you just tell them about your alibi?

People would not understand what you are, what you mean to their lives.

You're a real gentleman, Alex.

Lippencot has a prototype of my circuitry.

If there is a duplicate of that Then there would be one of your g*n, too.

I'll check it out.

Hey, hey! I told you no one is supposed to see this.

I needed to help Robo.

He was here.

Didn't Sergeant Parks warn you about lying?

But I'm not lying! He was here, sorta.

He was all fuzzy, like in those hollygrams.

- A holograph.

- Yeah.

He was all messed up, so I showed him the prototype, and he fixed himself.

At least I hope he did.

Do you think he'll be okay?


Oh, yeah-yeah, I'm sure he's all right.

Listen, I want you to tell Sergeant Parks to log me on to Cybertech.

I'm going to go talk to Dr.


Got it.

Designer who designed your g*n also created the neural matrix, Dr.

Roger Yung of Cybertech.

I have to speak with Madigan.

No time.

We both better get out of here.

Come on, come on, move it, you're almost through! Welcome, Dr.


My lab is down the hall on your left, last door.

Hey Robo, are you okay?

Yes, thanks to you.

Where is Charlie?

He was here, but he went out again.

He said he was going to talk to a young doctor.

- Dr.


- Yeah, him.

What's wrong?

He may be in danger.

Go to B.

at dispatch.

What do you want me tell her?

Robocop's helmet Yes, the prototype.

It's against OCP rules, I know, hope you can keep it to yourself.

No-no, in fact I kept my prototype, too.

That's what gave me my idea.

Do you mind if I run a theory by you?

No, not at all.

- Damn! - SWAT teams have searched every subway station in zones 4 and 5.

Still nothing, we're checking on 6 and 7 now.

- I hope you guys never find him.

- Listen.

If you care about anything what happens to Robocop, pray that I do find him, because the only other choice I've got is to k*ll him.

I got an emergency call coming out a police van.

- They spotted Robocop at Cybertech.

- Good.

- What's he doing there?

- That's what I intend to find out.

Let's round up the rest of the SWA team and meet me there, all right?

Wait, wait, wait! Take me with you.

He will listen to me, I know he will! - All right, get in! - Move out, move out! So, I got to thinking, if I kept the prototype of my work, maybe whoever designed Robocop's g*n kept the prototype too?

What do you think?


Lippencort, that is brilliant.

You mean, like this?

You k*lled Reverend Taker.

You used the thermographic targeting in that helmet to blame it on Robocop.

A plus.

If Taker had kept up his campaign against Robocop, OCP might have been forced to cancel my project to robotizing cryovets! Ah, but why frame Robocop?

I mean, if he's shut down, it won't help you.

On the contrary, no one has ever been able to discover how or why Robocop really works.

There's only one procedure that has never been tried: the full autopsy.

It's Lippencot's car, what is he doing here?

Actually, I was going to pin the whole thing on Stitch Molotov but you make a much better suspect.

You made a copy of the g*n, you k*lled Taker because you feared that he was a threat to Robocop and to you.

Some people do anything to save their job.

Excuse me, doctor It's over, Rippencourt.

Freeze! Put your hands where I can see.

He's the k*ller.

He did it.

And it's Lippencot! - Are you all right?

- Yeah.

Put your g*n down, slowly.

Damn Take cover! Oh, the helmet! He's got thermographic vision! Go.


You are under arrest.

Oh, am I glad to see you.

Some nice sh**ting, partner.

If it means anything, this is one time I'm glad I didn't get my men.

But if you tell anyone I've said that, I'll deny it.

I can keep a secret.

Trust me.